BadBoyHalo Swearing In Among Us!

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so if you know there's an imposter you can kill them and there's like just different abilities uh that the royals can give you so yeah it's gonna be fun and i'm gonna win lots and lots of impostor games hopefully so so yeah let's let's unmute and see if they're saying anything leave froggy king all right i'm back oh tina wait holy cow what about this hat carl i this is my iconic carrot wait stop that why are you pink oh carl you're looking good i don't know i thought it looked good on me i'm muted you can't hear me they can't hear me i'm shouting at them okay perfect korean thanks for gifting five and anna thanks for giving me thank you guys thank you for all the subs oh um i need i'm gonna turn off donations actually say colonel before i forget also because i'm not gonna read them sorry a little carl to your attention uh how do i turn them off wait carrots because i need to concentrate on the game this is it this is it carrots corpse how do i change it oh right right sorry yeah yeah minimum amount i'm trying to get that that's what i thought corpse that's what i said it was character privacy am i right carl's psycho dashboard why is it not letting me save i want to turn off bits and donations because i'm not going to read them because it's hard to play among us and read donations all right i've done it no donations kind of you can't see the codes there's nothing to cover there's no code you literally can't see it uh you still win with imposters all that stuff but instead of killing people you can infect them so once you infect someone they look exactly like you and you can use either the arrow keys or ijkl on your keyboard to control them so you're in control of two players at once um and you have a little like pop-up window that shows you their viewpoint uh then they die no matter where they're on the map so you're like infecting them and then you just dispose of them when you're done is that parasite oh that's op yeah oh okay you look like someone else killed them yeah i think yeah except they it's like they're morphed into you so they they look like a copy of you so you can use that to get alibis or you could just like walk walk the body to a corner and kill it okay endless possibilities wow can we do like a few just like adjust your morphing sheriff to start with oh sure yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah there's gonna be no regular parasite is it's kind of scary i don't know i don't know how to use it i wasn't listening that much what it's gone um yeah chat i don't need to cover the code oh no because it doesn't show up and uh mods we don't need to do email only because i'm just not gonna look at the chat it was bothering me it was bothering me uh-huh i figured i'd figure it out so yeah i remember when i put that tree slightly to the left in raft remember um yeah thanks for keeping things up excuse me i'll never forget and catastrophically did that on purpose i can't believe i was from six days ago oh no now i'll leave the code i'll show you probably it's on autopsy okay okay dang it oh wait don't you have to push like control c to show no it's cause i i backed out and i'm hiding my camera i mean my burrito oh oh now it's working yeah and then i showed it that's okay yeah everyone yeah it's we're all here okay um uh i think so you have a right on your head stab nap does too okay i'm taking this off where's the wrap right oh i see it oh my god um so we're not doing parasite uh not to start with at least yeah let's do a couple with that let's let's ease into it okay okay move more fling and add parasites i want the cluster you want to get voted out share it you have to kill anyone and more fling you can sample dna and turn into them when you say oh whip dreams here am i green wait george is so obsessed am i getting yeah no no you haven't been like right now go back yeah here we go okay so i have to try wait am i muted i'm muted so i have to try and get voted out to win if i get voted out i win it's like the opposite it's the opposite okay i can do this i need to make them think that i'm suss oh god i'm just doing my tasks how do i look sauce how do i are you serious are you serious is that car i was gonna call carl really just killed me instantly i had jester i had jester i was i was gonna i was gonna do so many good things oh no dream is dead oh [ __ ] dream's dead crap oh my gosh the roommates are down i don't i from the cafeteria right okay that's exactly where the body was wait what yeah didn't you just walk into the weapons this is so messed up i was i was so excited to be jester i was so excited i don't think i've ever been just about where you walked in wait was the body in cafeteria okay everybody i just want to put something on record i've played with bad boy i'm pretty sure like they were really like george uh dream didn't make it so we're gonna kill george and sam that like george is dead below that george is dead sweetie wait george is i don't know that's what i'm saying ah i was so excited i found george in the cafeteria i thought hi brooke maybe he walked back that's all i'm saying you know what he it sounds like he was he was doing when i walked past he was doing weapons he did this to me guys i think sapnap's dead and electrical are on the left side whoa this guy brooke he's on the left side yeah i don't know all right i skipped sorry guys i think it's good for excusing you bad boy yeah it's fine it's cool he was in the cafeteria i i understand [Music] santa as well what the f no no wait how it must be like that parasite i'm live by the way yeah i know what was that what's that parasite thing i don't know what they're like i don't know about it i was i was just killed me an electrical i was so excited i was i'm jester and i was i was like oh i'm gonna get a 2000 iq just when and then no they're just like oh sorry is it call cause i oh not today yeah carl killed me in electrical i was just minding my own business i saw him and i was like oh my god it's crazy how did he kill both of us though i don't know belle's doing like you know like the little shaky thing you do when you find someone you like and then he kills oh you like call yeah i do yeah that's messed up don't tell anyone though okay i'm not live or anything they won't know no i was so i was so excited i was like okay first game on i'm gonna get this massive jester when yeah but you didn't i think that really shows like your skill and uh how's actually my score i did nothing wrong carl just targeted me yeah yeah yeah so it's colin who i guess we don't know um carl and yeah i don't know who the other posture is but how did he kill us both so quick like i don't know yeah that's what i'm confused at the beginning i'm telling you it has to be like that like jester or not jester the parasite no way oh my god oh my god oh my god how did you win so quickly quickly but i guess everyone did it yeah wait what are you doing around oh my god that was crazy i saw a dead body on cams wait they were the ones dictating the last meeting too oh my god this is messed up we can't let him do it again never ever need one that's a really good did it carl we did it we did it god you're handsome no way okay okay we got another chance we get another chance we get another chance okay i can do it this time i can do it this time okay okay this time i promise you two thousand iq players please don't kill me please don't kill me so we got seikuno sapnap ray carl's doing his task and carl walks in so i see two carls and tina kills carl as carl i'm sheriff i shoot tina boom oh [Music] someone you said you were a sheriff and you shot someone do you know what the sheriff does something up apparently it shoots people yeah you can shoot yeah you can shoot the you're trying to shoot the imposters as the sheriff but if you shoot the wrong one you die yeah but i knew that she was imposter because i saw her kill yeah and you're still alive so that means a hundred percent though one less broken unless i'm lying unless i feel like you're telling the truth brooke i feel like i believe it i believe it is there is there a limit is there a limit on how many sheriffs there are there's no there's only one one so then and no one else is claiming to be sure nope right yeah but it's possible she killed the sheriff true true it's a possibility wow that'd be uh also that's what carl did to tina last round so she probably on a vengeance yeah vengeance yeah [Music] uh right all right all right so i've got a look at sauce who was that i've got to look as such as possible so what if i just stand here like ages right i'll do my task whoops what if i just sit here okay okay i'm gonna you know i'm just not gonna do tasks i'm just gonna run around and look sass i'm just gonna look sass who was that is that corpse i think okay okay let's go look in the security room brooks there oh it was wait wait what valkyrie and corpse look the same toast is the killer but i i can't vote him out because i lose i can't run him out because then i lose i can't expose it because then i lose then i lose if i expose him what do i do what do i do oh no not psychono and halo yeah two people are dead yeah i saw it on security cams um really yeah there's one on security i think it was bad but i reported cicuno so they're both in cafeteria uh i was at one point you didn't see anything no wait which part of cafeteria right side like from weapons uh yes yeah weird when i walked through that because i came from the right i did not see a report button well there was a well bad's body is on the cams in that hallway on the right oh wait i said you're talking about the cafeteria body yeah they're both like right on the right snap cap what wait where are we where did you come from i was with corpse in admin orbs is this true um i am an admin was on admin when i was yeah whoever was on camera i was dancing in front of the cameras yeah yeah he was dancing he was what were you dancing for something up did you just kill someone i was someone was just watching me on the camera so you're happy that you got a kill oh thank you true i would never try and look again brooke which brooke which way did you go to cameras you went through cafeteria through cafeteria toast was on the left side of cafeteria body i got the report button on the right side of cafeteria after cameras after cameras but it wasn't the body i saw on cam so they george did we pass georgia because he was on cams before you went to camps yes i believe george was a round cafeteria but i saw him leave from security so you're reporting a cafeteria body but there's another body on the right hallway correct where you said you came from yeah i came from weapons i didn't go downstairs i think it's george no no he was in security with me though i don't know he wants to be able to well we like pass yeah yeah um oh it's not george wait what was corpse of course in the one last one second one he was an admin don't talk for him he said a lot already oh my god okay i have to act real sus this round i gotta stay away from from toast okay i'm gonna run over here they're probably gonna follow me right oh my god i want to stay away from toast as much as possible it sound like following me okay i'm gonna stay up here on the vent on the vent okay i'm gonna just run down and i just keep running down i just need someone to spot me coming down from up here top left reactor um you just yeah i'm in admin with brooke right now true where's george um are you george who are you um i'm i'm on weapons sounds i don't know i feel like you're lying did you see admin table at all no i went in there to check on see if the corpse left the body in advent and then you were alive in there from last round no i saw you walking down like you were heading towards like a reactor i just wanted to check it out toast where are you you said weapons i'm filling up gas bottom left uh george's weapons oh george oh he actually is oh do you mean just off of what he said or did you see him there off what he says didn't you go right at the beginning of the game um you mean this round no no like the very first round uh yeah one would think you would do weapons on your way to the right uh i think i must have just i think i've ran down and then did my other tasks i really don't think it's george because he was on cams when that body was on the right side toast you were the one who was on the right side yeah i'm telling you i didn't go down there i was on weapons what about the body on the right side of cafeteria that one is the one i told you i didn't get the report off which is why where were you the last round sign up did we did we play you um i don't think it was a hard clear but i was with corpse and admin tina tina's girl i think it's still george tina on me it's way too [ __ ] much change your mute fine tina gang outage all right so listen i'm playing off the fact that sound up wants to vote me because i i just know him he just wants to vote me right so i'm trying to like turn against zap nap that's what i'm trying to do i think toast might know that i'm jester because toast is smart i think he knows um so it's going to be hard it's going to be harder with me and toast oh god i'm hiding up here come on i can do it i can do it i can do it i've got to get sam nap i've got it just like really sauce corpse and toast that's what he killed him no oh no oh who died oh brook brook wait where is everyone george where are you um i just ran past you you just ran past me yeah when you didn't see me nope like right outside is that impostor vision perhaps no i just saw you i did i didn't see you george well i don't know i see you george um i don't know you must just be blind okay so it's not me guys it's not me what it's not me it's not it sounds like throwing maybe it's stopping up where did you come from when i came outside alliance uh admin uh i want to see who was fixing lights um george for you and admin before that before when the lights when the lights when the lights went off where were you uh i don't know where i was exactly when the lights were out uh i can tell you there was one med bay one on cams and then one in lights corpse was the white light so someone should have been on cam someone should have been on med bay uh were you in med base i'm not um i did go to med i wasn't in med bay right then but i did go to bed bay yeah that's probably when uh check admin i guess i wasn't in a room when you checked i don't know what it is i think toast is the imposter though okay it seemed like you wanted an alibi when i came out of electrical but i don't have any [ __ ] proof but uh if i was on if i was on if i wasn't on admin i wouldn't have that info i don't know what to do i really think it's toes but i'm not sure enough to like because you don't got proof i know i just have the vibe that's you i'm pretty sure it's you but i don't know if i can convince everybody here that it is no i need to do something what do i do what do i do what do i do okay that's corpse let's pretend to do this task even though i am doing it i don't know okay toast is going to kill me toast is going to kill me toast is going to kill me sound up is coming over here oh okay just gonna walk away from this body wait what of course the body what what just happened you are walking away from the body in camera and cameras yeah sound up did you see that i i yeah what did you see did you see did you see the body drop because i didn't see it i saw okay this is what happened if disguise if toast before the body that means all three of you guys were in that room one of you killed another and then george was walking out killed and then george was walking out as i was walking in and then the body was reported yeah you know so it's easy there's a lot of brain power and um i'm just gonna believe what corpse said i think oh i think that's the g you got to give me some time to convince you okay convince me then okay so it's me george and corpse on the camera right but george doesn't know i'm there because i'm stacked perfectly on corpse so he thought he could kill corpse and walk away so that's why he killed corpse and i was so surprised because he just killed him in front of me and he just tried walking away and that's when i reported it so i know it's not me so it's either toast ah wait wait george is it not you no i think it's i think it could be sat nap i think stand up how could it because i think you'll start from that one round i think it's hell yeah how could it possibly be me george you saw me walking in right as the body was wrong no i was like i ran past you and then a couple seconds later no i didn't you're still on top of me i think no no no oh my god you're an idiot george [Music] no no no we lost we lost no no no i couldn't do it no no no sad nap you should have just voted for me son i was trying to turn you against me sat nap no it's over it's over oh good but good button so what who who is it wait what what happened who did you vote we're gonna i voted for toast george listen to me all right vote for toast no it's happening it's george i'm voting him every single time here it's not i don't think it's george the three of us were on cameras it can't be you because you walked in yeah yeah it's kind of george yeah that's not what you were saying like 10 seconds ago at the end of that last round i don't remember yeah yeah you're switching up you're like well maybe it could be sapping up but now you're like oh wait no it's impossible it could be something yeah i was wrong i i oh yeah i do apologize for that yeah i bet you did um george what are you thinking i don't even know i'm lost now i think i'm voting george george he's pretending he skipped he skipped what's up nup vote toast don't be a silly goose vote zap that you gotta vote george man it's not george i don't think it's three of us together and corpse is dead i think it's you simon what i already i think i know i think i know what's going on here oh what's going on i think it's impossible for me to win this i i think what do you mean george i think you have an ulterior motive i think i think i lose here i'll vote toast but i already know what's gonna happen no no you no you gotta vote george he put it for himself he voted for himself all right well [Laughter] oh my god this is so dumb no he locked me in he locked me in he locked me in no well i think we might have lost what is he doing oh my god numbers that's what i thought i thought like i was like there's no way george i was like george is trying to get himself like he's like you know yeah you can tell if you know george george is like guys it is not me i'll tell you who it isn't me i'm not gonna can you not vote for yourself why didn't you vote for yourself i was three times in the world you didn't even notice i thought it was obvious the first time yeah that's why that's why i was like whatever holy [ __ ] i was so excited to win that tough in that oh yeah oh my god oh my god your hair looks beautiful you know you're i know right uh that just looks really good for you right what do you mean yeah i don't know how to use this one is this scary let's do this oh oh bad boy halo bad boy halo your honor what the [ __ ] george toast dream toast drink [Music] what you can't be in like 50 different groups how did he know watch i i guess oh okay all right i don't know what happened but toast is dead and george is dead by the way oh where are the bodies communications is where i found a body just which body toast george george what okay i think i have an idea who it is why is bad not saying anything to does he not even know that what he did he did oh okay if you say so ray if you say so why does he not even know he'll possibly do this time no okay okay anyways anyways carl tina yes what what who did you what'd you do oh i'm just i'm shocked i'm skipping i'm sleeping i'm skipping i'm you can't be a part of like 50 corpses [Music] that's too far how how did he know oh i'm cold i'm an idiot look at me wait how did he know though how did he actually know like i guess i was being slightly suss but he didn't even say anything in the meetings like oh yeah i chef george by the way like he didn't even say that like what i'm so confused i am so confused i'm so confused so if anyone's confused bad boy halo i'm pretty sure this bad boy hero was the sheriff which means he can kill um and if he kills an impostor they die but if he kills a crewmate they both die so like it's kind of like a risky thing to use right especially in his situation because like he didn't even know like he didn't even know it was me okay and he didn't say anything anybody on the left side oh brooke wasn't electrical no she wasn't not when i found her did anybody see anybody coming from the left side running away from the left side um i mean i was just running away from the left press t what does t do i saw somebody i'll let them fess up what is tj i was never on the left side i call him i can't believe that yeah you know who you are hasn't said a single word i think i know wait that's why corpse wouldn't bring himself first round to pretend to be the jester when no one was sussed with him so now he must be the imposter right right carl um it shows you the rules is that not what you're doing right that actually i think you're okay i was just kind of hoping that corpse actually saw somebody i will press it press t to show rules i'll say this i'll say this they probably either they vented downward or they ran upward because i came from downward okay so is there anybody you know i think i know what happened are you just telling me i have a feeling bad please because i was running so bad right penny for your thoughts corpse yeah um you are popping off i'll wait till after the round oh let's hear what you've got did you see anybody because i didn't i don't i don't really know what it is actually i actually didn't i was just hoping they would jesus i'm actually just so mad i was on camera with uh bad boy okay did you see anybody did you see anybody boy did you see anybody go up left uh i left up or yes bad boy did people call him bad boy i thought it was bad boy halo or bad bad i just sounds good hey i call him bad boy hey i call him i know i found the two bodies but it's not me oh we're on to it tina we're it's not doing anything i'm pressing it i'm doing it um oh it worked okay so rey is the jester and then where's bad it doesn't show his role but listen this is this is what i think happened so i think bad is just running along doing whatever he's want to do and if the lights are out ctrl t i'm scared to do that i don't know why but i think what happened is badge was just spamming the report button right no no no i think [Laughter] he looks the same color to me um so wait what look he didn't even know he didn't even know what i think happened is he was running in the dark and he saw the button light up to kill me and he thought it was the report button and he just clicked it that's what i think happened bad did you even know you were sheriff sarah he didn't even know what what just happened we could win and i don't know let me process this tina come on when tina can win yeah you got it so come on tina come on we didn't vote out anybody no no there's three of us left yeah that means that there's only one saw the imposter kill and then in the posture sheriff killed him is so quiet the imposter is gonna double please and then what the [ __ ] oh no no this is very simple so the imposters they got like they got to kill and the way this ended is very simple the sheriff it's someone's imposter yeah yeah the sheriff killed one of the imposters and the other imposter killed the sheriff that's how that that's how it ended how we got i can't believe that accidentally killed me i'll tell you what all my friends are dead um wait excuse me salad yo are you saying we're not friends oh look i know i know i'm not the imposter wait what happened who are you reporting where is this i don't understand i just swallowed where was the body where's the body outside of admin okay i'm an electrical oh my god what are you doing in electricity badger sword left side being my simon says and then that's what i went to electrical to do that little switch task in the back and then o2 got called so i'm walking out at the moment oh my god i'm too good caller bad what a while ago listen i i figured that there's like a lot of people have to do it you know i'm just because i'm not all the way there first doesn't mean anything tina who did you kill no i think it was uh i think it was carl i think she killed a solid gang member you think i would do that ever yeah because i saw you doing um that doesn't sound like something i would do this i don't think it's corpse because i've been oh someone just i was gonna say how is someone donating bits how much is that is that a hundred dollars thank you so much evil witch is gone i was gonna say like you can't put a maximum thank you without even knowing what he was doing that's true i did kill george wait why would you not tell me that you were there he i don't think he did you even know what you did doing bad no like i just died too bad after doing nothing and he didn't even say anything the whole round well no i [Music] imposter teammates dead and then the sheriff doesn't say anything i'm like what is going on i thought rey was the sheriff so i was like she's gotta go and back didn't say anything i didn't know i told you bad is the third imposter football level i really do mean it i'm so mad he did good yeah it worked out it worked out and then and then i thought carl was all alone in admin and so i kill him and then corpse walks up and then and then sap is somewhere around there and then and then i really just couldn't lie bad how did you kill me by accident how did he do that he thought he was imposters thought he was imposter and was just killing people but surely not because the lights were out did you like did you think he was reporting a body or something well you get like a kill button that shows up way the lights around he's still talking i died in the lights house he killed the imposter in the dark with the maximum you're not yeah go carl we have to get a crewmate game at some point it's fine it's fine ah let's put some ambient scary music because it's scary this was way better when i had when i was the imposter but it's okay it's scary it's so scary oh summed up in toast and broke so i'm not toasting brook okay if i go back in here okay who's that ray is the music really loud carl i mean it has to be tina right what's wrong with you these are baseless accusations okay where'd you actually find the body admin admin that's carl oh no next to tina actually yeah right next to the tuna are you joking no no there's no way you actually did that right are you joking i'm on the left side relax okay who saw you anyone see you more flying oh it could be a morphe do we have more fling on is it on that would be cheeky oh tina dude salad gang with the theatrics please relax oh my god i've had enough so the body was an admin right admin so i was right side the whole round and i think there was some other people there right who was there yep i saw you gray i was there i in leaf room you rolled up really late to right side like really late but i never went to admin so hmm where did you come from i think i passed bad on the way too i was doing weapons then i had the download and yeah um georgian right you came from there right well it's clear someone's targeting the migos right they took out our names what do you mean he's one of the oldest members he's part of like feral boys or whatever salad gang like he can't be a part of amigos where did you come from oh uh wait so questions yeah because now the killers are going to kill you now yeah first person that comes near you yeah if they've come near you just kill them all right don't come like a terrible like i kind of want to go near bad and just see if see if he kills me oh scary music oh guys bad is the sheriff or is he i've done my download or is it an upload i don't know saikuno whoa like everyone's here apparently too slow too slow accepted all right oh hey bad stop that's following me yeah so i'm not no what sap i didn't want to be alone because i was being hunted i would have already killed you i was like literally right next to me you would have already killed me there were so many listen if i was the imposter as soon as you got to that little table i would have killed you instantly what if you weren't quick enough so you were following her that is good yeah i'll admit it i was why was it for what was just for what i don't want to die alone at least at least if i die i die with someone oh true that's sweet but don't fall you know i don't think that means anything why don't you stick with this and to be honest i was looking for bad because i wanted him to kill me i thought it'd be fine oh i've been following bad where where is he oh he's an admin okay everyone listen i'm protecting bad because the killers are going to kill him okay it's true that's sweet what if bad's the killer i don't know he's not scared he's clearly the sheriff he's definitely the sheriff how do we know we don't here i'll kill you george all right what do it do it okay all right i'm in the middle bad give me bad kill me kill me yeah that's what i thought that's what i thought you wouldn't dare yeah he's not gonna do it wait i reckon i don't think he's sarah for some reason but maybe he is if he's not a sheriff then surely he's imposter i don't even know anymore oh it's really dark oh just by the button oh killed god your bodyguard where's the body bad it's uh by the button like in cafeteria wait did you just say it was me no no no i said i don't think it could be okay what if it's actually bad and he's self-reported okay can we just what do you think sheriff you can kill him can't you well i mean i don't want to kill him i think it's bad no i don't trust that it's bad did you say you don't want to kill him in case he's the imposter no in case he's not the impossible oh okay okay i don't trust you bad bamboozled i thought that was a fruity slip wait that could be the imposter what it was slip that's not how you pronounce it she's close fruity and slip she's right yeah no she's right wait then how do you pronounce it then okay um all right freudians it's definitely i literally learned that pronunciation for music loops i've only read it much because i'm getting spiritual okay sorry you took pronunciation i've been calling it fruity and slipped this entire time i don't even know what we're talking about what is listen listen listen cause he's the sheriff he's the sheriff so wait is anyone else trying to cause bad kills no no yeah what if carl was the sheriff he kills the sheriff and now he's set for like see but he wouldn't know that no way i'm voting i'm voting bad i'm killing why are we voting let's not vote i'm very bad that is the smartest player ever kill me kill me i'm in the middle oh my god oh my god i don't even know i don't even know anymore all i know is uh i don't think i know anything actually i don't think i know anything did i what happened did i not do it okay i did it so oh corpse comes out of electrical with a bunch of people okay like the whole lobby is here somehow tina broke bad and cycuno and sapnap sound like i'm broke and bad so they're not broken bats they're not broken bad up i go bad stand up and broke how oh i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead oh my god but i just came from the top i think toast brook i i have a feeling it's bad i actually think it could be bad unless he's jester and he's trying to look sus corpses up okay did you see what i saw uh yes you saw someone vent dad's dad you present that you present the evidence corpse i'll be i'll back you up on this um so wait was carl the first one to die this game yeah yeah yes it was tina wait what's the evidence i saw when you were all accused she actually did it are you joking you actually did it what is this amateur hour you think i would do that wait guys we're on seven how do we know they're not just you know wait it's true like why are you defending her if they saw her wait wait wait wait no no we're not there's no way they would like sure because what if two imposters there's no way they would work together like that together no look i i i thought i saw something different though i saw them both running for the wait what but now i don't want to say it just in case i look stupid just vote off an innocent person here then look wait wait what did you see well i was on cameras right and i don't know if saikudo was just insecurity and i didn't see him and i saw him run out of security and i was like oh i didn't see him run into security and he's defending tina wait wait and he's defending tina hold on hold on only one imposter can vent we can't both have vented that's true oh it doesn't really make any sense if you if you saw if you saw tina right well then okay well i saw you vent then i was a wise guy tina you were on camp i trust [Music] tina to the moon like it should have been okay all right well bye bye tina because this sounds weird you're gonna wait what what sounds weird wait what if sakuya suggested someone off on seven with weird stories that oh jesus oh you guys just killed her yeah you really did okay she would actually kill carl i would never tina to the moon turn it to the moon there's no way tina would kill carl first okay so i have a feeling saikuna could be jester just because like it's so obvious right that like it was tina because there's no way corpse and stand up like somehow planned like they couldn't have planned to like do that together right unless they were messaging each other which i don't think they did so there's like there's no way they just like teamed up like that on tina there's no way so i think they're both clear which means something i hate this task so much and watch the rounds gonna end right before i get it oh okay corpse okay i trust you cops i trust corpse oh all my tasks are done i'm gonna chill with corpse wait what no no it's me it's literally me what it's me what i'm staying with corps i'm saying with corps i'm saying with cops i'm saying with corpse cops come back who was that who was that someone's in love engine i reckon that that's the imposter who's in electrical oh i don't know if i just caught uh toast i haven't seen toast all game someone's in security oh my god it's me again so it's not toast it can't be toast because i saw me it's not toast it's not toast samnap oh my god time to leave me alone why am i following him oh oh my god it's like you know it's like you know no all right you know i i remember what we talked about in person wait wait wait one second okay go on okay yeah yeah george what'd you see george well this is what happened i wrote so i was kind of stuck with cycuno right and you guys were as well yeah and then oh the only problem is what if he's jester but this is what happened i run into electrical so okay i don't think it's toast oh wait toast is dead um um you're right yeah it's not toast so i ran into electrical there's a dead body on the lights and i run up to like check and cycle standing on the vent yeah i was doing the doing my task up there oh okay okay so i'm on cams and i can see corpse george and george running around admin yeah i saw george and i saw george chasing me and corpse the whole time yeah two two georges yeah yeah so either like that but i remember what we talked about george then right because there must be only one imposter left yeah converge is 100 clear wait that makes sense though if with that one thing that what the other piece of evidence from earlier what other yeah yeah exactly but i couldn't have vented into you can't vent when you're morphing yeah yeah yeah because we already killed um the one that could vent so the other imposter can't vent but so it's got to be technically either saikun or sapnap but sakuna was trying to get it off of tina you think i would stand on this what [Music] he does this a lot he does this a lot um i don't know what to do well it's not me and it's not corpse a hundred percent not me because i saw on cam definitely not george because if you guys saw two georges it can't be him it's gotta be cycuno because sapnap was on camera with corpse earlier stop you're being real quiet the other imposter wouldn't want us to vote so you do vote for cops it would be just it's like okay yeah oh god please tell me jester i'm sorry george did you see did you see i see why it kept transforming into you and running at you and then was it you know yeah why did they keep coming into me and they're not killing me i tried nice you tried once wait why did you never kill me look why'd you kill carl first thing everyone knew it was you okay first of all i was like no no no no no nobody would think i would actually kill carl first of all well i won't do it anymore literally never again ever ever all right you know how there's ongoing bits guys you know there's ongoing bits that happen yeah yeah yeah let's not make me dying first one of them okay all right yeah h [Music] you can transform into someone else and then control them wait everybody everybody hold this thought okay okay oh [Laughter] but how does it work in the game uh you have an effect button and when you infect someone they are essentially dead and it's just a walking puppet for you to control and you can move them around with uh either ijkl or the arrow key and then you can make them kill themselves whenever you please okay oh you essentially get a puppet to move around like so wait does it oh okay does it play like a like does it end two of one person they are the imposter if the round ends and you haven't used it do they die i think they die yeah so you become when you affect them they're dead for the most part yeah they should die yeah okay let's try it okay let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go i can't believe what do i get jester crewmate okay that's fine oh we're playing this map oh wait what okay toast toast corpse bad call who is that carl and corpse hey guys over this way hey carl call follow me follow me i want to show you something over here look he didn't even look he didn't even look i wanted to prove myself george where did you just uh guys it was a double kill they were in the same spot i'm pretty sure i saw rey in that area wait it could be a sheriff killing it could be a sheriff kill it could be a sheriff relax relax just saying i'm just saying i i don't know if raymond wait toast too he's toasting away oh wait i just passed both sabdap and tina they were both alive so i left um specimen from the bottom left side and that's where i passed them i passed admin and they were both running down to the library area and then yeah and i was running up i passed someone else but i can't remember who it was exactly was it you okay yeah and they just died wait does toast have an x on him sheriff maybe so they were here's my thought because they were both dead by like one of those little uh uh impostor tunnels so maybe somebody saw someone like run towards oh wait no no i think i figured out what happened it has to be a sheriff kill right i think it has yeah the sheriff killed there's a trick where you stand by an imposter tunnel and you spam kill cause only an imposter would go there right unfortunately i think a crewmate walked into the sheriff who was standing kill by the imposter tunnel oh yeah tina was chasing sap so i think snap thought she was an imposter and just stabbed yeah he was probably a sheriff but now toast is dead too yeah he must have died right he's just murdering people for no reason yeah toast was not toast was probably the actual death i think yeah yeah yeah okay so what was your pathing like the whole round or like what what tasks did you do um i did the rocket thing and then i went back to do my gas task and then i went back to the top right you didn't finish your task or your gas one uh nope this meeting got hey listen that's a really long thorough task okay well all i'm saying is i was in storage cycuno got into storage and then the door's locked so i got scared guys there's still two pillars of foot where's the last maybe i don't know someone you don't know where toast died no one knows where he was was it give sakura channel that sounds like what gasp well brooke you you you said i was suss i felt threatened oh no well fine uh-oh no self-defense okay so i don't really know what happened um [Music] i don't really i don't know what to do i guess i'll look at the the cameras ray who was that it's like you know i'm bad it's like you know i'm bad bad right bad corpse there's so many names bad what is where's bad going bad's checking vitals is that brook yeah um i'm gonna die aren't i if i sit here and wait for lights because they're gonna happen in five four three two one light lights three two one lights oh there they go everyone's already here bad psychonaut hmm how did he get there so quickly i feel like i shouldn't go off on my own i'm probably going to die here i'm going to die i'm going to die i survived what is why is this round taking so long um dead for a while yes carl died brooke died within the past 30 seconds hmm you seem to have a good i have valuable information guys i was trying to hunt down ray and i feel so guilty that you should vote for me okay okay yep what yep lock it in guys what do you mean hunting oh wait a minute ray why were you so quick with that because he went to electrical twice and his movement is so weird what if he's just wasn't it it really was wait what is this why aren't you concerned that he's cause can't lie i can't but that was just so quick on five i'll tell you the truth i actually voted for ray but for some reason i want you to vote for me um right why were you so quick because the way he was walking with me was like he was waiting for his kill cool down to stab me the way he walked he was walking crooked i tried to close the door in the office too ray but you were too quick i saw it okay what okay i don't know what's happening what george he's confessing but what if he's just exactly what i'm doing he's not he's he just confessed he wouldn't i'll be honest i voted for ray uh good try ray but i'm voting you just clap right [Music] [Applause] i caught rain the act and i'm just trolling just let's just let's just vote her off no no it's me okay no no no it's either okay it's either corpse or george one of you was either jester imposter or unfortunately if you're both then it's just a gigi here's all right guys let's vote for rey i skipped i have no clue i didn't realize i didn't like i told you you should have listened to him i didn't realize i wasn't concentrating i wasn't concentrating oh god wait i need to pull the button i do the button no i wasn't concentrating i wasn't concentrating wait what we did oh wow [Applause] oh guys let's wait and get a little bit more into it i'm sorry it's i i was very lost at first it was so cool watching you play it yeah yeah i when i did it to toast i thought i would play as toast but then it turned into me and i was like oh [ __ ] oh wait how does that work wait what was it like so like you infect somebody and on the spot they transform into you and then you have to walk yeah but it's you whoa yeah that's why i was going to take over toast and kill in front of you guys but then it became me so i was like oh [ __ ] um it kills themself it doesn't kill other people yeah okay okay how do you use that to your advantage i hid bodies with it sapnap yo it's actually so helpful like you literally took me in a corner yeah yeah okay okay let's go let's go do the keys okay okay okay okay we got this we got this we got this i'm imposter finally let's hope bad doesn't somehow just kill me instantly okay i'm on the thing i'm on the thing let's wait till someone comes nearby anyone i don't know if toast is gonna know toast might know oh god i'm so scared okay so sakuya got one kill i'm doing weapons oh yes brook sees me doing weapons okay i need to keep brooke alive and they see me as well they see me as well i'm going to get toast i want to get toast come here oh god i want to get toast so badly i'm so good this round like i've got so many alibis right where's where's toast i want to get him i want to get him okay he's not going to be up here why am i up here okay corpse corpse wait tina she's not crossed out how would you know did you kill her wait how did you know before it finished loading how did you know toast let's just talk about what wait how did you know how did you know wait how did you know oh what are you saying yeah yeah that oh okay see i i know it can't be toast because i saw him outside admin yeah i could see toast on i think i saw a lot of people at the lights why not well carl is so innocent i was about to say you're innocent oh my gosh you're so innocent how long ago did they die not yeah george and i were on camps george has been on cams a lot so i don't think i mean yeah i walked in on yeah but i don't like him so keep that in mind oh okay oh um when i came back out you had scan two yeah no probably just scan one um um oh i saw people were uh came into me i was doing weapons right people saw me doing weapons oh i did see him doing weapons i did yeah no he's trying to make an alibi i hate him oh my god him i think it's broken i think it's oh okay well then i think it's carl if you think it's me oh girl's innocent it's definitely not me or ray two of them okay okay so what if i come in here and then what if i do that and then oh there goes are you serious carl's dead med lab or like by the doors just died med bay i was just in there no no did you go down specimen or did you go out i could clear toast for this one i'm pretty sure you're on the left side yes sir okay it's not looking good for you brooke no no don't okay the only person i trust right now is toast um george said he's scanned right wait guys why isn't it ray exactly uh carl watched for me so many times vouched i guess yeah first round we were together the whole round and did you guys see that or was it just no we're just together the whole time like wait where was the body um it's like right below rocket like top right brook and george together right below rocket um uh like well the lights were kind of like just coming on so i don't know it was in rocket like two seconds ago well there's a vent that's right outside carl and i ran from vitals and we're heading towards lights and he must have died right behind me someone just he literally just died like i know it's okay i'm only voting i'm only voting halo boy or george which one well where are we where were you where were you back don't feel bad um no i really don't i i i was so sold on george not being it because he's been in weapons like he was i was with him a lot bad knew i was up there with him so why wouldn't what sam says of toast because he hid oh my god we have to vote someone like i think it might be bad or bad it's one of the three i don't know okay i don't know oh holy jesus wait wait [Laughter] is they had no idea wait i can't believe toast wasn't justified no yeah it was perfect it was perfect i had alibis everywhere does it turn into your body or the other person's i was so confused when psycho infected me yeah same i think what happened to you don't start the game like infected me and then i don't know i was just looking through his pov the entire time but i couldn't tell what i was doing there's like no more fling anymore right so if you ever see two of someone then you just yeah then you're caught so it's kind of also what's this whole amigos thing like there needs to be literally i'm gonna make up likely i know i know but then then what the heck is the original i can't believe bad did that to us and then skarner took a backseat and said i no longer get a muffin muffin have i ever shown that picture you have to show it to you guys i think you've shown it publicly put it on discord okay oh i haven't seen it publicly i thought it would make it public dude i'm glad i was not jerk you carl we'll still be awkward well i never commented i don't remember saying that wow you're so important and cool yeah you're great all right well i guess we're just waiting a minute because everyone's going to the toilet or something um right let's see what's happening um is dream awake i think he's still sleeping i don't know um okay okay i have no idea okay yeah all right yeah i think so okay okay um hey brooke um pineapple how's he talking i think he has strawberries oranges watermelon i think he's still asleep that's fine i'm just looking at limes now you happen to have a phil oh a phil yeah i'm sure quackity i'm sure he wouldn't i'm sure he wouldn't i'm positive that he can't and that's what i just dm corpse let me let me let me pull some strings here okay okay pull some things tina is typing wait what i am oh that's just my hyphen key here's what i'm thinking everybody that's streaming right now run ads but while the ads are running we're going to talk more about amigo megops lore oh so if they want to hear this twitch i'm hearing the lore so if they want to be able to hear the lore they're going to go ahead and have to prime or or subscribe or do whatever you do on youtube who knows what you do on youtube all right oh is it dream not awake yet corpse is called telling me that i should run i don't have any contact she you want to hear the insane law that's going to happen after these uh during these ads you're going to twitch prime the twitch prime you can just click subscribe you can click prime and it's a free sub 100 free okay you get one a month so if you think you've already use it you might have another one you can twitch prime right now absolutely i think it's true i just don't think it's true think about it consider it it's free all right well we're about to get to this intense intense you don't want to miss it law after this uh one minute ad break so yeah you're going to want to stop you're going to want to sub it's about to happen i'm about to about to press the button it's about to happen guys guys it's gonna happen i'm sorry you're gonna miss the law if you're not subbed i i can't i i'm sorry like it's just gonna happen it's going to happen um so yeah it's carl here carl is here hey carl you know that law you're about to talk about it oh god call oh the lord the law that's about to happen right after this ad break uh during the time period come in that's about to happen right now yeah all right well i guess we're about to start talking about it okay you know everybody in chat start freaking out as if there's actually guys i'm on youtube we don't have headphones oh that sucks for you everybody wait wait we'll never guess what wait wait a second sign up i'm about to do it just don't just wait a second wait a second all right run down i went outside my room to check if dream was awake yeah okay you know i walk towards his room slowly no i don't want to be loud and wake him up i don't want to wake up the dream how he gets when he's the dream is that what you just said yeah that is what they said i'm sorry i'm sorry sorry and then i noticed something oh what was that i noticed an apple an apple so i took the apple okay and i came back and now you're eating it yeah i'm eating it so instead of checking if he was awake he just ate an apple it's wait what bro it sounds like it sounds like you just went and ate an apple instead of checking if he was awake wait did he check if he was awake i got distracted by an apple what are you surrounded by some snakes no should i be trying to buy this once my favorite part of that song was when i didn't get it fight oh [ __ ] yes yeah fight i like this one thanks you should wake up dream i i i want you to know that's my first noise complaint i've gotten while driving my car was that yes yeah you get a noise complaint while driving your car i was driving down a dirt road while going to set one day i showed corpse oh he's an octopus that was buzzing i'm talking 65 down this dirt road dude yeah and there's like a one farm just right off the road and they drove after me and they're like who's in charge he's over here blasted music oh my god so okay i'm not waking him up he's going to kick my ass so much i like living here i don't want to get kicked out wait stop nope you shouldn't be scared of your roomie weird what does he do to you well i'm a live dream when he's waking up oh no oh no well i mean it's just like me it's just like i'm cranky when i wake up i don't like when people wake me up oh okay but who's to say that he would be the same you know what i mean like you shouldn't be scared of your your roomie your good old roomy dream george yeah yeah come to my house all right carl look carl look at this look at this look at this come over to my house carl absolutely ignored my discord message three hours ago whoa exposed you want me to say it out loud then should i say it alone i don't care oh shoot don't never mind that's why i thought that's why i don't know toast i can't leave until you look at the tweet dude my girl wants to go he has so much business i've asked so many people corpses i asked jack he's eating a meal in case any of you guys are wondering it's a green apple oh those are the best those are my favorite yeah no honey crisp our best apples okay bye guys i had the option of getting a red one i chose the green one yeah you should go wake up your green apple please smiley face i was like hey guys i'm going apple i could have got this go wake up dream go wake him up no i'm not waking him up oh you're so scared sapnap you're so scared last one is skedawk jake's gonna send me he's gonna send me back to texas i'm calling you out you're scared you're afraid you need to have courage sap nap do you need to give me guys how do i get courage um you take another bite of your apple you chew it swallow it and then you go wake up dream with more nutrition than you have that's cool see that we don't have somebody to fill right now i i've asked like 10 people oh okay the badge is the most popular george get one of your friends i don't have any friends oh my god what about wait that would kind of take some time to set up right yeah uh yeah like stuff i don't think someone that has this all installed already what about firstly i uh she's preparing for gta we could play game with nine or is that not allowed okay okay my saved bag my gosh all right all right again it's better than not playing right now that is true five up thank you as soon as we get someone everyone's going to reply with yes yeah that always i can feel it it's always ah let's just remember that sound map was too scared to wake dream up yeah i i actually will never forget about it i literally had him woken up two hours ago and he said i'm too tired if i wake up again she's gonna be like what is wrong with you yes this is this is why you're his roommate because you're very considerate i did but he hasn't replied i think he's literally sleeping right now oh yeah is it ludwig doing like a 30-day marathon i just lurked he's literally in bed he is literally in bed oh my god what's with everyone sleeping it's like 2 p.m on a friday get up people wake up people i agree just wake up but it's not that hard just wake up somebody before this wake up actually okay even i woke up for this i was available yeah should i eat a red apple no no no no no no no good god no otto knows how this works the maker of these mods smiling please somebody reply i don't know we have no friends we really don't in five minutes oh okay so did anyone have something to eat today are you guys all just a little malnourished what's going on i had an apple an apple burrito i had an apple and then i also i ate a burger but instead of a burger it was it was tortilla like we used like i used a tortilla thing no trust me it's so good wait so like a patty but within a tortilla anything else like cheese and stuff and like lettuce like there was like tomatoes lettuce pickled mint oh holy cow wow it was a it was it was a of burger king's a burger sounds like you've got a case of the burgers good one george thank you thank you okay i played joke boat before really um as as have i yeah it was my finest hour to be honest so you guys having fun and i'm talking to chad while you guys just get silence every time he gets quiet i hate the silence it needs to be filled um okay so we have a case of anyone else um i i ordered a quesadilla should be here too wait why is it such a common all right ella all right i suppose you like tortillas brooke really i i i'm surprised brooke likes anything when she says she likes something i'm just like wait you actually like those like i'm just like that's another one to the venue yeah i like all right toast what did you eat wait toast guess what i ate today did you eat toast tina yeah i did oh my gosh you guessed right yeah oh my god how did you know oh and my name is toast oh yeah that's crazy it sure is and that's the reaction you were hoping to get tina yep tell us you need to release your own branded toast yeah yeah i had toast's toast i would buy toasters some butter in there some butter i thought about a toaster but like it burns my logo into the toast oh quickly start calling people quickly before they do it oh my god the people at aliexpress are already on it oh god you can't give them a shout out tina now they're actually gonna do it they're actually gonna do it tina oh god delete the vod all right corpse i give up i've asked like a billion dollars a bazillion people yeah and it's just they're not playing in five remember oh yeah okay yeah yeah let's relax let's calm down okay that's freaking out the whole time yeah no no worries we can we can relax now it's all good we did it i'm relaxed we did it i'm relaxed yeah we're good okay um um george did you did you eat today i did i had um i had a i don't know how you didn't pronounce it no i had a um you know what that is i don't know if i'm saying yeah it's warm otto hit me with the earthquake um otto could i leave real quick yay where are we going can we just go forever i'm going back i'm going back i'm chasing you oh is everyone back oh yeah oh toast on here okay okay okay okay listen oh what was that wait who died killing so long boy this early on in the game that's already i saw the clear auto for this because he was just chilling at his spawn point yeah i was sitting on my stream oh otto your mic is so like your mic is so loud yeah oh thank there bud all right all right that was risky so what's the switch what's the damage not me or otto because we were both afk well not afk but like standing in the same spot you know yeah not if you [ __ ] reported it good point okay got a point um who would be sick enough to kill bad boy halo first thing wait cycle always says that when his imposter teammate does something he doesn't do that yeah that's actually true i do say that all the time when my teammates the imposter and they killed someone i didn't want them to kill are you yeah this time though no no i just i just look he's a he sounds like such a nice guy says muffin all the time [Music] right well i know who i'm voting for wait who i think we all know we all know i think we all know well we all know who the common denominator is i voted for sam now i think there is one because you didn't wake very much that's clearly psychological oh my god is it actually trying to kill me wait wait [Music] i mean he could be he definitely could be right oh god oh god i don't know what to do okay i can do this i say convince them that it's me that i am the imposter if they vote me out i win lights are out i'm gonna die i'm gonna hide down here oh god where is everyone it's kind of good actually that they haven't seen me because that makes me a bit suss where is everyone tina no one on cameras sound like from ray corpse and corpse thank you my node is running around oh toast just like kuno died oh yeah sakuno's been dead for a while wait wait wait if there's two corpses running around doesn't that mean it happens then he's the parasite right because yeah there's a kid he's the parasite wait oh wait is that how that works because when the parasite goes into the parasite they look like themselves right yeah wait isn't it more clean is more fling yeah wait more i was doing i think more fling might also be on oh yeah corpse was on water jugs and he was doing water jugs but i could see another corpse running well okay well this is a prediction he's either innocent because it's more fling or guilty because of parasite which one's on [Music] we have to vote someone anyway right i'm also no we don't we don't it's seven we don't have because wasn't seven was it toast afk i saw toast afk in there though so couldn't he have taken the toast body i'm scared yeah i could check corpse corpse okay i i'm gonna be honest it's looking like a ray corpse thing right now i mean if does anyone hall steps can i don't know about ray because there's like a ton of people at lights right it was me brook tina ray uh the only people who weren't there saving up in georgia wait definitely ray because she's jumping the corpses defense don't you hear it the urgency in her voice if i have a scan and she's saying she could scare me that's kind of a pretty straightforward thing i mean if there's we should have more than one scan right per lobby and no one else is claiming it so who else is gonna have scan i think it'd be pretty bold of me in the beginning of a game to say i have scanned with like a you know group full of people that probably still have it that's true true i don't know what do you think auto or george i don't i don't know i still think i'm gonna check but listen i don't know about ray listen to this all right just hear me out what if corpse is saying hey okay don't listen to me wait i skipped i skipped wait what you guys said you believed him two impostors voted for him uh hmm wait you saved the game okay that was really saved the game no no died oh this is looking like amateur hour am i right boys amateur hour so true tino so true i don't really all right i could have been a mis i feel like it had to have been him then right because i know we have i'm turning confused me too i wait wait zap knob george how come you're so quiet i turned off one of the reactors so you did the left one okay and then okay okay i did the right one all right goggy where were you at hunting for kills huh no i was just i don't know i was just doing stuff you just get him out of here oh yeah i was getting out get him out stop stop for what he could be whoa whoa hold jester you up are going crazy what is this amateur hour i want him in the lava listen i i was being a good crewmate doing my tasks and okay yeah i did my med scan huh you guys were doing that after we voted someone out on seven that's your priority that's really weird that is weird that is weird and then he also didn't go to any of the things to turn them off i was i was on my way okay i was on my way you were auto where were you were you just by the button uh i went to specimen and then i saw the sabotage and i came straight back and hit the button got it oh my goodness oh my goodness did you vote for me something up yeah that leaves my house oh my god ray and george then guys i don't know which one i don't think it's george you're an idiot am i not thinking it i think it's rey i'm not even joking i don't know what it is no they haven't i mean i can skip but it's no i think it's right you're going to skip what everybody whoa what's going on okay it's right it's right oh no it's confused i thought how do they know that's ray i i don't even know what happened there i thought it'd be funny to vote sat nap i think i just saw burke okay oh this is super recent so this is wait what brooke's body wait where is it wait sap nap you're at the button right yep all right let's not be silly okay okay okay we could we could put our noggins together we could do it i think what if i'm the imposter are you joking why would you say that i thought we i think sap is either an imposter adjuster and i can't tell okay i think that's yeah i've had enough of that i voted for you what well electrical so it was like outside of the electrical area um yeah so i think i i remember seeing brook and sapnap at the button and then the lights went out so we couldn't press it so i was like you know what i'll just go i'll just go fix them and then i found her body on the way there so i think sap is clear unless you ran and killed her in the dark but i don't you're at the button right oh god how do you you last saw him with brooke uh-huh how do we know he's got the during lights because i was on vitals and i didn't see it until i i was i didn't say it at all george hmm i was like i was i was doing i don't even know i was just confused i was trying to work stuff out all right you're the gesture what do you mean i am not i think i'm not even being i don't remember what happened i don't remember what happened it's ray goggy i don't remember what happened last night did you vote for me or yourself you're clowning i voted for you okay okay okay i think sab is imposter and george's adjuster no yes we'll vote out rey and if we get it wrong then it's that wait otto what the heck what have you been up to i was invited oh you pressed the button you said you saved the game like multiple times never mind sorry george is like the worst george you didn't justice vote oh i forgot what do you mean you forgot i forgot yeah okay no the parasite seems weird i don't understand how i don't understand how it works yet oh my god they were right if you see two people and there's only a parasite i totally forgot about that yeah like so so you just can't be seen like where does your body go it's the lobby oh you have to hide your body um and then you can control the other body guys what do we do i just rejoined it works okay oh i didn't do anything when i'm back wait oh there i am ah i was just i immediately shot someone right off the bat you guys like parasite like how is it i think if we have wings on maybe yeah maybe we have both of them set to maybe then there's a 50 chance yeah i like that i like kind of i think parasite always on almost sounds like like it's like you get caught inside it's hard honestly i think it's a liability but how are you gonna haven't figured out how to play it yet ray you look so good with this combo oh my goodness he's adorable that was so fun why what's wrong george was all like i don't know what happened well like i actually didn't remember what happened yeah but but oh no don't vote me out all right bad oh there is great nice i i'm missing one person is good yeah i have to reach right once okay oh okay okay oh wings oh look at it okay okay you're sideways you're falling over oh oh someone else is happy now wait why oh my god what's happening to me how did you do that i want to do that um it only works if you're named automated because he's like wait i'm stuck i'm not i'm out here who's the host [Music] wait do i change the settings yeah you just have to change one thing so wait how do i do it oh game what do we want to do at the bottom more fling is maybe and parasite is maybe more fling maybe very good parasite maybe maybe parasite maybe oh wait i'm an idiot oh let's phantom wait okay i did it right phantom is interesting what is wait what if it's like what if both imposters are more flickering that then just one of each will happen that would be very strong so i started yeah no regular imposter yeah that'd be scary okay i'm starting out right c4 the same person okay all righty it's okay corpse you know we got a little unlucky with that yeah i retarget george by the way hello okay so i'm a i'm a i'm a crewmate i have nothing to do but run around and do my tasks which is fine because we're gonna win hello let's see if i can prove myself oh lights are out i'm just gonna wait for this boom hey tina this way look at me tina look tina hey oh my god um i found uh i think oh that wasn't brooke oh no there's seven of you snaps body in the rocket area seven of you on or in labs yeah so there's probably someone in labs but toast just showed up so it's not him well i know who's in the left side wait where are the buddies drill good drill automated's dead i literally just saw him wait where is that right there he was on left side with me oh oh hmm so who's unaccounted for on the right side yeah so i'm on the right i saw him i'm on the right on the right it's wait zane would not have a voucher because that's who killed automated wait psycho i saw tina i'm on the right i i don't have a fast but i'm on admin and i called out that there was like seven people right so it's a toast and ray are a hundred percent clear a haunt me to me too me too so george doesn't have a voucher no i still too no no no he doesn't does he does he does have a vouch well he he's on the left side i mean the right side yeah yeah i just want to show you that i wanted to do the scan in front of you but you weren't listening to me oh who who wasn't listening hey i did not kill him i saw automated he was running like to the right from the left side so he could have been in the middle by the time he got killed that's just a guess do we have sheriff is that like out of is that on he could have been running i think sheriff's office sheriff is on the middle if um okay well i guess we need to skip okay i think it's not you huh no no i well i thought it was you because like because bad boy said he could have run to the middle toast just ran to the right side for the middle right can't be george wink wink um why are you wink winking because it can't be you i don't know so why are you winking just just throwing that out there well okay it's it's it's communication nothing it's kind of weird all right well i just had someone tight why can't i do this why why was she winking like wink wink it's not george apparently all right well hmm lights are out i don't even care i'm going to do my tasks oh my god okay i did it oh bye toast i'm dead it was tina i'm dead it's tina it's tina it's ah tina i trusted her is the game broken yeah yeah i think toast crashed yeah oh i think oh and you can't report bodies after yeah it's broken oh wait wait oh we did it oh it was bad to go kill him but he exposed himself by saying he was the only one like well because i exposed that there was like seven of you top right yes yeah i believed him because i was like there's no way he would do that to expose himself right i feel like i was really close to a jester win oh i thought i thought you killed me no i mean i was i thought it was kind of weird though the way you're acting but i thought you killed me because after i died you ran right over my body and i was like oh my god it was you why could i see you then you were just standing there i think it was a parasite oh oh yeah i think toast left and it screwed with the parasite as well i don't know though when someone disconnects from a game it like bugs like you can't report bodies and stuff sometimes oh no oh no his toes good we did it bad boy let's go luckily i have a top secret project that should fix it coming up oh top secret project oh boy okay thanks for all the work you do otto george how many guys no problem we have fun yeah you're sick don't we have to leave kind of soon yeah you guys are leaving in 30 minutes no we right skip that it's not important i don't know dream isn't even up so there we go he didn't want to wake up from you guys you guys should all go to sleep like right when his guys where are you we had a time decided when he has stuff yeah no because your time is just as valuable as his and you need to make a statement yeah yeah man but all my friends have agreed to this because i've been i don't know he's deafened right now so i'm not sure he's did he like dc is internet one time yeah he disconnected from the game corpse yeah thoughts on the ears oh i was complimenting them yes they're the best i'm a big i'm a massive fan that's right about it oh yeah you probably should then i don't like being host if i leave to someone else get it oh i'll just start off oh he's back he's back nice that's what happened oh wow let's stand like ray and brooke are standing should i stop it line it up we're like uh you guys can't sit with us okay we'll see you yeah we'll stay here this is where the cool kids sit right here over here over here they're so cute look at all right um all right all right okay see you guys in the camera all right ready to uh okay um all right all right cool kill george um okay all right okay sapnap it's time to mute why can't i do my tusk someone's gonna die up there [Music] where is it where is it where is it where is it wait wait wait wait brook electrical well you thought it was sap nepal yeah i thought it was oh you knew exactly what i was thinking i did with the body of mine okay it's definitely not toast because he's at spawn and it can't be i think i ran past george it can't be me because i know that the first and third lights were off the first and third it's definitely not sap nap why um i thought i saw on that lights or something where were you then stop i was running two lights i'm in like the middle area the middle area running something like an imposter to me it does sound like it does sound imposter or does it sound jestery placing himself on the way versus at the scene of the crime well that's the truth i'm not placing myself anywhere exactly that's what you want to do no he sounds like you guys we're tunneling we got a tunnel on someone else okay sai kuno no toast otto no no i i don't think it's george why because i was running around in the dark and i ran past him i think on dropship and the body isn't electrical i never made it to electricals i don't think he needed all right guys i figured out this is true i was in the let's hear it isn't that right ray you probably figured it out all right i voted right [Laughter] but ray didn't think it was me [Music] if there were imposters they would have voted for i am so lost i'm so lost i don't know what's happening i do my task i do my task in peace [Music] so i don't know what to make of that who was that corpse okay are you doing the thing no he's not the scan matron oh corpse just scanned me [Music] uh george george was slain oh no who would do this who killed george i was on camera i knew george was innocent you're on cameras well it's not tina uh we were together the entire round where's the body not psychonauts in labs voted for ray last round i have a crazy theory totally host and auto voted ray auto voted for rape and cycuno and i did find this body maybe right wait who did i guess you did yes you did vote for me didn't you okay there were three people i know for a fact me and toast are innocent yeah which means don't try to pin this on me we didn't vote for rey or she didn't wait how do you know you and paul is right i no imposters voted for ray she would have been dead if she got two more votes right so why would none of the imposters vote for her if she was a crew member because what if no one else voted for me yeah oh cost because she's the imposter oh is it yeah yeah no that means that's enough for me yes look if she had gotten two more votes you would have died why would the imposters not vote for her what that doesn't make sense because they didn't think she was it you were trolling around no no it's got it guys i'm voting makes sense why do you sound so innocent where is how about we talk about george's death yeah yeah let's talk about it yeah that's right let's talk about that tell us all about it ray last place i saw him walk on camera [Applause] [Music] wait a minute could it be corpse and yet still no votes andre dad wait why are you i have three votes somehow i'm pressing t nothing's happening no no no i trusted you [Music] this is how you repay me with death [Music] that's like who i see [Music] her off now wait she's crazy that's right he was the only person i could trust ray just said she didn't see us but i saw her lurking in the face i think saikudo has imposter vision looking for a wounded chicken i've not even been northern it's ray it's ray okay yep oh right it was rey and toast was the wounded chicken and she got him right trolling please it's bad dead specimen sap nap please wait where's sap now where's the body please the case you want to know you've cracked the case have you tina yeah i sure have you think i'm the imposter yeah what if i told you i'm the sheriff vote for rey first vote and i killed him killed toast because it's not me it's gotta be wrong yes i took out one of them thank you i saw her looking like a maniac if it's finally then i will kill my death wasn't in vain okay yeah the game oh wait we were both wow that was ray i trusted you i knew it was right i knew it was jenga yeah wow guys she killed toast and she killed two guys have you ever seen i saw her lurk when like right before the lights turn off i saw her run in on me and toast and then run away for a second and then the i'm so proud of you too good job good job you guys i had to take out the crazy guy yeah i really thought you were an imposter there for a second especially because you walked back into specific i just wanted i just wanted to explain it to you rather than you want to explain it look like you're trying to hide a body i was like well i didn't i thought i was like i just knew you were gonna find the body so i thought like maybe we could just everything but you were getting together are you joking yeah i actually i actually thought that's what i should do because i was like oh well she's gonna find this body like i might as well be there to explain it to her like why i killed that true cause i don't know whenever he like is sauce like i can it's just i can hear it because i talked to him a lot so i was like it's bad night when i took it in my under my own hands and i took care of him you did a great job i'm sorry i pointed fingers so fast that's okay don't let it happen oh my god otto you look so little goodbye you look like oh i haven't i haven't had this before okay so as sheriff i can kill um and if i kill the imposter they die if i kill a crewmate um we both die so let's do this let's do this let's do this it's sheriff george time it's time to do some detective work okay so let's see hmm sheriff george on the case looking around all right all right all right let's see where is everyone someone just left oh it's bad boy halo interesting okay why is someone going down there he's trying to look sauce what if he's the jester hmm okay stop nap i see you okay okay so right off the bat maybe sound up suggester probably not but possibly task complete all right i'm gonna stop doing my tasks i'm gonna go look for clues go look for clues tina going down otto coming out of there tina's up here now sam knapp's gone out oh he's looking in the camera he knows ray's down there is still down there looks like huna ray's still there doing water wheels bads on that thing card flip do we have card flip we don't have cod flip oh oh oh jesus oh no how come your oh jesus didn't sound so exasperated huh i was looking for the bodies for like two hours i'm tired two hours yeah toast died like an age ago and then yeah i saw that as well yeah on vitals from literally from the start yeah and then died later and then george yeah yeah i was looking around like everywhere yeah me too i was scouring i was excited to share with someone i think tina and sapnap were together for most of that i was just running around aimlessly oh he was on the vitals good dental hygiene sap thank do you use the little like pick ones yeah i use the pick ones because i they're yeah i love those ones to you the easiest because i just use raw floss i bought like a big bag of them i just want to flush them at my computer and i keep some in my car wait that's actually so i like those cause i can use them without my hands like yeah i don't have to like fist my mouth basically just to get the other side of the flosser what well you know how like when you use the string you have to like put your like entire hand in your mouth basically to do the oh you know the one sorry these are nicer yeah i think so too um oh god okay yeah so i didn't find any bodies uh where'd you find it i think he did um i did yeah no i was looking around the whole time this is gonna be one of those like my words versus his word kind of things i guess what are you talking about like he said she said type of deal i mean i i thought i could have killed somebody but i don't what could happen well who'd he kill i was that vital i've ever reported did anyone see psychedelic battles i well i mean there's a lot of people at vitals like a lot i think i was pretty alone that whole round i think who said that who killed um here's the other one maybe they're out saikuno and otto's the thingy the jester oh auto auto uh-oh i don't know i i just found a body i think i saw someone killed but i'm not sure what it was why didn't you report it oh you did well i reported it later but since i saw you and you didn't see damn i'm guessing uh you said auto question mark right when you reported it no i saw sakuno oh yeah he saw each other he was walking on top of the body strangely well i was looking for who killed it because i swear i saw someone kill but i'm not sure who it was no are you sure it's not you yeah no no no no you would just i saw no i saw someone kill but not i don't know i think it was a lighter color but was it uh it's like by chance wait wait corpse corpse it was it must have been the more fling it must have been the more fling uh i saw psychiatric cam's last round that's wait it had to have been the more fling corpse it had to be i wasn't even near the cameras you know what uh okay well otto what what happened here what's well i was just going into lab and i saw like a flash and then there's suddenly a body and then i was going to like see who it was and i found cycuno but i don't know if it's him i don't know when he left specimens so i feel like wait i didn't see you didn't you just walk out of specimen no you didn't i was i was in lab i didn't go out of specimen though oh so i could have sworn i saw the gastroparesis kill yeah i mean i guess it's a chance there's more things here's the thing last round or the round before that corpse ran by me like three times he had three perfect opportunities to kill me so i'm gonna think if i have to choose between him and cycuno i'm gonna trust corpse so it's just oh it's it's impossible to marvel but i really don't think so who are we voting wait it was a hundred percent are you guys crazy check him under the bus uh sakura okay i'm innocent yeah but it was over auto it's so you got one hour it's over wait what do you mean it's over what do you what uh-oh what oh um all right i guess i'll just do my tasks so it's down to tina or otter who will win i have no idea so also was like in a good position just then because he was like on the body but like both the impostors were the ones that saw him so i don't know if that's really that good just to see what tina's doing hmm tina tiana tina oh here comes corpse and [Music] poop okay risky play did she turn the lights off oh she dead she could actually do it where is everyone oh god also found the body and he left it oh oh my god he's trying to be sus and like get someone to find him oh it's gonna work it's gonna work okay all right um otto where were you uh i just left office okay okay um tina where were you i just left o2 okay wait where's office where the meeting button is okay i think otto and i'll explain why dana i saw corpse's body brenda reported him and i'm pretty sure i saw otto come out of why would all the vitals are but i don't say that he was by the body that i saw him which is why he said that bad reporter i'm in office did you see anyone in office medina oh no hold on wait okay like in the i thought i saw you come from the button area auto or not the button area the vitals area i mean i was there but i was only there briefly like okay but you said you came from where the button was well i i just met the the area okay you just mean the vicinity all right gotcha i don't know he was right next to the body tina were you where were you um i was buy vitals oh my goodness okay you like ct sounds so bad but i can't even win bad con win the body is right like if you're walking from the button to vitals the body's right between there well i didn't see the body i don't know i don't know where i am well no otto was right there that's why i'm like i'm wondering if it was tina who killed corpse than random vitals or otto who killed okay that's probably a self-report actually dad you don't think i would kill corpse uh maybe no change if i had to vote yeah i'm voting about it i think it's a nice no no wait no ah oh dang it okay i have to vote otto i was gonna vote tina otto you muffin it wait why would you not vote you voted for yourself oh darn wait what happened i couldn't make myself look suspicious enough oh my gosh [Music] i was pissing over that body for like 30 seconds the body wasn't actually there's i'm sorry i keep double clicking on accident and then the kill pulled down like like i infect people right and then i like double click it oh that's fine and then and then maybe it's like killing someone i guess yeah yeah it's like regular but yeah but then the kill cooldown cooldown's like super long and then it's just and then i killed someone in front of you when i meant to direct their body elsewhere and then i put you in a bad spot and oh it's so stressful y'all have to go oh no it's fine um i don't know what what's happening dream well i suppose that might be it then um nine players and a phil i may be five ups around now oh maybe he is oh wait come on guys oh hey look thanks for the games man wait you finished your meeting carl i did your big business george look at what but you see the reminder five minutes um what the heck my character's flying around wait wait what's going on [Applause] [Laughter] boot him out please we're playing we're playing all right all right let's play all right um okay all right cool let's play um [Music] bring it a crew mate yeah i can't do my task because it's glitched see the bodies right behind you tina i did see them that wasn't it i'm losing my mind that are you joking you know george and i'm just tired guys guys guys everybody saw me run out of there which means if there's a double kill that clears me right why would he make sure because they're dead right yeah why don't you report why'd you walk away yeah why did you walk away i did my keys okay so there's two there's two situations here either instantly reported it or tina killed and ran off what if jessica why is that the only two options guys i literally just walked i don't know i'm sorry i don't know who else was still at the spawn who else was still at the spawn i was i wasn't i was i was just i was the first to leave to be very clear i was the first to leave i am absolutely innocent and everybody else [Laughter] hey carl just came back to phil and you're telling them to take a hike yeah i'm gonna call it i'm gonna go ahead and leave okay just like he was oh it's like a last round i'm telling you it's tina this round but i believe you you know what you were right last week i believe you corpse brook brook brook tina salad king you took over my body and hid me behind a reactor so i think not now you have time to take a hike huh [Music] tina and sam i'm just like oh i'm going to kill you why did you do that now it would sound like that killed me right yeah okay carl just murdered somebody in front of it bad boy is the only person who skipped last chance true that's a good point either he's the other imposter i swear to god i believe now bad boy way bad it could have been it's literally proven not me it could have been a more player right no how does this one work that didn't work well i watched bad come up and kill i just solved bad words we were both there we're on six and there's two left so we have to be careful yeah we have to wait he's the only one that skipped though there's two left i thought we voted off you said it was true are we sure that it was yeah of course it's either tina and dad or something i thought you were just meaning listen i don't i don't mind if we just killed tina for no reason i'm going to keep it a bug i wasn't in the uh area last time i wasn't i had like you i was the first one to leave yes but brooke had left and i vouched for brooke i don't know if brooke that's between carl or kid left halo i'm telling you it's carl it's a hundred percent it's not carl right i believe you oh oh god bye oh god and the belief got you nowhere [Music] what do you mean oh my god look at him with his little rat on his head oh oh phew well you guys explain to me something you guys know the safest thing to do right now right wait can you explain to me what mod we're using i'm so confused oh um because bad walked up to somebody and they flopped over oh yeah it might have been a more fling yeah what does that mean it's is it morphing the one where you take the disguised as them yeah okay okay well we surely gotten one impossible i thought we were playing with parasite this round yeah we got oh we got it all right we got two now um we got two of them okay yeah there's one probably how come you that's because i trusted him he seemed so innocent sounding like how is that i think okay well it's not funny never consider that why not don't do that ever again because we are on five but what if he suggested bloodthirsty i wouldn't vote for me if i ever use it i do think racism just give it up correct exactly she's upset that i can tell she's getting red i'm innocent to the other no me wanna be gone to the oh [Music] all right guys sub to george but then sub to me as well it's up to me first though any gifters i don't see any gifters who's gifting subs to me i don't see any no one's gifting subs no one's gifting subs to me this is messed up i don't even know how to feel it emily gifted this up thank you emily john get to the stop yes it's working off it's working it's not working for me mew gifted let's go momo hey i'm moya get to the sub obsidian alexa get this up let's go it's working it's working this isn't all right working give it up i think i've gotten three wait sophia just subscribe with twitch prime that's awesome because it's free it costs nothing absolutely free as well thank you and hay-ish queen oh my god damn we lost i just don't know how to lose i'm figuring i'm not figuring out something you shouldn't you do not deserve that win that was the worst time oh my god why did you randomly how did you win that oh my god thank you guys your win since i got to throw you under the bus then nobody thought it was me it was perfect american wouldn't you think that tina was innocent because so many people voted for tina the first round or did you hello hi kudo sakura oh i really am trying to figure out oh my gosh guys [Music] because a lot of people voted for tina okay the thing is i was innocent at the time like and also i thought ray was innocent because she sounded innocent no i didn't i sounded guilty and then when she got upset when i called her innocent it really seemed like she was innocent yeah i get upset when you call me out when i'm guilty and then she voted herself off and the game didn't end and then i knew for sure she was innocent um did your i don't not have a button there oh yeah i didn't have a button another reactor was called um even before i saw a corpse was dead but i didn't have my button anymore so elliot thanks for giving five as well um so like is is does the screen look different when you lose does it show a different like animation or something like that all right you're about to lose this game i'm not moving around in his chair oh just me and tina is that something up sign up inside kuna and call okay why is carl not dead oh did i did i rook um a bad boy who would kill him i can't believe you reported that before i pressed my kill button as sheriff oh the actual wait what do you think i did that you did walk out of the locked rocket room and there's a body in there and i saw the door open i'll tell you exactly why yeah i sat there i opened the door i walk i always walk in to check for bodies walk out so i walked in and then i realized oh shoot there's a body there and then i reported it i swear i saw a hundred percent i literally you guys can vote me out there's gonna happen okay here's what's going on i locked the door you saw me unlock the door and let otto hunt you down like the good sheriff he is okay get a motto do it for bad boy halo do it dang it really happy i'll revenge you i don't understand i literally otto you watched me unlock the door yo auto well bodyguard yeah i walked i watched it come out of the door listen and then i i unlocked those doors and then i unlocked the rocket doors i wasn't even in there wait actually she sounds really innocent but well i'm still going to kill her okay what what if it was a morphling who are we voting for no no it was it was me it was me i reported it uh yeah i don't know i'm not scared yeah okay tina did i see someone vent i just don't know if i did or not sorry my buddy you didn't was that you no it wasn't me no it was brook oh guys what is happening i think brooke is innocent wait then i i okay wait sounds very interesting snap carl there was a hole you know we were all standing on it yeah and did someone vent because i i got off don't know i accidentally fell into the hole and then climbed back out it was you so you vented i didn't see anyone bent you didn't i don't think so um okay thanks good and full i guess run [Music] boom brooke wait otto you got it oh my god this is what happened this is what happened i killed her and she infected me as parasite at the same time so there's my dead body next to her dead body but i didn't die it was so wait how are you not dead i don't know it's a bug i will look into it you killed her i would expect the sheriff and the parasite to kill each other at the exact the parasite same kill you you know what's funny is that after last round brook said that that win wasn't my win and then this one isn't her win either anybody i'll even vote for myself but it's not let's do it i have no idea well it's even happening it's not me carl it's not lead run baby it's not it's not me car baby is this psychedelic what are we thinking i have no idea i've seen nothing i'm on the same wavelength i'm clueless for me the only problem with voting for me is that it's not me i kind of think that's not gonna lie why because you're just dancing on seikuna and what whoa [Music] not against dancing just suspicious of it you know what i mean why do you hate dancing so much i don't sleep i don't hate you because i'm asking for person for bruising um character um frilly ice cream is uncabella char pie but why these names so hard for me to read thank you for gifting subs though oh god someone's gonna kill me he's gonna kill me he is he's gonna kill me what's he waiting for what is he waiting for i can see him right here oh i reported this i reported it it was me i know okay i know that looks bad corpse i know really bad corpse i'm literally the one that fixed lights and let me just say i think whoever did this isn't an amateur because all the lights were already switched off and all the doors were closed all right so happen up's clear george is cleared um yeah what wait do we have one imposter or could there still be wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait on the body and didn't report he was he said you guys are amateurs i think it's carl i i think it's carl okay actually you know carl you're not going to get this win what if he's jester yeah i'm not because you're third impostering you absolutely i'm gonna need you to literally shoot carl as soon as the round starts all right all right corpse course we're done but yeah of course who are you voting for wait do we know anything we're not voting yet who do you vote for sometimes you've ever called oh my god tina is not an imposter okay sapnap is probably one of them yeah i believe it why did you or he's jester wait why would you believe it i don't know because he killed me last time so i want to get rid of him because he's just i'm an impostor corps suit you vote where'd you vote how about tina no really after you said that she might be an adjuster oh my god corpse ease up on the theatrical i'm the weirdo no the thing is i did asteroids i walked up said i'm the best crew that i ever have because i'm going to go fix lights and i did it solo by myself all the doors are closed i opened all of them all the flicks were off i feel like were you standing on the body i was walking away and i was like and then and then as i was walking away i noticed that there was a body to report and so i ran back to it and then you also happened to be there which made me think that you killed them to be honest i just ran up from the bottom of the map i skipped i hit the skip button here why'd you run up to the bottom from the bottom of the map when the lights enemy gops if you don't i wanted to see him kill call oh wow i don't know if i can resist that opportunity wait a call go why you still not following me all right now listen hold on let me talk let me talk let me talk george let me tell you why that was a big brain play because george notice me were with each other that whole time otto kills carl otto dies so who's that leave left well because tina's also dead george what if it was you and you didn't have time to kill me are you stupid like like george you actually must be the like if you alright i'm voting corpse it's so obvious of course if you don't vote corpse you're gonna get memed on twitter for a very long time george while it would be a good meme it's so obviously him like all right well i guess of a corpse unless you got something to save yourself corpse um uh oh no while we watched auto blast carl's brains out corpse was murdering tina oh tina was alive that round yes oh my god george wow george you did it i didn't realize [Music] walked in and then was like oh wait boom report and then you're like no it's brook i was like that's so unlucky wow burps i had a solid sus there huh you know what right right well well i i flipped it on you because i i knew you immediately remembered that i ran all the way around the map and came back george thank you guys for inviting us bye guys [Music] bye [Music] bye [Applause] [Music] [Music] bye bye guys bye bye bye all right um i have to go we have to record something um like we're like efficient now we have schedules um because we just didn't record stuff so now we set a date and a time and we play at that time um we recorded that time so we have to um so i am going to go now um so yes um oh amber thanks for gifting five as well so yeah guys thank you for all the the subs and the one bit donator because that my bit so high but thank you guys um if you're not following make sure to follow here i can do this because i'm cool uh boom oh i guess i don't have a face okay here we go um so yeah yeah let me try on a different hat um i have wings now um so yeah i hope you guys enjoyed the stream make sure to follow if you're not following and um that's it i have to go they're all waiting for me oh god they're all waiting for me all right i'm gonna end bye guys what is that oh wait what why did i make that sound i don't know oh now everyone's gifting subs now the stream's over okay um let me in um terminator xango bella moist how do i say that mo moyes typing i don't know how to say your name thank you for the gifted um i'm going now tyler thanks for the five gifted guys stop gifting i want to end i have to end they're waiting for me they're probably all watching this room like george just end the stream and the stream all right bye guys bye um oh god oh god um uh tommy you have to understand you have to understand tommy it was it was for primes okay rambu is live rambu is live i'm going to raid him can i read him or do i have too many viewers i have too many viewers all right i have to read them no i have to what's it called post them all right uh rambu's live go say hi to rambu um and yes bye bye guys uh i'm leaving goodbye
Channel: GeorgeNotFound Streams
Views: 756,959
Rating: 4.9633269 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, challenge, Minecraft but, BadBoyHalo Swearing In Among Us!, minecraft hunting, minecraft vs, Dream Minecraft, George Minecraft youtube, George Minecraft channel, minecraft challenge, minecraft server, minecraft survival, minecraft 1.14 survival, minecraft 1.15 survival, minecraft 1.16 survival, georgenotfound highlights, georgenotfound live, georgenotfound streams
Id: _nvxODW9M8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 172min 27sec (10347 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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