If Everything Was Like Among Us 4

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*Gasp* Where? where? Someone left out the soda! And didn't put the lid back on! *Group gasp* And now it's flat! *Group gasp* Anyone sus? RED is suuu-- Judah? Bu- bu- You changed colors?? Is red still sus? Judah! I'M sus?? You know what. Red is safe. In fact red is so safe I would trust him with my life! Thanks man For sure bruh. Sky is sus!! So help me Judah!!! Okay we do not have any real evidence! So we will not be voting somebody out on the first round like we do every single time! I say we skip Skip! SKip. skip skip! But Brittney's! NO Judah! Alright everybody mom gave us each a list of tasks- to do at the cabin. Get em done! And remember there's still three imposters! Three?? Who keeps allowing this!! *Mumbles* Ughhhh Okay first on your task list is to check your keys! I don't want anyone getting locked outside! Daniel left! That's sus! Its not sus! Daniel's sus! It is NOT sus! Okay fix the lights- fix the lights? What are these tasks! I don't recognize any of these tasks! Listen man. New place, new tasks. What was wrong with the old place? I knew all those tasks. Does anybody know where the "fix the pipes" task is?? All I see is snow! 91... 94! Wait, why isn't it working? Dude you set it to 94 negative it's supposed to be 94 positive! Why is negative even an option here? pipes! pipes pipes pipes. Pipes!! Okay how do I do this? *Gasp* Daniel! Okay, but I didn't see that. Alright here we go! Daniel was NOT the imposter! Aww man! Dang it! This is nice! We shoulda switched places a long time ago. Test the sound system Alright. *Weird noise* *music* woah *starts playing music* *Starts singing to music* Oh whatcha doin? I'm finishing this maze from the nieghbor kid. And I'm almost got it! Oh cool! Ohhh you- you messed up so you gotta start all over. YEP BYE *Gasp* YOU'RE the imposter? I'm the imposter too! No way! Oh my gosh! We're the imposters together!! We're the imposters together! Hey guys! Wanna come with us? Like a buddy system for safety? YESSS Mary! Why did you do that?! Ohh I have an idea! Go over there!! Go go go! Where? where? I'd walked by and David and Hannah had been PUSHED into the hot tub. *Group gasp* That was double crime. Thats good... Shiloh was anybody with you? I was by myself. Coulda been me. Guys I think it's me. Nooo. NO Mary. It's not you. We know it's not you. But it really might be me.. No Mary. We all know that you crack under pressure. It's not you. Let's skip! Skip! Skip skip You guys are hopeless Watcha guys doin? Okay so it turns out this place cameras everywhere. So if something bad happens we'll be able to see it. Those are your glasses Those are your chips. Thats my bed. Okay so- there are Yeah we saw you do the whole thing on cams. There are cams here? Mary.. Was... AN imposter Whhooo!! Yes!! I mean we- we knew that. It was obvious. Honestly we shoulda gotten it sooner. But still! Whooo!!! Okay guys! There's still two imposters left!! Right! Right. Right right. You were a terrible safety buddy. Ohhh wifi's down!! I'll get it! Watcha doin Eli? Oh I'm just waiting for the door to open. You haft open doors here yourself. Okay now the doors don't open by themselves. This whole place is so weird. Wait stop! We gotta disinfect. Mom's rules. Ughh this always takes so long! Ughh I hate new maps!I hate new maps I hate new maps!! Why are these hallways so long! Whhhyyy This is nowhere near wifi. I hate this place so much. Wow. It's still unplugged. They're so lazy. How could you? You got it- thats! Good job guys! Super! How are WE in the tub. And they're still in there. It's cause you're red... what's the problem Eli? Okay I have to do data download. But every time someone does this- something bad happens. You're.. You're fine Can you sit here and watch me do it for safety? No you're overreacting, I'm gonna go, you're gonna be fine! Yeah you're right! I got this! Oh geez. Figures. Ahhh There is no way! I am never doing that task again. Where? Where? Oh so I downloaded this cool app that tells me when someone is tossed into the hot tub. It says Elijah was just thrown in! *gasp* Awesome who is it then? I have no idea I just know it happened. Ughh!! Anyway I say we vote out Shiloh. What? What's your reasoning? Well you're the best and you always make it to the end. Hmm.. That is a good reason to vote out Shiloh. That's not evidence. We don't need any. Yes you do. Do we though? But that's not how this works. That's not how ANY of this works!! Whhhooooo!!! We're the greatest cremates!! We're the greatest cremates!! That still wasn't evidence! Wait!! There is one imposter left! And I have no idea who it is!! It could be any of you. Is everyone close to being done with their tasks? Yeah! Yeah, yeah. Okay let's finish and be done. Let's go. Let's hurry up!! Wow! This is what it's like being kicked out? It's my first time! We know. *Screams* Oh I knew it was you!! *group gasp* Brittney got it twice in a row?? How did she do that?? I honestly don't understand it. Ahhhh!!! Come on Judah!! You got this!! You can do it! Wait Where's Micah? Greats cremate.. I am the greatest crewmate. Ahhhhh Haha! Red was SUS!! I'm not Red!!!!! This time Red you loose!!! I used my one meeting to vote out Shiloh didn't I? Yup Shoot. I mean who woulda thought it would have been Britney? I did I don't know about you guys but I was playing that PERFECTLY OH MY GOSH! *Group arguing*
Channel: Shiloh & Bros
Views: 38,685,839
Rating: 4.7440295 out of 5
Keywords: among us, among us in real life, among us imposter, in real life, irl, among us reality, if everything was like among us, imposter iq, imposter among us, part 2, part 3, part 4, imposter, among us but in real life, real life, among us irl, among us parody, among us skit, funny among us, funny, funny among us moments, real life among us, imposter iq 999, imposter vs crewmate, imposter in real life, siblings, comedy, shiloh, shiloh and bros, real, shiloh nelson
Id: zsZM5nX8uPY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 08 2020
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