If Everything Was Like AMONG US

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This is very creative

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/ANauj_skers 📅︎︎ Oct 28 2020 🗫︎ replies
*gasp* Where? Where? Where? Who reported? Okay, there was a long dish in the sink that someone didn't put up or even rinse. **Gasp** Anyone sus? Brittany's sus! What?! I  literally didn't do anything Mmm. That's sus, that's sus right there. I just came in here to say hi to your mom. Okay! She's the imposter you can hate me forever if I'm wrong but we have to vote Brittany All right. Good enough for me. Okay okay okay. She's typing -- she's  texting, "I was NOT- not the imposter" ... ohhh. Alright, everybody! Mom gave us each  a list of tasks, so get 'em done! **gasp** oh my gosh! You guys you gotta-- okay, it was like this when I found it. okay okay, David was...... NOT the imposter. Dang it! what is that supposed to mean? What's up buddy? Whatcha doin' in here? *nervously laughs* Not one more step. **Screams** Help me!! COME ON!!! Where?? Who reported it?? Where? Okay, I called the meeting. 'Cause Micah was standing there, all suspicious and he looked at me like... ............ You called a meeting, because  Micah was "looking suspicious"? YEAH Man! I never get to be the imposter! Wi-fi's down! Whoa whoa whoa! It's me,  Micah! Totally innocent, fixing the wi-fi. Oh! Okay. Good job! They fell for that? Judah come watch me do this task! Okay what is it? *Malicious laughter* Oh look! It's Judah's candy. I  think I'm going to have a very... mmmm Oh its! Awww. mmmm Guys! An imposter ate Judah's candy! Ohh!! He self-reported his own crime that he di- oh that's messed up. Somebody Judah's candy in  the living room! Did you? Nope. I just walked in it was completely empty. Yeah. That checks out. let's skip it. skip. skip. skip. So you guys do all your tasks? Whatcha doin' there Micah? uhhh. I'm doing the clean the wall task. Oh. Okay! We're gonna lose Lights are out! I got it! Got it! No you just- No you're supposed No you just! No you. I was already. I had it No I'm fixing it right now! **bickering** Okay okay okay. Lemme do this. Lemme do this alright? Is that my food? Noo it's not. It's not. You see, it's not your food I was very innocently um eating nope it wasn't me. It was it was actually YOU it was YOU, don't put down   it was you! You sus I didn't do this. YOU did this. It was kinda funny though. MIicah was... an imposter!! whoo! There is still one imposter among us... Alright an imposter... okay k **gasp** Banana peel on the floor in the  dining room! I was in the hallway I was in the computer room! *giggles* Okay but it wasn't me! I just panic when nervous guys. okay? It's a nervous twitch. I giggle. okay okay! Mary... was not an imposter... Why was she acting so sus though? I don't know I panic under pressure! guys, there's only three of us left Which means we can't trust anyone **OMINOUS MUSIC** Someone stole Judah's phone charger! **Arguing** Oh haha! Just watch. Just watch! Daniel was.. here it goes  here it comes not an imposter *gulps* oh no Okay Daniel was kind of sus though.
Channel: Shiloh & Bros
Views: 44,889,807
Rating: 4.7527161 out of 5
Keywords: among us, among us in real life, among us imposter, in real life, irl, among us reality, imposter iq, 900 iq, imposter among us, imposter, among us but in real life, real life, among us irl, among us parody, among us skit, funny among us, funny, funny among us moments, real life among us, imposter iq 999, imposter vs crewmate, imposter in real life, siblings, comedy, shiloh, shiloh and bros, shiloh nelson, if everything was like among us, imposter among us funny
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 3sec (423 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 16 2020
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