If Everything Was Like Among Us 6

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just looking at that thumbnail, i feel ill to the stomach

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 3 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/CowBoy_MooMan šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Jan 29 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies


šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 2 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/ChickenWithSneakers šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Jan 29 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies


šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 2 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/ChickenWithSneakers šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Jan 29 2021 šŸ—«︎ replies
*gasp* Where? where?? Someone ate the marshmallows out of the luckyĀ charms! And now it's just the boring wheat things! *Group gasp* Is anyone sus? Judah is anyone sus? Nope! Nope, no one's sus today. Not even Red? Red's not even like aĀ little bit sus? No. No. Red isn't sus. *Screams* I'm good. That's weird. Since weĀ don't have any evidence, I say we skip! Skip! Skip. Skip. Can someone move my arm to skip please? You're a good friend Mom gave usĀ each a list of tasks to do while we're boating-sitting the cruise ship! So get 'em done! And remember there's still three impostors! WhyĀ can't we have ONE vacation without an imposter? *Mumbles* Okay! Wipe the table! every..... table oh no Wow we get it. You have a lot of money. Girls love a guy in uniform! Woooow you bought the captain'sĀ outfit? What? It was only two bucks!! Oh you were SO sus! Yes Judah of course I'mĀ sus! 'Cause I'm the imposter and so are you! But you actually WERE sus! Judah we have toĀ be... allies I suppose we could form an alliance A part-time alliance! For just rightĀ now This time only Just once! Deal Stop! The plant room again? We don't have a taskĀ in here! Give me that! I just love it in here. I know Fine, let's look at some plants. It's you. yep. You knew you had to getĀ me out first because I'd find you out. Pretty much. Well played Thanks YES!! Whoo This place's hallways are even longer thanĀ the last! Bikes! Why couldn't we have gotten bikes! I don't know what that means! Ugh! *whispers* YES we're venting!! Mica, Mica, Mica, Mica, Mica! Jocelyn! I'm doing a task! Mica, Mica, Mica Cant you see I'm trying to concentrate?! Mica, Mica, Mica! Jocelyn what is it?!? Theres the imposter! What?? You know I'm starting to think weĀ  might not be the greatest crewmate. *SPLASH* I'm starting to think they'reĀ targeting the best players. Judah! What are you doing? Taking a snack break Being an imposter is pretty stressful. So you're just hiding in the vents? Well.... yeah Give meĀ that! We can't let them finish their tasks! Are you crying?! Well it's just so sad. Scoot over! Let me up! Don't. There's people up there! PSHHH! *Gasp* *Rumble* I'm gonna go get some fresh air Why didn't you tell me there were people up there?! I literally just told you! okay one of us needs to work on our communication Mary, are you faking a task? yeah I walked in then realized I didn't have a task in here and didn't want toĀ look sus. So! What are you guys up to? *SPLASH* I think they're just picking people at random. *gasp* You can go play on the play place now. Thanks! *gasp* Where? Where? Someone pushed Mica into the waaaaa aaaaaa Someone took out three people!!! *group gasp* it's totalĀ carnage!! be cool Pshh. I got this! guys! Is anyone sus?? Red's sus!! She's the imposter! No it's Judah! He HAS to be the imposter! No I know it's her because WE were in the vents together! I mean inĀ the crewmate vents. where the... crewmates hang out? Ahhhh! *SPLASH* Here we go! Judah was... AN imposter!! WOOOO! We got him guys! Whohoo!! We got him!! We totally gotĀ him guys! Did you not see that?? We got him Ahh! *SPLASH* alright! Britney... Was... Also an imposter!! YAYYY!! Remember though there'sĀ still one imposter left! right Okay it's pretty simple. Wow taking aĀ snack break rather than doing your tasks?? What?? No this is a real task! It's an actual task! If you're gonna fake a task.... Pick a real one What?? No no no it's an actual task! It'sĀ an actual task! Look it's on my task card! *gasp* Guys!! Someone took a bite out of every ice creamĀ bar! Like every single one they didn't finish ANY of them!! *group gasp* What kind of psychopath does that?? Alright I say we vote at Ruthie! Wait!! What?? Why? Well see you're new so we can't really tell if you'reĀ sus or not... it's just sorta hard to do check's out Ahhh *SPLASH* Ruthie... was... not an imposter Guys I have noĀ idea who it is! It could be any one of us! Did you really take a bite out of all thoseĀ ice cream bars?? I'm not the imposter. Oh. Right oh lights are out!! Just. Just! No no no! Let me fix it! Allow me! Nope nope! Okay! Stop stop stop stop! Let's let the best person at lights. DO the lights. Mmm. Oh yeah Mmm. Yeah okay Its me! It's obviously me! No no! Come on come on come on! YouĀ know what? I'll just do my tasks in the dark. *Thump* owww there's a door Guys! just move out of the way!! NO Just stop stop stop! Let ME do the lights! See? Where's Elijah? Elijah why weren't you helping fix lights? We DID see you doing the fake "vending machine" task. That's a real task!!! Ahhh *SPLASH* Doing tasks in the dark?? Yes I actually do itĀ all the time! Nobody just tasks in the dark! UGH! You guys... I actually have no idea who it is... Yeah does anyone know who? I don't know. Okay! Elijah was... NOT the imposter! that means... guys. It's one of us three... This isĀ our last chance to get it right! Make the right call!! Come on! who is it?? I don't know! Ahhh! Josiah. I really think it's Daniel. BesidesĀ I can trust a big strong man in uniform. *Giggles* okay AH! YOU! Josiah! We were togetherĀ the whole time! It can't be me!! Is it though? We both know it's her!! Do we though? You're just voting for me 'cause she's pretty. Ahhh *SPLASH* We have GOT to get that guy a girlfriend! Yup Daniel was.... not the imposter So do you wanna go out sometime? Ahhh *SPLASH* We were THIS close to winning! If you had just listened to me we would have won!! She liked my uniform Ohhh my gosh are you kidding me??
Channel: Shiloh & Bros
Views: 28,600,503
Rating: 4.7403226 out of 5
Keywords: amongĀ us, amongĀ usĀ in real life, amongĀ usĀ imposter, in real life, irl, amongĀ usĀ reality, if everything was likeĀ amongĀ us, imposter iq, imposterĀ amongĀ us, part 2, part 5, partĀ 4, part 6, imposter, amongĀ usĀ but in real life, real life, amongĀ usĀ irl, amongĀ usĀ parody, amongĀ usĀ skit, funnyĀ amongĀ us, funny, funnyĀ amongĀ usĀ moments, real lifeĀ amongĀ us, imposter iq 999, imposter vs crewmate, imposter in real life, siblings, comedy, shiloh, shiloh and bros, real, shiloh nelson
Id: ZynBkp-4GQ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 42sec (642 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 28 2021
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