AMONG US IN REAL LIFE AGAIN *sneakiest Impostor EVER IQ999+* w/ the Norris Nuts

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you keep asking us if we can do another among us in real life he's rules the rules are very simple each round one no stunt will be chosen as the imposter and the other no starts other crewmates it's the crewmate's job to complete all tasks and work out who the imposter is it's the impossible's job to eliminate the crewmates one by one and get away with it if a crewmate spots a dead body they blow their whistle and all the north nuts will meet up and take a vote on which nurse nut they think the imposter is not as nuts we must be careful there is an imposter among us round number one feeling all right who's it gonna be gonna be me i'm gonna time to do my task [Music] my first task will be doing uh this drinking one we're gonna put this [Music] [Music] it's not me i was just playing silly buggers i was like no i think it's time because he said in there he said he said this is going to be real tricky it's going to be tricky to look after charm and play this game that is true who called the emergency meeting just because of that oh sounds like someone's trying to put everyone off the center okay who wants to vote i'm gonna skip because b will be very angry at me for now i'm gonna go over here oh mom's going upstairs when i'm the imposter this is my plan you gotta hear it i'm gonna park myself in here and then i'm gonna wait till someone comes here i'm going to be folding laundry socks and these are norris nuts off as you can see i'm going down the slide do you get on the so they are not the imposter biggie okay so hopefully charm's okay there you're right john and ladies and i'm actually really proud because i thought of having security cameras in this challenge [Music] am i allowed to do double kills or i think i'm the only nurse now who connects with half a boy hey mom you need a bottle flip do you remember biggie i'm watching you you look so soft i'm gonna try and get the popcorn into my mouth so right now i have to make a birthday cake but i'm not going to do it complete because we all know it's time to die biggie so according to my calculations i reckon biggie is not the imposter i'm not sure about sofie it could be [Music] nice thank you oh and legends we actually have a new game called world of pets and these are like you have to like sort them out which ones which so let's go do that mom's definitely the imposter in this round because she normally takes a long time to kill someone and she like thinks she's being all like strategic and stuff sticking on that classmate he was trying to kill me so cams are just loading and i'm gonna be able to see if anyone is doing anything sass it looks like there's nothing sucks going on out there at the moment so i think it's pretty clear watch this legends ready and oh drop that it's not biggie because i tried to pretend it could be not naz it's not soggy i think it's saber it's saber it's gonna save up so the ball flip was actually a traveling task so i've gotta go fish it off security that's great why was mum talking like he just had the time of her life i reckon i will roll a five oh that's close look at his eyes when she killed me it's like she's always wanted to do it or something [Music] i think it's definitely mom who's impossible [Music] [Music] okay oh no i was wrong he was dancing around the body now sucky's saying puffer emergency me but she knows she's killed me it was a really gruesome death too it's like she's always wanted to do it or something that means it's you what yeah this might be what pop is not coming up here well you were up here all alone and you killed mom no biggie was happy before me i saw you doing the eminem task is that pink eminem and i was doing nasty with the popcorn task yeah are they trying to vote sabre out okay who do you vote big sniper all right saber it's i swear it's not me you saw me go down the slide yeah wait it's not like you're innocent i went down the side too i'm honestly so confused [Music] papa's looking sass already and his red outfit sasso why am i never seen foster could be that person right there with the person right there i reckon i'm the crew mate once again [Applause] crewmate again cool mate i'm sad of course i'm a creamy oh my gosh [Music] i'm here you look soft okay if you can't do this task right now you're on the imposter what are you saying okay naz saki is doing a task i wonder if she's doing it properly three two one i'm gonna check on cams and see if anything's going on in cams are you even checking the cams what do you think about that i think it's looking sketchy out there just the way the paddling saw something in there more more that was nice yes yeah like right here like she knows there's two people in here yeah oh yeah big brother you're gonna die quick so i think that's impossible because me and mom were just like checking cams in the electrical and what happened was naz came in all like laughing like oh i'm gonna kill someone and she saw two people and then she was just ran away i did that because i wanted to go to security and do something funny in the camera but she actually came out she said that to me oh you want to do something in the camera as well when you be on the camera not looking at the camera and why did you come in see papa and then run away if you want to do something on camera you would have gone to the camera i realized that someone was unsecured you know what i'm thinking you know now and now i'm thinking mom sucks because i think she's like every time she walks around oh i'm not gonna lose every time look at oh well you can't vote for me because i'm not the imposter is a crewmate and i'm like we're losing exactly i'm skipping okay i've got three mums and two skips what are you gonna do sucky talking i'm not the imposter that's what yeah tactics right now because you've been defensive oh i can't sorry if i'm innocent whatever me to be defensive i'm defensive because i'm trying to fight for my life i like the imposter okay if i am the imposter i'm going to kill you next if soggy dies it's definitely mom okay skip skip yes see you later why do you hate me so much that's what everyone wants to know [Music] which is i think there's a dead body upstairs and biggie's just pretending let me see what's going on dead body no i just have no idea hmm there's no dead body and in this house it's actually out here you gotta fill this cup water legends can you see anyone following me is that a head sticking out no it's just because i'm blind okay so i'm just checking the cameras now looks like outside there's not much going on but i hear someone coming very sus looking person something's happening out there on cams right now that looks very very weird which one of my sketchy sauce kids is imposter blue and why is super sauce i don't know which ones of the imposter but one of them keep your eyes knees peeled you never know [Music] you were talking killing words up here i was eavesdropping what did you say you keep trying to frame me i call you emergency me [Music] she keeps saying it's me do you know why because it's really her ears dropping upstairs where's nice where's that big doggie slide she is she was upstairs waiting for someone to come inside to kill and then when she saw me she was like oops i better not kill her because people are watching you are so fast you are so such a sucky because i make you empty the bins every week i am not the imposter i think it's doggy yeah me too okay i'm like sucky everyone should vote for me you did three unit maths and you can't add up one plus one before you knit four yeah here go tell you something i like these special meetings me you're very brave i'm not really no no i was pretending i just want to see how big your muscles were but you some people call this kiss of death what's he doing i'm gonna call an emergency meeting because a hundred percent would say because she takes river to kill anyone emergency media i vote save her because she takes ram to kill someone we've been playing for 20 hours [Applause] keep going whoever it is kill someone let's see if i can work out who the imposter is on candy when he knocked this over three two one oh my gosh that felt so good come here no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no i got some yeah it's just my little hiding spot i found a dead body i was just looking at it just you killed me no i i saw someone out here before but i didn't see you killed you but because i touched his chest to say ah you've got a nice chest and guess what he did he fell to the floor because he thought i killed him but i really didn't so i don't think it's him it means it's saber no i don't think it's safe i think it's that's all big because i was watching cameras we're down here when you report the dead body it wasn't them okay it's saber it's piggy he's pretty smart he's gone be small okay let's find out cyborg and see what happens okay reveal you're a true identity stop starting me for going no roommates it's either naz or biggie you're so full of it it's nazz or biggie sorry for voting you savor even though you're innocent yeah just look sus all right yeah i know best who wants to be with me hi oh you're very loud i'm a ghost yeah i love you guys my job is to pair up the norris nut socks this task is very interesting making a doll we got these socks done but they're a little bit wrong but it's a clue as well as what nazi's wearing at the moment to what the future range is yeah that looks great what's that up being killed or being voted out being killed [Music] oh my god these guys are dead spires right there biggie was the imposter how did we not know my mother [Music] is [Music] never
Channel: The Norris Nuts
Views: 5,739,981
Rating: 4.8797402 out of 5
Keywords: norris nuts, family friendly, family vlog, naz real guinea pig, sabre, sockie, biggy, naz, disco, Sabre Norris, SOckie Norris, Biggy Norris, Naz Norris, Disco Norris, norris nuts impostor, norris nuts among us, among us in real life, among us IRL, norris nuts among us IRL, norris nuts among us in real life, Among Us, Norris AMong US, Impostor in real life, norris nuts challenges
Id: TFSl4Xj9EhA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 28sec (1168 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 20 2020
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