Among Us in Real Life Ninja Z!

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what's up awesome ninjas today we're playing mangas in real life we will have six crewmates and one imposter if the crewmates finish all their tasks they win but if the imposter eliminates all the crewmates then they win this is going to be awesome but first we got to change our threads ready oh yeah this is awesome okay i'm going to find whoever the imposter is and you're getting voted out yeah let's do this thing you guys got your cameras ready yeah [Music] [Applause] and remember there's an imposter among us he gets to go right there okay and you see am i the imposter i don't know i just realized he can't really read so uh you need some help yeah okay this round i'll help you but i need to go where no one can see me because i do not want to get eliminated right off the bat i want to be in this video for the long run come on guys is actually the imposter no i'm not the embosser but you're walking toward me slowly so do i need a do i need to bring this uh oh where'd you get that where'd you get that it's in the magic box do i have one of those oh look i have one of those too i'm gonna blow it on you oh there it is i found it so let's see what it says again it says get four targets with sticky hands you gotta tie three knots in the wires you know how you try and tie your shoes and you end up tying nuts just do that okay oh okay ready look [Music] i'm pasta so i have to fake it okay i faked it okay jason's coming so kayson's coming over here and i just faked that see what's next i've got oxygen sit on five whoopee cushions that's my last task so let's go all right guys my task is out here on the front porch oh there it is okay i've got reactor it tells me to open up one of these ninja balls and then i'm gonna get one of these ninja action figures check it out there's a paxton there's a brighton okay so i'm gonna open this up and uh let's see if i can do that while holding the camera at the same time here get get away don't get too close just kidding oh i gotta use my arrow [Music] emergency meeting did you think i actually tried to tag him i think i think i might have caused some confusion emergency meeting i think it's my fault mom was very sus i went past her and i think she tried to touch me there's an emergency meeting emergency meeting everyone come on okay guys we were waiting for everyone to come to the emergency meeting because i called the emergency meeting i didn't see any bodies but not everyone's coming so that means they're not meeting them oh there's casey cason are you still good you're good okay you weren't eliminated but guys dad isn't here so i don't know where he is i think he got eliminated wait what what i think i know who the imposter is so play this scenario out in your head me finishing my sticky hand task i was doing my task like a good boy i was coming back into the house and i was about to sit on some whoopee cushions but on the way i see pink and you know i didn't have anything against her i was just gonna sneak by her and go do my task but then when i was going next to her she i think she tried to touch me oh are you here okay we thought you were dead so we started the meeting we thought we got eliminated by who we don't i don't know did anybody get eliminated no no no but no i just finished my task my first task i went out in the head who called this fake meeting wait you're worried he's ahead if you're worried it's a team all right guys then it must be you it's her remember what i said this is a team thing here she's worried on my head right she has the reason why i called this emergency meeting was because i was passing her and it looked like she was trying to touch me on the back to eliminate me so that's why i called the emergency meeting okay so guys i was totally helping cason i decided to be nice because everyone says go casey wasn't wigging he was down and he was down can you let me talk yeah okay so everybody said go and starts running and i started to go and then i'm like wait jason doesn't really know how to read so i was the nice person that decided to like help kayson with his test it took me a little longer to get going and then i run down to the side of the house and i see this blue boy and i'm like uh he was looking all suspicious and he was like avoiding me like he was scared i was just avoiding so i was just kind of playing with him and then he like started blowing the air horn so i didn't even get to do anything wait wait you just said you didn't get to do there's no lasers there's a laser thing read it okay it's time to vote it's time to vote no i haven't even i'll start i vote pink mom casey's turn to vote say to the camera i vote purple oh peyton okay paxton guys i vote pink pink oh that's two votes for pink okay i vote pink are you guys kidding me guys guys i haven't actually okay who do you think it is well nobody's eliminated so i don't think anybody knows just vote voter skip guys i think it's a little too early to vote okay okay ashley do you have to skip i'm gonna skip wait no then pay and vote yourself no if she skips and mom's gonna be oh okay that might have been a little too much please don't peyton we need to win it's only one person one person has to skip no one's even been eliminated yeah we need we need more info guys we need more info that's why you just need a vote like right now sorry mom i vote you oh that means either way she's eliminated good luck folks so moving on i still have two tasks to complete hey cason do you need help with your tasks are you sure you don't need any help no what's your task um the wires the wires oh you better get them done then you think i look suspicious he says i look suspicious dad and jason are right there if either if either of them die i know who it is i think he looks suspicious that's following him guys can't let them see me guys this is going to be [Music] judo too so it could be anyway i don't think it's paxton paxton's been mining his own business and it looks like we've got the same task here brighton was pretty anxious to get ally eliminated so i'm starting to to suspect that it might be him pretty sure it's not ashton just gonna sit on four oh nice oh dude you broke the whoopee cushion i just popped it just to end up look guys he destroyed this whoopee cushion what are you guys doing over here oh peyton peyton making some money we're just yeah oh man oh we're just trying to do our test pay and don't just don't bother us minding our own business so did i just pop it yeah you did oh the trick is you have to sit in the back one back this is my last one sit in the back of the movie that's kind of funny i need to see if when anyone's alone so i can come and kick somebody but everyone's sticking in groups so it's [Music] in here this is where my task is okay i gotta open one of our awesome ninja square shots where are the wires okay second task complete moving on to my final task oh i could do the sticky guys first what go away okay what i finished my task so i'm now i'm just investigating you finished all of your tasks what what do you do when you're done with your tasks you're done with all your tasks then um what do you do in the game when you're done with all your tasks yeah you just keep investigating i just have one task to go so let's see if we can make this happen here [Music] let's watch him no are you faking this no i'm just saying if you're faking the test i'm with cason back up then back up okay okay i'll back up but i can't do my task if you tell me to back up all right brayton's not here so i'm gonna complete my task here how about let's go inside let's see if anyone's alone my dad's alone right now but then they'll know i don't know what to do everyone's together so it's so hard have you seen peyton i'm right here okay so we're all here except for dad except for dad and it's not paxton here's the vibration plate a b c let's go see if someone got eliminated hey guys well there's a lot of you so i think what's the same have you seen dad dad was up there last time i saw him oh peyton just went over there too peyton didn't come down with us oh suspicious okay i think it's brandon but i'm complete with my tasks oh but the problem is we eliminated ally so who gets her task now hey we eliminated ally so who gets her tasks no one does it she's just done but can we and you're dead i killed my dad i'm gonna go over there to see if daddy got eliminated okay let's go have a meeting [Music] where's ashton it's you yeah [Applause] i saw paxton do whoopee cushions with me we did that together we were together alone and he never killed me so it can't be him ashton i saw him throw in the throw on the squish heads i don't know about cason i don't think it's casey with you guys for a minute but kayson was with us so that means and casey and my wit inside to see i think it's payton it's about me see if anyone got eliminated guys okay okay voting starts now i vote peyton i don't pay it i don't pay it no matter what i do payton gets voted out jason voted payton so three votes for peyton that means she's eliminated i guess i'm voting painting guys i'm eliminated so i guess i vote myself [Music] okay round two start three two one i'm not getting out this time okay i've gotta pop some more whoopee cushions this round and this one takes forever so i wanna grab some more kitchens oh are you doing whoopee cushions too yeah this time i'm gonna figure out who the imposter is totally oh yeah oh yeah kind of a pretty nice is packed suspicious what why you have to feel like whispering he's crazy [Music] it's not working like hurry is there a desk upstairs really what is it so just put it through there three times i gotta hurry and get my test done that'll be productive this round now i have to go in front yard and do my desk what [Music] all mine are out here in the backyard hi ashton the imposter i think my dad is safe and paint and brighten i know they're safe because you're you can't do the whoopee cushions task if you're imposter look at my dad guys that's fine that's fine right there is peyton doing the task too or is she the imposter again hey we're just making some o2 is brighton gonna end up dead okay so gotta tie three knots sorry okay he didn't see me oh that's close oh who's coming outside okay i'm done see you payton good luck don't get eliminated guys case instead and paxon's skating is it was a prank whoa whoa whoa what happened the horn went off jason's dead uh oh whoa oh ashton how did you see him oh is that cason no talking till we get to the table why didn't you guys do that okay oh where where's uh ali ninja where's your mom i don't know where's your mom is she dead she's probably scared alone or i guess if she's dead she's not scared anymore but oh she is oh her body's still twitching though that oh no that means she was she was in here popping balloons doing her task guys i was outside and then like okay that's like what you doing i'm like i was just doing tasks i didn't see anyone her body was sitting pulled in the cave lifeless barely moving i'm not sure why it was moving creepy who's twitching hey guys hear me hear me out i think that it is paxton because well brighton and tayden were up here doing the whoopee cushions taking forever i did the weapons thing at the top dad knows i was doing that since he was standing right there and um he saw he looked up and saw me and then he started walking out and paxton came from where the body was i i went in the cove to do a task and then after i went down but that's exactly yeah and then after i went down until where you threw those the ninja balls so i didn't don't i didn't go up so i didn't see casein or you throw the ninja balls in where in the pool in the electrical electrical room yeah guys this is bad because there's only five of us now okay is it time to vote it's time to vote raise your hand if you vote for paxton [Music] [Music] three here two go here we go here we go oh ashton ashton ashley why are you following me hey i'm not following you you're following me well i was ahead of you what are you talking about those guys okay so casey and mom are together brightening them together [Music] looking very suspicious okay so i haven't done this task before it looks like you're a pro at it what do we do i've had this one every single time okay okay so ash and i are not posters you just make all of them zero and we can only do it one at a time oh man so i have to wait yes i'm really bad at this one i don't know what he just said ninja daddy just kind of keeps watching people okay what you doing i don't know i've just been watching you like stand up here and like watch for a minute give tasks yes i got to ask you that test yeah well um i don't know i just don't feel like i can walk past him i just think that i need to like go somewhere that was kind of suspicious i think ninja mommy could be the imposter does he look suspicious he said go do your stuff does he look suspicious i still think it's probably paxson because he's just hanging out in there so i could go do my task but i'm thinking okay mom and dad are still alive so you just unlock him that's it you lock them switch it and then put them back to zero brighton will you help me i can't blow these up it's a problem [Music] i did it guys i finally i finally blew it up now i'm gonna sit on it no i'm gonna actually blow up all five and then i'm gonna sit on them oh here he comes here he comes i gotta move okay they can see me he's not gonna touch me while they're looking at me oh i think he's walking away now oh [Music] are you the imposter no oh ninja daddy down facing no you eliminated patient come here [Music] okay jason what do you think so i i was coming down about to go outside throw my squish balls at some target and i see a ninja daddy go down and on the other side of that ninja daddy was a laughing minion [Music] there's no way [Music] raise your hand if you think it was casey okay i'm pretty sure people i'm voting for jason i'm running for jason who are you voting for oh look at that cute face jason i voted jason i actually saw him i mean if it's not him i don't know who it is let's do it skip right well it's too late four against two cases you've got the majority case in let's see who you are who are you kids [Music] crewmates won three times in a row so go check out the other channels to see who won i realized i have never finished a task payton's never finished a task so she's not a very good crewmate so she needs to go check out our brand new channel the ninja fam channel to see who is going to win the whole thing guys if this video hits 100 000 likes in the next two weeks we will do another one make sure to like and subscribe and we'll see you next time thanks for being awesome [Applause] hey guys check out ashley's channel for the next two rounds you
Channel: Ninja Kidz TV
Views: 46,260,869
Rating: 4.6244969 out of 5
Id: p71YzckcCG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 48sec (1548 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 18 2020
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