When You're Alone And Hear A Noise

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Whoo! Being home alone is awesome! I know, right? Nobody here but us! I can't believe mom and dad don't let us do this more often! We're so mature! What was that? **Creepy laughter ** Man, those kids are just being too loud! They just need to- Hey kids! You need to... shut up! I'm trying to concentrate. yeah? **Dishes clattering** We... did the dishes. Right! And they're just Making themselves at home! Yeah because dishes do that! It's perfectly normal Uh huh Happens all the time. *Creepy stepping from upstairs* Man, our upstairs neighbors are just being so loud. They got me all... Weird now. Yep Yep. Okay Hey neighbors! You need to uh. Quiet down! Elijah? Yeah? We don't have upstairs neighbors. **Screams** How is sleeping under the covers ganna help you?!? Listen, everyone knows that if your arms and your legs are tucked into a blanket,   nothing can touch you! We're being silly. There's nothing in this house with us. We were just imagining it. Houses just make noises. I'll check the bathroom! I'll check the hallways! **Ninja noises** I knew that. Ah ha! Alright. Well uh. I'm leaving now. Bye. GOTCHA! I should probably turn this off. oh my gosh **terrified screams** **Panting breaths of relief** Did you find anything? No, you? Nothing. Okay. Let's just watch the movie. I think there's someone outside. Yeah we should probably go check. Okay let me just go grab my karate trophy! That I got from beating up all those guys. 'Cause I'm a black belt! Shiloh, you've never done karate. Shut. Up. Ughh. Just look, just look, just look! If we look, we might see something! I know! that's the problem. We might see something!! We need to look. Shiloh, you need to look outside. What?! Okay, we'll BOTH look! Okay, on the count of three. Okay. One... Two... THREE! Why didn't you look?! Well did you see anything? NO! Could you imagine if you had seen something? It's all clear! Okay. Lets go. Are you using me as a shield? No, I'm not using him as a  shield I'm right next to you. Yeah! Fine. And no running! Oh, please Shiloh. I'm not gonna run. I'm gonna protect you. Like if something were to jump out at us  right now, I would stand in front of it-- There was nothing. Let's not mention this to anybody. Let's just watch the movie and  forget any of this ever happened. **Sneezes** Bless you. I'm worried you're  getting a cold. Thanks, it's actually- Elijah? Yeah? Did you just say bless you, I'm worried you're getting a cold? No. Why? What's that gonna do? It's holy water How'd you get holy water? I blessed it a little. I think it counts. **Terrified screams** I'm pooping myself!! Hey guys! I found my pet gecko! Judah... You didn't go to the movie with mom and dad? No. I stayed home to find my pet gecko. You stayed home? Yeah. I've been here all night! Ohhh. Oh! **Laughs of relief** Yeah, we knew that. Wasn't scared at all. Did you just yell "I'm pooping myself"? No.
Channel: Shiloh & Bros
Views: 8,260,754
Rating: 4.9086761 out of 5
Keywords: halloween, home alone, halloween 2020, funny, comedy, 2020, laugh, skit, funny halloween, halloween pranks, halloween fun, shiloh, shiloh and bros, shiloh nelson
Id: a6I-cS7P4bA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 9sec (369 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 23 2020
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