If Everything Was Like Among Us 9

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Come on everybody! Time to get back on the airship! Let's go! Nobody better start where I'm starting! Where are you starting?! I'm not gonna tell you! Well than how am I supposed to know? Just don't you dare start there! How am I supposed to know?? *gasp* Where?? Someone put their chewed gum on Elijah's phone! Here's your phone by the way. No thanks. I'll get a new one. Is anyone sus?! Judah. Aren't you gonna say Red is sus? Nah. I've really matured past that. What?! Now you've matured? Now you're going to say red is not sus?! Yeah I'm a really mature person now. Okay guys, I think William is actually sus- Woah woah woah. You can't just say someone is sus just because they're wearing the color Red. It's really immature Britney. ARE you serious?! okay okay! I say- Mom says we're not allowed to see what each other's voting... Okay. Alright Jocelyn, what did everybody vote? They vote skip. Okay mom gave us each another list of tasks to do while we're on the airship So get them done. And remember there's still three imposters! Three? Sorry buddy. There's a museum in this place? Okay polish the ruby! Yeah. Is that thing real? yep! How much is it worth? 26 million. oh okay Are you making a burger as your  task? uh-huh. That's a real thing? sure is! Awww Aw you got the makin' a burger task! niceeeeee okay next count the gold coins! Hey Ruthie! Those are real too aren't they? Yep, pretty much. They're worth what? A couple million? Oh gosh no! Woo thank goodness! They've gotta be at least 15 million. okay Why are you so angry? I'm not, these eyebrows are  actually just my hat. Oh I didn't know you were wearing a hat. Just thought your eyebrows have  gotten out of control. also why are you so angry Okay look, these eyebrows are actually a hat! Oh you guys are the imposters and you're here to throw me out.  yes but niiiicely. Cause we're nice imposters now. Ain't that right Jocelyn? Yep. Now we blow everybody out!! Hehehe Jocelyn! Jocelyn! We're nice impostors now remember? deep breaths I feel better now! Good! I'm the first one? I beat everyone else out here! yes! why are you wearing a fake mustache? This isn't fake. I'm growing it out. I think it looks rather dashing. It is fake. I was right! Jocelyn we're lost in the vent system again! let's go find a map oh come on people you grab one towel  then you reuse it throughout the day! sorry shower task! Okay what's the plan? I have no idea. What do you mean you have no idea? This is my first time as imposter! You've done this before! Yeah but I just kinda wing it, you know. See what happens. That's not a real imposter plan! I don't know. It's worked 50/50 percent of the time so far. The floor shifts from wax, mom says  no walking on it. Well can you just bring the car over here? Yeah but you see, then I'd have to ride  it over and then I'd be stuck over there. I'm just going to leave it here.  Sorry! wait no come back! Dangit. You know what? I'M the leader now. Come on Micah let's go this way! No no no. Let's go... This way. No THIS way. whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa. You two got to figure this out before I get caught in the middle. well ha! Now you HAVE to flee the crime  scene! oh no someone's coming we gotta hide this. uhhh Wait one two. We're two imposters and she's one crew mate! What are we doing? That's insane. oh no. *Screams* Did you just hear "help help the  impostors chasing me help"? Nope Odd *Screams* Bummer Elijah?! What are you doing out here? I was targeted. You see Mary, if you are as good as a crewmate as me, you wouldn't have been thrown out as quick. Where? someone dumped a bowl of chips alllllllllll over the floor! And someone got Mary, Elijah and William! *groups gasp* Is anyone sus? Hey Alessandra, wanna see a 900 IQ big brain play? Watch this. Daniel sus! Woahhh. Um that's really accusatory. Yeah that's an imposter move! Come on guys I was with him the whole time. I even saw him take out trash. he's just getting ahead of himself. alright... I say we skip. yeah they vote skip. Judah what are you doing? My task. You have a task right next to the meeting table? yep Wow what's your task? oh uh go to the furthest side of the airship. That's rough. Alessandra when you throw out Elijah? I didn't! I thought you did. Don't look at me. The just can't get a good pose of me! what are you doing? I'm trying to find cell phone reception. that's not a real task. You're lookin at memes aren't ya? what nah this is a real task! yeah you're looking at memes this is a real task!! Okay Jocelyn. I'm gonna commit a crime! You're gonna close the door to cover our escape! okay I got this! I'm closing the door. I did that too soon. yeah I know. let's go this way That was not us. Alright Jocelyn, who'd they vote? They vote Daniel! Jocelyn who'd they really vote? They vote us. Bummer. Jocelyn can you believe the uh? Force of habit. hmm Micah was... AN imposter! YAYYYY!!! Wait wait wait! Alessandra Vouched for Micah! And said she watched him do trash. which means Is that legal? Is she allowed to do that? I don't know. You realize we can all see you do that and are just going to vote you out  as soon as we fix the lights. yeah but not yet Where even are the lights in this place? It's just too dark in here to find the lights! Can someone please turn on the light so I can find- oh I hear it now. Oh I am never finding the lig-- figures lights are back on. *Malicious laughter* You guys where's Daniel?? are you kidding me?! Okay Alessandra... was... AN imposter!! Yayyy!! But guys! Remember. There's still one imposter left right go ahead. yay play place!! whoa this play place is huge!! Where?? Someone spilt spaghetti sauce all over Josiahs white suit! But more importantly someone throughout Judah! *Gasp* Okay me and Brittany both know that you're safe. So it looks like it's gonna be up to you. okay Ruthie has to make the decision and that is so much pressure! I know right? oh god let's look at what we know. We traveled together for a while. and Brittany was seen with all the people that were thrown out. and Judah was thrown out last Hmmm Who would want to throw out Judah? Gasp!! Britney would! *group gasp* It's Shiloh?? That is so good. she threw me out and i'm not even mad just impressed okay that was actually really impressive. You guys should have known it was  Shiloh because she threw me out first!  Because I would have found her out! She took out the smartest people. First me, then all of you guys. Oh my gosh are you serious!!
Channel: Shiloh & Bros
Views: 7,861,524
Rating: 4.8791533 out of 5
Keywords: among us, among us in real life, among us imposter, in real life, irl, airship map, airship among us, among us reality, if everything was like among us, imposter iq, imposter among us, part 8, imposter, among us but in real life, real life, among us irl, among us parody, among us skit, funny among us, funny, funny among us moments, real life among us, imposter vs crewmate, imposter in real life, siblings, comedy, shiloh, shiloh and bros, real, shiloh nelson, among us song
Id: 7QdSen_t1ZY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 58sec (718 seconds)
Published: Fri May 07 2021
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