How To Know What Bender You Are - Avatar The Last Airbender

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you're not an airbender it might be i might we've been over it man what a good tv show i'd make such a great firebender no no no guys i burned my pizza all the time if you're a total airbender i would obviously be the avatar because i can hold multiple elements of my hand at the same time judah anybody can do that i thought it was only me i'd be an earthbender all right guys i know what tests we can do to find out what bender we are we can i know exactly what to do [Music] now out of those four experiences which one was most enjoyable i wasn't paying attention do it again no there's a better way to do this i have an idea tell me where do you feel the most comfortable in the air in the ocean underground underground do you know let me see the last one underground is clearly the earthbender option you don't know that yeah i do they don't yeah i do they don't yeah i do in the ocean underground in fire who who who's comfortable in fire which drink looks the tastiest you're not allowed to pick the green one tell me which drink looks the tastiest no no what is that it's pickle juice ew why would anyone want that what is that oh that's a hot sauce ew why would anyone drink that delicious what'd you use boys come quick what is it someone stole my person ran away don't worry i'll call the cops we just need to let it go we can replace everything in the purse i'm gonna go get that guy stop i know what vendors you are judah you wanted to call the authorities first waffle and direct you're an earthbender elijah you want to let it go and forgive him you're an airbender micah you went off of passion and a little hot tempered you're a firebender you're welcome wow that makes a lot of sense too bad that's horribly wrong absolutely the opposite no i'm a buyer bender i'm not taking any responsibility for this [Applause] wow wow wow
Channel: Shiloh & Bros
Views: 5,883,004
Rating: 4.8671546 out of 5
Keywords: avatar the last airbender, avatar, the last airbender, in real life, irl, airbending, waterbending, firebending, bender, team avatar, earthbending, aang, zuko, katara, atla, sokka, toph, shiloh, funny, comedy, shiloh and bros, elijah, skit
Id: bL9NBsMOuX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 29sec (209 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 11 2020
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