If a Conjoined Twin Commits a Crime, What Happens?

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like the video and subscribe right now or this will be in your bathroom tonight if a conjoined twin commits a murder who goes to trial and if one of them is innocent how do you punish the other supreme court case waiting to happen not for a little bit unfortunately may her memory be a blessing this reminds me of my old joke scheme of hiring conjoined twins to be the full person for all the insider trading and general legal financial and corporate malfeasance at your billion-dollar company however you make sure it's documented that one of the twins was always wearing a blindfold and listening to an ipad etc so they were never party to the confidential business of the other twin and so couldn't be punished for the crimes as you are man of intelligence answer me this if you hire conjoined twins for a job secretary data entry guy etc should you pay them one salary or two because they would be just doing one job but they are two people that would be a constitutional nightmare for any judge that would give any lawyer a boner the easier route would be to find both guilty or find both innocent because any other choice is just too much headache it would be a nightmare for any judge not just the super shreksy ones you don't punish the other we live in a society that would rather let a guilty man go free than punish an innocent one any judge would feel very conflicted but would eventually choose to declare the murderer guilty but not impose a sentence that affects both men i mean it would be a legal nightmare from the start can you even keep the other one in jail during trial if there is no charge would have to at least be charged with accessory or something in the 1600s a man by the name of lazarus colorado killed a man but had his death sentence commuted because it would have also killed his parasitic twin imagine being a conjoined twin and your brother commits murder and you're called the parasite ouch everyone is overthinking this there is a super easy answer whichever twin gets found guilty has to wear the b cage from the wicker man for a year oh geez you might throw both twins in prison but treat only the guilty one as if he were a convict when the siblings were released for example the good twin would have all the rights of a normal citizen while the evil twin would have lost the right to vote be registered as a shrek's offender etc you might even compensate the good twin according to the relevant payout rules for wrongful convictions you might be tempted to shorten the prison term or substitute home detention or supervised release the courts might impose a fine on the guilty twin instead of a prison sentence another possibility would be enforced separation there's little chance that the courts would allow for this kind of violation of the body however are you a fan of american horror story the freak show season has a scenario kind of like this i don't think it ever actually gets resolved though i think this would be a really challenging case i think the important thing to consider would be if the twin who committed the murder was a danger to society if so i think it would be important to keep them both imprisoned in a way that protects society but doesn't unnecessarily punish the innocent twin something like house arrest or detention at some sort of high security residential facility that still provided access to internet family visits etc i'd say personal restraints on the evil twins extremities handcuffs and that anti-biting mask collector had i'd hazard a guess that the other twin could be accused of being an accessory at the very least what if the other twin actively tried to stop the murdering twin or was unconscious while the other twin committed the murder there was actually a scenario actually like this this guy had a conjoined twin who was paralyzed it was way back in the day so they couldn't tell if they were actually alive now the twin who wasn't paralyzed was very poor and had to steal to eat he was taken to court when found and were about to send him to jail until he brought up that he's conjoined twin will suffer for something he didn't do they let him off the hook and gave him a job i might have some of my facts mixed up since i heard the story a few years ago but that's the gist of what happened i've often wondered if people who were believed to be in a coma but turned out to be paralyzed in modern medical history suffered mentally from being unable to do anything from distracting themselves how are they not insane they probably get washed and talked to by family members plus doctors might discuss things while in the room but beyond that just saw off the offending twins head and seal up the vital arteries so the innocent one can keep on twinning thanks for that horrifying mental picture lol robin r wl actually i'm a knight of the round table all heads you're a knight of the round table robin i am left head in that case i shall have to kill you middle head shall i right head oh i don't think so middle head well what do i think left head i think kill him right head well let's be nice to him middle head oh shut up left head perhaps middle head and you left head oh quick get the sword out i want to cut his head off right head oh cut your own head off middle head yes do us all a favor left head what right head yapping on all the time middle head you're lucky you're not next to him left head what do you mean middle head you snore left head oh i don't anyway you've got bad breath middle head well it's only because you don't brush my teeth right head oh stop bitching and let's go have tea left head all right all right all right we'll kill him first and then have tea and biscuits middle head yes right head oh but not biscuits left head all right all right not biscuits but let's kill him anyway all heads right left head he buggered off right head so he has he scampered there are quite a few documented cases of this happening in the case of twins not conjoined and in most where they are unable to find which is guilty they pronounced both innocent because it is more an unjust fate for an innocent person to be imprisoned than for a guilty person to be free let's turn this into a real nightmare twin one kills twin two significant other in the bed while twin two sleeps twin two wakes up next to dead lover and twin one threatens to call cops report etc twin one threatens to stab out twin two's eyes and cut out their tongue twin one is now guilty of homicide threats of grievous body harm intimidating a witness possible kidnapping under threat coercion by making twin to help cover up the crime need i continue twinter is a victim of all of it and now trapped with the perpetrator for life now you have to consider whether to lock up both the perp and torture slash wrongfully imprison the victim or set loser killer slash abuser back on the street with continued control and contact with the victim i say a lobby to my twin one but that's just me that it is better 100 guilty person should escape than that one innocent person should suffer is a maxim that has been long and generally approved benjamin franklin letter to benjamin vaughan march 14th 1785 the writings of benjamin franklin edition albert h smith volume 9 p 293 1906 the innocent twin cannot be sent to prison that means the guilty twin goes free i'm curious what would happen if this actually was an issue currently can you imagine how much people would fight over this judges would no idea it would have to go higher up conjoined twins need to try this for science of course in the recent years there have been related reports appearing in the news media about conjoined twins conjoined twins have been the theme of medical study scientific exhibition human inquisitiveness and sometimes showbiz this paper will try to examine the case of conjoined twins from a legal point of view this is a hot topic with the common medical cases reported lately on conjoined twins this paper will focus on some well-known cases related to conjoined twins and how courts considered them that is one individual or two in doing so the paper will highlight the different arguments set by the courts in an attempt to answer the main question of this paper apparently there have been cases in which legal personality was assigned to each individual of conjoined twins this argument would only be stronger in a criminal case so it is definitely possible other than that it would depend on the circumstances but it's hard for there not to be some degree of guilt and murder cases if you expand the scope to all killings including involuntary manslaughter especially then it quickly becomes possible to imagine a myriad of examples in which this is possible the question of how you would end up dealing with this is a very good question i imagine it would be virtually impossible but you also have to remember that restrictions are not punitive and therefore do not require any men's react guilt to be proven in court this for example applies to criminal insanity where you can be locked up for life even though you are not guilty because you simply do not have the mental capacity to be accountable for your actions you have been visited by the high bandwidth husky you will be blessed with fast browsing speeds and wide internet tubes but only if you comment load fast papa thanks for watching do not forget to subscribe for more daily videos
Channel: TZ Entertainment
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Keywords: reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, dankify, tz reddit, toadfilms, conjoined, twins, innocent, trial, lawyer
Id: re4Brwqw1rw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 20 2020
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