IELTS Reading Test | Full Test with Answers

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hey there welcome in today's lesson you and i are going to do a full reading test from so throughout the test i'm going to be here to give you some tips some strategies and also to give you the answers now before we actually start the reading test it's important to look at some overall strategies so first of all i would recommend that you always read the questions first when we read we always have a purpose for reading so by reading the questions before we start looking at the text in the passages we're giving ourselves a purpose we're going to know whether we need to skim read or scan the information or whether to read for detail so read the question first and identify what question type you're being asked while we're doing that underline key words in the question that help you to understand what it is that the question is asking you to do now after we've done that we move on to stage two and in stage two we need to read the text very quickly this is called skimming and when we do this we want to be getting a mental idea of what information is in each paragraph and what is the overall layout of the text this is going to help us when it comes to answering all of the questions okay once we've done these two steps we go on to answering each question individually and we're going to do that in a second the last thing i'd like to point out is we need to learn how to do this quickly one of the most difficult things about the ielts reading test is finishing on time you have one hour and there are 40 questions it's a race against the clock now many students that do very well in the ielts reading test say that they allocate their time like this they spend 15 minutes on section 1 20 minutes on section 2 and the 25 minutes on section 3 and that's because section 1 is considered to be the easiest so passage 1 and section three is considered to be the most difficult okay with that in mind let's begin like i mentioned before the first thing we're going to do is look at the different question types okay so in questions one to seven we have a matching question and in questions eight to thirteen we have a sentence completion question so what i would recommend to you is look first at the matching question and underline keywords that help you understand the question even before you read the text you're also going to do the same with the sentence completion task now you can do this by downloading the pdf below this lesson or you can continue watching and we're going to do it together anyway once that is done we're going to turn to the text and like i mentioned the first thing we do before we start to try and answer the questions is to read the passage quickly and pay attention to what is in each paragraph so if you want you can pause the video and take just a short period of time and read this passage as quickly as you can paying attention to what is in each paragraph right okay you can either pause the video or you can download the pdf below this lesson let's complete it together so we've got our two question types we're going to first look at questions one to seven which is the matching question so what is our strategy well first of all we need to scan the text for the names so the names are these we've got ernest adams riley morgan mila martin etc so the first thing we do is scan the text for the names let's do that together again you can pause the video or you can look at the pdf quickly scan the text for the names let's do that together now okay here we see nicole clark great are there any other names okay well here's ernest adams here's steven fletcher and miller martin what else is there we've also got daisy richards over here here's riley morgan and here's stella walker okay so we've scanned the text for all the names and that means we know which section we're going to read in detail to find the answer okay what's the second stage well the next thing is we locate the answer and read for detail okay so first of all we're going to look at nicole clarke because she is at the beginning so i would recommend that you do this in the order that the names appear in the text the reason for that is it's going to help you to get a better understanding of how this passage is organized okay let's take our text about nicole clark and find the answer okay take a second pause the video if you want read through this text and see if you can work out what the answer is i'll be here when you finish right so we're looking at nicole clark and what i'd like you to do is to look at the different options and decide whether or not they are the correct answer so number one meditation can help people get a better night's sleep no it doesn't mention anything about sleep number two further research is needed to verify the efficacy of meditation it doesn't mention anything about research or efficacy number three okay meditation may have been discovered by chance have a look at this section here societies may have unknowingly come upon meditation and experience an altered state of mind while staring at their fires okay so the answer is this one meditation may have been discovered by chance okay it says may have unknowingly so unknowingly and by chance our synonyms come upon meditation and experience an altered state of mind while staring at fire at their fires okay so we've got our answer for nicole clark let's go back to the text and now we're going to look at ernest adams which is the next name in the text so let's take our text about ernest adams again pause the video and see if you can choose which is the correct name for the statement okay what about number one meditation can help people get a better night's sleep it doesn't mention anything about sleep number two further research is needed to verify the efficacy of meditation no number three we know it's not number three because number three is nicole clark number four properly conducted meditation can contribute to better health interesting it's not that one number five meditation has many different forms around the world hmm have a look at this last sentence here it says countries and cultures adopted different forms of meditation and created their own unique way of practicing it so that's the answer so number five meditation has many different forms around the world is ernest adams next we're going to go to the next name which is stephen fletcher or stefan fletcher okay let's take the text and again try and work out which is the correct option for stefan fletcher pause the video or look at the text from the pdf download and see if you can identify the answer and then we'll look at it together okay hopefully you've had a chance to look at it yourself the answer in this case is number one meditation can help people get a better night's sleep now how do we know that well if we look over here it says meditation helps me fight insomnia so insomnia is the state of not being able to sleep but if stephen fletcher meditates it helps him fight insomnia so it helps him to sleep great next we have mila martin so let's take that text and find the answer again pause the video and see if you can find the answer yourself okay in this case the answer is number four properly conducted meditation can contribute to better health now how do we know this well it says here well-performed meditation can improve different neurological mechanisms in the human body that are linked with mental and physical well-being so we've got well-performed meditation is a synonym for properly conducted meditation and then we've got improved different neurological mechanisms in the body that are linked with mental and physical well-being and that's paraphrasing the idea that meditation can contribute to better health i hope you got that one right and let's continue okay next we have daisy richards so let's take daisy richards here's the text see if you can find out which is the correct option again pause the video and have a go yourself when you're ready hit play and we'll go through the answers together okay let's go through the answers the answer is number seven without meditation busy lifestyle may lead to permanent stress now how do we know that well have a look at the last sentence people should be able to cope with the unnecessary stresses with the help of meditation especially if these stresses are beyond their control otherwise they would end up with chronic stress so chronic stress is a synonym of permanent stress so that helps us to find the answer and then we're talking about how without meditation people would have that chronic stress so we know that the answer for daisy richards is seven without meditation busy lifestyle may lead to permanent stress or chronic stress basically the reading test is often a vocabulary test you need to know that words mean other words or you need to be able to identify paraphrasing this is a perfect example if you don't know what chronic stress is you might find it difficult to identify that the answer is number seven because chronic stress and permanent stress are synonyms in this context let's continue so next we've got the information for riley morgan so what does it say about riley morgan take a second find the answer and then hit play and we'll find we'll look at the answers together in this case the answer is number two further research is needed to verify the efficacy of meditation and we know that from the last sentence it says however to validate our short-term findings future studies should focus on the long-term effects of meditation on hypertension and stress so we need more um studies to focus on the efficacy of meditation that was a bit more tricky that one okay now the final one we have is stella walker so let's take that text and see if you can find out the answer now there's only one option left so hopefully you should get that right it is indeed number six meditation has increased school attendance have a look at the last part of this text and reduction in absenteeism so absenteeism is the noun form of to be absent so when students are not in school they are absent this is absenteeism so this is related to school attendance to see the way that having a vast vocabulary is very important for the reading test if you don't know what absenteeism is it's much more difficult to get the answer for question six okay let's move on now to the sentence completion so we're going to look at questions 8 to 13. what is our strategy now the first thing we need to do is to check how many words you need to write and you can find that here it says write no more than one word and or a number okay what exactly is one word or one number that's a difficult question and a lot of people need to know this in order to do well in the ielts reading test and listening test so hyphenated words count as one word so for example full time or mother-in-law these are both countered as one word what about these numbers with symbols are counted as one number so for example seven am one number twentieth it was twenty percent one number nineteenth one number twenty dollars ten one number okay finally compound nouns are also considered to be one word so bedroom boyfriend these are two words put together and they count as one word okay so we've checked how many words we need to write the next thing to know is that the answers come in order this is very important because it's going to help us to find the answers now what we're going to do is to underline the key words in the sentence that help us to understand what it is we're looking for so let's do this with number eight meditation became common in the west only in the something okay so meditation became common in the west okay so we've got common and west as key words that are going to help us to look through the text to scan the text or skim the text and find the answer the final thing we're going to do is to think about what kind of word it is that we're looking for in the text so in this case meditation became common in the west only in the okay well we need a date something like only in the 11th century for example okay with that in mind let's skim the passage and look for the answer now again pause the video and see if you can find the answer if you're feeling lazy don't worry i'm gonna find it for you it's over here we see the sentence that starts with in the west so in one of our key words let's see if we can find out the answer in the west however meditation was first practiced in the 17th century okay so we've got a date here however look at the next part still it didn't gain popularity until the 20th century so the answer isn't 17th century it's late 20th century but wait late 20th century is three words and our instructions tell us no more than one word and or a number so what are we going to write are we going to write late 20th century or 20th century or 20th century with a number and a word read the instructions which one are we going to choose we're going to choose the third we're going to have 20th century number and a word very important don't lose marks because you didn't read the instructions carefully always read the instructions okay let's now look at the s second so question number nine we're going to look at the key words to help us to understand what it is we're looking for our evolutionary sorry our evolutionary something is the underlying reason for the stress that we have in our daily lives okay evolutionary something we need something that collocates with evolutionary let's see if we can find it again you can pause the video skim read this and try and find the answer again if you're feeling lazy i'll show you it's just over here so let's take this text and find the answer for ourselves okay pause the video and see what one word or or and a number fits into this space to make a grammatically correct sentence here's a clue the answer is here okay the answer is adaptation our evolutionary adaptation is the underlying reason for the stress that we have in our daily lives okay so in the text it says human adaptation over time as a result of evolution is to blame and with in in the question it says is the underlying reason so is to blame is a kind of informal way of saying that something is the reason a tricky question that one let's move on so we're now going to look at question 10 and the first thing again we're going to do is to underline keywords that help us understand what it is we're looking for so college students who were placed in the something group so we're looking for a collocation with group we're not enrolled in the five-step course so again five step course is something useful to find and we're looking for a collocation with group let's have a look at the text again take a second skim read find the answer and then hit play when you found it the answer is here let's have a look at the text okay take a second hit pause find the answer remember choose one word and or a number to make a grammatically correct sentence the answer is around here now this is a particularly tricky one so if you haven't found the answer yet see if you can use my clues to find which group it is in this case it is the control group and i'll explain why um this text talks about a meditation group and a control group and also a high risk subgroup the thing is this high risk subgroup contain people from the meditation group and the control group now it says at the very bottom it says the meditation group was enrolled in a five-step meditation course now we're looking for the group that was not in the five-step meditation group so it's got to be the control group it's the only group left because that people are either in the meditation group or they're in the control group and the high risk subgroup contain people from either group so if it's all the people from the meditation group that do this five step meditation course then it's the control group that doesn't do the five-step meditation group this meditation course that one was a tricky one so don't worry if you got it wrong let's move on to number 11. okay keywords the study of the effects of meditation on college students ran for something okay ran for we're looking for a time period here see if you can find the answer remember the answers come in order so we're really only looking at the final part of the passage now the answer in fact is here it's just below um the previous answer so don't feel like the answers are equally spaced out throughout the text you might have one answer on one line and then the next line below will have the next answer and then maybe you'll have two paragraphs without an answer they're not evenly distributed throughout the text let's see if we can find out the answer so how long was the meditation course run form what's the answer pause the video and see if you can find out the answer is here it says procedure was repeated after three months when the study ended so we know the answer is three months and we're going to write it as three and then months to comply with write no more than one word and a number remember instructions are important if you take anything away from this lesson it's that instructions are important and you need to read them carefully number 12 the increased size of the something can imply continuous meditation practice okay so we need to find something that can increase in size let's look at the text see if you can find out what the answer is so the answer is here let's take the text and see if we can extract the answer so again we're looking for something that can increase in size the answer is here they also develop a larger hippocampus now it doesn't matter if you know or you don't know what a hippocampus is this question is testing your ability to understand the words around the answer and to realize that this word hippocampus is the answer even if we don't know what hippocampus means which in my case i didn't number 13 okay meditation will be more frequently practiced as more supporting something becomes available okay we're looking for a collocation with supporting so supporting something look through the text and just the final two paragraphs now and see if you can find the answer hit pause and when you're ready hit play and we'll look at the answers together okay the answer is here at the very bottom of the text with more clinical data in its favor it is expected that meditation will become a widely recommended therapy in the future so the answer is data meditation will be more frequently prescribed as more supporting data becomes available so supporting data is a synonym for data in its favor which is what we find in the text right next we're going to move on to passage two so section two now this one gets a little bit more difficult remember before we start reading the text itself we're going to look at the questions so here are the three sets of questions we're going to be asked we've got a matching headings question we've got a list selection question and we've also got a labeling question so let's now look at the text and what we're going to do again is to quickly read all of the text this is called skimming and we're going to get a mental idea of where information is in the text so pause now and see if you can quickly read the text when you're ready hit play and we'll continue okay so we're going to first of all focus on questions 14 to 20. so this is the matching headings question what's our strategy okay the first thing to notice is that that there are more headings than paragraphs so we've got 10 headings in total and we've only got seven paragraphs so there's going to be three headings that we do not use this is one of these kind of cheeky or irritating things that ielts examiners do just to test you that a little bit more next we're going to read through all the headings and underlying keywords so let's do that together here are the headings let's find out what are the key words in each one okay an extraction method explained importance of salt in battlegrounds an innovation that transformed manufacturing the first record roll of salt in revolutions salt and supernatural beliefs controversial salt policies throughout history salt and food chemistry contribution to the industry salt historical importance okay so we've underlined all the keywords the next thing is it's important that you know that the paragraphs are in order so we're going to do paragraph a first then b then c then d so here is paragraph a and let's look at it in a little bit more detail so look at paragraph a and decide which of these headings is suitable for paragraph a so imagine for example that you're the writer of this text which of these headings do you think you would choose for the reader to get a general idea of the content of this paragraph okay well this paragraph wait pause now if you haven't we're going to continue so this paragraph is talking about the importance of salt in different places at different times in history okay how do we know that well here there's lots about um you know things like it's discovery thousands of years ago um social financial mythology and religious realms so we're talking about um the history of salt so when we try and think about which heading we're going to use for paragraph a we want to get a general understanding of what is in this paragraph so with that in mind which heading would you choose well i would choose heading 10 salt historical importance because this paragraph is all about salt in history so appropriate heading would be salt historical importance let's move on to paragraph b again read through paragraph b and choose which of these headings would you put as a summation as a summary of b okay to help you here are some of the words that i've highlighted that i think give you an indication of the answer in this case this paragraph is talking about the first time salt was described in literature we're talking about when salt was described by a chinese author and when he wrote a paper about that about salt so what would be an appropriate heading to choose again look through the list and see what you would choose pause the video now the answer is one two three four question um heading number four which is the first record so here we're talking about the first paper that was written about salt so it is the first record next paragraph c pause the video choose the appropriate heading when you've done that hit play we're going to go through the answers together okay hopefully you've had a go yourself here are some clues to help you in this case the paragraph is talking about all the industrial uses of salt so in that case it's going to be number nine contribution to the industry okay paragraph d read the text choose the heading and when you're ready hit play and we'll go through the answer here's some text that help you identify the answer in this case the paragraph is talking about supernatural beliefs around salt so we've got things like keep away the devil or ruined by witches and evil spirits and finally at the end this is supposed to blind the devil which could be standing behind so standing behind you in this case the answer is six um salt and supernatural beliefs because we've got words like the devil witches and evil spirits okay paragraph e pause the video choose the heading hit play we're going to go through it together right here's some text to help you in this case the paragraph is talking about the role of salt in various wars so as a result the answer must be two the importance of salt in battlegrounds so battlegrounds are places where wars are fought places that have battles battlegrounds onto paragraph f here's some text it's going to help you pause the video see if you can find the answer okay hopefully you've tried it yourself in this case the paragraph is talking about various unfair policies around salt throughout history so in this case the answer is seven controversial salt policies throughout history so we're talking about things like heavy salt taxes governments or french kings controlling its production and sales and also the fact that mahatma gandhi challenged british salt rules that completely controlled india's salt market these are all contra controversial salt policies throughout history g read the paragraph choose the heading hit play we'll go through it together okay here are some texts to help you identify the answer in this case the paragraph is talking about how bournemouth product produced salt so the answer is number one an extraction method explains so here we're talking about how the extraction method in bournemouth works right let's move on now to question 21 to 23 and this is a list selection question so what's our strategy here number one find out how many you have to choose it's usually three and yes in this case it is three it says choose three letters a to g okay which of the following sentences below are accurate descriptions of present or past uses of salt based on passage two okay so we're going to read through the list and underline key words so a salt has been used in road construction salt has been used to pay individuals for their work salt has been used in paper production salt is used in farming salt has been used to enco courage soldiers during the war salt is added to water to make it clean salt is used in beer production okay now this is a difficult one because only three of these are correct the other ones um are false they don't appear or they're not accurate descriptions of salt based on the past or the present so what you're going to do is to skim read the text and try and find information that helps you decide whether or not this is a use of salt so what i recommend is to try and focus on three at a time so for example i would look at a b and c salt has been used in road construction salt has been used to pay individuals for their work and salt has been used in paper production so i would focus on these three at the at the beginning and then look for the piece of text that would tell us whether or not this is true okay so here is our text and we're going to scan the passage for the first three list items okay the first list item salt has been used in road construction can be found in paragraph a look at this part here it says salt roads were constructed in europe asia and africa by which salt was transported to regions where it was not produced okay so salt has been used in road constructions yes or no the answer is no the roads were not made with salt the roads were made so that salt could be transported so it's a subtle difference the question is asking you was salt used in the construction of roads the answer is no the salt the roads were made for example with concrete or with tarmac in order to transport salt so it's a slightly different meaning next we've got the whether or not b is true or false so salt has been used to pay individuals for their work look at this text and choose yes or no okay it says roman soldiers who worked for the roman empire were given a handful of salt as their payment for each day so b yes or no the answer is yes roman soldiers were paid in salt so for example when they worked instead of getting money or food they were given salt okay next sea salt has been used in paper production read the text and find out yes or no okay this is the part that talks about paper however is it saying that salt was used to make paper well no it's not when we're talking about paper here we're talking about academic paper we're talking about literature we're not saying that salt was used to make paper we're saying there was a paper so literature about salt a subtle difference okay letter d salt is used in farming okay read this part of the text and choose is this a yes or is this a no okay have a look at this one word fertilizers now we know that fertilizers are used in farming and it says it is also used in the manufacturing of thousands of other commodities such as glass rubber and fertilizers so if salt is used in fertilizers and fertilizers are used in farming then yes salt is therefore used in farming so the answer is yes okay so we've got two so far we need to find three let's look at e now you'll find the answer in this text pause the video and choose yes or no okay salt has been used to encourage soldiers during the war okay what it says here um president jefferson davies decided to waive military service to those willing to provide the south army with coastal salt kettles okay the answer is no salt was not used so it was not used to encourage soldiers during the war it was used to wave military services so for example if you had salt then you could give that to the government and you didn't have to go to war the government would wave so it means not include you in military service f read the text choose yes or no and then hit play and we'll go through it together okay salt is added to water to make it clean well it says here water softening systems now is softening and making something clean the same no it's not so f is no salt water salt was used to soften water but not to make it clean which means that g must be right let's check though just to make sure salt has been used in beer production and then the text says in the past salt was also added to beer during its manufacturing process in ancient scotland so was it added to beer yes it was salt was added to beer in scotland so we've got our three correct answers b d and g let's move on now to the labeling question what's our strategy for a labeling question it says fill in the blanks with components of the production plant write no more than two words from the text for each answers so it's important that we identify how many words we need to write and that is here write no more than two words from the text for each answer now the next thing we need to do is make sure that we understand the graphic so just look through the graphic and just make circles on there and draw on the question paper just to make sure that you fully understand the graphic even before you start reading the text now typically when we're labeling we're doing a labeling question all of the answers are in one paragraph and we can find that in paragraph g so take a second and see if you can complete this labeling question we'll look at the answers together in a second right i hope i hope you've paused the video and looked through it by yourself let's look through the answers together 24 is artificial lake and we can see that in the text sea water was captured at high tide in an artificial lake and we can see that in the graphic on the left the next one hmm we've got some sort of pool here well if we look below we have shallow pond it says wind and sun caused some water to evaporate before it was fed into a shallow pond and we can see the lines in the diagram showing the evaporation of the water so the answer is shallow pond two words remember no more than two words so two words is fine next we have 26 and we really need to look at the graphic here we've got some fires and then on top of the fires we've got these kind of strange shapes that go like this what is the answer well we can find that here they are metal pans so number 26 is metal pans two words which is fine because it's no more than two words great okay we're now moving on to passage three the most difficult and um just to make that extra difficult we've got what most people consider to be the most difficult question type which is the um yes no not given question type so we've got question 27 to 33 34 to 37 and 38 to 40. so three different question types in passage three so not only is passage three usually the most difficult you often get quite a lot of questions to do with passage three so make sure that you've done passage one and passage two quickly in order to give yourself enough time for passage three so first of all let's identify what are the question types we've got a yes no not given we've got a summary completion and we've got a match sentence endings question now remember we're going to look through the text and we're going to skim it which means to read it quickly and pay attention to what is in each paragraph pause now and then when you've finished we'll look at it together okay so what is our strategy for yes no not given questions well first of all as always we read the instructions so we can find these here do the following sentences agree with the information given in the passage three choose yes if the statement agrees with the views of the writer so if the statement agrees with the views of the writer that's important choose no if the statement contradicts the view of the writer so if something contradicts it it means it does not agree with it and choose not given if it is impossible to know what the writer's point of view is okay now remember you're always going to find some that are yes some that are no and some that are not given the same as true false and not given okay next we're going to underline key words in the sentence so things like corporal punishment is effective in making a child compliant it is difficult to compare the benefits and shortcomings of corporal punishment parents should discourage their children from questioning their authority people usually don't realize the difference between discipline and punishment corporal punishment is not part of what is considered as discipline supporters of corporal punishment claim that it can alleviate parents anger today's corporal punishment is illegal all over the world okay so by underlining these words it's going to help us to identify what information we need to find in the text now remember the answers do come in order so we're going to find the answer to number 27 and then 28 and then 29 they come in order in the passage okay so the answer to number 27 is in this piece of text read it and see if you can find whether the answer is yes no or not given pause now and then continue okay so the answer is here studies have shown that corporal punishment can result in immediate child obedience now immediate child obedience so the answer is yes because obedience and compliance are synonyms number 28 it is difficult to compare the benefits and shortcomings of corporal punishment yes no not given read through the text and then we'll look through the answers together okay the answer is here at the very bottom would you choose yes no or not given if you haven't chosen yet pause the video and choose the answer is not given so they say that um the shortcomings outweigh the disadvantage outweigh its advantages however it doesn't mention whether or not this was easy or difficult the writer's opinion um it's impossible to know the writer's opinion from this piece of text so the answer is not given number 29 read the text find the answer and then we'll have a look together right in this case the answer is here well this behavior which is considered an integral part of children's development process should not be discouraged it should not be allowed without consequences either okay the answer must be no because it should not be discouraged okay on to number 30 pause the video read the text choose yes no not given we'll look through it together in a second right the answer is here although these two terms are usually used interchangeably so because the terms are used interchangeably it means that people don't realize the difference between discipline and punishment so the answer is yes these use these terms are used interchangeably therefore people don't know what the difference is between them number 31 read the text choose yes no not given hit play we'll look at the answers together okay the answer is the bottom here corporal punishment as one disciplined technique might be physical or psychological rejection separation from others or deprivation of rights okay so we're saying that it is in fact it is not um part of what is considered as discipline so it says the text mentions that corporal punishment is one disciplined technique so actually the answer is yes oh sorry the answer must be no do you see because it's a double negative it says corporal punishment is not part of what is considered as discipline and in the text it shows that corporal punishment is discipline so in this case the answer is no so it's a very tricky question there and in fact i actually had to reread that in order to see why the answer was no very very slimy number 32 read the text find the answer and we'll go through it together okay the answer is here so supporters of corporal punishment claim that it can alleviate parents anger so the text says they believe that corporal punishment can reinforce parental authority and then diffuse the tension between parent and child and reduce the parents fury if the child's behavior is exasperating so the answer is yes because fury and anger are synonyms so does corporal punishment alleviate parents anger yes it does because it reduces the parents fury number 33 so a smaller passage see if you can find the answer hit pause find the answer then hit play we'll go through it together the answer is here it is currently prohibited in several countries therefore parents do not have the right to use it unless they dare to face charges so it says it is currently prohibited in several countries but that doesn't mean that it is illegal in all countries across the world because it is only illegal in several countries so the answer must be no let's move on now at this point you're probably getting a little bit tired and that's because kind of the reading test is a test of stamina as well you've got to really be paying attention for a long period of time and constantly um finding a word or rereading passages of the text or working out why one thing is the answer and not the other not the uh not the other answer so that's why it's so important to practice doing ielts reading tests before you go to do your real reading test so let's move on to 34 to 37 so this is a summary completion strategy we're going to first read the instructions and that says we need to complete the summary below with only one word in each gap okay next think about what kind of word is needed in each of the spaces and i'll let you take a second to do that thirdly we need to locate the answer so the answer is in one paragraph and that's often the case when we have a summary completion often we'll find all of the answers in just one paragraph so take a second read through this paragraph and see if you can answer questions 34 35 36 and 37. right i hope you poured the video i hope you've tried if not well we're going to do this together anyway first of all we have consequences so 34 is consequences 35 they fear that corporal punishment might deflect the something here we have shifts the blame so deflects the and shifts there are synonyms so the answer for 35 is blame number 36 we've got aggression so um children subjected to corporal punishment might think that it is acceptable to use aggression and in the in the text we have another drawback of corporal punishment is that it can lead to a child seeing punishment as an endorsement of aggression so endorsement endorsement and something being acceptable are synonyms finally number 37 if you haven't done it just pause the video and try it yourself it will make finding the answer just a little bit more satisfying now we know it comes in order so we're expecting an answer at the bottom of the paragraph and indeed we can find that here we're talking about domestic violence in the text and in the um question it says domestic abuse right now we've only got the last three questions 38 39 40 and this is a match sentence ending strategy so remember there are more options than you need so we've got how many options do we have we've got a b c d e and f so we've got six options and we only have three questions so very cruel we use three and we don't use three the next thing i would recommend when you get this kind of question is to look on for the answer based on your understanding of the text so by this point we've read the text a few times looking for the questions before and maybe we can get rid of some ideas just from our own knowledge of the text already so verbal justification for punishment teaches children that misconduct will not be tolerated well yes it could teach that role models demonstrate the right behavior okay probably not they should take responsibility for their behavior certainly it could be that they should not rely solely on their parents okay probably not that rules are entirely fair so yes that might be something that happens from verbal justification for punishment they can be reasonable individuals so okay that doesn't make sense in this sentence now so just by looking at what the answer could be we've managed to get rid of certain options and that's going to make it slightly easier to answer this question so you can do the same for the second try and do this by yourself pause the video and think which answers do you think it is unlikely to be okay i think it's unlikely to be c and i also think it's unlikely to be d and i also think it's unlikely to be f so we've got rid of three answers just by our understanding of the text finally 40 ultimately children will behave well because okay which options do you think it is unlikely to be well i think it's unlikely to be b unlikely to be c and unlikely to be d as well oh i think it's unlikely to be e so in this case it's probably going to be a or f now that doesn't necessarily mean it's definitely going to be a and or f but this technique does help you to just make it a little bit easier to answer the question now the final thing we're going to do is to locate the answer so we've got our text and we can find the answer here in one of the final paragraphs so see if you can find the answer for 38. pause the video try and find the answer and then hit play when you're ready okay i think the answer is here explaining to children why their misbehavior is not tolerated allows them to reflect on their improper behavior but in proper behaviors and prepares them to be accountable for their actions so the answer is c verbal justification for punishment teaches children that they should take responsibility for their behavior it prepares them to be accountable for their actions number 39 okay read the text and see if you can find the answer then we'll look at it together there is no need for children to accept that i think it's at the bottom of this passage okay there is no need for children to accept that e rules are entirely fair a child does not need to agree that parental directives are justified so justified and fair are synonyms and finally number 14 take a second and see if you can find out the answer i think the answer is here ultimately children will behave well because b role models demonstrate the right behavior they adopt a standard presented by their parents and other caregivers so their parents and other caregiver givers are role models okay so you'll probably agree with me that um 38 to 40 were particularly difficult questions now if you did get them right well done now the final thing we're going to look at is what kind of score you got and what band score that allocates to so if you get 39 or even 40 right out of 40 you're going to get banned 9 37 to 38 band 8.5 an amazing score 35 to 36 is band 8. now most of you are looking for band 7 or above so in that case you need to be getting 30 or above in your reading test i would say that this was a particularly hard reading test however i think it's good to do hard reading tests before your real ielts test so that you're overly prepared right a good thing to do is to do more of these reading tests to make sure that you're ready for your real ielts test best of luck and i'll see you in the next lesson bye then you
Channel: English Pro Tips - IELTS Preparation
Views: 119,280
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Id: -oNT288SPXU
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Length: 61min 41sec (3701 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 24 2022
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