Cambridge IELTS 11 - Test 1-writing task 1 Completely Solved (IELTS)

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hello students this is really will Institute welcome to our free online classes in today's video I am going to teach you about writing task 1 for academic module for IELTS examination but before that if you have not subscribed to our channel yet please press subscribe button and if you want to get updates from our channel press well I can too so students are today's lesson is about writing task 1 as I mentioned earlier so before starting I am going to tell you that this task 1 belongs to the cam bridge IELTS 11 book and the test number 1 okay so now I am going to start this chart so here we go so students before starting it is very important to read the question very carefully ok so now we are going to read the statement carefully the chart below shows the percentage of water used for different purposes in six areas of the world okay so this chart that is given below these charts that are given below these are pie charts basically so they represent the percentage of water used for different purposes in six areas of the world okay so what we have to do is summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparison to be relevant okay so wherever the comparisons would be relevant we will make them okay so we have to write at least 150 words okay so here are the charts the fatah percentage of water used for different purposes in six areas of the world if you have a look over here here in the equation they have not mentioned the countries they have just mentioned the six areas of the world or the continents whatever it is okay so if you have a look over here here they have mentioned South America South America North America Europe Africa Central Asia and Southeast Asia so in these graphs they have mentioned the name so we will also mention them while writing them okay so now I will show you that how we can write this writing task 1 so first part of writing task 1 is the introduction in introduction we answer three WS basically what does the 3 W means that means what where and when okay so what means what thing is being talked here where it is dogged and when it has talked okay so this is basically the information that is already given in the question but we will rephrase it we will not write it as it is okay so what is being dogged here the thing is they have talked about the percentage of water used okay for different purposes where in six areas of the world we will mention the area's is will but when the time period is not talked here okay so we will skip that portion if it is not given in the question then how can we write that okay but basically whenever you are answering the writing task 1 and you are writing the introduction you will write this VW's okay so now I will tell you how you can answer the three w's okay so you can start the introduction by the rendered [Music] charts disciple okay so you can write here given word as well if you want to okay and one thing that I also want to tell you is that first of all you can write here the given word as well if you want to second thing is when there are multiple numbers for example here we are using the word charts okay then the next word to the charts would not carry s that is it would not be plural okay so if this thing is singular that if it is the word chart only then you can write s over here okay so this is a blunder grammatical mistake that many of the students make so you have to take care that this thing should not be done okay so decipher means decode so whatever thing you also want to write over here then you can okay so I am writing the word decipher over here the information so what information is decoded here regarding usage of water for different [Music] purposes here you will mention in percentage as we are not copying the statement that is given in the question paper so we are writing it on our own basis so the thing is that we cannot write it over here the same thing so I am writing it in the bracket in percentage in six areas of the world okay so I'm also going to name them namely comma North America comma South America Europe Africa Central Asia and South East Asia and full-stop okay so this is what we have to write it in the introduction ok nothing extra should be written in the introduction the basic thing is that you have written you have covered all the three WS over here okay so now we are moving towards the overall many of the students write over all in the second paragraph and many write in the last of the paragraph as well so it is completely your wish wherever you want to write it down you can write it down but I prefer writing it over here in the second passage okay so you can write here overall comma okay so overall is the thing that what you have noticed when you first saw the graph okay so if you have a look over here so what can you spot that this portion this zigzag portion which basically belongs to agricultural use is covering the major part in almost all the countries except North America and Europe okay whereas if we talk about the domestic use which is the darkest portion is covering the least portion in all the countries so this is the overall thing that we can spot over here okay so now moving back it can be seen that so we can write it down it can be seen that the major percentage major percentage of water has been used by agriculture okay so you can write by agriculture in you can name the countries over here that is Africa Central Asia comma South East Asia and [Music] South America okay so they are contributing the most towards agriculture water usage okay so now we are to write down the opposite thing so we can use the word whereas over here so basically this comes with the comparison okay so whereas what we can write over here that in Europe and North America industry is contributed the most okay so in Europe and not America [Music] industries contributed the most okay so this is the overall okay one thing that I want to tell you here is that if you want to write down something else than that of overall then even you can write down so what you can write down over here is that instead of writing overall you can write at Oh cursory glance or you can write at a fleeting glance or you can write at a bird's eye view one thing that I also want you to know is that you cannot use the capital letter anywhere in the passage except if you are writing about any of the sector for example you are talking about agriculture then a would be capital and if you are talking about continents or the country then you are talking about then even you can write the capital letter and the starting for example in Africa in Central Asia in South East Asia South America and North America etc okay so here Europe is also East capital so in this way you have to take care about the capital small letters as well okay so now we are moving towards the body paragraph ticket so here you can write getting back to the details comma okay so this is basically to tell the examiner that you are going to start the body paragraph okay so now we will have a look on the graph and then we will decide what to write here in this paragraph so here the basic thing that we can spot is three things are being talked here that is industrial use agricultural use and domestic use okay so in overall we mentioned that agriculture contributed the most but we have not mentioned that what percentage it is contributing so we can mention that given percentage in the paragraph plus we can make comparison with the least thing as well for example the domestic use in is being talked here which contributed the least that is here in North America it is 13% South America 19% then you are up 15% Africa Africa 9% Central Asia 7% and Southeast Asia 7% as well so this is contributing the least so we can mention the figure over here okay so if this graph would have been complex over here so then we can skip the details here but here they are talking about the three sections only so we have to mention the details in the body paragraph okay so now how we will write here in the body paragraph let us have a look it can be noticed that as we have already written the word seen previously so in we are writing noticed over here so what can be noticed that in Central Asia so I am mentioning the percentages over here okay water used by agriculture agriculture sector walls the most okay so talking about the percentages particularly eighty eight percent okay so this you have to keep in racket and then you can write the decreasing order okay for example if we have a look over here the Central Asia has the most thing over here that does 88 percent then talking about the decreasing percentage it is 84 percent in Africa 81 percent in Southeast Asia 71 in South America then it turns 39 percent in North America and 32 percent in your okay so I am going to write down the same once again okay 88 percent followed by Africa which is 84 percent you can again write it in the bracket South East Asia [Music] that was 81 percent right comma South America which was 71 percent then North America which was 39 percent Europe which was 32% okay so here you completed your agricultural part now you can discuss the industrial part over here as I have earlier discussed the figure of the industrial part so you can write full stop in contrast so this word is basically highlighting your comparison over here okay so as there is a statement that you can make the comparison via relevant so here we are making comparison of the two things so that is why I am using the word in contrast okay domestic water I am mentioning domestic water figures over here [Music] domestic water used can be spotted okay so I have used the word seen and noticed earlier so that is why I am writing spotted over here minimum in all the countries reading from so that is varying from we can have a look over here which is 19% in South America and the minimum goes to 7% in Central Asia as well as Southeast Asia so we were here that is varying from 19% in South [Music] America to 7% in Central and South East Asia and full stop okay so this was the comparison that we made okay so now the only thing that is left is the industrial usage of water so that we can add to the other paragraph so before that we will have a look on the charts that are given in the statement so here we can spot the major contribution is in the North America that is 48 percent and Europe it is 53 percent rest are minor percentages that is 10 percent in South America seven percent Africa and five percent Central Asia 12 percent in Southeast Asia TK so in a similar way we can write it in the passage as well so before starting the passage we have to use a linker over here so we can use probing further which means proceeding further comma okay so we can write industries play played actually played important I'm sorry this was a bit out of the same important role in consuming 48% of water of North America , 53% in Europe and minor role can be seen in using 12 percent 10 percent 7 percent and 5 percent in South East Asia , North America , Africa and Central Asia respectively . so this word respectively is written here because this means that the percentage belongs to the these particular things only I mean the 12% belongs to the Southeast Asia 10% to North America and as follows okay so this is basically the way of writing the things in the different way okay that is called variety okay so this is what we have to use in our IELTS examination okay okie students so this is end of our today's lesson I will see you in the next lesson till then stay tuned to our channel and if you liked our video please press like button - thank you so much
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Length: 20min 29sec (1229 seconds)
Published: Tue May 05 2020
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