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okay guys now please listen carefully if you follow my instructions now you can get hundred percent in maps and maps are very common one of my students in saudi arabia she said sir i got map you know you have perception perception means like you are doing section 1 you came to section 2 right so if you follow these instructions i'll tell you how to deal with maps and all that stuff right uh part two questions 11 to 16. now the first thing is whenever they give you the map don't read the questions okay don't read the questions then you'll say what to read read the map questions are just the tags why do you want to read cafe toilets and formal gardens and all that stuff you want to just read the map they will give you almost 30 seconds so you need to spend those 30 seconds on the map now listen this map is different and usually they give you this type of map if there is a map if they have given the directions east west north south first just in pencil you can write for example now you can see west on the left side you should write capital w capital w see that this one here capital w on top you can write capital n on right you can write capital e at bottom you can write capital s so that in audio if he says south and you go back to this small arrow and then you say where is south and all that if they give you directions then you can do like this the first thing after that uh if there are roads on the map you need to read the names of the roads first read the names of the road then read important places on that road for example there is a road on the road there is a supermarket there is a school and all that and you must read the name of the road very carefully for example now please come to that can you see southgate right so most of the time when he starts he will take you either from south gate or from northgate and one more thing when map is in front of you right is what the right is now on the map it's not that you get confused one of the students said it's not that you look at the if he says right this is right if he says go from the south gate and turn left this is left but then left and then we have old museum and we have glass houses and we have adventure playground now these are just the places or joby wapko whatever they tell you either it is going to be near old museum or lake or glass house house either f or h if he takes you to adventure playground either it can be b or c and if he takes you to any other place then you can just see that cafe now first we are going to see cafe uh there is another thing a language for directions what is language for directions turn left turn right number one which is important for this i will share a handout uh in our class whatsapp group i'll share a handout where there are the directions the first thing second prepositions they play very important role next to the bank in front of the bank behind the bank adjacent in the corner so there are prepositions and they also play a very important role in that now first is cafe you should hold a pencil if he says we are at the south gate put the pencil over there right so in order to go to the cafe from south gate go straight if he says go straight you have to go straight and all that right you just need to see where to go and all that uh there was another mic please switch it off that mike is making some noise so let's just see question number 11 we start with that as chair of the town council subcommittee on park facilities i'd like to bring you up to date on some of the changes that have been made recently to the croft valley park so if you could just take a look at the map i handed out let's begin with a general overview so the basic arrangement of the park hasn't changed it still has two gates north and south and a lake in the middle the cafe continues to serve an assortment of drinks and snacks and is still in the same place looking out over the lake and next to the old museum looking out over the lake and next to the old museum huh d for doctor or e for elephant exactly next to uh looking out at the lake and next to the old museum now next to the old museum means close to that and looking out at the lake means from there you can see the lake so d is the right answer and you will write capital d okay uh in ielts listening and reading use capital letters they are better all right let's go on toilets now let's see where the toilets are and again listen to them in maps there is one thing now they told you clearly cafe otherwise they say the cafe used to be somewhere first they take you there and then they say we moved it now to this location right or they say we wanted to move the cafe to a new location towards the adventure playground but right now it is next to old museum so we wanted to move it there can you like it then he said so you just need to see that as well that is what we call distraction in map all right question number 12. we're hoping to change the location of the toilets and bring them nearer to the center of the park as they're a bit out of the way at present near the adventure playground in the corner of your map at present near the adventure playground in the corner near the adventure playground in the corner so adventure playground is there and corner is there but it said we wanted to move it to the center but now at present at present means now formal gardens now let's see what's the location for formal gardens the former gardens have been replanted and should be at their best in a month or two they used to be behind the old museum but we've now used the space near the south gate between the park boundary and the path that goes past the lake towards the old museum see that the south gate and the path that goes towards the museum it's there on the left so it is g i play it again don't don't worry don't get confused i play it again christian is 13. the formal gardens have been replanted and should be at their best in a month or two they used to be behind the old museum they used to be behind the old museum used to be right but now you can see there is no option behind old museum used to be means past tense that's a distraction or trap exactly but we've now used the space near the south gate between the park boundary and the path that goes past the lake towards the old museum so the part that goes the lake towards the museums it's going to be actually option g claire let's go on outdoor gym let's see where this outdoor gym is we have a new outdoor gym for adults and children which is already proving very popular it's by the glass houses just to the right of the path from the south gate you have to look for it as it's a bit hidden in the trees it's a bit hidden in the trees see you were thinking f r h f or h but when she said it's a bit hidden in the trees that means h i play it again just make sure you found the right answer we have a new outdoor gym for adults and children which is already proving very popular it's by the glass houses just to the right of the path from the south gate you have to look for it as it's a bit hidden in the trees okay let's go on question number 15 skateboard ram now let's see where the skateboard ramp is one very successful introduction has been our skateboard ramp it's in constant use during the evenings and holidays it's near the old museum at the end of a little path that leads off from the main path between the lake and the museum leads off between the lake and the museum so it is yeah yeah i'll play it again yes it is actually a one very successful introduction has been our skateboard ramp it's in constant use during the evenings and holidays it's near the old museum at the end of a little path that leads off from the main path between the lake and the museum little path that leads off between the lake and the museum so there is the little path and at the end we have a okay question number 16 wild flowers now let's see where the wild flowers are we've also introduced a new area for wild flowers to attract bees and butterflies it's on a bend in the path that goes around the east side of the lake just south of the adventure playground east side of the lake and south of adventure playground and bend bend means more so what is it e here that's the bend i play it again we've also introduced a new area for wild flowers to attract bees and butterflies it's on a bend in the path that goes round the east side of the lake just south of the adventure playground east side of the lake and south of adventure playground got it this is east side and south of adventure playground so it's e all right is that clear good you
Channel: Asad Yaqub
Views: 194,805
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ielts listening, ielts listening test, the ielts listening test, ielts listening test 2020, listening ielts practice, ielts 2020, listening, ielts newlistening test, ielts test, listening ielts, listening band 9 score, recent ielts exam, ielts, ielts asadyaqub, BC u0026 IDP Exam, listening new videos, ielts speaking test samples, ielts best listening video, ielts success 2020, AsadYaqub
Id: F_2kz4c22IE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 26sec (746 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 23 2021
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