IELTS Speaking Tips That really work!

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two [Music] hi guys welcome to the ielts multi-step program today we're going to be dealing with the second part of the speaking test called the long term the long term is the most important part of the speaking test and i'll explain why it is the most important part it is the only part that can significantly ch shoot your scores from a bank six to a bank nine and why is this this is the part of the test where you have complete control over everything that happens the examiner gives you a cue card gives you one minute to prepare what you're going to say you're even given the opportunity to put down notes on what you're going to say then you begin your speech whichever way you choose to and you end it however you choose to so you see that power is in your hands in this part you have complete control over the whole process and it is expected that you put your best foot forward how do you do that in this video i will be sharing four powerful tips that will make you give the best showing that you can give in the ielts test your best showing has one purpose only to move you to a band nine if by nine is possible if you follow these tips so let's begin the first thing you want to note when you're given the cue card is interpreting the question a lot of candidates find it very difficult to interpret the cue card given to them perfectly and the challenge comes from this i'll read out a sample of an ielts speaking part 2 question and i'll also put it up on the screen so you can follow through with what i am reading you're given a question that sounds this way describe a favorite teacher that you had in your childhood who had significant influence on your life describe your favorite teacher that you had in your childhood who had significant impact on your life now that sentence is followed by four bullet prompts the prompts are as follows you should say who this teacher was what subject this teacher taught you what made this teacher have influence in your life and explain why this teacher is your favorite teacher i'll take those again you should say who this teacher is or who this teacher was what subject this teacher taught you what significant influence or impact this teacher had in your life and explain why this teacher is your favorite teacher the last two prompts are the ones that are most problematic for most non-native speakers of the english language in saying the influence or the impact that a teacher had in your life you would most times have explained why this teacher is your favorite teacher and a lot of people find it very difficult to separate these two prompts and when they do this when they don't separate it properly they end up giving answers to just three prompts instead of four the most important thing that you need to know for this task too is your response your response must align with each prompt that has been stated in your cue card if you give a one minute to two minutes talk without answering every prompt that has been outlined on the q card you will not get the maximum scores that will shoot you to that desired band night so you need to do what interpret the question properly before you start the second thing that you need to do when you're given a cue card is to take notes now this sounds very funny because i have a lot of candidates who are quite intelligent and they take the test the track that intelligent people fall into is to assume that they do not need to prepare or to make an outline before responding to a speaking question this is the fallacy if you do this you are definitely definitely going to end up answering a question where you get stuck in one of the prompts make an outline for your answers before you start irrespective of if the question that is asked or the cue card is asking you a question about something that you discussed that morning before stepping into the exam for always always make an outline before you start answering the question in the part two of the speaking tests how do you make your outline the most important tip that you need to notice this do not write full sentences do not write a complete sentence when you are making an outline or when you're making notes for your speech for example the question that's asked who this teacher was do not write my favorite teacher is mr landry or my favorite teacher was mr landry what will happen when you start responding is that you will read out that sentence and when you get to the full stop at the end of that sentence your brain signals to you that you've altered a complete sentence that has expressed an idea and you will stop there so what you should do when you're making your notes is this right mr larry or just write the name larry what happens is that it sinks into your mind and your brain starts providing words different words for you to expand that idea so i'll take that to begin when you're making your notes please ensure that your notes are written in single words or phrases which will be easier for you to expand when you start your talk after making your notes the examiner tells you that are you ready to start and you either respond in the affirmative or you say no you're not ready to start how do you start your response to the speaking part too one thing that you do not want to do is to start abruptly and how do i mean the question asks you describe a favorite teacher who taught you in your childhood who had significant influence or impact on your life and you start responding by saying the favorite teacher that i had when i was younger is mr larry do not do this when you do this what happens is that the examiner gets the impression that you are in a rush to answer the examiner gets the impression that you are under pressure to answer what you should do when you're answering that question is to start with a hook a hook is something that you use a sentence a quote that you use to set the tone for your response it sort of gives your response the paragraph structure a good book to start to answer that question would be i've met a lot of teachers in my life and the one that stands out the most for me would be mr larry that way you have started from a point of a general point and then you have narrowed it down to the specific person that you want to talk about if you're given a question about a shopping mall that you visited you could start your response with a hook by saying shopping is a very integral activity that most humans engage in for me shopping is a way to relax and the most and the favorite shopping mall that i like or the one that i visit the most is shoprite that way you have started your response from a point of strength the book does three things ones one is that it gives you that confidence to start you start off on a confident note the second thing that it does is that it sets the tone for your response and the last thing that it does it is that it makes you sound a little bit much more academic or more believable when you're giving your answer after you start with a hook the next thing that you want to take note of is the divide between speed and accuracy when you are given your cue card you are told by the examiner that you have one minute to two minutes to respond to that prompt now most people find one minute or two minutes a very short period of time it's gone in the twinkle of an eye but for the purpose of the ielts you will discover that one minute is a quite long period of time when you're given a question that you're curious about talking for one minute or expanding on that topic for one minute becomes a really significant draw for you to do so how do you do this you need to match your accuracy with your speed and there's something called the 35 second rule the 35 second rule simply states that all the four bullet prompts that are listed in the cube card must be answered in the first 35 seconds you have one minute to respond to a question in the first 35 seconds make sure that you respond or that you give answers direct answers to all the four bullet prompts that are listed on the qcad this is how that will go i've had a lot of teachers in my life but the one that stands out the most is mr landry he taught me english language when i was in gss3 and i really liked him because of his style of teaching one significant thing that he has did that he has done for me is that he increased my love of poetry and for that i'll always appreciate him i've answered all the four prompts in the shortest time possible you need to practice and apply this to your responses while you're practicing so that you will be able to ensure that you meet up all the four points in the first 35 seconds this is important because one minute might seem like a lot of time but it isn't a lot of time if you do not answer the questions in the first 35 seconds chances are that by the 52nd mid by the second point you are still responding to main prompts in the question and this is a challenge for you what will happen is that by the time you get to the last second that's the 60 second mark you will still be answering questions that you should have covered in the first 35 seconds if you do not answer all the bullet prompts no matter how beautiful your speech is no matter how robust or rich the vocabulary that you use is you will not get full marks for that question so as much as possible you need to apply the 35 second rule when you're answering questions in speaking part two do not make the mistake of expanding each bullet prompt in that first 35 seconds do not say the favorite detail i had was mr lan ray who was a young man who was quite funny you do not need all that when you are answering in that first 25 seconds list out all the prompts and then after you do that you move to the next thing which is called the pregnant pause the pregnant pause is when you take a deep breath after answering all the questions to the point where i explained why mr landry has been significant in my development i will take a pause and then i'll start by picking one prompt out of all the things that i mentioned to expand so i will say the most important reason why i really enjoy or why i really admire mr landry is that he increased my love of poetry when i was younger one thing that happened in mr larry's class that i remember clearly was that he would always bring a book of poetry to class and it would allow us to read it individually he would call every student and tell them to stand up and read out the poem and we will all analyze it together this usually uh was a time where everybody could bond and share their own opinions and this is something that really endeared a lot of students to mr larry doing this and expanding just a single point out of all the bullet points that i have mentioned and by the time i keep on expanding this or telling a story usually you tell a story telling a story about this prompt i will i will be able to get to the one minute mark or two minute mark without being concerned if i've answered the question or not use the pregnancy pause and pick up the story from any of the prompts that you've mentioned before and expand and talk without any fear of interruption or talk without any fear uh or feeling if you answer the question or not the next thing that you want to do after you do the pregnant pause and you expand your answer is you want to be you want to be really really um careful about how you sign post sign posting basically just means what the word says you put up um you put up markers for when you are moving to another part of your speech in natural conversation we use connectives we use conjunctions to signpost our responses same thing that you are supposed to do when you are responding to the part two of the speaking tests when you're signed posting what you should not do is this you should not use the bullet prompts that are listed on the cue card as your conversation markers your response should not go this way the most uh the favorite i had was mr landry the subject he taught me was english language the reason why i like it is because it was friendly and why i would always remember it is because you taught me poetry when you do that what you're telling the examiner is that you're not competent enough your language um usage is not competent enough to get that bad mind you need to have your response flow in and articulate and fluent manner using those questions on the cube card to serve as your sign posting or markers is the wrong thing to do the right thing to do is to have a speech that naturally flows and dovetails into the next point if you are concerned about or if you're worried about how to do that please pause this video and rewind to the to the response that i gave earlier to see how it could be done the next thing that you want to do is to close confidently your response is a minute to two minutes and how do you close confidently you use something we call the tie back a tie back is a statement that submits that just easily ties everything that you say in that one minute period to the question that has been asked the question that was asked is this describe or talk about your favorite your favorite teacher who taught you in your childhood and who have significant impact or influence on your life so after i give my response my tie back would be this is why mr landry remains my favorite teacher using that sentence effectively signals that i have concluded that speech and i am at the end of my response most times candidates find it very difficult to conclude because they are looking at the examiner you're not wearing a watch and you cannot assess how much time you spent so you're looking at the examiner to give you a sign or to use this body language to tell you if you're at the end of your response or not you do not need to do that you should not wait for the examiner to stop you before you stop if you're at the end of your response use your tie back and close that speech confidently this will end you good marks with the examiner but what happens if you cannot conclude and the examiner interrupts you a lot of candidates have a problem with being interrupted and i will tell you this interruption is part of the ielts it is not an indication of if the examiner is being polite or if you're saying the writing or not it only says that the examiner has gotten what he needs to assess your level of language competence and is satisfied with the response that you have given so if the examiner interrupts you abruptly what do you do you stop and why and how will you be able to stop confidently it is if you've applied the 35 second rule if you've ensured that the major things that you need to address in that question have been answered in the first 35 seconds and you now expand any prompt any point out of all the four prompts that are listed in the questions and you now start telling the story or start expanding it and the examiner stops you abruptly you will not be under much pressure because you know that you have fully answered the question the only part where you will have any concern about answering the question or you'll be concerned about being interrupted is if you know that you haven't answered all the questions all the prompts that are listed in the cue card i'll take this again the most important things that you need to know for your speaking part 2 are this you need to interpret the question clearly before you start answering you need to take notes irrespective of if you're familiar with the question or not you also need to start with a hook which which allows you to start from a confident point you also need to match your accuracy with your speed by using the 35 second rule when you're done with that you take a pregnant pause which sign posts to the examiner that you are at the end of that long stretch of speech and then you're moving on to something else and finally you need to close confidently by using the tie back if you apply these strategies and apply these tips i can assure you that you will join the ranks of thousands of students who have used this strategy we have used the ielts multi-step program and have been assured all have been able to get a patent line
Channel: PrepClass IELTS TV
Views: 974
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Id: J074DLBnL6I
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Length: 17min 56sec (1076 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 08 2021
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