IELTS Speaking Part 3. Getting an IELTS Band 8.0 with just 2 weeks prep! For African Test Takers

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the speaking part three of the ielts of the ielts test is one that throws up a lot of challenges for most non-native users of the english language this is because this is a part that is called the discussion area or an interview area here you will be asked abstract questions that will be derived from the topic that you talked about in your part two there's a very huge chance that here you'll be thrown questions that you do not have any idea about it is perfectly okay to be clueless about some of the questions that will be asked in the past dream as we have seen this happen a lot of times you can prepare for the part three but you it will be very very um how would i say it impossible for you to exhaust all the possibilities or the types of questions that could be asked in your part three so what can you do to prepare for it what can you do to ensure that you get that desired score that you want in the speaking part three of the ielts test please come along with me and i will share those success strategies and tips with you that i would advise you to please practice practice and practice as much as possible before you do take the test speaking part three has a total duration of between four to five minutes and it's called the interview or the discussion part of the ielts here you will be asked to predict analyze compare give opinion predict analyze compare or give your opinion about a particular concept or a particular topic or a particular view or a particular claim or concept that will be assigned to you here the theme is always related to what you discussed in your part two so what implications does this have for you it means that immediately you get your cue card for the long term in your part two you can as well start predicting the type of questions that you will get in your patreon i'll take that again once you get your cue card for this pic for your launch on in your patreon you can start predicting the type of questions that you will get in your party and how do you do this if i get a question that has to do with museums immediately my mind starts dredging up all the vocabulary or all the things that i know about museums about art and about appreciation of history because i know that chances are that when i get to my part three one or two of these areas will come up in the questions that will be asked if i get a question about describing a shopping mall that i have visited in my party i do know that in my part three i will be talking about shopping as it as it deals with a lot of people or the concept of buying and selling or even the concept of advertising all these are areas that psychologically prepare you for what you will be dealing with in your patreon and this is an essential part of your journey towards success in the ielts you will also be given you can be given questions from a range of areas and the topics involve the topics include the following technology education environment tv influence leisure activities shopping sports transportation and advertising i'll take those areas again and this is not an exhaustive list you have a lot of areas where the questions could come from but these are the most commonly asked areas or topics that usually crop up in the ielts you have technology education the environment tv influence leisure leisure activities shopping sports transportation and advertising as much as possible you want to prepare yourself for these topics and if all of these areas that i've listed out look at them is any of them one of the areas where if i told you that you're supposed to speak about transportation now would you take a three to five minutes pause before you can think of something to say that is the easy test to test yourself if you're prepared to talk about any of those topics any of them that would give you a significant 10 to 5 second sports before you can think of anything to say about it is one that you should do a lot of research on because you obviously do not have enough vocabulary or you don't have enough competence to discuss it a lot of testicles tell me that my tip here contradicts what i said earlier about the ielts being a test of communication another test of intelligence yes it is still a test of communication under the test of intelligence even though the topics here are topics that could task your intelligence are topics that you may be curious about they really do not need you to have some in-depth specialist knowledge about it so in the question about technology nobody will ask you to detail what technology looks like or to detail or to go ahead and use specialist knowledge terms or to use industry specific terms to describe technology or they will be asking you i will be about your opinion about the use of technology or your ideas about the general perception towards technology or you could be asked to compare the use of technology now and in the past or now and in the future comparison is a very integral part of the part three and this is something that a lot of people mistake for an intelligence question no all they needed to do is to compare a concept as it exists now or as they exist in the future or ideas as you used to exist in the past or they could be or you could be asked to compare concepts as it exists or as it occurs somewhere and in another place maybe an international in in the inter in developed countries and in the developing world all these comparisons are actually targeted at checking what vocabulary or how you express yourself when you are comparing two or more things for the comparison that has to do with the past the present and the future obviously your tenses are what will be looked at and for the comparison that has to do with different places or different times or different um people what will be looked at are what are appropriate vocabulary items that you use to express comparison i like what i digress and then you would also be asked to how are education priorities different from in the present and in the past this is just a type of question that could come out for comparison now the comparison part is one that i would like to flesh out a bit also there's something called a timeline question in the ielts a timeline question is a question that requires you to talk about a particular concept or topic across two different time periods you must use at least two different time periods in talking about that particular concept or topic and this topic or concept is usually under the comparison aspect of the speaking part three so you could be asked a question that that says um do you think the houses the kind of houses that people like now has changed from what they used to like in the past do you think that people do you think that in the future more people will rely on ebooks than paperback books do you think that a lot of people will place do you think that the definition of happiness is the same now as it used to be in the future in the past do you think more people will value the same things in society now as they used to do in the past all these are questions that all fall under the timeline question the timeline format and what do i mean by this in answering these questions you must try as much as possible to align your answers to show this concept or that topic how it exists now and it exists before or as it will exist in the future and in doing this you're going to rely heavily on your knowledge of tenses the verbs that convey tense the verbs that convey the different aspects of tenses are very important for you to use so in your pattern your tenses are quite essential and you should watch out for them the timeline questions are easy questions but they are questions that give you an opportunity to show off your knowledge of tenses do not miss them the next time you hear a question that has any time element embedded in it either past present future or now before or later all those words are time elements are words that indicate a time element in a question watch out for them and ensure that you use your knowledge of tenses to relate those concepts or those topics to different time zones or different time periods for example as the definition of happiness as a definition of what as the way people perceive happiness changed from the past to now or do people see happiness in the same way as they used to in the past so my answer would be happiness nowadays most people equate happiness with financial freedom whereas in the past people used to think of happiness in terms of how much you have achieved or how well brought up your family is but nowadays the reverse is the case and i believe that in the future a lot of people will define happiness by the amount of money you have as opposed to what we used to have in the past i have been able to relate this answer to two to three different time elements and in doing that i was able to use the particular tenses the particular words that indicated that i was tweaking in the present tense in the past tense and i'm also talking about something that would happen in the future this is a very easy way to get good scores in the ielts and you should not disregard the importance of a timeline questions so what are the things that you should do in the speaking part three number one listen for keywords in the question why is this important the questions in your speaking party are relatively longer than what you get in your part one or in your part two so there's a tendency that you might hear a question and in starting your answer you could forget the question itself so how do you guard against this listen for the key words in the question so if i if a question says um dude as the division of happiness changed from the past to the present your key word there is what happiness so if a question asks you about um how what the choices or people's preferences when it comes to building houses your question your keyword there is what building houses you must be able to identify a keyword in each question because the keyword is the concept that you will be talking about you do not want to cram the whole question because some questions are quite long and you also do not want to put yourself in a situation where you keep on asking the examiner for clarification i will talk more about clarification and referencing later on because these are essential skills that could be deployed in the speaking test for the ielts but you do not want to ask for clarification over and over again in your pathway which is a four to five minutes section you could be asked maybe seven to eight questions and you do not want to ask for clarification in seven out of eight questions this automatically shows the examiner that your communicative competence is not as advanced or developed as you think it is the next thing is this ask if you do not understand although i mentioned that clarification is important you do not want to overdo it but in a culture like in africa like in nigeria where i come from a lot of people see asking questions or asking for clarification as a disrespectful thing in nigeria where i come from asking for clarification from an authority figure like a teacher or an examiner is considered disrespectful but this is not the case in the ielts please ensure that you are clear about the question that you are answering ensure that you understand what has been asked of you before you answer if you do not understand ask for clarification clarification is an important part of the communication process and it will not reduce your scores a lot of people ask me if i ask for clarification wouldn't that drop my scores no it will only drop your scores when you overdo it seven times out of eight questions you're asking for clarification definitely this is wrong but four times out of eight times three times out of eight times asking for clarification is not a bad thing at all you can ask for clarification on a wide range of things you could ask a question to be repeated you can ask for a particular concept to be a particular word or expression to be repeated or clarified for you when asking for clarification a lot of people ask me what should i say should i say come again should i say can you repeat yourself those expressions i find them quite impolite and you're asking for clarification or when you're asking the examiner for clarification and they've got to use the word could instead of can cool sounds more polite and than can can sounds like you're putting a compulsion on the examiner asking the examiner if he has the capacity to give you that answer or to repeat the question and that's not what you're doing what you're asking for is permission could you please repeat the question again oh sorry i didn't get that could you repeat it again could i take that question again could you clarify what you mean by this particular expression these are the easy ways to ask for clarification i see a lot of people come up with different formats words like pardon words like um sorry do not just say sorry for the sake of saying sorry always ensure that you add something to that word when you say sorry ask for clarification sorry i do not understand sorry could we move to the next question sorry i think i've answered the question sorry i think that completely answers the question sorry i think that's all i have to say about that particular question sorry alone is not a clarification and it does not tell the examiner anything you are not apologizing for anything if you do not add something to the word sorry next thing is to give details examples and reasons why is this important in your speaking part three which is the discussion part the questions that you will be given are questions that usually will tax your brain more than what you've been given in your part one or your pattern in line with our tip not to give short monosyllabic answers to your questions in the aisles you want to expand them and the easiest ways to expand your answers in the ielts will be what giving examples giving reasons or giving sharing personal experiences to expand but for the part dream you do not want to rely too much on personal experiences as the part 3 questions are actually more of opinion questions but they are opinion questions at a much more general level than the part one questions so for example the question a question in part one could be do you like football or do you like sports in part three that question will now be changed to why do people like sports do people in your country like sports that question cannot be answered by saying personally i like sports if you say personal experts you have changed the direction of the question if you are or if you must use your personal perspective to answer the questions always find a way to still link it to the general opinion so personally i like sports and i believe a lot of people in my country reason the way that i do so i would say yes most people in my country like sports that way i've been able to take my personal experience and link it to what people of it to a much more general population what they think about sport instead of just sticking to just my own personal experience remember in the speaking part dream you need to be as vocal you need to produce as more information as possible if you want to get that desired score next is for you to stick to the topic please as much as possible because the questions in your part three might be technical might be difficult might be disturbing a lot of people tend to fear off the topic please do not veer off topic if you do not understand or if you are not clear about what you want to talk about ask for clarification before you answer do not just jump into a question because you feel ashamed asking for clarification or you do not want the examiner to think that you do not understand english language ask for clarification it is better to ask for clarification and be cleared on what you want to say than to just jump into an answer and give a very beautiful speech that says nothing next you should also think that you will do well this is a psychological tip thinking that you will do well obviously would translate into you doing well but if you start the exam with this panic or you start the exam with this self-loathing or self-hate thinking already defeating yourself that you will not do well chances are that no matter how brilliant you are no matter how prepared you are you still will not do well so psychologically prepare yourself for the speaking party and engage in that mental prep where you tell yourself that i'm going to be talking about so so so thin that i talked about in part two and here i will do this i will do this and i will try as much as possible to put my best foot forward and give a good showing of myself or give a good account of my communicative powers next thing is to build vocabulary beforehand and i told you earlier how to build vocabulary beforehand for your part three this is what by looking at the question that you're giving in part two in between the time when the examiner stops your part two talk uh part two question or part two the section two of the aisle of the speaking of the ielts and you move to patreon you should as much as possible start playing around with different vocabulary items that relate to the particular topic that you have been asked in your person also relate the question to your own life i also gave a tip earlier too that if you're going to use your personal experience or you're going to relate it to your own life as much as possible do not forget to also connect it to a general perspective please you do not want to just use your own personal experiences alone to answer questions in your section 3 in the ielts and finally you should also divide up your answers divide up your answers what do i mean by dividing up your answers this is where i told you that even if you're going to use personal experiences ensure that you still bring up bring in the general perspective that is dividing your answers so you know that every time you're giving a question in your part three you will use a personal experience and also related to a general perspective that is already two divisions for your answers as much as possible stick to this format and you will and this will assure you of the desired score that you want in the ielts which is most predictively your band 9 or your band 8.5 and finally use modals what are modal verbs modal verbs are helping verbs they are also called auxiliary verbs that help nouns or the help verbs to convey or express nuances in the action performed in a sentence or in a context there are words like can could would will may might should shall ought to and must do now please you must as much as possible you should as much as possible know how to use this model or uses auxiliary verbs correctly they convey different shapes of meaning and knowing the different shapes of meaning that they convey will help you significantly in the test and why is it important to use modals most times in your part three you'll be asked questions that require you to give absolute answers and you should know that it is a mark of a good communicator not to put themselves in a position where they have to give absolute answers that do not leave room for exceptions so for example if the question says that do you think that ebooks will completely replace paperback books in the future of course you do not an answer that says that yes i think they will completely replace her about books in the future is not such a good answer because we do we do know that there are no absolutes in life and there are always exceptions to every rule so the perfect answer to that question could be that um while paperback books are while ebooks are gaining prominence nowadays there's a very likely chance that they will still coexist will paperback books in the future as paperback books will never go out of circulation because some people will still love them and they may not be able to even read a book without holding it in their hands or having a physical feel of what they're reading this ensures that while paperback books might reduce in popularity they will always so coexist with ebooks even in the future uh even if it's a thousand years in the future finally also to learn how to express your opinion learn opinion expressions opinion expressions from my own point of view from where i stand from my stand in my own opinion personally i think i believe i know i would assume knowing all these expressions that indicate opinion are very very important ways for you to get good scores in the aisles lastly when you are answering a question that you do not have so much in-depth knowledge about it is okay to let the examiner know that you're answering from a weak point so for example do you think museums should be a paid business should be paid businesses or should they be run as a public service for example now i've never been to a museum i do not know much about museum and i'm supposed to answer that question i will start my answer by saying that that's an interesting question while i do not know much about museums i do know that museums are places where historical artifacts are kept and learning history is important in determining the future so i would think that since learning history is so important it should be something that should be free for everyone to access that way i think museums should be public service much more than a paid business venture that way i have started from the from the beginning indicating to the examiner that i do not have so much idea about museums and i also use the word assumed which shows that i am working from a very weak stand and this is just an assumption but i have also been able to convey what i feel and the most important thing in the ielts is how you express yourself not what you are expressing itself the content is not as important as the medium of expression so you want to put a lot of focus on the medium of expression much more than the content of what you were saying which is why i would stress again it is a test of communication not a test of intelligence so what are the things that you should not do the don'ts for the speaking pattern do not memorize answers i've said this before i would say it again and it is very very relevant irrespective of whatever section that you are dealing with in the ielts do not memorize answers do not worry if you make mistakes do not worry if you make mistakes do not worry if you make mistakes this is a very very important tip that a lot of people disregard or they cannot use effectively you're talking you're talking in your sentence that contains ten words you make a mistake in the third word and then you break down and you stop i've seen people go and they're saying things like i went to go oh sorry oh sh oh do not do that when you do that you're already assessing yourself it is a job of the examiner to assess your communicative competence it is not your job to assess your mistakes if you make a mistake and you can identify that you've made a mistake take a pause and correct it if you cannot correct it or you cannot identify that you made a mistake please put on your strong face and move on and just roll through that question go through that sentence and continue if you are talking and you get stuck looking for a particular word a vocabulary item please stop that sentence and pick up a new thread of thought and continue with that do not allow vocabulary items to keep you stuck and do not allow mistakes to drop or truncate your flow in the speaking test do not use too many ums eyes and speech fillers you call them speech fillers because they are meant to just fill in the blank spaces in your patrons a lot of us here in africa use speech fillers a lot and we consider them a saying a sign of wealth or a sign of affluence but in the speaking part of the ielts it will fill you so reduce consciously reduce the number of speech killers that you use in the ielts as it will not only reduce the quality of your answers it will also make you less audible and it will also affect your fluency do not use too many speech fillers a lot of us also do not consider some things that are speechless with speech fillers things like like it's like you know you know these are speech fillers that are very common in the part of the world that i come from and these are things that you must avoid when you are taking the speaking test in the aisles you should also avoid using things like i think i think i think i think remember in the speaking pattern although it's an opinion question they are still looking at it from a general perspective and if you keep on using words like i think i think you're only going to be answering those questions based on your personal experience or your personal opinion you also want to broaden the scope of your opinion and make it seem as if this is a general opinion or this is more of a general thing than just something that you personally are individually subscribed to also there's a very easy tip that a lot of people use when they are stuck with questions so you asked the question and you do not know what to say you're completely curious about it instead of just pausing and just no freezing and just getting stuck without saying anything a lot of people use this uh they call it um like a stop gap before they start answering they say things like that's an interesting question or they say things like that's an amazing question but it is like that's a good question well this is actually a very good ploy or a good strategy to keep you from being stuck when you when you don't know what to say you do not want to overdo it if you are given eight questions in your speaking part three and seven out of eight questions you start with that's a good question that's a good question that's a good question the next thing the examiner is going to be wondering is is there ever a bad question you do not want to do this so as much as possible balance your need to use speech fillers balance your need to use all those tips all those um oh what i say i'll call them conversation crutches that you can lean on when you're falling balance your need to use them with your need to give a very robust and clearly communicative experience in your speaking test also do you uh you also should not worry if you have an accent i've said this before and i'll repeat it again your accent although shouldn't be so horrible or atrocious that you become unintelligible you should not bother yourself too much about your accent because it has taken you years and years to build that accent and you're not going to discard it in the one month or a couple of weeks that you're preparing for the ielts finally do not worry if you make mistakes mistakes are common aspect of communication everybody makes mistakes i'm very sure that in the course of this video i've made like a couple of mistakes that you would probably pause and just laugh and say he's our speaking examiner or he's our speaker is our ielts job and he's making this kind of mistakes mistakes are an essential part of communication as no one is above making mistakes what you want to do is to pick yourself up after you make a mistake correct it if you know the correct form if you do not know the correct form continue your conversation and do not allow it to affect your utterances finally prepare there's no substitute for preparation and practice the speaking test like i mentioned at the beginning of this video is one of the easiest way it's one of the easiest aspects in the ielts to prepare for with the use of modern technology like phones which have voice recorders that you can record your answers you can play it out for your ex for your tutorial later on or you can even play it out for your accountability partner who could be your friend or your spouse or you can even listen to it yourself to see how you sound and improve on the areas that you do not like your expressions finally i wish you all the best in the ielts and i can assure you that if you use this video religiously and you practice these tips diligently you will achieve that desired score which is a band line in the ielts
Channel: PrepClass IELTS TV
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Keywords: IELTS, ielts LISTENING, ielts WRITING, ielts READING, ielts test, ielts listening test, listening practice test 2020 with answers, ielts listening test 2020, ielts listening 8.0, ielts exam, ielts mod, ielts prep, ielts preparation, ieltsng, ielts nigeria, ielts idp, ielts british council, ielts speaking exam, ielts tips, ielts listening sample, ielts lagos, ielts abuja, ielts speaking practice, ielts writing practice, ielts speaking tips, ielts speaking sample, ielts ng
Id: X5pnKn0YxBM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 40sec (1780 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 11 2021
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