IELTS Speaking Test band 5.0 with feedback 2022

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[Music] from here it starts the speaking test this is the speaking test of the international english language testing system taking place in ross oil's academy the candidate is perla lisbeth candidate's number zero one four three two five eight the examiner is mentioned of the examiner number four for three five three three good afternoon my name is mary mushafi would you please tell me your full name good afternoon my name is perla elizabeth what can i call you liswet please lisbet and can i see your identification please yes here you are thank you thank you very much you're welcome we can now get started with the first part of the exam in the first part i will ask you some personal questions first let's talk about your accommodation do you like a house or an apartment i like a house rather than apartment because the house is bigger than apartment have more space an apartment and in my whole life i have so many bad experiences with apartments and what do you usually do in your house i usually work work and do my school homework i play guitar and when i have time when i have time i like to read some book and how long have you lived there i lived there almost one year i came to guadalajara which is a city here in mexico and last year now let's talk about efficiency do you prefer to study in the morning or in the evening in the morning if i'm in school i prefer studying in the morning and i feel like the day is getting longer and but if i am study at home i i have more privacy no one is gonna nobody is gonna wake up before 8 a.m in my house and what do you do to improve your efficiency i like to watch some videos and learn about it or read and practice i think that the practice is everything and why do some people find it difficult to focus in the morning maybe because they still sleepy it depends at the hour and the type of activity now let's talk about physical exercise do you do any physical exercise no in this moment of my life i don't the last time that i did it was in june of this year and do young people in your country like to do exercise no they don't it's two reasons the first is that the young people in my country is too lazy and the second it's because the mental health still it's still a taboo and do you think people are keen on doing physical activity in other places no but no because they don't i think it's maybe because they are too busy to can't think about their selves the people in this moment it's like i have to take the children to school then i have to go to job so they don't they don't have time to to think about their mental health thank you now we can move on to the second part of the exam in the second part i will give you a card with a topic and you will have to talk about this topic for two minutes but before you do so you'll have one minute to think about what you're going to say and you can make some notes to help you if you wish do you understand yeah say that now i'm giving you the cue card the paper for your notes and a pen and you should describe a dream place or home that you would like to live in in the future here you go thank you you're welcome and now you have one minute to think about your topic and it starts now now your one minute is over and you may talk about this topic for two minutes but do not worry if i stop you so you can start talking now i like to to live in the future i like to live in a big big house with six bedrooms i like the house has two two gardens and i like the house in front of a lagoon in front of a river in front of a beach or in the in the forest i like to live there because it has been my dream since i was a child so i like to live there with my future husband i am two sons and a daughter because i i really want a daughter i i always dreamed to get out and see the sunset with the people that i love and i wish to have two dogs and right now i have one her name is hachi and but i want a second maybe a cat too and i want to live there because it i think it's a place so peaceful so calm and i think it's a place so good you can make a family and you can see my my child's grow up i like playing with the child in the jar then with the kids running for everywhere and and later i just sit down and watch some movie do you want to add more information um okay i want to live there with two sons like you say it because i always dream with a big big family and i i think that um a big family is more and more lovely than a family thank you very much now we can move on to the third part of the exam okay but first would you please hand me the corner thank you you're welcome okay in the second part of the exam you described a dream place or home that you would like to live in in the future now in this part i want to ask you some questions related to this topic do people in your country like to visit others homes yes they really likes literally you can be in your home watching movies taking a shower cooking or doing something and suddenly if someone can you're there at 3 p.m it doesn't matter the hour and in your country what do people do when they visit others they carry something to gift um the most of the times they carry fruit they carry ice cream or something to drink and why do you think people choose these items as gifts i think it depends of the type of visit it's like if i'm going with a friend if i'm going to visit the brand i prefer to carry with me ice cream to candies with with hair but if i'm going with my boss i prefer to give give her some breath for example so do you think that uh gifts are necessary when visiting others i wouldn't say necessary but i think it's the education sign now what kind of place do people in your country like to live in it depends of the age of the people for example the the older people prefer to live in far away of the downtown meanwhile the younger people prefer to live close of downtown why do you think that is why do you think the taste of people is so different because the younger people needs to have clothes their jobs their schools some hospitals some shop centers and other people really doesn't need it so do you think having access to different shops is important yes because i i never i'm never gonna know when i'm going to need something to the shop for example and what are the differences between the homes in the city and those in the suburbs the distance the places that you can found and the privacy and the mainly the privacy how important is the privacy to you so much because i don't like to listen the street sounds i am a people i am a person that needs to to work holiday so if i hear some sound some street sound i can contradict thank you very much this is the end of the speaking test now i will just need two minutes to add up your scoring different criteria and then i'll give you the feedback and your overall band score okay okay good [Music] in this course you will have a series of educational videos in which you will learn each and every tip you will need in specific details for both general and academic modules next question type is double question or attached to each video you will have the pdf files for each question type including the paragraph structure the expressions and the techniques you can apply which have all been taught in the videos to make sure that you learn everything properly in each video we will write an essay a letter or a report by using the tips that you have learned moreover something to help you in this section is the different question samples we have put for you to write your own writing about this isn't everything we strongly recommend you to use our writing correction services as well so that our examiner can give you a written and video feedback and make sure you're ready for the real test join us to become our next successful candidate okay uh please now let's see what you did but first i want to give you the details of each criteria and then we can talk about your overall underscore um first let's start with your fluency and coherence the first criteria i can say that what was really good in your speaking with how you were able to keep talking i mean maybe you forgot some grammatical structures you made some mistakes or there was not you didn't really have a range of vocabulary but um you you were able to keep talking about familiar and unfamiliar topics that's a good thing and uh besides uh you had some repetition self-repetition self-correction and hesitations but you didn't have many language related hesitations i mean it was not like you forgot many words or structures you anyways you just kept talking and you use some alternatives or synonyms not to stop and this is a very good thing yeah um in part two you had so many self repetitions like for example i like to i want to i like to live in that house i like to have daughters i like to then i want to i want to maybe you can paraphrase your own sentences right and we will talk more about paraphrasing in the next criteria just because this is something that can help you with your self-repetition and um i recommend you to use a wider range of connectives not only in one part but also in all the three parts don't just use and so much because i mean once you used meanwhile and that was a very good word to show the contrast here but try to use more connectives in part one part two and part three like uh besides however on one hand on the other hand uh unless unlike you know there are many different words that you can use and more discourse markers when you want to talk about your idea when you want to start your answer like actually well i think in my idea you can use these you don't need to give me the answer directly and straight away right so this is about your fluency and coherence and now to talk about your lexical resource your vocabulary in your vocabulary the thing is that i couldn't really see a wrench i couldn't hear a range of words in different sentences you were using i mean as i told you you were able to talk about familiar and unfamiliar topics you just kept talking but you should give like a wrench to the words and if you want to get a higher score you should use more collocations and idiomatic vocabulary this is the first part the second part is what i told you about self-repetition if you use some fillers and boosters and some like synonyms then you would be able to perform better in these two based on these two criteria so when you want to start your answer and you don't know what to say use some fillers come up with an your idea and then you can start talking like i say uh tell me about your accommodation and you say uh that's a very difficult question because um i had never thought of the this i have never thought of it before let me think about it and then you keep talking or in the middle of your sentences when your mind goes blank you can use some fillers just to fill up the gap and then you keep talking this is what you should do and paraphrase use more synonyms paraphrase the examiners questions and paraphrase your own sentences this can help you with your self-repetition now to talk about your grammatical range and accuracy in your grammar i could hear some complex sentences like other than those simple sentences very short sentences you use conditional sentences or relative clauses but it was very limited and you almost had minor mistakes in almost all of your sentences so just be more careful with the mistakes you make and it was mostly about singular and plural the prepositions and some grammatical structures that maybe you should work on more for example you said it depends at and then you said it depends of but the correct preposition is it depends on it depends on uh it's two reasons there are two reasons try to use their ease and there are instead of just the subject it is she is you know people is people are so singular and plural to can think this is the structure that you should learn a bit you know better to be able to think you can ever say to can think or i like to the house has i like the house to have i like the house to have childs now children i like play i like to play i like playing so some grammatical structures prepositions singular and plural this is what you should be more careful about and yes just work a little on this because you were able to use some different tenses present perfect you used it really well one in one of your sentences simple past simple present you just need to work a bit more on giving a range to your grammar and not making these mistakes right and finally your pronunciation in your pronunciation um i could almost understand most of your sentences but you should just use some pronunciation features by pronunciation feature i mean the first one is the correct pronunciation of the word not to mispronounce a word and you had some lapses like usually uh bc gordon and mexico you should pronounce i mean use the english word the english pronunciation right mexico this is the first one the mispronunciations you didn't have many mispronunciations but maybe you could have a better intonation that's the other pronunciation feature by intonation i mean read them you should raise a lower your voice based on the sentence if it's a question so it changes all the time and uh work a bit more on your sentence stress some words in the sentence in the whole sentence are stressed i mean you should change your rhythm or you should sometimes change your pace when you're speaking and yes so because of all these things maybe you should pay more attention to the pronunciation features and to clearly and fully pronouncing some words everything should be clear to the examiner the words you're using the structures the pronunciation you should try to be error-free this is what matters a lot in ielts speaking so generally that was the all about the details of each criteria and what you did based on your performance but before i talk about your overall band score what do you think of the test how do you think it was was it easy was it hard was it easy the problem was that i went to i get so nervous ah right the examiner was easy right yeah you may face familiar topics or unfamiliar topics but yeah it was good it was a good performance because i'm sure you can do better the next time you have a good command of english you should just work on the strategies that i told you so to talk about your overall band score you got a five today but just by practicing a bit more and taking your time you can do better the next time or on the test day so do you have any questions any doubts no no okay then so thank you very much and i wish you best of luck thank you [Music]
Channel: Ross IELTS Academy
Views: 754,835
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Keywords: IELTS Speaking Test, IELTS Speaking band 9, ielts speaking, ielts class, ielts preparation, ielts tutor, ielts 6.0, ielts 6.5, ielts 7.0, ielts online, prepare for ielts, ielts online class, ielts video, ielts video course, ielts pronunciation, ielts grammar, band descriptors, ielts teacher, ielts tips, ielts help, ielts band 9.0, ielts band 8.0, pass ielts, ielts exam help, how to pass ielts, best ielts course, ielts speaking test band 9, ielts speaking 2022
Id: IwF2k0g1gkE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 23sec (1163 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 09 2022
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