IELTS Speaking Test band 6.5 with feedback 2022

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shall we begin okay this is the speaking test of the international english language testing system taking place at ross ielts academy the candidate is gazalet khan the candidate number is 543-7680 this the examiner is samsung sees examiner number 443533 good afternoon my name is samson good morning to you too thank you uh please tell me your full name my name is gaza little khan wonderful one can i see your identification thank you very much wonderful thank you it's great okay so in the first part of the exam i'm going to ask you some personal questions first i'd like to ask you about your family do you spend much time with your family actually now that i'm married i live in a family of two and i spend most of my time with my husband but when i was single i lived in a family of four and i just have a younger sister and now i can't say that i spend much time with my family because i don't have much free time i just go to work and come back to home okay and who are you closest to in your family now just my husband i should say that i'm very close to my husband and we have good relationship that's great and is family important in your country yes actually i think in the middle east family is very important and they have a family has a great value in middle east culture and i think it's uh an ancient culture that uh family should be respected uh from our uh own point of view okay good now let's move on and talk about the internet how often do you go online i should say that everyone is always online now because my job is related to internet and my major is computer engineering when i come back home we watch tv most of the time online and i think uh all of our life uh is engaged with internet right and what's your favorite website google because whatever i want i can find it in google and it makes it easy to find whatever you want and whatever you want to know um sometimes i think about the old days that we wanted to learn something we want to search something it was really hard but now it's really easy to search something on google right and do you think children should be allowed unsupervised access to the internet uh of course not i think parents should have extreme supervision on their uh children and their access to the internet and there are lots of softwares and that helps parents to do that for them and let's now talk about leisure time for a second what is your favorite leisure activity uh actually as i mentioned i don't have much free time but whenever i had the time i prefer to go on a vacation or to go on a picnic somewhere that i didn't go before and i want to discover new things okay thanks uh so do most people in your country get two days off a week most of the people i can't say that just the the clerks that our work for the government are uh most have a two week and two days off but people who work for the private section i should say that they just have a friday off okay that's the end of this part let's move on to the next so now i'm going to give you a topic and i'd like you to talk about it for up to two minutes before you talk you'll have one minute to think about what you're going to say and you can make notes if you wish do you understand yes are you interested okay so your topic is describe a friend or a person who encouraged you to achieve a goal there's your cue card and i'll just give you a piece of paper and a pen to make notes thank you so i'll give you one minute to make notes okay you may start speaking go ahead uh actually my husband helped me a lot and encouraged me a lot to experience new things to learn new things and actually to pursue my education uh we planned to study abroad and because of uh because of that and because of uh i don't have much free time uh he helped me in a way that he helped me in household chores and uh to uh make up more free times for me to have time to study and even english or computer lessons and he always set me to never give up on my goals and never be disappointed if you learn something late and you don't understand something and just keep learning and uh i think uh it's a interaction between two people that understand each other and help each other to uh experience new things and it's a real i think it's really important in a marriage life i i believe that studying helps us uh not to believe anything and to uh i think uh having a friend that helps you uh in different kinds of thing and helps you learning new things is a is an advantage in your life and i'm so lucky that i i have my husband in my life okay thank you very much so that's the end of this part i can now take back your paper and pen thank you very much that's great thank you god that's wonderful right now so we've been talking about a person who encouraged you and i'd now like to ask you some questions related to this so let's now consider goals is it important for teenagers to have goals actually i should say yes everyone should have goals especially teenagers because they are at the beginning of their way and their path to success and they should pin a goal for themselves and try to achieve that goal and parents also should pave the way for them to learn new things in order to reach the goal okay and what do you think would encourage young children to learn more um i think uh making lessons more entertaining for children uh must encourage uh the must encourage them to learn and to have an goal but in i think in our educational system it's a little neglected and uh it's our in our educational system learning is not interesting and they think they should learn something and they didn't realize that uh it's uh interesting and it's efficient for them uh to learn new things uh in order to achieve their goals okay and how should we encourage children uh as i mentioned uh making uh lessons interesting uh i think for a younger children in elementary school we can combine lessons with playing for example mathematics is a lesson that not everyone are interested in and we should combine it to some place uh uh for example multiplying uh it becomes more interesting for children to learn that for uh older and for elder uh students uh it would become a combined with a computer game uh i think it's uh really becomes interesting for for students okay and how could we make children interested in things that they don't have on the internet i didn't understand your question okay so how could we make children interested in things that they don't have uh that they will be probably interested in on the internet um you're uh you mean it's not on the internet or they they don't have access so so uh how could you sort of take their attention off the internet to be interested in things i think it's really hard to get the children's attention off the internet because when i'm in my 30s i'm fully interested in internet young children is interested in it interested in it as well and i think uh it i we couldn't completely neglect internet and uh make their attention to something else uh we could have less internet besides other things right okay thanks very much that's the end of the speaking day thank you you can take a deep breath now how do you feel [Music] silver and vip this package is comprised of the offline educational videos for the four skills including listening reading writing and speaking in these videos you will learn all the necessary techniques that you will need to apply for the ielts exam apart from the educational videos you will have full access to enormous resources to practice the strategies that you learn once you finish your course you will have two and four online mock tests of speaking along with comprehensive feedback under the same conditions in silver and vip courses respectively also you can send us your writings to be checked out and receive comprehensive feedback on those you will also have 60 three-level british based podcasts produced by the academy not only to help you improve your listening but also to enhance your vocabulary range and pronunciation in addition to all the mentioned resources you will be provided with useful grammar and collocation files to get your target score with a better level of knowledge join us and become our next successful candidate [Music] right now how do you feel uh i feel i think the second part was awful no why did you think that because uh i didn't have any idea about that and it was hard for me to make up something oh okay wow so um all right let's set first we'll look at your uh bad score and then uh we'll go over what you said and how you felt and all these things and the four criteria so we've got the fluency and coherence lexical resource grammatical range and accuracy and pronunciation so this is how they're assessing on the the ielts speaking test so let's look at your band score first i mean i really wanted to give you a seven i really did uh the thing was it's you know the something very important in part two when you're speaking like you said yeah maybe i would have to speak for definitely two minutes i mean i was trying to tempt i was trying to prompt you to you know carry on and then he stopped again so you know it's that's definitely something you can work on and i don't with your command of english i don't think that's going to be too much of a problem i think you can pull it off yeah and i'm going to show you how there's some very interesting techniques that you know many techniques you can use to easily complete your your two-minute speech in part two but first let's let's move on to the uh fluency incoherence let's let's first talk about that so i thought you know especially towards at the very beginning of the the test you were very conversational and the way you kept going it was good you were giving reasons and you were elaborating on your answers uh the way you were going through part one that was great i would definitely stick to what you were doing it very simple answers with some reasons and you are elaborating and making sure that they were not too long so i would definitely continue doing what you were doing for part one so that that's not really from the issue here now uh for the you know the coherence is part two part three you can you can definitely you know raise a conversation but like i said you have a strong command of english but uh you know there's a there's a forfeit here so what we're looking at uh if we're going to talk about your band score which i actually forgot to tell you i should tell you that right now we're looking at a 6.5 and you can easily go over a seven you know you can you can definitely do that you can raise your band score by it by one my goal is seven your goal is seven you can make it you can definitely make it right now it's uh in the six band 6.5 um because like i said part two is very important that's what we were saying that's that's why i went on to talk about part two it's very important to talk for the two minutes otherwise you'll be just it'll be placed no matter how good you were doing in the other sections part one or part three part two you have to talk for two minutes and if it's because at one point you stopped it was one and a half minutes and then at one minute and 45 seconds you stopped again and i just kept i wanted to prompt you just please finish it so um definitely do that um you can easily reach a bad score seven of the thing is that you gave reasons like elaborating you had some fillers like you were had the ums and ours and it i know it's my major problem and i have some problems in uh one-way conversation either because of that in part two i can't continuously speak of course you can well i'll teach you how when we go through the uh these um actually i'll i'll say it right now as we're influencing coherence and we've been talking about it the best thing to do is go on to a second idea like if you're you've got your cue card there write a sub idea so you've covered all the uh answers that was in your topic you've answered the question i was afraid of speaking of topic go off topic there's nothing wrong with going off topic as long as you've answered the question and you know you give reference to all the uh the bullet points that are on your cue card there's there isn't any problem going off topic just the important thing is to keep talking when you're in your when when you're talking through part two so don't forget that you it's okay to go off topic and it's okay to lie just speak to speak as long as you've answered the question you know it makes sense and you've given the reasons for your answer you can go off topic and if you did go off topic if you you started maybe talking about another member of your family that maybe helped you or you someone you didn't find so helpful anything just make someone up in your head it doesn't matter go off topic complete the two minutes all right let's go to lexical resource quickly now so um i thought your vocabulary was pretty good it was uh simple most of the time but you could your range of vocabulary does go further so you could use more of that the important thing is that most of it is related which is good i don't really have too much problem with your vocabulary you can go a little bit more complex and use more of the vocab that you have and that should be fine grammatical range accuracy it was again look much like the vocab it was it was good it was using simple uh grammatical structures uh and you were not making uh too many mistakes at all i couldn't i didn't pick up any uh particular error uh when it when it came to that uh some complex uh sentences as well some complex structures that you used you can make that a little bit more complex just to show to the examiner what kind of uh english you have so you can do that um so so far the most important thing is that uh part two of keep going and go remember the off topic technique pronunciation uh clear most of the time and uh actually very much most of the times it was almost the entire time i didn't see any misplaced you know pronunciation maybe the stress of some words were misplaced at some point maybe just watch the stress a little bit so because english is a stress related language and obviously that good that comes under pronunciation when if some if you're stressing something like for example if you say adventure instead of adventure you know stuff like that just make sure the the placed in the right time where you're stressing the words um your intonation uh it's pretty good it's you can make it even more conversational i think you can work on your intonation uh just follow the way native speakers are talking or people who speak very fluently and just you know work on it a little bit more so you can improve the intonation and that will help with your stress uh issues there and definitely you know you can you can get the band score that you're looking for so out of all this uh definitely work on the stress mostly and definitely make sure you talk for all of part two even if you have to lie or go off topic as long as you've answered thank you very much do you have any questions for me uh actually yes uh you said uh i should work on my intonation actually i record myself voice but i realized that i have one intonation i don't have rises and false yeah the rise and fall yeah yes i mean you can work on that but i don't know how exactly i could improve that just by listening and repeating yes the shadow the shadowing technique works if you uh listen to native speakers in movies or maybe uh on some sort of voice recorder stop the sentence a sentence that you like and then repeat that sentence and just think of feel the stress where they're going up and the volume where they're you know raising their voice coming down all these different stress levels and intonation uh copy them and then you'll sound a lot more like them i'm not telling i'm not asking you to change your accent accent is unique everyone has their own accent but you can definitely work on the stresses and the intonation and you should be fine and another thing i uh say uh many times in the conversations and it annoys me okay just use linking words the linking sentences so i should also say um maybe i'd like to also mention this you know so you can always link it you try to practice also linking sentences it's good you mentioned that because i did want to talk to you about that so definitely find the linking words i should also mention uh perhaps you might like to know that you know there's so many ways you can avoid these fillers by using these linking sentences i should buy time by these words you can buy yes you buy yourself time to move on to your next sentence because it's it's sort of um these kind of fillers if it happens just a couple of times uh it means that it's content related and you know basically you're just looking for your next ideas you're just searching for ideas if it's repeatedly you know when it's um is happening maybe for 10 seconds in a row then the examiner will pick that up and find out that maybe it's language where you're you're hesitating with the language so yes exactly work on these techniques you should be okay thank you very much [Music] course this course is made up of five offline speaking videos in which you will learn all the necessary tips and techniques to take the ielts speaking test with a high score tell me about your family in addition to that you will have access to useful grammar and vocabulary resources once you finish your course you will have one online mock test of speaking along with comprehensive feedback under the same exam conditions interesting question join us to become our next successful candidate [Music]
Channel: Ross IELTS Academy
Views: 209,901
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS Speaking Test, IELTS Speaking band 9, ielts speaking, ielts class, ielts preparation, ielts tutor, ielts 6.0, ielts 6.5, ielts 7.0, ielts online, prepare for ielts, ielts online class, ielts video, ielts video course, ielts pronunciation, ielts grammar, band descriptors, ielts teacher, ielts tips, ielts help, ielts band 9.0, ielts band 8.0, pass ielts, ielts exam help, how to pass ielts, best ielts course, ielts speaking test band 9, ielts speaking 2022
Id: ROm_8Oeuj1Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 48sec (1488 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 08 2022
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