IELTS Speaking Test band score 4 with feedback 2022

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well are you ready yes i'm ready all right let's get it on from here starts the speaking test this is the speaking mock test of the international english language testing system taking place in raw sales academy the candidate is hadi bashtani the candidate number is 01413278 the examiner is joseph examiner number three 443533 good afternoon good afternoon my name is joseph would you please tell me your full name my full name is hadi bhastani and what can i call you and just call me audi all right can i see your identification please yes sure excuse me here you are thanks all right thank you thank you so much well um in the first part of the exam i will ask you some personal questions first i'd like to ask you about your family do you have a large extended family not actually i have a small fa i have a small family and i have a two sisters and i'm the middle child well what do you do together with your family usually we are we often gather together in sitting room and watch a movie or something and why is family important to you [Music] definitely family is so important and family can give you a personality and yes now let's move on to talking about websites what kinds of websites do you often visit i often visit the website the website like ielts online test because of my ielts and i usually want to use the websites like website english website for improving my english and what is your favorite website um actually i i love watching movie and uh for example the website called philimo in iran and eva like this how can some websites help you study one of the best websites that can help me online test oils because i i train a lot with with this website all right now let's move on to talk about photography do you like taking photos actually i'm not a person who take take photos but i like it yes and do you want to improve your photography skills i like to learn i like to learn it but i like to learn important and photography learn something important than photography do you prefer to take pictures with your phone or a camera i like with my actually with my phone because it's easy for me now uh this is the end of part one in part two i'm going to give you a topic and i'd like you to talk about it for two minutes before you talk you'll have one minute to think about what you're going to say and you can make notes if you wish but don't worry if i stopped you do you understand yes uh the topic is talk about a situation where you had to tell a lie to your friend here's the cue card and the pen and you have one minute or a preparation time all right your one minute preparation time is over you can start speaking now okay i i want to talk about a lie it's it was eight months ago and when i went to when i want to travel to my uh hometown i like i i was like lying with to my friends [Music] for example they told me can you can you could you could you hang out with us and i say i said no i can't i couldn't and because i don't like to hang a video with them and just i want i wanted to watch movie in my home in my home and then tomorrow that time i want to i wanted to travel to my home hometown and i felt i it's i'm i was wrong because i always i i think i i have to tell the truth to my friends and because they are truth with me and yes that's all do you want to add anything else anything else yes then i'm i was sitting i was sitting in my coach our coach and my friend hang hanging my friend they're hanging to me and yes with my phone i and i told them no i i couldn't i couldn't hang out with you thank you very much your two minutes is up and this is the end of part two would you please hand me back this a pen and a piece of paper thank you well let's move on to part three we've been talking about a situation where you had to tell a lie to your friend and i'd now like to ask you some questions related to this topic when is it acceptable to lie i think the law is accepted when for example you are in in worst situation and for example dangerous situation i think everyone can tell lie and but in total i don't like lying and i want just i hope i'm a person who always tell truth to others all right what do you think about the fact that everybody has lied at least once and well has excuse me can you explain more i'll go again i'll repeat the question what do you think about the fact that everybody has lied at least once uh the real lie or life for for example uh help to uh to others real high the real lie well you have to answer the question in fact i think always tell the truth can help us to solve the solve our problems and as i told you uh when when we are we are for example in the dangerous situation and we forced to tell lie we can tell lie to others do you think we can lie to our friends and family not actually i'm i always tell the truth to my family or friend but it depends in that situation it depends every situation and do you find it acceptable to lie about your feelings to someone because you don't want to hurt them [Music] i think it's not a it it is a bad it is the worst uh things in the world to lie uh the friends or some someone can for example they their hearts and for example they they think about us the bad person and has anybody ever lied to you about their real identity [Music] has anybody ever lied to you about your about their real identity excuse me real identity i i can understand the meaning of the question i know what you say but for example the real the real level has anybody ever lied to you about their real identity that's the question okay and i think i don't like i don't like somebody are reliable to everyone i i i prefer to make a friendship with everyone can be a truth for example truth person and there are a lot of people who in the world that they are for example fake and always can tell us that for example the rely the light lying things have you experienced such an occasion when a person has lied to you yes actually one week ago and i tell to my friend for example can you can you hang out with me to rasa academy for ies testing and he told me not actually i'm not i'm not at home from morning to night and i think it's not true it's not truth and he can he could come here with me all right thank you very much this is the end of the speaking test now you can take a deep breath and relax and give me two times two minute time in order to review your performance and how you did during the test okay thank you [Music] silva and vip this package is comprised of the offline educational videos for the four skills including listening reading writing and speaking in these videos you will learn all the necessary techniques that you will need to apply for the ielts exam apart from the educational videos you will have full access to enormous resources to practice the strategies that you learn once you finish your course you will have two and four online mock tests of speaking along with comprehensive feedback under the same conditions in silver and vip courses respectively also you can send us your writings to be checked out and receive comprehensive feedback on those you will also have sixty three level british based podcasts produced by the academy not only to help you improve your listening but also to enhance your vocabulary range and pronunciation in addition to all the mentioned resources you will be provided with useful grammar and collocation files to get your target score with a better level of knowledge join us and become our next successful candidate [Music] all right welcome back thanks now uh we can review how you did in your speaking test and as you may also know there are four major criteria for assessing and evaluating your speaking performance fluency and coherence is the first one lexical resource grammatical range and accuracy and pronunciation let's start with fluency and coherence well of course you would you you really like to speak at length you try to maintain the flow of speech but i think your nervousness uh blocked your capability to move ahead and go ahead with your speaking it's very important to have a management over your stress and nervousness this is first of all and second you need to use more a wider variety of connectives because you just used and so but in order to connect and link different sentences to each other try to use a wider variety of connectives like however even though and since those connectives that make your sentences uh diverse and gives this impression that you are able to speak at length so try to use them diversify uh the connectives and also you need to try boosters before starting to give the answer you have to use those boosters like in my opinion or that's a difficult question let me think about it and all of those are boosters and you also can use fillers when you're not certain what to say you can use you know or sort of or i think i believe all of those phrases can help you buy some time to provide an accurate answer to the question so try to use them in order to increase your band score so when it comes comes to lexical resource or vocabulary uh you did have um you managed to talk about familiar topics um but you would you want to elaborate more and explain about the answers and back up your answers using examples you failed you did fail to provide uh detailed answers to the question because of your um perhaps a weak vocabulary treasure try to increase your diversity of vocabulary try to use a wider range of vocabulary and plus you need to paraphrase you need to rephrase the question of the examiner before starting to answer i say for example tell me about the advantages and disadvantages of sunglasses for example you you should say uh the pros and cons of sunglasses yes i want to tell you for example so rephrase the question and then begin with the answer it's very important and you did have a couple of uh mistakes uh in the vocabulary section um uh for example you said uh it it depend on it it depends it depends too not on you need to pay closer attention of course this is also this this has to do with the grammatical range and accuracy but you need to pay attention to prepositions as well and you said they are truth to me you were talking about your friends and you said they are truth to me they are honest with me you know i'm talking about so uh you have to pay closer attention to those uh subtle issues in order to increase your advanced score and enhance the level of your performance so let's go to grammatical range and accuracy so in this part you faced um some difficulties when it comes to using compound structures and complex structures you did not use conditional sentences subordinate clauses relative clauses you only use simple forms of the sentences and uh so you need to use complicated and more complex structures in order to increase your band score and you made a couple of mistakes here in the grammatical section you were talking about uh the past and you said um we want to travel you have uh to add ed we wanted to travel when you're talking about a past um event person who take a person who takes um to tell the truth you said to telling the truth and those mistakes of course will mark you down pay attention be careful with those mistakes try to hone them and try to fix them in order to get a higher band score so and when it comes to pronunciation you were okay in terms of pronunciation you were clear but in some instances in some occasions you mispronounced for example the sound b try to say the sound and utter the exact same sound that you use you said probe hearts and i think you should have said broke our hearts he said pro i did not really understand and sometimes it damages clarity you have to be careful how to pronounce those sounds and words wish you all the best so your final band score would be four and you you have to pay attention to what i said today and bear in mind the tips and you will definitely increase your band score next time thank you very much you
Channel: Ross IELTS Academy
Views: 588,086
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS Speaking Test, Mock Test of Speaking, IELTS Speaking, IELTS Speaking band 9, IELTS fluency, IELTS Grammar for Speaking, English, essential english, Ross IELTS Speaking, IELTS Exam, IELTS Test, IELTS Writing band 7, Ross IELTS Academy, Speaking English, IELTS Speaking part 1, IELTS Speaking Part2, IELTS Speaking 2021, IELTS Speaking band score 9, IELTS Speaking Part 2, IELTS Speaking Cue Card, IELTS Speaking Part 3, IELTS, IELTS Speaking TEST 2022, How to pass IELTS
Id: qLf6L-Y27M0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 4sec (1264 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 30 2022
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