IELTS Live Speaking Exam (Band 9)

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describe a recent news story that you ever heard or read about and in your response you should say ielts speaking is divided into three parts so now you understand why philip edward aytona got 9.0 in ielts speaking [Music] hello a lot of our reviewers messaged us if we could do a live ielts speaking test so that's exactly what we're going to do in the next couple of minutes so i'm the ielts examiner and philip right here is the ielts examining for those of you who do not know yet ielts speaking is divided into three parts so part one introduction and interview which would last for about five minutes and then part two individual long term that's three to four minutes and then the third part that's the follow-up round two-way discussion which would last for about five minutes so this one is relatively longer than the usual video because this lasts for about 11 to 14 minutes okay so first things first when you enter the cubicle the examiner will ask for your valid id it could be your passport it could be your prc license ssid gsis id or government unified multipurpose id and then the examiner will record the conversation so i vividly remember my examiner saying this is the speaking test of temporal revenue a speaking examiner blah blah blah speaking examiner number 99999 okay so we have here a material from british council so rest assured that this is one of those used in the actual examination we begin with part one hello good afternoon good afternoon sir okay so for your first part will you please say your full name my full name is philip edward cruzaydon okay let's begin with the first question what work do you do for the past 12 years i've been working as a lecturer at 9.09er ielts review center i've been helping prepare people to do well in their english exams this english exam in fact it's been very fulfilling because it helping people realize how intelligent they actually are and how ready they actually are to demonstrate skills that they've always had it's very it's something that i've enjoyed for the past decade or so why do you choose this job because i'm good at it it's something that comes naturally to me not only speaking and using the language but also helping people think better and analyze better because i think that's the kind of person that i am i like to dissect i like to break things apart and then put them together in a much simpler way that nonetheless preserves the core meaning and the feedback that i love the best for my students is when they say sir phillip uh it used to be so complicated for me but i didn't know that i could understand it thank you and i just tell them um you're welcome they say sir you're the best and i tell them i agree okay you've mentioned you've been doing this for the last 12 years so now will you please tell me about your typical day at work my typical day at work begins with coffee it cannot function without it but then after that i launch into the into lectures i like to have lots of interactive activities with my students because i firmly believe that the ielts exam is a skills-based test in contrast to a knowledge-based test and students learn by doing so there's lots of discussion in the classroom in my classroom at least there's a lot of give and take and time for questions and space for them to think about what actually happened in the exam so that they don't just so that they don't just vomit the exam uh the information that they've given them but they're given time to digest and absorb okay so what job would you like to do in the future and why this exact job i see i see myself as a as a teacher for life because we all have different strengths there are lots of aspects in life in which i am a total klutz and but in this aspect i'm pretty good and i think that playing to one strengths and is leveraging what one is good at is something that definitely people should do because when you love what you do you're not actually working at all okay that's the end of your task one now we proceed to your speaking task too so i'll give you a task for it and i'll read it for you describe a recent news story that you ever heard or read about and in your response you should say when you heard or read about it number two where number three what the story was about explain what you thought or felt about this story so you will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes you are given one minute to prepare for your answer and then you can make some notes if you think this one will help you in your preparation so i'll give you one minute to prepare sure so while philip here is preparing i want everyone to know that in the actual examination the candidate is given a copy of the task card some examiners give the candidates a pen and a scratch paper they can prepare a guide they can use this while they're talking while they're delivering so the goal of everyone is to reach one minute that's the minimum you will be penalized if you don't reach the minimum of one minute now two minutes that's the maximum so whatever happens but the second minute you have to stop talking congratulations you reached the finish line okay so i have with me here roughly 20 seconds left i'll just wait for the one minute preparation time to be over and then i'll also use the timer because fill it here only has one to two minutes for the individual long term okay so in eight seven six five four three two one okay philip let's hear from you there have been lots of new stories that have been going on during the pandemic but the news story that uh that is top of mind to me right now is a recent fiasco at the phil health in which there have been serious allegations of corruption into the tune of billions of vessels in which so much money has been uh stolen from public coffers and i read it i have been reading it for the past few days it is the it's at the top of the news cycle right now essentially what happened is that uh there was a whistleblower the fraud officer of phil health he he divulged all of these details apparently the for example the executive council of phil health has been stealing 15 billion pesos from public coffers that's awful apparently phil health has disbursed more money to this hospital in davao for the pandemic even more than up the up the university of the philippines general hospital and all of these things and what's so shameful about it is that corruption in itself is bad but at a time of pandemic it's even worse it is inexcusable so there is so much that the money could have been used for so much good especially at a time when people are starving and suffering but for people to steal at to plunder public offers in such an amount that is grossly inexcusable and people should be held to account because of it okay there you go that's the second minute okay now we proceed to your speaking task three okay so we've been talking about news stories and i'd like to discuss with you some more general questions related to this let's talk about the news and the internet so how do people usually get the news in your country well in my country people my country is one of the is one of the countries that has one of the highest uses of social media facebook in fact and therefore most people get their news online and not from tv anymore okay so do you think the internet is going to change the way we get news why or why not i think the internet has already changed the way that we get news because unlike before in which people were reliant on broadcasts in television which cannot be replayed now uh uh media companies such as rappler and the inquirer can just upload their articles on the internet and everyone can access it for free unfortunately this also comes with a downturn because fake news also abounds in the internet because anyone can write anything online okay now for your next question what are the advantages and disadvantages of getting news from the internet well i touched on it a little bit earlier but i would like to emphasize that this information campaigns are serious uh threat to everybody because precisely because there are troll farms for example troll armies uh politicians can can hire entire media campaigns to distort their image and distort the truth therefore people become confused between what is right and what is wrong an advantage of having the intern of having use in the internet is that it's much more accessible uh a 20 peso 25 peso broad sheet like the inquirer for example may seem like peanuts to us but for more for people of more humble means than this may have been an entire meal that they have had to do without but now that it's free it's everything is online then more people become informed okay now let's talk about the news in general do you think newspapers are more reliable than tv news um well i i think that broad broadsheets and television are different kinds of news television is more immediate it's more immediate journalism it happens it's live it's whereas broadsheets people have to take time to write it and think about it and verify things like that so yes there is a difference and some people like videos more than text they don't some people don't like to read as much so it caters to different audiences definitely okay apparently in some countries the government controls the news through censorship how exactly do you feel about that this is a disservice to everybody because in china for example in which a news is censored they don't even allow twitter and facebook there therefore it's the media becomes a mouthpiece for the government in which no one is allowed to criticize the communist party and therefore it's all praise and this is something that is very dangerous because the purpose of the fourth estate is to hold government accountable and so that when it makes mistakes the people are informed and can uh extract accountability from the from the states okay for your last question what qualities does a good journalist need commitment to the truth and integrity because journalists are are very powerful because they get to shape people's stories the stories they tell themselves the stories they tell about their nation they are crafting a point of view and crafting people's worldview this is something that can change entire countries and therefore journalists must exercise restraint must commit themselves to the truth and not allow themselves to be used by government or any other entities okay thank you that is the end of your speaking test now you understand why philip edward got 9.0 in ielts speaking so let's evaluate his performance what did you notice philip never sounded nervous anxious he looked at the ielts examiner did not look at the ceiling the wall and he sounded conversational from beginning to end it did not sound scripted it's not memorized and what about the delivery it's so natural as if english comes out naturally now we have anything more to say for our audience or preparing for their speaking and ielts i will tell our audience i tell you the same thing i tell all of my students the best way to get better at speaking is by speaking it's just something that you have to keep doing again and again of course before you practice you have to know what to practice and that is why we we welcome students into our center so that they have a good idea of what techniques and strategies and tips to keep in mind when they practice the language in their everyday conversations with your parents or with your friends so that you get used to using it all the time so that just like me it's nothing it's something that is just like breathing it just happens and when you perform like this you have a very good chance of doing well in your own test so if you need someone to evaluate your performance and give you the ghost signal you know to call you know whom to contact it's 9.09
Channel: 9.0 Niner IELTS OET PTE
Views: 41,385
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, speaking, band 9, 9.0, band 9.0, philippines, official ielts, perfect score, niner, IELTS review, IELTS preparation, free speaking, free speaking sample, mock exam, speaking mock exam, speaking practice
Id: gtM5ftTIA_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 2sec (842 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 23 2020
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