How to Speak English Fluently - 4 Tips Para Gumaling Mag-English | Study Hack

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so you're pretty good but it comes through reading and writing in English but when it comes to speaking in English you may not be that confident what are my tips when it comes to overcoming that fear that's what we're going to talk about today hi neighbor thank you for checking out my channel thank you for clicking on this video if this is the first video that you're watching from my channel I make educational motivational content so if you don't want to miss anything you go close don't forget hit subscribe and hit that Bell icon now like I said in the intro communities all about getting better at speaking in English but more what I am fearing again and my tips cosine u by dou hi Oguma laying in a pool Sabatini on I actually made an older video I'm dying on your panel becoming say English if you haven't seen that video yet I'll just link it right here you this I bought that this is actually different cuz it's all about speaking in English I am going to give you a few tips na Libre nina many glasses and a parapet oh I hope this will help you improve because I solve them actually did help me improve and you know the other stamina Allen that I didn't acknowledge in a on when I was younger so he couldn't say no in this video just a little bit of a disclaimer I know I'm not the very best nipper so it comes to speaking in English when I'm in smuggling sad head and like you I'm always on the lookout then saga added my own bag I am always improving always learning new things hey I never stop learning new adding more thoughty2 so China later so if you're someone I needed you know panel for a bash the Harmon section the hell India ho medallion I think Habibullah ethnically and enunciate your acne mono words you can leave that for another day I know I'm not the best I'm just trying to help all of my fellow Filipinos out there alright so this is basically us helping each other by basically showcasing our strengths then but also showing our weaknesses kasi latinum entire Ines her learning process London okay but I just a little bit of a segue did I am a YouTube online educational content creator I have been on the circuit when it comes to speaking then I am also a motivational speaker and the teacher a college instructor so it's kind of part of my life and my way of living and also you watching way of earning money you postulate that in public so public speaking is a huge deal second ago aho now you're on so how was I able to hang tight pop and equip myself with love skills you actually get even P sub X s elite back tip number one the listening game so honestly that I got if you listen to a lot of English letters at me podcasts if you watch movies there are K TV series audiobooks yeah I'm in AHA you Nadine your son database when it comes to speaking in English a lot of people cuz they think now speaking in English a magical London una Moneda de l'homme Bigler parameter from dish of the lagrangian my deepest reading and writing in english it's listening say Panama by laminate Arman pronunciation so words it's actually listening so when we exposed sir language so he rappin K motto - anytime a pronunciation John and I guess a lot of the insight in a man among Filipinos when it comes to speaking in English thoughts from that say I own a timid comely now again I discussed this in the pan of argument say English video narrate a totally new your fear and anxiety nay and honestly come and my africana ma ma Filipinos Chen who were abroad or have been abroad uni never said I got on copper ticular when it comes to pronunciation but NASA moments on Io um so yeah boss again in Habana when it comes to that pero okay if you really want to learn the proper way in Prince EA short listening telega to Newton now we need the short come finally Co pronounce its own word the great thing about these days is that we already have technology and if you go to you Merriam Webster's the website or you could learn app there is an icon there that you can click on RSS a bikini assign uttama pronunciation of birds so it's really something that can be began when a minor F for Motorola MOTO to TuneIn were in shock so you have to listen and expose yourself to the language how do you do that again handy and movies podcasts audiobooks all of these things spider my exposure for and I'm probably too late because I when you start to listen in English at land okay in Africa next English you start thinking in English as well alright so number one listening game listen as much as possible watch if he could tell I'm gonna expose game when you familiar with the sounds okay you know in done basic not rule not then now next rule would be actually you're writing right now I love you bug right no no homo Gallican a bug right that's good for you parents Obama in Deepa Machado writing really would help you out a lot to say I'm gonna play my son Artemis and cation here happen mugs retired English is because we don't think in full sentences now back at Cassini animus on a telegram excellent in English how can you expect someone to be good at speaking in English and me making their point known in a very clear and concise way if they can't even think in English and write in English or any cup Magali versa basic rules way comes to forming a sentence nikuman Gonzales offenses Nemo Allah Muhammad so you confidence more shopping that he had known cussing at a lovely morning AHA apocalyptic English success Aleta aha so you know second tip call right so start writing in English have people who are good at English correct them if you could but I can do my teachers in your mom by the Papa Chak you talk anymore friend skywave silly check Iranian American is a fine happen just tell me directly all of these things that you can do and you can do for free now your first two tips my ass I know you probably expected this is I mean gonna yawn so bean listen call on you my own and can say atomic tools that also sorted cosas be saying I feel will be more valuable hey so I already talked about you Merriam Webster's dictionary you listening pulled oil so you're gonna mean you're not even mention coming on our next color tips and you would be you imitation okay now when it comes to imitation and only be semi hynnyĆ­n honestly could see a lot of us we learn through imitation band Metallica to Tony my Bluto for example didn't get a guy in a tec-9 a nothin or moon again I say YouTube then I gluto you my how-to video student ID to top it up I don't not and then Dean a guy in a dance Allah that's the same thing when it comes to speaking a language so for example if you're watching a movie honey bird or mine the bottom line ornery beak on the line that you need for me to say Oh it'll do you good actually pause the movie and then try to say it right after I don't know Dion and then read it again and this'll be more good bet I had more use in a zombie no man as a screen now I honestly a little bit surprised that not a lot of you do this when it comes to English but you do it for say Korean or other languages but no no no they oh I love covered I'm a homo subscribers and I'm heating safari in available on the higher amount of basics right come on you know I say um I don't know how you my boy my girl on para all these things he only heard Don Dona Maria Novella gala see a subpoena a total immersion tehila emotional evening Gina Gaia Moshe so in the purpose of an invitation the problem is that same thing he nothing in I go sometimes for English sitting here well it's actually going to help you a lot so a lot of the things in that I've learned among if you might expressions all these things honestly but look at me boy go I probably heard that once or twice from another person or from a movie or from a TV series and then in imitate : shot now that's my third tip tip number four this is actually fun and it's something that is safe for the last part of video NATO's I wanted to demonstrate it to you basically just play with your phone and you can young speech-to-text function or a speech the text function it's actually a tool that will help you tie prayers into your phone without actually pressing any button or tapping on your screen I'm not going Milani sweetie I am so sorry Taha that was it a type near Paris I own now why is this a good tool when it comes to speaking in English they say honestly community ain't in the hand now phone morning AI you see the same amount of words you probably are saying it wrong all right now it's a bit of a humbling experience honestly for a lot of people Kunis is similar hakama hitam ha I mean y'all wanna eat in the end so maybe I'm doing something wrong it's a great way for you to correct your own pronunciation and learn them to speak better now I'm using my regular Android smartphone one dollar per month Alanna ho foon telemachus notes newport Nia and need to Salem you probably would see you Icona might so if you tap that that I didn't can ya doin sir and then some pattern Google how to get the tap to speak alright so what you could do with me to tap that and then price try saying something okay all you need to do honestly is to start talking okay and you will see come on kita in your remained Indiana you've seen asabi more okay I get Ryan Athena I'll just tap this hi everyone thank you for checking out my channel and thank you for clicking on this video so as you can see whatever I said none doncha arrow family cannot pronunciation but hiney am a minima baba Bossa okay so let me show you also translation see so I said pronunciation wrong so I'm not alleging a sensation instead of pronunciation so it's a great way honestly again like I said for you to check come time up I you picasa be in the mouths words now I'm best would be for you to properly like say something satis after verbatim some Abbas and on Google Translate now with a speech to text tool there's actually something else that you can do to kinda level it up again focusing on just the pronunciation get a book any book will do it doesn't have to be this this is actually a mythology and a book that I have from Edith's Hamiltonian is treated number your son what you do now would be pick a page or a passage from the book and then you will kind of gauge how you do using a speech-to-text so basically you're going to relieve this aloud and then to check my hometown my epic acaba son but how about some more using this technology alright so again Libra dementia you just need to be bought some time you talk and obviously it's a bit of a level up don't Seguin ago before when I was younger I used to actually spend time so library in seminary we have a required in a library time but I everyday about two hours at or an hour and what I used to do is hide stacks now indeed allowed you allowed Nanak that oh that's how I used to practice you wanna accent so funny idea but they added an accent or finished inflection I'm gonna crush up in a practice so that's what you're going to do here just really cool now thoughts what I mean just give you a demonstration I'm going to read off of the sleeve right here again Iran Korean speech the text tool since its original publication by Little Brown and company in 1942 Edith Hamilton's mythology has been a perennial bestseller and has sold millions of copies throughout the world so as you can see it says there so whatever I said it's there now I'm getting back bearing the Omaha limitations when it comes to to punctuation I say compunction up every what's up and you can actually say period or whatever if you're actually going to use it in speech to text a tool so that's a bit of a tip a bit of a hack and I hope know how to me insane you're so again just for a quick tips right now that you can do for free number one listen surround yourself with English movies podcasts audio books and stuff like that number two write to say that's how you will learn how to form sentences but I'll be incoherent fail when it comes to speaking aloud tip number three imitates okay I'm on a really big ninyo and the number four use technology is speech-to-text snug in your phone that's a great way for you to gauge quality improve Khaled condom by intamin in your god-given hope for you know how to don't Omaha quick tips casino there will be more coming up so again don't forget to hit subscribe if you haven't yet hit that Bell icon and sharing a little video some friends in your home erotica oh my become friends and so moto Patagonia English I'll be making more video specifically on that in the coming weeks alright so thanks guys for watching and if you haven't subscribed yet again subscribe like you thought I couldn't like you to meet you at all these reviewers that I made you can find them on my Facebook page if you want to get to know compiler cinema hoo-hah you can visit me at / team like for more information on a panel in metallica if you're interested to join the online or litereally events thanks guys for watching us at I say neither sinneth or never stop learning and as a trainee and see next video and bye for now [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Team Lyqa
Views: 1,855,330
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Civil Service Exam Review, Civil Service, Civil Service Examination, SAT, SATs, SAT Review, English, Language, Vocabulary, Team Lyqa, CSE Review, Homonym, Homonyms, Homonym Horrors, Vocabulary-Building, ESL, except, exempt, UPCAT, UPCAT Review, ACET, PUPCET, Grammar, Grammar Rules, homophones, IELTS, Study Hacks, Speaking English, Speaking in English, Speak English Fluently
Id: FOjyH0xmHGE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 38sec (818 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 29 2019
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