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hi everyone happy new year this video is about my own ielts experience and my ielts preparation if you would like to get tips on how i achieve my band aid ielts score please keep on watching so guys i finally got my ielts result i took my exam on december 18 2020 and i got it um i think uh one week or five to six days after and i didn't make the video right after because holidays and all got so busy and uh i took my exam at idp in charge and i would like to share with you my results so this is for a total band score of eight so i would i honestly like to make this video in my own native language to help my filipino ielts examiners but then i would like also to share this with other nationalities and all those um who intend to take the ielts exam all over the world so self review tip number one this is actually with um this is on my own experience only it's like it's up to you if you guys would like to take it but okay tip number one is to set your ielts exam date for me uh this is a bit important because i i'd like to just delay and delay my exam and i actually planned an exam in november but then i ended up taking it in december because i keep on delaying it so my tip number one is to set your exam date so i set my exam date one month from the date of my registration so that time i'm giving myself a month to review for my ielts exam so uh um and a good a good tip on this is that when you when you enroll and on an idp exam they're gonna give you a free one one basic course it's either you have to choose the listening um speaking reading or writing so you have like you can choose one among the four options and what would be the free course that they can give you i i personally selected um writing but then i i didn't actually ended up using it because i got so busy tip number two i highly advise you guys to download spotify um first of all this is not a paid advertisement by spotify but i really really love this app i have been the user of spotify for so many years now and for those who are not familiar spotify has two options so you can use it as a free application but with uh with ads in it and a premium account um i've been since as i mentioned i've been using for a while i am having a premium account so the good thing about this is um you can listen to podcasts related to ielts so i've been listening to uh ielts podcast by ben worthington and ielts everest i think but i'm gonna be putting uh the podcast in the description box below the good thing about spotify is that it will kick off your um your ielts review so since i am so my worry is so busy i use spotify whenever i'm on the way to work so i listen for speaking exams reading tips using the podcast so not only does it help you with your ielts practice test it's like a listening doing your ielts listening exam and it will also help you um um learn about the other tips on the other courses or like the others the other types of exams and i also i use it like all the time whenever i'm free at work i'm on the way to work i'm going home from work i always use spotify and it it really helped me a lot on my exam and by the way i got an ielts nine so i think spotify really based off tip number three is to refresh your vocabulary um i think this is very important it will be very useful in your speaking exam and your written exam and i'm lucky enough that i'm working in the middle east so we usually converse in english here but also since i came across a free cambridge ielts book and there's like a vocabulary refresher vocabulary something on it i download it so while going to work as i mentioned i'm listening to spotify and i am browsing as well this vocabulary a basic vocabulary to refresh my memory and also i think it pays off well during my exam so and another tip is because i'm really so much into k traumas and also the one month after the one month after i booked my ielts exam i moved away from kdramas and i started watching english movies so i can also get um familiar with all those of conversational english in the movies tip number four tip number four um the next step is uh the best friend of all self-reviewers like me so i highly encourage you to watch youtube videos like this so youtube videos really helped me a lot during my ielts uh self review so i mostly listen to oh watch i mostly watch e2 ielts specifically ielts with jay and fast track with asea and i also listen to ielts liz this three youtube vloggers or youtube instructors really helped me a lot during my ielts self review and also ielts liz has her own um website and there there's also free exams uh practice tests and also some basic um ielts um lessons that you can you can read through before doing your practice test also fast track by asiya she has a downloadable um ielts starter kit or ielts preparation kit where she will provide you the list of things to do in preparation for your ielts review and ielts exam and also ielts e2 ielts is really a good thing there's there's a lot of lessons and practice exams in there and usually it's it's a recorded zoom video of their classes and they're sharing it to everyone for free i'm gonna be sharing you um their youtube channel links on description box below tip number five and the most important tip of all is to do a practice test practice practice practice i cannot stress this enough this is how my my other ielts friend ielts examiner friend also did practice just keep on practicing as as like as many practice tests as you can and also because let's say you have a hectic schedule like me i usually take one ielts exam a day but usually this is for the 30 minutes exam or i usually uh do my practice test in reading and in speaking on the weekdays when i'm i get so tired from work and then i take my ielts reading and my ielts writing on weekends so i had three weekends to practice those so the weekdays i listened to lessons about uh reading and writing and i do the practical tests on the weekends and after i gave you all the tips i'm going to be also sharing with you the actual questions i got during my speaking exam i wanted to make a separate video of this but then i i just wanted to make a bonus in the end and as i have mentioned previously i'm gonna give you my the actual questions i got during my ielts speaking exam last december 18 2020. so in my part two i got the question what do you occasionally do that is a bit expensive the examiner will give you a sheet of paper and a pencil and they will give you one minute to prepare your answers for this exam and actually honestly the one minute is so fast that i barely uh put my thoughts together that it i didn't know it was about to start so uh one of the ielts tips ielts lessons that i got is to will it put a bullet points and all the the important details that you want to say to answer the question but honestly uh when i did my ielts speaking exam i only got to write two billion points i think and that's it you have to speak for straight two minutes that i didn't know i could actually speak for straight two minutes because the speaker keeps on looking at the at the timer and i feel so conscious that i would just keep on blabbering and honestly i don't know what to say and i i got an ielts uh speaking score of uh seven by the way my speaking part three exam is actually very tough it's one question after the other and i feel like my speaking exam took probably 20 to 30 minutes and it's really so long that i i keep on getting questions one after the other so the sample questions i got like for example do you want to live in a society where men and women have the same amount of money so would you like to live in that society another question is do you think men and women like to spend on expensive things another question that i actually came across during my ielts review is the question what type of clothes do you normally wear and then a follow-up question for this will be do you have a different clothes for weekday and weekend so guys if you have any more questions or any content suggestions please feel free to leave a message on the comment box below and if you find this video helpful i would like you guys to please like and subscribe in my youtube channel and i'll see you on my next vid bye
Channel: Rae Chelle Ann
Views: 7,445
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: T_vIMD6_dSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 59sec (659 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 07 2021
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