IELTS Sample Speaking Performance (Band 9)

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that definitely is something that the examiners would like to hear let's begin this is the speaking examination of the international english language testing system it was free-flowing the thoughts were very organized and he was speaking with such ease and its therapy [Music] welcome to 9.09ers youtube channel once again we shall be having a demonstration of the speaking subtest with me circle and with my partner here sir brian hi i believe we've done this already before oh yes plenty of times actually many many times and we're going to do it again today uh in the speaking test in the ielts exam there are three parts would you character refresh mr brian modisa part one is your introduction and interview in which you're going to be asked questions about yourself then we have part two in which you're going to be provided a topic this is your individual long term and you have to speak for one to two minutes and part three is going to be the discussion part in which the examiner is going to ask you more abstract questions related to part two but not necessarily follow questions to the second part of the examination indeed and it's a very different experience just reading these requirements and descriptions in a book or the website and seeing it actually happen in real time with total spontaneity and and lack of preparedness this is not something that ryan and i uh scripted ahead of time but this is something that we have no idea what's going to happen next i'm quite excited to see what questions i am too okay so let's give them a show uh shall we begin all right okay i shall be the candidate and sir brian over here will be the examiner all right let's begin this is the speaking examination of the international english language testing system can i have your full name please my flow name is philip edward cruzado can you show me some identification here yet here we go thank you in this first part of the examination i'm going to ask you questions about yourself philip i would like you to talk about your hometown can you describe to me the town or the city where you grew up certainly the city that i grew up in is skeleton city in the philippines specifically i grew up in toyola heights quezon city this is a very quiet peaceful and orderly neighborhood it's right in front of another university and near the university of the philippines which are premier universities in the country this makes the community very orderly and law abiding because it's full of students and people who cater to their needs as well and i think it's important that people are able to grow up in such a place in such a neighborhood so that they would learn from an early age that people are essentially good that people will not harm you the you can walk at night for example without anyone stabbing you which i understand is a very different experience which compared to some of other people in the country so i love being uh i am very grateful for the fact that my childhood was like that growing up in this neighborhood would you recommend this place to anyone who would like to live in your country definitely this is precisely as i was saying earlier this kind of environment is the ideal one for a child to grow up in because it helps foster have one's formative years that people are essentially good and can be trusted as well the fact that it is that most of the environments that children grow grow up in is are not like this this is something that needs to change okay now let's move on to talk about tea and coffee do people in your country drink tea or coffee more definitely coffee more tea is an affectation it's for sophisticated people to for to a large extent whereas coffee is liquidus it is it can be found everywhere from besson to 170 pesos starbucks drinks as well although i would like to point out that milk tea is becoming more and more popular nowadays i believe that i know a fellow lecturer his name is bryan who is very fond of milk tea as well and i think that what's important is that people are able to know what they truly like and not just feel forced to join the band bucket just because the rest of their friends drink it then they have to if you have guests who come over would you offer them tea or coffee i would offer them both and then let them decide which one they prefer and that's why we always keep both available okay and do you think that tea or coffee would be more popular among children or younger individuals compared to older individuals to an extent yes because adults tend to be the ones who drink coffee more often because sometimes they do it not for social reasons but for functional reasons because they need to stay awake same thing with tea because he has caffeine too so because children lack this reason this additional visa to consume these beverages then probably the frequency with which they do so is quite lower compared to adults okay now unless we want to talk about computers sure do you often use the computer all the time especially during this time of pandemic in which we're all confined to our homes the the manner in which we conduct work to order food and to conduct lectures it's all it all happens through technology mediated through these devices i think that this is a good thing and a bad thing it's good because it allows us to connect despite the necessary distancing that we need to be doing in order to preserve our health but it's also bad in one sense because we're lacking the physical proximity to each other which are necessary in order for us to preserve our mental health for example because we're all animals who need connection with each other in order to be safe as well as the fact that especially for children they may be stunted in their interpersonal development because they're not getting the needed inter yet physical interaction with other people so it's a good thing in the bad thing do most people in your country have access to computers yes and no i guess it depends on what you count as a computer desktop computer or a laptop definitely that's not very common but if you talk about smartphones i think that a large percentage of the country have access to this even if you don't own one yourself there are internet shops that allow one to rent these devices because uh a lot of people in my country are on facebook and and i think that's a pretty good metric to determine access to computers thank you you're welcome now i'm just going to give you a topic i would like you to talk about this for one to two minutes sure but before that i'm going to give you one minute to think about what you're going to say and to make some known situations do you understand i do here's a piece of paper and a pencil just in case you wish to write some notes sure and here's your topic i would like you to talk about a person or a family member who is an achiever [Music] okay phillip that's the end of your one minute let me just remind you that you have one to two minutes to answer this question now do not worry if i stop you i will tell you when your time is not can you start speaking now the person who is an achiever who is a family member of mine is a cousin her name is she has so many achievements that i don't think i'm going to have enough time to tell you about all of them there but what comes to mind is that she has she's uh she has a very high academic grades she graduated i don't know what the latin owner is but it's very very prestigious she is a certified public accountant and right now she's taking up law as well so she's going to be a cpa and a lawyer at the same time and while doing all of these things she is she has also been uh joining pageants for example she recently the passion she most recently won is miss dir i believe because she works in the bureau of internal revenue now which is a very a very important title because she is the ambassador to uh to the rest of the department to demonstrate the values that the agency has she is she cooks for her loved ones she makes that she finds time to exercise so many achievements and i think that what what she had to do in order to accomplish all of these things are well equally many as well but what comes to mind is her willingness to sacrifice her willingness to delay gratification by investing the hours that are needed putting in the work reading the books even when it's not easy especially when it's not easy so that in the future she would actually be able to harvest all of these medals and all of these all follow these recognitions and a person like that is very easy to admire definitely not only because of these visible marks of of victory but more of the background work the background the the invisible sacrifices thank you okay now i'm just going to ask you one or two more general questions about what we have talked about so far and we have been talking about a person particularly a family member that you know who is an achiever i would like to talk more about achievements in your country sure what kinds of achievements are important for people in your country there are many there are many and it truly depends who you ask the some a poor person for example an achievement for him would be being able to feed his family for another day somebody who was more financially stable perhaps an achievement for him is not being forced to lay off his employees despite the difficulties that this pandemic has fostered in us i think that what all achievements have in common that my concurrent value is the necessity for sacrifice in order to achieve them because if there is no adversity that is overcome that is not really an achievement at now you're talking about the motivations of people to achieve something now what do you think are the other motivators for people to achieve success well first well some people they rely on success in order to compensate for some perceived failing or deficiency in their part perhaps they were neglected with a child or perhaps they were disappointed in a relationship and instead of focusing on this hurt they rather redirect their energies to um to getting these achievements so that people would focus on these things rather than the more diffic rather than doing the more difficult work of coming to terms with whatever hurt them in the first place so it's abandoning these trophies and these diplomas and these are words sometimes sometimes now do you think that parents should force their children to become achievers definitely not i think that parents should instead of imposing that they achieve but they they should rather be supportive of their children because if they are if if they're able to provide the necessary uh help and encouragement and affirmation then these children's skills will naturally blossom will naturally make themselves known so that instead of imposing a particular path for their children to follow and achieving in a particular way that they want their children to do then whatever strengths and and preferences their offspring will have is what will come out and it's always easier to achieve things when you're being who you are how do people in your country celebrate achievements definitely with concepts this is a traditional filipino dish that is very long and it is a typical it's a typical food it's a typical dish that is served in lots of festivals and lots of celebrations as well like birthdays anniversaries etc do you think it's important to celebrate a person's achievements of course because this gives this affirms not only the achievement itself but everything else that went into it the public validation of one's efforts is needed not only to encourage similar behavior in the future but also to serve as inspiration for everybody else who witnesses this celebration because it would be very clear to them that this thing is valued that this thing should be is important in society and then and they would end up thinking that maybe they could do the same thing however i would like to point out that the proper things need to be celebrated unfortunately sometimes what is celebrated or things that are not really supposed to be validated for example very superficial things like beauty things like this like you get more the more likes you have the more shares you have in your video if you show some skin or if you just make people laugh it's with very shallow humor things like this people therefore get a mistake and notion that these things are what's worthwhile rather than things like courage sacrifice gratitude so we as a society should definitely recalibrate and celebrate the proper achievements so that we could have a better society thank you that's the end of your speaking examination not so bad right that's really good thank you so let's point out some of the good things that philip has shown firstly it sounded very natural it was free-flowing the thoughts were very organized and he was speaking with such ease and this therapy are you sorry and another thing is that everything sounded very clear his pacing is not too fast it um has the correct intonation and correct pronunciation of words and everything was delivered in a very conversational manner it sounded very interesting and he seemed very committed and very um he sounded very confident there was no ounce of hesitation in that kind of performance and that definitely is something that the examiners would like to hear it's very refreshing to hear a candidate who speaks his or her thoughts with such confidence and examiners will find that very remarkable and in the pool of candidates will be performing the same way this will stand out and definitely will get a better score compared to the rest of candidates of the candidates who are taking the examination on a certain test date so guys that's how you ace your vital speaking examination and get a bad night in your examination sir bella here has never gotten lower than a perfect score in any of his english exams for speaking thankfully the i doubt that you would be needing a perfect score yourself you're not headed to pluto i imagine you know i don't know if our students are headed that far so the good news there is that you don't necessarily have to demonstrate this kind of delivery right sir yeah definitely an even and if you will examine the band descriptors in the ielts website the topmost tracks for 9.0 with fluency grammar pronunciation they allow cert a certain room for error you have space for mistakes there are slips that you're allowed to make then i made some slips and some hesitations earlier there might have been a few yeah but remember even native english speakers make those mistakes so in ielts you're not expected to be perfect but you're expected to actually perform in a way that you're able to communicate a message across it's a holistic assessment it's the evaluation takes into context the entire performance that you offer during the test and therefore this is something that we practice a lot in 9.09 coaching is available from 9am to 9pm every day yes mondays to sunday monday sunday is amazing i know yeah so you could have this coaching this similar experience every single day and practice is what makes perfect english after all is a skill like anything else and the more that you do it the better you get wouldn't you agree with that definitely with more practice you can definitely get a better score but of course before you practice you need the proper guidance and that's what we provide here at 9.09 ielts review and tutorial center we guide and hone our students to perform their best during their english exams so we look forward to meeting you in our programs and hopefully we will see you there we look forward to working with you [Music] you can also visit our website at or email us at training guess who would have replies to all of these cool replies sir us the lecturer yeah so we are really hands on when it comes to taking care of you why work with anybody else but the best see you in our future video thank you for watching you
Channel: 9.0 Niner IELTS OET PTE
Views: 24,497
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: BJQTnHYrqlk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 40sec (1180 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 27 2020
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