IELTS speaking part1 "Advertisements"

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[Music] okay in this lesson we're going to look at advertisements or you might say advertisements or even adverts or what about ads all of these are great they are nouns we can use when speaking and they refer to the individual adverts that you see there is another noun advertising but that refers to the field of adverts right so advertising contains lots of individual adverts okay now with this topic i think it's connected to a lot of other topics right and i think that's important because you may be pulling vocabulary from different topics to help you give better answers on this topic right think about shopping online shopping social media television all of these are connected right with adverts so you can take your knowledge and your your language from those topics to help you hear okay let's move on have a look at some of the possible questions you might get on this topic do you see a lot of advertising are there any types of advertisements that you like have you ever bought something because of an advertisement do you watch advertisements from the beginning to the end and here are some useful collocations you might use when talking about adverts collocations aren't words that normally go together right so we talk about an advertising campaign and that may have a series of adverts in order to target an audience an advertising campaign we can say that an advert if it's very good right it's a a captivating advert captivating can you say that a captivate advert nice or an engaging advert an engaging advert great it means it's good it keeps the the the viewer and draws them in keeps them engaged however you can also have an intrusive advert say that with me an intrusive advert an intrusive advert comes from the idea of an intruder an intruder is a person who comes into your house without an invitation what are you doing here go away i don't know you right they're intrusive because they're coming into your space without an invitation a lot of telephone calls are intrusive right they just call you and you have to answer well you don't have to but you think you have to a lot of advertisements um especially on social media can be intrusive right you don't want to see them they just come at you thick fast and thick um i talked about an engaging advertisement you can also have an engaging slogan the slogan is the phrase that is connected to the brand or the advertisement right nike just do it yeah it's a great slogan it's an engaging slogan just do it nike or nike i don't know i say nike with that let's move on to the first question again 15 seconds give me your answer do you see a lot of advertising okay great here is a sample answer for sure i think nowadays we are bombarded with adverts left right and center i see them on my social media feeds on website pop-ups um and to be quite honest um by and large i find them quite intrusive okay let's have a look at the language right so i said for sure so it's a it's a it's a confirmation saying yes for sure um we are bombarded with adverts to bombard is to hit again and again and again um especially thinking about bombs when you drop lots of bombs on a city you're bombarded that's where it comes from right but we can be bombarded with questions by students bombarded with adverts and this is nice left right left right and center it means all over the place everywhere right when you go into uh my home not my hometown when you're going to this city here santander in the summertime there are tourists left right and center everywhere there are nice bars left right and center okay it's a nice expression i see the adverts i see them on my social media feeds so i'm taking language from social media right my facebook feed it's the list of posts in your page that are refreshed every second right it's your feed your social media feed website pop-ups i'm sure you're familiar when you go to a website and suddenly pop that pops up an advertisement so annoying and to be honest by and large right most of the time or generally speaking i find them quite intrusive intrusive they are um annoying because they come in without invitation excellent some nice language go back practice your own answer again but for now let's move on to the second question are there any types of advertisements that you like here's a sample answer well yes um some adverts that tell a story can be quite engaging so rather than focusing on the product features they focus on the user and their emotions um i think these are easier to relate to and that emotional connection um is really powerful okay so signpost at the start well yes clear some adverts that tell a story can be engaging talked about engaging adverts or captivating so rather than something then something else so rather than focusing on the product features they focus on the user so this is where you're contrasting something right rather than doing this it does this rather than reading a book i prefer to watch a film right so the advert rather than focusing on this it focuses on this right making that contrast they focus on the user there's a nice or the customer you could say um these are easier to relate to and to relate to something means to identify with it is to feel a connection with right i can relate to you because we have a similar culture or a similar background right i can have a connection with you i can relate to this book or i can relate to this advertisement means i have that connection with it and you can talk about the emotional connection right it's not um a logical connection it's the feeling connection which is very powerful so some nice collocations there i can relate to somebody or something and i have an emotional connection to something excellent great that's it for adverts keep practicing and i'll see you in the next lesson
Channel: IELTS Speaking Success
Views: 661
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: mCvFsbnuSdo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 9sec (549 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 21 2021
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