IELTS SPEAKING PART 2: Advertisements

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hello everyone I hope you are all well welcome back today we are going to be looking at the topic of advertisements or advertisements as you might know it and I'm going to be giving you some new vocabulary to use during this very difficult topic and then I'm going to give you an example answer to a part two question so without further ado let's begin when talking about an advert it's very important in advance to be able to think about something really quickly you want to be able to think of groundbreaking advert something that you can talk about passionately maybe an advert that went viral which of course means to be put on the Internet and for everybody to share and to really enjoy watching it next you might want to talk about how the advertisement had some celebrity endorsement and try and make up a celebrity or think of a celebrity that was contained within that advert next you might want to look or discuss how the advert and created a niche in the market remember a niche means something that is slightly different or unique about that product or that advert and niche that of course would be an advertising tactic in order to create some sense of brand loyalty brand loyalty is when you develop a relationship with a brand or a company with its customers and as a result the customers will return to that organization again and again when talking about the where and the when you might want to consider something being an annual tradition for example a Christmas adverts would always come on and be very famous and eye catching for the viewers to enjoy and therefore they would all run out to go and watch the advert and maybe even go to the supermarket or shop you might want to also talk about how the advert teases you it teases you or teased you with the promise of something unbelievable or absolutely wonderful and therefore you decided to go out and watch it and see that advert in order to be teased and to enjoy the feeling of wanting something it's very important as well I believe to maybe discuss the music that was played or the music that accompanied the advert in order to create the atmosphere ambience which might make you want to go and buy the products that were for sale during that commercial lastly remember it's very important to talk with great enthusiasm so you might want to say how the advert was pioneering or one-of-a-kind and that it was very inspirational and even perhaps thought-provoking and that's why you enjoyed it so much so guys just some vocabulary for you there before we start now I would like to give you an example to a part two question so let's begin describe an impressive advertisement that you remember well you should say where and when you watched it what was advertised what was the content of the advertisement and lastly why you liked the advertisement I have been fortunate enough to watch many groundbreaking commercials in my life therefore it is difficult to just pick one however if I had to it would have to be the annual Christmas Marks and Spencers food advert it was an annual tradition in my household back in England to watch this advert in the run-up to the Christmas season to get you in the festive mood and spirit the advert was shown to display all of the best and finest fresh fruit and vegetables and various food items that the British supermarket had to offer and boy did it the advert would begin with sensual music playing accompanied with a very light melody in order to attract the viewers attention the tactic that was used was to display the food in a way that you and I simply could not compare it was almost as if a michelin-starred chef had prepared it it would always be shown in prime time and you could tell that they had a large budget it was always a real treat to be teased by the best that British food had to offer and this of course created a niche in the market that only Marks and Spencers could offer the reason why this video was such a special experience is because it evoked feelings of happiness and warmth this was obviously an advertising tactic and it made me want to run out to the shop moreover my family and I would often reminisce about the times that we had shared when we had tried to recreate these meals and that would bring back overwhelmingly happy memories the advert would also be accompanied very often by a celebrity endorsement which was a real treat with such examples as Michael Jackson and even Boris Johnson being in some of the videos that is why for me the annual Marks & Spencer's Christmas advert would always be a real treat and something that I will never forget for the rest of my life so guys thank you very much for watching I hope you found that useful the topic of advertisements is a difficult one but I think the biggest difficulty is trying to think of which one to talk about within the one minute time frame so try and have one prepared in advance so that you're ready for that question should it come up make sure that you can talk about it passionately as well please comment below with any advertisements that you think are particularly special and we can discuss them together thank you very much for watching see you again soon goodbye
Channel: IELTS with Charles - British Academy VN
Views: 7,902
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Id: 3uiz1pM_VdI
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Length: 6min 36sec (396 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 01 2020
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