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[Music] great so in this video we're going to look at farms and farming wow what an interesting topic right now this is a very specific topic on the general more wider topic of the countryside the environment maybe food but we're getting quite specific i don't know if you ever learn english as a child maybe you did you might be familiar with old macdonald had a farm e-i-e-i-o right and that's how we learn the vowel sounds e-i-e-i-o but you may be a city person and you may be worried thinking i don't know anything about farms don't worry this is not an interview for it's not a job interview to work on a farm right this is about your english language so if you know nothing about farms and you've never been on a farm you can still say that but just use nice language to do it let's have a look then first of all at the questions you might get here have you ever visited a farm before did you do farm work when you were young would you like to live on a farm do you think farming is important right i think an important point right is don't worry too much about technical language you know most british people wouldn't know all the different kinds of farming like pastoral farming arable farming most people don't know that so it's not important what's more important is to learn the kind of vocabulary that we would generally use on this topic maybe things like livestock including the sheep the cows the horses maybe things like to milk a cow right to get milk um to raise chickens or to breed chickens right so this is kind of the more useful language so let's have a look at the first question um have you ever visited a farm first of all though i'm going to ask you that question give me a short answer maybe 10 to 15 seconds have you ever visited a farm okay good now let's have a look at my answer have you ever visited a farm yes i have but to be honest it was a long time ago when i was at school we had a school trip to a farm where they rear livestock mainly cows and sheep and we had a chance to feed them um actually it was quite an eye-opener for me as it was my first time to visit a farm okay so let's have a look at my answer here i said yes right um but to be honest it was a long time ago so that's kind of my connector it's introducing what i'm going to talk about um to be honest it was a long time ago and then we're going to be talking in the past right because it was a an event that happened in the past when i was at school and then i say we had a school trip um which is a nice collocation to have a school trip when this when the school students go together with the teachers you can say a school outing or a school trip um i talk about livestock right so again the cows the sheep maybe the chickens to rea livestock is to to raise or to breed um so it's to to have and to look after to feed to help them grow but that's a nice collocation right rear livestock um we had a chance to feed them have a chance to it's just a simple but nice expression to feed the animals and then i've got another connector actually it was quite an eye opener an eye opener is an experience that broadens your horizon helps you learn new things helps you see things that maybe you hadn't seen before so this opened my eyes it made me see new things nice to use as a noun it was an eye opener an eye opener let's say that do it slowly first so we can do the connection the connected speech opener an eye opener sounds like nai right an eye opener an eye opener that's it good it was an eye opener for me great that's it that's the first question now i'm gonna look at the next question do you think farming is important this sounds a bit like a part three question right it's a bit more abstract um but it's still talking about you it's your opinion but just keep the answer shorter right maybe up to 20 seconds because it is a part one question right let me ask you then do you think farming is important by the way remember to say yes or no but also to explain why okay i'll ask do you think farming is important right okay nice okay good so let me try do you think farming is important absolutely i reckon it's the backbone of our economy right i mean if we didn't have farms we wouldn't have any food and we would starve i guess um to my understanding it's also a key source of employment in many countries so let's have a look at the language right so as my signpost or connector i begin absolutely right i reckon is i think but more colloquial i reckon it's the backbone of our economy the backbone of our economy the backbone is the bone that goes down your back and it's the thing the solid strongest part of the of the body or of the economy right so it's the backbone of our economy means it's the strongest part of our economy and then i use i guess quite clever um grammatical tenses right i'm using a second conditional if we didn't have farms then we wouldn't have any food if we didn't have this we wouldn't have notice the contraction if we didn't have we wouldn't have didn't wouldn't if we didn't have a we wouldn't have b simple template you could do lots of repetition with that right if we didn't have water we wouldn't live if we didn't have cars we wouldn't drive anywhere if we didn't have farms we wouldn't have food take that template keep practicing substituting not now later um i guess we would starve right we would starve to starve is to be very very very hungry and the suggestion to starve to death right is to to die of starvation lack of food to my understanding is a nice connector again it's giving my opinion to my understanding it's also a key source of employment a key source of employment no an important source for jobs a key source of something right this is a key source of something um chicken is a key source of protein milk is a key source of calcium things like that there's lots of again we can practice repetitions great that's my answer so we've talked a bit about farms we've got some interesting vocabulary remember it's not a job interview it's a test of your language great let's move on
Channel: IELTS Speaking Success
Views: 127
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5iEYg63ixRs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 41sec (581 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 21 2021
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