IELTS Speaking Recent questions – December 2021 | Genesis Learning

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let's talk about the ielts speaking and some of the most recent questions that were asked in december 2021 i got these questions as always from the students who wrote the exam from our institute and also from a very supportive youtube community i will be giving out some sample answers please do not try to copy it but only use it as a reference if you get that same question for your exam let's start learning all right so the ielts speaking as you know has three parts right your part one part two and your part three if you want to know more details about all of that you can just check out my other video where i've given all details basically the entire speaking will last for around 15 to maximum 20 minutes it will usually not go all the way up to that okay so today i'm going to be discussing three vocabulary lists for your part one now part one has like i told you different general questions and they can ask you three or even four different vocabularies they will not tell you what it is but they will still ask you so today i'm going to discuss tree vocabulary like i told you and they are farming work and job so here we go with the farming questions the first one have you ever visited a farm yes i have visited a farm as a matter of fact we do have a farm just a couple of kilometers away from my home the second question what kind of farm do you like i like a farm that has a lot of animals it will be a bonus if there is an aquarium third question do you think farming is important yes it is very very important because that is the only way that we can actually get some food for our livelihood fourth one did you do any farm work when you were young unfortunately no i used to live in a flat system which was in the urban area and there were not many farming activities or farming fields in that locality so therefore i was not exposed to any kind of farming brilliant now let's move on to our next vocabulary list which is work and the questions are when do you need to concentrate the most i think it would be when i'm almost about to achieve my desired result second one what helps you to concentrate more it would be pin drop silence uh during that moment when there is no noise i am able to concentrate to the best of my ability the third one can you concentrate on work during the noise yes i can do it however i would prefer not to do it because i have not got some good results out of it fourth one when is concentrating hard for you it would definitely be hard when people are watching me i feel at that time there is a lot of pressure and i cannot perform to the best of my ability or i cannot concentrate the best when people are staring at me brilliant okay so now before i jump on to my third vocabulary list hey if you are getting some value out of this video you know what to do make sure to hit that like button the next vocabulary list is for jobs and the questions are what responsibilities do you have at work at work i handle multiple portfolios they are presentations and also sales so because of that my responsibilities keep changing and they are interchangeable between these two departments second one what is the most interesting thing about your work i think the most interesting thing is i'm not limited to just one particular thing or one particular activity in my work because of that i'm flexible and i don't get bored easily third one do you get do you get on well with your colleagues yes i do i believe that you need to have a good working environment and you should be friendly with everyone if you want to get your results quickly and in a more optimum way the fourth one do you prefer to work in the morning or evening definitely it would be in the morning i am more of a morning person where i like to finish off all my work in the morning itself i find it more proactive and less distracting brilliant so that will be the end of our part one now let's move on to our part two but before we jump into the part two let me give you a small heads up as you know always which we have been doing i will not be giving out any sample answers for part two and for part three what you can do is pause the video and then give out the answers by yourself for the part two all you have to do is after i finish the question pause it spend a minute to prepare on it and then for the next two minutes make sure to speak on that topic record yourself and check for errors if you want me to check it well all you have to do is drop your answer in the comment section below so let's go on to right now the part two and the question is describe an energetic person that you know you should say who the person is how you knew this person why you think this person is energetic and explain how you feel about this person your time starts from now okay so that'll be the end of part two now let's move on to part three where i'm going to give you the questions you can spend some time to prepare and then make sure to pause the video because i'm just going to be giving out the questions okay so here we go with the part three do you think we need more energy nowadays what kind of jobs require more physical energy should jobs that require physical work be higher paid will physical workers receive higher salaries in the future do you think machines could replace all human workers in the future jobs are going to be replaced by robots okay so that will be the end of our part 3 and for this entire speaking session let me know in the comment section if you've got any of these for your exams anytime and if yes how did your answering go if you are serious about your goals then we can help you out we have got authentic practice materials and expert trainers for the ielts examination all you have to do is log on to our website check out our different packages and you can even sign up from the website itself if you want to get in touch with me directly then all you have to do is fill out your details in that contact form right below i've put it in the comments you know it's a pin command right on the top and also in the description just fill in your details and i will personally get in touch with you if this video is informative then please help us and share this video with everyone else do check out some of our other videos that will be popping up here somewhere and until we meet again this is your tutor noel wishing you a fantastic day ahead ciao
Channel: Genesis Learning
Views: 411
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genesis, genesis learning, IELTS genesis, Noel, IELTS speaking, IELTS speaking questions, IELTS speaking questions & sample answers, IELTS speaking questions 2021, IELTS speaking recent questions, IELTS speaking recent test, speaking questions, IELTS prediction, IELTS exam prediction, speaking questions with answers for IELTS, speaking questions IELTS, speaking questions and answers, IELTS, IELTS speaking answer, IELTS listening, 2021, December, CDT, ielts preparation full course
Id: chuQf4E25Ms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 50sec (530 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 09 2021
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