IDEAL HOUSE-language analysis

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[Music] so welcome back i hope you've enjoyed the model answer and now let's have a look at some of the language i used there so first if i could choose my ideal house it would be [Music] so this is imagining sometimes we call it hypothesizing but that's quite hard to say so imagining if i could do something or if i were rich i'm not but if i were rich i would it's called the second conditional if i with the past participle and then i would so if i could choose my ideal house maybe i can't because i don't have enough money but if i could choose my ideal house i would choose or it would be and i would choose a small village in a small village in a european country in a with a mild climate and there's some nice natural english here um i'm not really one for hot weather i'm not one for football i don't really like it i'm not one for hot weather i don't really like it really emphasizes i'm not really one for hot weather very nice natural english moving on to express a preference i prefer a or b i'd rather live here or i'd prefer to live here so just notice i'd rather there's no two i'd rather live i'd rather have prefer there's a two i prefer to live i'd prefer to have i'd rather live in a fairly large village to escape the hustle and bustle of the city so where there's a lot of activity and usually in a noisy area it's the hustle and bustle in a city there's maybe the traffic there's shops there's people selling there's noise it's the hustle and bustle of the city center so i want to live in a community where i get to know people but we're not too close without having to live in each other's pockets literally in the pocket to live in each other's pockets is to live too close together you know like in some villages everybody knows everybody and you live in each other's pockets when it comes to the style of house now this is really good really important to signpost to tell the examiner what you're going to say it makes it really easy for the examiner to listen and follow so when it comes to the style of house which just means talking about the style of house or as far as the style of house goes so these are nice connectors i think i'd go for i'd choose a traditional cottage as you saw before that's the the old-fashioned house in the countryside cottages are quite old so i would renovate renovate renew make it new again so i would renovate the inside so it has all the mod cons great expression the mod cons is literally the modern conveniences like maybe the heating tv kitchen equipped bathroom all the mod cons okay moving on first of all outside another clear signpost for the listener well the examiner to begin with let's talk about outside the house first of all and notice the connection first of all first of all first of all outside i'd like a good sized garden yeah i love i would love to grow my own fruit and vegetables the house would have a patio do you remember that area with your table and chairs outside a patio an outdoor kitchen so i could cook eat and entertain guests outside weather permitting if the weather is good literally if the weather permits or allows it to happen but if the weather is good weather permitting okay oh this by the way is when you hope for something or you wish for something cross your fingers weather permitting now another signpost as far as the interior decor goes the interior means inside so outside is exterior inside interior decor decoration or design interior decor as far as the interior decor goes i'd opt for or choose wooden floors carpets bing tiles bing open plank kitchen we talked about um and i'd like a spacious open plain kitchen spacious is a nice word full of space very very big open plan kitchen is not an old-fashioned house in the countryside it's a kitchen that connects to another room in the house it merges so to merge is to become one kitchen dining room merge one room company a may merge with company b to make a new company so the companies merge and now all this is nice i like this and then there's the facilities so when you're giving a list of things you have one two and when you add another you can say and then there's this so i'm going shopping i need fruit vegetables bottled water so i'm going shopping um i need the fruit i need the vegetables and then there's the water i need to buy bottled water so it's just a way of showing something extra on the list and now let's talk about and then there's the facilities i don't care too much for something which i don't like i don't like high-tech immunities high-tech high technology you know things like you know nowadays you can control your house from a little mobile phone you can open your curtains you can turn on the lights you can turn off the heating you can do anything just sat in your chair it's great but it's terrible at the same time so i don't care much for high-tech amenities next it goes without saying is a great signpost meaning of course or obviously i don't need to say it but i say it it goes without saying i'd like a big tv but the icing on the cake it's a great idiomatic expression so the icing on the cake you have a cake you have the icing or the sugar on top it's the thing that is not necessary but it makes it even better so the icing on the cake for me would be the swimming pool or the gym so i can work out do exercise and keep in shape keep fit and strong from the comfort of my own home which means at home conveniently i have a laptop it's great so i can work from the comfort of my own home it's a nice little expression great that brings us to the end of part two language analysis
Channel: IELTS Speaking Success
Views: 72
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1L7U-E5pRm8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 18 2021
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