IELTS BAND 7.5 Practice (Mock Speaking) Test. For Nigerians, Africans and African Americans

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hello everyone and welcome to the ielts multi-step program over the years one thing that we have noticed about success in the ielts is the role of practice which is why we have provided a platform for all our test takers to have a mock feeling of the speaking test in the videos that you're going to be watching you're going to have candidates who are preparing to write the ielts go through the speaking test with a trained ielts examiner please watch these videos and note the mistakes they make the strategies they've used and the tips that will be preferred in these videos to help you achieve the maximum success that you desire in the ielts speaking test let's get right into these videos today we're going to be conducting another mock test with test taker dubby test academy is a first-time test taker who's having his first rodeo with the ielts test this is his first time he's taking the ielts test and even doing anything at all that has to do with the speaking test so we have to cut him some slack chest academy ended up with a 7.5 score in the ielts and will walk through why and what pitfalls he made what mistakes he made and what he did right to achieve that band score at the end of the test there will be a review of its performance and please endeavor to watch it to that part please like i always say you can pause this video at any interval that you want so that you will be able to review a particular tip or a particular uh strategy that you probably got not in that part also the only way that you can fully benefit from these videos is to use the tips and strategies that you get here in your own actual practice practice is the only way to success in the ielts which is why mock test is something that you should engage in before the day of the test let's get into this video good afternoon good afternoon um please could you speak up a little bit more okay um welcome to the ielts speaking test it's a mock test actually my name is lannery and i'll be your examiner for today please introduce yourself my name is okay so what should i call you i mean that means better good do you work or study i work tell me something about the people you work with um a edtech company um grids youths that's an obvious mistake and a tech company sort of head tech company and you can also see that that me the nerves show here is quite uh his fidgeting is not he hasn't found this flow yet and that obviously would affect his performance in the ielts please as much as possible i always tell test takers to please find a confidence that confidence within when you're going for the speaking test in the ielts it is not a test of intelligence it is a test of communication and what we are assessing is how you express yourself it's not what you are saying not the content but how you deliver it tries to connect really nice oh nice that's a very good uh sounds like a very good gig um so let's begin the test can you describe one of the rooms in your house or flats where you sleep okay um i study i stay in a um that's inviting apartments yeah it's just this question should not be a question that you should find difficult or strange describing a place describing a person or describing a concept is something that you should have tried out during your practice or preparation for the ielts speaking test there's no way that you're going to escape a description question in the ielts and even if you do escape it it is such a frequent and repetitive question that it is what your time preparing for it how do you describe a person how do you describe a room how do you describe a concept this is something that i feel you should pause this video note and start to do some research on damie obviously does not answer the question because his description is uh flawed describe a room you know a favorite room or describe the place where you stay and then he goes ahead and gives you the physical dimensions of the place that could come in later on in the question but you didn't need to start with that and like i said before the first time test taker who hasn't watched any videos or hasn't done any training who hasn't undergone any how do i say preparation for the ielts it's not just a bad performance but it could definitely be much better obviously as a bed of course then it a chance to study okay so do you prefer living in a big house or a small one and why i kind of prefer living in a big house because the space so what are some of the disadvantages of living in a big house um the disadvantage i guess would be um having to align things properly sometimes things cut out on different places that's true so let's talk about entertainment what is the most popular form of entertainment in your country um i think music music have a challenge with him starting with um um um all the questions and i also have a very big challenge with the fact that he mumbles and uh he swallows his words towards the end of his sentences and utterances and then he's not audible enough all of these are things that would have been fixed or you should fix before the day of your test it's a speaking test for god's sake if you're not audible if you're not trying to communicate in such a way that i can hear you clearly i would have a problem assessing your evaluating your communicative competence please avoid this it's really the peak of it people go to concerts more than you go to any other form of entertaining music concerts what i'm talking about now okay yeah okay do people in your country usually prefer to go out or stay at home in the evenings that depends that depends on the location people people in the western part of this country tend to grow out more than now why do you think that successful entertainers are often paid so much um well most most times basically recently ever since they've um come to the knowledge that they could actually get paid on platforms like youtube they monetize their performances on youtube so i guess that's where most of them are into right now okay platforms like youtube that help them to monetize their content very good stuff relevant vocabulary industry event vocabulary that is used to describe that concept very good points okay okay so how popular is watching sports in your country as a form of entertainment it's very popular very popular why do you think that is a whole lot of viewing centers um let's get out and that we use yeah almost experience a masculine gender things like go to viewing centers to watch people great let's talk about teenagers okay what is life like for a teenager in your country well life life as a teenager is um kind of like easy i feel because you are most dependent on your parents and then they get to like do most of the things for you and then make most of the decisions for you so it's just like you going according to your own will see so um what are some of the challenges that teenagers face today i think one of the challenges that i think they face the most is um decision making because um yeah they've grown up to be dependent on their own parents and then after the process of depending on them you now have to make decisions your own self [Music] do you think teenagers should be allowed to drive yeah sure maybe why is that because um in the western world it's a that's bright and then i see okay so um what are parents attitudes to boyfriends and girlfriends for teenagers in your country well um parents in this part in this particular world today are not really supportive of um dating for young people but as you grow that they start to like prayer you into stuff like that like why don't you have someone with you isn't that contradictory okay so um we'll move on to the section two of the tests now at this part i will give you a cue card you will have one minute to prepare what you're going to say and after that you'll be required to talk for at least one minute to two minutes to respond to it so i'll give you a pen and i'll give you the question so your question reads i'll we have the question first before i give it to your question reads us describe something you bought recently okay you should say what it is where you bought it what it looks like and explain why you needed to buy this thing you have one minute to prepare your response and then you have one minute or two minutes to deliver your response also too so um so your time is almost up now you grew up good so can i have the pen please thank you very much yes so please begin your response now the coin i asked him question i should just go first oh no i'll just i'll just read out the question and you begin okay it's to be like a flow not responding to them one after the other describe something you have bought recently you should say what it is where you bought it what it looks like and explain why you needed to buy this thing right um recently today um i just bought dodge coin and then um it's been it's been something that that's been on my mind for a while to get started um i feel like cryptocurrencies like the future of currencies and then i feel like um if you tap into it at the early stage you could actually make a real great living out of it because i feel make a living that's good collocation that's good that's very good please enable to use a lot of collocations in your speaking test it will show you off as someone who is competent enough to level up a native english speaker and will also get you extra scores instead of attempting to use complex vocabulary like big or large even that i awards because you know like 10 years back if you came back i feel um bitcoin was so cheap people get bitcoin for much less than what it is right now i mean right now 10 years after it's it's almost like 50 50 um 50 something thousand dollars and then it was almost like say um just unread a lot of 200 okay so if you've got it back then and then you see what happened right now you could like you two thousand times richard thank you very much that's a good deal yeah so um the crypto currency i bought was dodge and then i bought it from beyond beyond markets and then um i i got this first it was deep to what they were taking out and i feel like since the pros in this in this future say by the deep buying it when it's dipping is the best time to buy it so i got it and just held it to myself basically so i feel like i'm like it's 10 years um times well it grows and then makes more sense than it is right now it's a digital currency so i can't i can't really um describe it but it's it's well best described by its logo and that's what you use to differentiate it um i feel like okay i answered the question already the last one which is um why do i think it's needed so you could see that he he he tried to use the prompts to structure his response when i say the prompts are what it is um what does it look like when you bought it why you bought it and explain why you why it's important to you or something like that now i always during the smok test i always collect the cue card back from the test taker after they finish their one minute of making notes this is because i've discovered that a lot of people start depending too much on the cue card they have it in front of them and they use it to structure their talk so their talk isn't a a continuous flow it's supposed to be like a paragraph but what they end up having is at least so they go and what it is is it's a crypt is a cryptocurrency that i bought what it looks like is that no you shouldn't do that that automatically reduces the quality of your response in the speaking pattern at the beginning of his response he was able to you know seamlessly transit from one pump to the other but towards the end they started depending a lot on the prompt and uh and that that obviously affected the quality of his answer and also reflected in the band 7.5 score that he got cursed i feel i told the world the fact that he could actually make more sense if you have a threat now in 10 years again thank you very much for that very interesting chat so um would you encourage anyone to actually venture into this and buy cryptocurrency yeah great great great so let's move on to the third part of this test and um here i will ask you questions that would require you to give abstract answers so what luxury item would you choose if you could have any one thing okay um what larger item will i choose right now if you i'll just stick to crypto ah i see that's a nice one um do you think luxury possessions bring happiness why or why not well luxury possessions actually does bring happiness um so there's there's a there's a there's a there's an error there of concord that's number luxury possessions do bring happiness because that's plural but he said logic possessions does bring happiness so you can see the reasons why uh apart from the fact that this is the first time he's taking it and he's not so conversant with the structure and the strategies that you should deploy his language also to is quite um faulty in some places and that's and that's what you can see and that really accounts for the 7.5 score that it's gotten second review of this uh we could probably drop him to as low as a band seven but there were some really high points of bright spots it is a performance that uh ensured that he would definitely be above a band seven but not good enough to enter a band eight uh range the reason i would say this way because um seeing luxurious things make people happy normally okay should luxury items be taxed at a higher rate well yeah why because that's what differentiates them from non-cultural items i see now how have the lives of rich people changed over the last 30 years over the last 30 years i feel like they've started to discover what they've discovered that life is really not the car just like humility in france rather than accumulating in france right now i see most of those rich people likes of your kids becoming philanthropists and giving back to people yeah very good so now let's talk about the food supply uh around the world where is your country's food mainly produced um countries food i feel i'm also sure bro i feel like it's produced mainly not some parts first that's what they are mainly focused on agriculture what are some of the challenges that face food producers today um some of the challenges is the fact that there are not so many school people doing these things the the people who would rather box for white scholar jobs go into agriculture do you believe that the world should use genetically modified food well in my opinion a few naturally grown stuffs make better sense than chance to reduce things or doing things so there's this repetition of the word stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff it's sort of littered throughout the whole test from part one to part two and even the part three and and it's it's it's it's it's definitely not encouraging at all please as much as possible as much as you want to be relaxed as much as you want to show off your knowledge of conversational english do not recede into informality it's a test it's a speaking test and you should as much as possible try to give it that level of seriousness that it takes stuff stuffs stuffs will not pass as a good vocabulary as good expression be specific about what you want to say stops is too general a term to describe anything for this movie right now equal option for genesis how can we reduce the amount of food wasted today both domestically and commercially well um recycling yeah recycling workplace for stuff like that i see that's a very um interesting perspective to it thank you very much mr dami for this very engaging chat i have actually been able to pick one or two things that i didn't know before and i think um that's quite nice i would definitely take your advice about buying cryptocurrency because i really want to join you also too so um let's look at let's review your performance and just just have you taken the test before have you had this speaking test before okay have you had classes on ielts before okay so that means i'll go easy on you if it for someone who's first rodeo this is you didn't do so bad um my first and general comments would be you need to be a little bit more audible because i'm assuming that on the day of the test you might be wearing a mask uh face mask so that might actually affect how loud your voice would be so you need to be a little bit more audible overall there are four criteria for assessing the ielts speaking test fluency coherence and cohesion lexical resource that's vocabulary and then your pronunciation so i'll start from the bottom so as i pointed out in previous videos there was an error with the assessment criteria listed in this video from our studios and that has been fixed if you check on your screen now the appropriate or the correct assessment criteria for the read for the speaking test is right on the screen and that would be fluency and coherence grammatical rate and accuracy lexical resource and then lastly pronunciation so pronunciation i gave you an eight there because i feel that your words were quite audible not like in terms of being loud but i could understand them so all the words that you were using there was none of them that your pronunciation your accent affected my understanding so and i'm assuming that a native english speaker would also be able to understand you clearly so you get eight for that for vocabulary i feel that you could have um flesh that out a bit more because i noticed that when you were responding you had uh quite um a very solid vocabulary but i i saw that you were trying to be very careful not to explode too much the eye is the test of communication it's not a test of intelligence nobody really cares about how much you know it is how much you can communicate to express yourself uh you would do yourself a world of good if you are more relaxed and then you just go naturally with it you have you have a quite um good knowledge about distance and your vocabulary isn't so bad so please go ahead and use them well i like especially like when you use the word the expression masculine gender and then you also talked about it must know so those are kind of expressions that show that english is quite easy for you to use you can use them naturally like i said there are so many places where i was expecting you to blow me out of the water but i guess you were not not just in the right frame of mind to do that coherence and cohesion coherence means does everything is everything you're saying is it relevant to the questions you're answering yes apart from some certain questions where i felt that your answer was not directly related to the question i think you didn't do so bad there cohesion on the other hand has to do with how well connected your answers are your responses are and that has to do more with part two in the part two um where you were supposed to do the what it is where you bought it what it looks like and explain why you needed to buy this thing your response was more of a singular response to each of the prompts than a connected body of um talk um so that's something that you need to look out for if you're going to do this next so we need more connections so you could have this could have gone like you saying something like oh i really do not buy a lot of things but recently i bought something and it's the dodge coin it's a cryptocurrency this coin was bought on just flows instead of you um separating it one after the other that's for so i got yourself you got 7.5 there now for fluency now for fluency i i for fluency it means how you know how does it flow now for fluency there's something that we really look out for and that's hesitation when you hesitate a lot now hesitation can be one of two things it could be either hesitating because of content that is you're thinking of what you say content you're hesitating because you don't know what to say or you're hesitating because of vocabulary that is you know what to say but you're looking for the words to say it in the ielts statement because of vocabulary is actually worse than content we don't expect you to know everything so you can hesitate if you're thinking of what to say but if you're thinking of how to say what you know and that's a challenge because it's a test of communication i think more of your hesitation were because of vocabulary rather than because of the ideas so that's where that's where you had a problem with and also you you you have a tendency to mumble at the end of the test at the end of your um utterances so you have a sentence that starts with a high pitch or like a high volume and then you're going down and just swallows your word that could pose a problem for you in the ielts so um those are speech fillers and those were just used to so that affected your fluency fluency could have been way better than it was but that affected it and then lastly short responses so your short response is there um there were some places where i tried to encourage you and say why why not ideally in the ielts your responses are not meant to be monosyllabic answers or very short try not as possible to provide robust answers give as much detail as you can let the examiner be the one to interrupt you or stop you and tell you this is enough for it it's not a problem if examiner stops you it means i've gotten what i need from that question so you should not be the one stopping before the examiner it's it doesn't give a good vibe so overall this was a quite um good performance of course there's room for it been better i'll give you a 7.5 as this i feel that um there's a lot of room for improvement there um informality informality in the past three informality means there was this tendency for you to sink back to the or to revert back to like the informal expressions things like yeah things like stuffs ah exactly stuff so that's that's a challenging area that you would not want to uh fall into um i also like the way you responded to the question uh i'm coming there was a question here about where is your country's food mainly produced you talked about i'm not so sure that's a very good one a lot of people assume that the ielts means you must know everything no if i'm ignorant about something how do i convey my ignorance how do i let you know that i'm unsure of my answer and that was quite good so you telling me that you're not so sure that means that whatever you're going to say after should not be held to such a rigid standard that's a very good strategy to use of course you don't want to do that for all the questions but if you get a question and you practically do not have anything to say or you don't have a lot to say let the examiner know that this is coming from a weak point for you it's a test of communication anything goes um i like the recycling part it was actually a good idea and i think like i said i learned a couple of things from this test uh i look forward to doing this again with you hopefully you'll honor us when you call you again after you've gotten some brushing up or some lessons on the ielts thank you so so much for this conversation and i think we've come to the end of this test now thank you so so much for your time and the best of luck in your future endeavors you're welcome overall dami didn't do so bad but there's a lot of room for improvement and uh we look forward to welcoming him again to our studios to do another mock test and then we'll be able to see if he has improved or if he's still in the same level or if he has reduced in his communicative competence please as i always say in all these videos watch these videos not just for the sake of watching them to enjoy them please extract tips and strategies that you can use in the ielts and before you get into the test apply them in a mock test or with regular practice with someone who can serve as an accountability partner for you or just reach out to us at our studios here and we can conduct them what tests for you so i come your way again i wish you maximum success and the best all times in preparing for the ielts
Channel: PrepClass IELTS TV
Views: 1,621
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Keywords: IELTS, ielts LISTENING, ielts WRITING, ielts READING, ielts test, ielts listening test, listening practice test 2020 with answers, ielts listening test 2020, ielts listening 8.0, ielts exam, ielts mod, ielts prep, ielts preparation, ieltsng, ielts nigeria, ielts idp, ielts british council, ielts speaking exam, ielts tips, ielts listening sample, ielts lagos, ielts abuja, ielts speaking practice, ielts writing practice, ielts speaking tips, ielts speaking sample, ielts ng
Id: 0X6vrmcuLXU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 40sec (1720 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 16 2021
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