IELTS Speaking Part 2: How to start your talk

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hello in this lesson I'm going to show you how to start your talk for IELTS speaking part two now there is no right way or wrong way to start your talk but I want to show you a good way to start and the topic we will use for this lesson is describe a book you recently read so let's look at how to start here are two different ways to start you could say I'd like to talk about or I'm going to tell you about now this one is a little bit more formal and this one is less formal but they're both fine the IELTS speaking test is not academic it's not formal so it's okay to use both of them you can also see here that I've written I'd and I'm so we don't say I would like to tell you about or I'm going to tell you about we say I'd I'm and this is to help you get a better band score for your pronunciation when you use the contraction I would I'd this is better for your pronunciation now after this what do you need to put well a lot of students copy the words on their card and it's not very good to do that if you want to get a band score six seven and above you need to show the examiner that you can use your own language that you have flexible language to paraphrase what is written on your card so now let's look at how we could paraphrase that so here's one way to paraphrase the information on the card so I'd like to talk about a novel which I read two weeks ago so you can see that the word book we paraphrased for the word novel now you need to learn all the different types of books that you can read so was it a novel was it fiction nonfiction was it a guidebook was it a self-help book so that's one way to paraphrase take this word and be more accurate what kind of book was it you can also see here I have put a clause into the sentence and that will help you get a higher band score for your grammar and here we've got two weeks ago so instead of repeating the word recently we can give the time when you did it two weeks ago one week ago a month ago you can do that so that's a very nice way to paraphrase and start your talk but we can improve it let's have a look at one more and here's how we can improve that start so you can see here that one thing you can do is give more information more description and we can use an adjective so here I've used the adjective fascinating which means really interesting fascinating you could also put useful exciting you can describe the book more and you can also see that I've changed this the paraphrase here and instead of giving the information I have given a paraphrase which is not so long ago and that is a direct paraphrase for recently it's very nice to use that and it also means that during your talk you can give more information about exactly when you read the book and that's a way to do velop and extend at your talk so I hope you understand now one way a good way to start your talk well that's all for this lesson I'll see you again in another ayah lesson you
Channel: IELTS Liz
Views: 2,739,408
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Keywords: IELTS Talk, IELTS Speaking Part 2, IELTS Speaking Tips
Id: f5t8EQrg5dI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 13sec (313 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 21 2014
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