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[Music] [Music] good morning my name's Janet Miller can you tell me your full name please my name's najran born me and can you tell me where you're from I'm from Thailand can I see your identification please [Music] thank you in the first part I'd like to ask you a few questions about yourself what do you do do you work or are you a student well actually both I'm a part-time student I'm doing a degree in Business Studies I'm also working as a lifeguard at my local swimming pool I see what's the most interesting part of being a lifeguard well to be honest it's not a very interesting job most of the time we just wait by the pool the most interesting part is probably the conversations I have with the other lifeguards I've got to know them all pretty well now what's the most difficult part of being a lifeguard we quite often have to tell children to stop behaving badly and occasionally their parents get angry with us don't tell my children what to do that kind of thing that can be difficult would you say it's a good occupation well yes and no it's a very pleasant job in some ways but as I said it can be boring and it's not very well-paid that's why I'm doing a degree I want to get something better I see what are your career plans for the future when I graduate I want to get a job in a financial institution maybe a bank or insurance company I haven't decided exactly what yet but something like that in the first part I'd like to ask you about the place where you live can you describe the building you live in yes I live in an apartment block it's got I think 8 floors and we're on the second floor it's a modern block I think it was built about 20 years ago is it similar to other buildings in the area yes it is there are lots of blocks very similar to mine in that part of the city this is in a convenient location for you hmm no not really it's quite far from the city centre I'm studying at a college on the other side of the city so I spend about 2 hours on the bus every day it's quite boring the bus is always quite crowded and I often have to stand actually it's probably the worst part of my day I can imagine apart from the buses do you like living in your city yes I do there's always a lot going on and all my friends are there it's very lively in the evenings there are a lot of good bars and restaurants and people come from all around the city to meet their friends and have a good time it's a very good atmosphere what changes would improve the area where you live like most cities there's far too much traffic I was talking about my bus journey every day it's only about 10 kilometres but it takes so long because most of the time the bus is stuck in a traffic jam also some time's the city is quite polluted especially when the weather's cold and there's no wind to blow away the pollution so less traffic and less pollution would be big improvements I'd like to ask you some questions about your free time activities what do you do at the weekends well my final exams are next month so at the moment I don't really have any free time at the weekends or any other days however in general when I have free time I like doing outdoor activities in particular I really like land yachting the land yachting what's that um well you have a little chariot with three wheels and a big sail you sit on the chariot and catch the wind in the sail to make the chariot move there's a big flat too windy beach quite near where I live which is ideal for it it's also called beach yachting and also land sailing you don't have to do it on a beach any flat land will do I see what is it that you like about this sport on a windy day the chariots can go really fast and because you're so close to the ground you really feel the speed it's a thrilling experience to tell the truth though for every ten minutes you spend on the chariot you probably spend an hour setting up the equipment and waiting for the wind to be right but that's all part of the fun too it's great being outdoors by the sea how often do you get the chance to do it in theory you can do it all year round but it's not a lot of fun in the freezing cold it's mostly a summer sport I suppose April to October are the main months you also need wind of course another factor is the other people on the beach in July and August the beach can get quite crowded so at that time of year we mostly do it quite late in the day when the beach is emptier so generally I do it at the weekends from late spring to early autumn but a bit less in the middle of the summer for the reason I just said how important a part of your week are your free time activities actually not really that important perhaps if I was working my time off would be the most important part of the week in some ways but because I'm a student I don't so much feel the need to let my hair down at the weekends I enjoy most of the time I'm studying too it's not like doing a stressful job do you enjoy your free time more now than you did when you were a child mmm that's a hard question to answer I don't really remember how I felt about my free time when I was a child I used to go sand yachting then - it was my father who got me started I used to find it quite frightening and now I don't so in that respect I suppose I enjoy my free time more now what free time activity would you like to try in the future I'd love to try really sailing you know with a boat on the sea or a lake I've never done it I imagine it's probably a bit more difficult than sand yachting now let's talk about books and magazines what kind of books and magazines do you like reading um I'm really not bothered about magazines I never buy them and I hardly ever read them only if I'm in the dentist's waiting room or somewhere else where there's nothing better to read I don't really have an opinion about them I see so what sort of books do you like I don't read many novels I'm much more interested in nonfiction I'm a big fan of biographies I think there's a lot to be learned from the lives of famous people I like reference books obviously you can't sit down and read an atlas or a dictionary of quotations but I often spend time looking through that kind of book again there's a lot to be learned from them do you like reading any other types of book well as I said I don't read many novels I quite like crime fiction at the moment I'm reading a book by Michael didn't about an Italian detective called or le or Zen it's quite good have the types of book you like changed over the years sorry I didn't catch that could you repeat the question have the types of book you like changed over the years no not really obviously my tastes now are different to my tastes as a child but apart from that I don't think they've really changed at all do you prefer reading books or newspapers well I'm obsessed with news and current affairs I buy two newspapers every day and I read both of them I spend much more time reading newspapers than books so I suppose that must mean I prefer them [Music] part-1 [Music] let's talk about your schooling where did you go to primary school I went to a small village primary school in London England there were only 100 children in the whole school I think there were about 15 children in my ear did you do you enjoy school yes and to know I have always quite enjoyed school I'm quite academic and I like learning but I don't like tests and exams I hate having deadlines so often I found school very stressful there is so much pressure what was is your favorite school subject my favourite subject at school has always been English I love reading and it is so interesting to learn about what books mean and to discuss different interpretations I also really enjoy history learning about the past really helps us to understand the present what was is your least favourite subject in school well I've never been keen on science it just doesn't hold my attention I wish I enjoyed it more because I do think that it is interesting and important to understand how the world works I'm just better suited to creative subjects what did you study do you want to study or are you studying at university I was hoping to study English Literature at university it has always been my best subject at school and I really enjoy it my favorite author is Jane Austen so I'm hoping to specialise in studying her work [Music] [Music] good afternoon coming please good afternoon thank you have a seat thank you well can I have a look at your passport yes of course Thanks and may I have your full name please my name is NAT man sada Hyun ok that means nice name what is the meaning of your name well my name means song or melody in the Persian language in Farsi okay thanks and do you think your name has an impact on your character and personality well then I haven't given this much thought but I think maybe because it means melody and song it affects people's perception of my character perhaps from this sort of cheerful name makes them expect a cheerful character which I try to be but obviously I'm not all the time but it said no I don't think it affects my character as a person all right now ma'am let's move on to another question is your health important to you I think everybody's health is important to them I think we all try to do our best to lead a healthy life but whether or not we succeed there's a different is a different question what do you do to improve your health not as much as I should to be honest I don't think I eat as healthy as I should be and I probably need to exercise a lot more and possibly cut down on my caffeine intake what is the major health concern your country at the moment um I think like many other countries globally I mean health concern must be the n1h one virus which is also known as swine flu the reason being that apparently it is taking on the form of a pandemic which is a very worrying due to the large population in my country I do believe that the government is trying to control this well with the guidelines and help of the World Health Organization and hopefully this will be under control okay thanks not me do you like cooking I do I do like cooking but unfortunately due to my being a student I don't find enough time to cook as regularly as I should okay thanks what kind of food do you like well I am enjoy a vast majority of the foods that I've tasted an experience I'm very fond of my country's local cuisine but I also really enjoy a nice Italian or Chinese meal okay thanks man what are the four most famous dishes of your country well it would be difficult to name a few famous dishes or specialties because I think each area of the country has its own specialty which people enjoy but I think on an international level I could perhaps a cholo kebab which consists of grilled meat accompanied by rice jello means rice and kebab means grilled meat this meat Kenny can be any form it can be beef or lamb chicken or even mince meat normally with a combination of onion traditionally the meat is pulled onto skewers and cooked over a charcoal fire okay thanks and tell me in your country have people's eating habits changed what I honestly don't think that this is just limited to my country I think over the over the ages people's living habits have changed and also life has taken a much faster pace so I think that has reflected maybe not very positively on people's eating habits you tend to catch a me on the run a lot of times and a lot of people are constantly in a hurry so they can't sit down and enjoy a proper meal during the day of course it's good to take the time out and do this at least once a day in order to help your digestion and also focus on healthier foods part one [Music] how often do you go on holiday I'd say typically once or twice a year always during the summer for about two weeks and sometimes if I'm lucky I get to go away another time as well but unfortunately that doesn't happen as often as I'd like it to as my old grand used to say money doesn't go on trees where did you go most recently last time I went on holidays I went to Paris for a week with the rest of my family it was last March and we had such a wonderful time visiting all the city's famous sights and attractions it blew me away who do you normally go on holiday with most of the time I go with my family but as I get older I'm more inclined to go with my friends instead sometimes as that gives me a little bit more independence to do my own thing as time goes on I guess I'll probably want to do that more and more do you have a favorite place to go on holiday you bet I love Barcelona it's a beautiful city with a great nightlife and a real good buzz plus it's not far from the sea or the mountains so you've got the best of both worlds really what do you normally pack in your suitcase when you go away oh you know all the essentials togs and a towel for the beach some shorts and t-shirts my toiletries of course toothbrush toothpaste deodorant shaving cream a razor and also some sunglasses my camera I've always click click clicking it drives everyone mad that kind of thing but I try to travel light unlike some people I know who seem to take all their worldly belongings away with them hello how come in please thank you very much all right may I have your full name my name is Sol Goldberg theory all right thanks so well can I take a look at your passport of course here you all right so girl do you like shopping and why I think I do like shopping quite a lot some people might call me a shopaholic I think most women are like me we tend to buy impulsively we're impulsive bias this means that sometimes we buy things that we really don't need but we enjoy doing that alright thanks one time do do the shopping well as I work from 8 o'clock till 5 o'clock in the afternoon I tend to do my shopping on the way back home or during the weekends if I need something urgently I might even take my lunch break and quickly go to the place I need to go and buy the thing I need okay so Bo do you ever shop on the Internet I don't think I would like to I never have and for me shopping needs to be a personal experience I like to see what I am choosing and about - by seeing a photograph I don't think does the same thing it's not the same experience thanks let's move on to topic of clothing and what type of clothes do you like to wear I like comfortable clothes something that's easy to be in for the whole day okay and what kind of clothes do people in your country usually wear um well that depends on their age and also it depends on the job sometimes even but I think you'll find in Tehran while younger people like to wear trendy clothes they like wearing jeans and colorful colorful coats and t-shirts yes I think the younger people enjoy younger fashion like everywhere in the world they prefer to dress in a sporty manner but of course for formal occasions the men will put on a very nice suit and the ladies will wear an evening dress all right do you think people behave differently in different kinds of clothes I think they probably do if you wear something smart and formal I think you subconsciously feel that you're supposed to behave very dignified maybe and you might even feel important but if you're wearing something comfortable and sporty and everyday you'll probably behave more casual as well and you'll probably be more approachable at the same time all right thanks now let's move on to the topic card I would like you to describe one of the shopping centers you often go to so you have to talk about the topic for about 2 minutes and you have one minute to think about a topic can you read a paper and a pencil to write down whatever you wish and then you may start thank you good morning please come in and have a seat good morning ma'am thanks may I have your full name sure my name is Lally Akashwani Thank You Laura can I have a look at your passport sure there you go thank you all right Lola I'm going to ask you a few personal questions do you watch television a lot well not really I'm not a couch potato and also I don't think I'm TV addict but when I get back home in the evening I really like to lie down and relax and switch on to a channel and watch probably TV series or new channels and what do you usually watch on TV well that's interesting and it's in fact a very good question let me see yeah well most of the time I really like to follow the current news so basically I watch news channels and probably late at night I switch on the channels which has TV series all right and what are the most popular programs in your country well I suppose among the people probably TV series and documentaries are the most popular program TV programs moreover I suppose many people also are interested in following the news so many of them in fact follow the current news through TV channels right I'm Nona what are some disadvantages of television in your opinion well in my opinion there might be some disadvantages I can name a few and let's say it takes the time of the people and the families when especially family members sitting together watching a TV instead of having interaction and conversation they hope to just focus their attention on the what is going on on TV so it actually gives less time to family members to be together and to have a family and friendly chat and also for the kids I can think I think for the kids it might be not that beneficial to sit in front of TV doing nothing just gazing at the tube and it might be quite destructive for them it makes them less active it makes them in fact passive and I can say taking their health issue into consideration it makes them more fat and obese all right thank you we're going to move on to a different subject now do you use the internet much during the day well I can say yes I used most of the time during my office on the net because due to the nature of my job I have to surf the net find out so many answers to different questions and different subjects so most of the times you don't get AI spent on the net and what website have you recently visited well basically I surf Google and Yahoo but yes I can tell you that it was the most recent one I have visited was the young site when in fact feel I was back I had to send an urgent email to my colleague overseas so I switch on the net and I got connected and I composed my own main and in fact tool email I sent my my message to my friend and Laura what are some advantages of the Internet well I suppose done for too many to be counted in fact Internet has made the interaction among the people a very close and it brought in fact the people close together and it covered the distances and as you know probably it is called now that the whole world is called a global village because of all the interactions and connections among the people and in fact with only a single click on the net you can get connected to your people your friends on the other side of the globe you can also send and receive emails and also you can have access to lots of information do people in your country use the internet a lot well I suppose I can say yes more or less yes people uses my internet a lot because the Young's mostly used internet for chatting for setting or sending and receiving emails and of course the organization's and offices use internet for official correspondence all right Thank You Lally now I'm going to give you a topic card which I'd like you to talk about for two minutes please take one minute to study the topic card and here's a piece of paper and a pen if you need to write anything down Thanks [Music]
Channel: Tony IELTS Box
Views: 1,083,160
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS SPEAKING PART 1 BAND 9, ielts speaking test, ielts speaking task 1, TOP 100 QUESTIONS & BEST ANSWERS IN IELTS EXAM
Id: FdLUgiGw0CU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 23sec (1883 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 26 2018
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