IELTS Speaking Band 8.0 Mock Test with Feedback

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okay so uh hello can you tell me your name please um my name is Colin Kim and my English name goes by Max so you can call me Max or Cohen I'll never prefer okay thank you Max nice to meet you now as you know the IELTS speaking test has three different sections uh in section one we are going to be talking about sports a little bit okay um so can you tell me um what sports do you like um the sports that I most like and mostly do is Health Training I don't really like playing soccer or basketball because it really stresses me out after the game but doing by doing Health Training you can like see your body transform but day by day so I really like the kind of stuff that the house training gives me okay and where did you learn how to do it I didn't really learn how to do it because you know in Seoul especially in Seoul the PT personal training crisis go skyrocketing so I mostly learned it by seeing YouTube and doing it with my friends and that helped me really out so I don't really learn it from anywhere okay and did you do some sports when you were young of course I lived in Germany for about four years when I was in kindergarten and my mother and father was really in sports into sports so every day they made me go out and play soccer with my friends never let me see watch TV or use my phone mainly running playing soccer okay and do you think students need more exercise definitely if because especially in Korea everybody has to take their exams in like called it so everybody gots there gets their stressed because of their working at working so I really think they need to go out in the sun and get some working out for their help okay and do you know any people who are good at sports I don't really know anyone like famous people I just know my friends that oh wow that he's really good at soccer or like he's a good swimming not really mostly my friends okay and do you think it's important for people to exercise definitely everybody um especially in Korea there's a lot they really like to drink like soju definitely so after drinking Soju they are really really tired so they need to get exercise or they're gonna get a big belly people to encourage young students to take more physical exercise because I definitely agree with that because when they get their exercise in the um young age they can get their body into shape so every day they can look at themselves and oh I need to get an exercise every day every day okay very good so now we are going to move on to part two for part two of the test um you're talking about um someone you know who has recently moved and you will get one minute to prepare your answer so and you should talk for two minutes okay so your one minute prep time starts now okay your one minute prep time is up and now you have two minutes to describe someone you know who has recently moved to a new place um a person that I know who has recently moved to a new place is actually my sister um she majored in hotels services so she got a new job in America actually so she is working at the Marriott Hotel and she had to go move to America to get to the to get the work and um the positive impact on by her moving to America would be that I can use two rooms in my house so I have a pretty small small room beside my sisters but she has a really big room so I can use my room and her room both late so I have a pretty good impact by her moving but but the negative impact for because of removing would be that I feel a little more pressure from my parents because I'm the only child they have in Korea like they can't really see her because she's America so I think I feel a little more pressure from my parents because of by her moving to America but I don't think that the negative impact and positive impact has I think they're both like The Leverage the positive I'm not really like wow happy because of the positive or um so I'm so tired because of the negative so I think it's pretty good for her moving and not her moving not moving and for part three um we're going to answer some more general questions okay so why do some young people keep moving um the mo I think they think the reason why young people keep on moving is mostly because of the parents jobs um if the parents has like a secure job so they can like stay in one place and get put in the young children don't have to move but especially like um army parents who are in the army or other kind of different types of jobs the young people has to move because of the parents jobs so I think the main reason would be the job with the parents okay and um what is the difference between living alone and living with roommates living alone I think you really have to like the freedom I can do anything all by myself I have the room to myself but the disadvantage of that would be like you can get really dirty in a really small amounts of time but if you have a roommate there will be a lot of difficulties but because you have a roommate you can like hey things we have to be asked to clean the room let's get some let's like cleaned up so you can like get your balance of your life so I think there are pros and cons of both sides okay and that kind of leads into the next question so do you think it is beneficial for young people to live by themselves I actually don't live by myself even though my my current University is takes two hours to get there but I have lived alone for about six months and I definitely would prefer to live with my parents because living alone it takes it has the freedom but the cost is too much for the freedom so you have to eat everything by yourself do everything by yourself but because I am living with my parents my parents can help me out uh I think living alone isn't really a good thing for the young people okay and um besides cooking are there any other skills that people need to learn if they live on their own um any other skills besides cooking I really think that's exercise because you can really get Lane in when you live alone so after going to school and getting home oh I'm too tired I'm gonna sleep I'm gonna like eat anything like chicken or fried chicken so you can really get obese really quickly so if you have the habit of have a habit of like exercising you can stay in shape live alone get Freedom everything is good okay and um what kinds of people tend to live by themselves um on my occasion I think people [Music] who had parents like you have to come home by 10 o'clock you have to come home by 12 o'clock that I'm leading to like there is freedom but not much freedom so I think those people who have been limited by their by their freedom tend to live alone and want to live alone okay and um the last question so um how can parents and teachers help young people to live independently um mostly I think teachers don't have a lot of things they can do to help the children but parents definitely because like when you're young you can't do like I'm taking out the garbage or like washing dishes but constantly as they grow up they the parents can um tell the people show their children to today's the cleaning things that you have to clean the job clean the room you have to take out the garbage you have to take out the dishes and by the having the parents do their do the jobs I'm making the children to do their jobs by themselves they can learn the skills and living independently okay thank you very much so those are all the questions so now we're gonna get into the feedback so for the test you actually did really well um there was just like a few cases of Miss uh maybe choosing an incorrect word yeah so like a Health Training um so it should be like a strength training right strengthening yes yeah um or like on my occasion instead of maybe I think you meant in my opinion in my opinion yeah yeah but um those things you know they happen from time to time and it it was just like I think it was like two or three occasions so nothing too frequent and just a small few grammatical things like um instead of the price of PT has skyrocketed you said go skyrocketing yeah um but um generally um everything was like quite good you were like very like fluent very easy to understand your grammar was good your word choice was generally good um so overall I would give you an eight in the speaking section and oh one thing you did really well was um from time to time when you made a mistake you pretty much instantly self-corrected yourself which is um you know that's a really good sign so I think if you um just work on like these small few things then you could get um thank you very much you're very welcome thank you for coming today thank you
Channel: IELTS English Academy
Views: 31,013
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Keywords: IELTS, mock test, writing, speaking, test, feedback, study, exam, listening, essay, english, academy, band, 아이엘츠, 스피킹, 리스닝, 독학, 라이팅, 리딩, 영어, 유학, reading, TOEFL, ielts speaking, ielts writing, ielts reading, ielts listening, ielts tips, band 7, band 8, band 9, IELTS general, ielts academic, ielts tutorial, ielts methods, IELTS class, IELTS teacher, study ielts, IELTS pronunciation, IELTS help, IELTS video, IELTS improve, IELTS tutor
Id: jvl7YqMKhfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 0sec (720 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 25 2023
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