IELTS Speaking Mock Test - Band 8

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(lively music) - In this part, I'd like to ask you some questions about yourself. Let's start with what you do. Do you work or do you study? - Oh I'm a student. - [Christopher] On what subject? - I'm studying ~ Marketing. - And why did you choose that subject? - Oh because analytics is big now. Big data is everywhere. And I had previous experience in SQL so I decided to come here and study analytics. - And what do you hope to do with that degree after you finish - I hope to work as a data scientist - [Christopher] Why? - Like I said, big data is everywhere and I really like sequel and data. I like everything about data though this degree gives me the opportunity to study it in more detail, than I knew previously. So I think it is a good opportunity to start a career in Degree in Data Science. - Okay now lets talk about your free time. What do you like to do in your free time? - Since the past year I haven't really had too much free time but usually I just like to read, travel, meet my friends and I also volunteer During the weekends. - And do you prefer to spend your free time indoors or outdoors? - It depends on the weather, if its raining I don't want to go outside but most of the time yeah, I would like to go outside rather than stay in my room. - What did you like to do on your free time when you were a child? - Oh I used to read a lot just keep reading books, all the time. I never used to go out and play much I used to get scolded a lot by my parents, like go out and play with kids your age. But I always used to stay indoors and read. - What are you going to do with your free time this weekend? - This weekend? Like I said I volunteer so I'll volunteer at Macmillan Cancer Support, so I will going visiting patients and doing counseling to them. - So lets talk about travel, do you like to travel? - Yes, I do. - [Christopher] Why? - Because I like getting to know other countries their culture, how people live, what they like. Stuff like that its interesting to me . - Where's the popular tourist destination in your country? - In my country, oh! People mostly like to go to Europe. Because its like colder, and I come from a very warm country. So its like a pleasant change for them, so most of us would like to go to America, or anywhere in the Europe where its colder. - Is traveling abroad very popular in your country? - Oh yeah, yes it is, it is quite popular. So people mostly go travel during the summer but its always summer in India. So yeah, I think movies have a huge role to play in it because they show all these destinations where there's snow covered mountains and all, And that's very fascinating for us because we don't really get the snow, at least not where I come from. - Where would you like to travel to in the future? - There are still a lot of places in India that I hadn't seen, so I might go out there. And I really like Bali so Bali and Greece, yes. - So I'm going to give you an topic and I would like you to talk about that topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to prepare before we begin, and you can make some notes, do you understand? - Yes - [Christopher] Okay okay, the type of clothes that I like to wear is mostly generally casual, but I wear different types of clothes on different occasion like everyone else I suppose. So like regards to the weather, in India we have a lot of festivals so usually I do like to wear casual clothes. But just like a jeans and a t-shirt, but on occasions on festive occasions, I wear like traditional Indian clothes. And I get specifically made, because they like you can't really buy like traditional Indian clothes in the mall. But personally I do get them made tailor made for me and because then you can choose your own style and design a lot of that stuff. So yeah, when you go to a temple I wear a pure simple clothes because that is the tradition. So that makes me feel really peaceful and calm because most of the time you wear like simple clothing when you go to a temple. So it makes me feel calm when I wear those clothes and doing festivals when I wear those traditional Indian clothes it makes me happy because its like a festival I've been celebrating since I was a kid so during the (foreign language) you know in (foreign language) yes in (foreign language) like everyone wears a white clothes because they throws colors on you and so you go out with the white clothes and when you come back its like all colorful. So different clothes for different occasion, here I have been wearing a lot of warm clothes and that really makes me feel really warm. And I buy clothes from different stores I suppose depending on what kind of clothes I want and when I go for an interview I mostly dress in formal so that makes me feel very confident and that I'm prepared. - Okay so, I'll take these off you. All right so we've been talking about clothing and now I'd like to talk about why designer clothes so are designer clothes popular in your country these day? - Yes I think so, they are quite popular. It depends on the person actually, like designer clothes are usually very expensive so only people of a certain socia economic class can buy those clothes, so they are popular in some segment of the society, yes. - Why do you think people buy designer clothes? - I think because it has a social status attached to it, so when your buying, when you're wearing a specific label people recognize it. And then it shows what kind of class you belong to and it is a huge thing in India I think. So I think its because of that, it shows that you are from a different class of society. And it shows that you are affluence I think. May be that. - So now lets talk about working clothes, do you think you can judge someone based on the kind of clothes they are wearing at work? - I personally don't but, I think there is a certain image attached to what you are wearing and people perspectives about how someone is, based on what they are wearing. But personally I don't. - Should people be forced to wear certain clothes in work? - They shouldn't be forced. But I think ever since we were young, we were told to wear certain clothes in certain settings because its appropriate so in school we wear uniforms, and we are trained that way. When we go to a temple, we have a certain set of clothes, we have festivals we have certain set of clothes. So I think, when we are trained to dress in a certain way, in a certain setting you get used to it. So I don't think its a, people are forcing you to wear formal clothes in an office setting but its a tricky one. I don't thinks so much that its being forced but as individuals we should be aware enough of what not to wear in an official setting so we should make the decisions by ourselves so you don't feel like you're being forced to do it. - How have work clothes changed in the last couple of decades? - I think it has become less formal now in a lot of setting. I think companies like Google have made it really popular to wear anything, like engineers there the smartest of people they just go to office wearing casual clothes they re just in T-shirts and jeans which is very casual. And they lay more importance on your work ethic like how you work and how much you contribute rather than what you wear, so that really is a refreshing change I think. It should matter what you wear but like how you work and how much you contribute. So I think times are changing and people are getting more relax about what you wear. - [Christopher] Okay, That's the end of the test Oh well done, so the speaking test has four criteria. Pronounciation is number one then we have lexical resource which is another way of saying vocabulary and then we have grammatical range and accuracy, so lets just call it grammar, and then we have fluency and coherence. Okay. So lets start of with pronunciation. I can understand 100 percent of what you are saying which is very important, if the examiner couldn't understand 100 percent of what you are saying then they probably will give you at least a six or below for the pronunciation. But I can understand 100 percent of what you are saying. And you do have a tiny little bit of what we call accent interference and but that didn't stop me actually undestanding what you said at anytime. It was very very easy to understand what you were saying. Now we'd also think of higher level pronunciation features. Like intonation, sentence stress, work stress, connected speech and you're actually at a very high level in terms of the higher level pronunciation feature. So for pronunciation I would give you a band eight because I can understand 100 percent of what you are saying without any effort whatsoever and you have a very strong use of those higher level pronunciation features. In terms of the vocabulary and accuracy its very very good, you rarely slip up in terms of your accuracy and vocabulary and your range is also very very good. You have some topic specific words for nearly everything that I ask you for you're not searching for vocabulary, you can access the vocabulary very very easily and use that very very well I think for you, if you were to do the IELTS test again, I would encourage you, during your preparation to take some more chance with the vocabulary and maybe show how broad your vocabulary actually is because I think your vocabulary is much much broader than what you actually showed today. And but we didn't give you any coaching, or anything like that before we did this. But next time you, I would, just try during your preparation to take some more chances but in the real test, use the 100 percent rule only use the vocabulary that you are 100 percent sure about. And grammar. You a couple of very small slips but the vast majority of your grammar was a 100 percent accurate, and nearly all error-free sentences. You used a wide range of structures and complex sentence, simple sentences. You have no problem with tenses. I asked you about the past, the present, the future. I asked about how things have changed, like how did they change over the last few decades you don't have a problem with any of those tenses. So your grammar is probably your strongest point. I have no worries really with your grammar, you had a couple of little small problems and but that is totally natural even native speakers have a little slips, and so for your grammar I would give you a band eight as well and for your vocabulary I would also give you a band eight. But that would be something that I would if you did do the test today immediately you might get a seven for the vocabulary if you didn't show the range of vocabulary that you're capable of so if you do the test say tomorrow I would say just use some more advanced adjectives, nouns and show how good your vocabulary actually is. Your fluency is also very very good you don't have any, you don't speak with any noticeable effort, you don't have to think about the grammar or the vocabulary linguistically you're very advanced so you don't, so that doesn't affect your fluency. And you're able to speak without much effort at all and however, the one things that I'd say is your, not your weakness, but this is something that many advanced students like you are not aware of is that you need to develop as much of the answers as much as you can and especially for part three. Part one is just everyday normal questions about yourself, but you are giving sometimes one word or just a few word answers. So I often had to say, why is this, so I said what are you studying, and you just said I'm studying this. And why do you like that so if we were having a normal conversation, no problem. Because that's totally normal to say that But remember you are in a test the examiner have to judge your pronunciation, your vocabulary, your grammar, your fluency, so one word answers they don't have enough data to go on really - They teach us differently in India then - Hm they teach you differently? - Yeah - Yeah, what did they say? - Because I have the tendency to go on until they stop me. Because that's what I saw on YouTube video but then they told me to just answer the question don't go of on a tangent. - Yeah so that's a few different things one is going of on a tangent, you shouldn't do that because you're going to lower your score for coherence and because in coherence, did the answer makes sense so if I ask you about clothing and you start to talk about your favorite music that's a problem what your Indian teacher was probably referring to might have been that but it could also be that certain students just talk on and on and on as much as possible. In part one, I know this is frustrating advice. Not too short, not too long so what does that mean?. Too long the problem with that is that the examiner has to ask you a range of different questions so they will keep stopping you. And often students will be like oh what did I do? Did I do something wrong?, and they get very flustered so a good teacher should not tell you to just keep talking on and on and on, especially for part one. And so a good way to answer part one questions is answer the question and then give little more detail, or an example, or an explanation, just a little bit more information for the examiner to judge your answer on and understand your answer fully for that question. So I don't like giving exact number of sentences because people are thinking of number of words and number of sentences but for example what do you study in university? I like to study data science or I like to study business because..then explain why you like it or what would you like to be in the future? I would like to be a data scientist because I really bumped up the you like this, you like that or I would like to work for google because my brother works for google or something like that. Real example. Part two, you did very very well in terms of coherence because you spoke for the full two minutes and you had a little slip in the end but that's no big deal the examiner is not judging you on one little slip they're judging you on the whole performance and yo did very very well for part two. Part three is the part where you really do need to develop your answers, because part one is just questions about you whereas, part three are more abstract questions about ideas in general, so I didn't ask you what are your favorite clothes, I asked you why do people buy designer clothes? They're more abstract question. So that requires you to answer the question and then develop your answer providing reasons for your answers, provide explanations, and then you could also develop by giving some examples. So one way you could immediately improve your coherence is would be to throw in some examples in there so for example, let me have a look at the question we asked you. Its here somewhere. So the last question was, how are work clothes changed in the last few decades. And you talked about google and that was very good you could also talk about maybe 20 years ago what were software development company or tech companies like and should people be forced to wear certain clothes? Maybe you could say something like, someone working like a police officer, yes. Or you know. You're not being judge on the content you're being judged on how you say it, as I said fluency, pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary its not the content that's not important but coherence is important. Developing the answer especially for part three so if you, I think if I was to give you any advice. That would be the main thing to work on that would be the coherence. Part one give a little bit more information. And then part three, fully explain it, give some examples and you can also answer them by saying well some people would think, yes, some people should be forced to wear clothes, and this is why they would think this, and here's an example of this. For example Police, whereas other people who work in a tech industry would say absolutely not you can wear anything you want, but I think personally. So you're really going to develop it by looking at things from different angles but the difficult things for most students are pronounciation, grammar and vocabulary. You don't have any real issues with those. Whatsoever, they take a very long time to improve, at fluency it can take a long time to improve at problems there. Coherence, you can improve it in a day. So you would be, I think you could do even better than the last time you did the test which you got a band eight. I think with a little bit of practice you can do even better. - Thank you! All right! Do you have any questions? - Well done.
Channel: IELTS Advantage
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Keywords: IELTS Advantage, Chris Pell,, Mock test, IELTS Speaking test, Band 8 in IELTS Speaking, How to get a band 8 in IELTS speaking, Mock speaking test ielts, How to get a band 8, IELTS Speaking, Speaking test, Band 8, IELTS Test, Speaking for IELTS, IELTS Speaking band 8, IELTS Speaking Sample Answer, IELTS Advantage Speaking, Speaking Part 1, Speaking part 2, Speaking part 3, IELTS Speaking Band 8, IELTS Speaking Band 9, IELTS Speaking Test Sample
Id: ZDv9njERj0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 33sec (1233 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 29 2019
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