IELTS Speaking Band 6.5 Mock Test with Feedback

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okay let's begin so could you tell me your full name please so my first name is hyun and my my surname is wu so you can call me hyun please okay and diana are you working or are you a student i'm currently student i'm currently studying physical therapy which is related to sports and how and the fact that how you treat people how you treat patients deep the patient or disabled so i'm it's not it's it's fundamentally my own intention not my parents never pushed me to study this kind of stuff as yeah i'm a big fan of sports and treating people and caring people so i i yeah i'm very delighted with choosing this major okay and could you tell me about your hometown my hometown my hometown is i've been i've been living in yongin since i was 12. so there are so many things there's so many things um for example in my city there's uh there's one of the biggest one of the biggest uh department store and the biggest amusement park in my city it's so called it's called eveland [Music] which is which is widely known which is widely known to to the uh general public in south korea uh who enjoy if if they if they want to if they want to take a roller coaster or just enjoy their time so they yeah they could go there and chill out in this place so yeah now we're going to talk about traveling by car so do you like to travel by car uh yes indeed uh traveling by car means that you would be able to go any place very easily effortlessly on top of that uh traveling traveling uh just uh given traveling uh you can't you can experience diverse different things so i mean yeah traveling by car is really easy and you can save the time of course so when do you travel by car when do you travel car when you buy car uh i i usually i usually uh travel by car on the weekend because a weekend means that you have to rest kind of so yeah i i drive i drive yeah usually by car to some fancy places for example for example yang pyeong or or pundang where it is in which in which there are so many palatial and palatal and kind of colorful flowers and embellished places so you can enjoy if you like take a take a photo so yeah i do yeah i do usually i do i do visit there on the weekend by car and where is the furthest place you have traveled by car i'll take a pardon uh where is the furthest place you have traveled to by car oh yeah there are a few places but i must say uh busan busan is yeah yeah quite far from seoul so it i remember i remembered that it took uh nearly three hours by car it's it's seriously uh it was really long journey for me and i i got a bit of classic but i i was enthusiastically yeah i was enthusiast i enthusiastic enthusiastically wanted to wanted to go there because yeah busan was one of the famous places in korea so yeah busan yeah one of the furthest places i visit and do you like to sit in the front or in the back when traveling by car of course i i prefer i prefer to sit on the front because obviously sitting in the front sitting in the front means that yeah you can't you can see the scenic views and when you when you're on a highway you can see really kind of the mother nature mother nature i mean the mother nature is always always attracts me attracts me so it was really yeah it was beautiful and fabulous and i i that's why i prefer to sit on the front all right that'll do for part one of the test so now we'll move on to part two okay so there's your question for part two thank you just uh so i'll give you one minute to do some note taking and preparation okay thank you you can begin can i begin okay thank you that's one minute now mate all right let's grab that okay okay so part two question is describe a time you saw something interesting on social media okay so can i begin okay okay so initially two months ago two months ago when i was when i was frantically searching about some information about some information i found very very engaging and gripping gripping a footage and some videos which is which is associated with one guy traveling around the world traveling traveling around the world by car he was just he was a kind of sophomore he was a he was a sophomore and he he took a gap year he took a gap year and he just he made up my mind he he made up his mind to uh to travel around so and it was widely spread uh of course on instagram and facebook and i watched this at home it was really yeah it was it was extremely i don't know i it this this kind of this kind of videos really caught my eyes because i'm a huge fan of travel a huge fan of traveling so and he showed he in in this video he exactly showed how how he how he adapted to different cultures different foods and a diverse diverse things type of things in other countries because traveling means that you have to you have to feel and experience different one compared to compared to your own culture so it was really it's really yeah informative it was really useful so i was yeah i was really baffled staggered by his recommendation and he's uh he's kind of it sounds like very life wisdom from him so i was really interested yeah in that video okay mate that's two minutes yeah nice one nice one so do you often uh watch videos on social media oh yes of course i was i'm frankly i'm a bit uh addicted to social media in particular instagram instagram is uh world widely used and i love uh take a picture picture of me a picture of me and not only me but some beautiful scenes and mother natures as i said so yeah i'm yeah i love it i adore yeah i adore it nice yeah right let's move on to the third part of the test this place let's keep going okay so why do people like to use social media uh probably there are a few reasons but on average uh people people would be able to receive some resistance incentive or advertisement from social media for example when you take a beautiful picture or picture a picture of you or picture of uh some like nature some some advertisements or celebrities find that find that really useful one and people people could be employed or people could yeah receive some incentives from social media so that's kind of minor minor reason on top of that uh the main thing people people love using social media is that uh they want to show themselves to other people because yeah also under social media you can't easily straightforwardly see that how people spend their lives uh you can share you can share your story on the social media by doing this you can you can get some advice or you can give some advice so it's kind of you could you could receive and give some quid pro quo so i would say that's why people love using social media okay are there any disadvantages to using social media yes of course the there are there could be a couple of disadvantages but for instance if some there there uh something is observed for example uh which is that uh addiction addiction audition means that you spend so much time on social media and you i mean a certain amount of time is okay but you spend so much time so much time and you put you put your assignment or your your assignment your valuable things on the back burner that means that it's a time consuming so i would say i would say disadvantages could be could be yeah addiction okay what do you think about making friends on social media uh that's an interesting q there's an interesting question uh making making some friends on social media could be a double-edged sword but i must be on the side of positive side positive aspects because these days uh given the current state of kobe 19 pandemic you cannot easily mingle with people and there could be some rules like social distancing are two meters away so it's quite hard to meet people so i would say yeah or using by using social media uh they're by using social media there's so many clubs or some gatherings on the social media and there's so many favorite favorites you can find so through through these through these clubs and uh gatherings you would be able to make a friend uh rather than meeting in person that's why i think yeah social media is yeah quite social media helps to yeah make up make a friend make a friend yeah do you think if the friendship stays on social media and never transfers to in person is it still a real friendship um i just think uh uh i must say uh meeting a person is better than better than admitting only on the internet because uh technically technically you can't keep keep your relationship on the internet but deep conversation deep i don't think so deep conversation uh can be possible on the internet because yeah a face-to-face conversation means that you can't you can show yourself uh very uh easier than on the internet and you can you can easily say something because on the internet there is some some problem there could be some problems like internet connection problem so i must say like distance distance doesn't matter but i must say yeah meeting in person uh is pretty much by far better than keeping relationship on the internet okay okay so thanks for coming in for the mock test yeah it's my pleasure so your estimated score today i would say is six point five yesterday you've you've said you've got a 7.0 on the real exam before and it fluctuates but i think this would be your score today um if we break it down like some feedback we look at a few different parts so obviously so it's fluency vocabulary pronunciation grammar it's our pronunciation very clear there's nothing really that i can like that i can find a problem with i think everything you're saying is very easy to understand and your accent is very natural sounding so i think that's very good fluency as well obviously there's some hesitation and there's some filler words but it hasn't been too bad there wasn't too many mistakes uh in terms of vocabulary vocabulary some very good vocabulary as well so you said on the back burner that was a good one so i think you're trying to include natural expressions that's good so you know with these type of expressions it's good to put them in when they're suitable but you don't always have to force them sometimes simple is good you know yeah uh mother nature's should be uh uncountable now there's mother mother mother nature but there okay and then if we go through like each part i've just taken a few notes uh i'm currently student i just wasn't hearing the article there i'm currently a student okay maybe you've said it but it's just it's not pronounced maybe so clearly yeah i reckon yeah yeah so maybe i didn't clearly say yeah no word no bother that uh caring people just make sure caring the preposition would be for caring for people um pick out another few things i'm very delighted you said i'm very delighted sounds very formal right well it's not really about formality but for example i think something like i'm just happy right there yeah well it's more like uh the word delighted you don't need to put very before it any of these uh extreme adjectives for example like you'd say it's very cold but you can't say very freezing you guys are just freezing so like freezing and boiling it's i'm exhausted yeah so with delighted i wouldn't put a very in okay i have to leave out okay indeed uh you said the biggest amusement park in korea so called everland so i wouldn't say so-called yeah because if you say so called it means maybe that's not the real name for it yeah you would say like oh it's so the so-called best restaurant in town but it's not really officially yeah so just say called everland yeah hold that one yeah take a roller coaster say ride a roller coaster yeah and just in part one sometimes uh the subject because i'm asking you the question do you like to travel by car and you said yeah i do you would be able to instead of making it about you would be able to just say i you know when i travel by car i can go directly to my destination i can start my journey anytime yeah yeah i have to change my subject yeah no bother uh sometimes you were saying i do enjoy or i do like so we can use do before the verb for emphasis yeah yeah that's why i use it yeah yeah i do like that and it's all the main time you would use it would be for example i don't like seafood in general but i do like sushi you know so in that case it's good to use it if you're saying a negative first followed by a positive okay so i wouldn't really over overuse it uh in terms of some expressions here in part two you were saying at the beginning on average i probably wouldn't say on average i would say in general okay in general in general or generally yeah on average wouldn't really be suitable there okay part three was quite good the first question in part three your answer was a little long now some examiners might stop you okay no this is just a practice test yeah i'm just letting you speak you know but some examiners might get you to stop so let's try and get to the point with these questions i have to keep in mind yeah yeah uh what do you see he said it was widely spread on instagram yeah uh so spread is more of a natural thing so i wouldn't say was spread just say it's it's spread widely on social media okay or you could say it was shared widely on social media yeah one expression as well you said baffled by what does it mean baffled uh just like astonished or shocked kind of right well actually baffled is more like confused yeah baffled by it means like you you really can't understand that yeah so i probably wouldn't use it for um the guy traveling around the world so you would say like i was astonished i was surprised that's that's better i should have said yeah yeah no bother yeah but baffle just means like when you can't understand something yeah i was baffled by his decision i really can't understand yeah i chose a bit wrongly ah it's normal it's normal but you did put in good effort to use a lot of uh high-level vocabulary and that's important yeah you know sometimes yeah sometimes it won't fit maybe in that case but you're putting an effort and you know that's important yeah but yeah really good test there's mistakes there you know we can go through it again we can talk about it more if you need yeah thanks for coming in yeah cheers
Channel: IELTS English Academy
Views: 134,660
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ielts mock test, ielts speaking test, ielts speaking 5.5, ielts speaking score, IELTS Speaking Interview, ielts speaking band 5.5, ielts study, edmielts, 아이엘츠 스피킹, 아이엘츠 시험, 아이엘츠 자료, ielts practice, 아이엘츠 모의고사, ielts speaking, 아이엘츠스피킹테스트, 이디엠아이엘츠, ielts speaking answer, ielts speaking 6.5, ielts speaking high score, 한국인목테스트
Id: 1JiAeeTkIJE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 7sec (1147 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 09 2021
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