IELTS How to write band 9 Task 2 essays?

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this video shows you a band 9 task 2 essay for the writing section of the IELTS exam as well as three very important tips on how to get those high band scores download our app academic IELTS help and join our premium package at WWE help calm to prepare for your next exam as well we have partnered with Skillshare a platform that lets you learn from expert instructors for hundreds of different skills you can use this code to get your next two months for free whether it's learning photography computers or writing skills for the IELTS exam try Skillshare today and begin learning for success now watch and learn first let's read this IELTS task 2 question you should spend about 40 minutes on this task currently there is a trend toward alternative forms of medicine however at best these methods are ineffective and at worst they may be dangerous to what extent do you agree with this statement use examples and explanations to support your opinion once we have read this question and done our planning identified several key points for our argument we're ready to write the introductory paragraph tip number one for the introductory paragraph you must use a direct thesis what is a thesis the thesis is your position it's your argument it's the last sentence of your introductory paragraph it tells the reader what you think is the answer to the question as well it shows the reader the voice that you will be using and it makes clear the structure of your essay now very importantly for those high band scores the thesis must be a direct thesis this means it should clearly identify the points for argument that you will expand on and explain in more detail in your body paragraphs this is opposite to an indirect thesis many students use indirect thesis statements in their task to essays they say statements like in this essay I will discuss the negatives and the benefits of using alternative medicines this is an indirect thesis because it does not give a clear idea to the reader what you will actually state in the essay this is not effective in academic writing it's much better to clearly state your points have a look at this introductory paragraph and look at this direct thesis statement although some individuals ascertain that alternative medicine is negative this is completely inaccurate because alternative medicines are extremely inexpensive and effective interventions for most ailments this direct thesis shows the reader right away that this is a third person essay it's not using I me my or you it also shows the reader that body paragraph 1 will be about the advantages of alternative medicines because they are affordable and it also shows the reader that body paragraph 2 will explain how alternative medicines are in fact effective means of treatment again remember to practice this at home write direct thesis statements don't write what you will write about it's a short essay simply just write it be direct that's tip number 1 now let's discuss tip number 2 a second important notion to keep in mind for those high band scores is to use quantitative language as well as qualitative language in your essay especially in your body paragraphs quantitative language means quantity or numbers and amount this is opposite to qualitative language qualitative languages abstract an idea of qualitative languages like stating the word many translating this to quantitative language would mean such as a hundred and fifty many how many 150 it's very important that you translate and interpret qualitative explanations to quantitative language in your essay take a look at this example in body paragraph 1 in many cases traditional remedies can be bought for just a few dollars or even produced in a person's garden as where pharmaceuticals may cost 10 times as much to cure the same illness it can cost $100 for just a few pills these are all quantitative forms of language use these throughout your essay to increase your banned scores now for tip number 3 for high banned essays it's very important to have good flow and cohesion among your ideas in the essay this means having strong connections now of course you can use connective words like firstly secondly furthermore however but these are simply just words even more importantly you should use information to make connections among your ideas a great way to do this is the examples in your body paragraphs work hard to use the same example in body paragraph 1 to show your point number 1 and then the same example in body paragraph 2 to support your second point take a look at the example in body paragraph 2 for this essay and how it supports the second argument the same garlic and parsley used to treat a bacterial infection not only helps to cleanse the body but also boost the immune system so that the person's natural defenses can restore health using the same example of garlic and parsley to explain the effectiveness of alternative medicines as we're in body paragraph 1 we used garlic and parsley to show that alternative medicines are inexpensive is a very powerful way to support our argument that in fact alternative medicines are useful and a valuable investment of people's time this creates lots of cohesion in the information and certainly boosts band scores all right so now let's summarize these three points and remember to practice them in order to boost your band score remember number one have a direct thesis number to include quantitative information and explain qualitative information with quantitative ideas number three create strong cohesion among and between your body paragraphs using the same example to strengthen different points of your thesis practice these skills at home and surely you will see improvement the next time you sit for your IELTS exam you to see many more tips for success with the IELTS writing section including six original practice exams a fully interactive course and over a hundred hours of video lessons download our app academic IELTS help from your Google Play or Apple Store as well you can join us on our website at WWE Hell Calm the app and our website are fully integrated for the best learning experience join our premium package today and begin your road for IELTS success subscribe to our channel click over here watch more videos click right here or click our IELTS hero for over a hundred hours of complete video lessons and six original practice exams to help you pass IELTS
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 100,500
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, Task 2 writing, hybrid, paragraphs, introduction, body, conclusion, strategies, full essay, vocabulary, academic, grammar, sentence, spelling, task 1, task 2, reading, listening, present perfect, past perfect, conditional, answer, question, tips, tricks, strategy, practice, sample, example, explanation, types, English, exam, high, band, score, speed, fluency, understand, examples, section, lesson, teacher, learn, student, free, tutorial, paraphrasing
Id: QLQ0lxMTtZo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 20sec (680 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 26 2019
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