You know you're READY for the IELTS test when...

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hey there Chris here for miles advantage in this lesson what we're gonna look at is the one thing that you need to consider before booking your test so if you're thinking of booking your test in the future watch this video because it's going to help you avoid so many problems and I'm gonna reveal to you during this video the one thing that you need to think about before booking your test the reason why I'm making this video is I was talking to a student today and she has failed 11 times and I told her immediately just stop booking the test you are going to continue to fail until you fix this thing until you think about this thing and I talked to her about the reasons why she kept booking the test over and over and over and over again and I asked her just one simple question were you ready for the test and she couldn't answer that question and it started to make me think about the reasons why people booked the test and the one thing that they need to think about before booking the test and most people just don't do this and speaking to her she was in tears because she had spent thousands and thousands of dollars on test fees on teachers she was getting a lot of problems from her family who were putting pressure on her she felt like a failure and she also talked about missing out on the opportunity to move to Canada and get the job that she wanted so I'm sure that you have felt similar things to her or you might be thinking of these things in the future if you don't think about this one thing that you need to think about so let's stick it over to the board and I'll explain it in a little bit more detail so when a student comes to me and tells me they fail the test the first question I ask them is why did you book the test and often they can't answer that question and then I try and break it down for them and I say okay was your decision based on a motion or was it based on logic let's check out some of the common reasons why people book the test and think about whether they are based on a motion or logic so common reason number one my husband my wife my father my mother and my brother whoever told me that I should book the test or I have to get it done at some date or time in the future and I booked it is that based on emotion or logic deadline so the Immigration Department or the place where I'm applying for a job told me that I need to get it done at this time how did deadline so I booked it FOMO fear of missing light my friends were doing it my auntie was doing it my cousin was doing it they were all moving to Australia or Canada and having a great life and I didn't want to miss out so I booked the test hope I really knew that I was going to be lucky next time and I hope that I would get the score that I need it's not based on emotion or is it based on logic frustration I hate this test I've no idea what to do there's so much confusing information right there I have no idea what's going on let's just book the test so that I can end this frustration number six exhaustion I've been doing this for so long looking at these boring textbooks looking at these boring YouTube videos I'm so exhausted let's just book the test number seven the lure of a better life the attraction of a better life I see on Facebook all these people have an amazing time after they pass their IELTS tests and they're living in this amazing country and earning all this money I want that so I'm gonna book the tests all of these are based on what they're based on emotion facing any decision especially a life-changing decision like whether to do the IELTS test or not basing that on emotion is a terrible idea we want to base it on logic and when we base it on logic we ask yourself one question so the one thing and the one thing only that you should be asking yourself is am I ready for the test that is a logical question with a logical answer it will either be yes or no if you were ready you should book the test if you're not ready you shouldn't book the test now that sounds incredibly simple and straightforward and obvious but when I speak to students these are the reasons they giveme 99.9999% give me these reasons so if this is so obvious and so simple and so straightforward why the students not do it well they'll often ask the question how will I know I'm ready I have no idea whether I will pass or not why are you telling me something that I can't answer I can't answer this question well you can it's really really simple what you need to do for listening and reading are you consistently getting the score you need in practice under exam conditions so you get let's say at least three practice tests do them under exam conditions and DIY do it yourself you can check your scores so if you need a seven and you are consistently getting a seven or above in listening and reading you're ready for the test if you're not you're not ready and you need to fix those little things that will get you up to the score that you need so that's DIY do-it-yourself you can check your own scores you don't need anyone to help you with your listening and reading in terms of that speaking and writing same thing are you consistently getting the score you need in practice under exam conditions consistently not that you got a bond seven one time and you're magically going to do that on test day that at least you know three or four times you've done both task 1 on task 2 under exam conditions and you've got the score that you need but you need to find an expert for this a real expert not somebody who calls themselves an expert but somebody who has proven results and has the experience and the qualifications to look at your writing or listen to your speaking and say yes you are ready or no you're not ready in order to be ready you need to do X Y & Z again incredibly simple incredibly straightforward but 99.9% of students just do not follow this advice but if you do this one thing then you are going to be ready for the test and you're not going to fail over and over and over again and save yourself so much time so much stress so much effort so your next question is probably I know that I'm not that level yet what can I do to get to that level so you might be at a 6 or 6.5 and you need a 7 or above and you just have no idea how to actually improve so I'm going to do two things for you one I'll give you a free course or free fundamentals course that will show you the absolute fundamental principles of writing speaking listening and reading you can check out in the description there's a link there just click below and you'll be able to instantly gain access to that for free and that will help you understand exactly what you need to do in order to move up and get the score that you need 100% for free or you might have some specific questions you might know your weaknesses or you might just have no idea what to do and you have a question about that check out my email address below and send me an email we read every single email either myself or my team response to every single email and we look forward to hearing from you and in the comments below have you based any of your decisions to book the test or anything ready to IELTS in relation to emotion it would be great to hear your stories and put them in the comments below we reply to every single comment or if you have a question put it in the comments below or if you just want to say hi or thank you or not tell us the video was terrible whatever just put it in the comments below and if you've enjoyed this video this is totally free all we ask is give it a like if you liked it or if you didn't like it give it a dislike to let us know that you don't like it thanks very much guys and if you want more information about the IELTS test check out our website IELTS advantage com or if you want to watch more videos here are a couple somewhere on the screen here thanks very much and see you again soon buh-bye
Channel: IELTS Advantage
Views: 143,537
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, You know you're READY for the IELTS test when..., When will I be ready for the IELTS test?, IELTS test, IELTS Exam, IELTS Advantage,, Chris Pell, IELTS Chris, When should I book my IELTS test?, booking the IELTS test, Band 8 in the ielts test, IELTS study plan, emotion, Subscribe, the ielts listening test, How to book the IELTS test, Why you shouldn’t book the test before you’re ready, You’ll know you’re ready for IELTS Reading and Listening when...
Id: W4OtCYxskms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 26sec (506 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 22 2019
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