IELTS Live - Reading Section - Correct Answer Tips

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hi students and welcome to today's live IELTS class my name is Adrian and I'm streaming to you from beautiful Budapest in the capital of Hungary I hope everybody is having a good week so far staying strong healthy and productive in this class students we are looking at the IELTS reading section and I will give you some tips on how to answer questions correctly to get those higher band scores now this is a members chat class of course everybody is welcome to watch it will be valuable for all of our viewers and we will have an all chat class for listening section parts 1 & 2 coming up in about 90 minutes if you'd like to become a member of our channel just click the join button beside the subscribe button on the channel if you do not see that just send me an email and I can give you some further help and instructions while we wait for some of our members to join in that this class is brought to you by AE help calm for academic IELTS success please visit us there and for general IELTS help check us out at G IELTS now of course this is a reading class so make sure to read and read aloud that means so you can hear yourself whenever possible hi bister hope you're doing great tae Khyber Beck John see the members are joining in now our websites look like this this is our academic website here with the blue background you can click that big red button to join the Premium Package and you can use the code r4t y-j to get a 20% discount ok so put that up there 20% so use that code our 4 tyj today to get that 20% discount this is our general it's website here same code you can use our 40 YJ to get a 20% discount when you join the premium package click that big red button hi Karolina hi dr. krishna i'll be checking a shot nice to see many members in the class alright let's get back to it if anybody has questions comments concerns just send me an email adrienne at AE if you'd like to get our paperback books from Amazon search for a helps academic IELTS or GE helps general IELTS so let's get into today's reading here we go so this is a passage three coming from our fifth practice exam and we can see that this passage starts with the list of headings questions so I'm going to give you some strategies for a list of headings we'll go over this one I know it's a little bit challenging for students many students seem to have the most difficulty with true false not given yes no not given and these list of headings questions but these ones are not actually so bad if you know what you're doing so we're going to talk about that I Rajveer there you are in the class we have a couple of reg viewers now as are our members that's great to see you in class reg beer I know you were looking forward to that okay so first things first always look at the title of the passage so here the title of the passage is mirages now maybe some of you're going oh what is that what's a mirage right but luckily we have a picture here that helps us a little bit it's the picture of a desert with the blue sky and the blue in the background and then in the distance here in the desert that's some water I think maybe in the live class it's not as visible but you can see some water here and it's probably not water okay what it is is a mirage so and Mirage is when you see water that is not actually there in the distance now if you don't know that that's okay you can figure that out so what you want to do is you want to look at the questions which follow the passage that will give you some more help and you want to read the questions that have information which is in the passage so here we have our second set of questions right the first set or the list of headings in the beginning we'll get back to those in a minute and here it says choose no more than two words from the passage for each answer it's complete the sentences below so it's sentence completion all of this information is in the passage so it's good to read this okay and booming a mirage is not really like a hallucination kind of but it's not exactly the same you'll see why in a moment okay let's read these first so just read it with the blanks so mirages are created by that fool the mind differences in air are the cause of mirages the pool of water seen in the distance is something of the sky this kind of a sentence can really can really help you drop the mouse can really help you to understand the passage okay so the pool of water seen in the distance is a something of the sky now this one you might be able to guess without reading so if you had to guess what do you think the answer would be for this one here number 34 and it's definitely possible to guess some answers without reading of course you should read but it's not a bad idea to predict okay so the pool of water seen in the distance is it's definitely a noun Bhoomi what do you think goes in there what word if I said okay you can't read the passage you just have to guess this word if you get it correct they'll give you a ban dining the reading section what would you guess this word to be okay Khyber says reflecting Rahul preet says reflection or illusion abhishek says reflection yeah reflection is the noun and that would be my guess as well so reflection okay that's a very good guess it's an accurate guess so reflection right it's like a mirror okay so the pool of water seen in the distance is a reflection of the sky now when you can guess a sentence like that then that will really help you to understand the concept of a mirage okay all right let's keep going here so of course you want to be quite fast when you're doing this review okay so number 34 we interpret the Mirage as water and not a mirror because the mind makes something from its past experiences all right question 36 to 38 classified the following facts as applying to mirages and hallucinations so Bhoomi this is where you will see that mirages and hallucinations are not the same because here obviously there are two distinct categories okay all right so these are classification type questions all of this information is definitely in the passage so it's good to review this 36 they are fictitious 37 they can be caught on camera 38 they are a product of the mind interpreting unfamiliar and contradictory phenomena okay now here we have some multiple-choice 39 to 40 that's two questions for multiple-choice students always just read the question never read the answers okay because you're wasting time three of the answers are incorrect they may even confuse you while you're reading so they're going to disturb your mind your thoughts and again it's just a waste of time to read unnecessarily at this time so just read the question why do we see the image on the road as a puddle of water alright number forty why can't a person unsee Mirage alright so that's obviously going to be discussed in the passage now we go back to the list of headings questions okay so here we have lots and lots of choices okay for the paragraphs of this passage and list of headings is really the only question that you need to answer while you're reading you should always read it before the passage even if it has extra information it's given to you before the passage I'm sure many of you realize that yeah list of headings it's the only question that I actually see before the passage okay there are a couple reasons for that so I'll give you a couple notes here and some strategies to help you figure out these questions okay so let's talk about list of headings question strategy okay number one these are the only questions that you should read even though they contain some extra and false information before the passage they are given to you before the passage now maybe I'll do this as a new bullet so they are given to you before the passage because the IELTS exam makers experts want you to read this before you read the passage and answer as meaning while you read the passage okay here's some important points to keep in mind the list of heading questions always answer the what question meaning what is the paragraph about when you get these answers correct you will also get other questions correct okay they help you with other questions so it's really important that you do a good job on list of headings because they will help you to answer other questions correctly and quickly okay so list of headings are really really important all right okay so let's keep going here with list of heading questions the first step as read each heading and paraphrase it as best as you can at home before the exam on paper and during the exam in your mind you don't really have enough time unless you're really quick at it I don't recommend doing paper based paraphrasing for this just in your mind is enough but for practice right now and at home you should always paraphrase it as much as possible on paper so windows mirrors and hallucinations what's another way to say those okay so windows mirrors and hallucinations whatever comes to mind so looking glass reflector and visions okay now of course grammar hell or sorry vocabulary will help you so the more vocabulary that you learn the better if you don't know other synonyms or other ways to say this at home use a thesaurus okay a thesaurus should be your best friend when you are studying for the IELTS exam everybody catch that that's kind of one of those points where I really want you to give me a thumbs up and say yeah okay I got that so basically every time you start to study for the IELTS exam you should have a thesaurus open on your phone open on your laptop a physical paperback thesaurus a little pocket-sized thesaurus but you should always have a thesaurus a very tiny little stone throw away okay so always have a thesaurus at the ready when you're studying English and when you're studying for the IELTS exam don't be like oh yeah wait a second should have had a thesaurus today with me so thumbs up good puja okay thesaurus guys thesaurus is your best friend will really help you to improve your language communication and scores okay so thesaurus who's my best friend my best friend is a dinosaur called a thesaurus uh-huh yeah all right so number two how the brain processes mirages okay give me a paraphrase for their students so let's practice I don't want to spoil each one of these for you awesome Carolina so how the brain processes mirages okay give me a nice paraphrase for this what's another way to say how the brain processes mirages I think many of you can paraphrase that give me another way to say it the reason paraphrasing is so important for these lists of headings questions is because these are paraphrased from each paragraph or from the paragraphs that are correct it's unlikely that you're going to see the exact same words some students they try to search for key words so they'll search for the key word brain in the first sentence of the paragraphs and they might not find it okay it might not be there so it's not that easy skimming and scanning for key words is not enough to get these questions correct in fact you'll get a lot of them wrong if that's your strategy so don't do that okay so Sammy says how the mind processes illusions yeah that's very good okay Sam you think about another way to say process khyber says how the nuclear system visualizes a fake image nuclear system not so much okay but we would say the nervous system I think Khyber you're thinking about the nervous system because the another way to say the brain is the central nervous system that's quite clever Khyber so you could say the way the central and it's actually a more accurate paraphrase than mind the way the central nervous system process you could say interprets right or perceives mirages illusions yeah illusions is a little bit of a better word than hallucinations for sure so nervous system okay good all right I'll be checks says the different ways the brain processes optical illusions students always do try to paraphrase the verb as well so process instead of process perceives or interprets okay all right temperature gradients temperature gradients what's another way to say that and try to do it without a thesaurus if you can't then use a thesaurus so go ahead students you know I'm going to ask you for the next couple so temperature gradients temperature gradients what's another way to say that temperature gradients let's see what you come up with okay temperature what is temperature so think of the different ways to paraphrase you can use synonyms antonyms descriptive paraphrasing is very popular on the IELTS exam so what are the different ways okay temperature gradients means different levels of heat K temperature is an essence heat its how hot or cold something is okay puja says changes or variations in climate that works as well puja so lots of ways to do it right changes in climate yeah that's quite accurate puja absolutely for temperature gradients I agree with you okay so take your time at home doing this do it accurately and if you can paraphrase in multiple ways that's great so filmer bull but ultimately up to the mind can be captured on video but in the end it's up to our thinking a common experience of a mirage a shared occurrence of an illusion the need for water the necessity for h2o the cause of mirages the source of these illusions true hallucinations real optical misconceptions an adventurer sees something a traveler perceives an event the difference between two phenomenon the contrasts between two inexplicable occurrences the fallible human mind the way that human thinking can be tricked where people's thinking can be tricked so ideally once you are at the IELTS exam you can paraphrase even if not as fast as I just did but let's say like at half that speed okay and maybe not as many synonyms or as much description but let's say 70% and you're fine you're golden okay so you're good to go all right so that's your step number one always with a list of headings is read them paraphrase them okay that will give you the best chance that you're going to accurately identify the right answers when it comes to answering these okay so here we go with the next couple of steps and strategies of course these strategies are described in your full course and your interactive course on the websites as well and we have a couple of HD videos on the YouTube channel and on the websites also so make sure to check those out so after you paraphrase your next step is read each paragraph and ask and answer what is this paragraph about okay then match the list of heading that is closest to your answer okay we're gonna practice this so you'll see what I mean and when you do this a bit it becomes quite a bit easier and systematic so here we go with the first paragraph which of course is the introduction and let's read this together so don't just listen to me but read with me and then let's answer the first one so here we go a a man is walking in a desert in dire need of water up ahead he sees what seems to be a lake or a pond excited he runs towards the source of water he gets closer but the water disappears he looks again and the water reappears but it is in the distance once again he runs once more but his efforts are futile the water is not there so what is this paragraph about so that's what she asked yourself okay so what is paragraph a about and no shortcuts ask the full question and what is the answer so what is paragraph a about after you read it you visualize it what is it about what do you what do you think what would be the simplest way and here you want to give a simple answer so one sentence simple answer okay so khyber says a man's effort is useless because there is no water and he sees fake images pooja says getting tricked the need for water yeah okay I would answer something like a man running towards water that is not actually there all right do you agree with me that this is a good answer to the question so what is the paragraph what is paragraph a about a man running towards water that is not actually there would you say that fairly accurately summarizes this paragraph okay we read about this man especially when you're visualizing right you should see that that's what I saw so when I read this paragraph what I saw is this man in the desert who's really thirsty and he's like oh water run run run run run no water so disappointed oh wait no water's over there run run run run run water oh no water so disappointing oh wait water red it's a man running towards water that's not actually there right that's what I kind of saw okay let me get you back here real quick I see that my camera decided to take a snooze maybe really disappointed about the man not seeing the water all right so that's what I see right yeah you see the same thing yeah Sammy right a thirsty man looking for water that's not there that would be another way to say it sound very good so a thirsty man looking for water that's not there okay so if I go back to the possible headings which one of these is the closest match so Roman numeral one two three four five six seven eight nine ten or eleven so which one of these is the closest match to a man running towards water that's not really there what would you say which of these Roman numerals is the closest match let's see if you come up with the same answer that I came up with I think there's really only one that is even a remotely close match to my answer of what the paragraph is about and I think it would be really easy to make a mistake if somebody's not using this kind of accurate strategy and just searching or skimming and scanning they would probably get this one wrong because I think a lot of people would probably choose the need for water but that's not true right so the need for water is not right and I'll show you in another way and unfortunately basore khyber I'll be shek puja you'd get that wrong okay it's not the need for water here's another way to ask it so Karolina says it's an adventure that sees something number nine and Karolina you're correct number nine is the right answer here's another way that you can get this concept a little bit better so you don't make that mistake because I saw a couple of you make that mistake ask yourself okay so here's a very good trick for you and it's kind of a new one I think for many of you as well is to make absolutely sure that you are choosing the right answer you can also ask yourself what is the subject of the paragraph okay so let's do an example for this one so what is the subject of paragraph a and what's the answer and this should just be one word or two words if you really want but no more than two words here so what what is the subject of paragraph a because the subject is always the what right so if you're thinking of the basic English sentence subject verb object subject as the what the what the statement is about or who the statement is about in this case right so in this way you can make sure that you're not being fooled by another answer with the wrong subject so in this case what is the subject of paragraph a okay and this is how you can be like okay I know I have the right answer and I'm not being tricked okay what's the subject of that first and when you're thinking about the subject all you need to think about so the the question that you're answering or is what or who is the paragraph about because it's always a noun okay yeah very good I'll be check it's about the adventurer right the man it's not about the need for water so the the paragraph doesn't start with the need for water is an essential requirement for survival for all human beings then the subject would be the need for water but it's not bumi very good so bumi says it's about a man right yeah that's the subject who me very good very good I'll be Scheck so the subject is the adventure the adventure or the man right so when we go back here now we can see that the need for water is not the subject so that can't be the correct answer because it's not what the paragraph is about the paragraph is about the adventurer who needs water okay does that make sense misters like oh yeah that makes a lot of sense okay yeah it's great okay so subject is what the paragraph is about let's go to the next one okay a little bit more practice and you'll get the hang of it all right here we go so let's go with the next one read with me the man is not going mad in fact there is nothing wrong with him or his vision at all what he's has seen is called a mirage mirages are optical illusions caused by atmospheric conditions which play tricks on the brains visual system importantly they are not hallucinations hallucinations are fabrications while mirages are a result of phenomenon in the real world another way to look at the difference between hallucinations and mirages is that mirages will be seen by any observer hallucinations conversely exist only in the mind of the person hallucinating okay so again let's ask what is this paragraph about okay so let's do this now and at home you should write this down of course in the real outs exam you're not going to have enough time to write all this down so you need to just do it mentally spinning these questions and answers in your heads what is paragraph B about so what is paragraph B about again in your answer answer it simply and summarize it what's the subject here and what is the controlling idea around the subject and I know that a lot of you are realizing now I got that email from you dr. Krishna which was very smart where you realize that a big trick in getting a lot of marks correct in the IELTS is being very fast with controlling ideas and topics controlling ideas and not just fast but accurate right and it's no different here with these lists of headings questions what's the topic what are we talking about what is the controlling idea around it when you can figure those out accurately you'll find the right answer every single time I guarantee it okay so what is paragraph B about what do we just read okay what was the topic and what was the idea around it should be fast and for those of you are finding this a little bit quick or difficult it's exam five passage three in your books so you can review it later okay okay so bister says difference between mirages and hallucinations okay yeah it's good mister I think you're definitely on the right track absolutely boo means very simple mirages and hallucinations different between mirages and hallucination so the difference is the controlling idea right and the topic so what is the subject okay so the controlling idea you're right and that's going to help you a lot so sure what's the topic what are we actually talking about here yeah very nice Sammy so Sammy has a perfect answer for topic and controlling idea and that's the missing element here very good very nice and notice Sammy that you and I have the exact same sentences - a small spelling mistake on hallucination Sammy but otherwise we have the exact same sentence Mirage and the difference between the Mirage and a hallucination that's what we're talking about in this paragraph okay and you do have to understand IELTS reading passages at this level to get a six point five or seven if you don't understand this level of information from each paragraph students the bad news is that the only way you'll get a six point five or more is if you get lucky okay and of course nobody wants to build their test score on luck but I think a lot of you can do this it's just a matter of practice okay so Mirage and the difference between Mirage and hallucination that's definitely what it is about okay and which one is the closest match so which is the closest match for Mirage and the difference between mirages and hallucinations okay again think about subject think about controlling idea and think about which is the closest all right which number would you say here which is the closest paraphrase what do you think which Roman numeral and in your answer sheet please make sure to put the Roman numeral in the paper based exam or the computer-based exam okay I'll be shocked says 10 it's the difference between two phenomenon yeah the two phenomenon being mirages and hallucinations and look at all of you get that correct answer now why because you correctly identified the topic and the controlling idea so definitely it's X and the way that we know we're on the right track is actually it's the example that's given to us and hey if the example says it's X definitely has to be X or a Roman numeral 10 that's right puja that's right visser so we're on the right track okay well done okay let's keep going and again the more you practice the easier this will become and and you're going to feel very confident about your answers so here we go with C okay read with me while the man walking in the desert anecdote is a popular Mirage narrative the most common Mirage in everyday life actually takes place on long straight flat highways on hot sunny days driving along such a highway on such a day it is common to see what looks like a puddle of water on the road in the distance but once that point is reached the puddle is gone and is instead located further in the distance what is going on here so what is this paragraph about okay and I love how everybody basically got that last one correct that's fantastic so let's keep going let's see how well you can do this now so what is paragraph C about answer and I think this one scan fairly quick simple answer here usually the topic is introduced in the topic sentence especially for body paragraphs so keep that in mind that can really help you figure these out fast okay all right so puja says mirages on highways yeah Visser says the most common type of Mirage yeah Khyber says the common Mirage is on hot days yeah those are good answers okay sure and again like I say you can usually see that in the beginning of the paragraph so the most common Mirage in everyday life actually takes place on long straight flat highways on sunny days so what are we talking about the most calm and mirages when you see the article of the students especially at the beginning of a paragraph that's a very strong indicator you're looking at the subject okay subjects are very frequently especially at the beginning of a body paragraph denoted by the article the okay so keep that in mind all right yeah that's right Lapage so the mirages that are common for travelers okay all right so which is the closest match which Roman numeral matches closest to that answer one of the biggest mistakes many students make with the list of headings is their searching the list of headings before they think about their own answer don't do that that's a sure way to get some of these wrong okay so mister says it's number five a common experience of a mirage I'll be check agrees that it's five just make sure I be check you're using the Roman numeral and I would agree as well I think that's a very good answer it's the closest match always choose the closest match that you see with your own so Roman numeral five you'll get that correct and you can move on and now all of your confident absolutely okay just one more tip and then we're going to go through the rest of the passage nice and smooth without too much typing but one more important tip here is tip never search for a list of heading answers before you think about your own answer to the question what is this paragraph about okay because if you do you will surely get more answers wrong okay and unfortunately that's what a lot of students do and they learn these bad strategies from different places where people say oh just look for a keyword and then skim and scan the first sentences of the paragraphs for those keywords I guarantee you'll make some mistakes I guarantee you'll get some of these wrong if you do that okay so don't do that the best strategy is read the paragraph ask yourself what it's about answer the question then find the matching answer everybody clear on that okay not I'm going to choose a keyword from the choice skim read the body paragraph and then I'll match it up and then that's the right one that's your sure way to get more of them wrong okay is everybody clear on these very important differences in these two strategies one strategy people learn is wrong where they're looking and skimming for keywords one strategy where you figure out what the paragraph is about and then you match it that's the right strategy okay make sure that you use the right strategy not the wrong strategy everybody's good yeah I want to make sure because at this point I think you guys got what you need to do you just want to make sure that you do that when you do your actual exam so that you don't forget this and go the other way and get them all wrong okay all right Christian says crystal clear very good okay very very good yeah unfortunately I've seen so many students learn the wrong strategy use the wrong strategy and get bad marks okay so hopefully that doesn't happen all right cool all right this are super happy about that yeah super happy about that all right so let's keep going so we're gonna read these and we're going to verbally do the questions now so we can move through a couple more paragraphs so here we go the COS of Mirage is so read with me the cause of mirages is the difference in heat between the ground and the air tarmac the surface material of highways can get very hot in the summer and release heat raising the temperature of the air immediately above the tarmac the air higher up is much cooler so there is a sharp temperature gradient or rate of change in the air above the highway it is known from physics that light is refracted or bent differently through air at different temperatures the sharp temperature ad --nt in the air immediately above the highway causes the light rays to bend upwards towards the cooler denser air because the human visual system interprets all light rays as being straight which in general is true we interpret these bent rays as originating from the ground what is seen on the road in the distance is simply a reflection of the sky on the ground which from afar looks precisely like a puddle of water in the middle of the road what is this paragraph about so what is paragraph D about bringing it back here so you can look at the beginning again so what is it about in very simple terms don't overthink it okay what is this paragraph about khyber says it's the cause of mirages and how it happens I'll be checked says cause of mirages I agree yeah remember what I said article the the cause of mirages is that really is a very clear subject heading okay yeah Bhoomi the reasons for generating mirages yeah very good okay so let's match it which one of these is the closest match for the reasons for mirages or the cause of mirages it's not changes in temperature Rajveer because that's the explanation okay so reg fear be really careful that you're identifying the what and not the why question okay the why is because there's changes in temperature but what we're talking about is the cause of mirages so the correct answer here is Roman numeral seven okay again this is a one where it would be easy for someone to accidentally choose number three and if somebody chose number three that would be wrong okay it's not number three it's the cause of mirages that's what it's about remember it tells you that okay so what it's about all right here we go next one e this long paragraph here we go stupid so read with me for e that humans see the phenomenon as a puddle of water is not a coincidence however it is the result of a rapid problem-solving process in the brain which attempts to make sense of conflicting phenomenon since humans are not accustomed to seeing non-straight rays of light the brain must make sense of them as best it can water on the highway is not the only explanation for what the mind sees ahead a windowpane or a mirror may be on the road instead if there was a large mirror on the road for example the visual phenomenon would be identical the driver would see a reflection of the sky on the road in the distance so why is it that we always interpret the Mirage as water on the road and not a mirror on the road or something else it is because the brain without consciously thinking makes the best inference it can the average person in their catalogue of experiences does not have a real non Mirage experience of seeing a mirror in the middle of the highway conversely the average person does have a real experience of seeing a puddle on the highway any sufficiently rainy day will produce this effect the brain compares the probabilities of these two and other possibilities and concludes that the phenomena must be a puddle of water knowing that the water is not in fact there does nothing to dispel us from the visual impression that water is on the highway the brains visual machinery is not subject to the logic of the rest of the brain no matter how hard a person tries to unsee the Mirage it will always be there what is this paragraph about okay so what is this paragraph about again it's it seems like a very complicated paragraph but it's fairly simple if you keep it simple so in your own words what is this paragraph about a lot of talk about the brain and mirages and the brain and the Mirage and the water and the mirror and the brain and the Mirage right you read that again and again so you should realize that this paragraph is about let's see what you come up with I don't want to spoil it for you I think many of you will get the right answer when you think about this critically so what is it about in your own words what about mirrors is it about water or is it about the brain it's about mirages combination so what is it about I think some of you're really thinking here and it is in the first two sentences so again the topic is it's a little bit more hidden but it's definitely observable in the first two sentences here so when you read these first two sentences I'm hoping that there's not a major leg in the chat that's possible as well anyway hopefully most of you are thinking that this long paragraph II is about the way the brain understands a mirage or the way the brain sees the Mirage is water and not another piece of information okay yeah pooja very good so pooja says it's the brain making its inference okay Jai Neil very nice so genteel says it's about how the brain functions when it sees a mirage yeah pooja visual interpretation of the brain it's another really nice summary of that that's definitely what it's about and which is the closest match so which one of these matches the closest to this one all right so there's definitely one there that is very very close okay what would you choose which number yeah Bhumi says the CNS is inference CNS as boom is using it as short for the central nervous system now Bumi make sure that if you write that or say that say it first as a full central nervous system and only after use the CNS abbreviation or acronym if you will okay so which one of these is the closest match very good Abhishek number two how the brain processes mirages right now that we're doing it together it seems easy but again remember students this takes a lot of practice okay a lot of practice and I'm sure that a lot of you are now thinking too as well yeah I'm not surprise that a lot of your thinking - - is the closest pooja don't change okay the answer from what's closest to what you said definitely - is the closest to what you said so choose the right one okay all right F let's read this it's a short paragraph let's finish the passage so interestingly mirages can actually be captured on film because the refracted light rays really are forming an image on the road what the false image is mistaken for however is entirely up to the interpretation of the human mind so what is this last short little paragraph about again you can kind of get it this is the conclusion obviously you can get it from the first sentence so interestingly mirages can actually be captured on film because the refracted light rays really are forming an image on the road what the false image is mistaken for however is entirely up to the interpretation of the human mind because what you're actually seeing students are just bent rays of light nothing more it's not water it's not mirror it's bent light rays right but we can't really see bent light rays okay all right so what is this about again don't search for it answer it Kaymer says it can be captured on camera yeah so it can be captured on camera and interpret it in different ways that's what I would say so it can be captured on camera and interpreted in different ways so which one is the closest match so I would say can be captured on camera but interpreted in different ways that's what the conclusion is about so which one is the closest from the choices and jainneil don't try to jump the gun especially because that's a paragraph a not the conclusion okay Bumi it's not just about the false image so the conclusion starts with it can be captured on camera okay never don't so don't confuse yourself stay simple okay stay simple Bhumi the paragraph starts with mirages can be filmed okay so stay with that they can be filmed that can be captured on camera and then it says but at the end it's up to the mind as to what it sees water mirror something else so interpretation of the human mind which one is the closest match again it should be fairly easy yeah a very good Bhoomi very good so very good doctor Krishna very good look foosh so the correct answer here is filmer ball but ultimately up to the mind yeah that would be the most accurate match with my own summary okay my own answer to the what question all right students I'm going to stop there for today with the list of headings questions if you want to complete the other questions for the passage you can do that on your own that's it for today's class it's a very useful and powerful strategy to help you with those passages that have the list of headings questions remember read it before the passage paraphrase each one in your mind in the real exam then ask what is this paragraph about after you read each paragraph give your answer in a simple clear concise short way find the closest match that's the right answer move to the next paragraph alright so practice it it will help you for sure to get a better band score we've had a lot of students who said oh I used to hate list of headings because I will only get like half of them or less correct I use that strategy and I get maybe one wrong sometimes I get all of them right and then so we can definitely see the improvement and students feel it alright everyone to learn a lot more of these strategies that work join us at a help calm for academic IELTS G IELTS help calm for general and use this code are for tyj today to get that 20% discount from the premium package you're very very welcome everyone much love back at you Khyber and hopefully I'll see all of you in 30 minutes for some listening practice for section part 1 and part 2 of the listening okay bye for now see shortly
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 3,400
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, reading, passage, tip, strategy, skill, band 9, body, paragraphs, academic, sentences, vocabulary, practice, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, description, English examination, read, speed, fluency, true, false, not give, understand, Lesson, Teacher, Learn, Student, Free, Intro, Tutorial, IELTS learning reading, IELTS passage explanations, sections, question, list of headings, paragraph completion, multiple choice, material, papers
Id: WqQHKBfEz08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 5sec (3485 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 11 2020
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