IDOLS RIOT - Live Event

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wow wow praise the living god this is dr francis miles coming to you live from my studio here in mcdonald georgia on the beautiful suburbs of atlanta praise god you know like ray charles would say i got jojo on my mind well i am in georgia getting ready for the powerful time of the god encounter with my dear friend and co-author kerry we are going to have a phenomenal time in the holy ghost today now listen uh before i bring in keri souza and then we got two two powerful testimonies before me and kerry says i begin to go back and forth you know uh we're gonna bring some two people linda vega and karen johnson just in a little bit it's gonna be a lot of fun now we see a lot of people are coming in actually we are live on facebook so maybe you might text some of your friends or another zoom and we are live on dr francis smiles on facebook and you can actually see us there as well uh so again welcome to the idols riot healing uh healing healing activation and book launch praise god so this is the idols riot online book launch and healing activation so if you came here today looking for a healing a miracle from god you are you better get ready because you don't get it it's going to be amazing praise god ain't nobody mad today but the devil because god is going to move mightily in a powerful and new way so i just want to go through a couple of events that are coming up that i want you to uh to look at and consider uh before i bring on my co-host of this amazing show um kerry souza i want you to just go through the following the following uh uh um announcements that we have praise god there that's the first one amen idols riot healing school and book tour it's gonna be happening in nashville tennessee the place of country but we're not coming to sing some country music we are bringing the holy ghost in power and signs and wonders there will be miracles of healing there will be activation and i mean kerry souza and i are going to go deep sea fishing in terms of revelation you talk about being transformed being delivered it's going to be the place where you get delivered praise god so again it's going to be may 28th to the 29th we're going to begin on friday night at 7 00 p.m and all day saturday ending with a massive hearing service at the end of the day at the at the house of apostle karen johnson called olive tree connections this you know you get a certificate for graduating the school because we want to raise proof producers who can work miracles signs and wonders cast out devils i mean i mean i mean deliver people out of idols in their bloodline bring down evil altars walk in the supernatural that's what kerry suzanne are gonna be doing you will never find a school like this anywhere in the world or especially in america so you want to be there with us live or you can live stream the event by simply going to forward slash events and then you can register that way it's only 99 for the whole school you get a student manual and you are going to get a graduation certificate and uh and and there is no amount of money you can give on what kerry souza and i have been given from heaven and the level of deliverance you are going to have so that is tennessee uh our idols riot healing school healing school and book tour where me and kerry are going to throw up our slaves and we are going to teach and demonstrate the supernatural cleanse your bloodline break evil orders talk about getting out of a school completely free to prosper on a whole new level you want to be with us in tennessee in nashville praise god the second event is happening in the beautiful continent of africa praise god it's happening in africa you know uh it is going to be operating in the coach of heaven so i'm doing this because we have people from around the world we have people from africa who are watching us right now you know we are saying that august the 4th to the 7th robert henderson kerry souza uh pastor suzanne hen dr francis mouse my wife carmelo you know we got a big generals in zambia it's gonna be happening we believe the president of zambia is coming to open up the conference officially it's going to be happening so if you live in zambia you live in africa fly to zambia it's going to be amazing you can never see keri souza and robert henderson and francis mars in one building in africa it's very tough so people in south africa people in zimbabwe people in kenya get a flight be in zambia meet us there for everybody else in america we'll be live streaming this conference from the canyon of africa and we give you a 21 day playback where you can play back for 21 days so if you miss the the live show uh because about your time zone when you wake up we you can still go in and you re replay these powerful anointings and what they're going to be teaching praise god finally the last event i want to talk about wow it's the biggest event of the year for francis miles international it's going to be kings 2021 king stands for kingdom invasion gathering of saints and the theme is gonna be restoring uh we're restoring the power we're restoring glory to god the power of the the power of the cross and the kingdom to the body of christ and we are also going to be honoring a general in the faith pastor benihin he's going to be one of our keynote speaker and we are going to be celebrating 45 years of the healing ministry of pastor benihin and downtown atlanta this is going to be sought out event i already know people are coming from other nations flying in to be in atlanta because of the generals we are having and because a lot of people have been blessed by the minister of father benny hinn and i want to be there to honor him publicly he's never been honored that he's gonna we're gonna honor him but again you're gonna be taught you're gonna be blessed by the voice of another general bishop to the bismarck all the way from zimbabwe dr wellington boone dr vida king my dear friend kerry souza an apostle of the healing of the soul miracle signs and wonders and powerful speakers it's going to be amazing eddie james is going to be singing with his entire band you want to make sure that that halloween weekend we we possess the land said until the devil devil there is no day that belongs to the devil we are taking back that weekend of halloween and giving it back to whom whose right it is to be glorified his name is jesus so i'm very excited i'm very excited that that's what's happening so uh with this i just want to introduce to you uh my dear friend kerry souza yeah you know let's bring kenny susan on screen so that she carries sues i say hello to the people before we hear the testimonies from linda and karen hey everybody i'm really glad you're here tonight we're going to teach we're going to activate we're going to show you how to do breakthrough um but before we bring on linda and um and apostle karen because she has a testimony about a her cataracts in her eyes being healed through the revelation that dr miles and i are going to be teaching from our book idols riot i want to invite you to do two things uh number one i want you to go get the book okay you need to go to go to our store and get this latest book i've been going out on the road teaching about idols riot i don't know for the last year or so and it's been building in strength but everywhere i go i i see incredible miracles i see people's spines moving into place many times i don't even touch the person it happens when they're in their seat as they're listening to the revelation i just saw a woman who had she said she had a a complete cataract and was blind in one eye and she said it shrunk down to where it looked like just a scale and then when i touched her hand and led her through one more prayer before i even got finished with the prayer it completely disappeared so i invite you to get this book we didn't bring you on tonight to get your money but we do want to offer you the resources that we have that are uh helping us to see miracles and then um dr miles uh i also if it's okay with you want to tell everybody that we really would like some support from our fouling by having everyone help dr miles and i with our television outreach as you can see dr miles has erected his brand new set in atlanta i'm here on my set and we both entered into a partnership for television to reach the nations and we are doing that through faith television network and so just as you're watching tonight i would ask that you'd help us reach the nations with a very the most inexpensive seed that you could ever sow that will make a big huge difference for dr miles and i and that is to download the faith now app on your tele on your telephone faith now is only a dollar ninety nine for everybody there that's watching that's um that's partners with dr miles and i and that loves our ministries and believes in the mission that god has given us this is a small a small seed to plant with a big result for a dollar ninety nine a month you can get the faith now application which goes on your phone inside that application is katy tv which dr miles and i are now going to become partners in this television channel it's 24 hours of my programming dr miles programming programming from our powerful friends like joan hunter tony kemp robert henderson and other people who we are very in close relationship with and that we trust and that we know have a power anointing so it's 24-hour a day non-stop programming no commercials like you have on youtube the only way you can get rid of those is by paying 15.99 a month but you can get faith now and watch kdtv for a dollar ninety nine plus also on the faith now after thousands of churches thousands of ministries hundreds of christian movies and the isn sid roth network which means that you can watch sid roth and all his amazing powerful programmers 24 and 7 and also kenneth copeland's victory television is on faith now okay we're about to start teaching and about to start activating but before we do please if you have if you have been following myself or dr miles for years if you can go to and sign up for the faith now application you're going to get all that entertainment for just 1.99 a month now if you put in into the discount code kdtv that's katy tv you're going to get a month free if you pay for the whole year at once and you put in kdtv and the discount code you're gonna get two months two months for free two months for free it's only 19.99 that is such an amazing deal it's like one stop shopping entertainment okay that you can get right there on the faith now app just go to and it's just 1.99 a month when you put in the kdtv code you get a month for free or pay the whole year look guys it's cheaper than going to mcdonald's for lunch all right if you pay the whole year it's cheaper you know get for a whole month of of amazing entertainment than a cup of coffee all right and you know what it does it totally helps dr miles and i reach the nations from about from our brand new sets so that we can bring the good news of miracles the gospel peace of jesus christ the healing of jesus christ the presence of jesus christ right there on your phone and when you do the monthly subscription of the yearly subscription five devices five devices your ipad your kids ipad your husband's phone your phone five devices in your household you can use the same membership so please this is gonna be a real break it thing for me and dr miles if we can get 5 000 people to sign up for faith now okay we're about to start teaching and activating so make sure you go to and sign up with the kdtv discount code and now i'm going to throw it back to atlanta so that dr miles can bring on some testimonies of some people that got miracles through this revelation from our book idols riot dr miles wow wow listen that was amazing now i want to add i want to spice up the faith now deal since so again uh since listen what kerry did not tell you is that faith now up that you're getting for only uh 1.99 or just 19.95 for the nine about uh if you uh if you do the whole year only about 20 dollars literally you are getting sid roth you are getting kenneth kaplan you are getting friends with smiles you are getting an other movie it's an amazing you can't get that anywhere else but i want to do something extra you know i want to give you anybody who signs up after the after the bible study just write it down faith now dot app so at the end of the bible study you can go there and do it later because we want you to focus on the bible study for tonight but when we are done please go to faith now dot lpp but if you do that and you subscribe they'll send you of course a confirmation because you have to put in your email and stuff like that you can take a screenshot of your receipt and go to forward slash faith now and if you just upload uh type in your name and upload uh the screenshot of the receipt that shows that you actually downloaded the app and went on the subscription we are going to email you immediately a fr a free one of my books it's one of the most powerful books i've ever written on transition the book is called the powers and the dangers of transition how to navigate the value of transition and master it and all the human being goes through transition it's called life you know and so you get that book it's 200 pages it's really it's 20 on amazon you get it absolutely for free just for signing up for the faith now up praise god now with that said i'm excited because we have two individuals that i just want them to say something first what i'm going to do is i'm going to start with my spiritual daughter apostle karen johnson who had a powerful miracle because of this revelation on idol's riot you know and i just wanted to quickly uh open up so at least you know what we're about to teach is working that's why we're calling this idol's riot healing school because what we are finding when people begin to deal with the id when we as believers begin to deal with the idols in our lives idols in our bloodline and destroy the evil altars healing is happening to people automatically and they're big they're being healed from amazing stuff so at this point uh karen you know apostle karen johnson if you can take about five minutes and just give us your powerful testimony i can't wait to hear it greetings everyone when uh i was down at the last conference in mcdonald it was the last night and katie was teaching and of course dr miles the whole teaching on the idols when she began to talk about the eyes your ears your mouth your legs uh i didn't realize how much it was impacting me i was loving hearing the teaching but i didn't realize how much it was going to work in me when i walked out of the conference the last night was 12 it was almost 11 30 or 12 at night and i thought i was just tired but my eyes started doing something so strange that it never happened in my entire life and i thought that lights were flashing from the cars but it was actually my eyes and i said whoa it wouldn't stop and i said okay what's going on so i knew it was connected to the teachings to idols and and then that's a whole other story beginning to seek the lord like show me what's going on with me that i would have been so impacted that i left there with what i thought well i've got eye problems and i said nope god's trying to reveal something when i came back to nashville my husband i told him the symptoms he said you better get that checked out because what was happening was the light flashing the flashing he said that sounds like your retina is detaching and i was actually i'd be honest i was afraid to go to the doctor i said no i'm just going to uh i'm just going to pray and say you know mountain be removed and become rubble and he said no you have to go see a specialist so i really did obey the voice of my husband well i talked to dr miles before that he called me and he he went he took me into the courts of heaven and we destroyed the just the idolatry in our uh my bloodline when i went the next day to a specialist he was an ophthalmologist specialist i couldn't believe it i told him all the symptoms and he and he he thoroughly checked my eyes and he said ma'am i can find nothing wrong with you i was healed and then i had had a report of of an astigmatism years ago and when the optometrist did the eye exam they said they couldn't find anything so i i'm just giving this testimony to encourage you this is real going into the courts of heaven idols in our lives are real and uh i have been healed so that is my testimony amen tell them about the hebrew what time is it in the hebrew calendar right now we're in the second month of the hebrew out the calendar called er and that's an acronym in hebrew if you write it out for i for i am the lord your god who heals you jehovah rapha and we're on we're in the eighth day so in in er is when you see the children of israel being healed the first healing was the the tree being thrown into the water and there was healing that actually took place there were other healings but that's where we are prophetically right now and being in the eighth day just long story short if you're if you're learning how to study hebrew you there the words uh they can be nouns and then in the roots that become verbs but i just wanted to say this one thing it's no coincidence that this uh school tonight this session is on the eighth day i just want everybody to be encouraged because there's a noun actually because i have to say that if you've got hebrew scholars on and they're analyzing what we're saying but it means super abundant fertility and i just wanted to speak that tonight that the lord said that's what's happening that as we receive this teaching his people are going to be healed and there will be super abundant fertility so that's all i want to say and i bless you katie uh for this amazing teaching dr miles people are being healed wow delivered and set free this is real and when you have a specialist say i can find nothing wrong then you know that this is real amen amen i tell you that was listen that's a powerful testimony immediately after i took her through one of the prayers from this book ida's riot when she called me and when she came she went to especially his doctor he could find nothing she was healed after we dealt with the idols and the evil orders of those idols since i'm telling you this message is so powerful and uh i can't wait for tikiri who's going to be the main teacher today to get into what she's going to be teaching but but we're going to go through the book a little bit here so you can get a sampling of what's in the book but then the main teaching for the day is coming from kerry then don't forget to have your holy communion ready but at the end of our teaching we are going to have holy communion together since because we're going to break some things and they'll be healing like never before now i want to invite um uh elder linda vega just as an intercessor you know just from a perspective of an intercessor very quickly if you can take a quick five minutes as well uh just quickly tell the people why you think as an intercessor this issue of dealing with idols in our heart is very important praise god elder linda vega yes we got you wonderful good evening dr miles and katie and all of the attendees of the class tonight what an incredible opportunity to be on and uh one quick testimony when we had the courts of heaven conference katie was teaching on soul healing and i had been experiencing tremendous spasms in my lower back of course chiropractic care a number of things over probably over a year off and on i was dealing with this and as she was praying for so healing i experienced a supernatural healing in my back and i have not had those uh muscle spasms since then so praise be to jesus for that but as you know um for those especially who are on the call who come on suzanne hens national prayer call i co-host that with her every day and prayer is just an incredible part of my life i mean it's like breathing for me and so when you uh look at books and teaching materials you always look for something that you can add to your arsenal and this idols riot is absolutely essential if you're an intercessor it you know whether you're part of a five-fold ministry gift this is incredible and the reason being is because oftentimes as an intercessor you're standing in the gap for others and you're believing god for breakthrough for them but as intercessors in this time with everything that's going on in our nation it's important first and foremost that we make sure our souls are healed that we understand that that we are going from glory to glory so that means that uh the lord is revealing things sometimes in our bloodline some some soul issues that we may be dealing with and so it's like the doctor trying to treat the patient and the doctors not totally well and so as an intercessor as i've read through this book one of the things that became apparent to me was that it's important for intercessors to do a self-check by you know by the word of god and as you're reading this book what i love is identifying what those idols uh what they could possibly be and then having the prayers of activation incorporating communion as you're doing these prayers of activation and so uh this this is an incredible book i really want to encourage everyone to purchase this book again especially if you're an intercessor uh your prophetic seer whatever your ministry gift for if you're just a believer that's really desiring to see your families uh set free from generational curses and and issues that have have cyclical nature to them oftentimes you're dealing with idols and so this book uh explains it in a way that you not only read and pray the prayers of activation but then you can take this and as you're interceding for others and they're dealing with issues of the soul you can take them through the the prayers also and get people set free and delivered and that's that's part of the role of an intercessor we are deliverers we we not only stand in the gap but we are called to deliver people and so this is this is one of those tools that you want to add to your prayer library as you are looking at that there's so much out there but i can tell you now this book is amazing and so dr mouse katie thank you so much for taking the time to collaborate and to write this uh it is for such a time as this if ever our nation if ever the church needed something a tool that we can use to deal with the idols that are not only riding in our nation but in families and every mountain that we see we see idols rioting and so this is a very uh timely word it's kind of the kairos timing of the lord so thank you both for saying yes to the lord and writing this book and it has truly been a blessing to my life and i know it will bless every single person that's on tonight thank you so much wow thank you thank you elda linda vega praise god hallelujah i mean now that's a mighty intercessor i was telling you idols can get even in the way of your ability to pray and touch jesus in a very powerful way my god now listen uh are we just gonna katie and i just gonna do a quick overview because i already see some questions coming up on the chat by the way we're gonna do a q one day at the end of uh at the end of this sentence so if you've got any questions kerry and i are gonna handle as many as we can at the end of the teaching and after we do communion and everything else before we close we're going to do a q a so you can see in those who are attending there's a way you can ask a question in the q a section of the zoom functionality so look for the q and a you can see it and then you can ask your questions and then it will go through those questions at the end of the day but kerry and i are just going to go through this book idols riot because somebody was asking what is the name of the book it's called idols riot idol's riot and maybe that's where we start kelly why the title idols riot they think it's an old testament subject um they're wrong i mean in the old testament yes they did worship idols of fertility sexual goddesses and gods idols that brought harvest moon the moon goddesses the sun the planets i mean they uh worshiped and assorted different kinds of demonic spirits because that's what idols really are it's not just a statue or an obelisk it they when people would make a statue or build an altar to an idol that was really in honor of the demonic spirit behind that altar or behind that idol now the thing about it is is today we have idols too okay i mean idols can be anything you can make an idol out of your house you can make an idol out of your children you can idolize your ministry or your business you can idolize or make idols out of food you know i mean there are so many things that we make idols out of shopping clothes money in fact right now if you're when you're that you're online chat in what are your idols and you'll know the answer to that because it's what you spend your money on what you think about excessively what you spend a lot of time trying to get you'll even manipulate people or situations to get that thing you spend a lot of energy and and you give a lot of attention to that thing and what ends up happening is you spend so much energy and time that you're that the amount of strength and focus and money that you put towards that thing or that person overshadows god but god said the very first two commandments thou shalt have no other idols before me and thou shall make for themselves no graven images now what what does it mean when the bible says when when we said as our title that idols are rioting well when you have idols in your life they begin to riot they begin to demand all your attention they drive you to eat more and more they drive you to spend money on them they control your decisions in your mind they they cause you to be totally focused the demonic powers behind them directs your focus towards them they want to be worshiped they want to be the center of attention they want to have all your money they want to have all your quote worship and the idols are rioting and but when i remember when the idols in my life were writing they would non-stop shout in my mind shout in my mind you know spend more money now you need this gadget now you need this face cream now you need to get that uh that makeup because it's gonna make your skin look amazing okay now you need to have those boots or those shoes now you need to you know go get a facial now you need to oh my gosh it never stopped now you mean i was addicted to food food was one of my idols oh you just ate something salty now you need something sweet oh okay now you had something sweet now you're hungry again you need a little bit more protein i mean it never stopped and i remember asking the lord why am i not having victory over these idols i was working on my soul but i also needed to what i didn't realize was to take these idols to court in the example and this is where dr miles and i got the title to the book is in that story in acts where paul goes to preach the gospel in ephesus and there's a man there there named demetrius and he makes these silver shrines or silver idols of the goddess artemis of the ephesians and he sells them to people but when paul came into town to preach about the gospel of jesus christ and now idols are really powerless and jesus is the one with all the power and authority demetrius got angry and he brought in all of his his fellow tradesmen that made idols like he did and he stirred them up and said you know if this paul gets his way telling everybody about this jesus we're going to lose all of our money and we make no small income meaning people are spending their money a lot i'm buying these useless silver statues we make no small income and we quote derive our wealth from selling these statues he was getting rich of people's idolatry and they he stirred up all his tradesmen and what happened a riot started and it says the whole city rushed as one man with one more one voice shouting for two hours into the amphitheater greatest artemis of the ephesians we can't get christians to shout for two minutes for jesus but these people in that city were possessed by that demon spirit of diana she was driving them to riot shouting shouting shouting never getting tired and three people tried to stop the the riot no one could stop it paul was gonna try they said they'll kill you alexander got up there they dragged him off the stage finally a guy from the city court a clerk from the city court got up there and said if demetrius has a dispute against paul well the courts are open and pro-councils are available let them bring charges against one another legally and that's when the riot stopped and that's when god spoke to me and he said if you want this rioting to stop these idols to stop driving you to eat driving you to spend money driving you to to uh worship them driving you to spend your time in your and your thought life on them and your emotions on them you need to get your soul healed and you also need to take them to court and that's how the writing will stop now dr miles i i want to toss it to you just for a second and just explain the importance of the courts of heaven before i go on teaching exactly wow yes you see the the this is very very powerful so you know what kerry was saying is you know the first way the first time you see the word i riot in the in the in the bible in a new covenant it has to do with idolatry so you know what technology is behind the riots west in america it's not protesting i mean free i mean protesting in america is part of our of our free speech society but rioting bringing down stores let me tell you what's happening it is these idols that are in the souls of american people and our children that are now coming out and so we really need to know how to deal with this now the court of heaven is a very important feature in dealing with idols and evil otters because inevitably all idols demand altars okay authors are platform of engagement that give authors are platforms of engagement if you go in the bible you find that the word the authors appear almost in every part of the bible because it's impossible god himself has made it almost impossible actually practically impossible for a spirit from the invisible world to function in the world of men without having an auto a platform designed by man that acts as a a permission point for that spirit to operate in the word of men whether it's the holy spirit whether it is the demonic if it's the demonic then it's an idol that is operating from that altar that being the case because all idols operate from altars altars are legal entities so when god says an altar it sees an idol operating in the life of a human being a spirit because all idols uh i mean all idols literally have demon spirits behind them that they camouflage all idols are simply demons camouflaged in an object that makes it easy for you to partake of or bow down to because the truth is most people if we knew uh the ugly demons behind some of the idols we're addicted to we would run we'll be freaking out when we actually see them for real so the devil is not stupid so he hides behind objects but the reality is there's a spirit behind this idolatry but if there's a spirit spirits can only operate in the world of men if they have a legal right to do so and the legal right god gave to spirits is to come into the world of men through a platform called an altar an author so when god sees a spirit he knows there's an author involved then he knows if there's an altar involved then this spirit has a legal right to be where it's at that being the case being able to deliver yourself from idols and evil voters now becomes a court issue because you cannot pray out what is legal you have to face destroy the legal rights of what is illegal and the only place legal rights are dissolved in any society is the courtroom you don't go to your church thank god for your pastor i know he's annoying it but legal rights are only dissolved in a in the the own institution that is given the power to dissolve legal rights in america are the judicial system of america the only place like the only place that can dissolve spiritual legal rights is the court of heaven that's why the court of heaven is a powerful plumb line that katie susan and i weave through this revelation that we want you to understand and uh literally this is why in the story she gave her she gave us as an example acts 19 as soon as there was a proconsul from the court in ephesus who came and addressed the rioters the bible says all the rioting stopped all the rioting stopped the silence was able to be uh to be produced when there was major riot because those spirits recognized this man was an officer of an institution that had legal right to dissolve the rights of those idols now in the spirit world there's only one courtroom that can handle evil orders can handle idols in our life it is the court of heaven you can go to the supreme court you can go to any natural court they will run you out of the clutch room because it's not their judicial to deal with spiritual legalities but there is a court my friend a supreme court that deals with everything legal in the spirit world it's the court of heaven and that's why me and kerry deal with that very strongly in the book idols riot and we want you to fully understand this well listen kerry i'm excited about your teaching today and i'm just gonna throw it in you but before you go into your teaching katie i i want you to uh one more time we're gonna show my kid if we can show the the flyer for our idols riot healing school in nashville katie before you begin to teach us can you just uh tell us why people need to come to the idols right healing school in nashville yeah i mean we've got the school in nashville also we're going to be in houston with the same school and in alabama so you need to if you're in those areas you need to get on board with the school look on bottom line is you know i go wherever i go i work miracles through the power of jesus christ and the holy spirit and i know that people long to see breakthrough everywhere all over the world but i'm not always there to help them that's why you need to take this school in this class i want to teach you everything we i know and so is dr miles so we're going to teach you the the biblical secrets and precepts that will enable you to work a miracle not only for your own life but for people that are in your family your your your children your spouse your friends your loved one people at your work strangers that are crippled walking by on a cane i mean you need to have holy ghost skills and that's what we're going to show you at this school so you really need to sign up the first one is in tennessee it's in nashville tennessee at apostle karen's place so uh go go to my website or go to dr miles website um and go to the events page and find the out the event that you believe you can get to and get there get to be part of the school you're going to get a certificate you're going to work miracles you're not just going to sit in the audience you're going to learn and then you're going to do learn and do learn and do healing school activations learn and do amen amen amen praise god so now kerry elia on i i one of the things we have in our book the uh to me i think we have so much content in here powerful prayers of activation and allow you to literally cleanse yourself of idols you know and let me just say this some of us we think well i i don't have idols when words tell the truth it's you know i've hardly made any man of god who can actually say that with a straight face when you understand that idolatry for any of us is simply putting anything ahead of god and boy when when that becomes the definition of idolatry i'm guilty as charged i'm getting set free i'm getting more sanctified but i'm getting cleaner and cleaner because i'm not lying about it i'm getting free of it but even if you just take let's just agree that you are that one supernatural scent who doesn't even have one idol in your life praise god if god gave you that conviction in your life but here's another thing idol's riot is also about delivering your bloodline from idolatry because you might be free but there might be idols and evil authors functioning in your bloodline messing with your family and the family can get family breakthroughs well this is what you're going to learn in the school is not just how to deliver yourself but how to deliver entire bloodlines out of the things they are going through you know like like like you had the apostle karen johnson tell you how she called me and i took her over the phone into the corner of heaven and a healing happened that could be you with a lot of people from around the world that's why we want you in nashville if you cannot be there we're going to live stream the school of course and uh uh um you know we i think the tuition for the life school is about 75 dollars but either way but if you can be there physically there's nothing like being there physically now that said i one of the things kerry susan touches on in this book is this is isaiah chapter 10 when she unraveled this revelation to me in maricopa arizona i was like wow kerry we've got to have this in the book it is actually i've never had anybody until katy says talk about this principality everyone knows jezebel we know ahab we know python but how many know the king of us they are syrian king and what he does i'm telling you in the realm of forcing us to live a life of idolatry uh forcing us to build erect evil orders in our bloodline or in our soul that that compromise us in our destiny throw us up i'm telling you you gotta hear this so kelly why don't you go into that teaching and then after that we can you can take us into a time of what we can do we can we can have a time of what communion and uh and the offering too that we want to give to the lord today go ahead carrie just want to give a shout out to mary who said when she read the book she had her hip pain in her hip release so praise god for that mary for lisa who said that idol's right is an excellent book and for rachel johnson rachel hey girl she you uh started the movement for the captivity series while you're an inmate in prison good going girlfriend right on keep up the good work okay so look we're gonna you know as we talk about these idols one of the first things you have to do to defeat them is bind the strong man why do i say that because you know what in the earth right now there are people that worship millions of idols people in india you ask them it's like how many gods do you serve they'll be like millions millions so is there any way possible for us to sit there and name off every single demon god or goddess or idol that might be in our bloodline going back to the third or fourth generation or all the way back to adam no it would be absolutely impossible that's why the bible says we need to bind this strong man mark 3 27 i'm going to read it to you now it says no one can go into the strong man's house and ransack his goods right and left and sees them as plunder unless he first binds the strong man then indeed he may thoroughly plunder his house now this is one of the most powerful kingdom principles for capturing um spirits of idolatry because there's so many of them but over every single idolatrous spirit is one strong man okay and if we know who that strong man is and we bind him then we can thoroughly ransack all the millions of idols underneath him in his house okay so who is it well as i was trying to find that answer for myself many years ago at least over 15 years ago the lord began to show me that it was a a demonic principality called the king of assyria now i'm going to prove to you through some scriptures here that he indeed is a strong man over every idol now i'm going to read from you from isaiah 10 right now this is verse 8 verse 10 and 11 in the amplified classic the amplified classic and it says this for the assyrian king says are not all my officers either subjugated kings or their equal my hand is reaching the kingdom of the idols which were unable to defend themselves whose graven images were more feared and dreaded and more mighty than those of jerusalem and samaria shall i not be able to do to jerusalem and her idols what i've done to sumerian her idols so when you read this story it's the assyrian king who's talking here and he says are not all my officers either subjugated kings or they're equal what's a king it's like the highest rank jesus is called the king of kings okay meaning he is the king over every single other king there is well here the assyrian king is saying i've got officers under me that are kings which makes him the demonic version of the king of kings he is the king over all the other kings of the nations of the idols every different nation in the old testament worship different idols those idols were the strong men or the kings over those regions of land but here the assyrian is saying i'm the king of kings i'm king over every other king which makes him the strong man over all these other idols and he said look my idols i'm so strong that i'm feared and dreaded by even the idols of samaria and the idols of jerusalem meaning god's people were worshiping idols and the idols but the idols they worshipped even the king of assyria was stronger than all those idols which made him the king of kings over every idol even the ones that god's people were worshiping okay so we've got to bind this strong man then we can thoroughly ransack his house how do we do that we take him to court number one and we get our soul healed you know the word strong man in there in the thayers it means this listen one who has strength of soul to sustain the attacks of satan one who has strength of soul to sustain the attacks of satan meaning when you get your soul yield of all the passion and the lust and the control that these idols have on you the the the stuff that's in your soul that's controlling your appetites either your appetite for food or your advert appetite for excessive entertainment where you're blowing your money on all kinds of entertainment dinner parties going out hey there's nothing wrong with going out to eat going to the movies going to have fun with your family but if you do it excessively then your soul has become attached to the to these unhealthy idols and is being controlled so when we become strong in our soul and then we take those strong men to court we become stronger than the strong men and we can bind them we combine them because our soul no longer is being controlled by them and we combine them because the court is opening up a jurisdictional level of authority against them on our behalf by us going into the courts of heaven okay now god makes it clear that us having power over the king of assyria by having our souls healed and going to the courts is how we're going to defeat this strong man now i want you to listen to this scripture in isaiah 10 18. it's talking about the assyrian king and how we'll get healed in our body when we get healed in our soul of all of the junk that he has in us that he we haven't come with him that he's using to control our appetites and drive us to spend money on him and to lust after things and to go after these idols it says this in the day the lord that in that day the lord will consume the glory of the assyrian he will burn down his forest and his fruitful field in your life by healing both your soul and your body and it will be in that day that a sick man faints and a standard bearer fades away so the lord says this i'm going to judge the assyrian king and one of the ways i'm going to judge him is i'm going to heal you in your soul and in your physical body of all the things he's using to control your soul and to make you physically ill okay now this is important this is important because i'm telling you what the assyrian king is over all the idols who are making you sick who are stealing your finances who are controlling your life i'll just give you a couple examples of what the assyrian king and all the idols underneath him can do the bible says in revelations 9 that men would worship their idols who cannot who could not walk who could not hear and who could not speak and could not see what does that mean well the idols these spirits behind these idols are deaf dumb blind and crippled they cannot see they cannot hear they cannot speak and they cannot walk which means physically they call cause eye issues they cause you to be blind have floaters have dry eyes have cataracts they cause you to be deaf because idols cannot hear so you have ringing deaf ears infection in your ears loss of hearing they cause you to have speech problems meaning you you have stuttering or speech issues or your speech is unclear and these idols also cannot walk so they cause crippling diseases they cause your knees to go out your hips to hurt your your your spine to be crooked and twisted your body to have pain your shoulders to to have issues with rotator cuffs i have seen more miracles in the body in the ears and the eyes when i address the idols when i address the idols look karen got that miracle with her eyes she just testified to that we heard lisa say that she or mary say that she had her hip being released her hip pain released when she read the book and when she got healed of her idols you're going to start seeing that your eyes are going to be healed your ears are going to be healed your body is going to be healed once we get rid of these idols but it starts with us taking out the strong man somebody asked online let's see jenny lindsay asked can you see better in the spirit once you get rid of the idols absolutely jenny you can how do i know that because in the chapter 1 corinthians 12 where paul talks about the gifts of the spirit and he goes through all the lists of the gifts that the holy spirit gives us gift of faith gift of miracle working gifts of knowledge gifts of prophecy gift of praying in tongues he goes through all the lists of the spirit of the gifts that are given by the spirit he opens that chapter by saying something very interesting if you go read one corinthians 12 verse 1 in the amplified classic you know what it says paul comes on he says about the spiritual gifts brethren i do not want you to be misinformed when you're a heathen you once went after idols that could not speak what's he saying why does he say that why is he saying look about the spiritual gifts guys i don't want you to be misinformed i want you to get this before you're saved you used to go after idols that couldn't speak meaning he's saying that the idolatry that was in our life and that was any even in our bloodline is going to interfere with our spiritual gifts once we start operating in them even said used to go after idols i could not speak remember what the bible says in revelations 9 20 that the idols that the demons spirits that people worship they couldn't see they couldn't hear they couldn't speak they couldn't walk okay so how does that affect your gifts well those spirits that are deaf dumb blind and crippled not only afflict your physical body in that way but they're going to make it so you can't see in the spirit you can't get dreams visions you you you can't see the the open eye vision that you want to see that you can't hear in the spirit because idols are deaf so you can't hear the voice of god you can't hear the holy spirit speaking to you idols are also dumb which means that you won't be able to speak the prophetic word with accuracy and power that's why paul said in 1 corinthians 12. i don't want you to be misinformed brethren about the gifts you were once when you were heathens you once went after idols that could not speak meaning those idols that were in your bloodline those idols that were in your life are going to block you from being able to speak an accurate prophetic word and the bible also says that idols cannot walk that's what it says in in revelations 9 20 which means those same demonic spirits will interfere with your walk with god so we have to get rid of them but we have to start by getting rid of the strong man the assyrian king now i'm going to take you in another scripture remember we talked about acts 19 with demetrius and the riot that started in ephesus you know and nobody could they wouldn't stop shouting everybody's tried to stop the riot and only the clerk from the city court could get them to stop writing when he said to them hey if you got a legal grievance against paul the courts are open pro councils are available bring charges against one another legally and then the rioting stopped so now let's look at how the bible proves that we need to take the strong man of every idol the assyrian king to court we're going to look at that this is in isaiah 10. in fact this whole chapter is about the assyrian king so i really encourage you to read it read it in the amplified classic so you can really get to know this demonic principality that not i've never heard anybody talk about him but i've i've gone toe-to-toe with this with this dude and i'm telling you what once we get our soul healed and we become strong in soul we're going to defeat this strong man and when we take him to court the judicial power of the court is going to take him out all right so we're going to read from isaiah 10 verses 1 through 5 in the amplified classic and it's going to prove that we can take the assyrian king the strong man over every idol to court let's look at it this is god speaking about the assyrian king and he says this woe to those judges where did judges sit in court go to those judges who issue unrighteous decrees and to the magistrates who keep causing unjust and oppressive decisions to be recorded so stop right there god is saying woe to those judges they're bringing unrighteous decrees that they're causing unjust and oppressive decisions to be recorded where are official decisions recorded and then executed in court okay here god is saying what are those judges who do those unrighteous decisions that have been recorded in court against us verse 2 says just turn aside the needy from justice where's justice found in the court to turn aside the needy from justice and to make plunder of the rightful claims of the poor of my people where are claims issued and filed in court and here god is saying woe to those people who take away justice from the people that need it and who actually plunder the rightful claims of my people many of you have a claim you have a biblical promise that god has given you it's your rightful claim that you have the right to have because god spoke a word of promise to you and the bible says all the promises of god are yes and amen in christ jesus you have a legal right to a promise you have a claim that you have the right to but here god is saying woe to those who would actually plunder my people's rightful claims in court then verse 3 it says this oh the the it's the completion of verse 2 it says well to those who make blend of the rightful claims of the poor my people that widows may be their spoil and that they may make the fatherless their prey then it says in verse 5 woe to the assyrian now he names who he's talking to out loud woe to the assyrian the rod of my anger whose staff who who's whose staff is in my hand as my indignation well he's saying woe to the assyrian he's saying it's the assyrian king who's been issuing unrighteous decrees against you in court it's the assyrian who is causing unjust and oppressive decisions to be recorded in court against you he's saying woe to the assyrian king who's the stronghold the strong man over every idol because it says that he's the one that's turning aside the needy from justice meaning he's stealing your justice from you when you when you need it as because he's going into court and it says and woe to the assyrian who's plundering the rightful claims of my people so you don't understand something the number one law in god's commandments commandment number one and commandment number two is thou shall not have have any idols before me and thou shalt make for themselves no graven images these are the number two number one and number two commandments of god these are the most often broken commandments in anyone's life see the devil is a legalist he's the accuser of the brethren the word accuser in revelations 12 means to come before to make an accusation before a judge the devil doesn't just come in your bedroom at night and accuse you of being bad to make you feel bad he goes into court and makes those quote accusations against a quote before a judge because he knows if he's going to get a legal right to steal from you to put sickness on your body to make you deaf dumb blind and crippled to block your gifts to put cancer on you to break up your marriage to to ruin your finances he's got to have a legal right to do it so he's constantly going into court and accusing you of breaking the first two laws because you can't be convicted in court unless you're breaking the law so if you are breaking the law by having idols in your life he's in there the bible says he comes in revelations 12 night and day night and day he accuses us before god the judge of all the earth night and day and you can bet his number one accusations on his list is your idolatry and what happens whoever doesn't show up to court loses i know i would get arrested on the street i'd bail myself out with the money i had my pocket with the promise that i would show up in court later to face the charges and then i never would i never would so what would they do i'd automatically lose my case they'd send out the police to come with a warrant to arrest me and i would get arrested because i didn't show up for court and i would be charged because i didn't show up for court you are not showing up for court to face the charges of idolatry that the assyrian king is putting against you and where does that happen what does that mean it's happening unright quote i'm reading now from isaiah 10 again unrighteous decrees have been issued against you unjust i'm quoting now unjust and oppressive decisions have been rep have been recorded in the court against you not in your favor and quote this syrian king has plundered the rightful claims of god's people you have all these claims you have all these promises you have all these words god's given you and you're saying why god why why haven't these things come to pass it's because you have idolatry in your life and look i'm not spanking you i had to go through all this so did dr miles that's why we had this revelation we've been healed we got our soul healed and we went into the court okay so you have idolatry in your life the enemies in the court the assyrian king accusing you you're not there to face the accusations to repent of them put yourself under grace and get a righteous verdict because of jesus christ already died for your sin and so these unrighteous unjust claims are coming against you and they are stealing your claims blocking you blocking you from seeing the manifestation of the promises god has brought in your life i hope everybody is getting what i'm saying i want you to chat in i want you to chat in because the enemy is a legalist guys he's always searching for a way to get you but we've got jesus we've got the blood we've got grace we can go into the court we can face the syrian king and then once we bind that strong man we can thoroughly ransack his house we can go after each and every single issue that we that we're dealing with a crooked spine a blind eye a deaf ear aches and pains in your body losses in your finances cancer disintegration of your marriage your kids out on the streets doing drugs we can go in and and thoroughly ransacked the strong man's house now i'm going to go into one of the keys of that but i just want to throw it back to dr moss for any comment that he has about what i brought so far to the table i don't hear your mic dr miles so make sure that um marquette has your mic on amen amen praise god i was so much into what you were saying oh one of god i i put my mic on mute because i just hear what you had to say i can tell you this sense that i want to believe that an anointing right now to break the horde of the assyrian king over our lives one of the things that their syrian king does this principality remember in the bible god uses men in the bible who come to represent demonic systems so that it's much easier for us to put our hands around what a demonic system looks like by a but when it becomes individualized so jezebel then does not become a woman in a dress she she becomes the first human being to so give herself to a particular type of spirit that helps the prophetic con loves to control is into witchcraft so now we understand when we're dealing with that what jezebel spirit or a system of devils looks like where the assyrian king comes to represent this cooperation this demonic system that is the governing enterprise over any form of idolatry that is existing in the world today time does not matter whether it was yesterday uh for the people in the past or today i mean the people who worship idols or get involved into idolatry which is all of us our times and seasons may change but the idols just uh re-camouflage themselves within uh what are the new toys of our generation and then they build an idolatrous structure around them because that's what the king of syria this principality does one of the things it does in isaiah chapter 10 are the king of of uh of of of the assyrian king one of the things we found out is that the spirit is actually boasting in isaiah 10 and talking about have i not broken the people's boundaries and found my way to their next egg have i not broken people's boundaries and found my way to their next egg when kerry and i were writing this book god spoke to us and he said to us one of the ways you can know that there is idolatry in your bloodline or in a particular area of your life is that that particular area happens to be an area where you don't have a lot of resistance for a particular temptation or desire because your boundary of restraint in that area have been broken down by this strong man over idols and evil otters called the assyrian king and then the bible says he found his way into their next egg this is all in uh uh is that chapter 10. so i believe that when we begin to deal with a uh with a syrian king we are going to begin to find that all of a sudden there is going to be we're going to have a breakthrough in our finances because anybody knows the terminology nest egg is a metaphor for finances you put aside for you and your family for a difficult day or for college for your children or for whatever you want to use it for to build a new house that's what a nest egg is it is something you are protecting to hatch for a particular day well the king of syria says have i not broken the boundaries of the people of god that i have now been able to get to their next egg and have ransacked their next egg i don't know who i'm talking today but somebody here your money has been under assault and you don't know how why your finances have been so tough so difficult why you found yourself unable to resist the temptations to dip in the savings account for for stuff you really don't need anymore after you buy it i can tell you what it is it's this principality that kerry souza is unraveling for us called the assyrian king the goodness is in our book idols riot we have a whole chapter i believe in chapter four that deals with this entire demonic system called the assyrian king this idol this principality this strong man over any kind of idolatry i tell you just discovering that has been a major breakthrough for me in my life in getting free of idolatry in my own life now i what i have found in my life i know kevin will probably attest to this in our own life is the more i acknowledge there's a power in acknowledging something you know when i began to acknowledge through this revelation oh my god i'm a man of god i've written amazing books i've been on sid roth but jesus i see some idols in my life you know what i felt it was relief it was relief because finally god could begin to the process of delivering me because it's difficult for god to cleanse you and deliver you from idols when you are acting like it's not there there is one thing you cannot do in the court of heaven and that's lie under oath you can't do that that's perjury you're preaching yourself and so many of us christians because we there is such a stigma one of the things me and kate is those that are found around the subject of idols and dealing with evil otters but most especially dealing with the issue of idols is there is a stigma that the enemy has placed in the body of christ that christians are terrified or at least ashamed to admit that as much as they love jesus they have areas in their life where they have idols there is a stigma there and i said god why is there such a stigma to just acknowledge we do have idols in certain areas of our life and the lord said to me that's a demonic strategy to keep my people bound because if you don't confess it god can cleanse it god cannot deliver you from it but what i have found is my anointing in the king my anointing in ministry in signs and wonders in in in the in my ministry has exploded when i began to head on look at the man in the mirror and say boy you got some idols there and there and there praise god jesus can deliver you if you repent of it that means if there's an idol there there's an order there that is keeping you on the ritual of following this idol oh boy now by acknowledging it now you've exposed the altar now you've asked now god has the legal permission from his courtroom to judge that thing and release you from it and then i'm finding more anointing is being released in our lives so again ah ah kerry i i think that this teaching that you presented in this book on uh on the assyrian king is a really big deal and uh i would definitely want for you maybe throw it back to you and maybe you it uh as you wrap it up maybe you could take all of us into the court of heaven to deal with uh this issue of the assyrian king and maybe we that can guide us into our holy communion and then what comes after that you know almost i mean if anybody here has read like all of the bible old testament new testament you'll remember the big story about when jerusalem under king hezekiah was surrounded by who the assyrian king and 180 000 of his bloodthirsty uh soldiers at the time hezekiah was sick in his body he was going to die so i mean the assyrians were threatening to take the israelites into captivity or they were saying yeah don't come out and surrender to us but stay in there and then you're gonna you're gonna end up starving to death and you'll have to drink your own urine and eat your own dung to survive and there was this massive attack going on now how did this whole thing start it started because hezekiah's father king ahaz made an unholy alliance with guess who the king of assyria it actually says that he did a bunch of really stupid things which this story proves that you got idols in your bloodline all right and that was that he first went into the temple of god and stole a bunch of money took like the gold and silver from the temple that'd be like you walking into the church and going in and stealing the offering that's meant for god and guess who he gave that money to the king of assyria he gave this is oh my gosh he stole the money from the temple from the offering bucket and gave it to the king over every idol he did that because he wanted the king of assyria to help him fight the king of egypt but the bible says this ready but the assyrian king helped him not meaning he got burnt in the deal all right it's like a drug deal going sideways he took all that money he stole from god and gave it to the king over every idol and the assyrian king helped him not so he did that and then king ahaz who's hezekiah's father he also went down to damascus and he saw this unholy altar that the king of assyria had erected there and he thought oh man that's such a cool altar and he called his high priest and he said i want you to build an altar just like that one in in um jerusalem and he did so that meant that every day he went in to the temple and he worshipped god on one altar but he gave his offerings and his worship to this unholy altar that was just like the altar that the king of assyria worshiped at now you think so what what's the big deal that's what we do oh my gosh you guys don't get it it's like wow we're bringing strange fire to the altar we go in and we praise god and we worship him we read our bible we say our decrees we do our devotions and then we go to our altar of our demon idols and we spend money we spend time we spend our energy and our focus we're emotionally committed to those idols they control our eating they control our lives we've got two altars in our house one to god and one to the assyrian king one to our idols and then guess what happened because of that that got passed down to hezekiah and what happened was get this the assyrian king came to attack jerusalem and the assyrian king threatened hezekiah said give me money give me money or i'm gonna i'm gonna attack you and take you into captivity and you know what hezekiah did he went into the temple and he took money from the temple he stripped the gold off the doors of the temple and took the silver and he took money out of his own personal account you can go read it and he gave it to the assyrian king does that sound familiar that's exactly what his dad did that means that there's bloodline issues in your life that you got from your mom and your dad and your grandpa and everybody else with their idolatry that were passed down to you that make you act exactly like them they gambled so now you're a gambler they were addicted to uh possessions cars houses whatever and now you are it's like you know they open the door and then that stuff gets passed down to you and you get controlled by it hezekiah was a godly man but the the idolatry in his bloodline from his father was so strong that he even went in and robbed the temple of the gold on the doors and took from his own bank account and gave it to the assyrian king but then he snapped out of it it says that when the syrian king came back for more money he said i rebel against you i won't do that again i'm not going to do what my father did and he said stood strong and then the bible talks about how he even went and then he sent everybody out all the priests all the levites and they cleansed uh jerusalem and the temple and the city and the surrounding cities of all the objects the idols the statues the obelisks the discs they removed all traces of idolatry that's the first thing we have to do we have to remove all traces of idolatry we get our soul healed so our soul isn't controlled by these idols so we're not lusting after cosmetics or clothes or houses or money or facebook it's okay to get on facebook guys but how often are you on facebook compared to how often you got your nose in the bible reading the word ask yourself that question okay we gotta cleanse ourselves about the idolatry cleanse our souls of it and we gotta take it to court and you know what you've gotta stop taking your money and spending it on these idols you know what one of the things hezekiah did it's so good when he cleansed jerusalem of all the idols he also took a massive offering he did i'm gonna i'm gonna try to find it right now because it's so good he took a massive offering he called for all the people of jerusalem to come and and bring in the first fruits of their oil their grain their wine their cattle their sheep and everything and you know what it says it says in that chapter in chronicles that the people responded that for four months four months not just one day you know we walk up and give our offering in the church two minutes boom we threw in you know a couple obligatory bucks five dollars a couple bucks 20 maybe maybe we pop for 100. wow you know and and then we're done they kept on bringing their offerings they said the best the first fruits of everything they had of all their vineyards and their fields and their herds and everything for four months and the bible says they did it until there were literal heaps heaps in in inside of the temple heaps and said even after the the levites ate and the priests ate and all the repairs were made on the temple the the high priest reported to hezekiah we still got heaps left there's heaps left over there was so much why was there so much because people had given up their idols they weren't spending their money on their idols anymore or bringing their money to the altars or the high places or the statues and everything that they used to bring their money to they would worship god but they'd also worship their idols hezekiah clean that all out they were bringing it all to god can you imagine the work we could get done if we stop spending money on our idols and how much we'd each be individually blessed if we'd be a part of the movement to bring heaps into the storehouse instead of spending half of it on our idols and half of it on god but i'll tell you what happened because hezekiah cleaned up jerusalem and the cities of all the obelisks and the disks and and the statues and everything else and because he took this massive offering and people stopped spending their money on the idols and started spending it on god instead you know what happened those things caused hezekiah to completely have a one of the biggest miracles in the bible you know when we think about miracles in the bible that are huge massive miracles the biggest miracles in the bible we think about the crossing of the jordan we think about the red sea miracle but you know what this miracle is right up there with those miracles jerusalem was surrounded by 180 000 armed to the teeth assyrian soldiers okay there was no hope they were going to starve to death they either had to surrender themselves and go into captivity at the hands of these brutal enemies or starve to death drink their urine eat their feces okay they had no hope but hezekiah and hezekiah was dying at the time dying he was going to die isaiah had already prophesied to him but here was i uh isaiah prophesied hezekiah but so here's hezekiah he turns his face towards the wall he says god remember everything i've remember everything i've done for your people and the city what had he done cleanse the city of all the idolatries got people to bring their offerings unto god instead of their idols and there were heaps in the temple he said remember everything i've done and help me and i said the prophet had just told him you're going to die and i say i was walking out of the king's palace when he got another word and god told him turn back around and go back and prophesy something new prophesy this to hezekiah and he went back and he said let me find it it's so good i'm going to read it to you because this is what's going to happen to us because right now you're surrounded the idols are rioting they've got you surrounded like jerusalem was surrounded you're headed towards total famine or captivity but god is ready to do a miracle for you it says unto those days hezekiah was sick unto death and isaiah the prophet came to see him and said get your house in order you're going to die and says hezekiah turn his face towards the wall and pray remember now i've walked in your truth and with a perfect heart and done what was good in your sight got rid of the idols he took the offering and then has hezekiah wept and it says then god spoke to isaiah said go back tell him i have seen your tears i have heard your prayers and i will add 15 years of life to your days many of you are going to get a healing miracle your life is going to be extended because you're getting rid of the idols it says this and tell hezekiah i will deliver this city out of the hand of the assyrian king i will defend this city that's what god's going to do for you and then he told hezekiah what the sign would be and this shall be the sign that the lord will do these things that he has spoken behold i will bring back the shadow of the sunlight which has gone down on the sundial of ahaz backwards 10 degrees then the sunlight did return it went backwards it did a supernatural thing the cod the planet stopped moving and and everything went into reverse because the sun doesn't move so that means that the whole cosmos would have to go into reverse for the sunlight to go backwards and it happened and then an angel came while the people of jerusalem were asleep they weren't even armed up for battle or had their you know their shields and swords out or nothing they were asleep and an angel came and killed all of the 180 000 assyrian soldiers while they were in their tents that night asleep wow god did a miracle now where did that miracle come from it came from hezekiah cleaning up the city of the idols and taking the offering how do i know that because it says i'm going to make the sunlight go back on the sundial of ahaz why does it say the sundial of a house look ahaz was hezekiah's father there was a lot of sundials in jerusalem at that time why did god specifically point out the sundial that a has his father had built because he's saying i'm going back in time to where your father set up all the idols in jerusalem to where he did that where he stole the money from the temple of god instead of bringing his tithe into the temple he stole it and he stole everybody else's money and gave it to the king of assyria i'm going to go back in time to that point i'm going to go back in time to the root when your father built an unholy altar that looked just like the altar of the assyrian king and i'm going to heal you at the root and that's what happened and god gave that word to hezekiah because he had removed all of the idols that his father set up and he took the offering do you know that the offering there was a big part of the breakthrough for hezekiah how do i know because it says i'm going to make the sunlight turn back 10 steps on the sundial of ass i'm going to do a cosmic miracle for you hezekiah i'm going to go back in time he said i'm going to make that sunlight go back 10 steps on your father's sundial the guy that started this whole mess with the assyrian king the strong man what does the word ten mean says the sunlight went back ten steps why not five why not seven why ten because of what the number 10 means it means this ready to give a tithe to give a tithe to give a tithe god was saying look you gave the tithe you went out people stopped giving you removed all the idols so people stopped spending their money on their gods and goddesses they stopped bringing their money and their offerings and their wine and their oil to their statues and their high places into their obelisks they instead because you cleaned up the city as the kaya of the idolatry people started giving their money to me so people start giving their offering to me people start giving their time to me people start giving their energy to me they stop splitting their affections between me and their idols they stopped splitting their finances between me and their idols because you did that i'm going 10 steps back on the sundial of ass i'm doing a cosmic miracle i'm making the planets actually literal reverse so that the sun that is a that is a bigger miracle than the red sea it's a cosmic level miracle i'm going back 10 steps 10 means to give a tithe because you got the people to cut off their idols and to give everything to me including their finances their time their energy everything that 10 steps i'm gonna do a cosmic miracle for you and it happened and then the angel came slew all the assyrian soldiers hezekiah got healed he got 15 more years of life you're going to see oh my gosh you're going to see renewed youth i'm 58 now yeah i don't look perfect but i don't have any filler in my face and i'm not dissing anybody that does okay i try to take good good care of my skin but i used to have the idol of a cosmetic altar in my bathroom every single serum and cosmic cosmetic lotion and blah blah you could get was on my cosmetic altar once i broke myself free of that idol then i started to see youth renewed god can give you supernatural youth renewed more than any cosmetic okay and it's because i cleaned out all the idols and so i stopped spending my money on those things and started bringing holy offerings to god so we're going to go into the court right now and i want dr miles to take us in and as we bring an offering and you may say i don't i don't have anything to offer offer what you can if do you have a dollar do you have five dollars some of you can afford 500. some of you can afford a thousand the holy spirit will speak to you but you have to give something and try to make it something that would be like a heap for you something that is going to be like uncomfortable for you so that you can tell god i am not going to do this anymore i'm not going to spend my money or my time or my energy or my thought life or my emotions on on these idols i want to bring a pure offering to you and and so i'm go i'm going to show you that i mean it i'll show you that i mean it and i know that in return god as i pray and go to the courts you're gonna heal my soul of the control that these idols have on my soul and you're gonna break free and stop the writing in my life so that i can bring an unadulterated worship to you and then my eyes will open my ears will open my body will heal my finances will explode my my life will change my my marriage will become better than ever my children will be free and you're gonna see breakthrough happen for you so i'm gonna pass it back to dr miles and he's going to take us into the court right now god praise the lord make sense get ready to go into the court of heaven but before you do i want to read the scripture as we get ready to go in the code of heaven there is a protocol on how you end and you end altars how you judge otters and the idols that are functioning running rampant around those altars i mean you couldn't get a better revelation than the way keri souza has been able to bring it it's amazing so but i want to give you a scripture because this is a protocol of how you deal with the assyrian king you remember you we have when patterns are created they have to be replicated when they are replicated they produce the same results because god is not a god a respecter of persons is a respecter of principles and patterns so how hezekiah got out of the hold of their syrian king is how you are going to get out of it so i want to read a scripture that is going to help us get ready get ready uh and it is uh uh psalms 96 psalms 96 and i'm just going to actually read it psalms 96 and i'm just going to read it actually from our book idols riot it's right there on page 171 and it's psalm 96 verse 4 uh to six and then then we jump to verse eight and it says for great is the lord and greatly to be praised i hope you believe that he is to be reverently feared and worshiped above the so-called gods for all the gods of the nations are lifeless idols indeed but the lord made the heavens the sex honor and majesty are before him strength and beauty are in his sanctuary verse 8 says gift to the lord so how do we tell god you are more important to me than the last idol than the idol i want to deliver me from he says give to the lord the glory that you his name how by bringing an offering and come before him into his court what is he saying you came with all the money you've got the time you've got and you gave it to the idols how dare you come before the living god and empty-handed how dare you come before the living god empty-handed then act like i am better i'm more powerful than the idols apparently not because jesus says where the heart is where the treasure is so is the heart is that's where the heart shall is going to be so listen he tells us how to do it he is above the other gods but how do you how do you restore the honor that we broke in our idolatry how do we give the glory that is due to god it says bring to me an offering bring into his court why is caught because a court is the only legitimate place in the spirit to take idols and orders for destruction is in the court but you don't dare come before the court of heaven without bringing god an offering that says god this is my peace offering so today uh we uh make it if you can yeah this is the different ways you can give we are about to take you into the court of heaven but we want to take some time for you to get what's on your screen write it down because you're not going to get time to give right now because i want to take you into the court of heaven but i want you to write down the different ways you can give but i want you to make sure whatever way you choose to give when you do give make sure that in your memo you let us know this is my idol's riot peace offering why because keri souza and i are gonna get together and we are going to pray over the seeds that have come over the people have given their seed we are going to pray for you together out of this uh conference call out of this bible study we are going to meet together on a on a prayer called tomorrow and as two officers of the quarter of heaven we are going to pray over every seed that has been sent in as a peace offering why a peace offering because there was a transgression idolatry is a transgression of the honor of god and whenever there was a transgression against the name of the lord against his honor god required a peace offering letting a lady the peace offering was your way of saying god this is my will of making peace because i have transgressed your holy name by bowing down to lifeless idols so you can give by cash up dollar sign francis miles you can go you can give online at for us that's give you can use zele info at or venmo you can give that way or you can give by mail but whichever way you give make sure in the memo i'm going to say it again you say it's a peace offering when we see those words peace offering idols right peace offering we all know what we need to bring your giving before the order our or our corporate utter me and katie souza and we are gonna hold our hand we're gonna come together in the spirit world and we are going to pray and i'm telling you there's gonna be miracles there's gonna be transformation there will be healing in your life now to the amounts what do i give you give what god says give remember the idol doesn't want you to make god first even in your giving so that's why many of us would keep god and give a lot of money to our idols but we keep god because idolatry is in play but but how do you know when an idolatry has been broken you give god your best because all of a sudden god not by leap service but by action has become your best again and the offering can clearly show god we all whatever you tell me i'm going to do it so this is how you this is a different ways to give by cash up online or by zele or by venmo or by mail now uh let us go into the court of heaven praise god whatever you are i want us to go into the court of heaven just say pray this prayer after me and i'm going to be as slow as i can be because i want you to get it and then we're going to have holy communion and then i'm going to release katie to pray for the supernatural healing i i'm i'm gonna pray for uh uh uh some tumors god has shown me that are gonna be are going to be healed today and then we're going to do a q a before we close the service tonight now just say this pray after me wherever you are in the world it does not matter we are coming before the court of heaven heavenly father as a judge in the court of heaven kerry souza and i as judges in the court of heaven we open up air we open up a lawsuit right now in the court of heaven against the assyrian king this principality that boss in exact chapter 10 is the is the he is the uh principality over all idols we open up a case right now and as i bring your people before you it's because the case against the assyrian king has been opened dutifully and legally in the court of heaven so that when we close the case the issue the cases against the syrian king who would be will be declared adjudicated and concluded lord in the court of heaven so the case sent against the syrian king who is driving us to idols driving you to idols has been now opened the case is open so pray this prayer after me whatever you are say heavenly father i now come before the court of heaven i join this class action lawsuit of all the believers from around the world that are on this bible study that are saying with me no more idolatry in our lives so lord i enjoy my name join my name to this class action lawsuit in the name of in the name of jesus against the assyrian king against the seven king heavenly father jesus said on your way to court agree with your adversary lest the adversary hands you over to the judge and the judge hand you over to the officer and the officer hands you to the jailer heavenly father since i am under oath i can't not lie so i repent for every form of idolatry in my life i say lord forgive me because i am guilty as charged i have placed certain things above the name of the lord forgive me for pleasure that i've idolized pleasures for people i have idolized people for money i have idolized for dreams i've idolized i have idolized lord i'm asking that you forgive me for breaking the first commandment breaking the first commandment which says he says thou shalt have no other gods before me heavenly father i also repent like daniel did daniel did on behalf of my forefathers on my mother's bloodline and my father's bloodline concerning any of my forefathers lord i repent on their behalf for violating the first command lord cleanse my bloodline with the blood of yeshua and now heavenly father because i have activated the law of repentance repentance now i move on the court on the court to wipe my sled clean why am i sleeping for it is written in first john 1 verse 9. if we confess our sin he is faithful and just and cleanse us from more unrighteousness now heavenly father i now enter the grace court thank you yes and i'm asking that your abandoned grace i'm asking you to abandon grace to live an idolist life yeah live an idol's life would now be released upon my lives in the name of jesus christ in the name of jesus christ i'm asking for the grace i'm asking for the grace to love you with all my heart soul and mind love you with all my heart soul mind in jesus mighty name jesus name now heavenly father heavenly father now that you have forgiven me now that you've forgiven me and cleanse my slate clean cleanse my sleep clean i now move on the court of heaven and now move on the court of heaven to activate the law of recompense activate the law against the assyrian king against the syrian king and every idol under him and every island under him that has robbed me of my health that has brought me in my health has robbed me of my devotion to god has robbed me of my finances i'm asking that the law of recompense could now be activated in your courtroom and my heavenly father lord now that the thief has been found it is their syrian king who had been robbing me of what you have done for my life i'm asking lord that the law of restoration the law of restoration proverbs 6 31 will now be activated that the you ransack the enemy's house like the enemy's house and pay me back eat sevenfold and carry back sevenfold all that i've lost to the assyrian king all that i've lost to this here even if it costs him everything he has in his house it cost him everything that's in his house in jesus name now heavenly father i now move on the court and now move on the court to release angelic officers of the court of heaven to his angelic officers in the court of heaven to travel back and forth in my bloodline travel back and forth in my bloodline and in my soul and in my soul to tear down orders of these idols that you have delivered me from to tear down authors of these idols you've delivered me from that as these others are destroyed as the altars are destroyed and the ashes are pulled out and the ashes are poured out i will never return back to the idol i will never return back to the idol because its altar has been destroyed forever because its altar has been destroyed forever in jesus name in jesus name heavenly my father i now ask i now ask for the divine restraining order her divine restraining order to now be imposed to now be imposed against all of these idols against all of these idols that i've repented from and i repented from and the orders they used to function from and the altars they used to function that any attempt by satan and any attempt by satan to rebuild them in my life to rebuild them in my life i'm asking the court of heaven i'm asking the court of heaven to aggressively progressively and ruthlessly and ruthlessly enforce this divine restraining order enforce this divine restraining order against the return of these idols against the return of these idols against the rebuilding of their altars against the rebuilding of these altars in my life in my life the heavenly father heavenly father i also ask you lord i also ask you lord there is healing now to this healing now from the court of heaven in the court of heaven or sending any sickness in my body or any sickness in my body that was due to idolatry it's due to idolatry lord as i present to you my peace offering lord as i present to you my peace offering may my peace offering become a living witness may my peace offering become a living in the court of heaven in the court of heaven did you lord have delivered me you lord of deliver me from thee from the assyrian king and the assyrian king and from and from the his kingdom of idols from his kingdom of idols i am no longer a tithing member i'm now tied member of the kingdom of idols the kingdom of idols i'm no longer i have only one allegiance i have only one allegiance to the lord my god lord my god the possessor of evan anders possessor of heaven and earth now i receive this verdict lord now i receive this verdict lord by faith by faith i am free i am free in jesus name in jesus name amen wow listen if you prayed with me and katie with along that prayer katie i think he's just moving the miracles right now and then we're going to do the communion maybe i don't know if we want to do the communion fest then we we pray for the sake then we do the i don't know what you're gonna do but i feel a breakthrough right now that the judgment has been wrong now let's do the communion first guys so um i hope you went and got it if you didn't go run and get a cracker get juice if you don't have exactly what you need the lord will honor you getting you know a chip and water get whatever if you don't have anything you can do it prophetically the bible is full of prophetic acts so you can do it prophetically you know because we're doing it in remembrance of him jesus has made our victory possible so definitely he's going to honor you just setting yourself aside at this moment to celebrate his giving of his life on the cross for you you know so many scholars have said that the crown of thorns um that jesus wore represented all the idols and isaiah 10 says that god will burn up all the briars and thorns and the fruitful field the forest of the assyrian king in both soul and body so i agree with those scholars that say that that the crown of thorns could have represented all the different idols that people worship and jesus wore that crown in victory blood came out of his head as those idols pierced into his skull he was literally carrying those idols that we worship that control our mind and every part of our life he literally carried them to the cross so that he could defeat them and we have been baptized into christ we went down into death with him and we've come up with him to new life through his resurrection we have the authority to be resurrected from the death state that these idols have put us in be it deaths your finances your body your family your marriage whatever it is okay and when we partake of the cup of his blood and his body that was beaten and bruised and pierced soon for us we are announcing to the powers and principalities including the strong man of assyria that we have victory over him through the cross you know it's interesting when jesus served the the cup and he served the bread to the disciples in the upper room he said take this cup and drink it this is the blood my blood shed for the remission of sins as part of the new covenant that word drink there is a greek word pinot and it means to receive into the soul what serves refresh nourish and strengthen it remember our soul is what chases after idols our soulsword gets tempted to follow after idols our mind will and emotions are the place one of the legal landing strips besides the court of heaven that the enemy uses to to control us through idolatry so when we drink the cup our soul will be nourished refreshed and strengthened it will be strengthened against the temptation of chasing after idols you'll be nourished in every place you're weak and you need to have that nourishment in your soul so that you don't need that idolatry anymore to make you feel good you don't need that thing to comfort your soul you don't need that that possession to make you feel better you don't need those shoes or that money or that coat or whatever because that's what's gonna make you feel better you know your soul will be nourished and refreshed and strengthened when we drink the cup your sins are being washed away and you'll have power over those idols because jesus carried them on the crown of thorns when he died on the cross for you and me to give us a victory so please take out the elements right now and i want you to pray with me okay just repeat after me and say lord jesus i thank you that as i partake of your precious body and your blood poured out for me that i'm literally partaking of that moment when you went to the cross and you carried with you on your head a crown of thorns the sign of victory for us over every briar and thorn of idolatry that controls our lives you through your death defeated those idols on our behalf keep keep praying with me you through your death fulfilled the righteous requirements of the law on my behalf you through your death have released grace into my life to deliver me from judgment you through your death have washed away the lawlessness of my idolatry so right now i celebrate your great work and your great sacrifice on the cross and jesus took the bread he broke it and he said take this and eat this is my body broken for you now together family let's eat and likewise he took the cup and he said drink this this is my blood poured out for the remission of sins and as you drink it i want you to say my soul is being refreshed nourished and strengthened against idolatry right now let's drink together now let's pray in the spirit if you don't have your spiritual language just start thanking god to start giving thanks but let's start the spirit right now and let's see what the lord does thank you jesus a foreign because god's starting to release stuff right now people are starting to already get touched i'm seeing in the chats right now people are already starting to touch so come on keep on praying in the spirit thank you jesus we bless you jesus oh hallelujah hallelujah glory to god glory to god glory to god glory glory glory glory okay god's touching ears right now ears remember what the bible says uh revelations 9 as in the psalms it says that idols are deaf dumb blind and crippled okay so that deaf spirit is coming out of people right now i want you to if you have ringing in your ears if you have a deaf ear if you have um you know an infection in your ear if you have hearing loss or if you have a hard time hearing from god remember what paul said about the gifts you know i don't want you to be misinformed brethren about the spiritual gifts you once used to go after idols okay so if you're having a hard time hearing from god if you're having a hard time uh you know hearing the holy spirit direct you or speak to you okay i want you to put your fingers in your ears and i'm gonna pray for you now just put your fingers in your ears right now and don't pray i'm gonna pray for you father the people online have heard the truth of your word they now understand the secret strategy of the enemy of this one of the many afflictions that these demonic spirits we behind idols do is they cause issues in the ear they cause the ringing the deaf ear the hair loss the infections they cause the buzzing the roaring they cause an inability to hear your voice lord and your sheep know your voice but in demonic spirits know that scripture and they want to block your people from hearing your guidance and direction from hearing you lead them through every situation they're dealing with they need we need to hear you without interruption lord so we've just repented we've brought our seed into court and the power of the seed is speaking right now for people it's testifying in the court on everyone's behalf who sowed lord in jesus name and i thank you lord that the seed is speaking we've asked for a judgment to be released against these idols and we partaken of holy communion to heal our souls of the effects of these idols so now as people are online believing for their ears to be open i speak to that demonic spirit that deaf spirit right now in the name of jesus right now i go into every chamber that you're hiding in in the soulish realm and in the ear canal in the physical realm and i speak to you deaf and dumb spirit and i say you come out come out come out right now in the name of jesus now now and i speak to that ear i say be open open ear open ear i command buzzing to stop i command ringing to stop i command that deaf ear to open i command hearing loss to reverse i command your ears to hear the holy spirit like you've never heard before hearing in the night hearing in the day hearing through scripture hearing the the unction of god the direction of god right now in the name of jesus now i speak to the mechanisms in the ears all the hair follicles every part every apparatus of the ear and i say be healed be healed now now now in the name of jesus now thank you lord and i hear eyes are opening too right now i command that blind spirit you come out in the name of jesus no more glassy eyed no more floaters no more dry eye no more blind eye i speak to cataracts i judge that serpent spirit i judge that idolatrous spirit right now in the court in the name of jesus i declare the people are under grace not the law in the name of jesus they are delivered from judgment judgment they stand firmly in this grace father in the name of jesus i declare it for the eyes i speak to the retina of the eye i command every part of the eye to clear up and i speak signs wonders visions dreams open-eyed vision spiritual enhancement in the eye all the gifts to multiply in the eye in the name of jesus now now if you had floaters or a blind eye or a cataract i want you to find something white and i want you to just look at it right now find a wall find a napkin find a piece of paper and i want you to stare at it until that cataract dissolves until those floaters disappear and i'm also hearing that god is saying no more food addiction no more food addiction i want you to pray with me right now say lord god i repent for overeating for being addicted to food and for allowing food to become my idol lord god heal my soul now of that addiction and and and heal me so much that i only crave for your presence we just took communion and one corinthians says that it breaks the quote this is paul talking the fellowship and partnership with diabolical spirits that we form when we eat at their feasts say i repent for eating at the feasts of devils now just stay there and i speak to those devils right now the assyrian king who makes you scarf who controls your food who causes you to eat and overeat and be addicted to sugars and bad foods and junk foods and snack foods and fast foods right now i judge that spirit in the court of heaven i judge it on your soul in the name of jesus and i drive that spirit out i drive it out in the name of jesus now now now and i speak healthy appetites you will desire food that is good for you i the lord give you good things for your mouth so that your youth is renewed like an eagles father in the name of jesus right now thank you thank you um uh praise god amen so the the um they're god is showing me this is this is persisting so strongly uh two things i uh there's a word of knowledge right now there's two women and a man i'm i'm growth in your breasts like i mean they're very i mean these are gross that are growing in your brains and god is dissolving the growth this grows that are being dissolved right now in the name of jesus so i want you to receive that healing let us know in the chat if you're the one who's getting healed touch your growth i mean you can literally do this and finally just dissolve as i was speaking in the name of jesus and then there are people are going to start puking right now because i hear lord said are there people who are forced to eat things in your dreams that it was satanic in nature and actually what you ate in in the in the dreams has actually made it difficult for you to prosper when in broad daylight and god is saying right now right now when you get the urge to puke that's the anointing of god for deliverance coming upon you because what you ate is coming out remember eating is spiritual that's why all idols or i idol idolatry in the in the ancient world happened around 18. because even the the kingdom of god knows the the the spirituality of eating so right now i command the vomiting of everything god your people have eaten in dreams that were satanic in nature had nothing to do with god and what they ate in the dream has been affecting their life affecting their health i say be gone right now in the name of jesus christ in jesus name brought it to god i feel the anointing people are getting healed right now in jesus mighty name dr miles i'm seeing some testimonies here um elisa said she's seeing light flickering in her right eye so there's a movement of the spirit right now happening for you jennifer said she saw what she believes as a messianic idol being destroyed and she actually has liquid coming out of her ears right now and i think she also said she has a history of satanic ritual abuse we have to understand that satanic ritual abuse guys one of the the leading powers behind those rituals is them making sacrifices to their demon gods to their idols so this is a big deal big deal um fear said i'm free of overeating come on let's um have people chat in what they're experiencing heat electricity um do you did the ringing stop did the buzzing stop how are your eyes how do you guys feel how the gross yeah how are the growth mary says she's she's um been throwing up she started just after i finished praying and when you started talking so mary's being delivered right now heidi says my left shoulder is being healed um kelsey says i'm crying justin says i feel lighter nancy said i'm having the tingles terry said i had pain in my breast for quite a while when i bend over and she said i just bent over and the pain is gone hallelujah praise god yeah right um let's see let's uh slow down for a second here where was the last one about the pain branding okay there we go um donna said i can't stop shaking april says she's yawning and it's connected to food addictions uh galaxy said i feel free from eating um ronti said god delivered me from impatience and demon of impatience i actually that's like an idol right because we just get impatient in everybody because you know we want our way instead of everybody having their way so we get impatient that is like an idol for of self almost like um aaron said my chest and belly are hot heidi said i saw a demon being pulled out of my mouth i think heidi was the same uh girl that said she was being delivered of the food addiction um fondue fond i'm sorry if i said this wrong the last name is daniel i'm sorry i couldn't i don't want to slaughter your first name i'm healed of lower back pain that's awesome okay um carol said i have peace uh wow there's there is major uh dolores said i'm hot hmm okay god i had um now it says that wendy said i've been having severe back pain for over a week i just felt a crack in my back and now my back is healed as you're speaking wow and you know kerry esther mer say i had a pup in my left ear j jackson says liquid literally came out of my nose like a water drip uh um rachel mchand says my ears popped open rory the guard teresa coleri says i felt the sight of the anointing my god hallelujah praise god this is powerful stuff amani a garcia says crying and vaping and burping right now i mean man katie there's a lot of deliverance happening right now oh yeah felicia said the pain in my body is getting less and less hi you know heidi said there's something happening um wow i mean jean said i coughed it out yay gene thank you jesus keep going up the let me see some more uh ellie um justin said i puked um courts of heaven that's one of the um sites or one of our uh guests said there's heat in my hands justin said water came out of the ear her ear the ear okay um tonya said hands with hot tingles hands uh i'm yawning um carol said an increase of god's presence elisa said i feel burning in my stomach mary said i threw up heidi said i'm spontaneously screaming chris christian said i'm yawning too uh galaxies that have been set free from smoking kelsey said i'm crying and deliverance from the idols of overeating uh my head is hot says tamara tanya dean says i feel dizzy and sick but good yeah cause you're getting delivered right now alicia 3v says the floaters in her eyes are gone nat says i feel jesus's peace diane says i feel lighter and at peace um well i'm says i feel heat in my body my god audrey says my legs were spasming while he prayed for eyes and ears mary says my floaters are less samsung says my cramps and back pain are gone linda says i feel warmth in my stomach and abdomen when you prayed for the food idols to come out the spots in my left eye are also gone diane said i had two large eye floaters in my left eye for 13 months and they are completely gone oh my gosh wow one woodren said the pain in my right shoulder and arm is gone tamara said i'm healed of throat pain audrey said my nose has been running that's a sign of that you get deliverance when the water comes out guys just so you know that's right um galaxy said i feel hot too and i love this beautiful lydia said i feel nothing but i receive it all by faith that's so good well you know gina gina faith says i began this two months ago going to court of heaven i had i had parasites leave my body i'm peaceful now my god uh paul i said i put something in my throat i don't see wow this is just powerful stuff that god is doing here even on facebook we care we got a lot of people getting healed on our on my facebook page i mean it's just amazing i i mean there is so many healings there's so many healings listen to this joanne said i've been healed of ringing in my ears i heard bubbling in my ears while i plugged my ears with my fingers and i'm healed i'm healed from also from overeating and unhealthy eating it i mean wow it goes on and on pain and throat and neck are leaving that's angie wow oh man i'm trembling that's one plus oh my gosh janice said not hearing the ringing in my ears anymore dr miles um this is why we wrote idols riot yes we wrote this because we knew that this was a major cause these idols of so many afflictions um paula i have something in my throat i felt something in my throat and i don't see my floaters anymore i mean it's just going on and on um we were told by a prophetic intercessor that this is going to become a movement in the body of christ um i think everybody needs to get the book can you tell them how praise god yeah so idol's riot where can you get it okay this book you can get it on amazon as an ebook as an uh uh as a as a physical book you can get you can come to my website katie souza on my website as well as but most importantly you want to get these books autographed come to our healing school our idols riot healing school you just saw what happened just on the on the virtual bible study imagine when we are together for two two days uh with hours of down packing each chapter which we have made into a module and you're gonna have your own student manual i just write student manual following through i mean you're gonna have a live q one day and then we're gonna be we we're always gonna end our school with a massive healing service that's open to the public after the school is over so you can bring your family and get everybody delivered at the same time so you definitely want to come to our schools because then you can get to see me see kerry and we can just autograph this for you now before i bring back kerry so we can do the q a can we have the giving slide because people are asking they missed it some people said i missed the giving slide i want to see it again so that's a giving slide you know and maybe while the giving slide is on there on the screen kerry if you can just speak in the background why they should give the peace offering yes okay so anyway that's a giving slide people are are wanting to know i want to participate in the peace offering it's called the idols riot peace offering you know based on psalms 96 verse 4 to 8 96 verse 4 to 8 some you can read it again at home but that but you need to participate you can't miss this moment send in your seed find a way to get it done and watch god move in a beautiful and powerful way now uh let's let's bring in um can you give us the two slides marquette the two slides for me and katie because i want to look at the questions we have now for the q and a and dr miles while they're doing that we need to make sure we let them know about faith now because yes can you bring back the faith now the the slide of jerusalem do we have it yes okay so i mean that's the you can go to with just the landing pages ready for us so you can go to forward slash faith now forward slash faith now the landing page is ready for you to be able to uh now you uh this is where you're going to go now you you only come to this landing page if you have already gone to faith now dot app faith now dot app uh once you download the app at faith now dot app then you uh you're gonna be given a receipt uh an email that acknowledges your your subscription uh take a screenshot of that or a picture of that and just uh come to this francis miles dot com forward slash faith now and then you can get the free book we'll see right there on the powers and the dangers of transition it's usually twenty dollars that is actually what it costs you for the whole year of faith now you're getting that whole book for free i'm giving up that because i want you to really get blessed by discovering the powerful world of faith now dot lpp so faith now dot lpp once you've got the app downloaded you come back to forward slash faith now and then you can get your free book uh uh just by following those easy steps okay and let's put back the score again in nashville one more time yeah again please join me and kerry for either's royal healing school uh you can register at for such events or you can register those two places amen now it's been very long but people have kept oh by the way i want to give a press report if we can i want to give a press report uh katie we maxed out we had 505 attendees tonight excellent we maxed out zoom couldn't give us any more space spaces we maxed it out so we thank god for that and you know what dr miles also okay i want to invite people uh to share the broadcast um if you're if you watched on facebook i know we had more people actually on the zoom call than on facebook we had like 63 people on facebook but we you know we had most of our audience um through the other chat through the other um um what do you call it do the facebook chat okay but you know there are think of all the people out there that are having these same issues that you have so i really you need to share this broadcast with people they need to be free they need to be free you can tell them about the miracles that you saw on this broadcast there was there's now like dozens dozens dozens hundreds have miracles so definitely um share it so that people can get their breakthrough too okay now dr miles what do you got and then also uh yes kerry we are gonna make this zoom video it's been recorded this entire bible study so it will be available by tomorrow morning on my website on another website on my on my youtube channel francis miles international then katie i'm going to make it available to you so you can upload it to the carry source of youtube so it'll be available on youtube for people to share and then those who already on facebook you can share right now because it's live it's on it's been recorded on facebook for playback but we just want to go through some of the questions katie that have come in the queue one day um amen um now i want to um so we're going to look at some of the questions we have we have uh we have we have we have uh uh we have been uh that are on here we may not read everything kerry by the way some people are writing life stories so we cannot get to that but whatever there's a question okay katie maybe you can answer this question kerry yeah okay there's a question that you can answer uh this is julie and she says i had been for years i've been trying to lose weight despite everything like exercise diet control i never succeed is there an idol rioting and blocking my weight loss oh for sure um and i don't know if we have that link to the um remember the special like school i did about food can you find that link is it and i did it in here it was like two sessions oh oh darn okay so there i think if you go on the website well i hope it's there but yeah katie there was a special two-session teaching i did here there are all kinds of food gods i mean think about serpent in the garden what did he do he tripped up the entire human race by tempting them with food and it says um he's eyes saw that the food was desirable and good to eat the eyes of the windows to the soul he used her soul to tempt her with food okay and think about it so he's the serpent jesus said we have been given power authority to trample on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall anyways harm us people never looked that word up harm the word harm means to be a criminal to a broken law in some way so the serpent is a criminal where do you take criminals to court you got to take that snake to court baby and and then there's like the fat king well that's in the book of what judges the fat king he he controlled the israelites for 18 years the number 18 years means plumpness could it be that we're unpleasantly plump because a demonic strong man called the fat king has been causing us to eat and unable to lose weight well he who judged him he was a judge in israel he judged him so we had to judge him there are all these demonic spirits connected to food and we have to get our soul healed because the word appetite means the soul in the bible meaning all of our appetites are controlled by the condition of our soul for unhealthy we've been through trauma been through issues in our life then we're going to want to eat and then those demonic spirits we have to get the soul healed but we also to judge them in the court of heaven because they're accusing us of overeating of sacrificing food to them remember it says paul said do not eat food sacrifice to idols okay so um hopefully we can find that it's not soul food i did it on the set it was two sessions and it was all about judging demonic kings i tell you what i went through all the different food food idols and kings and judged them in this one school that i did and i tested it out it was right before the holidays last year during covet when everybody's stuck at home just munching away because there's nothing better else to do but eat because we're all in isolation right and i just said okay i'm going to judge these spirits and i'm just going to eat whatever i want and i ate whatever i wanted of course i like to eat clean i like to eat organic food and i don't like sugar but i ate carbs i ate whatever and then thanksgiving came i ate everything you know christmas game i ate everything i for four months i ate whatever i wanted whenever i wanted late at night it didn't matter i did not gain a single ounce i was shocked i would get on the on the scale every day and i would weigh exactly 139.2 or 0.6 i can't remember now but it was like even to the ounce and i would get on the scale and it never moved it never changed so yes we have to take these idols of food to court and then we're going to get the breakthrough and i hope we can find that yes stephen okay so i and then we got rhonda he randy and i'm going to answer this one katie maybe if you want to do a few because it's already late but it's been amazing so rondy says i feel guilty for wanting a new car etc when shopping uh trying to keep uh trying to keep just what i need or else i feel like god isn't pleased with me and that i am greedy if i if i overdo it is this an addiction obsession is this an addiction or obsession as i know god wants me to be at peace with myself well around the i think the the issue is there's nothing wrong with wanting to buy a new car or wanting something nice but if you are being compelled to buy a car you don't really need uh when the other may be pressing needs that particularly when you're being pressed to buy things and then at the expense of doing what you need to do for the lord it may be a an idol driving you rioting driving you because usually what happens is we buy what we think we need and then when we buy it we don't even have any you we use it one time or even if we use it we are not happy about it but when we had to buy it we just had to have it that's how you know when an idol is involved is either are drivers they drive you but as soon as you get you you you you meet their demands they are driving you to the next thing that's how you know when an idol is being involved but there's nothing wrong with wanting something good god may want you to have a new house a new car that's nothing wrong but when you are be when you can't control yourself that's always an indication there's like there might be an idol driving the desire so i i i want you i want to give you one more question katie and then maybe we can just call it a day that is amazing questions i just grew up people come to our school either live stream our school or come because there's going to be a lot of uh you know uh what about this one this one is from kenya katie her name is paulie gitmo she says my mom my brothers and my sisters and i have been suffering from high blood pressure could this be attributed to idols i've seen all kinds of um bloodline issues you said it sounds like it's in the family so i wouldn't be surprised if you want a confirmation you just ask the lord just say you know holy spirit give me a scripture about um if this is idolatry in my bloodline causing this high blood pressure i wouldn't be surprised because you know our heart is what gets attached to idols you know our affections our heart and so you know like i i can definitely believe that a demonic spirit would give somebody you know high blood pressure so a father in jesus name i ask that you give a revelation to our precious um believer that's on the line right now and to tell them you know through a scripture or a dream or vision if this source is idolatry and then if so lord we ask that you would subpoena that demonic spirit that's in the bloodline to court and that they would be put under restraint as the blood of jesus and the grace of christ erase the record in all the souls of the entire family and the record of the accusations in the court and then that spirit would be put under torment and would have to release them from that affliction in the name of jesus wow nancy here has a question claddy i'm going to throw it to you again it's a very he said can i take my adult kids kids issues to a court of heaven without them knowing because they are not saved or believe in god what do you say to that katie uh that's why you know one of the courts i like to go into the most is the grace court that's hebrews 4 16. it says come boldly before the throne of grace to receive grace and mercy in our time of need now that's an actual court because that word thrown in that scripture is the greek word thronos and it means a judge's bench a judge's bench so this is the court where the judge of all the earth resides and that course operates solely on mercy and grace so that is a perfect place to go in to court on behalf of other people who need mercy because they're not believers they're in sin they're backslidden whatever the reason because it says we can go boldly into that court which means anyone can go you don't have to be an officer or a judge like dr myles and i anyone can go and it says you're gonna receive grace and mercy in your time of need so you can go on that court and throw yourself in the mercy of the court throw yourself your children the unsaved friends whoever it is at the mo on the mercy of the court and ask the court to forgive them we have the right to ask that jesus said whosoever sins we forgive will be forgiven and so to forgive them and to cleanse them of this idolatry and to heal their souls and to bring them to the lord so yes you definitely can you definitely can and you can do it in the grace court fantastic this one i'm going to answer this dr mouse this address to me this is dr snowlin salon your spiritual son i am concerned that my business has become an idol god gave me this business how can i turn this around can i take my the business to court even though god gave it to me well you can't take the business to court but what you need to do is you need to take your business like i like abram did he took the isaac and led it on the author of of of of of obedience you're gonna have to surrender the business back to god you know because it is what happens if god gives you something is from god it could be a husband it could be a wife at some point your isaac must go to mount moriah why mount moriah is god saying what i gave you has a tendency to become an idol too so even isaac can become an idol even though god gave you isaac you become an idol because the human nature of falling nature has a huge propensity to make the gift become more powerful than the giver so at some point you have to go and give you take what god gave you and surrender it at the author of of of consecration the author of obedience now again if there is idolatry involved of course you can go in the court of mind and repent over that but i think some things you can as uh i think with that situation that's what i will be doing is if god gave it to you you know but i but definitely if your business is becoming an idol then you need to look at the bigger picture maybe there might just be a propensity for idolatry in your own life then those are the idols you need to take to court but as for your business i would lay it out on the authors of god you gave me this but i refuse to let this become an idol i give it back to you like like abraham gave back isaac to god on mount moriah that's the way i would do that particular one lawless dr miles i know we need to wrap it up right now but people are wanting to know uh can they watch the replay and where so you say it again to them would you please my youtube and youtube correct yes so the replay can be the replay can be played at my youtube channel uh francis mouse international if you just type my name francis if you drive francis miles international in the youtube search my channel will come up subscribe to it and as well you might as well subscribe to my channel and subscribe to kerry souza's channel on youtube because then you never made whatever we put on there and then when we are going to edit this video you know and then we're going to upload it tomorrow on youtube so it's available on youtube for people so you can bring your family members to it because it's anointed enough to touch them when they come back to it but on facebook eddie on facebook it's available right now right now on facebook as soon as we go as soon as we we stop the broadcast facebook is going to keep it on the my facebook page dr francis miles and i don't know we can publish it to to your page all right dr miles i think that's it for tonight right i think that's it it's been i mean listen we've gone longer than 90 minutes that i it ordained to do it kerry we actually have gone like uh three hours and the amazing thing is at three hours we still have 370 people who have stayed with us katie we need to give them a clap up thank you so much definitely this is a movement it's more than a message it is a movement but i'm getting uh can we put on the screen the tennessee school and kerry why don't you tell them why they need to be at the school as be as we get ready to close yeah look be there because you think the miracles were great online it's gonna be off the charts and in the meeting i mean you're gonna this is a school you're gonna learn how to work the miracles you're gonna learn how to operate in this you're gonna learn how to go to court it's not us just telling you what to do we're gonna teach you what to do you're going to activate and you're going to become very powerful in the spirit as as your gifts explode because you're going to get healed of idols and then you're going to get other people healed okay so don't miss you can see the the graphic up there when the tennessee is we're also going to be going to alabama we're also going to be going to houston and then we're also going to be going to zambia and africa so if you're if you can't make it to tennessee you can make it to the other events keep your eyes out on them on the on my website or dr miles website and so you can get the dates down and sign up i think it's only 99 dollars or i forget 75 or 9 no 95 99 that's nothing you get a certificate we're going to do a miracle service it's going to be awesome now marquette can put up the face now app and also guys i really really dr miles really really it's backwards oh there it is yay need you to do this sign up for faith to now faith now on in that app is isn it's it's supernatural network you can watch it 24 and 7. it's kenneth copeland's victory tv it's katy tv that's dr miles and i are our outreach look you've got all kinds of programming movies of churches worship for 1.99 a month guys and you know what that helps dr miles and i pay our tv bill if we get 5 000 people for a dollar 99 that's nothing if you guys do any sewing so into that you're going to get one stop shopping on your entertainment go to faith now dot a p p faith now dot app okay and put in kdtv as a discount code you get a month free if you pay for the whole year you get two months free it's only 19.99 and it really will help us out so get it now amen and katie um i just saw a uh people are saying some of the people already saying they have already signed out and uh yeah so i saw vera richardson just said to the mouse i already signed up and i got my faith now up okay i'm telling you get it get it get it you want my you we're gonna be putting a lot of idols right content on faith now at the effect now up my god listen some of us are watching these crappy movies that make you feel gross and dirty on on on netflix let's be honest i mean some of the people of god they're addicted to netflix and they're paying a lot of money and sometimes they they show a lot of junk on there i'm not saying everything is bad on netflix but some of the stuff on there is crappy but you pay a lot but this fed now up a dollar 99 are you kidding me 20 i mean if you pay for the whole year it's only 20 bucks a price of one book and you've got an app we see roth francis miles kenneth copeland kerry souza you cannot beat it since praise god and again you get to support me and kerry souza and i know if you love our ministry that will be nothing for you to be able to support us and move us forward in our ministries thank you so much again thank you so much since uh we're going back to uh uh thank you again this is dr francis mouth i've enjoyed being with you uh from our studios in atlanta you know and uh kerry from a studio in maricopa praise god we love you and we are gonna make sure that we edit this video for you and put it on youtube thank you again shalom shalom shalom shalom we love you and goodbye you
Channel: Katie Souza
Views: 10,395
Rating: 4.9061832 out of 5
Keywords: Katie Souza, Francis Myles, Idols Riot, deliverance
Id: LyC8zMnXpqY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 160min 27sec (9627 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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