Katie Souza | Year of the New Wineskin

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further and further and further and further I'm healing you not for yourself but those so that you can go out the doors and then go further and further and further and further I see a torch it's in my hand everyone bring up your torch now I'm going to spread my torch and your torches are going to be lit start a shout as I do it ready one two three go shouting shouting shouting shouting shouting shouting shouting shouting shouting shooting shoulder sure [Applause] come on you've got a big crazy man [Applause] now we're gonna watch some more miracles and then we're gonna have more miracles and then if I have time I'm gonna teach so that you can learn how to administrate miracles amen so dawn would you please play the Seattle crew and maybe for have time we'll do gadda lynnium where's the metal girl I had three screws because I had a break that went all the way across my ring finger and it actually caused it to go on a diagonal and you could peel the screws sticking out okay I see us a big scar can you get a picture that scar um there Heidi it's pretty big that's running like all the way from the knuckle down to the the knuckle I have x-rays that show this three screws okay x-rays showed the three screws okay so do you see that okay now pull back out okay so now did it give your pain um it didn't give me pain but unless somebody went and squeezed it and you could feel the screws poking out but you can feel like I mean if there if it's there it's it's really uh apparent at this point so you're saying that you had three screws in there and when you squeeze that you could feel them yes and actually if somebody squeezed it if somebody took my hand and squeezed it would hurt because the screws would poke the inside of the skin okay so now when you're squeezing it can you feel the screws I can't feel the screws and I've been playing with my finger trying to find them three of them three screws and you can't find him I can't find them now when you said somebody would hold your hand and squeeze it it would hurt but now you squeeze it for me how does it feel when you're longer okay okay so you're all right there you go all right so that's how it but you're saying if somebody held your hand like that it would hurt how's it feel right now I don't feel pain 0p0 pay come on let's give gotta be praised get hold on stay right there okay so now let's try and see if there is something in there do you want to see it okay so this is the police so it is the real deal all right let me test it on your other ring there it is see you know it sounded off now let's check this finger ready [Applause] Terry you were here last night tell us what happened to you I was healed and that's a wrap no tell us about the gunshot wound I was shot at point-blank range with a 357 in the right hip it's spun off came back and lodged in the back of my pelvis okay is a bullet was the bullet still in there yes along with a bunch of hardware in the right hip and a bunch of hardware okay so why was the hardware there you said something about yet to piece together your hip yeah when the bullet hit it it broke into 17 pieces so your hips shattered in 17 pieces on the right side yes and they wired it together with hardware and all kinds of stuff yep and you've had it in there the metal and the bullet and stuff ever since since 95 now you also had other problems like you had pain going shooting down your leg from it and other issues is that correct correct constant burning down the right side burning a burning is that from the metal you think the burning or what I think it may have been metal and sciatic metal and sciatic okay oh so first of all how's the pain in the leg right now gone zero zero zero what was it on a normal daily basis that burning pain in the leg what was it seven eight seven eight okay and then how's your mobility like did you have limited mobility and stuff like that I mean how did it affect you well I couldn't do this wow that was pretty good I can't even do that so when you do that did you feel any pain none you felt total freedom total freedom okay so now we tested you last night but we want to make sure it's not a fluke so we're gonna test you again amen so pull your PIN you pull your pocket out okay pull your pants down yeah okay so now he has one metal rivet on his pants so we're gonna I'm gonna show you the metal rivet okay lift up your shirt see right there that's his metal rivet okay that's my mic that their here's his metal rivet that's on his jeans okay now watch we're gonna I want you to put your finger on that cuz I'm gonna go around it and we're gonna test all your hip and your front your back okay you ready it's my mic okay hold on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on you've got a big place come on come on [Applause] tell us your name again my name is quando quando you had an injury to your hand so show me which hand okay right I see you I see a scar there it's about I'm about an inch and a half two inches big what happened to your hand I broke it in the console fight pretty tough guy yeah tough guy okay so you're broken in a kung fu fight and how did the doctors try to fix it they put a metal to hold the bone together metal thing now last night you were here and we prayed a couple different times and you felt the metal getting smaller and smaller is that correct yes and you actually had more and more movement with your thumb see there you go right now your before you couldn't move your thumb like that is that correct right okay and so now how does it feel when you move it any pain no pain oh no pain it was there pain before not too much but a little bit when you try to move it there was a little bit of pain before but now there's not is that correct right you got a lot more movement there yeah Wow a lot lot isn't it yeah it's really great it's really great okay so now last night when you walk up stage we tested you and you still had metal in that we ran this over you and you still had metal even though you felt it was getting smaller is that correct correct so I went out and I saw you today and I said let's check and see if that metal is still there right yes we did should we show everybody else what happened yeah okay ready [Applause] come on let's give God a big break tonight come on yeah it's really great I can't I can't resist play gadda lynnium I can't resist anybody popcorn Jackie okay Jackie tell everybody again what kind of metal poisoning do you have what's the name of it gadolinium toxicity poisoning from radiation from the MRI so you had an MRI professionally done in a hospital and you received this poison through what the injection what they put in your the IV so it has that metal in it I did not know that you're supposed to urinate it out within 24 hours not only did I hold on to it they did a second one which made me worse I didn't know what was going on all of a sudden I started to feel like I had glass in every joint in my body I couldn't get out of bed just severe pain so if somebody grabbed my hand and squeezed it you notice to shake my hand I just I was like what is that and it took me a year to find out what it was because it was last year that it was given to me because I had started with a radiating pain down my left hip and into my thigh that was like a burning and I couldn't even walk I couldn't I couldn't move at all and I had to be rushed to hospital they were shooting me up with painkillers and nobody knew what was wrong with me is that why they gave you the second MRI because they were trying to find out why this was happening exactly and the second MRI made it even worse yes because then I became more toxic and I was passing out all the time so you were passing out you had excruciating pain you felt like you had glass in your joints if like every joint every little bone every little bone and so when you moved it would just you felt it oh yeah all the time I couldn't move my arms like this because I had so much pain so just doing a simple thing like flexing your arm like this you felt that pain right and then right here if somebody just touched that I would so touching your elbow or your hand okay now I'm touching your elbow right now how does that feel doesn't hurt at all now you said when somebody would take your hand it would hurt so I'm gonna take your hand I'm even gonna squeeze a little bit does that hurt no it's not hurting at all when I squeeze the China ready does that hurt nothing I got a good grip I'm gonna squeeze a tighter okay you're right with that how's that nothing okay one more time ready how's that nothing [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you just said it's been a lot to deal with I can't even imagine it's it's something nobody can imagine it because you can't see it so people think what's wrong with you you know my husband every day had to you know rob my my joints or soak my feet or do something we didn't know what was going on with me then when we found out they said there's no treatment there's no treatment for this metal poisoning none when you walked in here tonight what level of pain were you at I in eight seven eight tonight and if anybody touched you would that send the pain up even higher oh yeah especially my feet to the what happens with the metal as it forms in your body at certain points and feels like something's cutting you inside so I would just scream and jump and my husband's like wait oh my god I don't know something cut me and it was just happening it would happen only in my lower arms my hands my feet and lower part of my leg and across the top of my stomach come here and hold the mic come here hold the mic put your arms out do you mind me touching you go you okay arms feet the metal would form in the joints and so when you would touch it it was just painful I would scream nothing nothing you see did you see how hard I did that I was nothing nothing let's give God the biggest praise [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Wow man I have been in contact with that woman a lot she actually did a show with me and I interviewed her she is totally healed she is now contacting people with gadda lynnium online lining them up so i can get on the phone and pray for them she's got a little own little gadda lynnium ministry now amen this is a big deal that's an incurable disease she's the first and only person on the planet that's ever been healed of that disease God did it a man God did it God did it he did it and you're wondering if he can fix your problem if God can extract metal from every bone in organ and joint and everything in your in a woman's body can he fix you oh yeah baby you know a man named Richard just came up and he told me and I'm sharing this to encourage people that you know you might be thinking all she's talking about his metal look if God can do metal he can do anything else other people are getting healed of other things Richard says he woke up and he had a fibrillation I guess in his heart where his heart was skipping beats he said he knew how that felt cuz it had happened often but since the prayer this afternoon he's been completely fine no problems his heart has been healed so you have to know right it's happening other things are happening for you all right now we're gonna we're gonna move into stuff and see sometimes people go oh I haven't gotten my miracle yet because sometimes you have to go deeper some stuff is deeper it's deeper in your soul it's deeper in your bloodline it's deeper in your body so we have to keep on just peeling back layers on layer upon layer and you do it very simply you do it very simply repentance with soul healing with the angelic realm there's these these key things that we can use to cause miracles to manifest let me just tell you a simple story another woman to me while I was sitting right here and she had gotten an 80% reduction in pain she had she's metal she has other things issues in her body all over the legs back shoulders I forget all of the details but she had an 80% reduction in pain she was one of the people standing up here in line okay so she comes back sees me after lunch she sits down next to me she goes my pain is coming back you need to pray for me I hear that a lot listen to me there's reasons why the pain comes back there's reasons okay now what was the reason for her i sat there I put my hand on her knee meaning I saw a big tick sucking blood on her what would that represent you are mad at somebody you were offended at somebody there's some kind of a problem in your life there's there's some kind of a sin in your life so I asked her I said I just saw a big tick on you second blood out of you I said are you angry at someone she goes yes I am and then she proceeded to tell me a story about a person that's in her family's life that's been horrible to them and she's holding a fence against them so I simply said to her look that's why your pain is coming back it's so simply that's why your pain is coming back that's why your quote losing your healing I said forgive that person right now and repent for being upset at them she did she stood up all the pain left it's really not that hard there are certain things we can do so we're gonna do that again because some of you are still holding on to a problem you're still angry at a person and you are not getting healed because you haven't let it go I don't care what they've done to you what is more important that you let God handle them and you get healed or that you keep on being mad our soul loves to be mad at people I can't believe what they did oh my god let me tell you what they've done now then you text it thank you now listen to this our soul loves to BP ode let it go let it go quit limping around and being in pain and being sick and be mad at people amen we're gonna walk through that right now again ready put your hand on your heart say Lord Jesus I want to totally let it go it is not worth it for me to be offended bitter and angry at anybody I don't care what they've done to me my healing my financial prosperity my peace my pain-free joy-filled life is more important than revenge say so I forgive everyone that I'm angry at and I repent for being offended and I put the blood of Jesus on my sin and I wash my mouth out with the blood like some Dawn dishwashing liquid and I repent for every evil word that I've ever said about anybody teeth are gonna be healed right now jaws are gonna be healed right now right now right now I command that right now bacteria your mouth to die teeth to be healed right now your gums to not bleed not be hurting anymore periodontal disease I break it off of you right now any pain in your jaw any pain from teeth right now I break that right now you'll be healed right now just say I received the blood on my words right now say I receive the blood on my words right now right now in Jesus name right now in Jesus name right now in Jesus name somebody I think even had a surgery scheduled in your mouth who's that who's that who had the surgery scheduled periodontal who is it is that you ma'am yes two people over here okay okay everybody close your eyes I'm just talking to these peeps right now ladies you've been talking smack about somebody just shake your head at me yeah uh-huh see that but you get the blood now don't you see that you get the blood okay I cancelled that surgery your blood your sin is under the blood your words are under the blood I commanded um tissue and I canceled that surgery because you are your mouth is being healed right now in Jesus name and the Lord says this go and sin no more watch your mouth and do not speak ill against anybody ever again if you agree with me nod your head look at me a nod your head and we all said what amen thank you Jesus now let's give God a big praise [Applause] I'm saying God's working on soldiers and elbows right now too so if you still have shoulder pain and elbow pain you're gonna be healed right now yep you receive it right now right now and who from this morning was 80% is now a hundred raise their head you were 80% in you're now 100 who's that who's who was 80% now you're a hundred percent with no pain is that you sir yes come up here give my hand as it comes up what's your name that's more that's what my pain did you have what is she did you mostly my neck my shoulders neck and shoulders pain in the neck or shoulders real bad yeah real bad how bad was your everyday pain every day was anywhere between 8 and 10 8 10 did you have metal in your neck or anything anything like that yeah but in my shoulders I got you yeah been on your shoulders okay so did you have limited movement also restricted moving a lot of it yeah a lot you know from your neck what was it from did you have a surgery what happened broke my neck you broke your neck twice okay how did you break it yeah I did martial arts yeah you and quando a did you break his hand he broke your neck or what no by yourself nobody is involved so marche ours you had an accident then sports-related axe is that correct yeah how long ago was that a year ago so eight to ten how old are you buddy sixty-seven oh praise God if you're still doing martial arts at 67 come on can we give him a hand for that I say you were bad but you know we're good wearing company right now so you're tough guy then except your wife says that yeah you're my kind of girl okay so you 8 to 10 pain and restricted movement and the medal in the shoulders will show us something you couldn't do before you couldn't turn your head for things it did damaged my nerve behind my neck for about a day and a half I couldn't see I couldn't hear I couldn't walk so you had so much nerve damage from the break that you couldn't hear you couldn't see and you couldn't walk okay now you got your sight back right I got my sight back okay and you are walking so you got that back but you still had problems with the years it was bad yeah right so how about explain that I had to put this morning I'd put caught in my ear so because this year just rung like a drum and I could hear out it I can hear out of one ear at a time one ear that's strange okay so now what's happened with ears I can hear I'm here just fine just fine in both ears but let's test it turn around here I love Jesus Katie Souza this is bomb you could hear it let's try this Alleluia praise the Lord just repeat after me less I've got the mic say it louder say it louder I'm what I said what I'm saying to him is he's supposed to say I'm the hottest guy in the room can we give God a big praise amen [Applause] amen okay now what we're gonna do is there are more people that need to be healed right so now we're going to press in deeper to get more manifestation amen I had a word and about the time when it was the the Jewish New Year began I had a word for 2019 and I had since then I've had I've heard many prophets speaking on it and they confirmed what I was getting at least to some extent anyway I have my own spin on it but the word was this is that 2019 is the year of the new wineskin now when I say the new wineskin wineskin is a container your body and your soul are the containers for your spirit man your spirit man doesn't have any problems it doesn't have any issues but your body and your soul do body's breaking down the soul is wounded troubled upset burn out all these things so we need a new wineskin we need a new body and we need a new soul and the reason why we need it is because there is the new wine of revival that's being poured out on the earth and if your body's not in tip-top shape and your soul is not in tip-top shape you're not going to be able to contain the new wine of revival so you have to have a new body you have to have a new wineskin now 2019 is the year for that the number nine in the Hebrew is a symbol to symbol and it looks exactly like a wine skin or her womb amen so this is your year to get healed this is your year to have renewed strength this is your year to get younger not older and this is your year to be healed in here so you can handle any pressure of any situation that comes your way and be unoffending unab settable without anxiety or depression or disorder of any kind amen so when God told me that I said how are you going to do it and he said I am going to use the light of my son Jesus Christ to heal people in both their soul and both their body then I asked him for a scripture he gave me the word lever lever I found it in one scripture in one translation the DRC translation and this is where it's from listen it says this is a story about when the insights were going into the promise and they sent the spies in the promised land and it says that they went and found a cluster of grapes and they cut off a bland a branch with its cluster of grapes which two men then carried on a lever and levers a pole he also took the pomegranates and the figs of that place okay so this lever was the pole that they used to carry this huge cluster of grapes I mean this cluster of grapes was so big so big that they actually had to use a pole to carry okay that's some big fruit and the Lord said to me there's not the light of my son is going to produce fruit fruit fruit so now get this I've decided to look up the word leather lever in the regular dictionary guess what it means the light then I walked into a meeting in Seattle with my brother from another mother Tony Kemp if you never saw him you need to find him oh boy let me tell you and I walked up to him he was sitting the front row i sat down next to him I said what are you gonna teach under night he says the glory and the light so I knew I was on target now listen to me I'm going to teach you about the light of Christ how he is the body I'm not only gonna teach you but we're gonna activate activate activate activate cuz you're gonna get healed you're gonna go to that next level amen you're gonna find out the light of Christ is not a witchcraft New Age teaching listen God created everything for us first the scripture says God is light and there is no darkness in him he created light that's the first thing he created let there be light and there was light why did he create it first because it's who he is it's who he is amen that's who Jesus is Hebrews 1:3 in the amplified classic says that Jesus is a soul expression of the glory of God the light being the outer ring or radiance of the divine Jesus is a light being and he out raised the light that is in him the holiness the righteousness his character his nature from himself out into the world he man and guess who lives in you the light being inside your spirit you are filled filled with the light of Christ now we got to get it out of your spirit into the rest of you because the rest of you has darkness in it you're gonna find out that in your soul and in your body our dark places dark thinking dark reasoning dark emotions dark motives darkness of disease darkness of pain darkness in your body and in your soul and as you began to release what you're carrying every single person in here is carrying a non-stop supply of the light of Jesus Christ inside of them and when you start beginning to release that into the other parts of your being you're gonna drive out sickness disease anxiety depression anger wrong thinking you will prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers as you began to beam forth that light instead of keeping it trapped inside your spirit you begin to loose it with your faith with your words with your decrees and you're going to start seeing more miracles happen a lot more miracles happen a lot a lot more miracles just by simply decree in Scripture believing Scripture do you know in the New Testament there are many places where the word voice has as its root this ready to bring forth into the light to shine to shed light to shine to be bright and resplendent what does that mean when you speak especially when you decree the Word of God or when you praise God the light that's in your spirit comes up and out your mouth and goes into your body it goes into your soul it goes into other people while you're making decrees over them and praying over them this is why it's so very important not to talk smack about any body because that's releasing the darkness in your soul and darkness does not heal it wounds it brings disease and disorder we must learn how to overcome and I got to remind myself of this all the time I'm fighting a battle all the time I'm in media I have am taking high levels of mountains and there's a lot of trouble there there's a lot of demonic resistance there there's a lot of oppression there and I we we have assignments against us all the time and I have to at first I'll go higher your score Charlie before this is happening again and then I realize what am i releasing that I'm releasing darkness not light and darkness does not cause promises to come to pass it does not cause diseases to die it does not cause soul healing so you have to watch what comes out of your mouth because your mouth is a gateway to either release darkness or the light of Jesus Christ and as you're gonna see the light of Jesus Christ heals every part of your life so you have to learn how to speak the word and how to overcome your grumbling you can share let's say you have a hard day you you know it doesn't you know good to do this you're having the worst day of your life and you go I'm having a wonderful day praise the Lord okay that doesn't help you you can share you can say I'm having probably the worst day of my life but you know what God is good god is great he will prevail I exalt him now I lift up his name and he will win this battle because that's what's going to release light amen why do you think Joe 22:28 says what it does says do you show decree a thing and it shall be established and everybody says it like that they go oh you shall decree a thing and it shall be established but they never finished the verse it goes like this ready you shall decree thing it shall be established and the light will shine upon your ways that's the complete verse meaning when you decrease something the reason it is established is because the light of Jesus Christ that's in you is coming up and out your mouth towards that thing you are making the decree over and it's driving out all the darkness in that thing that will prevent you from having a manifestation of a promise you're not happy enough it's important for us I have to read I'm not chastising you I'm preaching to myself to have to remount remind myself of this all the time all the time we have to watch what's coming out of our mouth because it's coming out of our mouths releases light or darkness and as you're gonna see it's light that makes a breakthrough and that like at heals did you know that the word praise in many Psalms and in many places in the Bible including Psalms like Psalms 111 verse 1 is the Hebrew word ha you know what it means it means this to shine forth and flash forth light why do you think it's so important that we praise God right in the middle of it there's nothing worse than being in pain or something else like this or having some horrible thing happen and everything in your soul wants to go I hate you I hate everything in you wants to do that everything in you wants to scream why have you healed me I God I'm in pain and you know I am what's the deal that is not going to bring your healing this is what's gonna bring your healing I praise You God right in the middle of this pain right in the middle of this process right in the middle of this horrible thing i exalt you i magnify you God because as I'm speaking my praises it's releasing light and as I the light is gonna go into my body and heal into my soul and heal I'm gonna have a breakthrough as I praise you in this moment let's praise God right now come on and lift up your voice come on and give him the priests as you do the light is coming out come on fill this room with lights come on more more MORE higher higher praise higher praise magnify him right now magnify his name exalt his glory come on more MORE higher higher higher levels of praise higher levels of Rheims more praise come on one more push 15 more seconds come on 15 more seconds come on [Applause] so what are you gonna do with your mouth are you gonna let out darkness or light what does your praise don't do does it let out darkness or light where does your positive words do let out darkness or light Amen now let's find out what it will do what it will do for you let's look at it the light of Christ heals your soul in your body and that's how we're gonna get this new wineskin in 2019 let's talk about the soul first Malachi 4:2 can we have it up in the board done I'm reading from the amplified classic but you look at this it says but unto you who revere and worshipfully fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings and his beams and you shall go forth and Gamble like calves released from the stall and leap for joy crippled people don't leap for joy but people that the Sun of righteousness has arisen on with healing in his wings and his beams can leap for joy amen so according to this jesus heals using his wings that's the glory realm and his beams that were beams there means beams of light Jesus uses his light remember he's the light being he's the light of the world he uses that aspect of his character and his nature as a healing power now that word healing what does that mean well it means a couple things and we'll start with one one of the words that it means is the Hebrew word Mar pay Mar pay you know what it means sound of mine sound of mine your mind is part of your soul and it's probably your biggest pain in the butt your mind needs to be healed when your mind is healed Oh everything shifts you'll prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers when your mind is healed your soul is prospered the rest of your body is prospered your finances are prospered every part of your life is prospered your marriage is prospered when your mind is healed your relationship was with your kids it's prospered your business is prospered every part of your being is prospered and it happens in the wings and the beams the beams of light look you've got light inside your in your spirit man right now lay hands on your head right now and remember your voice releases light you shall decree a thing and it shall be established and the light shall shine upon your ways I want you to repeat after me because as you do you're gonna release light into your mind and you're gonna become marpe a sound of mind ready to say that the Sun of righteousness Jesus Christ who is a light being who was the light of the world lives in me my spirit man is full of his light I release that light right now into my mind and Jesus right now is arising on my mind with healing in his wings and his beams of light light is going into my brain it's driving out darkness it's healing strongholds it's changing my mind it's changing my imagination it's cleansing my thoughts it's healing my mind it's driving out wrong thinking the light is arising on me with healing it's Jesus he's filling my mind now and I'm gonna go forth and be released from the stall and leap for joy from being so healed by the light of Jesus now say Amen and give God a big praise of shouts [Applause] that's what we're gonna do right now I'm here to get you healed not here for any other reason than that we're gonna talk and then we're gonna act me we're gonna talk then we're gonna activate we're gonna talk I'm gonna activate and you're gonna get healed and then I'm gonna go home and hug my babe did you know that Jove 3632 in the amplified says that he meaning God covers his hands with lightning commands it to strike the mark that's why you can lay hands on yourself and you can release the light because lightning will actually come out of your hands and go into any place that you lay your hands on your mind your body your money your kids your husband your wife anyplace yeah if the hubby's acting up just give them a big lightning strike BAM let's see if you do that again amen the line of Christ drives out sin it drives out wrong mode as it drives our bad behavior drives it out of our soul even the stuff we didn't know we were doing huh me know there's hidden stuff and I was motives wrong thoughts wrong emotions that we don't even realize we're doing but the light brings it out of that darkness and heals it let's look at this next scripture dawn let's say I have two Psalm 90 verse eight put up there right now look at this our iniquities our secret heart and it's sins which we would so like to conceal even from ourselves you have set in the revealing light of your countenance and God's presence is light and when we start decreeing these scriptures they will be established the light will shine upon our ways and that will drive you out even the stuff we want to conceal from ourselves why would we want to conceal it from ourselves it's too hard to face sometimes because we are act so stupid sometimes no offense I know I have some of the stuff we do is just like oh that was ugly but the light drives it out it drives out those Nik witties those are even generational sins the stuff that you've been dealing with for generations it drives out our secret heart the mode is inside our heart and the sins that we want to keep hidden even from ourselves but they come out in the light in the light in the light in the light amen put your hand on your head again so lightning can strike your brain put one hand on your head and one on your heart ready now say it with me we're gonna repeat the scripture together say our iniquities our secret heart and it sins which we would so like to conceal even from ourselves you have set and the revealing light of your countenance now say Lord I'm filled in my spirit with the light of Christ it's coming out my hands into my mind into my heart into my emotions and it's driving out iniquities generational stuff that I've had in my bloodline for countless centuries that's making me behave badly it's being healed by the light of Christ right now the light of Christ is healing all the secret sins and bad motives that are in my soul controlling me sabotaging my life and causing darkness but now they're filled in the light they're no longer concealed all the darkness is being driven out by his light right now in the name of Jesus I loose it upon all my soul now and she's a snake now give got another big praise [Applause] thank you God the light produces fruit remember the big pole carry the big cluster grapes that word lever that's the word for the pole means the light God told me there's gonna be a harvest of fruit in the light well that's in the Bible amen Don let's have a fever upon the board from the amplified classic look at this for the fruit don't you love the Word of God I fear for the fruit the effect the product of the light or the spirit consists in every form of kindly goodness a brightness of heart and trueness of life you see that 2019 a year a big fruit from the light and here's the scripture saying exactly what it is listen you're gonna get fruit from the light don't walk out of here without buying this session and praying this session with me over and over and over and over again because you're gonna dig deeper and deeper and deeper take it to the root of issues and you're gonna pull your list is gonna get shorter and shorter and shorter as you cross off all the problems even suffering with because the light is gonna produce so much fruit in your life look what it says right here the light produces kindly goodness a brightness of heart trueness of life what's trueness of life it's everything it's trueness and blessing of joy and your family and your relationships it's the trueness of true bonding and togetherness in your marriage of true peace trueness of life is your business flourishing your ministry flourishing trueness is life for your kids coming into the family of God walking in peace joy and power trueness of life and well how do you get that true life the fruit of the light when you work the light when you work the light you're gonna have fruit look you're gonna have a kindly goodness and uprightness of heart how many times have you had to deal with something you just want to cuss them out guess what you won't have to bite your tongue or try to hold back you will just release the light and you will have what kindly goodness you won't even want to cuss him out anymore you'll be at peace with them it won't matter what they say or do you'd be like I'm good with it I'm all right I'm good with it because you'll have so much fruit from the light in your life that you'll actually walk in kindly goodness without even having to try do you understand me what I'm saying to you and I ought to know cuz I was the meanest person on the planet trust and believe you would not have wanted to be my friend if you would have gone out right now your car would be gone if you I would have gotten your address out of your registration your house would be broken into you yeah somebody said oh no wonder he said that ya know you wouldn't like me before but I now have kindly good enough put your hand on your hand and put your hand on your heart ready repeating after me say for the fruit the effect the product of the light or the spirit consists in every form of kindly goodness uprightness of heart and trueness of life say the light of Jesus is going to cause me to have fruit I will be able to be kind and good to everyone without even trying it will be a part of my nature because it's who Christ is I will have uprightness of heart I'll be walking in the freedom of not sinning of being upright of being righteous as the light heals me and causes me to walk in the fruits of the spirit and I will experience trueness of life because of the light of Jesus Tunis of life in my mind Tunis of life in my marriage Tunis of life in my body trueness of life in my finances trueness of life in my business Tunis of life in my ministry I receive the fruit of the light right now in Jesus name now shout praise again come on [Applause] the light of Christ heals you so you can think right thoughts make right emotions I mean make right decisions feel healthy emotions the light of Christ heals your mind your will and your emotions and when your mind your will and your emotions are healed you think right thoughts you make right decisions and you never get your panties up in a wad just saying think about that if you're thinking right thoughts and making my decisions and you're not losing it you're gonna win you're gonna win your business is gonna win your marriages is gonna win your relationships are gonna win you're gonna win that's what it the next scripture let's look at this Luke 11 verse 34 through 36 amplified classic your eye is the lamp of your body when your eye or your conscience it sounded fulfilling its office your whole body is full of light but it's when it's not sound and not fulfilling its office your body is full of darkness be careful therefore that the light that is in you is not darkness now return to the first part oh then if your entire body is illuminated having no dark part it will be wholly bright with light as when a lamp with its bright Ray's gives you light now go back to the very first part dawn what is the eye you ever hear that saying the eye is the window to the soul well your soul is what your mind your will in your emotions so it's talking about your soul it's supposed to be the lamp of the body see the lights in here but the rest of you is supposed to light up like a lamp to your eye or your soul is supposed to be filled with light and this according to this it says the eye is the lamp of the body when your eye or your conscience your conscience is part of your mind which is part of your soul is sound and fulfilling its office it's because of a reason what is that reason it's because your whole body is full of light see when you start continually soaking in the light releasing the light speaking the light because your voice releases light decree in the light you shall decree a thing and it shall be established and the light shall shine upon your way when you keep on doing it and hitting it finally your whole body fills up with light you become the light being that you've been called to be and then you will be your conscience your mind every part of your I which is your soul your mind will and emotions will be sound and for filling its office so see when your whole body's whole white your mind will be sound of a filling its office what does that mean your mind has an office it has a job to think right thoughts to reason out things to have a clean imagination to hold memories but not negative memories your mind has a function and your mind will function properly when what it will be sound of a fulfilling its office properly when what your whole body is full of light if you've been tormented in your mind you had that voice those noises that noisy mind always chitter chattering in your brain if you can't let go of a memory if you can't let go over trauma that's happened to you put some light on it because when your whole body becomes filled with light your mind will be sounded fulfilling this office you'll stop going back to that memory and dwelling on it and thinking about it and having to grieve over it and having it overtake your life and control you something out here dwelling among the tombs people come to pounce I'm 27 years ago I'm not belittling anybody but let it go and if you can't let it go because it's so embedded in your brain then put some light on it how do you know that when you look at an image if you look at it long enough and then you close your eyes you can still see it so now try it pick something onstage pick that right there stare at it stare at real good stare at real good stare at it real good stare at real good now close your eyes and you'll start to see it develop in your eyelids just start to be able to see it print it on your eyelids how many of you could see it when you close your eyes how many couldn't okay good I was gonna say when I asked a question everybody has to answer okay so you all saw it when you close your eyes right you can see the print on the screen with your closed eyes am I correct okay that's what happens when you stare or think about that problem or that memory over and over and over again it gets burned it gets burned from overexposure on your brain on your soul and then it affects everything you do and you live in the past you can never move into the present and that pain of the past is gonna make you sick in your body sick in your mind sick in every part of your life okay but the light can erase that overexposure when you put light on something it will burn out that memory that's been burned into your brain you understand what I'm saying to you put your hand up on your head and say my mind is being healed of all the memories that I keep holding on to by the light of Jesus Christ my eye my conscience is sound and fulfilling its office because my whole body is full of light every image every memory every trauma every drama every Rama every bad situation every painful circumstance every shipwreck I've lived through the memory of it is being burned away by the light of Jesus Christ right now in my mind in my will and in my emotions I am sound and fulfilling my office my mind is sound and fulfilling its office because of the light of Christ my will is sound and fulfilling its office I'm making good decisions not decisions based on pain not decisions based on the past not decisions based on grief not decisions based on anger I'm filled with the light so my will is free its sound and fulfilling its office so I'm totally healed and my emotions are sound and fulfilling their office they don't react to bad memories - evil situations - anger at people to offend set people right now my emotions are sound and fulfilling their office because my whole body is full of light shout a big praise to God right now [Applause] understand the importance of that is right now you know you've up to this point been making decisions and thinking thoughts and getting emotional about stuff that happened to you before it has nothing to do with what you're trying to do now have you ever like just totally like had somebody push your button and you just went off she goes oh yeah it's because you were living in the past you were living on the memory you were living out the pain you ever had gone somebody they look at you like what happened I just told you to look nice and you freaked out on me what it's because you are still holding on to that stuff the way to erase that stuff so you stop snapping and being weird and making bad decisions based on past feelings and experiences is by having your whole body full of light the end of that scripture says finally you will become like a lamp with its bright Ray's that give out light once you start erasing all that past all that trauma all that drama with the light then you'll be so filled with light that light will not only be filling you it'll now be shooting out of you onto other people so that they won't be dwelling on the past and they won't be sick and they won't be having crazy thoughts in their mind crazy emotions you want to become you want to get to this point that your entire body's illuminated having no dark part and then it will be wholly bright with light as with a lamp with its bright Ray's that gives you light say I'm the lamp with its bright Ray's that gives out light to my family to my friends to my business people to people in my ministry to everyone I come in contact to and the reason why I'm the lamp is cuz I'm holy bright with light now if you've got a big praise again [Applause] now we're gonna get to the good stuff you all right if you're tired stand up and shake it off the light of Christ heals the soul and brings revelation look you're gonna get secrets and mysteries imparted to you you can understand things you never had before many times we walked through life we do this all the time why God why why is that happening God why is that happening again why hasn't this happened God what do I do about that gun well instead of having to say why God how God when God and all that other stuff why don't you like position yourself to be able to receive the answers to those questions the light of christ does that for you let's put up the scripture Ephesians 1:17 through 18 look at this this is Paul the Apostle he's talking ready he says this for I always pray to the god of our Lord Jesus Christ the father glory that he may grant you a spirit of wisdom and revelation of insight into mysteries and secrets in the deep intimate knowledge of him how many of you want know go back go back Don honey you want to know the secrets and the mysteries how many do you want to have a revelation into God how do you want to have the deep and intimate knowledge of him at the actual knowledge of God so you understand him so you understand what he's doing why he's doing it how many you want to have that well guess what the next first so show it to him done tells you how you have it by having the eyes of your heart flooded with light so that you can know and understand the hope to which she's called you to and how riches his glorious inheritance in the Saints look you notice how it connects those two verses get the secret I pray that you have the spirit of wisdom the secrets and the mysteries and the deep intimate knowledge of God and then he tells you how by having the eyes of your heart flooded with light did you know the word heart there means the soul you know why because your spirit man already knows the deep secrets and mysteries of God it's your soul that gets in the way and blocks you from having them but when you start doing what we've been doing this whole time and releasing light into your soul then you'll be so your your heart which that word heart there means the soul right the eyes are the windows to the soul when your soul gets flooded with light that's when you're gonna be able to actually you're gonna be able to discern the secrets in the mysteries God's always speaking them to you but your soul is getting in the way because there's too much darkness there but the more you release the light of Christ and your soul in your mind you're willing your emotions the more you'll drive out that darkness the more your heart will be flooded with light and then you will be able to actually pick up like an antenna perfectly tuned into the bandwidth you'll be able to pick up the signal of the secrets and the mysteries of God and a deep intimate knowledge of him I just give you a simple example of how this happens for me it manifests a lot of times in in Revelation to teach and all that but also in words of knowledge where's some knowledge I mean how do you think I can teach all this stuff because I've been soaking the light so I get it download the downloads come for me when I'm soaking in his light because it gets all the junk in my soul out of the way and it also manifests in words of knowledge I just give you example just like a month ago I'm in Seattle and I get a word in knowledge for somebody I heard somebody with a left knee locked up it's gonna get healed and the reason why their left knee was hot was locked up is because they were nickel and diming people to death so I don't wanna embarrass them so I got up on the stage I said okay somebody here you have a left knee and it's locking up and I want you to come up here I have a private word for you so this guy comes walking up and he goes left knee they go okay so I don't know if this is for you but I'm just gonna say are you nickel and diming people to death and that's where I realized that he didn't even speak English she went nickel dime nickel dime what he's nickel dime I went oh my god it isn't for you I guess I need more light so I sent him to Tony camp and then this other lady walked up she says oh girl I got the left knee and they operated on my foot and now I lost my toe and it spit my toe is paralyzed and I got pain I can't move my knee and it's terrible girl you gotta help me I said okay look I have a word knowledge tell me if this is for you I said are you nickel and diming people to death and she went oh Jesus it's true it's true so I didn't have to even pray for I just said repent for doing it right now oh Jesus all right now your knee is healed and she goes and she starts kicking her leg like a can-can girl go up on stage kicking her leg I can't go we'll see I knew that about her right cuz the light cuz the light the driver died I got another word like I snap I go somebody hear you you had an accident on a stump a tree stump who's that now quits backed right there's people lined up against the wall because there's no chairs so I'm looking around and there's this lady hole and she's not going yeah my I got dude is that you and he goes no it's not me and she's like yeah yeah I go ah will your wife they were saying it's you and I go is it your nose no it's not being there you go man she's insisting she's saying it's you did you have an accident on a tree stump or not and he goes well I guess so oh they get your butt up here now so he comes out right so I'm looking at him I'm looking at him right and I go so what happened and he tells this story oh my gosh he had an accident a tree stump hello do you need more light alright he's like yeah I was standing on top of this tree stump and I was cutting down another tree and then I fell off for the tree stump and I totally wrenched and twisted I needed it tore my meniscus and my ligament and they had to actually take it out I have no meniscus and my ligaments are torn and then just the other day I was on a motorcycle and the guys swipe swipe me and I'm like dude I brake calamity off of you in the name of Jesus right and so he's talking and he finally ends up and I go do I pain cuz this I have pain and I stiffness and I can't bend the knee I said okay I'm gonna pray for you so I start praying for him now the light gives me insight to what's happening in his brain I'm pray for him I look at him and I knew he didn't believe he didn't even believe that what I was doing is biblical I found later and I'm not dissing nobody but he's a Baptist not saying anything okay he didn't even think that what I was doing was like legal like you're a woman for one and for two you're praying for people to strikes against you you're out right that's what he was thinking and so I confirm him I said you don't even believe really if you get healed right now and you don't believe this is even like I go at Trudy goes yeah and I said and you're full of fear you're afraid for me to even pray for you touch you who touched you and as I said it he went so I pray for him right and I said I was you repent for fear and unbelief right now and I let him through a priority I repeat from belief I agree with the Holy Spirit for my mirror right now Jesus name and then I command new-new meniscus to grow creative miracle ligament everything else like that no I step back I said peanut it's tough so he goes well thanks how do you want to have more specific insight discernment clear revelation when you're praying for somebody like theirs it's stuck nothing's moving you're like thinking why God well when you soak in the light you'll hear it amen you'll get it amen and you'll get revelation and downloads into the secrets and mysteries put your hand on your heart and pray with me let's have that scripture back up on the board done just say this no the one before let's start there done they say for I always pray to the god of our Lord Jesus Christ the father glory that he may grant me a spirit of wisdom and revelation of insights into mysteries and secrets in the deep and intimate knowledge of him by having the eyes of my heart flooded would like to say Lord Jesus I decree that my voice is loosing light my hands are releasing lightening strikes my praise is bringing light and that light is causing a flooding a flooding a flooding I'm being flooded with the light in every part of my soul so every bit of darkness is being driven out so I can know the secrets and the mysteries and the deep intimate knowledge of God and receive a spirit of wisdom and insight from the Lord and it's happening now because my whole body is flooded with the light of Christ I receive it now in Jesus name now give a big shout of praise I haven't seen lightbulbs pop up so I'm gonna keep going you all right we're getting healed you understand that right we're not just sitting here having a chat we're getting healed you get that right okay now let's talk about how the light of Christ seals the body go back to that one Malachi 4:2 down cuz it's healed soul and body cuz that's how you're gonna get your new wineskin in 2019 you're gonna have fruit of the light Malachi 4:2 Don it was a very first scripture I think that we used okay so we're going back to this but unto you who revere and worshipfully fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness that's Jesus Christ arise with healing in his wings and beams that were beams these beams of light okay now so the center axis arises is on you with healing and he uses his light to do it that word healing means more pain we talked about that sound of mine but it also means that's Rafah which means health healing and a cure health Ealing and a cure health healing and a cure the light doesn't just heal your soul heals your physical body remember what Dutch sheet said last night we came in that hospital that lady was screaming that guy got his hand cut off and the reason why she was screaming me is because as they went there and looked the light a light wave was going to and knitting back his hand until his whole hand came back and he said it a light beam did it light is powerful to heal it's powerful to heal it can penetrate into the deepest darkest places how do you think they take x-rays it doesn't matter what disease is hiding in your body the light can get to it x-rays take pictures of bones and organs and things like that x-rays are light waves so the light can get and penetrate into any place into your body amen you understand that Rafa he arises with healing and his beams of light Rafa he's health healing and a cure there were some people in Holland they had a son who had a severe case of autism he did not say one word or make a single noise until he was three years old at three years old they found this ministry and they began to incorporate these teachings and the wife began to fiercely decree light scriptures over her son every single day he would stand there all day long for hours for like eight hours of time and open and shut doors open it's not cabinets that's all he would do he would never look anybody in the eye he would never if you tried to touch him he would freak out and scream I mean you do in the scream he never made a noise he would freak out and back away he'd run away never made a single noise she she began to pound into him these light scriptures about the light of Christ healing light of Christ Cielo and then about six months later took six months don't give up don't give up six months later one of the therapists comes they would always tape the therapy sessions she tried to you know work with him no progress nothing the therapist turns on the camera she begins working with him all of a sudden out of nowhere a cry from the deepest part of his belly and from that moment on he began to look people in the eye he began to engage one day he walked up to his grandmother he took her face in both of his hands and kissed her on the mouth kissed her lips he began to smile he began to change then he began to talk he now speaks how many languages three languages he's going to school he rides a horse he was healed of autism through the light of Jesus Christ their testimonies online you can go watch it any of these miracles I talked about they're all in video you can go watch them all amen the light of Christ can heal anything the light of Christ can bring life to any place we have darkness for sickness and disease and death that's what it says in Psalm 36 9 says for you is the fountain of life in your light do we see light John 8:12 says jesus said I am the light of the world whoever follows me will not be walking in the dark but will have the light which is life the light which is life put your hands on any place in your body that needs life right now and say I don't have to walk in the darkness of this pain or this disease I have the light which brings life there is a fountain of life bubbling up from my spirit out of my mouth out of my hands into my body and I'm receiving life life where I need it life to dissolve pain life to kill diseases life to cos healing life to increase mobility life to bring youth life to bring total healing and restoration the Sun of righteousness is arising on my body with healing Rapha health healing and a cure in his beams of light you've got to be priests come on come on give my big brains we're almost done I was at the great the big 10 event with myself and Patricia King I purposed in my heart to work a miracle I was just I wasn't the speaker in every session I I did have a session and I spoke at but I was the host so I had to you know come up and host every every session but I determined that I wasn't just gonna come up and say okay now here's the announcements and I was gonna work at least one miracle amen which is hard to do cuz you got no pre loo nothing but I put my faith on that and it worked it happened so during one of the sessions I'm sitting it's almost time for me to come up and introduce the next speaker and do something and I'm sitting there I went into asleep and sitting up and upright in my seat and I saw a vision I saw a vision of the sparkling looking being crossing in front of me on the stage like a big giant sparkler how many know the angels are made by Jesus so they're filled with his light and I said well is it flew by I said who are you and he came back and got right in my face and scared the snot out of me he said I and the angel of light and I said what are you here to do and he said I am here to do Matthew 4:16 so I went to Anna read it says the people who sat in darkness have seen a great light and those who sat in the region in the shadow of death light has dawned and then the angel told me I've come here to heal people with terminal illness so I went up on stage and I said the angel of light is here he's going to heal people with terminal illness is there anyone here with a terminal illness and one person raised their hand it was a woman in a wheelchair she had ALS she was in the stage I don't know if you know that is but man everything shuts down you begin to be paralyzed even to the point where your lungs are paralyzed and you stop breathing and that's how you die okay she had she's to the point where she's in the chair she couldn't walk from the paralysis and she was in the advanced stages so I said to her I said the angel of light is here and he's going to touch you right now and then I heard the Holy Spirit say tell her ask her if she's buzzing I said are you buzzing and she her eyes got this I said that's your sign of the angels ministering to you now they stood then I waited and I waited and I waited and then the Holy Spirit says ask her if the buzzing has stopped because it has I said has the buzzing stopped she went and I said you're healed get up out of your chair and walk she did she was healed of ALS [Applause] angel that angels in the room right now I won't just stand up if you're sick right now in your body now put your hand up put your hand up now everybody around them I want you to go to the people with their hand up when somebody comes to pray for you put your hand down keep your hand up until someone comes to pray for you boy there's more people that need to be prayed for then okay so I want everybody to try to go to people and if you can't cluster them together all right now get together come on go church go to a person with their hand up okay now put that Malachi 4:2 scripture up there Don and I want you to start decreeing this scripture over them and your voice is gonna release light into them and your praise and your hands are gonna release a lightning strike okay now start praying for them now see people still have their hands up people get to the people with their hands up that aren't having anybody pray for them yet look around if somebody has their hand up they need you to pray for them put your hand down when somebody comes to you okay there's some there's people in the back there see those people in the back that man in the back there's a man over here okay good keep to clean that decree they're totally flooded with the light they have the light which is life but there's no darkness of disease or pain in them arthritis is being healed right now arthritis arthritis is being healed right now there's gonna be more heart palpitations are gonna cease right now heart palpitations diabetes is being healed right now diabetes diabetes is being healed right now right now all muscular disorders are being healed right now muscular disorders are being healed keep praying keep praying neck problems you're gonna start cracking into place right now cracking and popping into place your neck right now in Jesus name right now in Jesus name right now in Jesus name right now thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus kidney disorders are being healed right now kidney disorders and I command sinus infections to go I command sinus infections to go right now in Jesus name right now right now right now in the name of Jesus we are filled with the light we are filled with the light we are filled with the light we are filled with the light the Sun of righteousness is rising on us of healing in his wings and his beams of light in him is a fountain of life in his light we see light those are sad in the valley of darkness and the shadow of death have seen a great light and the light has shone upon them arise and shine for your light has come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon you right now you're filled with the light you're filled with the light lots of hearts being healed lots of hearts not just soul I'm talking physical hearts are being healed right now right now cholesterol problems are being healed right now right now right now right now right now right now acid reflux acid reflux I command it to stop it's being healed right now acid reflux is being healed right now you have the light which is life the light which is the light which is life the fountain of life in his light we see light the Sun of righteousness is arising on you and making you Rafa healed in the wings in the beams of light health healing and a cure you're being cured you're being cured right now cured of diabetes cured of heart problems cured of kidney problems cured chair Naboth rightis cured you're being cured in the light of Christ right now cured right now right now in Jesus name cured right now in the name of Jesus right now right now right now right now right now and the people with the metal guys completing your miracle you're not getting another level of healing people with metal in your body another level loosing the angel of light right now in Jesus name there's nerve disorders right now nerve disorders being healed nerve disorders being healed right now tension hypertension's going down tension in the body is leaving the body leaving the body right now you have the light which is life the light which is life the light which is life he's arising on you right now with healing you arm are paying Rafal marpa Rafah health healing and a cure in Jesus name somebody have a knee problem if you'll stop your foot three times on the ground you'll be healed Samba darshan one yeah did you get healed who got healed on that one wave at me yeah did you tell them there's a pain leave yeah the pain left all right how long did you have it you've been playing basketball oh I've been playing pickup ball at the YMCA for I don't know two three years and I just started developing this problem with my knee and it was clicking last night this is gentleman who prayed for me last night after I prayed for him and my knees not clicking after it was all my knees and I stomped my right foot three times and my knee is not clicking right now I'm not even kidding my knee is not clicking and it feels strength there's a muscle bulge that wasn't there before and it's there and I'm just come on Jesus come on check your knee stop three times amen somebody would have teeth grinding in the night you're not gonna grind your teeth anymore you're done you're done I heard something about somebody just had a molar extracted it caused problems that's leaving two right now in Jesus name how many people now check yourself check yourself for pain or more mobility come on move around move around check yourself did you feel Heat while you're gonna pray for is the pain dissipated do you feel more movement do you feel like the oppression is left your body if you do raise your hand over your head and wave at me come on keep it up as I count ready 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 count 55 can we give God a big praise okay now my last exhortation this will be very brief but please put up John 12:36 and I want you to pay attention to this because this is Jesus himself talking okay look at this scripture I want you to bore this into your brain ready why you have the light capital L Jesus Christ believe in the light have faith in it hold on to it rely on it that you may become sons of the light and be filled with the light now jesus said this jesus said this he said that we're supposed to have faith in the light hold on to the light rely on the light now he was talking about himself notice the word light there is capital L but why didn't he just say have faith in me rely on me hold on to me why didn't he just say that why did he say hold on to the light and have faith in the light capital L meaning him because why do you a saint to us I want you to hold on have faith in and rely on this particular aspect of my character and my nature I am the light of the world I am a light being that's what Hebrews says on the out ring of the divine of the radiance of God okay and what Jesus is saying is there's a particular characteristic about my nature that I want you to hold on to have faith in and rely on and it's the light that exudes from me now can you see why you saw the scriptures I could I had like 25 more scriptures about healing of the body but man were out of time I could preach a whole nother like three sessions on the light of Christ and Jesus is saying that he's saying hold on to this part of my nature my light rely on it and have faith in it because it works it produces fruit Jesus is saying don't drop this don't walk out after this and forget about this teaching don't go down there don't do it for a couple days and then this is something you need to have faith in and hold on to and rely on for the rest of your life whenever you have a problem rely on the light to fix it rely on that part of Jesus's nature and its character rely on that power that's coming from him to heal your mind when you're thinking crazy thoughts to heal your body when you're having sickness and disease to fill you and flood you so you'll have secrets and mysteries in Revelation if you ever stuck like Chuck and you don't know why something's happening to you all you have to do is say you know what I'm gonna go back because I I was a smarty pants and I bought that disc with Katie Souza session on it and I'm gonna listen to it again and I'm gonna decree those decrees after her and guess what I'll be so filled with light that I will get the answer to my problem all right so put your hand in your heart and make this less decree with me so that it can be established so the light can shine upon your ways amen say well we have the light you'll believe in the light we'll have faith in it well hold on to it we will rely on it and we will become sons of the light and be filled with the light I decree that I will continue to rely on this part of Jesus's nature and his character I have faith in the ability of the light of Christ to heal my soul and my body I'll hold on to this truth I won't let it go and any time I have a problem no matter what kind of problem it is I will rely on the light of Christ to fix it I make this decree so it is established and the light is shining upon my ways amen [Applause] my my my my my what a breath of fresh air give her another hand my god it is so good he that was so good you have no idea Wow
Channel: Katie Souza
Views: 21,892
Rating: 4.852427 out of 5
Keywords: Katie Souza, Year of the New Wineskin, Light of Christ, dunamis
Id: EIjZn6eEuyE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 26sec (5966 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2019
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