Dreaming With God // Katie Souza & Dr. Mark Chironna // Faith With Katie

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] greetings everybody it's katie souza this is faith with katie welcome to today's broadcast we're we are streaming live right now from kt studios in phoenix arizona and we're so glad everybody's on board today hey we're touching the nations from this studio in america okay we're reaching all of africa europe uk america and we're on all the social media platforms so if you are on your television get on your device and go to my face tv on facebook or katie souza on facebook because i want you to chat in i want you to tell me where you're watching from because you're going to get to interact with today's amazing guest super smartypants is what i like to call him mark sharona he's going to be joining us very shortly and it's going to be a great day because mark and i both have a heart to see people get healed so he's going to talk about that we're going to move into that activation so you can get a breakthrough but in the meantime come on let's see those chats and i see people already karen from london hey girl how's it going stacy from virginia welcome you guys welcome carolyn says i'm in london too yay robin says hi to katie hi robin how are you doing we got jill from oklahoma rosa from texas we've got some people here from oklahoma city albany oregon got deb from cape town hey everybody we got gail from south africa there's a lot of people online chloe's chatting in from england we got sabrina from minneapolis janet from texas you guys i love the family that we have gathered here every wednesday thanks for joining us on today's broadcast okay now before we get into our guest today mark cirona i want to play today's selfie miracle testimony video check this one out i stumbled across katie on youtube when i was looking for some information on healing the soul i ran into so many people who were having physical ailments and the lord was highlighting that there was something going on in the soul i watched almost every single one of katie's videos and when i came across the one on trauma i was really impacted by that mainly because i had been in several car accidents and because of those car accidents i suffered from whiplash and i also had a bump kind of hump on my upper back connecting to my cervical spine this was never corrected i didn't have surgery and chiropractic treatments never got rid of it but during the video on trauma i felt something moving in my neck and heard a popping sound during the video after that experience after watching the video the hump was completely gone so my back is straight people who didn't know what happened noticed that there was a difference in the curvature of my spine i'm also thankful for katie's ministry because it put me on a path to learn more about the soul how infirmity in the soul can affect the body so now i do soul healing and inner healing with people to see them get greater breakthrough thank you katie for your ministry and your faithfulness to the lord to share what he shares with you god bless you i praise god you know it's true the bible says we'll prosper and be in health even as our soul prospers and that's why you know today's guest mark sharon and i are going to dive deep into that because so many miracles happen when people get healed in their inner man look if you've ever had a miracle from listening to one of our products at one of our meetings through these broadcasts please send me a selfie miracle testimony video take your phone out put it in the landscape position okay and record like a two minute testimony what happened to you what the diagnosis was from the doctors how that injury or that disease or disorder hindered you what level of pain you had and what happened when god touched you and then send it to selfies at katiesouza.com that's selfies at kdsouza.com i'm seeing so many people online you guys thanks for joining me now look i want to speak to everybody really quick before we bring mark on that's online right now there's hundreds of people already watching today's broadcast look i need your guys's help i have developed through faith television network um an application called faith now faith now faith now television it's awesome it's the latest thing for you to have in one place all kinds of christian entertainment christian teaching revelation movies churches worship everything on one single application faith now is awesome okay inside faith now is katie tv that's right katie souza has her own television channel now her own station 24 hours of soul healing miracle working revelatory teaching and power it's right there inside the faith now television application okay you got to get it and also it's not just me in there it's also isn its supernatural network that's sid roth and all his great programmers victory tv is on faith now which means you have 24 and 7 access in one location to all of kenneth copeland's great programming and there are movies there are teachings there are like thousands of churches with their worship and it's just a 1.99 a month a dollar 99 a month look when you sign up you are paying 99 cents for the amount it costs us to develop faith now but the dollar's your donation and that dollar donation from you guys all my faithful people watching right now i need you to sign up that dollar a month donation helps me pay my television bill believe it or not if i have 5 000 of you sign up boy that's a big chunk of my television bill for the month and it only cost you 1.99 plus if you go to the code when you sign up you go to faithnow.app that's faithnow.app you know what you're going to get you're going to put kdtv in the code and you're going to get a month free and if you pay for the whole year at once it's 19.99 you get two months for free 19.99 guys you can spend that at one trip through the drive through at mcdonald's okay but you'll be helping me be able to pay for the television bill wow every single month for the whole year if you sign up for the whole year i need you guys to do it okay as soon as the broadcast is over or even now on your other device all right go to faith now dot a p p to get all that entertainment in one spot okay now let's go to today's amazing guest please welcome mark sharona [Music] mark welcome oh my gosh i can't believe you're here you know i followed you for years and i finally was able to get you on the show [Laughter] it's like i felt like groupie showing up all your meetings silly question how many times has somebody sang to you the song my sharona well since the knack sang that in 1979 i was teaching in the new york city public school system 79 and 80 and so all my homeroom students used to come in and sing it to me all the time and since then there hasn't been one year gone by and somebody hasn't done it to me when they've introduced me anywhere uh they've gone ahead and sang it and played the piano and backed it up with uh the bass and everything else oh my god i've lived with it tagged for life by the knack oh my gosh yeah for sure yeah you know it's funny we were talking before the broadcast and you told me something i was unaware of even though i've you know followed your ministry for so long and that is that you once weren't going to be a minister of the gospel you are going to be an entertainer like even like a frank sinatra type headliner yeah i want to hear this i want to hear this story so so i was i was i'm an italian a full-blooded italian from new york and um i was raised you know even though i was raised in the era of the beatles and the rolling stones i grew up listening to the rat pack because you know my the older generation i mean they loved frank and dino and sammy davis and i mean i i was a musician um the influence had a major impact on my life and by the time i was in high school my dad wanted me to be a doctor i didn't want to be and i wanted to be a musician and once i committed to that in spite of my dad's opposition i i wanted to i decided i didn't just want to be a musician i wanted to be an entertainer and i was well on my way uh working my way there and um to make a long story short there were there were opportunities that if i had said yes to them i would have gotten a certain amount of assistance from from uh an organization that is is shady uh just say it just say it no i you know so uh but i i i um the dramatic event that took place prior to my surrendering fully to christ was that i was scheduled to sign a contract with one of the families in new york and one of their representatives was going to meet with me at a restaurant and he had been um the night before at that very restaurant the very table we were going to sit at he was he was uh executed by the other four families and four bullets in the head and that was on the newspaper the next morning when i was supposed to head to new york to have lunch with him and that night uh at our band rehearsal i surrendered my life fully to christ wow what a dramatic uh entrance into the kingdom yeah but there were there were a lot of i was i was i was moving through all the necessary stages in terms of building um the kind of reputation musically to open doors apart from that and um but i felt like i needed a little extra help and um i was very wise back in those days i'm not sure i'm that much wiser now but well i i definitely wouldn't say that uh you know you would have thought you would have gone into like the worship leader quote typical stereotypical type thing once you got born again but you actually you know you're on your second phd now well actually i i i led the entire band to christ that next month and we started traveling i started writing you know christian music i started writing everything from a barry manilow style contemporary christian music and then i went to uh i started writing some just gospel flat out gospel and blues and we began to travel and then while we traveled i began to preach and eventually i ended up once i graduated with my music degree i ended up going to bible college for three years and the rest is history do you have any of those old tracks i'd love to hear that stuff um somewhere there are recordings i i don't i don't know that we've got any but the name of the group was called almost heaven it was based on john denver's song almost heaven west virginia but i think our theology was just about that bad too it was like almost heaven quite um but but we traveled we did two albums um and uh we had a lot of fun doing it uh certainly had a lot and and ironically when we made our first recording it was in one of the new york studios where sinatra had done all his recording that was neat that was just neat to sit in the studio where he had recorded and record gospel music it was pretty neat you became the uh the kingdom sinatra ma i don't know about that but yeah prophetic moment it was fun that is that is a neat story i did not know and thanks for sharing that i have my little dangerous past too so i can relate uh so yeah yeah yeah that's really good look people love you mark you know not just me and a million other but i mean i got people online here i got mayorville from haiti is on diana from stratton island new york is on amy that's your home right amy's watching from nigeria we've got um helen from ireland mary from california oh i mean there's people all over oslo norway eleanor's from oslo norway i mean there is people from all the world watching right now so thanks for joining us this is such an honor and privilege uh the honor is mine so look you and i have something really in common i mean you are definitely a scholar but you have taken a lot of your um theology and your study of history of the church of the word and all that to apply it to helping people get healed in their inner man to get healed in their soul and you and i both believe that that's a major part of the movement of the kingdom that if we don't get the church healed we are not going to advance into that place where god wants us to be so that revival can hit restoration can come yeah katie one of the things i i wish this wasn't true but the longer i live and the longer i serve the lord the more i'm aware that most people are battling broken areas and fragmented areas in their heart because of all sorts of things and certainly the last year hasn't um helped a lot but there's a there's a there's a spectrum that in psychology i've talked about this before but um dr corey m keys has done an entire body of research on the difference between languishing and flourishing you know david david tells us in the psalms that the the righteous are called to flourish like the palm tree and the world of positive psychology has picked up on the concept of flourishing but so have theological scholars begun to write about miroslav volf has written on flourishing but the reality is is that if we if just those two terms and think of a spectrum languishing flourishing according to the surgeon general and this was in 1998 it's even probably more severe now because of the levels of stressors that have intensified post 2001 but but the the adult population in the western world between the ages of 25 and 74. only 25 of that population is flourishing 75 percent are languishing and that that means that there's a lot of people that are just feeling like they're they're surviving but they're not thriving they are just getting along but they're not they're not they're not depressed i mean but but they're it doesn't mean they're not close they're battling uh bouts of what what's the use uh i'm doing this but i don't see any any sort of purpose coming out of this um and and as a result their their emotions are kind of frozen in a place where um they're devoid of positive emotions in relationship to why i'm here and where i'm going it doesn't mean they're not moving forward but even though they're moving forward they don't feel like their life is counting for anything and there's a lot of emotional distress tied to this there's a lot of psychological impairment and psychosocial impairment they have relational issues and this is the majority of the population it is it is considered right now in the north american world an epidemic it's a silent epidemic but it's an epidemic and the roots of it go all the way back in history and the the early church talked about something very similar to this so the human condition hasn't changed much but in order to flourish we've got to be able to feel positive about who we are where we're going kind of like what you quoted before that that our souls might prosper that that our life will be flourishing if our souls flourish i like to use that word because i think it it grasps at a at a at a kind of a a big umbrella where wholeness exists i love that word flourishing and it is the opposite of languishing you know we see an example of someone languishing in soul in the scriptures and then reaching out for comfort for something that actually caused them to lose their entire inheritance and that was eso when he came and he said he came to uh his brother jacob was cooking lentils and he said i am famished i gotta have those lentils and he said well i'll give them to you if you sell me your first born birthright well when he said i was famished he wasn't dying of hunger the word famisher in the in the language of the hebrew denotes to be languishing in soul so he was actually had that unhealed area that pain in his soul that emptiness that that that woundedness inside his soul that was causing to quote languish in soul and it was so strong that he actually gave up his birthright he lost his inheritance because of the languishing that was happening in this inner man this is a dangerous place for the church to be and like you said what a high percentage are in that position right now what can we do about it yeah yeah well i i think a lot of people are are wrestling with feeling like um even if i do this is is it going to make a difference i i think esau and jacob are a great example because they both had unresolved conflict and pains they they had they had been conflicted even in the womb i mean the whole story it the whole story is a very painful story it's a at the end of the story they both get reconciled god heals it all but boy the journey to that healing was was rough because they all had they both had unfinished business and they both had made decisions that led to outcomes that created pain for them yeah and and i think that um there are just times where we kind of get to a place where we feel like i really wish i had more of a sense of well-being i i i don't want to call in sick today i called in sick last week i only have so many sick days um i don't want to feel like my life is constrained but i feel like i am constrained i feel limited i want to break out but there's nowhere to break out too i think all of that plays into this you guys when you're watching right now as you're listening to mark talk about this i want you to chat online i want you to try to become aware it's really good to have awareness and i'm going to ask mark to expound on that in a moment but awareness about what's happening in our inner man so that we can diagnose it and we can receive supernatural power to get that place healed where are you languishing right now try to to reach in with the holy spirit guiding you to to pinpoint what is it that's causing you to feel like you want to give up you don't have enough strength you're depressed what's the use of going on i want you to chat it in right now because we are going to pray over every everything at the end of the broadcast both mark and i but just write that in right now because i think it's important do you think it's important mark i do i think it's important for people to to acknowledge to to tune in and to to uh find out what's going on and yeah yeah and i think part of it um you know is is is a a matter of emotional honesty so i often say that none of us become adults without bringing our wounds from childhood and adolescence with us we didn't we weren't raised in a perfect world there are no perfect people we are all in need of salvation we're all in need of redemption so sin even though i'm a saint i'm also having to be aware that sin can still easily beset me and so i'm flawed i'm less than perfect but the drive in me to try to be for perfect can really mess things up and it does damage to my emotions because of the wounds i experienced growing up because we we we all get hurt and we all have emotional areas where we get wounded and then learning whatever i don't deal with in by adolescence shows up to haunt me in middle lessons in other words what i don't deal with by the time i'm 12 13 14 or 15 shows up in my life between 30 years old and 65 years old and when it shows up it can manifest in sickness divorce yeah all sorts of things judgmentalism cynicism skepticism five major fears uh anxiety um defense mechanisms coping mechanisms you name it it's all there yeah i just want to write off to you mark some of the comments that i'm getting right now tracy says um i'm having trauma that's causing me to languish uh a lot of people like brian and jill they're saying what you guys are talking about describes me uh lauren says i feel that way as well um stephanie says i keep getting stuck in the past stuck in the past um victorious says that the languishing the the oppression is coming from the pressure to make the right move you know then uh jennifer said history trauma and the family i mean we've got all kinds of things here you know trauma in the family you know making the right choices you know wow there's uh now they're making the list keep on going guys everybody has something what what can we do about it once we identify it what are some steps that we can do to help us break free well i think first and foremost we have to be willing i think what they're doing right now by owning it is major um owning it is the beginning but in owning it i think we need to be able to say um that i am at a place where i'm aware that i have been carrying excess baggage and unfinished business and it's troubled me deeper than my conscious awareness and i feel like i'm ready to reconcile some of these things so i can move on so for example and and again this is a rather um this could be a this is a rather comprehensive subject so i mean when i like if i do teaching on this i have spent i spent over a year teaching on this on sundays and midweeks in our house um and then i ended up turning it into a three-year journey in our church wow um just be and and themed it based on the church calendar and resurrection uh passover resurrection tabernacles pentecost all of that i i i i i placed it within the journey of discipleship and um but but the fact is katie that we have this reality in us of who christ is as our lord and savior who has made us to bear his image and likeness so he's with us he's in us and he is what makes us complete but walking in that completion requires me allowing his spirit within me to search my heart and to test my mind so think about searching the heart and then testing the mind i the lord search your heart and test your mind so the heart in the bible in scripture in psychology would be called the unconscious okay the mind would be called the understanding so there's stuff that's buried deep in the in the waters of our spirit that runs deeper than what's in our mind our minds can only hold three to five pieces of information at once now if you and i were albert einstein and we were geniuses seven to nine but most of us aren't albert einstein so most of us can only hold three to five pieces of information at once in our minds but what is below the level of our conscious awareness and and and below the level of what we think we know is what's really going on and whatever is in the heart whatever is in the unconscious is in control and whatever's down there that i've buried alive comes back to haunt me in my middle years and what it's saying is there's unfinished business in the past and what you're trying to do is change yourself instead of accept the past there's just some things that we went through as children and as a and as as young adults that that relate to fear anxiety rejection isolation social anxiety all those things that wounded us i can't get my childhood back it's a it's a profound misbelief to think i can get it back but what i've got to do is grieve what i lost and then put it to rest in other words i can't fix that first of all i've got to stop trying to fix myself god didn't call us to fix ourselves we're not mechanical robots we're human beings and so my my psyche my emotions my feelings my moods my conditions my perceptions all of those things have been tainted by my wounding and i end up wearing those things in my body my biology and my biography look alike uh you you and i have both been around people that maybe they're 50 years old but they look like they're 75 because their life story is written all over their body they they're hunched over their skin sags their their their countenance drops their level of stresses such that it's wearing away their biology and their biography are are showing up because we're embodied and so learning how learning how to look at the past and say okay i can't go back and change the past but i can acknowledge it happened but i can as an adult learn how to make the kind of decisions where i'm not driven by my unmet needs but i own those needs and allow the spirit to lead me in places by streams of living water where i can find wholeness and well-being because i'm assured of that the lord is my shepherd i shall not want but i've got to give him room to touch those areas because if i'm carrying all that stuff at a deep level and i don't know it i need god to just i need to say search me o god and know my heart yeah try me and know my anxious thoughts and see if there be any hurtful way in me and lead me in the everlasting way well when david prays that prayer in psalm 139 all of us have this sense that this probably unfinished business but i'm not supposed to diagnose myself i'm not supposed to go looking for it i've gotta trust that god will stir it up when i'm ready to face it and say i'm gonna bring this up these are negative emotions and i don't want you to run away from them i want you to own them i want you to face them and i want you to find out what they've been saying to you that's less than who i called you to be yeah does that make sense it absolutely makes sense no no did you hear that guys listen i want to just pull a couple points from what mark just said number one you know try try my thoughts right when you need to have an awareness if you're feeling anxious or depressed something is going on in the inner man realm in your soul realm that's your signal that you need to set yourself aside and do what mark is saying to let the holy spirit come examine um test the mind reveal to you why are you anxious right now what's really the root of it why are you feeling depressed what what is the cause of that it could be something that happened to you years and years ago and now the lord through the action of the holy spirit is bringing it up to you and you have to recognize those moments and agree with god and move into that place of allowing god to minister to you don't just keep on gripping and and remaining anxious or remaining fearful but recognize something needs to be healed and i'm going to allow the holy spirit to minister to me right now mark you said part of that process is owning it does that mean in in in layman christian terms to repent of any sin connected to it to forgive people that are connected to that memory or the thing that's making you anxious just on the basic practical level is that part of quote owning it um some of it can be sometimes um we we assume something is wrong with us when in actual fact um or that we did something wrong in other words guilt and shame tend to travel together i uh but guilt guilt tells me i did something wrong shame tells me there's something wrong with you now when the holy spirit convicts us of sin that word convict doesn't mean he makes us feel miserable it means he convinces us this is a sin now obviously there are many sins we commit that we don't know but what i wouldn't do is go if the spirit is showing us this is sinful it never comes in a condemning way we can own that but sometimes it's not so much sin it's an accumulation of stress and pain from someone who may have wronged us but we hear it as there's something wrong with me and we're clothed with shame and and then we feel like there's something wrong with us when in actual fact we have taken someone else's projection of blame and their projection of how they see us as less than they are and we clothe ourselves with a false identity of of shame and in doing that we lose perspective of who we are katie when i went through my dark season um and it was a it was a lengthy season it was a three and a half year period um the anxiety was extremely severe and and then depression set in because if anxiety sticks around long enough and it's harassing enough um it travels with depression but when that kind of anxiety hits your mind and you get in these feedback loops where you don't feel like you can function um you lose your perspective of who you are i needed some close friends to tell me mark this is who you are you're not you're not who you think you are right now this is not who you are normally this is gonna pass i mean and it took a long time but but i lost perspective there was a but there was a lot of pain in my life at that point i had been you know i i had i had been riding the the wave of what i guess we would call you know success in in the christian world the ministry but i was i was blowing and going nonstop and my body was beginning to give out and my emotions were wearing out i was pouring out pouring out pouring out but nothing was coming back and then i had a perfect storm with some situations in the family with our kids and it and then we got into a new building with very high indebtedness and we lost almost 2 000 people overnight and wow i had no idea where the the the finances were going to come to take care of the mortgage and it was a perfect storm i i wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy but in the source in the sorting out of that season i began to realize how many areas in my journey i had been driven by a need for approval driven by a need for belonging driven now it's one it's okay to want to belong it's okay to want to be approved of but it can get to a place where you feel like unless i do this i'm not good enough unless i do that i'm not good enough and you would think that would be a shocking thing for someone that's supposed to have as a pastor supposed to have answers for everybody else when and then you hear it then you hear in your own heart physician heal myself and you realize you can't because we can't heal ourselves and um how can we safeguard mark in this process against conviction turning into condemnation that we shouldn't be carrying how do we say so here's what i do now and i katie i have done this since the very beginning of my journey with jesus okay when artemis cries out lord jesus son of david have mercy on me a sinner that little prayer has traveled with me for 48 years i wake up praying it i go to bed praying it and i do my best every day as i trust in the lord to guide my steps to keep short accounts with god so if something comes up where i my emotions get the best of me i i'm very aware i just surrender it to the lord but when i'm dealing with hidden fears that go back a long way and and and and i don't understand in my head how to let go of the fear even though i can quote perfect love casts out fear until i realize if i'm tormented it means i'm not perfected in love so no matter what i give lip service to about who god is at some deep level in my heart it's hard for me to let god love me or accept that he loves me just the way i am and we've got to begin from a foundation of who is god he is the triune god of love god doesn't have love god is love so i can't come to healing until i realize i'm in relationship with a god who loves me perfectly as imperfect as i am i don't need to be afraid of god shining a light on areas in my life god's not going to make me feel like i'm less than people can make me feel like i'm less than yeah but the god of love is going to say son i'm shining a light on this area this is sabotaging your well-being this is eating away at your sense of of esteem this is destroying your true self concept of who you are in me and and and i want you to face this and behind this there's a fear that goes back a long way and i want you to just own the feeling so i can show you what the fear is below it because between here in my head and here in my heart the the so if this is like the tip of the iceberg and everything else is down here here is where my feelings are just as a diagram and i can't get to the deep stuff until i own my feelings you know the bible in the simplicity of perfect love casts out fear and the torment that comes with it so it's hard for us to get healed guys if we don't think god even likes us and we don't understand the love of god but that's when you you know when i feel like that because i've definitely had moments like that like oh you're you're dirty you're a sinner you lose your cool you do this you do that i've had all those condemning thoughts i've i've had those thoughts i don't deserve to get this breakthrough i've blown it here i've blown it there when i do that i just do the simplicity of looking up love scriptures you know jesus loved us so much he died for us when we were still yet on the you know out in the street on our sin in our sin i mean you know that nothing can separate us from the love of god height death with we that paul prayed we'd experience the love of god and he prayed that for a reason because when we know how much god loves us no matter if you just screamed at your spouse or not or you've been you know really horrible to your children and then but you're in your need of god's touch and you're thinking i don't deserve it because i'm a terrible mother or whatever the thoughts are that your own soul or the enemy's been putting in your mind if we don't know god's love for us is unconditional then we're not going to believe or or be able to be positioned to receive healing do you agree with that oh yeah and i think the culture we live in thrives on making us feel like we're less i mean our whole culture is a celebrity culture we've got to look perfect we've got to feel perfect we've got to be at the top of our a game all the time um if we're not economically successful according to what all the gurus say there's something wrong with us um and so our subjective sense of well-being gets thrown in the trash and then our perceptions and our evaluations of our life affect our emotions they affect our moods they affect our physiological responses we we store up stress i katie there are many times when i'll pray for people and i'll lay hands on them and i'll all of a sudden be aware they're carrying tension and i'll ask them a question about where they're where they're carrying their attention and they'll say here or in their neck and i'll say well just put your hand on your on the back of your shoulder where your neck is and just just own that because a feeling shows up in our body that's what makes it a feeling the emotion is in the mind but the feeling is in the body and i'll say okay just just in the presence of god i want you to just be aware that you're stuffing your pain right here and all of that stuff is there and and let's find out why that's there and then we'll pray and and then and then oftentimes the pain will intensify which means they're thawing out but they don't know they're thawing out it's been frozen and now they're owning it and it feels worse before it feels better but then i'll say what what's behind this and uh what are some of the things that what's the feeling behind this and then they'll say i'm not good enough i said well that's strange i'll i'll i'll say that's strange that you lay your hand on the back of your shoulder and you feel the pain and the pain is telling you i'm not good enough well the body is telling us something all the time and so i'll say where did you learn that notice i don't ask them where did it come from i said where did you learn that and they'll say well i don't know i'll say well what is your erection hold your hand there and tell me what your earliest recollection is of i'm not good enough and invariably you know solomon says the heart knows its own bitterness invariably if they get quiet they will remember the earliest recollection of the i'm not good enough and i will then take them through a process of what's behind the i'm not good enough because there are usually about four or five layers of self-talk deeper than the i'm not good enough that they've got to get in touch with that are actually a life script that they've been unconsciously living that's been creating these feelings that block them from feeling like they're whole and well and that they're flourishing and and will take them through a healing process so that um they can be in good spirits they can flourish there's um they can perceive that life can be satisfying there's not a sense of i'm not interested or excited about things i my passion can come back all those kind of things you know mark um we've got about 12 minutes left and i want even though we're you know online right now and we're not touching each person individually the holy spirit is and so i really do want to walk people through a healing activation which we're going to do in one minute guys i want you to first i want you to share the broadcast okay i want you to share the broadcast because mark's going to walk us through releasing those things that are that are bubbling up in your soul that have been afflicting you and causing you to languish so that you can flourish and even feel a release of tension and pain in your physical body so please share the video right now share this feed right now and as you're doing that don't forget i have people online saying katie i just signed up for um faith now and it's amazing and like i told you guys uh i really want you to do this if we blessed you in any way over all these years of television broadcasting then i'm asking you for your help right now okay 1.99 a month for faith now which includes kdtv 24 hours of miracle working soul healing power and revelation okay and then the also the isn it's supernatural sid roth network is on faith now so all of the amazing anointed gifted um prophets seers miracle workers that he has on his network and also kenneth copeland's network okay victory tv is on there as well as thousands of churches with their worship their sunday services their wednesday night services they're all available to you and we've got hundreds and hundreds of christian faith-based movies clean awesome wholesome entertainment for your family all in faith now it's only 1.99 a month guys 1.99 that's less that's less than a small french fry a small french fry at the drive-thru okay so and it's much more nutritious much more nutritious go to faith now dot a p p faith now dot app i need you to put in kdtv in the discount code because that will tell the powers that be my partner dr andre that you guys signed up because i asked you to and you responded to the call put katie tv in the discount code and you'll get a month free if you pay for the whole year a 1999 because you'll get two months free when you put kdtv in the discount code man it's like entertainment all in one spot you don't need to search around you don't need to go to youtube and listen to all those commercials and pay 15.99 for them not to to put commercials in your feeds you can get it all right there okay go to faithnow.app put kdtv in the discount code to get two months for free if you sign up for the whole year or a month for free if you do it month by month uh mark thanks for being my guest today look we're going to put the lower third down below you so people can go to your site but now i want you to um after the broadcast but i want you to lead people into some of these truths because people are hurting right now online putting in the most hurting in their body they're in their their thoughts they're being tormented and i believe that we can get them some release we've got about 10 minutes so take your time you've got 10 minutes okay so is it okay if i i lead in a few different prayers and they follow me absolutely they bring it they bring it to spit i don't want to put listen i don't want to put words in anyone's mouth but i would ask you to allow me to lead you because i've done these things for years now absolutely and and i i want to give you language that can help bring to speech the pain so for those of you that right now may be battling anxiety i want i want to start with you i want you to just say these words with me heavenly father heavenly father i come to you i come to you not in my own merit not in my own merit but through your son but through your son my savior my savior the lord jesus the lord jesus by the power of his spirit by the power of his spirit lord jesus lord jesus i am piggybacking on you i am piggybacking on you relying on you as my faithful high priest relying on you as my faithful high priest i know you embrace me fully i know you embrace me fully i now as best as i can i know as best as i can embrace you fully embrace you fully by your spirit by your spirit in this time of prayer in this time of prayer i desire i desire to get past to get past this anxiety this anxiety i have so many apprehensions i have so many apprehensions that distract me from being present to the moment that distract me from being present in the moment i have what if thinking i have what if thinking and i end up fearing worst case scenarios and i end up fearing worst case scenarios and my body is exhausted and my body is exhausted i want to know i want to know how to find my way out how to find my way out of this distress of this distress i don't want these negative emotions i don't want these negative emotions to control my life to control my life lord jesus lord jesus your father said your father said that you were my bread you are my life that you're my life i want to feed on you i want to feed you i want to thank you i will drink from you going you are right when you are here and my deliverer my deliverer you said lord you dead lord would deliver the heart and those who were in trouble and though swirring troll i've done my best i've done my best to wrestle free to try to wrestle free and be anxious and be anxious for nothing but i have a feeling but i have a feeling that what i'm doing that what i'm doing is intensifying my anxiety is intensifying anxiety i bring all of that to you bring all of that to you right now right now i hold it before you i hold it before you and i allow you now god oh you know god to look at all that's there look at all that's there and make me realize and make me realize that underneath all that underneath all that is the foundation is the foundation of your everlasting love of your everlasting love father father your everlasting arms your everlasting arms your son your son and your spirit and your spirit are way deeper are way deeper in me in me than this anxiety than this anxiety i ask i ask that those arms that those arms would begin to lift or begin to lift this anxiety this anxiety and show me in my heart and show me in my heart where i have allowed where i have allowed worst case scenario thinking worst case scenario thinking to rob me to rob me of living in your absolute love of living in your absolute love and your peace and your peace thank you father thank you father that you hear me when i cry that you hear me when i cry you will never fail me you will never fail me you'll never forsake me you'll never forsake me i am confident i am confident in you in you and i declare and i declare that i shall see that i shall see your goodness your goodness in the land of the living in the land of the living this will not take me out this will not take me out i will do more than survive this i will do more than survive this through christ through christ and his love and his love you will sustain me you will sustain me and i will overcome and i will overcome in jesus name in jesus name you know let's let's have everyone lay a hand on any place they're carrying that tension in your body we've got about four minutes left lay your hand on where there's pain disorder tension and we're going to have mark minister to that place to release that memory in your body that your body is responding to because of the negative feelings and thoughts that you have in your soul so lay your hand on that place and as they do that mark can you minister to that sure father i thank you that you are present to us and never absent from us lord jesus you said you would never leave us or forsake us when you cried out my god my god why hast thou forsaken me you were giving voice to our isolation and pain so that we could hear you say i will never leave you or say right now as your spirit is moving in through us and upon us you are very aware of the sensations we are feeling in our body knowing that our bodies at a cellular level remember emotional pain the best we can do right now father is surrender that to you but lord i thank you that in that surrender the same spirit that raised jesus from the dead is present and working from the depths of our being and moving into every area of tension moving into every area of pain moving into every area where fear and uncertainty have lodged themselves in stress and in strain on our muscle tissues and our nerve endings and now father i thank you for releasing an impartation of your amazing grace that will come specifically with healing bomb for our physical bodies and rest for our emotions even now father we welcome your healing presence we welcome the healing presence of your spirit even now we give you thanks that you are moving that you are brooding that you are overshadowing that you are quickening that you are releasing we bless what you are doing by the power of your spirit and we give you thanks for healing us in jesus name thank you lord thank you lord and we thank you right now i just decree everyone who has pain that that spirit of pain has to leave tension has to go fear you are cast out anxiety you are broke spirit and 40 men go now off the people in the name of jesus and i command more ability to return to who's the males jesus now and i thank you lord cracking in my ears some cracking into place right now so maybe test your knees stand up walk around uh maybe go up your stairs go around your sofa or if you're you know in your car to stop light throw it in park and don't mess up but test out your knees okay uh just give it a test and then i want you to chat in to tell me if the pain is lessened and where it's lessened how much is less than by your 10 is listed chat in first right now mark we're going to put up on your website that was so powerful i really believe people they're just chatting in amen amen thank you thank you i mean people are they said i needed this that's the coalition of the of the consensus there online i needed this you know tell us where we can where everyone can go to get a class on more inner healing one of your schools what do they do yeah on on um on the mark sharona.com website we have an entire link to all of our materials particularly i've now got a whole lot of webinars that we've done on healing from the inside out lord my emotions are getting the best of me jesus my feelings are hurting got a whole lot of stuff that they can order there online many of the webinars are two and a half hours long they're content rich and then there are also cd and dvd series the titles all speak for themselves with the best of psychology so much of the emphasis of what i do is about the healing of our our humanness to become whole so a lot there's a lot there on the website let me just read you what's happening um maria says pain tmj pain has listened uh brian's attention my neck completely gone okay um uh devs very powerful my eyes are filled with tears um dr s says uh way less pain um shoulder pain is gone we definitely are getting uh we're definitely getting uh testimonies right now we've run out of time mark cirona thanks for joining us we'll have you back and everybody we'll see you next time on faith with katie you
Channel: Katie Souza
Views: 5,808
Rating: 4.9337749 out of 5
Id: ubflwpmmrKg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 22sec (3562 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 24 2021
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