Idols Riot: Alabama - The 1000 Fold Blessing & Finding Freedom from the Power of Idols - Katie Souza

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he prays that you had been increased a thousand times more than you already are as he has promised so there was this promise of the of a thousand-fold increase now of course i i i didn't have the faith for it i had the faith for 30 60 100 you know but i didn't have a faith for a thousand and i wasn't sure if it was financial so i asked the lord i said well is that even financial he goes well look it up so i started looking up the words inside that scripture and i looked up the number one thousand and the number one thousand not only means the letter but it means this flocks herds goats sheep that was wealth in those days so saying a thousand times more than you already are as he has promised it's a promise that not very many people have tapped into all the promises of god are yes and amen in christ jesus so this was a promise so the lord said i'm going to give you durrani 111 promise and then he boom next day i get a call from my my my uh manager she said you're not going to believe this this lady came she came from canada i let her stay at the ministry house she said they're looking for a house for themselves they went out all week looking for a house and they they couldn't find one couldn't find one couldn't find one they looked at so many houses the lady finally said oh well you sent me here from canada to look for a house and i every one of them you said no no two uh what's up and he said well because i didn't send you here to buy a house for yourself i sent you here to bless the ministry so they wrote us a hundred thousand dollar check so we could have a place now if that's not a deuteronomy 11 i don't know what all right from that day on god began to show me 111 11's everywhere i go i mean i would go and cook something in the microwave if i reach up to stop it it'd be at 1 minute 11 seconds in i'd be driving down the road and you know listening to worship music and you know be singing along and all of a sudden the lord would have me sovereignty look down at the at the cd player right when it was like track one eleven seconds in i mean i i would i would look at my phone when i was talking to somebody and i would be looking at it right when the conversation was one minute 11 seconds into the conversation people would text me at 111 i'd walk by the tv i live in phoenix and it would say the weather today is 111 degrees and believe it or not i would be saying thank god it's not 117. i mean you know 111 was everywhere everywhere one time i went to patricia king's meeting one night and and i was sitting in the back and i was working i had a blackberry at that time get behind me satan and i'm working on it and it froze up on me and my emails and i'm trying to get my you know out of the application power down my phone it won't do it and she starts preaching on the deuteronomy 111 blessing i was like it's not just me if the mama is talking about it it must be real right so i'm sitting there trying listening to her preach i'm getting my faith up and also and i realized as i looked down that my phone had gotten stuck um on my email app when the 111th email came in yeah it was my 111th email and i remember saying what are you trying to say to me god he goes i'm trying to tell you that i just showed you how serious i am about this 111 blessing so serious that i sent you an email about it and it got stuck on it because i'm stuck on this message [Music] and god began to have me go and preach it to churches everywhere i mean the first church i i preached it to i got off the i got off the plane um god had released me to release it corporately to churches the pastor is a very good friend of mine i could get him on the phone right now he'll verify all these stories he goes running up to me and i go pastor first words out of my mouth i said pastor i've been released to give the thousand-fold blessing out and he goes i already know i already got it and i was like what i didn't even call you and tell you he goes you didn't have to your angel came to me yesterday and gave it to me and i'm like really he goes yeah and i got proof because after he came i said i went to to go try to sell a house that i've been trying to sell for five years without a single offer he goes and i was got a phone call from my wife go somebody wants to meet you at the house and i was so disgusted with that house that i said no i ain't going i'm tired of that house i'm not going i'm not gonna waste my time and she's like did you forget what you got this morning he's like oh yeah it was like go go over there and meet them and and and talk to them about this house so he calls up the guy the guy says yeah i want to see the house and he goes okay fine i'll meet you over there and he hangs up the phone he goes lord i will go over there but you got to have that guy sell and he's got to buy he's got to buy it i got to sell it in five minutes five minutes lord that's it otherwise i quit so he drives over there the guy shows up he goes oh wow beautiful house it's on the golf course wow marble marble countertops whoa fireplace wow i love the floors well i'll take it five minutes sold the house he hadn't been sold in five years 350 000 dollar blessing so i go to his church that night and i'm like okay i'm going to preach this message right so i'm all amped up now because now we got my testimony we got his testimony i'm super excited right and i'm preaching about deuteronomy 11 and i'm going for it right and there's this guy and he's sitting like right on this side of the of the row kind of right where behind where you're sitting sir and he's leaning out towards me he's looking at me like this like really guess who he was the treasure for the church oh great man of faith for finances so he's looking at me like no way disgusted looking right and i'm preaching away and it finally i it comes time to take the offering and he he gets about his seat and he he whips the 10th spot out of his back pocket he kind of saunters up like this and he looks at me like this and he throws the money in the bucket like this like there you go little girl and walks away next day a guy comes up to me he never met and said i don't know why but i'm supposed to write you a ten thousand dollar check next day next day now i can call pastor right now and all these testimonies i'm telling you he would prove that i'm not making up anything then i'm telling you exactly what happened then there was this couple in the same church this man had worked for a warehouse company for 20 years 20 years he shows up faithfully every day he is like the dream employee never messes up never as late never gets sick after 20 years he finally gets hurt he gets hurt and he has to go for rehab okay so he goes for rehab he's in that in the meeting that night okay he goes for rehab this is like five years earlier and he tries to get better they rehabilitated him for the injury then he goes back to work and he finds out he's still injured he can't continue so he has to go out again and go for more rehab and when that happens the second time the company that he's worked for faithfully for 20 years fires him so now he's like i can't believe it i gave you guys my all and you did that i got hurt one time and and so him and his wife prayed they felt released by the lord to sue them to take them to court so they did and they lost so then they appealed it and they went back to court again and they lost so then they appealed that they went back to court again and they lost five times five times they went to court to try to get what was justly do him and they lost now this was five years before i saw them that night and then what happens i'm preaching the deuteronomy 11 message they get their faith up they come and they throw some money in the bucket five days later they get a letter a letter from the court on a closed case and inside is a forty thousand dollar check look you may be needing to sell a house that hasn't sold for a long time or uh you've got a court case where you got robbed or ripped off and you think oh it's already closed there's no way i can get my money there's no way i'd sell this house i can't get the money that i put in and out of it no god is causing you to have a thousand-fold increase as he has promised you amen this is real stuff this is real stuff now just to let you know i don't preach this message i don't preach this message unless i've seen a lot of 111's coming into a meeting so i don't know heidi how many times did you see 111 in the last week and a half five six times okay just in the last four days uh we were driving we were driving to marco island to do television as we're driving demarco island to do three days of television which we just ended yesterday to uh on faith television network which i'm part owner of and which goes to all the nations right i happened to look down at our at our gps right when there was 111 miles left i have the screenshot on my phone okay then we we went all the way back roads back roads we come out onto the main freeway right at exit 111 i got a screenshot on my phone we're doing the broadcast the other day to the nations the broadcast just started here comes the viewers are starting to come onto social media i happen to look i'm sitting on the set now like we are live i'm sitting on the set now with my ipad and my phone i look down as the countdown is coming out and it comes right up to i look down and it's right at 111 viewers and it stays there long enough for me to take out my phone find my find my phone app and click a photo of it okay 111 everywhere i'm in the plane coming here i don't think you're getting it yet i'm in the plane coming here taking a snooze in the plane because i've been out for three weeks okay working for the man and that one too okay all right and i take this news i open my eyes right when there's what 111 miles left on the trip it's on my trip tracker flight tracker on my screen in delta airlines i got a picture of it okay like go back you can see and there's way more than that i would not oh god i don't know i don't think you're understanding it okay i would not be preaching this message unless i seen that now let me tell you some of the more miracles that happened there was another meeting with a woman there her husband had left her in the middle of the night didn't tell her he was leaving packed his bags okay snuck out and gutted the bank account when he left yeah right i don't know if you all know me but i did time in prison so i used to collect for people that's why right that was my favorite job doing collections i love going to get money from people who are sassy and don't think they owe people money or have taken money from people so when i heard that story i was like oh right so she she's there with nothing she has no skills she has no money she doesn't know what she's gonna do he took all the money okay and so she comes to the meeting i'm preaching the deuteronomy 11 blessing she's got literally change in her pocket she comes up and throws the change into the into the bucket and says i need that guy i need it super bad five days later i don't know why but some of these things happen right away or they happen like five days later five days later guess what she gets a letter from the ex he's apologizing that's right he's apologizing says all his fault has nothing to do with her and he apologizes for taking all the cash and inside check check so the pastor calls me up and says do you want to believe it she got a letter of apology and a check and i said add a check and he goes hannah's check and i go good thing because if there was no check in the letter i'd go get it for her so it's a good thing when god does a collection on you and not me amen but see how god people could have ripped you off and burnt you a lot of people in here have been ripped off and burnt but god wants to give you back a thousand times more not just seven not just seven but a thousand times more a thousand times more then there was this lady who came to the meeting when i was preaching deuteronomy 11. she goes to the meeting and she her husband also left her she's been divorced she has no skills she thinks what am i gonna do now i gotta get it i gotta create a business i gotta get a job i gotta do something well she always wanted to be a silk screener silk screener she thought that's what i'll do i'll start start a t-shirt silk screening company so she goes out and she buys a rickety old used silk screening machine it still works but it's old and it's used and but it's hers so she buys it but she has no clients no customers you know barely even knows how to do it just learning comes to the meeting she sews into the message when i speak about the deuteronomy 111 okay then what happens just a few days later she gets a phone call she gets a phone call from a guy in the government who runs in that city the the government the city runs the power grid okay so he calls her and says i want to hire you and give you the governmental contract for all the t-shirts in for the power company and she goes wow okay well like like who would give a governmental contract to a person that works out of their house with a rickety old used silk screening machine that doesn't even really know what they're doing yet so she goes this is amazing she goes uh okay yes absolutely she goes but can i ask you a question he goes sure and she goes how did you get my number because i don't have any cards yet [Music] and he goes i don't know of course we know of course we know of course we know you know what god can give you wisdom to do something that you've been dreaming of that's in your heart something you've been going i really would like to do that but i don't really know how but god can give you the know-how supernaturally and he can connect you with major open doors that you could never get without his help and that's how he can cause you to increase a thousand times more than you already are do you believe it if you believe it reach up and pull it in pull it in pull in that wisdom pull in that favor pull in that revelation pull in an activation pull it in pull it in because god wants to give it to you amen he wants to give it to you i hear there's many people in here that will make a difference in this planet because god's about to launch you into something that you never thought you could have because he wants to increase you a thousand times more than you already are then you already are then you already are and real estate i got to say this one again because we just talked about a real estate one but i got to say this one again because this one's so good because so many people right now are believing for land deals for buildings for real estate okay and it can happen to you this lady walked up to me i was doing a meeting and she walked out and she said like she goes four years ago i was in a meeting in yours and you were doing the deuteronomy 1 11 preach i said yeah i don't do that everywhere i only do it where i see a bunch of 111's and i know guys releasing me to do it she goes yeah yeah you said that she goes and when i was there i sewed into it i said well what happened she goes my mother died 11 years ago and i was like at that point it had been 11 years and i'm like oh i'm sorry she goes yeah thank you but you know here's what happened after my mom died my inheritance was her house that was my inheritance she goes so i put her house in the market and did not get one single offer for 11 years 11 years with not a single offer and i was like oh my god she goes yeah she goes with that night oh god i sewed into the dude ryan 111 i received it in my heart she goes and the next day she goes i didn't get just one i got two offers i took the highest one and i have my inheritance now you know a lot of you got robbed from an inheritance or there's an inheritance out there that you don't even know about you don't even know about it but god is going to pay you back where you were ripped off maybe your siblings or someone in your family or some stranger took your inheritance or maybe you didn't even know you had one but jesus can bring he brings everything into the light he brings everything into the light and god is going to reveal inheritances to people inheritances of money inheritances of land inheritances of building inheritances of wealth inheritance is a favor because god is prospering people a thousand times more than they already are i'm telling you just a few 111's i told you i could go to my phone right now and scroll through and go oh yeah there's that one too oh yeah there's that other one oh yeah this one i saw one elevens one elevens one elevens one limbs for the first time in months and months and months i've not preached this message for over a year and a half okay did you hear me okay oh i'm sorry i appreciate kissimmee which was two weeks ago but that was the first time in a year now so this is the second time i've preached it in a year and a half i ain't joking i ain't playing because this is real do you know that that it died down for a while the first time and then when it picked up again like a couple years later i appreciate preacher preach it and boom i got a hundred thousand dollar blessing again my second one boom okay then it died down again boom it it goes in waves we're on the wave right now we're up on the crest we're up on the crest riding the wave riding the wave riding the wave riding the wave i remember i was a patricia king conference this was a big one it was in fountain hills in in in arizona there was 1500 people there i started preaching this message i didn't even get 15 minutes into it and people were mobbing the stage mobbing 1500 people mobbing the stage i was going out praying for people people were flying around the room i was flying around the room it was crazy and miracles were happening during the preach during the preaching the 15 minutes there was an actor there he'd been trying to get a job in hollywood you know how hard it is to get a job as an actor in hollywood it's very hard okay that guy had been trying for months even years to get a job in hollywood as an actor well he got texas from his agent for two jobs during the 15-minute preach okay there's a guy what's his name something springer heidi who what's his name steven springer he's a big evangelist in wisconsin working on a land deal had been working on him for years he's sitting there during the preach he flips open his laptop looks down in his email the land deal he'd been waiting for came in came in the offer came in during the preach this one lady she came up crying she said i've had this skin company for like a year a year and i've never made a single sale in a year she goes i got four of them four of them during the preach yeah keep your eye on the texting i mean it's like wow crazy okay like it was amazing a brazilian lady she was so funny she came up to testify and she goes i had the divorce for my husband this is the divorce he took me all the money i didn't have no money i didn't have no credit so to get back at him for revenge i would make a credit card and run up the bill so it would go on his credit did you get what i said i was like uh yeah that's fine is that funny it is funny yeah okay it's funny right and she goes but all this time and now he has a good friend and all this house and everything and i don't have a house i don't have no house and i'll be trying to get me a house and every time i apply for me house i don't have the credit so i can't give me my house she goes and i've been begging everybody please i just want to rent me my house and she goes and i never can give me my house because but during what you're preaching you're preaching and they get a text and i got me the house i got my house another lady came up and she told me a story she said oh about six months ago you you preached this message online she goes my friend she goes i'm from canada and i've been living in the united states and i just had ran out of money because i ran out of money but i have this piece of land in canada and it wasn't selling wasn't selling wasn't selling she goes so my friend knew that i was in desperate need so she calls and uh says uh uh you need to watch katie scissors she's gonna she's gonna preach on the deuteronomy 111 blessing she goes so i watched you online i saw what happened i sold 200 bucks she goes four days later my attorney calls me and says you know i know you're broke i have the money to buy your property i'm gonna front you the money and take control of the property and when it sells i'll take the money now listen listen i used to be a drug dealer you don't front you know front okay he front her 674 thousand dollars hello somebody's gonna front you money are you ready i want you to get out i want you to speak to the holy spirit right now i want you to ask the holy spirit holy spirit i want it say i want it i want it i need it it's the truth it's a promise it's in the word i need you to give it to me i claim it now tell me what seed to plant holy spirit okay now get quiet and let him tell you what seed okay go let me have the the keyboard up thank you jesus thank you lord thank you jesus i just want you to be obedient to do what you just heard if it's five bucks it's five bucks if it's 500 be brave obey okay you can there's letter there's envelopes on the seats you can go if you're watching online you can go to idols riot healing school and miracle services and you punch that and you give right there and you can also text to give 520-221-2181 okay text give to that number text give to that number you can see ways to give right there on the board you can do cash app you can do online you can do all these different ways can i have a bucket up here because i want to pray over every offering that comes up i want i want to release a thousand full blessing now how many of you already been seeing 111's okay i release you seeing 111s now to build your faith to collect the mantle that i'm going to release right now all right now get your offering ready i'm going to pray over every offering thank you lord thousandfold i have to create right now i release the mantle and the seeds i release the mantle on every seed right now in the name of jesus right now thank you god a thousand fold on that seed a thousand fold right now thousandfold thousandfold in jesus name right now in the name of jesus right now right now i decree it as he has promised as he has promised as he has promised as he has promised a thousand times more than you already are for homes for revelation for jobs for open doors for opportunities for justice for justice for healing for breakthrough right now in jesus name right now i release the thousand fold i touch and agree with you i touch and agree with you say touch and agree we touch and agree we touch and agree right now i touch and agree right now for every seed right now in the name of jesus in jesus name right now in jesus name right now right now in the name in the name right now in the name right now in the name right now thank you lord thousandfold i touch and agree with everyone right now that you will receive the mantle right now the mantle that manifestation i command manifestation of a thousand fold right now in jesus name right now in the name of jesus right now and precious in the name of jesus precious in jesus name right now every seed every scene say as you're coming up say i want my thousand fold i receive it lord come on say show me my 111s show me my 111s thank you lord thank you lord i bless these seeds right now i bless them in jesus name right now in the name of jesus right now in the name of jesus right now in the name of jesus right now right now right now right now i hear many many people that have had projects that kept on crashing they're not going to crash anymore not going to crash anymore not going to crash anymore you're going to see fulfillment of your promises fulfillment of your deals for fulfillment of those business arrangements fulfillment fulfillment of the manifestations right now in jesus name right now right now in the name of jesus now when you see 111 this is what i want you to do i want you to say i see it it's mine now manifest what are you going to say when you see 111 i see it it's mine now manifest do it again i see it it's mine now manifest two more times i see it it's mine now manifest now give god a big shout out [Music] thank you lord right here's another woman thank you thank you jesus oh right here pastor sorry sorry okay so look we're going to talk about idols tonight what are idols is that is that an old testament subject no no it's a new testament it's a now subject look they had a lot of idols back in the day but uh we have them today too you can make an idol out of anything your kids yourself shopping money cars family husband wife business ministry all of it you can make an idol out of anything thank you okay let's give a big hand i'll need you back but i'll need you back okay how do you know if you made something international you spend excessive amount of times think time thinking about it you catch your mind going to that thing a lot dwelling on it thinking about it thinking about if it's a thing thinking about how it weighs how to get it well i can skim a little money off of here and hide a little money from my husband off of there and stuff it in my sock in the back of my closet put it on layaway and then i'll pay this piece and that part and you know what i mean you manipulate your life and people and situations so you can get it i repent for that lord that's how you can tell if you've made something into an idol how much time are you thinking about it are you thinking about it more than you think about god or even equal to he doesn't deserve equal time he deserves more time the most time okay idols since we can make anything into an idol are dangerous i'll tell you why because the bible says that when israel worshiped idols they were really worshipping demon spirits because idols aren't just statues there's a statue in front of this building when i pass by i got a headache because don't even think there's not a demon spirit behind it okay it's a god of metal right okay you guys might not know who i am and what i do but one of the biggest miracles that always happened in my meeting you can ask anybody in here that's been to my meetings is metal disappears from people's bodies so i'm going to challenge homie out front now you think what could he be doing to people anybody that has a metal implant or an implant in their body in the city is probably under pain you know he's also i heard the the legend that you know pastor told me about that guy vulcan or what is his name and that's not spock okay that he's not only over metal but he himself got disabled and hurt and this city has more disabled people than any other city in america so that spirit behind that seemingly in you know innocent gigantic ugliest butt statue i don't know why anybody want to worship that it's like it's not like he's adonis or anything okay is making people disabled he's making people disabled now is that in the bible yes revelations 9 20 says that the people worship their demon gods idols that could not see could not hear and could not walk what does that mean that these demons behind these idols can make you deaf dumb blind and crippled disabled these spirits cause you to have issues in your body issues in your finances issues in your family life they attack you if you make anything into an idol it's giving a demon spirit the legal right to make you deaf don't blind and crippled why do you think why do you think there's so many disabled people out there they got idols in their own life so it gives that demon god the right to make them disabled the devil needs a legal landing strip when we have idolatry in our life we're giving it to him do you understand what's a biblical example of some of these deft blind and crippled well think about it okay in lystra there was a man crippled from the womb remember that story in acts 14 man was born crippled from the womb paul is there he sees that that guy has faith to be healed he tells him stand up on your feet and walking he leaps up and it says in the crowd there seeing what paul had done lifted up their voices shouting in the laconia languages the gods have come down to us in human form they call barnabas zeus they call paul hermes and then the priest of zeus whose temple was at the entrance of the town brought bulls and garlands to the city gate and wanted to join the people in offering sacrifices to paul these people this whole city of life store was full of what idol worshipers no wonder that guy was born crippled from the womb in his feet because idols cannot see they can in here and they cannot walk this guy that's over the city which i heard there's like a 300 foot statue of him someplace else he's over i metal that right and he's causing more disability because idols are football they make you when i teach this we're in tomorrow night how many people in here have spinal problems knee back hips neck raise your hands really high you're gonna be healed because we're gonna get free of idols you know how many people i've seen their spines move into place without anybody touching them when they got healed and delivered of the idols in their life because idols are crippled they cannot walk did you hear what i said you guys got to come to the school because in the school we walk you step by step through how to work these miracles idols cannot see and they cannot hear where's an example that in the bible seeing idol seeing remember uh blind bartimaeus son of timaeus jesus passes by he's blind he cries out son of david have mercy on me son of david have mercy on me jesus stops he runs up to him he heals him he's born he he was not born blind but he was a blind man now i noticed i remember thinking what made him blind lord what reading blind i noticed that the scripture said that he was blind bartimaeus son of timaeus i'm like why does it mention that that's not the norm in in in the new testament it doesn't go around telling us the names of people and the names of those people's fathers of the people that jesus healed so why in this story does the story bring up that blind bartimaeus's father was named emmaus you know why because of what the name tomas means to defile oneself with idols temaz was an idol worshiper grew up everybody in the household looking at those idols and but idols cannot see and that idol worship in his family made bartimaeus blind that's one of the reasons i believe he said have mercy on me oh lord because in his god he knew something was wrong he knew something was going on in his family and it was that idol worship that idol worship it made him blind what about death is there anybody in the bible that was deaf because of an idol yes yes you remember the little boy down at the foot of mount of the mount of transfiguration jesus comes down the disciples are there they're all trying to deliver this kid he was deaf dumb and epileptic remember that deaf dumb and epileptic nobody could deliver this kid and everybody's wondering oh how come we can't do it jesus comes along snapping the fingers he delivers that kid from this deaf dumb spirit that also made that kid epileptic okay what made that kid have that death dumb spirit and that epilepsy spirit well in one translation i believe it's mark 9 it says that that child was moonstruck moonstruck that's what they used to call epilepsy in those days moonstruck moonstruck the moon goddess hello one of the most prevalent gods and goddesses worshiped in the ancient times was the moon goddess they worship the sun they worship the moon they worship the planets i mean even the israelites had set up sun moon and planet worship inside the temple of god that had to be cleaned out by by josiah the young king the young reformer king moon worship that was a demon god in his bloodline that made him death though hello when you get rid of these idols in your life this is the biggest plague in the church looking i can go on and on about and i have scripture for all of it just like i gave you the example blind bartimaeus the kid at the bottom of the mount of transfiguration i can give you a scripture for all this that is will cause you skin problems inflammation cancer and gross hemorrhoids ouch you thought these idols were a pain in the butt you're right you are right okay that these animals are causing everything they're controlling your food one of the biggest idols every idle worshipping ceremony in the old testament times had what they brought food to dedicate to their idols so you wonder why you can't stop eating or you're addicted to sugar or you can't stop eating fast food or you eat even when you're not hungry you know it's like me i i know i'm skinny and i look like a problem with idols but let me tell you girlfriend could eat i could out eat any man in this place i'm telling you that right now no problem i mean for my 10th birthday my mom made me a porterhouse steak this big took up a platter the biggest baked potato there was i eat the whole thing record speed boom she brings up my dessert a half gallon of ice cream still in the carton she just opened the flaps stuck up spoon in it because she knew me six of those huge glazed donuts around the edge of it i ate every bite of it record speed boom that's me 10 years old okay talk about food idols i had them completely controlled by food idols when you get delivered to them you're gonna have control over your food and you're going to lose weight supernaturally i lost 10 pounds one night overnight i woke up in the morning 10 pounds lighter boom it is possible this is not far-fetched if god can take them out a lot of people's bodies he can make you lose your fat just saying it's connected to these idols you know they even steal your gifts remember what revelations 9 20 said idols are they they cannot see they cannot hear they can't speak they cannot walk okay so they make you have hear ear problems ringing buzzing deaf ear you know a lot hearing loss eye problems floaters cataracts glycoma dry eyes blindness make you have speech impediments and they cause you crippling diseases in your body arthritis problems with your spine neck back joints all that other stuff but they also attack your gifts they make it so you can't hear the voice of god you cannot see in the spirit see dreams see visions you cannot speak the prophetic word accurately okay you cannot walk your walk with god is the proof of that in the scriptures yeah corinthians remember corinthians where paul talks about 1 corinthians 12. paul talks about the gifts this is what he says this is in the amplified classic watch he says this now about the spiritual gifts the special endowments of supernatural energy brethren i do not want you to be misinformed you know that when you once were heathen you were led off after idols that could not speak why is he saying look i don't want you to be misinformed about the gifts here's the deal you were once let off after idols that could not speak what is he saying he's warning you he's warning you saying idols in your life are going to get in the way of your gifts it's going to make it so you cannot speak the accurate prophetic word cannot hear the voice of god cannot see in the spirit cannot walk out your walk that's why he gave us that warning i do not want you to be misinformed brethren about the gifts all right so how do these idols get their legal right to attack us in our soul and in the courts look at your soul number one we're gonna talk about the courts tomorrow so i'm not even go there right now but the number one legal ground that these devils have is in your soul it's your soul that lusts after idols your spirit man don't want an idol it's christ in you the hope of glory it's your soul that wants these idols it's your soul that craves that fulfillment of that thing that rush that happens when you you know put something in your cart online stick it in my cart oh that felt good maybe i should get two yeah one two then it felt even better yeah it's your soul that does that your soul lusts after idols and a lot of times listen to me a lot of times our soul lost after idols because our soul has been traumatized we're under so much trauma that we have pain in our soul and we're looking for a way to medicate it we're looking for a way to medicate that pain we're looking for a way to make it feel good so that's why we eat how many of you eat when you're when you're in pain or angry or upset or lonely or depressed okay how do you go shopping when you're lonely depressed and in pain that's it how many of you eat and go shopping when you're depressed okay right how many of you have like like jars full of face cream and shampoo on your sink that you never use and shoes with that you've never put on and you went and bought clothes and you got them home and you put them back on and you look at you went that must have been a clown mirror of the store because this looks terrible and then you never take it back but your soul just had to have it when you were in the store you thought oh that's gonna make me look good feel better oh baby hot yeah hot right your soul just had to have it do you see where i'm going look our soul's tricky back it's a trick bag trick bag hello trick bag we got to get our soul healed and we got to be healed of the trauma too because man we've been through some trauma in this last year we've been through worldwide pandemic trauma masked trauma all kinds of drama baby rama daddy mama everything right we've been through stuff okay we've been through trauma and we're looking for some way to make ourselves feel better so we gotta get our souls healed all right so now we're gonna talk about that and we're gonna activate and then we're gonna work miracles okay so we're gonna talk about how to heal your soul do you know your soul your spirit is made instantly perfect when you're born again in jesus but your soul isn't it's progressive the bible says that you you are transformed into his image in his likeness from glory to glory glory to glory denotes denotes progression it denotes progression step by step we get healed in here the spirit happens boom step by step we get healed in here now you notice it said that we are transformed into his image into his likeness from glory to glory that were transformed there is the same word used for the mount of transfiguration for the mount of transfiguration where jesus went up the mountain you remember the story mark 9 matthew 17 he went up the mountain and what happened as he's sitting there praying all of a sudden his face becomes as bright as the sun his clothing became as wide as light okay and and and you know it was like shining light and then a cloud it says and the amplified bible says a cloud glory cloud it says quote compose the light overshown him right so what showed up on the mountain was glory and light glory and light and then jesus comes down in mark 9 it actually says i don't know do you guys have that scripture back there mark 9 about him still dazzling with light it says that as he's going to heal the boy with the deaf ear that he was still covered with light let me find it because you're going to be impressed you are seriously because i'm going to show you something i'm going to show you that the light of christ is not some witchcraft new age teaching that it's actually a power it's a power that jesus himself used to heal people and he uses it to heal our soul he uses to heal our body amen so it says this i hope i can find it verse 15 and mark 9 of the amplified classic it says and immediately when they saw jesus returning from the holy mount his face and person yet glistening were greatly amazed and ran up and greeted him why does the holy spirit go out of its way to bring up this fact that jesus when he came down from the mount where where his face became brighter than the sun and and there was a glory cloud composed of light overshadowing him why does it go out of its way to say that his face and person were still glistening with that light when he's about to heal a kid that nobody else can heal why why because i'm going to prove to you right now that the light of jesus christ heals you in your soul in your body it's a power it's not just jesus looking sparkling and this is not a new age witchcraft jesus teaching you know why because we had it first because god is light and there is no darkness in him and when god opened his mouth in genesis 1 and he said let there be light and there was light why did it happen in that order because god is light so when he opened his mouth what came out of him was who he is and the light is just not for god to be sparkling or the light of the sky it's an actual power jesus is the light of the world that's what the scripture said and you know what he says in in john 8 12 he says i am the light of the world and he who believes in me will not walk in the dark but will have the light which is life what does that mean we have darkness inside of us darkness of bad wrong thinking darkness of offense and criticism darkness of bitterness darkness of misunderstanding darkness of fear darkness of anxiety darkness of depression we have darkness inside of us but jesus said i am the light of the world whoever believes in me will not have to be walking in the dark but will have what the light which is life you've got to start releasing the light which is life jesus lives in you right now he's the light of the world and his light rings brings life and it overshadows overpowers and destroys all the darkness in your soul including the darkness of idolatry so when he came down off the mount still glistening with light that little boy had idolatry in his soul the father said uh okay if you can do something just do it he goes if i can do something jesus said nothing is impossible with god he said that to the father about the little boy you know what the word impossible means strong in soul strong in soul what jesus was saying is your son has idolatry in his soul that's what's making this dumb spirit come and bring and make him deaf and dumb but i just came down off the mountain with still dazzling with light and my light brings life my light dries out the darkness that's in people's souls and brings life to them so jesus it goes to that point of saying that jesus was still covered with light because the bible is telling us the mechanism that jesus used to heal that little boy that nobody else could heal put your hand on your belly say i've got jesus in me he is the light of the world i believe in him so i don't have to walk in darkness i release light on everything inside me that's dark wrong thinking fear doubt anger bitterness judgmental spirits critical spirits anything that's dark including idolatry i have the light which is life it's spreading from my spirit into my soul to wipe out everything that's dark that's in me i release his light the light of the world right now into every part of my soul mind will and emotions in jesus name now give a shout of praise to god by the way if you look at the word voice in the new testament mark four he says when jesus would speak his voice he would command things to happen right command demons to go command healings to make we look at the word voice you know what it means to shine forth light to be bright to be resplendent to be brought into the light what does that mean jesus lives in you the light of the world your mouth is the gate that lets him out when you open your mouth what happens light comes his light his light he is the light of the world it comes up and out your mouth and it releases into things it releases into the darkness in your mind in the darkness in your will and the darkness in your soul in the darkness in your body in the darkness that's in your children in the darkness that's in your spouse in the darkness that's in your business in the darkness that's in your finances and it brings everything into the light so you can prosper why do you think job 22 28 says this you shall decree a thing and it will be established how many of you have said that scripture before well you're not saying the whole thing because the whole thing says you shall decree thing it shall be established and the light of god's favor will shine upon your ways why does it say that because when you speak a decree it releases the light of the world jesus christ up and out of your spirit out of your mouth onto that thing you're decreeing over and the light goes to that thing you know light travels at 186 000 miles per second it goes to that thing it dries out the darkness and the demonic that's on that thing and then it brings into the light and then your decree is established your voice releases light and then your decrees are established i can't tell you how many big people if i told you names right now if i told you names big people that have called me and asked me to pray for them they'll be in other countries germany italy ireland you name it and i stand in my living room and i make decrees that the light is going into them to drive out the darkness of wrong thinking stuff in their soul sickness in their body and you know what happens boom texting me did you were you just praying for me right now because i just got healed boom were you just praying for me right now because i'm at the doctors and something manifested the doctor can't explain it but i've been healed because you shall decree a thing and it shall be established because the light of jesus christ shines upon your ways open your mouth right now say the light is coming up and out of my spirit out of my mouth towards my soul towards my mind towards my will towards my emotions to heal me of all idolatry to heal me of all trauma to heal me of all pain to heal me of all affliction in jesus name as i speak the light towards myself and towards my spouse and towards my children and to my finances and on my business and to my ministry and in my church for prosperity for all darkness to be destroyed i know that my decrees are being established because the light of jesus christ is shining upon my ways now give god a praise you know that your praise releases light psalm 111 verse 1 tells us to praise the lord that we're praised there is the hebrew word it means this to shine forth to bring forth into the light to strike with lightning you see that's listen to me that's why we have to praise the lord even through the times that we just want to kill people we want to slap them silly we want to go upside down on top of our spouse's face i'm gonna go up your neck and down that's when you need to start praising because getting angry and cussing people out and talking about them and all that you know what that does that releases the darkness that's in your soul out your mouth darkness does not bring manifestation it does not establish your decrees light does praised us that's why you got to watch your mouth right when you feel like ah you gotta go praise him do it like this i praise you jesus praise you god jesus jesus jesus do it however you need to do it just make sure it takes the form of praise because that's what's going to release light crush that darkness think about the most irritating thing you have right now in your life or person and it's probably a person think about them really hard right now come on think think about all the trouble they give you all the assassin that that comes from their mouth all the gossiping that they spoke over you all the stuff they stole from you how they used you abused you now start thanking the lord and release light into that place and that person come on let me hear you start thanking the lord pray come on let me hear you open your mouth start praising the lord send that praise and that light to that person zap them zap them with some lightning right now by praising god come on let me hear it come on keep on going let me hear you praise the lord come on because light's coming out light is coming out light is coming out light is coming out light is coming out as you praise come on you can do better than that let's hear it come on come on you can do better than that come on thank you lord jesus thank you lord jesus wimpy wimpy that was wimpy wimpy wimpy wimpy hefty hefty hefty because we go you got to do better because you're going to need to know this you need to remember this praise is what's going to release light so the darkness that's in that person will be removed hey will my husband be acting like i want to kill you okay remember i'm an ex-con he so is he lucky thing we better both by the grace of god or not both in prison for murder thank you jesus by telling you what many times i'll praise my way through our fights okay i also you know secretly lay hands on him you know you know what it says in job about god job 36 it says god covers his hands with lightning and commands it to strike its mark that's why you need to lay hands on where you're sick where your body hurts if your heart is hurting or you're being assaulted in your mind you lay hands on yourself because we're made in god's image so lightning actually comes out your hands comes out your hands okay sometimes i'll be like i'll be over on that side of the bit like pouting like the tag give me that blinky stealing the blanket irritate me and i reach over like a kind loving wife put my hand on him and little does he realize that i'm sapping him with lightning man snap out of it boy you can do that you know you know i'll tell you a fun story and i'll repeat this story again just so you know so we were in nashville doing the idols riot school which you got to get to the school because the school is going to teach you how to do this do the stuff okay so after the very end this pastor she's coming up to get her graduation certificate she's got goggle glasses on like this and this is how she made her way up to the stage to get her graduation certificate because she can't see because she's going blind even with the goggle glasses okay her eyes were gray covered with a uh fog like a glaze and gray so as she's walking down i go pastor i'm gonna come pray for you after she goes okay go back to her scene so everybody's going i'll go over there i go you ready put my hand on her and i just said all the light scriptures that were going through i just i just commanded and repeated them and i had her repeat after me so that my voice was releasing light on her and her own voice as she repeated him was releasing light in her so she was decreeing them only the scriptures only the scriptures all in scriptures and then i said now open your eyes and i took my hand and i'm made in the image of god and god covers his hands with lightning and commands it speaks to strike its mark i put my hand in front of her eyes i said keep your eyes open and stare into my palm my eyes see right away does this i said no open your eyes and stare into my hand and she goes like this and i go in the name of jesus right now i decree the son of righteousness is arising on you with healing in his wings and his beings the light that you are full of light that the eyes of your heart right now are flooded with light and i just repeated all the light scriptures that we're going to talk about tonight and i shot light into her eyes because my hand [Music] this is real this is real this is real you have what you believe and the bible says we have it and i was shooting light into her eyes she's doing this she's staring into my palm of my hand i'm decreeing the light into her eyes she closes her eyes she opens them and they're brown and not cloudy anymore they change color [Music] and i wasn't the only one that saw it i wasn't the only one that saw it okay the guy across the way sitting there watching me he goes whoa did you see that her eyes turn color i'm like genius yeah yeah yeah they did you you're therian come on come on was it genius or what come on come on it was real come on my brother tell me your name again diego diego you were sitting there when i prayed for that pastor i was what happened well she would tell her what her eyes looked like beforehand so if you all have ever seen people that might have blindness like they're they have like a fog over their eyes some of them do well that's what this yeah if that's what that's called it's it looked like there was a cloud over her eyes and so i'm sitting there and i'm like okay let's see this stuff right so so you're a little skeptical i'm a philosopher so yeah but it's all right so so i'm watching and then she does this thing where she puts her hand over it and she moved it and that stuff was gone i mean it was as brown as anybody's eyes ever was and so yeah it was about from here to where you are you can see her eyes change color they were gray and then they were not can we give gut diego bro thanks you're awesome man okay look when jesus went to heal the blind guy remember the guy born blind from earth and the disciples said who sent his mother or him that he should be born blind and god and jesus said neither but he is blind so that the glory lord may be manifest upon him and then he goes while there's still daylight we have to walk in the light and he goes i am the light of the world and then he spat in the clay and he healed the guy why'd he say that because he's using light to heal him you know that light particles cling to our dna what's in spit he was making a light bandage for that guy god who has eye problems put your hand in front of your eyes and even if you don't have eye problems that you want to see in the spirit okay don't do this okay i have people do this all the time they keep their eyes closed i have to go no open your eyes and look into the light okay so put your hand in front of your eyes look into your palm and say this scripture from malachi 42. it's in the amplified classic says that he rises on us with healing and his wings and his beams beams of light are you ready now say the son of righteousness is arising on me now with healing and his beams of light in his wings and his beams right now the light of christ is coming like lightning out of my hand and my voice going into my eyes my eyes are being flooded with light so my soul is being healed and my eyes are being healed right now jesus the son of righteousness the light of the world is arising on me with healing healing healing healing healing healing in his wings and his beams of light beams of light beams of light lightning strike lightning strike filling my eyes healing my soul healing my eyes now in the name of jesus now in the name of jesus now in the name of jesus now start clapping and praising really loud come on oh jesus somebody's eyes are tearing right now who are they tearing your eyes are tearing you're getting healed it's a sign you're being healed if your eyes are watering you're being healed you're being healed right now now look that scripture let's put that up on the board malachi 4 2. it actually says that that he arises on us with healing in his wings and his beam the word arise there it actually means to bring forth into the light to shine to be bright and to be resplendent that's why the amplified says the wings and the beams because of the way that word arise translates into the light okay remember jesus is the light of the world now can we put that up there malachi 4 2. let me tell you something that word healing there it's the word pain it means a couple things number one it means sound of mind again the light heals your soul your mind is part of your soul and your physical body because the word healing means sound of mind so if you ever have a trauma that you go through you can put your hand on top of your head and go ah jesus is the light of the world he's the son of righteousness he's arising on me with healing sound of mind marpei and his wings and his beams of light and i will i won't be depressed or anxious or fearful anymore i won't be upset or traumatized i'll go forth and gamble like a calf relief from the release from the stall and leave for joy you want to leave for joy be filled with the light be filled with the light then you become come what healing means more pain sound of mind sound of mind it also means a cure the word healing means a cure meaning the light can cure you it can cure you of dysfunction in your soul it can cure your your your body of diseases people in holland uh years ago they were listening to my light teaching they had an autistic son the autistic son three years old at three years old he'd never made a single sound not a grunt not a groan not a word nothing no sound at all three years old he would go and do this to the cabinets open close up and close up and close doors open close open close drawers open close open close wouldn't look anybody in the eye you try to touch him he'd scream oh he didn't scream i'm sorry he freaked out and he'd run away but he wouldn't make a noise he wouldn't make a noise okay so what do they do they start soaking him in the light because when the son of righteousness arises on you with healing and his wings and his beams of light you become more pain sound of mind tranquil in mind you get healed and it becomes a cure the cure for the things that are ailing you and they soaked that boy for like six months and nothing happened nothing happened nothing happened they kept on going they kept on decreeing light scriptures the light of christ bringing life to him over him and then one day here comes the lady that does the therapy they always film it they film they set up the camera and they run through the therapy and in that day as that lady was walking him through the therapy all of a sudden a single cry came out of that little boy next day he walks up to his grandma takes her face in his hands looks so right in the eye and kisses her on the mouth then he started to talk and he stopped doing the repetitive actions now it's like ten years later eight years later he rides horses he speaks three languages he goes to school he plays sports he's no longer severely autistic because the son of righteousness arose on him with healing in his wings and his beams of light we've been through traumas how many of you been through a trauma you gotta get healed of that right now because then you he'll rise on you with healing and you become what healing means more pain sound of mind tranquil mind it'll be a cure for that trauma and then you can prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers put the hand on top of your head put the other hand on your heart okay and stay with me lord god i've been through a lot of trauma but when the son of righteousness the light of the world jesus christ who is a light being who lives inside of me feels my soul i will be healed of every trauma every stressor every shipwreck every pain every storm every crisis that i've ever had to live through and i won't struggle with the pain and the grief and the memories that those things have put in my soul i decree light the light of jesus christ the son of righteousness is arising on my soul my mind my will and emotions with healing healing healing healing healing in his wings and his beams of light beams of light shining throughout my entire soul filling my mind filling my will filling my emotions destroying every trauma cleansing me of every painful memory light coming out of my hands light coming out of my mouth i'm becoming bright resplendent filled with light lightning strikes filling my body filling my soul healing me now in the name of jesus light driving out darkness of pain of grief a fear of depression of trauma right now in jesus name i'm going into homeostasis filled with peace because the light is curing me thank you now give god a big praise [Laughter] [Applause] i just saw a picture of somebody's eyebrow twitching is somebody somebody's eyebrow twitching i don't know why did i see that picture or somebody's eyebrow twitching is anybody's eyebrows twitching were they twitching when you prayed why am i seeing that who is that says somebody online who is that who is that anybody in here why am i seeing that picture is that you ma'am was your eye about twitching your husband how do you know your eyebrow oh your husband's eyebrow has been twitching for years oh he's getting healed right now okay all right everybody point your hand towards her what's his name where is he he's at home listen to me light travels at 186 000 miles per second that's a scientific fact johnny does not need to be here he's going to get healed right now i had that word of knowledge god sent his word and it he and he healed them god's word does not return void unto them but will accomplish that for which it's been sent okay johnny's eyebrows about to stop twitching how long has he had it it's been years multiple years years okay did it start after a trauma happened to him yes it did can you tell us what the trauma was several things he lost a 32-year-old daughter and he also lost his job a death of his his baby girl and his job do you think he was wounded in his soul from that trauma so we're gonna pray that his soul is healed first so he can prosper and be in health even as his soul prospers do you hear me okay so ready repeat after me we're sending this to johnny ready say lord god we intercede as ecclesia together in agreement jesus the light being the light of the world lives in each one of us our voice releases his light our hands send out lightning we're sending out decrees of healing to johnny's soul and his body and our decrees will be established because jesus's light will shine upon our ways so right now in jesus name we decree that the son of righteousness is arising on johnny's soul and his body with healing in his wings and his beams we send beams of light to johnny's soul to be healed of all trauma the trauma of the death of his child and the trauma of his loss of his job and we send out light beams of jesus's healing light on his healing onto his physical body and we command that irritating eyebrow twitch to stop right now in jesus name he's filled with light he's filled with light he's filled with light he's filled with light the light of jesus christ the light brings life in him is a fountain of life psalm 36 in him is the fountain of life in his light we see light in his light johnny will see light because it's a fountain of life to johnny's soul and his body okay now stay right there johnny's a very tender person is that true yes yes he's got a very tender heart yes he has he speaks tenderly yes he does see that why did god tell me that because he wants you to know it's working he gave me a word of knowledge about johnny so that you guys would know that your decrees right now are healing johnny by your sending your lie to him now i want you all to clap three times two [Applause] three ready one two three go again one two three go again one two three go again one two go again go again go again go again okay now shower praise come on shout out [Applause] okay so now i see the the jiggling it's increasing and it's getting worse so that means he's about to get healed thank you lord now i bind that spirit that spirit of trauma i command trauma to break in his soul and i cast that spirit of infirmity that afflicting spirit that tormenting spirit out i set out i set out i judge you in the court of heaven now now release him i loose him now in jesus name okay now you're gonna text him and you're gonna let me know what happens let's give god another [Applause] praise when am i supposed to be done just so i know okay yes please when i saw that i was like no way dude breaking see the light we are the clay vessel the light comes from inside of us guys you know that it it look if if you lay in bed at night and you put your hands on your belly and you just focus on who lives in you and you release him you can even see yourself filling with light as it spreads more and more and more into your body you know the very first miracle i had was in prison i had a growth a big huge growth on top of my hand and it hurt so i'd rub it a lot and play and like play around with it try to get to feel better and so i started i started i just got a revelation with the light so i started laying there at night and i would picture like a xerox machine you know how the light bar goes [Music] i picture that going through my body so one day i'm at mail call uh they're waiting for a letter and i started rubbing my hand again and i'll i went and it was gone that was my very first miracle and it happened through the light by meditating on the light do you know that it can make you look younger it says that jesus on the mount of transfiguration says that jesus countenance was changed and his face became brighter than the sun and his clothing became as white as light look i'm 58 years old and i'm getting younger i'm not getting older i'm getting younger okay so i want you to put your hands on your belly and i'm going to read you the scripture we're going to decree it this is in fact put it up on the board hebrews 1 3 in the amplified classic deaf ears are about to uh people with ear problems are about to be healed okay okay this is hebrews 1 3. look at this this is talking about jesus he meaning jesus is a soul expression of the glory of god the light being the out raying or radiance of the divine and he meaning jesus is the perfect imprint and very image of god's nature upholding and maintaining and guiding and propelling the universe by his mighty word of power look jesus is a light being not only is it light being he's outraying the radiance of god from in here out what does that do for you he's the very perfect imprint and very image of god's nature look as jesus outrays his light from inside of you he is transmitting into your soul and your body information what information the very imprint of god the very nature of god look whenever they take a negative and they want to put it on photographic paper they put the photographic paper down they take the negative and they shine light through it and the light hits the negative the negative that's in you and it comes on to the photographic paper it makes a reverse image of the positive on the the paper so that the very image that was on that negative can become positive and printed on that paper that's what happens with jesus in you he is the very image of god the very perfect imprint of god and his light sends that image through all the negative and the darkness in our soul and makes a perfect imprint of god on our soul our mind our will and emotions and our physical body this light carries information why do you think they have what they call that uh infrared those those cables what is it fiber optics those cables what are those cables doing they're light they're lights inside that cable and they're sending information via those fiber optic light cables jesus imprints his information his image his likeness on you via his light that's why you lay there at night you put your hand in your belly and you say you are a light being you are the radiance of the divine you're the perfect image and imprint of god's nature and i release your light with my faith with my hands with my voice to fill me in every place of darkness every place of sickness every place of disease put your hands on your belly right now close your eyes picture the light being inside of you this is the truth he lives inside you christ the hope of glory picture that light being in your spirit man out raying outraying the radiance of the divine father god into every area where you were afraid where you're unsure where you're filled with doubt where you've been hurt by your children where a friend betrayed you where your husband turned on you when your wife said something mean and awful and terrible to you send the light of god's presence the light being raying into all your pain into all your trauma into every place you need healing and every place that you have doubt right now picture the light flooding your body flooding your mind flooding your soul flooding where that pain is in your physical body where that joint is out of out of whack where your ears are deaf or your eyes are blind or you're or there's arthritis or there's a stomach disease or disorder shine that light right now now everybody look at that scripture and i want you to say it out loud and as you do believe it's happening ready on three one two three jesus is the sole expression of the glory of god the light being the outrage or radiance of the divine and he is the perfect imprint and very image of god's nature upholding and maintaining and guiding and propelling the universe by his mighty word of power put your hand on your neighbor and start decreeing the scripture over them jesus is the light being he lives in you he lives in you his radiance is shining out of you he's doing a perfect imprint of god's nature on you right now jesus right now right now thank you lord right now right now yes yeah come on pastor say it i'm hearing this right now every negative pornographic image that you have seen i'm speaking right now probably more to men than women god says he wants to shine that light and burst every image right now every dark negative image that you have ever ingested into your spirit and your soul and your body right now we want to we're going to release that do you want to do it so father right now in the name of jesus we ask that the son of righteousness in the light of heaven's glory the expression the expressed image of his person to come into the neurons into the synapses into the dendrites in your mind right now where neural pathways have formed around these images that come back up in cyclical repetition in jesus name we release the light of the glory of the gospel of god into your belly into your heart into your mind into your will into your emotions in jesus name we release heaven's thunderbolts right now the lightnings of god right now into your mind man and woman you have been struggling with cyclical addiction over and over again this night the blood of christ the righteous blood of heaven's lamb is bursting forth through every dark place in your mind and your soul in jesus name tonight it ends tonight it dies tonight is destroyed by the power of god we endure this thing to leave your mind your soul and your body in jesus name jesus name christianity and i judge those sexual fertility gods and goddesses that are behind those perverse spirits that have driven you to the altar of pornography in the name of jesus they keep on keeping you in a repetitive cycle of pornography because they burn those images of those devils on your brain and on your soul but the light is erasing them and the court is judging those gods and goddesses right now and we break our agreement say i break my agreement say i break my agreement say i break my agreement without sexual fertility guys and goddesses right now in the name of jesus now now now now now a lot of you women have been attacked in the night sexually touched by demons am i right yes yes it's those it's those monsters they have found an altar in your bloodline say lord god in jesus name i take every evil altar that was dedicated in my bloodline to sexual fertility gods and goddesses that are attacking me in the night and aging me causing me to age quicker i take them to court i repent for whatever i have in common and i ask to this court break apart those altars in my soul and in my bloodline the light of christ burning them away in jesus name and i bind the action of those demonic spirits now now now now now now now now now now in jesus name you know they do they that's my personal bone to pick right now because they steal your youth how do you think these witches always look so hot and gorgeous 12 years 20 years later they come to the meetings trying to shipwreck the meetings and they always look perfect and flawless because they're sucking our youth from us siphoning us like gas don't even think they're not to i'll camp on it more later but that's what i'm going after right now why do you think sarah and abraham were barren because they were moon worshipers but when they built an altar to god boom in their old age they're having babies sarah's so hot kings are kidnapping her after sarah dies abraham like has way many more kids homie was like happening when before the bible says he was impotent and she was barren talk about let's get it on okay because he came up from underneath that idolatry you with me don't even think they're just driving you to watch pornography they're doing that they're attacking you in the night they're stealing your youth they're causing you barrenness they're causing you uh hormonal issues hot flashes weight gain hormonal weight gain i'm confused i'm doing a collection just saying okay we're gonna do two more and then then we're gonna believe for i miracles and your miracles tonight thank you lord okay go to this one luke 11. you guys have it 34-36 put that up on the board are we ready your eye is the lamp of your body when your eye or your consciousness sound and fulfilling its office your whole body is what full of light what does that mean your eye the eye is the window to the soul when your eye even says your eye or your conscious what's your conscious is part of your mind it's part of your soul when your soul is sound and fulfilling its office your mind will and emotions it's because your whole body is full of light see look every part of your soul has an office your mind has an office god created it to think right thoughts to have a clean imagination to reason rightly okay it has an office that it holds to have a memory bank that's clean that's not full of bad memories that you're dwelling on all the time your will has an office to make spirit-led decisions not wounded soul-led decisions your emotions have an office god created your emotions to to be filled with god-given fruit of the spirit emotions kindness gentleness peace love self-control but we're thinking wrong thoughts we're making bad decisions we're feeling evil ugly emotions why because we're full of darkness but your mind will be sound fulfilling its office thinking right thoughts reasoning rightly having a clean imagination when what your whole body's full of light your will will be sound fulfilling this office you'll be led by the holy ghost win when your whole body's full of light your emotions you'll feel peaceful joy happiness peace not all anxiety and depression and everything else when does it happen when your whole body's full of light put your hand on top of your head say it with me say i release the light of jesus christ the light being the light of the world the outrage radiance of god's divine nature into my mind so my mind will be sound and fulfilling its office i think right thoughts i reason rightly my imagination is clean my memory bank is healed because my whole body is full of light my will is sound and fulfilling its office because my whole body is full of the light of christ i make spirit-led decisions so i prosper in everything i do my emotions are sound and fulfilling their office because my whole body is full of the light of christ i have fruit of the holy spirit emotions i don't have depression i don't have the darkness of fear anger bitterness resentment criticism judgment upheaval worry i am sound and fulfilling my office in my emotions because my whole body is full of light now give god a praise [Music] [Applause] okay one more and then we're gonna work miracles how many of you want to know revelation from god to be able to solve any problem to have a spirit of wisdom to be intimate and deep in a relationship with god i'm going to tell you how to do it ready ephesians 1 17 go to it okay ready just keep it right there until i tell you to change it to the next verse ready for i always pray to god of our lord jesus christ the father glory that he may grant you the spirit of wisdom and revelation of insight into mysteries and secrets in the deep intimate knowledge of him so we all want the spirit of wisdom right we all want revelation right we all want insight into mysteries and secrets right we all want that deep and intimate knowledge of him right next verse tells us how to get it ready 118. we get it by having the eyes of your heart flooded with light so you can know and understand the hope to which he's called you to and how rich is his glorious inheritance in the saints his set apart ones look you get wisdom in revelation and the spirit of wisdom and revelation and the deep intimate knowledges of god and the secrets and the mysteries by having the eyes of your heart that's your soul by the way flooded with light the word heart there means a soul look your spirit already knows the deep intimate secrets of god it's the holy ghost your spirit already has no problem being intimate and with god knowing the secrets and mysteries of heaven so why don't we know it all because your soul is in the way your soul is the blockade it's a it's a rotten filter it's wounded it's dark so it can't perceive the wisdom in revelation it can't get the mysteries and the secrets but when your eyes of your heart your eyes are the windows to the soul the word heart means the soul when your soul gets healed and filled with light then it gets out of the way and there's a clear a clear funnel a clear flow of the prophetic of understanding of breakthrough insights of downloads and everything that come from your spirit through your soul into your mind so that you can understand the secrets and mysteries before your mind couldn't handle it couldn't receive it because it's full of darkness but when the eyes of your heart are flooded with light you'll receive all those things and you'll know the hope to which he's called you to look words of knowledge when i operate in in the light i get words of knowledge like the eyebrow thing who would known that somebody's eyebrows been twitching for years that's crazy that's not an ordinary word of knowledge like you have a backache everybody in the room has a backache okay you've had a trauma in your life everybody in the room okay eyebrow twitching that comes from sitting in the light i remember and this and then we're gonna activate i was in seattle this guy the room was packed there's 800 people there people were leaning against the walls because there was no seats left okay now once i get this word of knowledge i said okay first i said somebody here you've been nickel and diming somebody to death if that's you come up so this lady comes up to me and and i'm sorry i said it backwards i said somebody here has a knee problem and your knee is locked if that's you come up so she comes this lady comes up to me so i heard a sort of knowledge for her she's been nickel and diming people to death so i leaned in and i said i did secretly not to embarrass her i said have you been nickel and diming people to death she goes oh my lord jesus it's true it's true so i lead her through repentance i didn't even have to pray for her knee i just prayed for her to stop nickeling and to repent for nickeling and diamond people to death and without me even saying anything about her knee all of a sudden she's like oh healed my runs up on the stage look at me look at me she starts doing the can can up on the stage look at me god gave me more knowledge about her why her knee was locked up because she was nickel and diming people to death god wants to fill you with light so you get a word of knowledge that can bring somebody a breakthrough in their healing then i'm staying up on stage i said ah and somebody else here you had an accident on a tree stump a tree stump who's that accident on tree stump way in the back there's these people leaning against the wall this lady and this guy and she looks at me she goes and i go uh sir is that you did you have an accident on a tree stop and he goes no and she goes i go well she's trying to say you did did you have an accident tree stump or not he goes no and she goes i go she's insisting that's you did you have an accident on a tree stepping out and he goes well i guess so and i'm like get your boy up here right now so he comes up comes him on stage and then i go so look what happened he goes well i had an accident on a tree stump i'm like you need more light he's like yeah i was standing on a tree stump cutting down another tree when i fell off the tree stump and i tore my meniscus and they had to take it out and now i have no meniscus and i always have problems with my knees and it hurt and stiff and he goes and then i got into an accident i was on my motorcycle somebody sideswiped the same side with the knee i'm like man i break that curse in jesus name right and he's telling me all the story i said okay so stand back and so i'm gonna pray for you so stand back and look at him and then the light hits me and i go you don't even believe in miracles found out he was a baptist ooh sorry i said you don't even believe in miracles he goes no i don't and i'm like and you don't think me as a woman should even be up here preaching he goes that's right and i go i want you to pray after me right now i'm i'm like militant like that just repeat that for me i said said say i repent from my unbelief and he's going i repent for my unbelief now he's scared right i'm like i'm in the warrior mode i repent and he's like i go and i receive my miracle now i'm going to receive my miracle now so then i command this need to be healed i commanded that spirit to come up and command a new creation of a new meniscus i go now test it and he goes wow thanks [Music] put your hand on top of your head and the other one in front of your eyes keep your eyes open stare at the palm of your hand say lord god i want a spirit of wisdom and revelation into the mysteries and secrets of god and the deep intimate knowledge of him i have it by having the eyes of my heart flooded with light so i can know the hope to which he's called me i decree the light is shining into my soul flooding me flooding the eyes of my heart removing all darkness so i can see in the spirit in jesus name open your eyes and look into your hand there you go okay say i send beams of light into my heart right now so i can see you so i can know you so i can hear you so i can follow you fill me with your light brighter brighter brighter brighter brighter i receive secrets i receive mysteries i receive wisdom i receive revelation i receive it all my eyes and my heart are flooded with light now start praising god all right now let's break into groups as we uh walk into the activation okay who has pain in their body okay some of that pain is gonna go tomorrow but something's gonna go tonight if you have pain in your body i want this that pain in the body group to come here right now okay now we're all gonna get involved this isn't just me you're not gonna just watch me work a miracle you're gonna get involved okay now i want eyeball people who has eye problems eye problems come over to this side right here eye problems over here ear problems in the middle okay what i pick one you'll get involved oh boy okay so now let's have the ear problems here and the eye problems there now all you people turn talk to each other find out where's your pain where's the pain find out interview each other okay find out where the pain is okay we'll start with one thing at a time okay all right then come on interview each other pair up okay and then i want you to start decreeing let's put on uh malachi 4 2 on the scripture are these the eye people okay i want you to start beaming light into each other's eyes decreeing light scriptures okay you you help each other all right and let's put on malachi 42 where's my ear people i'll take the air people here in the middle ear people right here ear people buzzing ringing deafness buzzing ringing deafness okay heidi can i have a piece of gum buzzing ringing yes come closer to me okay what do you got [Music] [Music] say lord god [Music] transfiguration [Music] and the light is being released into my [Music] stay right there okay now i'm gonna pray for you don't pray just receive put your other hand out and receive ready father in the name of jesus now i speak to all the trauma in these people's souls right now and i command it break i break i break i break that trauma i break that trauma i break that trauma i break that trauma i break that trauma i break it i break it i break it i break it in the name of jesus now i speak to that deaf and dumb spirit [Music] you come [Music] will be broken [Music] [Music] so when the ring stops why is everybody staring at me hey get busy get busy people come on get busy start keep praying for each other i'm gonna get to you [Music] okay [Music] [Music] no but your hearing is increasing right now thank you it's beginning it begins like that so we just keep praising him we thank you lord keep praising you thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord [Music] thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you thank you lord i loose you from that acquisition every idolatrous death spirit [Music] and the grace of god i'm loosed i'm loose for this accusation right now now say i'm under blood and grace say i'm under blood and grace i'm under blood and grace [Music] loose [Music] quiche [Music] [Music] right [Music] the same volume okay uh shooting a lot of guns over the years without hearing protection when i was young so mostly on the uh left side left here yeah how long has it been since you were a child yeah 35 40 years 35 40 years how much less hearing did you have in that ear a huge percentage huge percentage so it's way harder here in this year than that especially now let me have a kleenex kleenex turn around here so everybody can see you so this is the the right ear is the good ear okay so you can hear really good better better here let's have a kleenex thank you stick that in that ear okay everybody start talking [Music] okay i'm gonna say stuff and while they're talking and you're gonna repeat what i'm saying you ready hey everybody my name is bill my name's bill i used to shoot guns i used to shoot guns when i was a kid and i went deaf almost deaf in this here but now i've regained my hearing and my sight and now and now i'm the hottest guy in the room say it go ahead i'm the hottest guy in the room you've got a big pace for that okay keep praying keep praying what's your name billy billy what was wrong with your ear well i was having a sore throat and it was i could hear you know it was attached to my ear so the sore throat was affecting your ear how's it sore throat now it's going away sore throat's going away now how did it affect the ear well you know your hearing's kind of patted your throat connected to the throat so it was like like plugged it was clogged the ear was clogged yes how's it doing now it's coming through it's coming through it's opening up so thank you lord now let's do the rest of it ready thank you father we thank you i judge that demonic spirit of assyria that's on his throat right now he will not saw his throat anymore a command that he's not dwelling among the tombs in the morning in the name of jesus right now and that he will have no more swelling in the lymph nodes i judge that demonic spirit that's on him right now in the name of jesus right now and i command that ear to unplug right now and all that infection and bacteria to go in the name of jesus now now now now now okay now all the pain should be leaving your throat right now and your ears should be unclogging even more you feel it thank you lord is it draining oh yeah you don't sound so muffled now too [Music] thank you lord what was the pain level when we first started praying hmm about a night what's it now it's going away it's going away are you down to five six going down in the ear opening up okay everybody send light ready send him light say lord god he's not dwelling among the tombs he's being healed of all trauma he's being healed of the legal right in his soul that's caused him this ear problem and this throat problem he's being healed now in jesus name okay now i want you to stand right there okay keep praying keep praying [Music] okay thank you lord so we thank you for the are you guys decreeing light over each other because you're staring at me come on get busy busy get busy praying for each other [Music] is being healed right now thank you lord for healing the ringing in your life just to continue to praise the lord [Music] why do you say that you took your hearing aids out i can hear you you can hear me okay a lot better a little bit a little bit better yeah okay let's do pray one more time cause it's getting what's working right now so thank you lord what's your name fred thank you lord you're healing friend right now right now are you a veterinarian are you a vet i am you are a vet okay that's a word of knowledge hold this mic for me father i thank you did you say all right [Music] and i heard veteran for fred he is a veteran and i heard dynamite and he worked as an underground coal miner so everybody come up here come on we're all involved in this lay hands on fred we're going to release light to the trauma he went through father we release the light of jesus christ on fred for all the trauma he went through as a vet that caused him to have deafness and he's had to wear these these hearing aids and we command the damage in his ears from the dynamite explosions in the coal mines to be healed right now the light which is life we decree the light is bringing life to fred life to his soul life to his ears he's being healed right now being healed right now from that deaf and dumb spirit that was on him from the trauma and from the damage from the dynamite in the coal mines in the name of jesus now we thank you i loose him i loose him of every accusation and i loose him the spirit that death and dumb spirit has to come out and that his ears are opening in jesus name now now i'm gonna how's your hearing now i can hear the snapping you can hear the snap yes could you not have heard it before it would have been hard okay come up here let's test for the kleenex where's the kleenex thank you is it both ears fred both ears turn around here okay so uh turn every so everybody can see okay now let's put this right here in this here okay now i'm gonna whisper in this here and you're to repeat what you hear me saying okay okay go ahead see i know you're hearing better because i just gave you instructions you didn't want to look at my lips okay and your hearing aids are out let's see them hearing aids where are they where are you where's your hearing aids okay ready my name is i didn't get the last father right now preparing fred's ear right now in the name of jesus right now loose [Music] hallelujah praise the lord my name is fred i'm healed [Music] i love the lord he loves me i love my wife i love norma [Music] she's the hottest thing around [Music] you guys are getting healed right now you're getting healed you're getting healed you're getting healed okay now go on keep keep praying come on we're working miracles here where's my ear people where's the rest of my your people is this [Music] [Music] [Music] whispers [Music] i want you to first take care of you [Music] first [Music] something like that did you used to listen to rock music i didn't listen well did you listen to heart magic man what's that song he's a magic man yes what was that song yeah you remember that song i do okay i think i got a word say i break i brain i agreement my agreement with the idolatry with that the rock music music i i command and i command that the spirit and that's me that associated it and associated it that that is all my soul that is of is all right so now so father i thank you what's your name debra our commanders stepping down the spirit come out out out there i lost you in the name of jesus now right now bring that hammer down upon that right now but jesus now now now now i command the ears to be recreated be recreated recreating right now open open open open open yes open buzzing ringing stop buzzing ringing stop buzzing ringing stop recreate recreate recreate recreate recreate recreate okay now [Music] [Music] come on okay so we got people decreasing here decreasing ready i command you spirit you will not hamper anymore loose this woman say i'm under grace and mercy that i doubt your spirit that deaf spirit has to let me go let me grab that name of jesus right now right yeah yeah yeah now now cuz the wind of god wind of god [Music] wind of god wind of god wind of god wind of god there we go thank you lord now repair okay now i need a [Music] where's my people hi people i people come over here hi people i people i people i people i people i people what do you got rivets what's a rivet i need my white screen on the board please okay [Music] night vision problems what do you guys think cataract what do you got well i have hearing and vision problems so i was almost envious [Music] okay so let me tell the story okay what do you got and [Music] okay yes okay come over here i want you to stare at that screen right there okay i want everybody to stare at that white screen okay until that cataract of their floater dissolves and the sight improves everybody said the white screen stay with me the son of righteousness is arising on me with healing and his wings and his beams of light beams of light filling my eyes right now correcting my vision burning away cataracts fixing my eye causing all sight problems fixing night vision fixing nearsightedness fixing eye infections fixing all eye diseases in the name of jesus i receive the light of christ into my eyes right now and i repent for any idolatrous spirit [Music] that it's like timaeus bartimaeus's father who was an idol worshiper i repent for all idols that are stealing my sight in the name of jesus i put myself under the blood of jesus and under grace and i also decree that any serpent spirit that's causing the scale of a cataract to be in my eye i take it to court i ask the court judge it i repent for anything i have in common with it i put myself under grace and i command that cataract i command that i issue to dissolve i command that floater to dissolve i command my eyes to be corrected by the light of christ in jesus name in the name of jesus right now in jesus name no thank you lord now keep on staring at that the floater should disappear right away let me know when the floater leaves cataracts should be burning away right now thank you lord thank you jesus [Music] thank you jesus the light brings life the light brings life you're filled with life in your eyes life in your soul right now right now the sign of righteousness arising on you healing in his wings and his beings the light right now right now remember that lady the blind pastor what happened her eyes turned color as the son of righteousness arise on her eyes and her soul with healing you're becoming marpei sound of mine marpe sound of mine marpei sound of mine marpace sound of mine right now your eyes are being cured by the light being cured by light the eye is the window to the soul it's being flooded with light flooded with light flooded with light flooded with light flooded with light flooded with light flooded with light flooded with light flooded with light flooded with light flooded with light if your eyes are watering it's because you're getting healed by trauma too thank you lord thank you lord now let's all start praising god keep praising him [Music] okay this woman had buzzing in her ears she's she's up to 75 percent healed it's working [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] right now [Music] yes [Music] it's starting okay okay before you couldn't understand and now you can hear you're starting to hear is it this here is this here okay so i'm going to test you okay so you said that if i were to whisper in your ear before you couldn't hear okay try again not the law he's filled with light and it's getting brighter and brighter and brighter and brighter and brighter and i judge every spirit now light light light light light light light light light it's like it's right on the edge it's like it goes and it wants to come right back to the edge but it's normally so it's getting smaller yes see where's that cataract person where's my cataract person is that you cataract cataract girl it don't work if you don't if you don't come up here and play where are you 50 on the cataract how about you you don't see the cataract anymore no i don't see any change you don't see any change keep staring at that light i need somebody soak her with light how's it going can you tell okay keep going i want people to soak all these people with light now who's in pain over here come to me [Music] now god throw myself under the blood of jesus under the grace of god under his mercy no demonic spirit of my body [Music] you're being wiped out she had uh had a knee surgery when they sold her back up they misaligned her long leg bone so when she went to do the rehab the bone slipped forward and protruded out her arch it hurt you could see it the lump imagine me i had to pray for her the lord told me she had an idol in her life so i led her through a simple prayer commanded the trauma and her soul to be healed with the light and then command the bone to move and it did okay so father now just put your hands out now i command pain to go i command that demonic spirit that i doubt your spirit you come out come out come out i loose you from that accusation i loose you say i'm loosed i'm loosed jesus died for me to be innocent i'm righteousness of god in christ i'm just because jesus made me so i'm in right standing with god because jesus made me so so all idolatry spirits have to let me go now in jesus name now i want you to start moving around and testing moving around start checking as soon as somebody starts having pain be less than come and find me back to my people how is my light people doing how's my eye people doing how's my ear people doing how's my ear guy how you doing better okay how much better 25. okay you didn't move for a long time every time i came back to you said nope i'm still the same nope i'm still the same now it's starting to happen see that you see that you guys sometimes you have to be work the miracle work the miracle so you're 25 better hearing now thank you lord okay now i bless that i bless what god's doing a command that it more more everybody say more more 25 now let's make it 50. let's make it 75 god we command that this man be filled with light the brightness of his dawn he be irradiated outrange jesus is outranging him healing everything he has in common with this right now in the name of jesus the blood and light the blood and light the blood and light he's flooded flooded flooded flooded flooded flooded jesus coming down from the mount of transfiguration covered with light light light light light light healed of all trauma healed of all idolatry right now more more more more more more more more more more more more more more light more light more light yeah let me whisper now [Music] it's getting better [Music] come on [Music] right amen praise god all right amen tracked into something else you did bad people no um [Music] [Music] okay [Music] you are illegal you are [Music] in jesus name [Music] yes [Music] right there it's almost completely gone but it's it just it's very very light and just kind of comes in and out but it's one to ten how much are you healed seven eight yes eight you're an eight okay okay also the eye doctor told me that i have optical migraines and he said there's no cure liar liar pants on fire all right well you're being healed now okay all right i'd say you're almost done okay look tonight we had to work the miracles normally they pop like that that's okay we're in new territory that god's out front trying to challenge but we're all right because we're working the miracles that are happening who else had the cataract how's it going so you've gotten 50 tell better you know i can't really [Music] sorry okay where can you tell yeah i can't see your cataract at all are you sure because i don't see it okay look into my hand ready i command light to beam into your eyes right now i judge that serpentine spirit right now right now i judge that that death dumb and blind spirit right now i send light into your eyes right now so you can see crystalline clear and i burn away any residual effects right now in the name of jesus right now right now the light brings life it news a fountain of life in his light you see light in his light you see light in his light you see light in his light you see light and it's light you see light and it's light you see light and it's light you see light and it's like you see light and it's light you see light fountain of life fountain of life in his light you see light he is the light of the world you will not be walking in the darkness anymore we'll have the light which is life the eyes of your heart flooded with light flooded with light flooded with light flooded with light flooded with light flooded with light flooded with light flooded with light right now right now right now right now right now right now right now son of righteousness horizon healing in his wings and his beams wings and beams wings and beams beams of light beams of light beams of light a command lightning to strike its mark a command lightning to strike its mark strike its mark strike its mark right now right now [Music] you're warm he said because the light one time i did that to myself showing light into my eyes for three days straight burned off my eyelashes i actually was happy because i was like it works i burned my eyelashes off of course i was unhappy because i had bald eyelashes but that's what eyelash serum is for so anyway all right now what look at there [Music] [Music] well if you can't tell them there's not a cataract there because you could tell if you couldn't see don't put them glasses on [Music] go find out a way you can test it and then come back to me how are we doing how's my pain people wave at me who feels better come up here if you feel better right now what's your name bobby what'd you have i put it in my league you had a bullet in your leg how long has it been there oh for about 15 years they give you pain yeah what kind of pain chronic pain okay like like sharp shooting yes all the time all the time 24 7 24 7. what's the pain level now hallelujah you don't have no pain where's my where's my metal detector heidi metal detector okay what do you got in your pocket sir take that phone out could you feel the bullet with your fingers no take that phone out of your pocket what do you got what do you got there okay take everything out that might be metal do you have a metal knee or anything okay you have a belt on do you have a belt on who has a metal hip metal hip where come here come here let me see [Music] which one take that those keys off [Music] put your hand on that grommet on your pants see that put your finger on those grommets okay so that one see goes through skin [Music] that means it goes through skin okay let me see let's see if it's gone all right turn around show me where the bullet is it's up there do you have a belt on do you have any grommets on your pants okay so ready now put your hand up okay [Music] [Applause] ready [Music] so what was your level of pain before when the bullet was still there a 10 all the time how long bobby about 15 years 15 years and you got shot by somebody here's a dude fender fall a foe okay tonight you got healed of that trauma that's the first step in a mental miracle you got healed of that trauma and now what's your pain level now you had it as a 10 for 15 years what's it now zero zero [Music] let me have a hug [Music] you're welcome god loves you can we give god a praise here i am all right who else who else had pain relieved yeah you did what well i have a metal ankle you have a metal ankle i have a metal uh elbow wrist and fingers okay so you have metal in three places four places it's a little less swollen so it's not as swollen does it have pain normally yes what's the pain of level normally usually about a seven or eight and what is it now about a three okay so it's going down can you feel i see a scar can you feel the uh metal with your fingers um a little bit yes try it now i'm betting it's still some of it's still there because it was all the way gone you'd have zero pain sometimes it takes a minute for metal to dissolve the bullet goes faster because it's smaller i normally see bullets disappear in like a few minutes right but the ankle stuff if it's a big what do you got in there um it's actually i have no angle or no leg bone up to my knees it's all a metal that's going to take quite a a bit of time all right so but it is less you're at a three what about the elbow and the they don't really cause more limitation than pain it's the ankle that has the most pain what can you not do because of the metal in your wrist and your elbow um just if i move a lot it really really hurts okay so moving like how you're doing now would that cause you to start to hurt it where it would take more effort than that it would probably take more of what i'm doing okay so now this is a seven it's still kind of swollen so that means to me that you still have legion on you okay so but you're getting healed of the trauma first all right so give me your hand close your eyes was that one accident say lord god i need to be healed of the trauma of that accident i've been dwelling among that accident is it true that you think about the accident quite often yeah yeah like it haunts your thoughts is that true yeah your mom died in the accident on to okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] i'm over here [Music] so is [Music] [Music] in the name is jesus right now in the name of jesus right now [Music] [Music] monday [Music] please [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we give god [Music] [Music] well my neck [Music] um [Music] is [Music] [Music] um [Music] she had an infection in her and i asked her if she had any pain like in her stomach she said yes so we're gonna kill that infection right now [Music] [Music] is i knew the pain was going to reduce i knew the pain was going to reduce and that's why i said the pain is already reducing right now and you said yes it is so right now see so that's the word of knowledge you're being healed right now and then that screw is going to disappear in your shoulder when you do the easier one first then the other one happens where's the metal detector [Music] [Music] okay so now so you say by now it don't normally hurt on that arm because that's where the screw is okay so it was the rotator cuff you had the screw in it okay keep keep it up there so you're saying by now would hurt keep it up keep it up i'm sorry i'm trying you're gonna build some muscle tonight i'll have you doing squat snacks no i'm kidding okay that would be a miracle me too amen no okay keep it up still hasn't hurt would it normally hurt by now yes okay okay now put it down where's the screw at you don't know it's up in the top is that the bra strap i'm sorry is that a brass strap yes it is okay does it have a metal clip on it i don't think so i think plastic let's see okay now you have also a metal in your neck right okay so that one's gone all right so now turn your head you got what you got in there a plate a a rod what do you got it's a plate turn [Music] keep going keep going take my hand keep turning your head to dissolve right now right now command to dissolve right now thank you jesus let me tell you a story why you do that i went to a prison and there was a girl there and uh she had shot herself in the chest with a 45 so that she wouldn't have to go to prison they had saved her life and now she was in prison and they had to uh wire together her breast bone with chicken wire like metal with like metal suture she said it felt like chicken wire she could feel it with her fingers she had a big long scar down her middle of her chest so i looked and i said that's gonna disappear and she looked at me like yeah right okay so then i walked away and i left her alone for about an hour in the meantime there was another lady there named bernadette she had a metal rod in her neck and she was like you because she had the metal rod she couldn't move her head so she walked around with her head straight like this following me around all day going pay for me katie wait kitty wait wait wait pray for me wait kitty wait wait wait no no wait wait wait for me she did that all day but i could tell she wasn't ready she didn't have enough faith so i was praying for everybody else and man tailbone's moving into place i said four people here you have a tailbone out of place who is that four people raise their hands i said what does it feel like this it feels like big ball and it hurts all the time i said holy spirit's moving the tailbone into place right now he moved it they all felt it it was all flat all moved out a lady had a hernia under right underneath her breast hernia completely disappears she comes up front she says look she flattened her shirt out she goes this is the first time that my boob is bigger than my hernia okay so miracles were happening all over the place one lady had a she got caught in adultery by her husband and he chased her out in the street and a diesel truck ran her over so her arm was dead she couldn't move it just hung there lifeless like the withered man so i prayed for her and it actually started she got feeling back and she started being able to move it okay so miracles were happening so anyway here's bernadette pray for me kitty pray wait wait wait kitty wait pay for me wait wait okay right and so finally it's the end of the day and there's a prayer line she's the last one there i come up there she's standing i'm ready yeah yeah and i'm thinking but she's not i could tell she didn't have the face so i'm looking at her and going what do i do god and he said ask the other lady about the metal wire in her chest i forget what her name was marilyn i said hey marilyn how's that metal wire and she's well i don't know i haven't checked and she reaches up and as soon as she touched her chest i saw it on her face she started bawling she's just like she goes i'm shocked i can't believe it i'm shocked i can't believe it because the middle wire was gone then i knew i could do bernadette so i turned and burned and i said you ready just yeah ready ready ready so i looked at her and the lord said shake her up so i put my hand on top of her hand i don't suggest you do this until this lord says so and i went completely disappeared i have a picture of her because they didn't let us bring in the cameras but they let us do a still photo camera no video camera her head's all the way turned like this looking at me because the middle rod disappeared father we asked for that same miracle thank you thank you lord thank you lord command metal to become bone right now in jesus name i found all the stiffness to go and i speak to that spirit of infirmity i say come out come out i loose you [Music] somebody who had nausea i don't know if it's you somebody else had nausea all the time it's you're being healed of that right now nausea is being healed you had like waves of nausea who's that who's that his back in the back you're being healed right now you're being healed right now right now now i want you to start turning your neck come on come on keep trying it's going better you said yes it's getting so you can move it further yeah a second keep going you're gonna hit 50 percent real quick here yeah it's been a long time since i could when i drive i got to stop in a certain position so i can see so you can turn your head and look yes okay keep going because you're going to hit 50 percent you're hitting 50 it's probably almost 50 percent you're almost 50 right now so you're saying you're having 50 more movement than you had before yeah because that metal is dissolving and turning to bone okay keep going i think you're going to hit 75 at least tonight so i decree that right now you're gonna have 75 more movement keep your shoulders stationary and turn your head only okay thank you lord right now that stiffness is leaving that metal is dissolving bone is taking its place right now pain is departing restructuring no pain on this side okay you said you had no pain on that side but this side still hurt you normally have pain on this side yeah both now let me come over here ready to go keep on going right now thank you lord thank you jesus right now thank you lord thank you jesus thank you jesus this is our turning point right now everybody start praying in tongues please this is our breaker right now for the rest of the meeting the bullets started it amen the bullet started it okay thank you lord thank you lord it's coming right now just keep on praying in the spirit thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord we praise you we praise you breaker anointing the angel and loose the angel and the holy ghost right now right now thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord tell me when the pain disappears over here thank you lord that has no pain so now there's no pain over here oh no there's a little bit okay there's pain right here no pain here and there's no pain here so where's that other right there's the pain okay keep on going okay [Music] keep praising him [Music] keep praising him [Music] that ankle's getting smaller that ankle's getting smaller because she's getting more and more healed see legion's gonna come out come out legion come out legion she's not dwelling among the tombs thank you lord thank you jesus thank you jesus now that pain should be receding a lot is it it's receding yeah i just heard that from the lord so keep going come on come on pray in tongues pray in the spirit thank you lord thank you jesus sometimes god stays the best for last while you're doing that i'll just tell you the story one time it was like one of those meetings where you know things weren't going very fast kind of like how it was tonight now just saying okay and this girl had a gas can in her hand and it blew up something she clicked the metal ignited it blew up blew her stomach apart blew her arms open she almost had to have amputation she had a metal wires running her fingers she had metal bolts holding her arm onto her body and she had her therapist there who could feel the metal bolts and the metal wires and all of that and at the very end of the meeting jesus she said she felt liquid metal pouring out of her arm and then we tested her with a metal detector and she had absolutely no metal left i had the pastor's tester i tested everybody tested her and this therapist came up said i can't feel the bolt i used to be able to feel with my fingers i used to be able to ping the strings like a guitar and i can't feel the strings anymore that happened at the very end of the meeting it's like sometimes you have to work the miracles sometimes they happen right away then other times you gotta work them so here we are we're working the miracles it's like you know that's just the way it is so how's that pain now it's a lot less but it what it is is uh now it feels more like muscles so it just feels like muscle tension from being pain for so long so the actual pain pain is gone just about a little tiny bit but yeah and the other side is gone the other side is gone saying you had pain on both sides all the time what was the level of pain you had on both sides well it depended on what i was doing but um i'd say at least a five or six all the time so now where are you on this side none what's on this side maybe a 2. see it's coming how's your uh range of mobility is it increased much much much like how much percent 10 20 30 40 50. 60. about this much and that's all and now [Music] i'd have to find out i have a chiropractor i'm keep telling god i'm not going to go back anymore but um are you from boston you have a chiropractor in the park where you park your car where are you from i say car car this is a new orleans accent new orleans everybody's like yeah come on we're from the south don't mix us up with those people up east okay well i i'm a different south than these people totally okay all right so now i want you to do this now go forward and backward did you smell to do that hurts back okay keep going because the metal right now disappearing i put my hand right there thank you lord thank you holy spirit thank you angel thank you for the angel and the holy spirit stuff is happening right now we thank you lord okay hold on i had a word of knowledge that you had a brother and you said yes okay well then then were you traumatized for their deaths it was young okay so right now and you're not angry are you sure [Music] [Music] i'm filled with is holy spirit the spirit of life is coming into my neck right now in jesus name [Music] it's better okay but you're getting there keep going green tongues [Music] [Music] i don't know maybe i'm gonna say father candy
Channel: Katie Souza
Views: 6,959
Rating: 4.9254661 out of 5
Id: l0oWb4WUJtQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 177min 53sec (10673 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 17 2021
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