God is taking the enemy to court! Activate NOW!!

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hey everybody it's katie souza um i was supposed to do something live this morning that's why i'm in the studio and it got cancelled on me so actually the times got mixed up so it was something overseas and that caused me to not be able to do it so i thought well i have a really important teaching so i thought well why not just jump on and do something so that's what i'm doing i'm jumping on to do something so that people can hear the latest thing that god spoke to me because it's for the entire body of christ okay now before i get started i want to uh just let you know that i'm gonna call ellie sorry what's the youtube uh idols riot live idols riot live if you go to youtube you can see it idols riot live okay and you're gonna get a taste of what we're gonna teach in the school in tennessee okay there was like so many people on this idols riot live feed on youtube that uh they they like people were getting kicked out because it was over the max of the zoom and so and i mean i'm talking like major miracles happened on this three hour thing that we did that you can see on youtube called idols riot um it's free go to youtube 28th and 29th it's friday and saturday in tennessee at olive tree connections church go on my page oh where is it at like events katie souza.com katiesous.com events go to that and you can um you can get it you can get it out and i said and i'll say they said that it's freezing says um that's freezing the signals freezing yeah do we have it on the right thing on my phone i think so should i check it or not because i don't know here we are like in foreign land are you guys okay am i dropping out or are you getting it give me a thumbs up if you're getting the signal without it freezing and stuff like that trying to reconnect okay we got it hey there's ellie hey now good to see you they're live we're live okay all right so look so that was idol's riot go to the school in tennessee it's gonna be awesome okay so now i'm gonna talk about today's message okay so look um see they're still saying it's freezing and it's frozen all right well give them a minute because they might it might be delayed reactions okay um no still freezing says karen cardin who's in town and i know her okay karen keep chatting with me so i know what's up heidi vanderwaal says i'm freezing cutting out so do i need to move this to my house let me let me run a speed test and see what's up with the internet okay hold on we're checking it crazy down okay we're checking it now and if it doesn't work i'm going to no it's better girlies okay so okay i'm seeing some puffs no it's working okay we're good good it's good okay all right praise the lord okay working they said okay good all right because good because i have an important message all right so look i actually was with karen cardin who's on this feed right now um a few weeks back and the whole day man i've been having like demonic pain and i was like my whole body hurt and i was like what in the world is going on right and i i all day i was doing that like emergency prayer i mean i'm taking the shower going right i mean i'm like going crazy trying to get an answer and then karen and i we went to a meeting and uh bill was speaking i mean i'm praying in the meeting when bill's preaching i'm like i think i caught him once looking at me like stink i like who's making all that noise over there right and i'm like i got in the meeting i mean i was driving home at night like almost midnight i'm driving home the pain is so bad i'm like yeah i can't even do much all the way home right and i got home and i had to take a bath with epsom salts because it was so bad and it was like there was no reason for me to be in pain i was having no you know uh like uh back spine issues whatever i was having no sickness or disorder it's just it you could tell it was demonic pain and in in the prayer was praying i was like god you know what's going on it seems like every single person i know including myself is getting attacked none of us are seeing our our promises come to pass we've been all you know going crazy believing for you to manifest everything you said to us you're not a man that you should lie all your promises are yes and amen in christ jesus uh you know you sent your word to heal them your word does not return void unto you how come like everyone i talked to everyone i talked to is saying well you know really believing for god been believing for 5 10 15 years and nothing's ever happened are you guys i want to know i want you to chat in are you guys part of that that that you've had promises given to you and you haven't seen them and you've been battling for years and years and years and you know god spoke to you i mean it's been like you you've got a word then somebody came and told you the same scripture and then another person did it another person texts you hey i heard from god today that you're gonna get it's you know that you had a visitation from god you had a word and it hasn't happened yet if that's you i want you to like yes that's me you know even write in what your promises were god told me this and it hasn't happened okay if that's you i want you to respond right now on the chat and i want you to share this broadcast because god gave me um the answer to this problem okay so i'm praying like crazy all day long okay and i get out of the bathtub it's like past midnight now and i said god what is this and he spoke to me it took that long took all day to break through the demonic resistance and he gave me a story from ezra four five and six and when i read it when i got to the end of the story it said that this happened around passover time since this since then i've preached this quite a few times okay and so i knew that the timing that god told me this happened to me i got this revelation right around passover and this story happens in passover so i knew it was not just a story from the bible but it's a story for us today and what this story is about is the israelite people just got a captivity in babylon that came back to jerusalem and they were rebuilding the temple they're rebuilding the city and rebuilding the temple and enemy uh resistance came in to and compel them by force to stop the work on the temple now as i read that i thought man that's that's like me i'm trying to rebuild my body my temple rebuild the temple of my ministry rebuild the temple of my worship with the lord my relationship with him rebuild the temple of my ministry being rebuilt and all that and i know thousands and even millions of christians are trying to rebuild rebuild their physical bodies rebuild their finances rebuild their marriages rebuild their relationships with their families rebuild their businesses and it seems like we've all been under massive demonic resistance and that's what was happening in this story in ezra it actually says that when it says and i'm just going to skim through it and then we're going to activate into this into this because god showed me that the enemy has brought a massive uh court case against every single believer i forget what it's called when they when we have a when you have a big case ellie do you know like it's called that um sorry you know it's it when when when a class action suit oh yeah the enemy has filed a class action suit against the entire body of christ in the courts of heaven to get the legal right to stop us from rebuilding everything in our life and that's what happened in this story okay it says that this is ezra 4. i'm reading from the niv it says verse 1 when the enemies of judah and benjamin heard that the exiles were building a temple for the lord they came to zerubbabel and heads of the families and they offered to help them build that help we'll help you build we've been seeking god like you have but zerubbabel said you know you'll have no part yeah yeah devil you can't infiltrate there's been a lot of infiltrations you'll have no part in rebuilding this temple of our god we alone will build it and then it says as soon as they said that to the enemies that that they then set out quote to discourage the people of judah and make them afraid to go on building they even bribed officials to work against them and frustrate their plans during the entire reign of of darius how many of you have been completely discouraged in the building process because you haven't seen the manifestation how many of you have even become afraid that it's not going to happen afraid about getting sick afraid that you're never going to get the finances you need afraid that you're never going to get healed of that cancer how many of you even had that happen because that's what the enemy has been doing to us it says i've even hired officials bribed officials to try to get them to stop working that's what's happening in the demonic realm it's like the enemy has hired every single demonic spirit that he can to try to come against us and he's done it so successfully so that we will get so tired we'll give up building so that we don't ever believe that we're going to have our temples being rebuilt or our families or our marriage just be successful or our finances be able to get to that place where we're walking in security and abundance okay so that's what was happening then it says this at the beginning of the reign of xerxes that's the king that was over persia persia was in governmental control of israel at that time they had come out of captivity gone into jerusalem but they were still under the control of the kings and the judges in the courts of persia and it says that they actually the the enemies of of israel wrote a letter of accusation against the people okay where are accusations lodged says that they lodged quoted accusation verse six accusations that carry legal weight are are lodged in court so when they wrote a letter of accusation against israel to persia it was read out loud in the persian courts and it says that that the enemies gathered with the secretaries the associates and the judges and officials of the courts in persia so they filed an actual court case against israel to get them to be forced to stop rebuilding and it was successful okay because look at this it says they sent a letter to king art artaxerxes and says oh king you should know that the people who came from jerusalem are trying to rebuild their city and rebuild their temple and if that happens no taxes will ever get paid again to persia so we ask you that a search be made of the archives and the court of these of this rebellious city and you will find that they have been rebellious and troublesome to kings and provinces a place with a long history of sedition which is why the city was destroyed look that was all true they were saying search the records you're going to find jerusalem is rebellious and sinful and that was true jerusalem had actually rebelled against god and which is the reason they got taken into captivity in the first place all right so that's what the enemy is doing right now he has filed a class action suit against the entire body of christ and and citing as his legal right search the records of all these people in the church they have rebellion in their history they have sexual um sins in their history they have adultery they're a bunch of drug addicts they're a bunch of drinkers they're addicted to pornography they yell at their kids they they they uh they have gossip and slander on their record it's like right now the enemy has been going into court and any sin that he can find in any of the body of the christ and let me tell you the holy people in the body of christ right even the holiest people have sinned but lately there has been a lot of sin in the body of christ a lot of leaders i know falling into sexual perversion falling into adultery going back to and drinking alcohol so there's so many legal rights that the enemy has used in this class action suit to claim that they have the legal right to stop us from rebuilding and hearing this in this story they're saying search the records you're going to find proof that this is a rebellious city so we have the legal right to stop them from rebuilding the city of jerusalem and rebuilding the temple okay so the king in persia who acts like the head judge in persia he read those accusations he read that letter and he said this is what he wrote back to the enemies of israel that were in jerusalem he said i issued an order and a search was made and it was found that this city has a long history of revolt against kings and is a place of rebellion and sedition and then he says this as in in response to them finding all those those proofs of the sins of jerusalem it says so now issue an order to these men in jerusalem to stop the work so that this city will not be rebuilt until i so order it and then it says as soon as that copy of the letter from the king in persia was read they went it says this is in verse 23 of ezra 4. they went immediately to the jews in jerusalem and compelled them by force to stop the work do you honestly honestly do you feel like you've almost been compelled by force to stop the work to stop the work of trying to get a healing in your body to stop the work of trying to see your finances finally break out of debt and into prosperity and increase do you feel like you've been compelled by force to stop the the the uniting of you and your family members that have been separated for years or or compelled by force to stop the work of praying for that person in your family that you've been believing for salvation for and no matter how hard you pray it's like they fall deeper and deeper into sin it's like it seems like the prayers are having the reverse effect i mean how many of you feel like you've been compelled by force to stop the work on rebuilding your life well if that's happened to you and i believe man that almost anybody on this feed right now can relate and share this post okay it's because a legal edict has been released by the court to force you to stop working in response to the enemy going into court with a massive accusation against the entire body of christ do you get what i'm saying that's what i was feeling like so so then what happened so then what happened so it says that the people were actually the people of jerusalem were compelled by force by legal decree from the court to stop the work and it says thus the work on the house of god in jerusalem came to a standstill until the second year of the reign of darius now why is that important to to highlight that that's the last verse in ezra for because this the the work on the temple came to a standstill until darius that's 18 years 18 years how many of you watching right now have like wow been uh on pause not seen your manifestation for one year two years five years 10 years 15 years i mean these legal decrees from the court are are enforced so strongly that every part of your life comes to us quote stand still for years and years and years and you can't seem to get the breakthrough no matter what you do because you can't fight a legal decree you've got to reverse the decree by going into the courts of heaven yourself to face those accusations and get the court to reverse that decree for you so that you can finally start working on rebuilding the temple and see your manifestation happen and that's what israel did watch okay so in the next chapter ezra 5 says this it says now haggai the prophet and za and zechariah the prophet they came in and they began to prophesy for the jewish people in jerusalem start rebuilding the temple it's been 18 years get on it don't let anything stop you don't let anything stop you keep going god's for you and it says that they began to work and they began to prosper under the um direction of these prophets and then in verse three it says oh then the enemies of israel came oh they came back they said oh they're starting to rebuild again oh no we can't have this they went and they said they when they actually uh confronted israel they said oh authorized you to rebuild the temple and to finish it wait a minute you're you're breaking a legal decree here we had a legal decree to compel you to by force to stop they said and who are what are the names of the people they wanted names oh who are the names of people that help you constructed the building but it says but the eye this is verse 5 but the eye of god was on them on the people and watching over the elders of the jews and they were not stopped until another report could go to darius so they sent another report the enemy sent another letter to the king in persia and it was read out loud in the court okay and it says they said the king should know these people are back at it they're back at building and they're making it says that they are making progress the work is being carried on with diligence that's us being diligent and making rapid progress under their directions and when we question them about why they're doing this this is the answer the jewish people gave us and it says they said this in the letter the israelite people said we're servants of the most high god we are rebuilding the temple that was destroyed many years ago and then in the letter the next thing they said is they confess their sin but you know what we we realize that the our ancestors angered the god of heaven which is why we were given into the hands of nebuchadnezzar the king of babylon we sinned so the first thing they did was admit their sin they said look we're the servants of heaven we're rebuilding the temple we have sinned how do you know that when you go to courts of heaven what does it say in um matthew 25 says that we're supposed to agree with our adversary on the way to court otherwise we'll be turned over the judge and then be taken to prison okay so they even agreed with the accusations he said yeah we sinned that's why this place was destroyed but now we're back and we have the legal right to rebuild and then they cited what their legal right was they said cyrus the king before you gave us an edict a legal decree from the court saying that we could rebuild it says that cyrus this is their answer to the accusations he says cyrus even removed from the temple in babylon all the gold and silver articles that had that were stolen from the house of god when we went into captivity he let us take him back he gave us money to rebuild and he gave us legal permission to to do this what we're doing now rebuild the city and rebuild the temple why is that important because you have been gosh now now i really want you to listen to me the israelites came back not with gee we want to rebuild we hope we want to rebuild please let us rebuild they came back with yeah you know what we sinned which is why this temple was destroyed in the first place but now we've been given a legal decree from the court to rebuild that you guys don't know about that cyrus who is king of hers over you you know before you gave us the right to rebuild and then they even said this they said now i want you it says this is verse 17 now if it pleases the king let a search be made of the royal archives to see if king cyrus did in fact issue a decree to rebuild this house in jerusalem and then let the king send us this his decision on this matter you you are the same as the israelites trying to rebuild you are the same you know how you're the same god has also given you scriptures legal decrees from the courts of heaven to be able to empower you to rebuild see every time god spoke a promise to you that you could have healing for your body um and you could have a financial breakthrough that you could see your children be saved or brought into the family of god that you could have your marriage restored and recovered every time god spoke to you a biblical promise did you know that every word god speaks is recorded in the courts of heaven so every promise you've ever gotten from god is actually been written down in a scroll in heaven's courts so it's in the archives right now now the israelites when they were being accused and those accusations that actually forced them uh compelled them by force to stop rebuilding they came back and said yeah yeah we we we sinned but now we want to but now we're repentant of our sins and now we want to ask the court to search the records to find that we have proof that we have the legal right to rebuild well that's what you can do you can say you know what i've sinned the body of christ is sin there's a lot of believers that are in sin right now but we repent for that sin and now we ask that the archives of the courts of heaven be searched to find every single promise god has ever spoken to me because those promises are recorded and stored in the archives of the courts of heaven and they are my legal right to continue rebuilding now i want you to think about all the promises god's ever said to you and i want you to realize that when god spoke them to you and you received them through the holy spirit they were recorded in in the courts of heaven and they're in the archives right now and so as we repent and we speak and ask the court to search the archives every one of those promises are going to be found and read out loud in the court and then you're gonna see what's gonna happen so this is our first part of the activation right now we're gonna repent for any accusation that the enemy's got against us and we're gonna ask that the court search the records and then i'm gonna show you what the bible says what happened next because it's big all right all right so now this is the first part of our activation right now as you're sitting there right now wherever you're at just repeat after me say lord god i know that a class actions lawsuit has been filed against the entire body of christ to force us to stop working on the temple on the temple of our bodies our businesses our ministries our families our finances our education and every part of our life saying lord god we know that the enemy has lodged an accusation against us in the court of heaven and that those accusations have given them the legal right i hope you're praying with me the legal right to compel us by force to stop the work so now we respond to those accusations by repenting for our individual sin and the sins of the entire body of christ make sure you say that our individual sin and the sins of the entire body of christ say we put the blood on those sins say we confess 1 john 1 9 that if we confess our sins god is faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us of all unrighteousness say we we plead the blood of jesus over the entire body of christ and over every accusation that's in the court right now that's forced us to stop the work in jesus name are you still praying with me saying and we throw ourselves under the grace and mercy of god in jesus name because mercy triumphs over judgment and grace always super abounds over our sins of law breaking i hope you're praying with me say so lord god we agree with the enemy's accusations we throw ourselves under the blood and under the grace and mercy of this court knowing our sins will be removed because of jesus and what he did on the cross when he fulfilled the righteous requirements of the law on our behalf and now we are the righteousness of god in christ okay now he's decreeing that now i want you to say this with me now saying lord god now we do what the israelites did we ask that the court scour the records search the archives in the court for the scrolls for the written records of every promise that was spoken to me so that it can be read out loud in this court and thus i'll have legal proof that i have the legal right and jurisdiction to rebuild my life in jesus name okay now say i put that motion in the court right now in jesus name okay so right there let's see now everybody just say that i'm going to decree that for you father i as an officer the court stand here and i ask that yes that everyone's promises that they've ever received from you that are stored because every word you've ever spoken out of your mouth was recorded that's why it says in daniel 7 that the books were open the court was seated and the court was in session that all the books of the remembrances of the promises of every single person watching right now be found in the court archive and brought out into the court open the books be open and those promises would be read out loud in the court as legal to give the every single person watching the legal right to have their promises come to pass okay now this is what happened next we're still in the court right now this is what happened next after the israelites confessed their sin just like we did and asked for the archives to be searched for the record of cyrus giving them permission to rebuild this is what happened next now i'm in ezra 6. it says this then king dardis issued an order a search was made this is verse one a scroll was found and what was written on it proof proof legal proof that cyrus had said yes let this is what it says let the temple be rebuilt let its foundations be laid let the cost of it be paid by the royal treasury let the gold and silver articles of the house of god be brought back to jerusalem he they read they found the scroll of cyrus giving legal permission legal decree that the that the uh temple was to be rebuilt and all the all the costs to be paid and so now this is what the king of persia has said to the enemies of israel now tat and i governor of trans euphrates and chef there bulls and i and all you officials stay away from there stay away from jerusalem stay away from the people it says do not interfere with the work of this temple let the governor of the jews and the jewish elders rebuild this house on its site that's not all says moreover i decree that you here's what you are to do for the elders of the jews in the construction of this house of god their expenses are to be fully paid out of the royal treasury from the revenue of the trans euphrates so that the work will not stop okay so we're gonna stop right here okay and i want you to say that decree because the same decree is being released for you in the court now as we file this case in the court that the answer once once they found this the proof that cyrus said they could rebuild then the king told the enemies of the of the jews stay away from there so i want you to say that out loud in your house right now i want you to say devil the archives are being searched to find the record of all my promises and i want you right now you devil by legal decree have to stay away from there you have to stay from where i'm rebuilding it says that you cannot quote interfere with the work on this temple of god come on say it say devil the legal decree from the court is that you cannot interfere with this work on the temple of god you have to stay away from here stay away from here by legal decree back off okay then remember what it says too it says and moreover this is the king talking to the enemies of the jews i hereby decree that what you're do for what that what you are to do for these elders their expenses are to be fully paid out of the royal treasury from the trent from the revenues of the trans euphrates so that the work will not stop i want you guys to say say that with me say devil by legal decree every one of my expenses that it will take me to rebuild my temple be it my body my business my ministry my family any work that i'm doing all the expenses must be paid by you devil say say we caught you in the act so you have to give us seven times back return come on decree it with me amen and then it says i love how this says it says all the expenses are to be paid so that the work does not stop whatever is needed young bulls rams mail lamps for burnt offerings to the god of heaven wheat salt wine olive oil as requested by the priest must be given them meaning the jews in jerusalem daily without fail so you may be thinking well you know yeah my expenses are to be paid but i have an unusual expense you know i have an emotional expense that needs to be repaid i i have a love expense that needs to be paid for my for my for my marriage to be restored i've got some different not normal expenses but but the bible says here that they were to be given whatever was needed verse nine ezra six whatever was needed then it gave a list bowls and lambs and wine and olive oil and salt whatever was needed and a quote must be given them daily without fail say i by legal decree receive whatever i need in health in life in love in peace in joy in finances i receive whatever i need it must be given to me and then now say this daily without fail daily without fail see we're filing a court case right now in the court and this is the answer to our case that we are going to all our expenses are going to be paid they got to stay away from here and they got to give us whatever we need daily without fail so when you wake up in the morning i want you i want you to play this video over and over again so these decrees in the court can be released into your life into your home in your car into your into your bedrooms into your living rooms into your businesses whatever so that you have a decree you say i get today whatever i need and i get it daily without fail all my expenses are to be paid by the enemy okay now check this out and i love this part and then we're gonna and then this is the end okay and this is verse 11 ezra 6 it says furthermore this is the king speaking to the enemies of israel he says i decree that if anyone defies this edict a beam is to be pulled from their house and they are to be impaled on it sorry i yeah and fine and for this crime their house is to be made a pile of rubble did you hear that that was illegal a legal decree from the court saying look if you guys don't stay away from there if you don't give them pay all their expenses for the rebuilding and you don't give them whatever they need daily without fail if you don't do that a beam is going to be pulled from your house you're going to be impaled on it sorry i'm picturing satan right now nailed to that beam okay like wow okay i love that visual i love it okay and and your house is to be made a pile of rubble so this is so powerful okay so i want you to say it with me okay just say lord god i have filed this case in the courts of heaven in response to to the accusations the enemy has brought against me and the entire body christ to prevent us from rebuilding to force us to stop those accusations that have prevented the manifestation of our promises i've come into court to face that accusation to plead guilty to the sins to throw myself under the grace and mercy of this court to cover myself with the blood but then to also ask that the court come on keep praying search the archives for the record of my promises and have them read out loud like the israelites asked for the court to find the scroll of cyrus giving them permission to build and so now i receive from the court the court's justice and edict that all my expenses are to be paid whatever i need daily has to be given to me without fail and that the enemy is compelled by legal decree to stay away from me and not interfere with this work in jesus name and say one last thing say and i decree that the enemy will face this punishment if he defies this edict a beam will be pulled from his house he will be impaled on it and his house will become a pile of rubble now can you just start praising god right where you're at because right now see we just filed the case in court so we thank you god that we're getting the same result as the israelites did they were forced they were compelled by force to stop working on the temple for 18 years but you god brought them justice in the courts of heaven all the scrolls are being found now i decree right now as an officer in the court that the that the angels are going out the officers of the court they're going out they're finding every single promise that was given to every single person that's online right now and those promises that were recorded when god spoke them are being read out loud the books are open the court is seated the court is in session and that the enochs are being released then everyone watching right now in the name of jesus will receive justice that the enemy will have to stay away from them that all their expenses will be paid now whatever they need daily will be given to them without fail and if the enemy does not obey this legal decree from the court a beam will be pulled from his house he will be impaled on it and his house will become a pile of rubble i decree it in the name of jesus now just give god a praise thank you lord we thank you that you are winning the case righteousness and justice are the foundations of your throne and that you are a judge of all the earth and that you judge according to righteousness and that we will win our case we're winning it right now it has begun and we're going to see the manifestation now of our promises happening in the name of jesus amen now look guys who jesus and i speak to every demonic spirit right now in the name of jesus and i say back off back off back off let go let go by legal decree of the court let go let go let go let go let go let go let go by legal decree of the court in the name of jesus thank you lord now look you guys need to play this over and over again just back it up and play it pray along with it decree it release it over and over and over and over again into your atmosphere beat down those strongholds beat back the enemy he has to back off because it's a legal decree executed by the court of heaven it's a judgment so you have to you play it so that he is forced to stop coming against you amen so just keep on and keep on agreeing with it keep on praying with it amen share it make sure that this goes viral because the people of the body of christ need to know that this case has been filed against them and that's what's been stopping them for years even decades like it stopped the israelites for 18 years from seeing their promise manifest but we have the legal right to bring every promise from the archives of the court into the court to be read out loud so that we can have justice okay now as we go look remember last time i'm going to be in nashville and oh sorry tennessee tennessee may 28th and 29th for the idols riot healing school you got to get on it okay get on idols riot healing school it's i think it's like 70 what is it 99 dollars you get we're going to do miracles we're going to teach you how to work miracles we're going to talk about breakthrough against the enemy we're going to take you in the courts of heaven it's dr francis miles and i both you can also watch it on the live stream for 75 bucks you go to what katie souza.com forward slash events katie souza.com forward slash events to either go in person for the 99 for the school or 75 for the live stream you can sign up and be right there it's going to be off the charts okay we're going to work it and the enemy is going to be crushed all right katie souza.com forward slash events okay guys play this video over and over again so that you can finally finally get the justice that god has empowered you to get all right i love you guys we'll see you soon bye
Channel: Katie Souza
Views: 25,256
Rating: 4.9238343 out of 5
Id: vxH336idsE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 21sec (2601 seconds)
Published: Thu May 06 2021
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