The SECRET to finally having your prayers ANSWERED! // Robert Henderson // Faith With Katie

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too welcome to everyone who's chatting in and for those of you just joining us come on share where you're from get on the page and also share the broadcast like the pages and share the broadcast why because my guest today is a man that i have followed and respected and learned so much from for the last four or five years now and it's such an honor and blessing to have him here it's robert henderson he's going to be leading us into the courts of heaven so we want you to get online so you can send in your questions your requests and anything that you may want to ask me or robert today okay so as we go into today's show before i bring robert on set i've got today's selfie miracle testimony video it's exciting i want you to check it out right now my name is marcela white tony kemp was here and he prayed over me for osteoporosis and katie whispered to him that i'm going to grow three inches i did not hear her say that but that when i got home after tony laid hands and prayed over me my spine went straight behind me was a physical therapist that saw as a witness how my back went straight and i have grown three inches i'm now 4 11 and no longer for eight my faith have increased the lord has used me more because i have more faith and i can trust and believe that others are going to be healed if he healed me he'll heal them that was such a fun meeting with tony kemp and i um if you haven't seen our school you need to go on our shop because i did a healing school with tony kemp and man the testimonies of that the miracles that happened online during the class are incredible i mean people were having their backs and their necks their bones straightened out and pain was leaving and people were able to walk upstairs and even though they had knee problems they didn't have any pain anymore i mean that class with tony kemp and i is online on my site you got to watch it because you're go you're going to get a miracle right when you're watching and also hey look if you've had a miracle either online or at one of our meetings please please get your phone out put it in the landscape position like this shoot a video for me a selfie miracle testimony video and tell me what was the issue that you were dealing with what did the doctor say about it what type of issues did it give you a cut what type of restrictions what level pain and then tell us what happened try to do that in two minutes please two minutes and send that video to selfies at you know when you share your miracles with people they get a miracle because it's a testimony of the prophecy of jesus they get a miracle so make sure you send in your selfie testimony miracle video today okay let's go to our guest for today so honored to welcome to the set robert [Music] henderson [Music] so awesome this is incredible to have you right here so much fun it's good to be with you well thank you you know uh this is your second time yes absolutely so fun and every time it gets better and better um the last show we did was very very exciting and people loved it awesome because people are looking for that missing piece it's like why and am i not seeing my prayers answered why is it taking so long or it never happens that's right and you have been walking in a revelation about the courts of heaven that has totally been a game changer for hundreds of thousands of people across the world what is the course of heaven for those that don't know when okay that i mean it's a really good question uh i've been teaching on it for 10 years wow and uh it is amazing to me that that much time has passed yeah but but it really hit a niche in the body of christ because because of what you just said because people are desperate for answers yeah and they pray they seek the lord they try to figure things out but it seems like there was nothing so what the court of heaven is is basically this is that the enemy many times we'll build a legal case against us according to first peter 5 8. first peter 5 8 says be sober be vigilant for your adversary that's the greek word anti-dicos and it means a legal opponent it means one who brings a lawsuit right so he and it says it's the devil and the years it actually says one who brings a lawsuit specifically satan yes that's right okay the devil and then it says and he walks about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour so he can only devour us when he has discovered a legal right to do it for him so what happens is when you go into the court you take everything jesus has done for us by his blood his body his sacrifice and we undo those legal claims that he is making that the enemy is making against us we remove those so that he doesn't have a legal right any longer to resist the fulfillment of our prayers and what we're asking god for so really it's really very simple and we have just seen massive breakthrough come to people's lives because of that so basically it's taking what is said in scripture about what jesus did for us our covenant with god knowing the word that's why it's so important that we know the word that's right and using that as our our evidence in court because if in order to win a case you have to bring in evidence that's right so the bible holds our evidence is that correct abs absolutely and and see we all know the scripture in revelation 12 11 that there's an accuser of the brethren who accuses us before god did it we overcome him by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony and loving not our lives death but the whole issue is people think well the blood just automatically does something right no we have to take the blood as evidence so often and present it and say god we remind you of who jesus is and what his blood has done may it now according to hebrews 12 24 may it speak for me right the blood of sprinkling speaks better things for me and that silences the accusations of the devil and actually lets god answer our prayers well that's why it says that we overcome the enemy by the blood in our testimony we have to take the blood and testify about it in court we can't just believe it's just going to happen because god has given us responsibility right now a lot of people will say well wait a minute wait a minute how can the devil have a legal right to accuse us in a court of heaven when we have the blood of jesus and we're talking about that right now but let's dive deeper into that yeah you know that that's that's been a big question because as i've traveled around the world teaching this some people would come up on me and i would say they would pat me on my little pointy head and they would say but robert don't you understand that when jesus died on the cross he stripped the devil of all of his legal rights well here's my answer to that okay there's several of them but but one of my main answers to that is this then somebody should have told the apostle peter because again first peter 5 8 peter told us after after the resurrection or after the crucifix after the resurrection he told us be sober be vigilant be on guard for your adversary your legal opponent is bringing a case against you so even though jesus has stripped him i do believe that he still tries to operate from a legal perspective and we have to forcibly take all that jesus did and say a devil you're not doing this to me because jesus has answered that accusation and i take that evidence and i present it in court now now that like we were talking about earlier uh before we we began the broadcast the the fact is is that a judge can only render verdicts and rulings based on evidence presented right he can already know everything that's going to be said but it has to be said in other words he can't just do it he because it's right he can't just do it because it's right that's right he has to do it based on what was presented to him in court and god is called the judge of all the earth 72 times in the bible amazing yeah that's amazing yeah and and see one of the best stories i heard that actually uh is illustrates this yeah is that i was in a setting i was taking on the court of evan the guy came to me afterwards i got to tell you a story he said i translate in in a court system uh into another language and i was in a court setting and this young lawyer was making a case before a judge yeah and he said he went on and on and on and on the judge is sitting there patiently watching and saying yeah he said finally though the judge says to the young attorney young man please stop and then he says these words he said i know what you're trying to do but you're going to have to give me a reason so what the judge was saying was this i know what you want the ruling to be i actually want to rule for you but you haven't given me evidence that would let me do that i actually want to rule for you that's right you haven't given me the evidence and that's why isaiah 43 says put me in remembrance see he says in other words it's not putting god to in remembrance is not because god doesn't know right god knows he's omniscient yeah putting in remembrance is us coming and saying and then he says put me remember state your case that you may be so the way we put it in remembrance is by or or the way we set our case is by putting him in remembrance and stating before him the evidence he needs to be able to rule in our favor and the thing is this we're always going to win because jesus already did it for us but we just have to come into the court and say this is what jesus did for me and that's why i can win this case that's right you know it's like uh peter you brought that scripture about peter yeah you know about the devil comes like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour well peter ought to know about court cases because the devil took him to court let's talk about that well in in in uh luke uh uh the bible the bible says of jesus we all know familiar where he comes peter he says simon simon satan has desired to have you luke 22 31 he has desired to have you i was shocked i don't even know why i looked it up but i looked it up desired to have you or that word desire when i looked it up i was shocked that in the greek it means he's demanded you be put on trial um that just so good away right because jesus was saying to peter satan demanded a trial date with you and and but i have prayed for you right so jesus actually and i tell people this you gotta understand when jesus prayed for peter at that stage he was not doing that as the son of god he was doing that as the son of man okay because what does that mean the difference is is is that if he did it as the son of god um as as god himself then he did something we couldn't do because i'm not god okay but if he did it as the son of man as the one who walked in the earth as the son of man if he did it from that perspective then now i can do that as well i have a right to stand in the courts just like jesus did in behalf of myself and maybe have my family right my situations my assignments i have a right to do that and get verdicts from that court now think about it satan was already knowing he was going to have a legal right to accuse peter and to put him on trial demand for a trial to be held over peter because peter was about to betray the lord that's right you know hide in the upper room for fear of the jews quit the ministry go back fishing that's right i mean he had a long list of things that he could bring peter to trial for that's right and not even not even talking about also uh peter's own bloodline issues right because that's a whole other issue that the enemy uses issues from our ancestral history to actually build cases i mean i've had to deal with that in my own life i had to deal with that stuff that the enemy was using that there were actually covenants that had been made with demons in my family history that i knew nothing about yeah and they were revealed to me through prophetic seeing you but and the moment i dealt with that okay it was amazing the moment i dealt with that all of the devouring against me and my family came to a screeching halt see that's awesome i mean that's literally what got my attention about this whole court of heaven thing was that i was able to come free from the legal claims the enemy was using to be able to devour me and to stop me from coming into the destiny that god had for me right now people are online they're excited they're already saying wow i'm already learning so much and we just tuned in well welcome to the broadcast because today my guest is robert henderson who i believe is one of the founding fathers of this revelation on the courts of heaven and you wrote a book about it which we'll be talking about uh 365 prayers and activations for entering the courts of heaven we're going to be going through those because wow how exciting and important are those you know when you talk about the bloodline issue um i just want to camp on this for a minute you know like we don't know what our ancestors did i mean they did crazy things we don't even know right so i actually because i've been i've been in court a lot if anybody knows my history they know that you know i used to be on the streets i've been arrested many many times went to prison you know and have been in court and so i learning all this stuff from you i remember going in and asking going into the court of heaven and asking the lord to file a motion of discovery yes of discovery and to show me all of the things in my bloodline i didn't know and then i would have dreams and visions systematically after that about each and every one one after the others i would wipe out each issue yes absolutely that what that see in our legal system in america there is something for people that are watching called discovery yeah that that literally it it means that the two posing sides within a legal setting have to tell the other people right things that are relative to the case right they can't just hide it and then spring it on them they have to they have to actually let it be known this is this is the evidence i have yeah against this person right and so to to say that is absolutely important see i had the same thing happen in my life yeah i mean i dealt with the whole issue of covenant with demons okay that that's a whole different issue but then iniquity in the bloodline because remember nehemiah daniel all these guys they repented not just for their sins but the iniquity of their forefathers because they understood the reason we're in captivity is because of the sin of our forefathers that gave the enemy a legal right to bring us into captivity and so if we're going to get out of this captivity we're going to have to go back and deal with the legal claim that they're making based on our forefathers activities and so that's what we're doing when we're saying god we're asking for discovery we want to know anything the enemy uses well what happened with me okay for years and years and years i always felt like god had called me to move into a destiny and a purpose okay i couldn't get into i was so frustrated my wife and i were frustrated we were like why why is it why is it happening for everybody else but it's not happening for us right why are we laboring in absolute you know um uh hiddenness uh nobody knows who we are and yet we feel like we have something significant to bring to the body of christ you know it was like nothing would ever um you know bring us out of that isolation place so all of a sudden what happened was i have a dream and in my dream my i um my great-great-grandfather had through negligence injured somebody and because of their injury there was now a present-day case against oh my gosh and i woke up and i literally thought the dream was like real it's real in the sense of it being real in the natural like it happened but when i woke up i began to realize oh wait this is god's giving me a massive revelation here so i went into the courts of heaven i repented for the negligence because here's what the lord said he said when your great great grandfather through negligence injured somebody it says the enemy has taken that and it said he stole the dreams of someone away therefore i have the legal right to steal your dreams my gosh and the moment yes and the moment i dealt with that everything began to shift wow television opened up platforms open wow book books open everything began to open up because i dealt with the legal claim the enemy had had against me because of something my great-great-grandfather had done okay so now this is one of the things you cover in the book yes about the 365 um prayers and activations yes in the courts is the books of destiny so are you saying that when we began to ask the lord for discovery and the books of our destiny to be read we're going to start getting dreams about weird stuff that has happened or or a revelation while we're reading the scriptures or something about things that have happened in our bloodline that we didn't even know about which are blocking our destiny from happening and we have to go address it in the court is that right absolutely okay so let's talk about that yeah well you know in daniel 7 okay the bible talks about the court gives a picture it's the clearest picture of the court actually in the bible yeah because it says but then he makes his statement and the court was seated that means it is now come to order ready to hear again the court was seated and the books were open yes so there's a lot of different and there's a lot of different books yeah there's a lot of different books in heaven okay um and and a synonym for books is scrolls as well so okay some say scrolls some say books but the bottom line is there's all sorts of books in heaven there's books and remembers there's the book of life um there's there's prophetic books but in in psalms 139 and 16 i call this scripture the book of destiny books of destiny because it says all my days yet unfashioned in other words how long i'll live yep and all my substance yet informed right in other words my dna my the thing that makes me gravitate towards certain things it gives gives me interest here that that part of my personality yes yeah all of that all of that was written in the book of heaven before time began about me psalm 139 yes so in psalm 16. so so what that means is that i come into the courts of heaven because when it says the court is seated and the books are open that means the cases i'm going to present in the court have to come out of those books okay so that's important that is important because if it is written in a book yes in heaven that means god the books of destiny god wrote that's right there's books of evidence against us also that's right but the books of destiny god wrote it so if we go into court and ask those books to be opened that means the will of god is being decreed judicially in the court that's right that's right okay well see see and i tell people i say really what you do in the courts is you do not come to the court and present need you come to the court and present purpose okay tell us the difference okay the what's in the books of destiny is your purpose okay it's what you were made made for it was like made by god made by god so once i began to have revelation of that for instance in my life okay and the way somebody says well is there really a book that you can open up and read well i believe there's literal books in heaven but i may not have the spiritual sensitivity to actually see them but here's what here's the way i perceive what's in my book by the by the voice of god god has said certain specific things to me for instance he said to me you will disciple nations and you have and i'd have but here's what i did before i before i had the opportunity right i took that word i went before the courts and i said lord i'm asking that your word concerning me would come to pass i'm asking based on what's written in my book that you would open doors for me to disciple nations right i asked that i would have the right connection with the right people that would open up these opportunities and i began to present cases in the courts of heaven based on that which i understood was in my book yeah so so everyone that's watching can do this because we've all received those unctions those those things that when we were reading the scripture those scriptures left out at us or we heard that verse or that chapter in our mind and as we read it it resonated in our spirit as something god has for us i mean i can remember being in prison and god gave me the scripture about cyrus releasing the captives from captivity in babylon he said i've called you as osiris and that's what we're doing we serve 4 000 prisons right now so i mean that's part of what was in my that's right book of destiny that's right see and see for me what what happened for me i was like this mid 30 i was in my mid-30s i was i was i just started a church in texas and and i took my leadership team very small group away all of a sudden the weight of god's presence comes to this room this is like in the middle mid 90s and i hear these words from the lord and i didn't even understand the course of heaven then and i hear these words didn't even know what was in the bible found out later they were in the bible right and these were that's what you know it's god that's right and here's what he said to me he said he said i he said i will make you as one of the great men of the earth wow and that's what he said to david come on and i was like what and so i thought well that means that this church is going to get huge and everybody's going to know well that's not what happened i mean it was a really good church yeah really good aspect but that wasn't what god intended i now know he said i am going to give you a revelation called the court of heaven yeah and it's going to open up the world to you yeah and i will make your name as one of the great men of the earth and and so but here's what god took me through a process for decades for two decades right to break out fleshly ambition so that any reason for that now i only want it as best i can tell i only want it so that he can be glorified yes i say lord let your purpose be fulfilled it's like jesus prayed lord glorify your son that you might be glorified yeah but the soul is tricky oh yeah it's all absolutely absolutely and so and god so god said because the enemy god could say those words to me and guess what the enemy would come and say but i have evidence against him that he has impure motives because that's what got job in trouble job got in trouble in the court of heaven because the enemy accused him of having impure motives remember what it is that's right if you'll let me touch him i'll show you he'll curse you to your face that's right i'll show you he's not serving you with a pure heart right and so we and that's why i tell people we have to let the purifying work of god yes be done for one of the reasons to remove any evidence the enemy would be using against us to stop us from getting what's written in our books and everybody that watches me knows that i've taught on the soul yes for years because the legal right is in the soul and in the court absolutely and see i i just in the last four or five years i've realized wow i need to listen to robert uh because i need to go after both that's right and now i have been receiving a lot of my own revelation about the courts connected to the stuff i teach so it's been very beneficial and i see like 50 more miracles you know metal disappearing from people's bodies crazy stuff happening because we're now addressing the legal right in the soul and in the court absolutely look we want to take people in the court we're going to do some mini activation of this whole show because people are online and they're like come on let's do it right um let's do right now let's take them in to open up the books of destiny amen amen okay yeah one other thing and one of the things that we can do and one of the things we want to do is i want to just help lead them in a prayer yes let's do that you know this is coming out of the 365 days of presenting cases in the courts of heaven yeah and the whole idea is that every day take about five minutes you know read the devotion if you will and then say this prayer in faith because i wrote it from a perspective of stepping into the quran i think this is going to be probably one of the most successful books you've ever written because it's going to give people the ability to every single day yes go through the process of knocking off everything the enemy is bringing into the court to accuse him to stop them from succeeding absolutely absolutely yeah so do so so let me just lead you in this prayer just say say lord jesus as i stand before you as i stand here before you in the courts of heaven in the courts of heaven i thank you i thank you that there is a book of destiny about me that there is a book of destiny about according to your word according to your word all my days all my days how long i'm appointed to live how long i'm appointed to live which is a long life which is a long life you promised lord you promised to me life with long life but also but also all my substance all my substances everything that makes me who i am everything that makes me who i am it was preordained it was preordained before i existed in the earth existed it was written in a book it was written in the book so i'm asking right now so i'm asking right now that everything that everything that you wrote in that book that you wrote in that book about me about me i presented before your course i presented before your course and i asked for a ruling and i asked for a ruling that would silence every accusation you could silence every accusation it would free me it would free me to come into the full destiny to come into the full destiny you have spoken about me that you have spoken about before time began before time thank you lord thank you and you love me so much you love me so much and you're bringing me into you and you're bringing me into all oh that was spoken about that was spoken about before time began more time let there be a fulfillment let there be fulfillment all that's written oh that's really in my book of destiny in my book in jesus name amen wow okay look my guest today is robert henderson he's written an amazing book 365 uh prayers and activations in the courts of heaven and he's the expert on this subject and i've learned so much from him and people in the studio are praying along as you're leading us through the prayer right now amen so look now we're going into um numbering my days yes this is important because we have a busy life but sometimes we get off track and we spend a lot of our days wasting time yes yes let's talk about that yeah well you know when i wrote the book when i wrote i wanted to write it from a standpoint of how we could um uh bring different aspects of our life into the courts and and so like in psalms 90 verse 12 the david uses the the phrase so teach us to number our days that we might apply our heart to wisdom and so so one of the things that i know we need to do if we don't if we're not careful the enemy comes and he causes us to um he causes us to get distracted away from the real focus and purpose that god actually made as far as he uses uh trials offenses that's right bitterness against people over being overwhelmed to distract us from having our days be extremely supernaturally productive that's right and even in matthew 13 jesus warned us about making sure we have the right soil in our hearts and he said and one of them was thorny soil that was full of the cares of life oh my god and all of these kind of things see those are the things we have to guard our life against or we'll we'll literally not only not only will days pass not only will we but decades will pass and we'll wake up and realize where did that decade go i'm 62 years old i'm like where did the decades go where have they gone i really believe i've been very faithful in staying on course for the most part staying on course but the enemy wants to pull us off course so i think we have a right to go into the courts of heaven and say lord we're asking that that anything the enemy would use to pull us off course let there be a judgment against that and let me be able to come into the full manifestation of what i was actually made for okay look i see a manifestation of what you just talked about the the thorns the cares and worries of this world being in our the soil of our heart in meetings all the time i will i will see people get healed just like that arthritis of cancer of every kind of disease you can think of then there's the hard cases the people that i pray for over and over and they might have a little bit of pain reduction and stuff but they never get the total breakthrough and the common denominator is they keep on wanting to tell me about everything that's ever happened to them everything that everybody's ever done to them wow um all of that stuff that you know this person attacked me this person said this my child is doing this my husband's doing this those things yes are a record in our hearts and a record that when we have the record of offenses in our heart it releases a record in the court so good so good and then that record is whole is stopping us from having our our days productive and from getting our breakthroughs katie you're touching on something is so significant for for instance we you and i talked about this a little bit the other day about the woman who was bent over in infirmity yes and jesus did two things he said you are loosed and then he's touched her yeah the word loose there is the greek word apollo right and it's a legal term right and it actually jesus so what jesus did was he let her go from the legal claims which could be all that you just talked about well since she has a spirit of infirmity yes and infirmity there means weakness and infirmity of the body and of the soul yes so she had something going on in her heart in her soul in her mind you know thoughts about things that were happening to her or rehearsing the record of offenses or whatever and she also had the accusations in the court and we have to take care of both amen you know i know you move in healing i i you know i we function in that as well and when jesus died on the cross according to isaiah 53 4 he bore away sicknesses and he carried away pains so everything legally that needs to be done jesus did it yeah so the enemy though comes and he uses these issues in our soul in our life you know i love what you said the record that's in our that's coming out of our soul is is in heaven oh i love that but those things have to be answered for us to get the full benefit of everything jesus died for us to have which is absolute it's absolute his his work is complete his work is thorough everything that needs to be done that he did is done so if we can get these legal issues moved out of the way we can receive all that god has for us right and we have to get rid of them in the court and in our soul that's so good and in our soul okay i love how you said we'll have supernatural you were telling me earlier we'll have supernatural productivity that's right and we'll receive wisdom yes to solve problems amen when we go into the court and bring that scripture in like psalms 139 and psalms 90. that's right into the court then the court will actually grant us the ability that's right to uh be disciplined to overcome these distractions absolutely but then receive that supernatural empowerment yes to be able to knock things out that's right that's right yes can we take people into the court right now for that absolutely so let's just do that so just say to say lord as i come to stand in your courts lord as i come to stand in your questions i thank you that you ca that you love me i thank you that you love that you care for me that you care for me that i am special before you i'm special before you lord you died for me lord you died i remind you i remind you in your courts in your course of the sacrifice of the sacrifice that was made in my behalf that was made in my behalf thank you that that is now thank you that that is speaking for me speaking for me lord i want to bring before you lord i want to bring before you any issue any issue that the enemy would use to distract the enemy would use to destroy to get me out of focus to get me out of focus away from away from the destiny and purpose of god the destiny and purpose lord i say according to psalms 90 verse 12 lord i say according to psalms 90 verse 2 teach me to number my day teach me to number my days let me be uh clear let me be clear and committed and committed to what you made me for to what you made me for lord let me apply my heart to wisdom apply my heart to wisdom in jesus name in jesus name and let the fullness and let the fullness of what i was created for what i was created for be a reality be a reality lord i ask lord i ask for a judgment from your court for a judgment for my words anything and everything against anything that ever would distract me that will distract me that would try to pull me away that would try to pull me away from what i was created for from what i was creating thank you right now i thank you right now that is being done but that has been jesus name amen and i just want to add too just ask the lord right now just repeat after me and say lord god remove the record amen in my heart that has caused me to hold offenses against people because that same record is being read out loud in court to be used against me for unforgiveness offense and bitterness lord by your holy spirit erase that official record that i'm holding in my heart now in jesus name amen my guest today is robert henderson wow what a great day we're leading you through activations throughout the entire broadcast and we're gonna continue i love your book it's uh everybody can get it on your website what's your website just so that we know robert okay yeah the easiest place for them to go it's such a practical 365 prayers and activations to get in the court heaven what a practical thing you know when i wrote the book my intent this is the reason i wrote it i thought if people will do this every day for a year oh come on they it will change their life and they will have have a record now of having stood in the court on a consistent basis and you and i talked about this yeah yeah this is important go ahead luke 18 verses 1 through 8 where jesus talks about the widow who came before the unjust judge and the scripture what it says that jesus said hear what the unjust says and shall not god avenge his own elect to cry out to him day and night yes i say he will avenge them speedly so here's what he said he said look the thing that gives you authority in the court i love this is your perseverance yeah he said when you have done something night and day for a long period of time you have stayed faithful you have stayed true you have prayed you have sought my face you have been obedient he said that is recorded in heaven so therefore when you step into the courts your answers come quickly and it's building like like anybody can go in the courts but there are higher level courts just like in america there's you know the lower court civil courts and there's divorce court and then there's criminal court but there's also the supreme court that's right so there's different levels of courts that's right so it should be very encouraging for people to know that if they've been tenacious even before they understood about the courts that's right that that's going to be counted for them to be able to operate in higher levels see that's what happened to me katie this this is this is what government i had been praying yeah for years for certain issues the present thing i was in i had been praying two to three years for this certain issue nothing was changing it was the only getting worse right and i couldn't figure out well whenever i was when i was introduced to the courts and i went into the courts right the answer was immediate and i thought i actually went to the people that helped me understand it initially yeah even though they didn't fully understand right right i mean they told me later you have given us language for what we've been doing for 20 years and couldn't explain that's great and so so so so but when i went to i asked them this question i said why why did the answer come so quick for me and i watched others struggle and their answers shocked me they said because you had done the work yeah and i didn't they didn't even without even knowing it i didn't even know it just by being persistent that's right that's right by having a history with god yes it g it granted me a status see hebrews 11 39. okay go ahead hebrews 11 39 it says these all received a good report that means they have a status in heaven wow and so i i believe that god allows us to have statuses in heaven even before we're there i mean if you will okay and so that gives us a place to petition the courts on a very high level at times see okay so this and this answered my question because four or five years ago um doug addison texted me one morning and said did you know i was up in the courts of heaven today and you have an office in the court and i was like how could that be what are you smoking i mean i don't even know anything about the courts how could i have an office in the court and so i was like how did that work and since then i've operated in the courts yes and receive revelation about the stuff that i teach yes which has very been very powerful for us right but i was like how did i get in office when i didn't know anything about it amazing it's because i've just been a tenacious woman i've been like going for it yes you know over a decade or two even in prison yes and that won the right it built up favor for me in the court and when i saw that in luke 18 he said it it whenever jesus said even though they've cried out to me day and night when i heard when i read that look well that means they've been doing something consistently for a while wow he said crying out yes it says that that he said that the lord would answer them speedily because at first it confused me i thought well is it is it a long time or is it going to happen quick and the lord said said to me he said no you're a misunderstanding he said if you have a history with me it gives you a status before me that lets you present a case that causes me to answer in a very quick way so look if you've been like tenacious and persistent after going for a promise and it hasn't happened yet then you need to now just add that element into it that's right and that is step into the courts i love what it says in the amplified about this um uh robert it says uh will not our just god defend and protect and avenge his elect ones who cry to him day and night will he defer them and delay help on their behalf no i tell you he will defend and protect and avenge them speedily that's right and you know when you read that in certain translations i love this because the woman was saying to the judge avenge me of my adversary yeah and that word adversary is the same one in first peter right auntie deaconess which which by the way it anti means just to be instead of or to be against right decos means rights so the purpose the purpose of the enemy is to bring legal cases against us that stop us from getting what's rightfully ours whoa so you've got all your promises that god has been telling you you haven't been getting them because the anti-coast anti-promises that's right is coming against absolutely so when you answer the case yeah in the courts that all of a sudden his legal right to stop you from getting everything that the covenant we have with jesus healing yeah prosperity breakthroughs in our families children serving god all of this all of a sudden the legal claims he had because that's what happened to us my kids grew up in a godly home then they started making stupid choices i was like what is wrong with you kids they started making all these ways but watch whenever i dealt with the legal issues in my bloodline yeah i didn't know it i was dealing with it inadvertently in their bloodline as well yes here's what happened they all without them knowing i had done anything they all started snapping into divine color and they're all living out the purpose and destiny of god for their life now because our family came into order because i mean me and mary looked at like we thought we were the worst parents that ever lived oh gosh because it was like what is wrong with this this is not the way it's supposed to work but whenever the answer the legal issues were answered all of a sudden god's purpose has begun to come into order now here's a hard question ready some people are watching and and a lot of people live like this that are believers okay they are they have not been tenacious they have not been persevering they just been kind of hoping god will you know like oh god said it so he's one day one day he's gonna do it right you know and it one day has not come and they're getting so tired and disgusted they want to give up yes what about those people that haven't built up that status in the courts of heaven that um you know yes they haven't been persevering i would say to them i would say never underestimate the power of your faith yeah because because faith is what impresses god remember abraham the bible says in romans 4 the bible says that abraham figured something out he found something out about god it wasn't on the basis of performance it was on the basis of faith that that abraham believed god and it was accounted unto him for righteousness there you go and so righteousness is what happens when you get vindicated in the court that's right you get declared righteous and free of that guilt that's right and so god i tell people i say okay maybe you haven't done what you and i are talking about we have done and we know others that have done it yes maybe they haven't but if you out of a sincere heart if someone have a sense of heart actually comes and says god i come i acknowledge maybe i've been negligent maybe i've been late but lord i'm coming and i'm asking before you yeah that that i'd be accepted even as you accepted abraham maybe my works haven't been perfect maybe my form performance hasn't been what it should be but lord your word says you accept us by faith see this is what i've learned today i've learned to present my case before him with reason in other words i i i present a case before the lord i acknowledge i messed up or i messed up i'm not done but would you now on the basis of your word that just like you accepted abraham would you accept me now would you accept because i simply believe your word and your promise right and it's amazing the results i've got well we can go into court and as our evidence because the word of god is our evidence we can also say i i stand in this court and decree yeah i might not have i've done it right i probably blew it a million times but jesus became the righteous from the unrighteous that's right the just for the unjust yes and we also can go and throw ourselves on the mercy of the court absolutely the bible says come boldly before the throne of grace to receive grace and mercy in your time of need it says in the bible that mercy triumphs over judgment yes so if there's a judgment coming against us and we haven't been persevering yeah tenacious like the persistent widow and like people like you and me we can go say i throw myself in the mercy of the club absolutely that actually that word throne says come before um you know come boldly into the throne room of god that we're thrown there actually means a judge's bench still good yeah so we can go into that court and receive grace and murder you know you mentioned earlier yeah about the different levels of course yes and and that is true and but i always tell people i said the what the the court i have gotten actually probably more breakthrough than any is the throne of grace hebrews 4 16 you come before the throne of grace to ex to find mercy and grace to help in the time of need yes and and you come on the basis of who he is and what he's done for you right yeah i'm telling you this is the grace court for me look we have to be so careful with grace because people have abused it right it's true and they have you know i mean and part of the going in the court is just to repent of anything we have in common with the accusation but for me i've i've been shown and you know if you don't understand this completely get my book be revived defeating the spirit of death with the power of life i've seen actually you saw the pictures of my face amazing before and after i would go to court and i don't know if the guys have that picture up too they can throw it up but i would actually go into the grace court and i got my youth revived my actual my face lifted and and people will go well why because the bible says in romans 7 23 that uh when we break the laws of god which is what satan uses us as his accusations against us in court when we break the laws of god it allows um the spirit of death to produce fruit in our bodily organs well guess what our skin is our biggest organ wow so when i you know what and what what causes the breakthrough over that repentance but also grace yes because the bible says where our sins of law breaking increase and abound grace super abounds over it amen so i go into the court the grace court prepare for my sin and say death you'd can't have the right to attack my bodily organs my skin because i'm under the blood and under grace because grace supersedes the law and then that's right boom the skin started tightening and everything else that is an amazing you know as i began to can i just be real obvious yeah when i first got ahold of the courts yeah i was probably pretty legalistic with it but what i discovered and what you just said lord that that grace or mercy triumphs over judgment yes and and and we have been we're in an age of grace and so i come into the courts i come into the court so often now and i'm saying lord i i want to do the best i can i want to be as obedient as i know how because we because ii corinthians 10 6 makes a statement okay it says that the disobedience will be revenged or avenged when your obedience is fulfilled that's what the apostle paul said so so there are some things i'm not going to get a breakthrough in until i have dealt with every disobedient place in my life that the enemy is using to resist me from that breakthrough that's just true so when my obedience is fulfilled all of a sudden any legal claim the enemy has it's removed and i can get a breakthrough but there are times also where i just come before the lord and i say lord i i haven't done real well and i repent and i'm asking on the basis of your grace because of who you are and how kind you are i'm asking for breakthrough and i'm amazed at how god brings breakthrough into my life well what i've found too is that um you know the bible says talks about in psalms 19 the hidden sins and lapses okay so there's stuff that we're doing that we don't even know about right so that's why we also need grace because it says that we're not under the um the law as slaves but under grace as subject of god's favor and mercy and then in romans 5 and romans 3 it says that we're not acquitted that's a courtroom that's right that's right acquitted and made upright and righteous with god by our ability to keep the law yes because james 2 10 says it's impossible to keep the whole law that's right but we are acquainted and made upright and righteous with god by grace see what grace does is it covers the stuff that you don't even know about that's right so it's like if you don't throw grace into the courts that's right you're going to be on this endless path that's right now i gotta repent for this naga remember that so that's why you always repent but you also throw yourself under grace because it covers the holes see in the armor i believe what you're saying is so important because we are no longer under the old cover that we are now in the new covenant right okay well when you start looking at the new covenant like i just did a teaching out of jeremiah 31 right verses 31-34 about about the whole issue of what happens when you come under into the new covenant and i'm like okay one of the main ways you approach god in a court is by reminding him of the covenant we have with him it's so good see see lord i'm coming and i'm reminding this court and i use those terms i said i'm reminding this court as i stand before you that i am in the new covenant with you therefore all my sins are are washed away your words as you remember them no more lord i thank you that you are my god and i am your people i have a fresh new identity and who i am yes lord i i thank you that according to the new covenant of god that these different areas apply in my life and i remind him of the covenant rights i have based on who jesus is and what he has done and that's the same god's covenants are irrevocable they cannot be broken but we still have to testify to them that's right because it does say again that we overcome the enemy by the blood that's so good gives us our covenant that's right and our testimony that's right that's right yeah so look if you haven't been going into the courts you need to go into the courts absolutely well you know you like the whole issue there like we said earlier yeah you've got to present the case yeah it's people think it's just going to happen by automatic i always tell people i said you know i don't want to get into a mindset if i'm on autopilot and and it's all just going to be done for me because what happens is that we become lazy christians and paul x or the writer of hebrews actually warns us against it he said don't let us be lazy don't let us be sluggish but let us be those who through faith and perseverance inherit the promises well see there it is again with that faith and perseverance that's right my guest today is robert henderson we are talking about the courts of heaven and we're just and we're activating you into it i invite you to get his book 365 prayers and activations for the court of heaven you'll have a decree every single day of devotion to get you into the courts of heaven it's awesome i mean that will keep you get you in the court and keep you in the court so you can systematically release everything that heaven has for you through judicial legal binding decrees that you will make so get the book going to his website and also if if you have been blessed by any of our broadcasts please i'm going to put up the text to give number at the bottom of the screen you know that we support 4 000 prisons around the united states and the world it's super expensive for us to do that because inmates don't buy things from us they don't have money it's all us out giving us supplying and us providing a total life saving transformational products to them but we need your help to do it look even a donation of five ten fifteen dollars is a game changer five dollars enables me to send a life-changing book to an inmate so please i want you to pray about giving i want you to consider it even if you if you feel like well i don't want to give but i want to get a product get a product go get my b revive book about how to get youthful and restore revived youth and have power for death over your body your finances every part of your life get that book get that package because that helps us when we sell product when we when we have people buying things in our store it helps us continue to support the hundreds of thousands of inmates that we support all over the country and the world you know we've given away over 500 000 free resources to inmates but we can't continue doing it unless you help so please get on the text to give consider sewing or go to our site and purchase a product today this is really great we only have four minutes left i watch it really quickly you you talk to me about um what we can do to go in the court to cause god to remember yes this is important because many people feel like they've had promises from god that they were given years ago decades ago that have not been made manifest yes and we need god to remember those things what does that look like how do we do it uh isaiah 43 26 yeah god said put me in remembrance let us contend together state your case that you may be acquitted so again like we said earlier the one of the main ways we present a case before the lord is to cause him to remember so here's what i would do i would take that word that that that people have received and i would come before the lord and say lord i want to remind you of the promise of your either that i heard from you myself or that god himself or through a prophetic person has spoken into my life and you can even say that scripture that you just brought up in isaiah 43 26 you can even say god you told me that's right that's put you in remembrance that's right okay so we take our list we get our list of prophetic words promises and we how do just say the process really quick because we only got like 2 30 left in fact maybe walk them through it right now could i just pray for them yes let's just say these words say lord as i stand in your courts lord as i stand in your quest i thank you i thank you that your word is true that your word is no matter no matter how much time has passed how much time has passed your word is true your word is true so i put you in remembrance so i put you in remembrance and i say lord and i say it on the basis of that which was promised on the basis of that which was promised things that i have heard from you the things that i've heard from you i am asking i'm asking for a fulfillment of that word for a fulfillment of that let your blood speak for me let your blood speak and silence any case and silence any kind that satan would have that satan would have against to deny me this promise to deny me this let this promise i pray let this promise now be mine in jesus name jesus amen now really quickly that was thank you jesus you got like a minute 40 left uh this is what rebecca no this is what um rachel rachel yes yes she put god in remembrance that's right and he listened yes really quick tell us that well what happened was he she she reminded him or came before him as judge and and literally the barrenness on her life began to be broken off and so many people feel barren today right maybe they're not physically bearing but they feel bad well god wants to break that barrenness and that's a result of getting a judgment from god yeah and she named her baby when she put him in remembrance dan which means judge that's right and it says that and god listened to me that's right so that means that she went into the court in front of the judge that's right and god listened to her testimony as she put him in remembrance of i'm baron i need a child that's right and from that moment on she be after that she began to bear that's right that's exactly right she actually began to produce children and she she began she became fertile she became fruitful if you will yeah because before that she had to have her maids doing absolutely absolutely and so so because god heard her christ she present presented a case before the lord that grabbed the attention of the judge attention of the judge this has been awesome you're my hero bless you how fun is this yes ma'am you know if you know anyone that needs to hear these messages i advise you share this video with your peeps watch it again yourself pray the prayers again robert thanks for being here my honor so fun amen okay everybody i'm katie souza this is faith with katie we are live we've been live and we will see you on our next broadcast bye bye you
Channel: Katie Souza
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Id: ZTZ6rkRykzY
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Length: 62min 37sec (3757 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 10 2021
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