Ice House | Full Movie | Creepy Crime Thriller

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[Music] so [Music] [Music] you guys good we're good [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what do you think it's uh big it went all out this year come on oh holy [ __ ] i'm gonna get the jenny going [ __ ] son of a [ __ ] come on boy 15 minutes she'll be snug as a bug in here this is amazing i can't believe you have a flat screen tv in here don't tell anybody i'm gonna snag it if they know what's out here uh your secret's safe with me you don't have a satellite dish on the roof dude of course i do check this out now wi-fi through the cell plug it to the laptop sweet yeah i love your artwork yeah i was really going for the airbrushed softcore 90s tone rather than postmodern swedish erotica centerfold decor you know what i mean yeah of course that's uh anna right there stephanie victoria and over there is gabrielle very nice getting used to this oh yeah there you are toast to redneck heaven jesus what's a little spooky you've been ice fishing before or what yeah but it's been a while a long while well it's just a lake man i'll hear that [ __ ] all night long sure it's safe this thing's got to be heavy you know it's pretty late in the season don't worry about the ice getting thin all the way out here us in here falling through you know how thick this ice is oh how thick it's thick it's thick man i've had parties out here four or five trucks lined up you could park a [ __ ] army tank out here yeah that's probably what the guys would fall through so you know where those are what i'm so good well don't just tickle the tip suck it like you mean it then i got another one which is a big daddy that nitro ztx 1000 cc four-stroke fuel injection tops out 85 i did the uh north crosby run last weekend under an hour nice yeah what you got huh kind of sled you got oh i don't i don't have one i used to but it's not really into it yeah i'm really into it huh oh [ __ ] if you ever want to go riding i got three of them how's your beer still good you were right warmed up in here i told you well you're welcome to strip down as long as you ain't going commando either you're a real handsome man but i'm just not quite ready to get naked yet yeah it's still young you want me to open this one for you no we're gonna light this one up here okay you don't waste any time do it catch fish silver my friend everybody knows that dropping lines before your buzzing is a waste of time the petrie is uh convinced that fish are attracted to herb he puts his lures in the bag like shaking bait figures you can only catch the big ones if your bait smells like jamaican gold crazy as it sounds that sounded bad she's caught some big fish broke that walleye state record last year oh yeah i heard about that got a picture of the paper that's right you know i thought that fish looked a little too happy [ __ ] sorry your turn no i'm good man what are you talking about i'll wait i wait for what your balls to drop away nah dude that stuff puts me to sleep he's only my little sister jesus christ you don't want a snowmobile you don't smoke pot here not really into fishing i mean [ __ ] man you grew up here how's it you're still alive huh all right atta boy let's bark it up but if if i knock out it's it's your fault oh well a fish house is the best place to do things we're not supposed to think about this you always see someone coming five minutes before they can get here and if they're coming to buster you got a perfect place to stash your [ __ ] right there yeah it's good thinking yeah that's right all right enough foreplay as [ __ ] i'm just messing with you oh [ __ ] well let's see pick your poison we got uh gin rum a killer bottle of vodka and if you're feeling ballsy got some mexican moonshine huh that's right margarita's coming your way big guy i got a blender in here nope i got an auger in bendy straws so oh [ __ ] watch yourself ah all right yeah you do spearing out here with this ah loser for other people wayne well anyhow the water's too deep opening that slot is a pain in the ass too much work most time don't even drop lines down they don't make these things for fishing anyway just excuse to get out of the house oh yeah jesus [ __ ] damn that's good huh it's damn good [ __ ] what you think what do you mean i mean what's your thing man's got to have one at least i don't know work a lot of great cozy how's that working out for you it's fine a lot of hours pays pretty good pretty good means what 18 an hour you know i know it doesn't sound like much to you hey i didn't say this there's a lot of people out here that don't have a job it's good for around here i'm lucky to have it which you are so what do you do with it what do you do with all your green man i don't know just the usual rent bills whatever you got to give me something here man you're depressing me you gotta have something going on huh little coke habit spiraling out of control pregnant hooker [ __ ] hobby at least sorry i just punched you i'm gonna do some fishing or what what for i didn't think we came out here to finish did you i'm just it oh that was wild [ __ ] that was probably one of the biggest parties ever conceived oh man we were what sophomores jesus christ that night at the hill just changed my life not to mention my religious affiliations it's hard to believe you were doing that [ __ ] at that age yeah oh [ __ ] you remember that was the night that i almost [ __ ] died i was sitting there i was telling a bunch of jokes [ __ ] whooping it up and i threw my arms back and i knocked that beer out of blair ellard's hands remember that i threw my arms back and knocked it all over [ __ ] he's killed people for less than that i looked around all my friends were [ __ ] gone and uh [ __ ] man no one's gonna pretend they knew me and while heroes ready to pound my ass in the hammock meet in front of everybody and there you were he saved me how about that yeah you uh you backed me up and cooled him down you know probably only sophomore you like talk to him without permission yeah blair dallard was a scary guy forgot about that [ __ ] i didn't you saved my life that night man you know we've had a lot of [ __ ] wild nights out here i mean crazy old duke and picked in the fishing hall last week still some frozen peak on the rim if you take a look back there [Laughter] so what about courtney what about her she ever come out here are you kidding me the reason i got this place is to get away from her um you guys aren't right what sorry none of my business oh you've never been married no well you're lucky it's a [ __ ] scam all institution of it is a con rigged one big farce you're quite the romantic when she got that paper sign she's got that ring on her finger the whole thing changes it's too late to even realize you've been had the ultimate swing i'm sorry to hear that i always thought you guys were a good couple i was snowed by a candy apple ass nice teeth prettier they are the more baggage they got if i know the [ __ ] they came along with i never would have signed up i'm sorry to hear it are you huh you're really sorry what's that supposed to mean [Music] someone you know hi everybody are you lost there buddy let me come just a little bit closer i got something for you [ __ ] what are you doing he's now what the [ __ ] man that's nothing oh yeah what do you mean scouting they're thieves lake bandits they scout these out they break them you're not around they'll take everything you got there are no laws out here except this okay yep you're not expecting company then nope just you and me bud that's why i got the welcome mat here what my welcome mat holy [ __ ] i got robbed twice last year and they've been eyeing me not this year [ __ ] if they do they'll be sorry they did there's no way to pry her off without tools so day's gonna come when i find some sorry bastard chained up like a dog on a leash that'll be the day my friend well if that ever happens as crazy as this may sound you'll probably get sued you're probably right about that but that's all right i'd be more than happy to pay for some [ __ ] hospital bills and it's rubber foot just to teach you son of a [ __ ] a lesson those buddies call him stumpy the rest of his days where are you going piss is that all right we got a master bath and a bidet in the back under construction pick a snow bang pal [Music] [Music] [Music] holy [ __ ] it's getting cold out there huh i want to dangle your dagger on the wind for too long liable to break off you know you don't have to be so polite i just uh piss in the fishing hole over there yeah and you wonder why you don't catch anything what you want to do some killing huh [Laughter] dude that was wicked you didn't like uh bring a football game or something i don't i don't play these these shooter games in a sec you feel that recoil in the controller right they put that vibration yeah i don't get how to move i don't it's not that listen left stick moves right here right stick turns okay just i'll let you get the hang of it while i get some more drinks all right okay you're gonna chuck that sucker you want me to get you a spoon with some crackers oh wait a minute yeah i thought i heard once weren't you uh military something like that okay yeah the marines oh [ __ ] what was that ah just out of high school man you see any action yeah i saw people getting killed if that's what you mean where it's a bull province afghanistan i [ __ ] man i your imc and you want to play this [ __ ] video game huh i mean you should be kicking my ass on this [ __ ] dude you're the you're the you're the true grunt man i play with these [ __ ] on why they don't know what the [ __ ] they're doing and here you are the real deal getting schooled huh i tell you what i'll give you a chance this time with that huh let's just start we'll start a new match here so i uh i take it jeff mark and uh and broad mark while we're busy tonight please your buddies you guys are tight you know aren't they usually the ones out here with you just curious why you asked me used to be tight though right huh just an invite to do some fishing man you know have a couple of brews maybe smoke a little bit what's the [ __ ] problem here there's no problem i was just just curious oh you're just curious you got a real [ __ ] up way of showing gratitude you know that that's i'm sorry i i didn't mean it like that i just it's a really cool setup you know and i appreciate the invite really well mikasa yeah [ __ ] i guess i guess you deserve to know oh what i brought you out here yeah why is that you don't know shut up seems pretty obvious don't you think [Music] are you gonna tell me or what why'd you ask about courtney she's your wife i'm just making conversation i don't understand you brought her up though yeah i was just asking and i don't get it what is she off limits or something really not what's that supposed to mean [Music] you [ __ ] my white point what did you [ __ ] that way are you [ __ ] kidding me is that your answer no dude why would you even i don't why why would you even think that you didn't [ __ ] my wife no sure yeah all right okay i believe you you're twisting man i think you've had too many of you were nervous you looked a little nervous [ __ ] you're whacked oh he never wanted to [ __ ] my wife huh huh yeah actually sure yes yeah yeah yeah of course i want to [ __ ] your wife who doesn't i'm not going to [ __ ] you on that grant touched yeah so what is this is this what you do yeah this is your deal you you take every guy out from the brainerd lakes area put the heat on and make sure they haven't [ __ ] your wife that's a lot of damn fishing and probably a lot of margaritas too i bet no guys i think [ __ ] my wife i take him duck hunting how they all do though you know yeah they do what they all want my wife smile that make you sell your soul apparent tits that could start a war she used to treat me like a king and i'm the guy who carries luggage yeah that's a sad [ __ ] song but i don't think i can drip any tears for you million dollar house prettiest girl in three counties yeah i don't think i can muscle out any sobs for you on that front pal you know what you want to switch places for a day i'll give you something to cry about peek in my checkbook you'll weep yourself to sleep oh [ __ ] i gotta [ __ ] get on there boy what that [ __ ] give him some faith in there i know i know i know set the hook okay sit you got it i got him i [Music] oh so proud of you look at that maybe bringing you with is just what i need to change my luck around here your life will come what are you gonna eat him no i'm not gonna eat him well then let him go i ain't gonna let him go either well dude i'm not gonna eat him and you're not good [Music] ugh my guess is you're not a deer hunter not anymore what's with the knot anymore he's the fish but not anymore he used to snowmobile smoke hunt used to do a lot and then what happened i don't know man i remember hearing about that little incident you had out at the granny's pub that fight couple years ago greg knowles yeah i heard you put him in the hospital and i also heard that he's lucky to be alive what uh what was that about he used to be such a passive guy never wanted to throw a punch but not anymore let me guess that not anymore started when you came back from the military i don't think this is something i feel like talking about not with you hey i'm not trying to i can only imagine what you went through over there i mean the government [ __ ] you over like that trained to kill but not to cope i can't imagine what the [ __ ] did nola's do anyway to set you off like that he asked me if i [ __ ] his wife oh that's good you're a funny guy i'm gonna give us another drink i think i've had enough oh yeah okay oh want wanna see something cool i don't know do i what's this that is my house i don't get it state of the art home security it's the system i had put in last fall cost a pretty penny but i can go online from anywhere watch the house when i'm not there pretty cool huh so this is this is a recording or no it's live no way yep there was a guy who had the same system put in and uh he saw his house being burglarized while he was on vacation [Music] so he called the cops and watched the arrest happen right from his hotel room that's crazy whoa oh that's that's courtney [Music] does she know she's on camera nope nope she knows that i had the system put in but doesn't realize that i can watch it live she thinks it's only on we're not at home dude that's that's kind of creepy why what i don't know i she should at least know well that'd be no fun listen i didn't put this thing in to spy on her all right it just turned out that way sales guy talked me into it yeah one night i realized i could just pull it up when she's at home every husband should have one of these you kidding me are you ready for this watch this wait what are you doing you see that i've been getting that sour puss for six weeks now hey you hey honey where are you out at the fish house when did you decide to do that not just last minute thought the fish might be biting who's out there with you came out on my own what are you coming home well the fish are biting honey so i'll probably stay the night yeah but the weather is not good we'll be fine don't worry about it me and all the fish i'm gonna catch just be careful i'll call you in the morning okay i love you too wait why did you tell her you were alone she's going for a refill and [Music] i need to smoke with that too baby top of the fridge here you go how long have you been watching her wait this could get a lot better if she uh lights a candle and digs under the bathroom sink for her makeup kit we just might get a show with her and her little purple friend can't be serious she doesn't think i know about that either [Music] [ __ ] who needs satellite and we got the courtney shell we're gonna need some popcorn for this one yeah i'm starting out rich oh god damn it generator yeah he's gas you need any help i got it you watch the lines [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] what's wrong [ __ ] cold out there man yeah man the storm really kind of came out of nowhere right temperatures really drop it's like negative five out there yeah once it's below zero it doesn't matter if it's 20 below or five it's [ __ ] cold as [ __ ] anyway looks like the wind's picking up too isn't it you think we should have your head in for what i don't know it's really windy a bunch of snow gets stuck or something gonna get stuck out here because even if we did we had enough supplies to last about a week anyway dude i can't stay a week come on we just got here i'm barely buzzing [ __ ] let's see what she's up to listen i don't want to watch your wife do whatever it is she's going to do okay and when you said earlier that you were staying the night were you serious because i because i can't stay the night you never say anything about staying the night all right i think you should get me right back to town don't puss out on me dude thanks for the drinks what goes on here she calling somebody yes that's nothing man it's your phone yeah but it's someone else fine but you let me see it no it's fine it's just my [ __ ] phone it's fine let's see that's a [ __ ] look at that grant that's not what you think dude it's not what you think it's always dude it's correct it's not what you think that's no it's not what you think that's the [ __ ] it's not what you think oh star wars hey grant what are you doing great great what are you doing let me up man what the [Music] i really like your ringtone buddy oh it's really sexy it's kind of kind of jazzy green stuff stop stop stop stop there we go oh she called you a couple times uh didn't leave a voicemail but she seemed pretty bummed out that you didn't answer the phone and uh so she sent you a little text message you want me to read it to you oh please are you sure well i'm gonna do it anyway to wayne it's got courtney grant went fishing dot dot dot all alone what does that mean wayne doesn't do that he's flying what's he trying to say you gotta listen to me i'm not familiar with all this texting lego i don't know what's going on but i think it's pretty [ __ ] clear don't you no i think it's pretty clear she lit a couple of candles she's cleaning herself out real good in the tub scrubbing real hard she's going to put on a nice outfit for you she's she's all she's all ready to go man all she needs is you no that's all she needs grant knows tell me if you see any fish down there will you yeah maybe you'll catch a bigger one this time see if you can breathe you call it even after that what do you think that sound fair amigo go fish no i got my dodge sticker oh you never touched it you haven't touched i don't have you touched it i never got never dumpster it's not what every guy who has his head in the fishing hole since no i had never got the chance i had one chance i didn't take it three weeks ago i had the chance to say that again i never thought she'd call i saw her three weeks ago granny's pup she went into granny's pub with her friend brenda or something they were doing shots they were they were ripping it up they were both pretty well-lit yeah and courtney started flirting with me she was flirting with you yeah probably because i was the only guy in there under 50. you're the only guy she started playing and she was going on talking a lot of [ __ ] about you you were in fort lauderdale or something right she was talking about how she was unhappy oh god how she didn't want to get married and how you [ __ ] around on her all the time around he's never home and then at one point she grabbed my phone and she started taking a bunch of pictures and she was goofing around with it that's that's when she put in her contact information that's how she got my number mario was working the bar that night taxi he called her a cabin because she was in no condition to drive and she could and she kept asking me to drive her and i said no i'm not going to take you home just take us home because she was leaving she was joking that she would call me but i never thought she was she was struck i never thought she was serious that's the only thing that happened i swear i swear she's calling you now it's the first first time it's the first time since the night check the phone no you're so full of [ __ ] check the phone check my phone yeah you know what how long have you had those cameras [Applause] please if you hadn't come out here with me tonight and you got that phone call would you gun over there huh huh huh probably yeah come again she's doing this why because she's pissed at you for whatever reason you know what i probably would have gone over there yeah a woman like that and a guy like me that doesn't happen to me not ever he always had [ __ ] everything i never had [ __ ] that an invite like that comes around just because i happen to be sitting there yeah i would have said yes it's the truth you deserve that much at least your piece of work i'll tell you that i was ready to spike this iron through your [ __ ] face and you decide to be all genuine on me i don't i'm sorry man i don't know i'm sorry me too look at her look at that [ __ ] [ __ ] look so entitled hasn't she you know i built that house for her you have any idea how much i spent to keep her happy you don't have a [ __ ] clue everything she has and from what how she had nothing didn't have a didn't have a [ __ ] thing came from your neighborhood actually didn't have [ __ ] and i saved her i gave her more than no woman deserves you think i'm flashy she cares about nothing more than what she lives in what she drives how much more money she can spend than the rest of her friends wayne love is an investment it's not just green it's it's time and emotion uncommitment i broke the bank on that [ __ ] how do i get for it huh the envy of all of her friends is what she lives for you know why she doesn't love me you know why because i'm the only i'm the only person who really knows the truth behind all their [ __ ] their materials and her little designer bag and her spray-on tan that little [ __ ] fancy car she is nothing she's just a little piece of [ __ ] and i know it you know a little something here [ __ ] damn it [Music] i loved her i believe i really did why don't you get the [ __ ] out of here wayne get out of here before you see a side of me that you ain't gonna like [Music] [Music] [Music] [ __ ] [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] so [Music] god [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] right uh have you seen this movie all right whenever whenever i see an old movie like this i can't help but think about the um i know this will sound weird but all those animals they're all dead all the animals especially in the westerns well really um anything that was made in the 70s and before that if you think about it the um the chickens and the birds and the squirrels they're all uh they're all dead now i mean i i don't know how long cows and horses live but that that dog he's gone for sure yeah they're all dead huh you dragged me back here yeah heavy son of a [ __ ] she tried to kill me well let's just say that the evening didn't exactly pan out as i planned i love this movie listen man we had a lot to drink yeah and things got a little out of control you know and uh you know if it's all the same to you i'd prefer would just forget the whole thing don't forget yeah well maybe my emotions got the best of me for good reason you know i understand that you understand yeah hey hey i i didn't mean to hit you huh yeah i mean you jumped the wrong way and ah exactly i was coming to gay i was a little worried and you wouldn't have been able to walk back and yeah i would have made it yeah i mean you would have froze to death right i saved your life it looks like i owe you yeah you want to call it even huh yeah i got you some chow hey listen i think i owe you the truth the truth about what why i brought you out here i don't care i don't i don't want him i was careful what no one saw us leave together not really i've been careful what are you talking about i want to help you help me with what your situation what situation go ahead dig in why is it that you never got promoted at greco z you've been there long enough wayne a [ __ ] monkey could run that deck you're barely making it out of the infantry after nine years why is that huh i don't know what you're talking about two years vocational getting groomed for administrative salary but you've been passed over time and time again shafted by the same company that you've been nothing but loyal to i don't know what this has to do with all because you took that money petty cash off that delivery that you didn't think anyone would notice you saw a chance in you pocketed that cash the only problem is he got caught instead of charging you saving you the embarrassment you got a slap on the wrist shuffle back into the machine shop for eternal blue-collar wandering bliss you risked it all and lost for 850 bucks how the hell do you know that oh wayne come on my old man owns a title company i know everything that goes on behind closed doors i know all the stories but yours is the one that gets me misty you want special sauce with that no and now with your on barb headed for assisted living over at rich crest she's the one who raised you you're the only one left holding the bag expected to flip the coin for that overpriced day camp ten times the price of a tropical vacation and no pool ah hey there cowboy i think you got yourself in a bit of a situation what is this what are you doing you've been studying me how much to put barbie up in ridgecrest for a year depending on her insurance which i'm sure won't help much you're looking at about 30k a year done what i got you covered three years 100 000. you know who likes to scratch on the side to do whatever the [ __ ] it is you do if she doesn't live that long you got yourself some [ __ ] you money she lives longer than three years well i'm sure we can work something out ketchup no hold on wait are you willing to just pay for this consider it done you're gonna give me a hundred thousand dollars because you put a knife now we agreed to forget all that now i'm not sure that that is worth a hundred thousand what you're gonna do for me is gonna be much easier two for you grant where's the tickle stick what do you mean do for you what do you think i mean i'm not sure i want you to take care of her holy [ __ ] hmm you got to be kidding me you want me to kill your wife i don't want you to kill my wife doesn't matter with you i want you to take her out go shopping dinner you know whatever what i'm just ripping yeah i mean i want you to kill her hey check this out bro look at this people who are in shape are [ __ ] up you know when i'm in the best shape i feel like i'm just don't do this man you know i appreciate the offer for my aunt but dude whatever problem you think you have just just get a divorce wayne i don't believe in divorce you know i think you've had a little too much to drink you think so no one gets away with it oh yes they do yes they do wayne 60 of murderers are spouses killing spouses you know who gets caught these morons who didn't think it through whose emotions got the best of them you know how many murders there are every hour in this country and what the percentage is for the amount stop it stop it listen man i think you got me all wrong okay i'm not your man i don't know why you think that i can do something like that because you've already done the deed you've already done it what does that mean you've killed people you understand no listen now you can say that it was for god and country but it's all the same wayne and god in country didn't work out so [ __ ] hot did it a [ __ ] gi bill left to deal with your demons still paying tax on that am i right i'm talking about something real cold hard cash for you and a better life for aunt barb it sounds like a better deal than uncle sam was pedaling don't you think huh what's this well he's new must be a personal trainer some punk who works at the mall all dressed up from smelling sweet pants are [ __ ] gay grant you you have her on camera man dude if this goes any farther that's adultery think about this use this dude that that would kick her ass in divorce court [ __ ] man i'm no lawyer but i know that listen to me it is not about the [ __ ] money now it's not something that i can explain to you and probably not something that you'd ever understand but that's okay because i'm not paying you to make sense of it we talking about guarantees no room for error 10 days from now i go to fort lauderdale i'm going to do some fishing with friends courtney won't be going never does the day before i leave i will start an argument with her telling her that i think she's been drinking too much that won't be a difficult one to start during our little debate i will pour out the last of the wine we have in the house just to show her who's boss one of her friends will be around to overhear it embarrassed that she had to see it but believe me she will see it loony i have to be to put up with this [ __ ] the i go she'll be at the liquor store refilling her supply she'll be seen on store security and i have her seats to back that up that night she'll have a few glasses before going out with her friends her friends will tell her that she drinks too much because they always do they'll tell her that it's dangerous to expose with her pills and she will ignore them as she always has all right guys let's have another one this is buprenorphine she's been taking these for almost a year and one a day gives her a warm zombie buzz 10 would stop her heart her close friends her family they all know she takes them and they know that i oppose it take it coffee with friends maybe another round with that little boy when i know that she is gone i will send you a text and that is your signal that it's all clear we'll go to my house there's a spare key on the rock ledge you will fill the wine bottle with 150 milligrams of buprenorphine she won't taste it you leave the house lock the door leave the key and be on your way it will take you five minutes and that's if you take your time courtney will drink the entire bottle she will doze off or pass out and be dead within an hour it won't be painful it's a feeling she's used to drifting off into oblivion not a big stretch for her the autopsy will show what me and her family their friends already know she played a dangerous game trying too much took too many pills and i caught up to her same way it did her own mother 12 years ago holy [ __ ] of course people will be shocked but not surprised i'll have to be devastated shut myself down not be too social for a while spend a year and morning maybe more but for you it's five minutes five minutes and you'll make nearly triple where you earn breaking your [ __ ] back for a year tax-free bub how long you been thinking about all this i don't know i've left little seeds here and there over the past few months caught under about a drinking her pills in front of her friends this is crazy crazy people don't plan this well i'm sorry about your child i can fix you something else we can do blts i thought i got a piss is that all right sure why not how are you gonna handle the money it's gonna be a little suspicious to withdraw a hundred grand from your bank account get the time of your wife's death don't you think i've stashed away cash for the past year a thousand here a couple thousand there looks like my usual toilets and strip clubs in vegas you know tucked away big stacks of benjamin's just waiting for you i'm hidden in the old general's ass she doesn't have life insurance health coverage but nothing that pays off of death no motive sounds like you've thought about everything are you done i think she's been thinking the same thing how's that i think you said someone following me little things she does i know her too well she's up to something yeah i think she's got the same idea the only thing i can do is beat her to the punch i'm glad i'm not rich you know there is one problem with your [Music] plan like what i guarantee it's one-sided and the only way that this doesn't go to [ __ ] is if you decided i'm not following you there chief well obviously i'm gonna keep my mouth shut because i don't want to get charged with [ __ ] murder but you've got video of me committing the crime it was to say that you're not gonna feel a little bit of pressure and hang me out to drive and i know your three-piece set of lawyers can find a scenario to fit the crime caught on tape acting alone and you're what untouchable well you're just gonna have to trust me aren't you the hundred thousand dollars softens that blow for taking the risk okay that's not enough i'm talking about insurance that runs both ways guaranteed like what i don't know something more than just a couple text messages from your phone saying it's all clear to go poison your wife what do you got in mind i'm waiting video video video of what you telling me the plan like you just did i mean it seems like you had it pretty well rehearsed you just say it again but this time i have the video going but not like you know that the videos go oh see you say your piece how you want me to do it and i have this okay shot 10 days before you leave for your fishing trip are you [ __ ] kidding me that's the only way it's going to work what's to stop you from just handing over the video same reason you won't turn over yours even up sneaky sneaky all right just uh yeah [ __ ] it's weird since i'm on camera you know i've already done this once for christmas just tell it again all right just give me a second let me think about this just say what you said 10 minutes ago you said something good i got floored okay i got it i got it i got it you hit the button all right you ready all right ten days from now i'm going to fort lauderdale i'm gonna do some fishing with my friends courtney's not gonna be going she never does anyway the day before i go i'm going to get you an argument with her about her drinking telling her that i think she's been drinking too much it's not a difficult one to start during the argument i'm gonna pour out the last of the one we have in the house one of her friends will overhear that down oh blow your [ __ ] head up hands behind your back do it now learn this from you [ __ ] face you played me [ __ ] me me you put a [ __ ] knife to my throat trying to drown me and run me down didn't we agree to forget all that and then oh then you had the nerve to see if i'm murder your wife poor little me oh my my wife doesn't love me let's get out you [ __ ] whack job i got the right mind to drown your ass right wayne never earned a thing in your silver line sorry ass pathetic [ __ ] life and then your father hands you the keys to the kingdom half of which you ran into the ground and then he's got a little pain in his heart and this is your solution of course keeping your own hands clean you wouldn't have the guts to do it you haven't even earned the right to kill her just another maintenance man it's like fixing the car cleaning the pool man right yeah just another little annoyance you could wash away by writing a check is that it i'm sorry shut up shut the [ __ ] up you don't know what pain is mother [ __ ] [ __ ] you going huh you know what i've forgotten about that night with blair yeah but you know what i do remember whenever i saved your ass and then i figured i don't know maybe the next day would be different but what did you do you acted like you always did oh no like i was [ __ ] nobody all brave in front of your friends giving me [ __ ] about the fact that i didn't have brand name clogging yeah acting like i was [ __ ] nothing yeah you remember that you remember that a lot of stuff there going on huh just get back your way way [Music] [Music] [ __ ] kidding me oh [ __ ] [Music] so who are you gonna call shut up just talk to me for a second ah shut the [ __ ] up calling those cops hanging out oh yeah why is that what are you gonna tell them maybe the truth and i wouldn't recommend going [ __ ] fishing with you what are you gonna tell them about you what are you talking about you know any cops in lakeshore i don't think you do ah don't give me that [ __ ] what difference does it make so george attempted manslaughter something like that they're gonna come running they're gonna draw blood from both of us yeah little booze a little pile whatever you got something a little more than i did what are you talking about you'd like that margarita wasn't too sweet was it what was it what the [ __ ] did you give me insurance what was it i began what don't worry it's not going to do nothing to you maybe a little dry mouth make you feel allegy i think it's working you [ __ ] it's not gonna hurt you it's just like aspirin then why did you give it to me because it will show up on a blood test same components as meth now whose words they gonna believe me guy where is it huh i used it all what did you carry it in my pocket tell me why i shouldn't kill you right now there's no money in it ah why did you pick me grit why did you do that you don't have any other lower class friends off your wife for some quick cash huh dugan rothenberger i'm sure either the walsh brothers would cash in on something profitable i don't trust them yeah and you trust me you don't even know me just because i killed some people in the war and got some bills i can't afford it my soul you why did you do that do i have thug for hire written on my back is that [ __ ] obvious you both disgust me huh why did you pit me great [Music] because what you said what he said it bothered you that it didn't bother you kill him you probably don't remember this maybe you got released from this service there was a party at walsh's you were obviously a change man drowning away your sorrows tequila and wine i remember was just you and me by the fire pit that night you never told anybody about what happened to you over there but you felt like talking to me told me about some nasty things you'd seen the things you've done what happened to you what gave me the joke was what you said see all those other guys in your unit they were all [ __ ] up over it but you there was something different there's some cool void this blackness that you never even knew you possessed when it came to killing i know drunk talk when i heard wayne you were telling the truth it bothered you but it didn't bother you i stuck with me all those years just the way you said i'll never forget i had to beat you you understand did she hear that conversation oh courtney no it was before we even married she wasn't there she wasn't there but you told her what i said didn't you and that's why she picked me i need you to take care of something for me she offered me double he's got to go uh holy [ __ ] [ __ ] went right through didn't it it's all the same to you should we just forget it call it even good i think she's been watching too many movies what do you think huh [Music] she promised you something else what else did you offer your [ __ ] man little piece of that pie package deal did you already have a taste i didn't i never touched her you two folks thought you could outsmart me i didn't do it and i'm not the person she thought it was [Music] get a divorce i don't believe in it [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] what are you doing ah [Music] ugh [Applause] [Music] great so [Applause] don't worry about our heart i'll take good care of her she's on the street with nothing but she'll know that enough to [ __ ] with the wrong guy she wanted she wanted it to look like an accident she wanted you to still be alive or when i gave you this the [ __ ] is that [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] so [Music] i realize this must be a difficult can you tell time your husband's full name please tell me the last thing you saw a couple days ago what day was that tuesday tuesday what time of day was that what was he driving was he driving i was driving here [Music] [Music] [Music] okay you call me okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] oh that's all i can do grant was horrible with money all on credit practically broke he actually cleaned us out the life insurance is complicated that's not why i i just want to make sure that you're being careful of course think i'm stupid no but i know you've you need to lay low you rip it up out in the town and it's a small town and they're watching you lighten up for christ's sakes cops already told me they think the house went through and he accidentally stepped into his own [ __ ] trap it's over that's what they may have told you but that doesn't mean that that's what they believe or can prove yet yeah well if you would have done what i told you we wouldn't have that problem courtney this is a time when you need to be smart and sober you sound like him doesn't bother me that it bothers me what the hell does that mean who's that just a friend a friend we can't be seen together you knew i was coming and you advised me what if it makes you that [ __ ] nervous go out the back you can let yourself out hey blake [Music] so s [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] you look beautiful i don't have a lot going on [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] ugh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Movie Central
Views: 822,156
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: movies, full, movie, films, classic, sci-fi, horror, drama, comedy, popcornflix, Free movies on Youtube, Hollywood movies, Movies, free full movies, Movie Central, Movie Central Free Movie, Full Movie, Action Full Movie, Horror Full Movie, Rom Com Full Movie, Sci-Fi Full Movie, Free Movies, Movie Central Full Movie, watch free movies on youtube, latest free movies, english dub, latest hollywood, V Movies, ice house movie
Id: sv2h2UEtTUQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 31sec (6391 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 06 2021
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