Eye See You (2003) - Full Movie

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[Music] nine-one-one what is your emergency I'm tired of the way things are as opposed to the way they should be is this an emergency where are you located that really doesn't matter can we have your name please of course common to not over there your man on the streets three I don't asked another question or I will be obliged to do bad and doing bad you would have to assume responsibility [Music] [Music] [Music] situational that make up everything in the world interference [Music] people interfere with an important task [Music] I don't believe people are not good by nature nominal [Music] [Music] without who's for wheat and disease would be gone awesome sweets was ready with love the way nature intended [Music] there will be another body fountain are like you feel confidence [Music] [Applause] Oh April Fool right look you're giddy right you've picked a very fine dining stream why I'll tell you why throw in a car I'll take you throw in a hand I'll take perhaps a lesser gem would be more appropriate [Music] anyway one more round and can make a rat's ass with the stable relationship tricky problem is speaking of problems you fence any closer to nailing that son of a [ __ ] we want to hear all right fine I got them all gift-wrapped out in the trunk that's [ __ ] no we're getting close I hope so Tucker was my friend he didn't deserve that no cop does this guy's putting bodies on display like their trophies son of a [ __ ] knows were the ones who have to look at him that's why [Music] look I'd love to tell you we got this guy ready for a toe tag in the slab I'd love to tell you that but we're dealing with a whole different kind of street logic here it's a whole different breed there's no repeatable patterns there's no identifiable method he's targeting cops different precincts different times every sites clean he's gonna [ __ ] off they all do when he does we'll nail Mon Malloy we've had nine dead cops inside of six months this was nine dent fans we were talking about how it would be a different goddamn story a different story you really think I'd give a [ __ ] what kind of badge your man where you really think that I think you feeling guilty because you and your Fed friends are dropping the ball is not it what happened to you Malloy used to be one of us before you became a Fed ease up we're all on the same team here yeah easy you finished oh yeah everyone here knows I'm enhancing these guys anything they want please keep their mouths full wake up sleeping beauty oh you want to tell me why you were late for dinner excuse dance how do you notice that Donovan's that's right called oh you didn't know I did it was my invitation of your ex-wife Oh what happened to our date ah these guys are going through a bad time so I just I was talking with him a little bit you know it's always gonna be something if it's not this it's gonna always be something else Mary oh yeah what is this the beginning of a you're just too good for me speech bus team you already lucky for you I've been out there checking out the competition and pickings are pretty damn slim so I was thinking what the hell why not stay with me maybe you know have a surprise I got this great surprise but it's gonna have to keep I'm gonna give it to you but I want to have a clear head night oh oh I don't have neurosis roses obviously you haven't been reading cosmopolitan oh yeah yes because I've romantically speaking both totally obsolete in one case of a new language mm-hmm what on junior what a friend I think we just get lucky forget it I work alone [Applause] could have made it myself you know yeah yeah and you would have gotten another DUI - hey Jimmy you're gonna tuck me in [Music] [Music] [Music] what the hell is this a treasure hunt everybody make sure you step on every damn thing you can you see anything you want just take it on home friend of yours yeah a long time I can't find any sign of gunpowder attachment shooter was most likely a several feet back he was in whispering distance see the starbursts splitting on his skin here dr. gun was pressed directly against a head killer wanted in the field of barrel nine dead cops inside of six months this was nine dead fans we were talking about here is how it would be a different goddamn story let's cut him down how long do you plan to have him hang there I don't think jr. here is finished analyzing the button what do you think you could have fired we haven't been able to find anything yeah what do you think you're gonna find I want to get that club out of its roids they're gonna let me have let me handle this okay hello it's for you thanks Vince Malloy you and your friend were out late last night who is this tell me why okay seeing that dead cop sighs do you say recrimination because it's your fault who is this they've all gone to their resting place because of you what are you talking about we'll get to that but first things first you know she's got a lovely place here nice neighborhood it almost looks safe until now it really should have stayed home and played house my life instead of playing hunter to my house my name is Mary Wright I'll bet she has nice eyes so my [ __ ] house [Music] pick up the gun down I'm sorry but Mary get down to the phone right now what do you want you're the agent in charge of my case that's right so whatever you got to do what you just do it to me I am doing it to you annoy her so you still haven't told me what you want four years ago you were in charge of an investigation of a series of murders atrocities against prostitutes I call it removing diseased filth you've got very close to getting me you'd rather protect them and remove me you made my life hell so now I'm returning the favor keep him talking hunting the hunters I won't live long the odds are against that so what time I have left I will dedicate to you I'll always be close like hide and seek about mayor [Applause] to kill a man is easy but kill that he loves and he dies a thousand times please I'll see you but you won't see me [Applause] [Music] [Music] agent Hendricks we got him [Music] SWAT gear son of a [ __ ] didn't say a word just open fire okay tip one on the leg lost a lot of blood they back up passed out [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you buying shares in this place they kill me again listen yeah I've been digging around there's this place out in Wyoming it's a detox I just just hear me out this time he's run by a former cop four cops you know if she did me never knew me she'd still be alive I'm where I want to be where I should be that's where I am okay I'll make you a deal you blow your brains up like a damn man and stop pissing on Mary's memory one sorry-ass day at a time and I'll take care of your tab what's the matter with what's the matter it's all right everybody it's all right it's all right it's a little accident everybody relax what's the matter with you whether you like it or not you still got a life to live it doesn't end here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you believe in reincarnation transmigration of the soul and that stuff I do believe I was a [ __ ] kicker in the previous life [Music] well nothing a few nice curtains couldn't fix up Hey look partner if you ever need to return the favor make it Miami we run a dual diagnosis program here it's a fancy way of saying we're gonna detox your ass and then tackle your demons head-on a group sessions I was a cop for 12 years before I took a shot at drinking myself to death so I know what keeps you up at night gonna make it all go away huh not even gonna try Oh magic wands here [ __ ] you swallowed doesn't digest you carrying a weapon mr. Mulloy I'll have to confiscate it need the shield too I'll crush this here [Applause] all right stick around awhile burn up a little vacation time maybe even rent me a cabin do some ice fishing yeah whatnot see if I can't catch more than that shot glass hey this is gonna be a piece of cake man it's my better half show us helping they tend to lose him out here in jerk water Wyoming do you follow me jack see if you can't find some boots in a parka for this man anything to serve these fine officers doc you might run into more the cool breeze up there come on let's get you checked in the place is built with 50 it's a command-and-control Center for Strategic Air Command satellites made the facility obsolete so they converted it to a military assignment Uncle Sam put it on the market last year it's isolated as hell and that's why it chose --n you're the last of our patients to arrive you know the rules later no smoking in the rooms like in me Jake Malloy we got nothing to hide here including our names it's late night reporting place to fall in love it yeah mine I said only way to come to quit the shakes club members fully booked exactly ready for huh last place I was at was a freakin 12-step health spa mud baths nature walks we don't got TV here convicted felons dog get TV your were ski here's an ark and I'll have a sharp shoots sharp Lyman nobody's talking to you this is Jake glory FBI hey we got a Fed grace enough presents a melon any idea three most overrated things in the world whole cooking all [ __ ] and the FBI let's get your blood and urine sample see what we're up against our resident psychiatrist was an Air Force consultant here for four years I think when the facility shut down she's signed on with us she's pulling double duty as a nurse until we get fully staffed [Music] we used to take care of almost a hundred patients here it's only ten of you cops but judging from your case files I don't think anyone's gonna be bored mrs. Jack Bennett one of our order lists Jake Malloy new arrival he need anything just ask jack no sir placed at the back of his hat that's what they say I know every inch of this nuthouse anything else ma'am I don't think so [Music] is joy see if you can patent or not Hey Oh being a vegetarian you want to hear about the generator don't worry I'll keep her Hubbell was spit and baling wire for haften oh well is about to go to dock then fix it you're the caretaker you managed to get settled in first nights of each the line you've been here a couple of days always been here more than the week enough to meet them to know they're taking over there we'll bust out like a fair completely paranoid back to the wall type us what Lopez LAPD Reverend Jones worked homicide before he found Jesus at the bottom of the bottle check out your washing this guy could never swallow a bullet stupid [ __ ] missed his Brian and blew out his cheek he'll do the Olga McKenzie follow foreigner never the Royal Canadian Mounted Police word is he froze up that his partner gets shot I put him on the rubber gun squad all right that's good started this is what I call the witch an hour no lessons no 12 steps this is your time it's only put them in the bag the pieces Littlefinger's going somewhere like you to hold hands or part of a leg mostly blood was everywhere the little fingers prowling around your house I tried to gather them up it was so much blood I could still smell it 21 preschoolers blown to pieces some of the fingers still had paint on them your finger paint you got something to add Norma you think the Boy Scouts I mean this ain't about helping old ladies across the street base just a kid Oh [ __ ] he's just weak like the rest of you ramsey Pam's you [ __ ] you can't stand the smell of trash what are you doing working in the garbage business maybe he's not as strong as us maybe he never learned like to smell and you laugh it up smiling you sure she won't see me swallow my gun so what do you spell visit Jim move a little speed I need to say yes it is let's be clear about something you people landed here for a reason it's not just your careers you're killing booze may be a slow burn but still suicide [Music] how'd it go I don't know what you want to hear I got no more demos no one monsters oh we all have demons but I stopped believing in monsters when I was 12 it's good if you never met any don't be naive you two hurry look I know you mean well but you're in way over your head understand do you think words are gonna make a difference gonna change anything or not so just do yourself a favor don't waste time it's like we're in for one you don't let Mary had a scarf like that [Music] we can't have the sort thing going on around here I'm tired of you getting involved in everybody else's business easily you don't jump all over my ass he's the one that commands it doesn't matter I'm sure he didn't mean anything by it it's misunderstood yeah something like that that's not the point the point is he ripped it off yeah fine suppose he ripped it off what do you want to do about it did you take it maybe you should give it back [Music] thanks for the light old-timer they know you wanna get some air listen if you want to talk about anything I'm right over here looks like we'll be in this place awhile [Music] [Music] [Music] okay it's just a nightmare Kyle yeah at Lee's how'd you sleep would you mind stay a minute [Music] [Music] can't get through strong us to knock down the lights ain't exactly anyone's gonna make it out here anyway boss or sucked in ain't gonna think about plowing until the storm breaks what are we gonna do break the news to the group I hate you get your bird up here to help you move the body I think I'll be going with just a salad tonight even though none that I could find ain't no offense doc but this many Alcatraz you got going here ain't gonna change a goddamn thing you may dry a few up MA but you ain't gonna change what they're made us the boy was weak we all knew that it's just a matter of time before all Humpty fell off the wall if what about Dudley do-right there huh what a Beach he is 30 years of [ __ ] war stories going to leave his partner for dead alone no one to watch his back there's nothing worse in my book than a goddamn yellow cop you see what I mean doc you ain't the Wizard of odds here you can't just hand out courage you're real good at kicking when they're down aren't you all right when it's standing up to you know we've stopped anybody yeah well at least I'm there for my women that's enough my packets to the office suffering makes you kill humans give us a hand do you want me to do holding still little Aqua Velva over the rocks hole is here I rest my case that all right I want everyone to bill my belt off of them now you gotta be kidding me new laces to do it I want the rooms checked every hour on the hour then you say Shearer [Music] yeah you know that a hospital about ten or so miles up the canyon I mean the old loony bin yeah right the front I'm trying to ring stand up they're getting sick in the head is he always in one lines are down you look up but still been a few passing through here lately one took a cabin for the night pulled out all my Scotch damn near tore it down another looked like he shaved with a cheese grater it's not a fish biting you happen to see what's going on outside it's called the dead of winter I meant ice fishing I love the trauma luck maybe you could help me out oh maybe fact is you couldn't pick their dive a year we both know that if someone really wants to kill themselves there's no stopping it I know you have to believe that Jenny but I can't that's what this place is about stopping I don't get it why do you put yourself through this you got family milan i know neither do i know the job is all I got a lot a coward you know I know that what you remind yourself down there of course both ways constantly they made the spoke I never know knew you could miss someone so much I didn't know that thing you have to remember my lawyers sometimes the real bad things in life can make you stronger what's the matter cowboy somebody steal your horse no I just thought I heard something like what I don't know something wakey [Music] two suicides back-to-back get mr. FET in here he's seen his share dead officers the bruises in the shape of an inverted V can say it's a suicide he shows the pressure the news if he was strangled to be a straight-line bruise he died waiting list for this place is getting shorter by the minute he's still taking vet saloon the next suicides gonna be man didn't say was a suicide just said the marking say that [Music] what the will the tears for this and this should be no more death there shall there be any more pain tearing up here [Music] Cameron's coming across any more bodies you don't have to lucky in your rooms well you gotta be kidding me I just need time to review everyone's Case Files looking for what answers look bad solid there's something funny okay if the idea of a bunch of cops being locked up by common criminals isn't a joke what is it dr. Mitchell can have a word what Jackson Jackson your responsibility maybe he took a joyride we're short one snowmobile the freeze to death 8 the only one boiler bought the farm hey great soldier boys turned into the human ice cube for now [Music] Conner's and Brandon they weren't prior suicide attempts were they I want your lucky room tonight [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yeah okay and come back here dropping like [ __ ] flies here knock it off you're losing it you're always losing it Slater's right we're cops would Slater know about being a cop you bobbies don't even carry a gun for Christ's sakes go for a bit I should put myself on a par with America's finest just shut up communications are down amends are gone one orderly and dark who knows what the hell they are and we got two bodies chillin dad and you're all in danger of experiencing duties sweet cakes shakes are the least of our worries you got a medical degree we don't know about never top we're not talking about the shakes I'm a seizure caused by DTS can kill you without your meds you're all for nothing maybe you should tell them about Jack lady what the hell is he talking about I don't know [ __ ] you tell him where I will Kenny Doc's missing two men are dead no there's something you need to tell us about Jack now is the time you should check his service record already did that the guy who was a patient here oh that's great the son of a [ __ ] murdered his commanding officer over in South Korea strangling with his bare hands he's a psycho you gave this crazy [ __ ] job come on Lopez back off he sits one to protect the women become your specialty Malloy right it's not my specialty he's doing my job well the one good thing in my life is home bay-buh you talk about her again I'm gonna chew I'll Jack end up working here I vouch for him he was talking rehabilitate what about the other guy too good Gilbertson mind oppressive hysteria photo pardons look Jax got nothing to do with this people get what found out don't know Lopez that's a scotch drinker all right guess it never made it up to detox after all you're telling me this guy's a cop well that's what he said move on up there I need to get up there whoever did this must have used a sledge they hammered the living [ __ ] out of these carburetors snowmobiles are finished I say we take the suburban try and get some help if I had a couple extra hands we could shove our way out if we got stuck freezes filling up pretty fast I think he's right thank take Jenny and govern many can help with the digging I'm not going anywhere we can't move you need someone here with medical expertise it's not a request you don't have to be here well where do you think I'd be safer riding through a white out with some Yahoo like Hank or sitting here in a room full of armed officers how about you no way I'm gonna go down with the ship you guys better take off while there's still some light we're out of here come on Gilbert let's go now what okay we can rotate two-man shifts on what made you King [ __ ] he's ranking officer I ain't in uniform but you SWAT boys with team plays my team doesn't wait around to get hit by a shitstorm we are in a shitstorm I'm with Noah time to get proactive I say we find this crazy piece of [ __ ] and frosty is s how do you know it's Jack how do you know that how do you know it's nice Lopez Jones how do we know it isn't Slater how do I know it isn't you me right you better keep an eye on that one er see you crackin split the building into sections each person will clear that area point me in a direction [Music] but you won't cease me [Music] [Music] [Applause] you'll die without getting where'd you find kindness buddy [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [ __ ] where he's good forget look out look out [Applause] anything scares you killer [Applause] [Music] Jack [Applause] wait Hey frozen courses don't point you're used to seeing bodies Wix is burning up I need ice [ __ ] the door what were you doing outside no one told me to sweep around the building jumper tracks did you see monoi why should I've seen them someone that's Norma yeah one of jackie-boy the more days [Music] that means no power that's just great it's gonna be what happened out there Jack and many are dead and Hank is missing oh my skill but you so many Bolton he's still out there I don't know he is I found the mystery snowmobile whoever took a little fire burned all the personal files Wow make it impossible to prove everyone is who they say they are one of us is gonna cop to be knife what are you looking for what are you looking for confirmation confirmation of watts [Music] I see you you see me he's here he's here [Music] good what'd he say they're all dead last time I got out of there when I saw Jack strung up I almost got lost in the blizzard so I'm coming back to the utility tunnels when Malloy comes crashing in and I figure he's not just down there for a walk so I hide behind the woodpile okay it's not Malloy I was with him he went out there to help you well what do I know Malloy should stay loft and myself just to be safe yeah tell you what you don't have to be a Fed to read a flashing sign maybe it's time for Reverend Jones to explain don't you have a Pawnee boy you understand [Music] maybe Malloy was right about one of us not being a cop somebody was out there in that storm if it wasn't Hank or Malloy it wasn't you were out sergeant Eve attracts what right I got locked out did you guess my covers finally blown ignorant [ __ ] it's not me it's what you do [ __ ] I feel safer already I said Slater I stare into your office and you see nothing I see you you don't see me alright so where the feds say about all this he talked like it was someone he knew somebody tracked the cop killer he's dead he'd better be hey any cop killer steps my way I'll cap his ass well let's help you - what do you mean hope you studied guys like this for I double they don't just keep I play with that cat hey man I don't want to hear this okay they gouge out your eyes they shot things down your throat well are you deaf yeah Noah's got other plans it will freeze to death first you want to show us where that wood pile is what are you nuts I ain't going back down there well I ain't going down there by myself later [Music] [Music] [Music] which stores down this way Shh you hear that you're what I said we hold company not for long you too clear that one I got this come on [Music] they found that in the buff Slater zone it's yeah just taking trophies we're gonna make it out of here is what we've got to do you and Lopez check upstairs I'll take the tunnels yeah are you gonna stay here George why please just trust me thank Sayer thank Slater hey come drop the weapon nice behind your head fingers locked now Onion News you know I like playing cop how do you like playing the lute in you like [Music] come wasn't easy you there was gonna get my ass tough guy [Music] open your eyes look at me thattaboy see look here you see somebody coming up downstairs you met faith God that bullet right through me right [Music] [Applause] [Music] I see you but you still don't save me because I do something boy oh it's already dead you mean the real mr. Slater I tracked up here fast by Soaring was detoxing at the bottom of a frozen lake I don't think you've mind me borrowing his knife you're real good at them they don't just come back he said how you found out about this place just blending in at the cop bar huh that doesn't matter now what matters is I got to Europe before you got to me [Applause] it will ask if I was in sight just the opposite the same man could not have accomplished this all those debts including marriage weren't right and to prove a point you cannot control of nature intended Malloy we're born to perform a duty which I've done and so you finally see me know what you know you'll never feel more alive than when you're watching someone else die and right when I stare very but once again Malloy you're too late imagine you staring porno [Music] DejaVu boy how many second chances to get you think you're strong enough to stop me Jenny young to die Jenny [ __ ] are down [Music] [Music] Jenny I like your eyes let me see your eyes did I mention I hear voices right now I am annoyed pleading for his precious Mary these trucks make me work for it do you see me because I see you [Music] please hands behind your head I'll keep it nice it's your turn now it's time to die [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] just [Music] do you see this [Music] [Music] [Music] okay [Music] that was deficient I see [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it is policy [Music] no you haven't [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's nothing to be justified [Music] paradise so you don't have to justify [Music] no I haven't asked you [Music] [Music] [Music] this [Music] you're still [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you you
Channel: FilmRise Movies
Views: 1,014,750
Rating: 4.6329551 out of 5
Keywords: FilmRise, Drama, Thriller, Mystery, Cop, Alcoholic, Clinic, Serial Killer, Sylvester Stallone, Stallone, Action
Id: SIKhw41Ec28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 57sec (5757 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 19 2019
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