Above Suspicion (2000) | Scott Bakula | Annabella Sciorra | George Dzundza | Full Movie

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh hello we see you too what's he doing wise guy get out of there no [Music] no go to the Fountain camera got [Music] itabo Mickey zanini Paul Ferrero everybody's here everybody is [Music] somebody you see what I see I see it but I don't believe it you better call [Music] Stamos I'm trying to have my lunch here what are you sure well you better not lose him I'll be a son of a [Music] [ __ ] [Music] State Attorney General's office hello Helen good morning Mr Stamos please go right in it's a ceremony that symbolize the passing of an era funeral services were held yesterday for Leona Mancini Widow of Infamous Mafia Don Carlo manini Mrs manini died of heart failure on Tuesday her health had declined steadily since The Disappearance in 19 1988 of her youngest son Johnny who is still sought on murder charges Leona Mancini dead at the age of 78 Paul Richards this is lamos head of SIU BS with the fugitive unit he's going to provide you with surveillance and backup we can use all the help we can get for someone who found the longest standing fugitive on our 12 most wanted list I would say you're being modest I just got lucky well I'm looking forward to working with you you're something of alleged around here really maybe I should ask for a raise huh stop dreaming leis fill us in okay he checked into the days in under the name Richard Cosgrove of Grand Rapids Michigan no rented cars no credit cards paid for everything in cash he went directly from the funeral to the airport where he disappeared into a men's room ditched the disguise then came out looking 40 years younger [Music] the disguise did you retrieve it yes we did along with his garment bag and a 9mm Beretta the mob weapon of choice we think that he ditched the clip on the way to the airport the gun was unloaded where did he end up well he took a 430 plane to Philadelphia caught a connecting flight to Raleigh Durham and then drove 110 mil to the town of Thomas Ville North Carolina where it appears our friend has been living at uh 384 Wheaten Street for the last 13 years as Richard cosgro no as James Stockton he's married has a daughter owns a construction business with his brother-in-law he's got a driver's license a social security number he's even registered to vote Democrat you think he's told his wife the truth would you how are you okay how exha all right 38 okay just handle it carefully don't let this choir boy act fool you he's killed before and if he has to He'll Do It Again I'll call you in a couple of [Applause] days come on will you can do it now just throw [Applause] strikes all four take your B yeah yes good good [Applause] Robbie what do you think he's toast yeah time blue [Applause] time it's okay will you pitched a good game [Applause] now pitching for Dallas Diamondback safy Stockton God I hate it when he does this why does he always put her in when the game is on the line because she always comes through hey you're the only one that's nervous here 10 bucks says my niece strikes this boo out well I'm not going to bet against my own daughter come on I'll give you odds got to win back of that money I lost a casino night you should have come well James didn't get back from righ until after 7:00 he stayed there overnight Nick said this was a simple bid yes well it was but apparently there was someone they wanted him to meet from The Landmark commission who was only available on Friday ah you're so trusting well because there's no reason for me not to be trusting as you know okay tiger one more out we go home I don't know he's kind kind of big come on now it's just another game and he's just another he is kind of big listen you remember that big kid on the Cubs one who called you baby do yeah pretend he's the same kid loaded come on kiddo you can do it where are you going I can't watch this you're such a wuss all right Josh you can do [Applause] it it's all right tiger it's all right bear down now bear [Applause] down can you see the scoreboard oh it was a strike base is loaded two outs the count is one and two okay thanks thank you which one is yours uh she's pitching well I don't think you have anything to worry about [Applause] okay [Applause] y you can look now she struck him out I'm sorry I'm sorry fin [Applause] score nice game Stockton well Jake thanks very much she's got a hell of a curveball oh yeah she does hey Stacy can I ask you something sure don't you get tired of hanging around all these boys all the time only when we lose nice try Jak bye honey bye Ellie bye Ellie see you well babe you missed another exciting finish you put me through another game like this you're going to have to take me away on a stretcher it's CU I think you enjoy torturing me [Music] we got a problem with our phones no not that I know [Music] of something wrong with the line no sir we're just upgrading the equipment we're doing the whole neighborhood anybody from the phone company call and say they'd be uh upgrading equipment no but they never do damn it oh no James not again I mean why does that keep happening I got to put it in a bigger breaker oh and when will that be soon as I get some time okay she said every time I want to use the microwave I'm going to end up in the dark babe let me go reset the switch and I promise you tomorrow I will switch out the breaker okay oh hey who do you know in Atlantic City nobody why you made a call from your cell phone to Atlantic City when last Wednesday Wednesday oh you know there's a fixture supplier we've been talking about working with up there maybe I called them 3 [Music] hey you guys make sure we get the upstairs framing done all right before hang those things good you heard we already got a good start on it no just the other ones here well we'll have to forget abouty we got a problem listen Charlie can I call you back in a few minutes yeah thanks a lot what's up ni I just came from ber Stone's office says the city council is considering a moratorium on all new construction you kidding me oh thank God we got our permits huh yeah well here's the thing Jimmy we got permits on the work that we started we don't have permits on the four lots that we cleared I thought you were going to pull them all at once I didn't think I had to nobody's is going to buy land they can't build on Nick I know those balloon payments come due we don't have permits we're screwed I know but I think it's too early to panic BT says he doesn't even think the votes are there you know we might have to do a little lobbying but I don't know maybe this thing will just take care of itself nothing takes care of itself Nick look call the bank see if they'll be willing to cut us some slack I'll go down to the zoning commission and uh try and get us an exemption I'm sorry man I just didn't see this coming we'll work it out somehow don't forget to call the bank I'll be back in a couple hours yeah okay now once you've added your image tag preview it in the browser and move on to the next step okay well don't forget to shut down and we'll continue this on Wednesday you want me to get that no that's your father's business line just let the machine pick it up okay you reach H construction please leave a message Mr Stockton This isita Walter Lany I call to thank you again for coming up last weekend we're just sorry you weren't able to stay over to meet with Bruce Moffett on Friday but uh he would like to reschedule so if you could call me back I'll set up that meeting as soon as possible thank you so much [Music] day in Atlantic City can I help [Music] you Mom yeah can I have a new bike no why not Stacy because you have a perfectly good bike no but all my friends have mountain bikes Stacy we've had this discussion before you'll get a new bike when you outgrow the one that you have well what if I pay for half of it with my own money I said no and I meant no and I don't want to talk about this anymore what was that all about new bike oh well you know she's probably probably do for a new one anyway you know what I've dealt with this the last thing I need is for you to come in here and undo what I just said to her what's the matter what were you doing in Raleigh Raleigh what does this have to do with Raleigh I just find it really hard to believe that it took you two days to bid on a simple renovation there's nothing simple about this job I told you I had to meet with five different people why are you giving me the third degree year because I think that there's something you're not telling me what what what do you think I'm seeing another woman the thought had crossed my mind well you are dead wrong what is it Stacy why are you guys fighting we're not fighting we're just discussing something want to go outside and play some catch work on your change up yeah okay okay we threw with this discussion oh looks that way be out in a minute you know I think you're spending too much time with your sister Mr Stockton this is Rita Walters calling from the lane morai [Music] [Music] project I call to thank you again for coming up last weekend we're just sorry you weren't able to stay over to meet with Bruce Moffett on Friday but yeah are you coming or not yeah sorry tiger I'll be right out message erased hey who turned out the lights James yeah what are you doing down there changing out a circuit breaker how long are we going to be in the dark up here not long this evening so far I've been scored with two men out we got the same situation for [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] hey Lena come on come on how you doing good there he is there's the man let's hear it for the coach all right all right thank you thank you D you got to stop doing that every time I come in here buddy how you doing I'm all right how you doing George that's one hell of a curve ball yes it is huh just make sure she keeps her arm healthy for the rest of the season all right don't worry about that hey I uh I set aside your table for you already but um I think Mr kve got tired of waiting so he went ahead and ordered who Mr krove said you meet him here for lunch D you know I uh left something in my truck I'll be right back all right stick around around coach you've been invited to stay for lunch I suggest you accept the invitation if I refuse well then I got to pull my badge and my cuffs and I got to rest you right here in front of all your friends and neighbors it's up to you Johnny okay [Music] way to go coach hey Jamie hey great where you go [Music] hey hello Johnny it's been a long time sit [Music] out you know the food here is quite good so what can I get you to eat today Jimmy uh nothing D thanks I'm not staying Al all right how about you sir no just coffee all right so how was your sandwich Mr Cosgrove D this might just have been the best Carolina Classic I've had since I've been here glad to hear it can I get you anything else just a check nope nope when you're eating with Jimmy you eat for free it's on the house really I guess it's my lucky day thank you very much my pleasure ah you know you got a great thing going here good business beautiful wife a winning base baseball team your kids got a hell of an arm everybody loves you you really got him snowed don't you [ __ ] you Stamos boy you got a lot of attitude for a guy who's facing a murder warrant I say we arrest this son of a [ __ ] right here now not just yet where's The Ledger Johnny what makes you think I have it you can test my patience but don't insult my intelligence what are you uh offering in return if you give me The Ledger I'm prepared to walk away from here and forget that Johnny manini ever existed you expect me to believe that that's the deal that I'm authorized to make and it comes directly from the attorney general well now you've insulted my intelligence because you know damn well that the moment I turn over that ledger I'm a dead man not necessarily you don't really have a whole lot of options you can refuse to give it to me in which case I arrest you and we go back to New Jersey or you could try to make a run for it and leave your whole family behind or you could always tell your wife wife the truth now there's an idea I'm sure you'll find a way to make her understand why you've been lying to her for all these years maybe even convince her that the whole family should make a run for it but somehow she doesn't strike me as the type that would want to live the rest of her life as a fugitive no I think door number one is the best way to go well you don't have to decide right now why don't you take some time to think about it I'll give you 48 Hours 1:00 Thursday this offer officially expires either I leave here with The Ledger or I leave with you are we finished no unless you've changed your mind and decided to have some lunch oh and and [Music] Johnny don't even think of running I won't make the same mistake [Music] twice I don't get it am I missing something here or are you completely out of your mind patience my friend is a virtue I'm afraid you sorely lack you know you've been trying to nail this prick for 14 years and now you're going to let him get away with murder for the sake of some Ledger this isn't just any Ledger we get our hands on this Ledger and we take down the entire manini family and who says I'm going to let him get away with [Music] anything [Music] [Music] where's Stacy she's at Rachel's what's the matter who is she James where'd you get that found it in your wallet my wallet what were you doing in my wallet I'm sorry but if you had been more honest I wouldn't have to resort to something like this I don't believe this you have no right to invade my privacy like that who is she James Lisa this has nothing to do with you no it has everything to do with me now who is she you think you got this all figured out don't you well let me tell you something you don't have a clue then why don't you enlighten me why don't you tell me what this woman's picture was doing in your wallet what's her name great s were you in love with with her we were engaged to be married why have you never mentioned her it ended badly then why do you have her picture in your wallet Lisa I don't know I forgot I even had it and you've never seen her again never look at me this is the last time I'm going to say this I am not seeing another woman okay who is she her name is Greta Sans and he said he was engaged to her back in Chicago you think Jimmy's still seing her well he says he hasn't seen her since we've been married well then I think you ought to believe him Lisa James man his faults but I don't think I've ever so much seen him look at another woman you know what I'd like to believe him he's just making it really difficult why what else is going on the day before he left for Raleigh he made a telephone call from his cell phone to a motel in Atlantic City so this picture was taken in Atlantic City oh guys I'm really really not comfortable having this conversation oh okay I'm sorry I didn't mean to involve the two of you please don't say that if you can't come to us who can you come to well it's just it's driving me crazy because I feel like there were never any secrets between the two of us and now I I feel like I feel like I don't believe anything he says Nick what about Sam Jeter no honey I don't think so who Sam Jeter is a guy I went to high school with he lives down in Wilmington he's a private investigator can you just send him this picture and he could find out who that girl is are you really sure you want to pursue this yeah yeah I do what time have they taking the vote but what if they're not willing to amend it you're damn right we're screwed why would they be willing to give us an exemption no no look Nick Nick just do whatever the hell you [Music] want [Music] Charlie toin please what next coach uh take another round infield and then get some batting practice you got it hey Charlie James Stockton da you know listen those um four properties that you keep bugging me about mhm well they're obviously not worth what they were last week but uh you line me up a buyer in the next couple days he can pretty much name his price go to first now well sooner the better yeah thanks Charlie her full name was Greta Katherine Sans she grew up in Connecticut she went to school at for instant she died before you guys ever met I wonder why he never told me that she was murdered Lisa she was murdered and she was engaged to James well here's a wrinkle Jeter says that she was engaged to be married when she died but it wasn't a Jimmy I don't understand you never heard the name Carlo Mancini no Sky Carlo Mancini was the head of a notorious East Coast crime family according to Jeter his youngest son kid named Johnny manini was in love with this woman and they were engaged to be married when she died what does this have to do with James 14 years ago this Johnny Mancini disappeared Le disappeared no one seen or heard from him since you you're not thinking that I don't know what to think how much do we really know about Jimmy's life before he showed up here I mean he says he's from Chicago and as far as I know he's never been back because everyone in his family is dead yeah well he never even talks about them don't you think that's ODOT you know what you're starting to sound a lot like Ellie now I know his life has hardly been an open book but I've been living with the man for 13 years he's been a great husband and he's been a great father now all this about suddenly he's a gangster I'm sorry just doesn't compute yeah I know you know maybe Jeter's just totally off base on this well he has to be did he say why this guy disappeared they were just about to arrest him for his girlfriend's [Music] murder I don't believe this is happening listen Jeter said that he would try and take up a photo of this Johnny manini so until he does I think we just we just have to keep this between ourselves and act as if nothing has [Applause] changed [Applause] two [Applause] Bas blue wake up he went around did he go you got to be kidding me open your eyes would you come on it happened right in front of you you don't have to talk to yeah take a seat coach guy hasn't given us one decent call all day long Runners at first and third one out let's get two now infield let's get [Applause] [Music] two [Applause] no way what's the matter with you you blind the throw was there the tag was there he was out look at me damn it I'm talking to you listen coach I know this is a big game we going get in the Dugout and sit down right now I'm have to throw you out of here come on Coach it's all right we'll get it back next in son of a [ __ ] I seen better umpires in te- ball that's it you're gone you're not throwing me out you're not throwing me out jeez Robbie I'm sorry you okay huh yeah it's just a game coach you think you can uh run the rest of the game I guess so that's all [Music] yours let's play [Music] ball [Music] all right let's go Diamond Backs [Applause] out ah damn it come on no no no wait a second you got to back up what is this well either your watch broke or you forgot how to tell time you missed a deadline tell Stamos I need more time why don't you tell them yourself just follow the car in front of [Music] you who do you think you are stupid can you be the matter with you get some sens to your head I need more time tell don't tell me I'm telling you you better show up when I'm ready no no no let him go well I hope the hell you know what you're doing we just need to give him a little more rad hope and believe me he'll hang himself all [Music] [Music] right [Music] Dad I'm sorry tiger what happened well I did exactly what I've always told you not to do I lost my cool I embarrassed you and your mother I let the team down we won the game you did yeah we came back and tied it in the six and Robbie put on a squeeze play and it worked that's great yes so we play again next week will you be there I'll be there are you going to come have supper yeah I'll be in in a minute wow this detective you think he's still around yeah how do you spell his name uh-huh uhhuh yeah let me know if you track him down really when's it dated no actually Sam could you send me a copy of the clipping yeah no I'd rather you send it as an attachment to an email can you do that you got my address yeah that's it yeah thanks Sam uh-huh yeah uh-huh me too all right I'll talk to you soon doing some more uh High powerered lobbying there Nick Jimmy I made a mistake I'm trying to fix it I don't know what else you want from me I'm seeing Charlie tolin at 4:00 I'm going to sell those empty lots that is not the answer Jimmy we'd be lucky if we get 50 cents for the dollar for those lots right now we got to ride this thing out if we wait we may not get anything if you just let me handle it I promise you I will get us an exemption no Nick i' let you handle things long enough call the bank I told them we're looking for a buyer you can't do that without my consent and you are not going to get it you like it or not Jimmy I am still your partner God d a Nick I need the money now what the hell's the matter with you man are you in some kind of trouble talk to me maybe I can help you you want to help me Nick and go along with me on this I got work to do talk about this later we M to be a little more [Music] reasonable hello hey leis it's Nick hi Nick uh look I'm sorry to call you at school but I just talked with Jeter what did he say look I I really don't want to talk about this on the phone you think maybe you could stop by here on your your way [Music] home [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] neck [Music] the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want he maketh me to lie down in Green Pastures he leadth me beside the Still Waters he restoreth my soul he leadth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake yay though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for thou art with me thy rod and thy staff they comfort me th preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies thou anointest my head with oil my cup runneth over surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever amen Hi H you okay no not really want me to scratch your back okay I love you dad I love you too [Music] tiger Jan evening Jimmy how are you what uh brings you out of our way well I'm real sorry to bother you folks at this time but I need to wrap up a few things about the fire I thought the cause of the fire had already been determined we see the autopsy was inconclusive and until the arson Squad can complete their investigation we required to treat it as if it were a homicide a homicide I know that sounds crazy but that is the procedure well yeah Jean we know you're just doing your job thanks Jimmy let's just take a couple minutes Lisa I'd like to begin with you uh what time did you arrive at the scene um it was about 4:30 well what brought you up there well I had just dropped uh my daughter off at a friend's house house and um I saw smoke rising and I thought it must be the house or um the garage you told the fireman on the scene that the last thing you remember was going into the burning structure to try to rescue your Nick right mhm yeah I I didn't make it though the fire was too far along that a very courageous thing to do you're damn right she's lucky to be alive you don't recall how you found your way out of the fire um I I assume the firemen pulled me out no according to their report they found you lying unconscious about 30 ft away from the fire well then I must have found a way out I I I don't really remember now Jimmy where were you during this time oh I had a a meeting with uh Charlie Tobin over at MCL realy I know Old Charlie's a nice fell mhm about what time was this 4:00 and what was the nature of the meeting well Nick and I had unfortunately failed to get permits on four of our properties before the moratorium passed we decided to be best to uh sell cut our losses Bo that is some bad luck yeah you're right about that well I'll leave you folks alone that should about do it again let me apologize for this intrusion that's it's okay je oh there is one other thing I was looking over Nick's phone record this morning and apparently he made a call about 3:30 the day of the fire I had the phone company check the location and it turns out it went to a phone in your computer LLY now do you remember talking to Nick about 3:30 the day of the fire no I I was gone he must have talked to my Aid or a custodian well you know why he might have been calling you no unless he was looking for James that was probably it okay oh please give Ellie my condolences okay good night he wasn't looking for me I was right there in the office with him at 3:30 why was he calling you Lisa I don't know James I I don't know maybe he was concerned about you you haven't exactly been yourself lately oh I see so Nick was calling you because he was concerned about me you know what it's late and we're both tired and I think we should go to sleep now wait a minute no I'm going to go to bed I think you should do the same [Music] thing [Music] [Music] Stacy Stacy honey Stacy get up get up get up have to get out James James James James help us James this it's okay honey you were dreaming it's okay [Music] [Music] hey kiddo how you doing great we brought you some dinner that was sweet if I read again I'm sure I'll appreciate it and Ellie do you mind if I set up their C of course not honey you know where it is how you doing I'm tired people in and out of here all day long do you mind having her here no of course not she's my girl um I had to look at the autopsy report Court they say that he died of a head injury probably a falling beam that explains why I didn't get out I just can't figure out what he was doing there in the first place Ellie don't do this to yourself Jean Ward was over here earlier he was uh trying to be graceful about it but he has some pretty strange questions what kind of question questions oh he wanted to know if um Nick had any enemies or if I was aware of any threat made on his life you know the kind of questions people ask when they think someone might have been murdered Ellie that's crazy maybe but he asked a lot of questions about those four empty lots because apparently James was over at Charlie Tobin's when the fire broke out talking about selling those four empty lots yeah I know he told me why wasn't Nick there I don't know Ellie oh I do cuz I called Charlie and I asked him and he said it was pretty clear to him that Nick had no intention of selling those empty lots so out of curiosity I just asked him what time did James leave your office and he said James left his office at about 4:30 now according to the coroner's report where was James Lisa where was James when Nick was killed James did not kill Nick no I'm sorry it's just that he's gone and none of this makes any [Music] sense [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Hello computer lab yeah Mrs Stockton please oh well she's not here right now well you know where she is know she's left for the [Applause] [Music] day hello Ellie hi it's James hello James listen Ellie I'm looking for Lisa is she there she said she had to go run some errands what about Stacy she's outside playing croquet listen to me I need you to get Stacy inside right now okay lock all your windows and all your doors don't let anybody in okay now you're scaring me James what is going on just do it all right I'm going to find Lisa and we're going to come get Stacy okay I'll explain everything all right all right [Music] thanks [ __ ] you [Music] Stamos what are you doing I'm packing we can't stay here anymore we need to pack for Stacy too pick her up at Ellies I'll explain on the way no James I'm not going anywhere why James because it wasn't safe to tell you the truth safe for whom for you for Stacy don't you dare don't you dare try to convince me that you've been pretending to be somebody else for my benefit or for Stacy they're trying to kill me don't you understand that and if they even suspect for one moment that you know what I know they will gladly kill you too I don't care I want the truth can't they just leave us alone what do you want to know why did you run I didn't have any other choice my father was in prison my fiance was dead the da was set to prosecute me for her murder unless I agreed to testify against my own brother who was a gangster Lisa there were a lot of things that my family did that I'm not proud of but when my father went to prison for for whatever reason he decided that I wasn't going to be a part of all that and he made my brother promise that no matter what it took that he would spare me the same fate Tony kept his promise cost him his life what do you mean Tony's the one who arranged for me to disappear but he couldn't be sure that they would never find me so just to be safe if he let it be known that I was now The Keeper of the family Ledger that was my insurance policy two weeks later they burned down his casino and he died in the fire I don't understand what's in this ledger accounts payable accounts receivable a record of every collection payoff and payout that the family ever made in the names of all the people they were made too we're talking cops lawyers judges even congressmen so everyone here is dirty except for you is that it James you can believe what you want that's the truth so prove it show me The Ledger where is it James I don't have it never did why am I not surprised it was destroyed in the same fire that killed my brother why don't you just shut the damn thing off so this is what you've been waiting 14 years to find out what do you think we should give him a little bit more rope or do you think he's ready to hang himself arrest the son of a [ __ ] you could run if you want James I won't try to stop you but Stacy and I are staying right here I want you out of my [Music] [Music] life [Music] Jimmy jeene these men are from the New Jersey fugitive unit I'm sorry to have to tell you this but they're here to arrest you on a warrant for the murder of Greta Katherine sand and we don't need to do that here you have the right to remain silent anything you say can be [Music] told [Applause] Stacy wanted to say goodbye hi Stace hi how's baseball practice I didn't go the team can't do it without you people are saying you're not really who you say you are does that mean you're really not my father you got a dollar bill what dollar bill do you have one before I came here and Met Your Mother I had a life and a family that I had to walk away from and I knew that I could never ever go back the day I left home my brother gave me a train ticket a new name and he did something that I will never forget he he took a a crisp new $100 bill and he he um tore it in half and he gave one of the two pieces to me why well he said it was to remind me that no matter what I might think of him we would always be bound together by Blood and like it or not he would always love me do you still have your half yeah I do you know if you look at my office there's a beat up old dictionary on my bookcase it's in there there's also an autograph Mickey Manel rookie card that was was always meant for you and if you want it where are they taking you Atlantic City New Jersey is where I grew up when will you be back I don't know actually the truth is Stacy I I may never be back I don't want you to go I don't want to go but if for some reason I I can't come back and something happens to me you need to know that I will always be your father and I will always love you and your mother more than anything in the world I hope you can believe that [Music] I believe you [Music] did Stacy it's time to [Music] go goodbye pleasa goodbye James Richards is arranging for how should I know I had nothing to do with that there were no commercial flights available sign off on this I'm sorry do you know that man is uh yeah his name is uh leis Stamos he's for the New Jersey attorney general's office thanks hungry not really you got to eat something [Music] [Music] mom look what I found in Dad's [Music] dictionary [Music] Dear Lisa I prayed to God this day would never come by the time you read this I should be gone and out of your life I'm sorry for all the pain I'm may have caused you this Ledger was meant to protect me instead it's cost Nick's life and placed you and Stacy in Jeopardy I kept it only because I needed for you to know the truth about the man you married so that you and Stacy can get on with your lives it's Stallings Airfield it's right off of Highway 68 thank you Paul it's been a pleasure working with you after you've seen it please destroy it and try if you can to remember all that we had that was good I love you more than we'll ever know [Music] James oh my God what's in it mom not sure but I I think it's proof that your father is innocent Jean Ward here Jean this is this is Lisa Stockton hi Lisa what can I do for you Jee I need to see you right away I think James is innocent oh Lisa I wish I could help but that's out of my hands now no no you need to let me explain Lisa you don't understand Jimmy is in the custody of Mr stus and they're on their way to Atlantic City as we speak no no you don't understand you need to stop them I think he's a dirty cop I think he murdered Nick and I'm afraid he's going to kill James Lisa I'm sorry I really am but if you want to pursue this any further you're going to have to take it up with the New Jersey attorney general's office okay I [Music] will [Music] oair Thomas oair t o c t o [Music] c [Music] son of a [ __ ] Stacy yeah grab a sweatshirt honey where are we going up to the school school come onom we're in a [Music] hurry what are we doing here uh got to send an email can't you do that from home not this kind of email is this about that book that I found yeah is there anything I can do yeah you can take it and uh turn on the scanner and start scanning it into the corner computer okay [Music] oh [Music] Attorney General's office yes could you connect me with the attorney general please I'm sorry but Mr oair isn't available right now oh okay well can you tell him it concerns Johnny manini hold on please excuse [Music] me hold on for Mr oair hello Mr olair who is this uh this is Lisa Stockton I I'm married to James Stockton I think you know who I am no I can't say as I do okay well then let me just cut to the chase I've just finished reading a fascinating book it's a book about money an awful lot of money it was written back in the day when you were the Atlantic City da and I'm willing to bet anything that you're the author of this book do you want me to continue what do you want Mrs Stockton I want my husband back I can't do that well I think you can if you don't release him tonight I'm going to see to it that your book gets more publicity than you know what to do with are you trying to Blackmail me Mrs Stockton yes sir that's exactly what I'm doing well how do I know you have The Ledger are you near a computer yes check your email I don't understand you will it's 7:05 I'll give you 15 minutes to respond if I don't hear from you by 720 your Ledger will have its own website and how do I reach you email reply 15 minutes I can't believe I'm doing [Music] this Tom yes I'd like to serve dinner now be right down [Music] [Music] oh dear God oh [Music] yeah what's up wait a second I can barely hear you hold on oh come on o Clair yes Stallings Airfield Highway 68 okay come on Stacy we're out of [Music] here when will you be back tomorrow [Music] morning please don't do this oh come on be careful I love you I love you [Music] too [Applause] [Music] [Music] my compliments Mrs Stockton I'm afraid I underestimated you where's my husband first Ledger not until I see my husband [Music] please fine he's in the [Music] hanger [Music] what are you doing here I'm going to take you home are you okay what's going on hand over the Ledger and he's all yours no no Lisa don't do it don't do it you should be grateful your wife bought you a temporary reprieve G there's nothing temporary about it you really think your little computer stunt changes anything think about it Mrs Stockton what have you really accomplished here have you bought yourself some peace of mind when you wake up tomorrow will it be any safer to open the door to the mailman or to talk baseball with a stranger at a hot dog stand and what about your daughter will it be safe to let her walk to the park or play baseball after school swear to God Stamos you come near my family again I'll kill you peace of mind you don't appreciate it until you lose it my nightmare is finally over yours is just beginning say goodbye to your peace of [Music] mind let's go [Music] home makes me sick to think that lowlife son of a [ __ ] is going to get away with us don't worry trust me I got a good feeling about this quite sure sorry everyone slight emergency Stan could I see you for a minute okay if you folks what the hell's wrong with it looks like someone's playing a practical joke on you what do you mean oh whoever sent you this email wrote in some sort of redundancy script so that when you hit the delete button it looks like it was programmed to forward the email to each and every person in your address book I mean it's a good hack this isn't funny you little [ __ ] there are a lot of people in my address book do something I ner stop stop thank you thanks how many uh do you think I true no more than a handful I wouldn't worry about it okay okay good man over 100 New Jersey law enforcement officials were greeted with an unusual email at work this morning the email attempts to link State Attorney General Thomas olair to the notorious manini crime family the message alleged that during his tenure as Atlantic City da olair made numerous cash payments to judges and prosecutors on behalf of the maninis this in exchange for lenient prosecution the email also includes excerpts from what appears to be an incriminating Ledger written in ooc Clair's own hand Mr ooc Clair's office was quick to dismiss the email as a malicious hoax but in a startling development the justice department has confirmed that the original Ledger was seized late last night from an investigator named lisis Stamos Stamos is reportedly the latest suspect in a 14-year-old murder investigation into the death of gret Katherine Sans what is this Paul Freedom his rights I know my rights Richards this is never going to stick authorities have yet to determine the exact origin of the email despite numerous attempts to reach him CL attorney general Clair remains unavailable for comment riches Walsh and hendri of the FBI got to warrant for your arrest as for car C's youngest son Johnny his whereabouts remain [Music] [Applause] unknown all right all [Applause] [Music] right what do you think change up [Music] [Applause] definitely [Applause] a that a girl that a [Applause] [Music] girl [Applause] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Films 4 You
Views: 243,572
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Above Suspicion Full Movie, Scott Bakula, Annabella Sciorra, George Dzundza, Stephen La Rocque, Above Suspicion Movie, Scott Bakula Films, Annabella Sciorra Movies, George Dzundra Films, Stephen La Rocque Films, Entertainment, TV, Movies, Films, Online Movies, Movies Online, Above Suspicion 2000, Above Suspicion Full Film, Drama Movie, Drama Film, Above Suspicion 2000 Film, Above Suspicion 2000 Movie, above suspicion, above suspicion scott bakula, above suspicion bakula, drama
Id: 5PzXmgrQ5RQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 28sec (5968 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 05 2024
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