Blind Justice but I am a horrible judge

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hey there friends how's it going my name is Kevin and welcome to my biker gang you're now the tunnel snakes like I said you're now is a you are the entire gang it's like a cover I'm technically not the leader so if we get any legal troubles you're the tunnel snakes legally alright well that time to decide we're playing blind justice and it's really loud maybe because it's blind justice my other senses are heightened I just blew the ears off me okay new game day one rations are low you need something to meet something this is fantastic look at this it's the most Awkward walk and she's making direct eye contact she's brave I got the radio this puts me in a good mood I'm in the mood to execute Jesus Christ would you be happy coming up after that she didn't even speak a word I didn't like that she asserted dominance making eye contact with that long walk up it makes me uncomfortable like I'd maybe take out my phone like pretend to text or something look around and just walk up and maintain eye contact with that alright what did you do accused crimes sabotage evidence anastasiya Bob call has attempted to bribe the Agriculture Minister to provide more resources to his commune I think I may have the wrong paperwork I don't think this is the right person it's saying provide more resources to his comm units an old lady you know what accept bribe I think we've made a mess up here and I'm just willing to accept this money and just sweep it under the rug you are innocent there you go oh the sad music started playing when he came in you know this is gonna be a sob story okay now it's getting creepy all right I'm a little intimidated dude you're scaring me oh Jesus Christ kill I'm killing oh thank god okay situation tells me who's next an illegal family-run business has been selling and repairing shoes you monster what's your statement we only donate the shoes we do not make a profit off of them so we've done absolutely nothing illegal just between you and I though we do benefit from the handsome tax break why would you tell me that you're off to jail I was gonna let her go until she was I just between you and me oh yeah committing fraud like why would you say that this guy's back and stylish look at that [ __ ] is that scarecrow from Batman I am a huge fan of you Murphy there's no evidence the boy committed the crime or that a crime even took place well really I should probably let you go but Killian Murphy I'm afraid I'm gonna have to kill you Murph Murphy I'm gonna have to kill Killian Killian humor I'm going I'm gonna kill you now I'm sorry those are your last moments there's just be a pile of bodies now we've killed three people for no reason and they're just lying out of sight behind my desk oh god that coat I should kill you on your crime against fashion alone what's your story I'm gonna start reading now substituting cooking oil with motor oil at their restaurant to save money I am a former restaurant owner and trust me I cut a lot more corners than that you're free to go I would have gotten away with it too if those kids didn't see me taking it out of that truck your admits to it and I'm just like yeah you can go at some point the guides are gonna be like weren't sure why he makes his decision just based on case seven out of ten wait I didn't make any money I've got to make six six money I'm gonna turn off the radio and get serious please offer me a bribe oh my god that is such a good bribe I'm accepting that I've made all the money I need now and just execute her I don't want any loose ends like she could say that I accepted her bribe she's dead no one will know case eight out of ten come on hurry up come on I don't have all day fancy suit man you're making me feel underdressed and I feel underdressed I get angry hit men like that gotta have a good bribe twenty-three all right been terrorizing the Italian immigrant population by throwing stones through their apartment windows didn't you ever hear the same sticks and stones can break bones you irresponsible gentlemen I am pure they are tainted and will taint our way of life you know you're speaking to the wrong guy because the Irish and the Italians had a lot of common when we were in emigrating to like American stuff we weren't treated as first-class citizens you're off to jail you could just kill them but I wanted to suffer big it I think it's Killian Murphy again what are you doing back so soon is it the sequel already all right let's see what you're in for this time maybe I should take the time they're walking to me to actually read instead of just staring at them I don't know what this word means are you trying to make me feel stupid are you saying wealthy is that what you're saying look you know what I'll accept your bribe anyway giving you a wealthy people and then getting out of it by bribing a judge you were caught accepting but oh no I didn't know anyone could catch me no that's not fair they were yeah me the whole time how do they only catch me then I'm gonna hurry up I got stuff to do come on give me bribes I didn't know I could get caught no one told me I could get class all right except Brian we're gonna do it early to get my 38 that I need I only need it six earlier theft found with a series of items that had recently been stolen well you know what I took your bribe and you know what that means you bribe me you get death and also I take the bribe that's another part of your punishment enemy of the state Jesus Christ oh my God look at that bribe accept that perfect that's enough money for me to live off for quite some while it's as if accepting bribes is a bad idea you need four to meet your family's needs for the day okay I can do this no problem staged a mass fire in the town center burning all the new economic reform pollsters well I'll just accept your bribe and be on my way off to jail with you okay now all I have to do is just deliver penalties it doesn't even matter what they are I don't think I think I just need to not accept bribes for a day which is a lot higher than it sounds what they're trying to give me a hundred and sixty-five there have been reports of a man stealing from government officials and distributing the stolen goods among the citizens doesn't sound so bad I mean he's being a nice guy yeah I'll accept his bribe I'll be nice to him after the labor camps with you that's me being nice okay I've got two hundred I needed for now no more bribes okay no enemy of the state he's not giving up his land give me your land what's his statement I'd rather let the land burn and give it to the state or anyone for that matter the land won't burn but you're going to jail I'm feeling really nice today I haven't killed a single person three servicemen have but found shot outside a hotel the hotel manager claims it was blabla a drunk who his regular at the hotel bar I think I'm the drunk one actually reading like that one reading that quadricep pistol was found but it doesn't match the bullets found in the dead men don't even trying to bribe me this man is an angel set him free all sorry there was an old lady actually oh this kid's got our briefcase how much money you got in there I've came a little bit of Timmy later - yeah he looks a bit scary execute the next four people we will pay 270 800 that's a good deal did they not find that suspicious oh my god it's the most innocent looking woman ever look don't judge a book by it's cover that would be wrong of me sorry it's not you it's it's me honestly like it's really me oh Jesus Christ oh my god [ __ ] hell what was that I didn't know they could shoot at me what are the Kurds doing like this is their one job there's three of them to protect me and no one did anything I can't get past my first day on the job I only need 119 come on sorry I'm a little bit on edge I don't really trust anyone right now I'm just feeling a bit vulnerable so I'd rather just kill you if that's okay I wonder was there any sign that he was gonna kill me because I was just looking at my desk and looked up and there was a gun in my face Oh some wife she wants to call me that's new no just bills was fun while it lasted taking it out on you dying no I feel better that was good good first day on the job oh wait I've got no money again Jesus Christ I'm just gonna wait for a big bribe I think I don't even know what I should consider like executing for who I should lock up I don't really know and I don't know who assassinated me either it was like that mafia related or something or was that just a hero of the people I don't know I certainly I'm not the hero of the people he's just even if a bribe send them right to jail someone give me a big bribe I need it murdering their elderly mother-in-law maybe I should actually listen to hear what they have to say because I have not listened to any of this statements oh how did I get hired this is why I shouldn't have a job in the real world I'm not capable even of the simplest instructions I love Nana dearly but it was either feeding her or feeding the children something she refused to acknowledge well you're refusing to acknowledge that if I kill you the children will even have more food see that logic gets you nowhere this is enough of a bribe underreporting rations in the storehouse accept bribe and you know what I've accepted the bribe from once I'm going to do the right thing and say they're innocent don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me okay thank God I made it I accepted a bribe and didn't pay for it alexei bevin has been squatting in an unused dwelling built for a forthcoming nobleman the same neighborhood you and your family live in what's that relevant to the case go ahead tell me your statement what you've just saved for yourself this guy's a spelling error in his statement I'm not going to read it to the jail labor with you I don't know just go away out of my sight ruin my neighborhood's property value will you you couldn't see about that that's eight out of ten done I've one or two more depending on how they do this so I think I've two more no no no no it's the man in the suit with the scarf he's gonna give me another I cannot refuse all right maybe I should just not do it execute the next three people will pay two one that's a good offer but past Kevin did this and he's an idiot and he died for it all right I'm gonna be different - past Kevin everything he does is wrong I made it today - I think regardless of the last guy we should start the day off right with a good execution that'll wake you up who needs coffee when you got gunshots what is this [ __ ] I've been nothing but Lord you just got me demonetised kill him I'm doing that guy he's the message by accident people are just pissing me off I've been called many names and given many titles but black-market ringleader that's new I read there like it well that's an admission if I've ever seen one I executed the three people just like the heiress I better get my reward I can't actually remember the last person I let go oh god here comes the guy yay with my money look a big briefcase of money guards look away in fact you're doing that anyway you really don't care about me do you execute the next five people we will pay you didn't pay me firm the last thing I did oh wait no you did actually remind okay you're a nice man the theater owner has been hosting secret viewings of the American propaganda film The Sound of Music you monster look your statement in small text expect me to read that you tiny now a bribe one one ruble that is [ __ ] insulting look at your suit I know you have cash I am insulted honestly you may as well just shoot them as they come in I think he is a bomb do something somebody kill him do something like I've got my gun here why can't I load it and be ready right new strategy I'm gonna be super nice to everyone you're all innocent everybody and I'm gonna compliment each and every one of you my clients have paid me handsomely for the handle I provided them and I can share that well judge that's an innocent man if I've ever seen one look at how straight she can walk with that bag in her head I am super impressed by that that is an innocent person could a guilty person walk like that I doubt it and look at that generous bribe she's so nice you are innocent this is in music pop I've ever heard it it's your lucky day misses no one is guilty on my watch what's your accused crime they found missing weapons at your home what's your statement they're not mine it's very good point innocent all the people are happy that they have me and control they're all singing in the streets okay that's enough music I know they love me I don't need them to prove it I don't actually know what this meter is down the left here I don't know is that how the state find me or if it's the people pissed off with me or what like maybe that was getting me killed earlier I don't know like most games I don't know the rules I just make them up as I go along wait what you've fallen out of favor and have been executed well I found out what that bad I like how quick they are to draw on me when I keep calling people innocent but when someone comes in with a bomb vest they're like it seems all right probably just a clock or something I guess you gotta try and balance both the bear so this is the people this is the state and I have to just balance them out and not piss anyone off ah now that we're nearing the end of the video I have figured out the game is the norm that is a good bribe I'm accepting that I needed the money to pay off the Mafia they tried to kill my children I can give you names I already have a name thank you I don't need another one trust in your heart judge and the Lord will guide you along the righteous path all right what do you have to say kill him kill him kill him kill him I agree let's kill him also before you point at my stupidity I'm aware that the image was flipped and my hat is on this side for you but it's mirrored okay I'm not that stupid and if you think I am you come in front of the court and face me like a man / woman murdered a random pedestrian cold blood last night found standing over the body murder weapons still in hand yeah but the people are gonna be pissed off with me I kind of have to find someone innocent I didn't do it that's good enough for me okay I think that just pissed off the people more I think the people aren't too concerned with how many people I find innocent just that you know they're concerned I'm a good judge which I am NOT okay I made him innocent and the state really didn't like that but the people only liked it a little bit so I'm in a little bit of trouble here I think I have to send this guy away either to heaven hell a prison one or the other please say you did it just confess I would make my hot job a whole lot easier today and it's my first day go easy on me the last seven economic plans okay no defense great okay you're off to prison why did the state only like me a little bit they're out for blood okay his hands are literally red you have been caught red-handed what is your statement people are hungry and dying judge what do you expect me to do I won't stand by and watch them perish why do you have to be a good person why couldn't you just be a dick I could just execute me everyone would be happy all right to prison okay that's okay I'm getting by with prison everyone hates me ah true communism when everyone is an agreement that they hate you I don't even care your statement is you have to go to jail Oh God that pissed off the people who yes stay - I made it alright I am officially retiring that was my first and last day on the job mainly because I think no matter what I picked I'm gonna piss someone off and I'm either gonna get assassinated or executed what are the other yep an old woman here is come to finish me well I think that's a good time to end the video I hope you enjoyed I hope all of you enjoyed you know together as one and day in my last moments I just want to say I appreciate watching and I hope to see you next time bye for now shout outs patrons nerd of Justice Nick Savage Nicky ran Norma k non pp not really Lizzie n to Cowboys to 796 near Quran paul Bartelt p mills o9 randy drake rid reducer rosh poppy Roy Samuel sincere sin Queenie Sarah Skelton shay-shay Sydney - Tasha hon Louise slamming Jones SBC Alva spec cast spitfire Sun balm and Tara Nash word [Music]
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 1,396,201
Rating: 4.9595299 out of 5
Keywords: kevin, callmekevin, kevin1811, funny, moments, gameplay, lets, play, game, cmk, clips, blind justice game, blind justice callmekevin, blind justice funny moments, blind justice funny, blind justice steam, judge game, judegment game, simulator game, simulator callmekevin, callmekevin funny moments
Id: aOBr6ndPzfY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 43sec (883 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 28 2020
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