I Went to The World Championship of MAGIC!! (FISM 2022)

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Mario Lopez's Chinese coins on string is amazing. I assume this is his own version. I wonder of its based on previously published material? It seems like it's similar to Charming Chinese Challenge but much better IMHO

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 5 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/film_guy01 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 25 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I really enjoyed this and think even if you donโ€™t like Ramsay itโ€™s always great to see someone reignite some passion in magic. Shame he didnโ€™t really talk about or include any of the actual competition but maybe he wasnโ€™t allowed to film that.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 6 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/EatStatic ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 25 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Man that dealer room was all duds. Nothing in there looked good or workable.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Eric_Esoteric ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 31 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I have been absorbed by Mario lopez CCC and I have been searching for a way to reproduice it ! I have recreat a part of it but if anyone know where I can buy his material ... that be great !

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Mrtherapi ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 13 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
thank you [Music] come on [Music] there's no way [Music] always [Music] [Music] oh [Music] take three good morning i haven't done one of these in a very long time welcome back i am currently in quebec city for the the olympics of magic essentially fism stands for festival literally the olympics are magic it happens every three years this year it happens to be happening three hours from my place so i thought i'd check it out uh there's over 2500 magicians in attendance plus 150 competitors there's people competing like stage close-up all this so hopefully i get to show you what some of that looks like they also have a dealer's room which is kind of fun what that is is a place where uh magicians sell magic tricks to basically anyone who has a badge so that's pretty cool i'll show you what that looks like as well let me show you this airbnb it's pretty dope i'll take you on a quick tour and then we're headed to physics this is my room pretty nice kind of already a mess there's dog's boy roxy oh look at this sexy beast alex's room there's another bedroom there but let me show you the best part you got the living room and then outside check this out bruh we got a little balcony there that view come on these things are cannons to defend and protect the city hey doug what's up just telling them about the uh the cannons that are here to protect the city you mean these guys by the way this is the official deck of fism the fism playing card deck uh somebody on instagram asked me if i could review this not sure about the quality of these i can open them up real quick we shall see about the quality okay straight out of the box uh they smell weird but they feel okay for now they do smell weird you smell these dude a little disappointed with the back design i thought the back design was going to be more like something like that and they have like the words on it those are the jokers they're actually great not bad but probably nicer in the box i don't know let's give you some coffee um all right let me be honest here for a second i haven't given up on magic um you've probably noticed in the last couple years the direction of my channel has been shifting a little bit to more it's puzzles more than magic and that isn't because i'm not interested in magic anymore but i have been able to hang out with magicians go to conventions or really be inspired by magic much until this week i met some of the most amazing people i've ever met my life and they're also some of the most amazing magicians these people have single-handedly reignited that magic flame i needed this more than you know these streets really make it feel like we're in paris or something like diagon alley well diagon alley would make sense because we're headed to the tri-wizard tournament so i'm not actually playing that music in post this gentleman here is playing it [Music] imagine he pulls one of those keys off it becomes a deck of playing cards why would you imagine that see the show last night no that was one of the things that made no sense to me what you were saying all right that's it right there there you go is this a little doug is this you yeah we designed this just for fizzing amazing here it is world championship of magic registration here all the past champions of magic i'll show you my favorite one like a lamar that's got to be the best the best headshot i've ever seen all right this by the way this is where people will be performing is the mainstay it's pretty massive this is the big stage right it's pretty big there is another one right they project all the magic onto these screens so if you can't see you're sitting back there it's pretty good it's a nice setup beautiful stage and back there you got a bunch of axe getting ready not supposed to be filming in there these are the judges the judges room judges say hi to the camera say hi judges okay what's your name uh i'm david david yep nice to meet you david let's see who you got whoa amazing this is the part they don't show you this is the part they don't show you in the magic videos all right we're about to enter what is known as the dealer's room [Music] exactly this is a place where magicians sell their magic tricks to other magicians how wild is that how sad is that all right here we go this is it [Music] me [Music] so [Music] this is the dealer's hall this is where all the magic happens hey there's morris all right ladies and gentlemen this uh good-looking lad here is named morris mueller he's out of germany and he's really uh he'll show you something interesting yeah [Music] can you zoom out of it i'm zoomed out [Music] wow amazing bravo thank you morris all right buddy let's see it what's up here here's a queen you see that there's my right hand i'm taking my right hand like this one two three one more time one time one time this side put on the back of my hand like this one two three what that's crazy under my hand one two three okay what about this help me say stop okay okay second okay start stop here yes okay right here i put the coin into air right here you see that no like this okay so it's off so uh here yeah i put the coin right here and here's the coin i take it [Music] okay i'm gonna use a sharpie but still i'm a coin magician so i'll use whoa what where is it at this point right here no no but it's sharpie right here you can see the marker okay but i'm still a coin magician so i would still use it that makes no sense that makes no sense dude okay i use it to vanish like this okay one two three another's gone right here point's gone where's coin right there right there i don't know but sure if it's gone let's go back to my pocket right here okay so here is the sharpie here is the coin but last time i lied i said i will vanish the coin but i mean it's a sharpie this time one two three totally advantage so where is that where is it it's in my pocket i used my pocket it's a sharpie right here that's the corner i'm gonna use a little bit bigger one like this okay so one two three come back whoa i don't even have a sharpie bravo hey let's go come on boys come on boys yeah listen up license boys you do as i say just like we trained here we go release the hounds [Laughter] all right we got some action going on over here hi there hi apparently i have to see the lego frame i'll show you what's your name you show some characters different cards like ducks spongebob super mario related to children right can you please take one yes and then this is work like a revelation because you remove the cloth and you will reveal the mickey mouse one that you picked right no so you picked the wrong card yeah keep my name out yo or i missed the force uh but this is lego so i can do the will smith's face you can buy tomorrow password okay no that's so cool that's lego lego keep my wife's name that's amazing thank you beautiful there is also another picture that you can do you can do all these yes amazing that's great fantastic wow in the beginning you show this pad behind the curtain there is a magician holding a playing card okay you place it there then you ask someone to pick a card sign the card you perform the missions card where you want to perform and you pick the the path and you remembered a few more months ago of this magician that is holding a playing dude that's so cool oh that's beautiful yeah obrigado thank you for showing me that g-magic check them out pick a card don't show anybody else just you get to see it and remember the card don't let anybody else see it put it back anywhere you want you remember it yes look this is where it's gonna weird in my back pocket my wallet do you see oh you don't get the look yet do you see here yeah what do you see uh and uh three of spades was your car the three of spades do you see a three of spades no but you guys see it three of spades yeah you can see it three spades do you see a three of spades no can you see a three of spades that's great it's a three of spades look everybody sees the three you see obviously but you don't see a three of spades isn't that weird this guy thinks we're all in on it right now you all think but we're not right cause that'd be cool if you could see it but look i'll make it so you can see it do you see it now yes oh there it is that's what we all saw right we all saw that yeah john always a pleasure good luck today kill it have fun i will see you later love that guy such a great ball of energy and positivity he's amazing oh you got we gotta film some stuff here i'm gonna tell him hey man i'm coming up with this thing it's called uh hoops it's cold chris you got it nice to meet you guys how are you good to see you what is this what do you hand you the life saver i would go outside let me show you something cool is this drugs what's going on it is it is a mint candy let's do it over here pretty much watch see that whoa and then you can see there is no magnets come on that is great thank you thank you yeah it doesn't get better than that real vlog yes what's up what's your name ben ben what's up ben where are you from i'm from toronto nice torona boy let's go i'm gonna shuffle here i have a joker here can you hold the joker yep all right here's what i want you to do i want you to think of any card you want in a deck okay think jokers or wild cards yeah okay here's what we're gonna do we're gonna use this as a real wild card okay what card are you thinking of three diamonds three diamonds imagine this joker with the three diamonds okay try to see a three here a three here and then three diamonds across the face okay watch whoa buddy no that's amazing how are you thank you show me that thank you how are you really this is for me yeah it's for you check that out awesome thank you so much for this i really appreciate that have a great time we have the best trick of the conventional convention uh you should rehearse that a little more i feel like oh yeah where is it you need to come yeah okay all right just i'm already impressed you're looking for the best yeah perfect we show you a trick okay it's a it's a big illusion okay now we are here yep [Laughter] but where did they go we'll never see them again i really hope they never come back it's such a better ending all right yeah i don't think they will awesome thanks for showing me that gungashin [Music] very cool actually moving it's all the way down moving all the way down i don't know how it works an absolute miracle show me some more stuff i'm in dude i'm in like flynn let's go before we start off the night i'd like to propose a toast a toast [Music] my name is chris hannahwell uh i'm the atl magician on instagram atl magician on instagram check them out okay all right nothing in my hand right nope [Music] nothing all right watch [Music] look [Music] here what are the koreans up to huh can you show me something sir can i see a demo of something okay i show you this one okay okay oh the avengers yeah yes okay tell me to six four four yes okay one and two and three and four you choose to the iron man right really right [Music] okay i know you choose i don't man actually i don't mean some avengers team oh wow are you gonna show me a video can't you just do it oh thank you thank you very much you showed me something very nice he sees the flight that wow look at that what what [Music] now one by one wow wow bravo you have to feel which one you choose okay i will put the 5 under the 10. can you give me your hand i make some magic in your hand i just put the two bead in your hand i said come here five come here hello thank you this is for you it's for me thank you so much any any you have my my email and here all these destruction phantomhand magic.com check it out thank you to come here thank you guys thank you have a great time the uh the king right i do yeah if you uh watch you can see he moves a little bit wait what uh that's pretty cool did you make that dude yeah you made gimmicks yeah how old are you dude props to you dude that's amazing thank you appreciate that yeah of course ah he looks good for his age all right we're seeing some good stuff here honestly uh the dealer's room isn't as big as it once was jeff price doing some cool stuff here can you show us something for the camera sir yes you can set this up real quick so guys look i put my keyring on this key but i didn't put it through the middle i put it through the side because i'm going to show you metal through metal like a real magician it's on the right side i'm going to make it jump to the left empty hand metal through metal i just rub it like this metal through metal okay fine maybe an audience will know that i was just flipping it over so i'll make it a little bit better my friend julian will pinch his fingers thank you my friend it's definitely there on the side it'd be most impressive if i could make it go to the middle metal through metal one two three just like that and it's fully examinable once it goes to the middle the audience can check it out and do whatever it is what do you mean [Music] thanks jeff yeah thanks guys thank you take it easy i never hand me the gimmick [Laughter] okay thanks jeff all right so we're gonna see how many things we can steal without this guy really noticing anything so he's in a conversation right now so i feel like we could just like start pocketing things he's not really going to care oh no oh hey hey hey yes can you show us something amazing do you have anything amazing to show us this year everything you know what it is it's even my slogan here look at this slogan here it says simply amazing amazingly yeah i missed that because it was underneath isn't every good isn't that good it's exactly what we are doing this one will be without any words let me show you [Music] wow [Music] yes all normal i want to show you a very very cool trick right now and this is one of the effects that you get with the destiny deck actually that's the fairest card across effect they will ever see because we do everything face up as long as we can until the very end you will see okay first of all dealing the cards it's one two three four five six seven eight nine ten cards over here one two three four five six seven eight oh wait the card case nine and ten here's the card case here is the uh the rest of the deck we count one more time that's one two three four five six seven eight nine and ten correct and here as well two three four five six seven eight nine and ten cards here let's do it uh could you please uh select one of the cards just point anywhere on the screen which one should it be this one over here okay he selected this card he selected this guy chris do me a favor think of a number don't tell me the number right now think of another between one and ten do you have a card a number in your mind yep and you have a card in your mind okay what i will now try is i will remove this car from this pack and bring it over into this pack but not only over there i will bring it exactly at the position you're thinking of and here we go it's over there that means nine cards here 11 cards there your selected card gone over here at the position you're thinking of is that cool that would be cool yes absolutely uh which card was it six of spades exactly i have to know because i moved it over right let's have a look that's one two three four five six seven eight and nine cards no more six of spades chris the number you had in your mind five five exactly let me show you this that's one two three four this is the suspense that's five here's six seven eight nine ten and eleven so far no six of spades right because there's still one car to be revealed and that's the six of spades the destiny deck yes get it now same deck as eight of diamonds you remember the trick back then magi fast back trick best trick of the convention that was the deck get it now thank you christian yeah you're welcome it's real magic okay what is it a little hat nice yeah then finger one two three shake yeah change the big one that's pretty cool wait what also real magic okay put here one spoon yeah like a fish and uh it's like a spoon doug it's our printing deck yeah do you interesting yeah the edge is black yeah and [Laughter] just a little little wiggle he knows everything it's all it's all i need i don't need more yeah you see i'd like to buy the dice please lighter is a real lighter okay like this it's a big thumb tip oh look at this guy 100 bills yeah yeah yeah [Music] thank you wow that's so good it's cool yeah what's that called click wallet there's the info if you want to check it out [Music] here we are now can you please say hi to the magic circle of chile hola circulo can you demo something yeah i can demo something new man i got something for you let's see i'm going to ask you you know like a classic thing tell me when to stop stop right here right there oh remember that yep okay let's see what i can do with that so your card was the red card right incorrect incorrect geez and i'm the tv oh man now give me a sec i'll manage i'll manage okay i got a feeling with this one yes so was that really a car that is correct okay so when i talked about a red card i meant a red card do you want me to do you want me to go one step further yes okay let's do this let's go one step further [Music] you son of a so basically this is just a simple stripper deck but um the cool thing about it is it's a stripper deck on steroids so you saw me shuffle it if i do one cut they're all near that garden wow and the cool thing about it is you can even go slowly you can even show that everything is in there and since it's double wedge you can even do it sideways and you're never going to miss a card there you go you want to check out some gambling decks decks that are made for like gambling demonstrations and all that stuff you got the expert right here go check them out good luck this week man keep up the good work love it what do we got here what what are these are they actual magic wands are they actually use all in your all your home you got a wood shop and you work on this behind us that's amazing and what's the name of the store there it's hogwarts we have our cars hog works very clever hog works you can check them out you guys want to get some wands cool logo love it keep it up dude thank you hold on a second this is my jam what's going on you got some puzzles oh that's so cool it's like an impossible little puzzle [Music] you can open it yeah right one two three this is great can i see one one one [Music] [Laughter] this way give me a second give me one second how did i do it doug this is wild take the other one close your hand do as i do just switch hands turn your hand over put it but that's not it what i wanted to show you is this i only need one it's not in my mouth anymore [Laughter] that's highly disturbing how can i can i learn that one please yes he's like that'll be thirty dollars i've got some uh billiard balls here i i simply want to put your finger like that just touch one take it show it to the camera got it here hey oh it's squishy you're squishy thanks michelle first i will take the seven of the clubs i will leave it on the table like this and i will take the ten clubs also we'll put it there could you place your hand over the camera okay what i will do is very simple we just rub the back of my card and i would change it for 10 so now you should have the seven okay which one is your favorite between the two okay watch close it because i'm gonna do it with your card you can i will just get rid of the seven of clubs first now we'll ask you to hold them like this make sure you have the tent no cheating on my part okay because i will do it slowly what i'll do is this will take the seven o'clock and i would just exchange exchange it like this for the tenant of the clubs what i will do is this we just tap it and we try to exchange it with yours okay you ready okay here we go i just stopped did you feel something because mine is blank now to check yours you have to say it's fun routine cool very easy only five dollars ladies and gentlemen thank you so much stefan no problem thank you oh hey chris mark trudeau how's it going this is my very good friend mark my very good friend mark brand new magic magazine um exclusive uh right now to uh like just came out right it's gonna be able to remember so it's exclusive right now to fism yeah you can get your copy at fism and normally magic magazines are pretty flimsy the one thing i got to say about this is yeah so these this is what they do they print books these people they're they're good she's an illustrator as well and this guy fantastic magician yeah everything did all the illustrations so we each got a trick in there yeah what a rush parker yeah well these are awesome yeah there's even a trick from you in there yeah yep articles no ads no ads yeah we're tired look at the back of the book can you turn the book around read that what does that say magic is dead apprentice too so we made a magic magazine congratulations on the launch that's great instagram for now conundrum magazine under a magazine at conundrum magazine on instagram you guys can uh get your own copy and uh me and me and the guys each teach a trick in here so i'm somewhere it's right here and the trick is amazing by the way super smart thank you it's right here just the name is the name i know this is this is the name of it just the name alone it's a good it's a good name well thanks guys thanks for all the support i hope this keeps going i wish you guys lots of luck and lots of success thank you guys this is neda he's going to show us what he claims to be the best trick at the convention so you guys be the judge give me your uh let's do your uh yeah left hand better i hate these things so much dude you see a trick you do at bars you know be good you could probably do this trick in like hospitals and your hand as well so the interesting thing is you speak louder for the camera whenever you fold your hands yeah you will see a small spike in the scanner so try and flick your hand you don't feel anything yet so try to make it more of a flip ready okay see that this is your motor cortex so it's not about the movement relax if you move your hand nothing happens that's only when you decide so if you connect craze to the system what will happen is whenever you hold your hand chris will feel it you're going to abduct trace's free will chris ready yep know you're not you have no idea you have an angle relax your hand yeah it's hurting we don't resist and flick okay yeah that's cute but maybe if i turn up the volume no maybe not close your hand try and flick it now ah don't like that don't ah okay touch it flick yeah okay stop stop this sound of some sacrifice there doug have you sacrificed something it hurt for you and it hurt for me too are you competing with this are you yeah yeah i've competed on tuesday generally what goes into preparation for competing is this the routine i'm working on for from 2017 um and it's it had a lot of versions during the years yeah and uh why why it's interesting yeah because i feel this is a bit different than normal mentalism it's not about look at me what i can do sure it's about look at this amazing thing that's happening between them right i'm a facilitator i'm not a superhero do you often have people when they perform this do like doug did and just start going like this during the yeah i live in israel could you give me one one red car high red car high yeah this one and so another queen another queen yes here we go okay two queens yes look two queens you know that uh here outside there are some ghosts i try to catch one let's see here oh my god yeah but you know my favorite thing that girls do is go through the walls look very slow yeah but only halfway okay look through the walls [Music] but you know you know something always you have to put the ghost back because it's [Music] this is a banquet dinner where uh i guess everybody's dressed up in suits except us and uh we're gonna be eating some food i don't know what to expect i feel kind of uh out of place let's go hook it up we gotta find a table we don't know who we're sitting with we're just we just have to pick a table so we're gonna go find some random magicians to chill with hey adam how's it going there we go we found our squad spanish guys can we come sit with you all right at this exact moment is where everything changed for me we got to sit down with some spanish magicians and well i was fortunate enough to hang out with these guys until like four or five in the morning for a few nights and they showed me some of the most incredible magic i've ever seen in my life so just a quick shout out to giancarlo scalia mario lopez juan colas and ruby ferrez for the amazing gift that they gave me and my friends enjoy the rest of video folks and give these guys a follow all right [Music] i don't understand what's happening [Music] [Music] there's no way you should be able to do that this house [Music] ah that's amazing okay [Music] what the hell [Music] i told you about this yesterday i'm just gonna turn the camera on chris to get like his full reaction to this [Music] what okay what oh my god [Music] what is happening right now what do you mean i can take this no freaking way yo there had i thought there was had to be like magnets is it made [Music] that's amazing [Music] this is not safety pins there are unsafety pins unsafe and safety pins okay how many how many three three three three one this is the two and this is that three three [Music] and the third one is like chinese rings do you know the chinese rings yeah very slowly no way dude the three chinese coin trick is done with these three with these three coins because the chinese coin has a hole in the center so you can sit okay okay it doesn't matter i can i can take out this one [Music] okay it doesn't matter i can take out this one maybe okay is there one silver coin trick okay the ones what okay this is a trick only for you the other one can enjoy your face okay okay left hand right like hand in this moment right here you can't see it on camera but this pencil it's not an electronic pencil um the second one colas touches his chest i felt his heart beat through the pencil i mean you could see the expression on her faces how magical the moment that was i don't even i can't even tell you what happened yeah messed me up getting to go to the biggest magic tournament in the world and hanging out with world-class magicians who happen to be world class people was such an honor and a gift and i cherish it and i'm so fortunate to be able to do that i really think that this changes things for me and also for this channel so wait what if you guys leave a like subscribe and we'll see what okay wow i did not expect this did you not get it your lecture was beautiful yeah i love my favorite part of your whole lecture is when you said you must catch the magic so many times musicians show just a bit that was my favorite that was mine it was like you're always in control and you said no you must be separate you must try catch the magic and show that human element it was just so many i think needed to hear that was beautiful and wonderful so thanks for sharing i appreciate it yeah i love this theory about perversion ready we stayed up until like five in the morning every day got up at like nine or ten just so that we can see more magic hang out with magicians it's it was so much fun i was talking to some magicians about this because i got approached being like hey chris what's what's up with the channel it's more puzzles now it's more you know and one of the things i realized that last two years i didn't get out much i wasn't able to perform magic i wasn't able to see magicians and so it wasn't i was i didn't feel inspired by magic at all i couldn't but after this week i'm confident to say that i've never felt more inspired my magic and i'm very grateful and very thankful that i had this trip this journey so that i could realize how much i missed it and realize how amazing some of these magicians who i'm so lucky to call my friends are not a word of lie i uh i almost cried the other night when i was thinking about how beautiful some of these people are that are here how amazing they are at what they do and i just feel so i feel so fortunate and so lucky like you have to ugh magic conventions are cool shows are cool magic shows are cool everything else but what really makes these trips or these conventions amazing is the after hour jam sessions we're sitting at a bar and sharing ideas discussing methods showing each other things that we're working on how to improve certain things watching the strangest performances to things that need work i'm so grateful i get to be able to hang out with such talented individuals and see some of the creations that they haven't shown anyone else yet it's the deepest inner circle of magic it's the most talented people in magic and you're just sitting around a bar at three or four in the morning sharing ideas with these people i feel so honored and privileged and it really it really changes my outlook on magic moving forward um i needed this trip to be inspired i didn't know how much i needed this trip um i i i can't wait to just i just can't wait to have more magic in my life what an amazing journey these last few days have been if i met you at fism i want to say a personal thank you and if i didn't get to say goodbye uh sorry about that there were a lot of people to say goodbye to but i definitely so if you've come to me and you've said hey um i just want to thank you for stopping and saying hi to me i want to thank you for the support that you've given me over the years i want to thank all the people who i've met for the first time who have become friends with um you guys are awesome thank you so much for allowing me to do what i do and hopefully i can repay hopefully i can repay that favor by shining a light on on this beautiful community filled with magic all right guys i've got a three-hour road trip ahead of me my car is charging and i need to get home and i need to edit this so leave a like subscribe and uh i look forward to i look forward to what's to come we'll see you then [Music] hello [Music] you
Channel: Chris Ramsay
Views: 1,685,606
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chris ramsay, chris, ramsay, puzzle, puzzles
Id: ykR6iy-xge0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 9sec (2889 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 02 2022
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