Erik Tait - FISM Quebec 2022 - Card Magic 3rd Place

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[Music] hi your name is Nina and you are excellent Nina do me a favor open up that deck of cards go and we bought it in the dealers room about an hour ago because I thought it was kind of pretty uh take the cellophane all the way off and then they tend to seal those things with a little sticker right there I'm going to take that from you because I got a pocket knife yeah he took it all the way off and I'm just going to open it for you for safety reasons here perfect you go ahead and finish opening that up and take all of the cards out of the box for me if you wouldn't mind yeah and there's uh sometimes there's weird cards on the top Let's uh let's take a look at what we got yeah we got that and then we're gonna take off these and this and this and this I want you to do me a favor too half the cards came to Sean over there and I want you both to shuffle them until you're happy like when it's a mix not existentially we don't have that kind of time um but I want you to do that but I'm oh nobody clap that's not unmatches um if you're actually if you're on if you're uncomfortable just run around a big scrub around the table if you want the absolute that's magic it's like you can't trust anyone if is them uh I'll take those when you're happy that's fantastic foreign [Music] [Music] let's talk about expectations I think expectations are fascinating because if you meet someone for the very first time you get just a little bit of information about them you start to form some expectations for example people meet me they find out from Ohio they assume that I'm a giant college football fan and that I live on a farm the truth is I have a liberal arts degree and I'm afraid of cows the magician though the expectation is somewhat different right I'm expected to be able to take a deck of cards at somebody else's shuffled and cut straight to an ace [Music] but if the first Ace is expected then these three are a foregone conclusion thank you tell you what Nina here's what we're gonna do uh the expectation is that I'm going to be performing some magic this afternoon but I actually find teaching to be a much more interesting Endeavor so what I'm going to do is I'm going to teach you how to steal plant how to steal money with playing cards specifically from that guy are you on board excellent we're not going to use the aces that we use it takes a lifetime to learn we got about six minutes left we need something with a shorter learning to revenue ratios we're gonna play three card month we're gonna play three card money before oh yeah you're gonna love it right you're gonna love it two black sevens in the Red Queen specifically the Queen of Diamonds could you go through the deck and find the seven of the clubs the seven of Spades of the Queen of Diamonds seven of clubs seven of Spades Queen of Diamonds some people will Skinner around the aces but we're not going to do that today by the way if you're ever getting in trouble finding them that is because they are here in my hand I know I'm the worst you know where the aces are they're in the deck yeah I know you know just trust me um go ahead you know what go ahead and keep these you can go show your friends later so the way this works is that these cards go face down like that and then people mix them up and then they bet money to see if they can figure out which one is the queen and actually uh I'm gonna teach you to play the game I'm gonna teach you how to lose the game uh so just if we were betting which one is the queen middle one excellent guess right smart money is usually on the second one right and the trouble with this game is that I have to say it in quotes because it's actually more of a scam or a con like an M Night Shyamalan film and you know magicians have been studies for years they know a little like fancy [ __ ] the transform it from a game into a crime and you'll get them where we are there's no better than even chance that he's a magician so you can still use this to steal money from a magician you just have to play it with invisible cards [Applause] so you got two black sevens and the Red Queen and you mix them you know you were never gonna learn anything if I do all the work for you so go ahead get in there mix those cards up how's that that was a toast curve yeah right now we need to get some skin in the game because on the streets we play for cash so what I want you to do bet him twenty dollars if you can't find the queen I bet you twenty dollars you can't find the queen you have twenty dollars no I'll spot you all right now in a moment you're gonna have to make a decision position one position two or position three wherever you say she's gonna place the bill between you and me the smart money is always on position two and you look like a pretty smart guy so wherever he says place the bill Sean which one is the queen go ahead and place it on two excellent that's so good Sean it's like you played this game before because if you look under the build there's a car and it's the queen that was amazing you win we're gonna play best of three you just lost me 20 dollars and we did his good right it's called setting the hook you see you want a little bit of money and I was going to want to win a little bit more right so we're going to take this dude we're gonna put this queen I'm gonna put it back down now what I need you to do is switch the two black sets go ahead and switch the two black sevens dope I bet you fifty dollars you've seen this before uh Sean same deal as before you have to make a decision position one the card you can see or the other one where he says you have to place the money now I know you're in an awful position there's only one you can see so we both know where you have to put them on right excellent Sean which one's the queen go ahead and put it on position two yeah I understand what you can say that it is the only one you can see unfortunately for you that's a black sound yeah the smart money is under position one you should have put it there that's the queen hot now your money belongs to us he's mad at you because you cheated him technically am I cheated you but I don't think anyone in this room is keeping score today french guy he was awesome uh all right now here's what we're gonna do right we're gonna go for all the cash okay we're gonna take this coin we're gonna put it back down like that when you put it down you put it down very aggressively so now there's a bend in the corner of the card you don't say anything about that right he's gonna see it he's gonna think he knows which one is which the pros call is throwing the lug take this seven put it back down there's only two moves left and I'm gonna make them for you because they're Wicked tough you ready ready it's good now we're going to raise the stakes all the way up bet him a hundred dollars he can't find the queen I bet you a hundred dollars nope sorry I'm out getting anything like an nft or something um we'll go to my stash [Music] very nice [Applause] 20 40 60 81 100 you don't have to put the money to work just keep an eye on the cash because we might have to run Sean is the moment nice work did you see what she did well you were focused on the cash you got in there and switched us now the Red Queen is right here next to my left hand Stellar work Sean Last Chance which one's the wings [Applause] see this one and this one you know what these are rights they're the black 70s thank you so much Sean you were awesome Nina Nina uh you are gonna go home and you were gonna play this game at home right but when you play this remember you might encounter a magician that is for you Sean that is for you my name is Eric Tate you guys have been Wicked thank you so much can I get a big hand for these two they did the hard work good night no foreign [Music]
Channel: Erik Tait
Views: 180,322
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: uX8XEY74E20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 49sec (529 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 16 2022
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