Nihachu and Wilbur Soot in Brighton

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can everyone hear me bless you hello everyone i'm trying to figure out the music the music situation um right now hello hello yeah i because i don't know if the song is copyright writed i need something that is copyright free on youtube can anyone recommend me something can you hear me well can you hear me well hello lucas hello how are you all because i normally oh i normally listen to lily pichu but i have her on spotify i listen to her on spotify and i don't have my spotify here lo-fi music is there like hello sophie is there like a thing working look how small i look i look so small uh her music is on youtube as well really let's see oh lily pizza music playlist these headphones are really big okay let's just listen to that if it's too if it's too loud or quiet you guys gotta tell me it's fine okay good um also i don't have alerts so i'm going to i have my laptop here which you could see you can see my laptop um i put it somewhere else i'll put it here like that so you guys don't see it i see it um where i have my thank you for the five months sophie uh josh thank you for the higher up but hello there how are you i'm good thank you um nandia thank you for the three months say three months i've been watching for six months now and i really appreciate everything you do thank you i appreciate that uh logie thank you for the sub nova thank you for the 100 bits nikki chair has been replaced only one as long as i'm here you know music is a bit loud okay let's fix that is that better that should be better um useless thank you for the five bits take my bits uh and jenna thank you for the hundred bits can we start a petition to buy built with our banana loud loud wait what perfect yeah good better yes loud there's some people saying it loud and some people say it's better i am too quiet talk to them this is scuffed wait is this better am i louder now more quiet like that is that better now it's just gone right it's better okay i can't hear it oh maybe it's because there's a new video i don't know i'm very confused i can hear it very quietly it should be fine i think it's fine and i think it's fine um i'm just i'm sorry i'm trying to figure everything out it's gone no you can hear it okay some people can hear it wait i make it like a tiny tiny bit louder like like that maybe that is better maybe that is better twitter explain twitter um we'll have my phone what can i say yesterday he already had my pc when i was in my mop meeting my mods now and now he had my phone he likes taking my stuff and tweeting wait did the light just change i am not used to this high quality look now you can all see how bad my skin is that is very concerning this is what if you this is what what i would look like if you were right in front of me scary but why did the light change i don't like that i feel so small and then the microphone is like right right above me i need a better webcam for marilyn i was already like the change from my from my worst webcam to it's not focusing hello do you want to focus um the change from my worst webcam to a better webcam was already really hard because i was always like okay you know guys can't see my imperfections so that is fine and yeah now you can see everything hi that's me i i don't know am i at wilbur's yeah i'm at wilbur's this is this is his room it's not focusing i'm so sorry that it keeps unfocusing i shouldn't move as much i think if i move less it will or not it will work these headphones are so big where's the child tommy is already home he's already oh do you mean funny funny is home again too funny left yesterday it's the mic wait um i don't want to move it too much because i don't want to destroy anything but what if i just okay no you know what i'm not going to do this i'm not going to destroy anything oh the microphone is the thing that's focused that it's focusing on right oh oh yeah okay so i have to put it like that is that okay can you still hear me can you guys still hear me yes okay okay good good let's let's hope that it's it's going to be fine what song is this i don't know i am not listening to the music i just want to have background it's the undertale theme from lily peachy a bit quiet but yes i i don't think i can change that i'm sorry the headphone is so big yeah look at that it is it's as big as my hand [Music] just scream all the time the problem is the the door isn't closed so everyone can hear me i mean yeah we're just doing a just chatting stream today by the way because i i don't have everything set up and and stuff and i don't have the minecraft thing but will is going to join later he's currently cleaning he's going to join later and he's going to play some fall guys in the background so you guys have something in the background to do just chatting so yeah now then i haven't slept okay you know what we're changing what what is something thank you so much for the sub gifts wait ah wait i need to it's open uh garcobra thank you so much for the sub gifts i appreciate it um loud no it's gone okay we need something that we can listen to we need like like a long a long non-copyrighted video or stream that we can listen to can my mods look into that maybe and send me something that would be very very cool if my what mods would do that max i think you can you hear that wait i'm going to close the door i'm going to close the door okay hello hello daily dose of interest we could just do a we could just do a video reacting stream but i don't know how the thing is i'm normally streaming on streamlabs obs and this is just normal obs because will's streamlabs is connected to his dreamlabs so i don't know how to do that i just i only have two two scenes or three scenes but i don't know how the other one is because funny stream done this so i don't want to mess anything up you know you send me something cool cool oh yeah we could listen to is that stream copyright free with like the girl the girl writing we all know what it is right the lo-fi love-ice stream oh that's an ad i can't hear it because i because the headphones are too big for me well this room is so pretty yeah it's really nice look at that we have we have my guitar and we have his guitar and we have oh we have lone sun do you guys want to see lonesome wait look lemosan he's my friend sad bar sapphire is not here sapphire was in in berlin i also there's also my pillow there you can see it my pillow which i can't sleep without it's really weird i saw um i saw like a a picture um the other day on twitter where it was like facts about nikki and apparently someone wrote that down that i can't sleep without the pillow which is so weird for me like how how much do you guys remember that i told you am i going back to germany sometime do you know what the painting is it looks really nice no idea no sorry don't know that was you that was you maxed down what was the thing on twitter like i said we'll relax who likes to steal my stuff i need to put on my glasses so i can see you guys what you're saying because i have my chat right there there's only one monitor which i'm not used to at all like that my chat is here here am i that's why i keep looking at that and there's the camera and yeah let me let me open my dashboard again um thank you for the sub i appreciate my hair is so pretty it's already washing out a lot i mean yeah it's blonde again so is one of the monitors green no no what why would it be green the music is a little bit loud again is that better should i just should i just sit here like that with the big headset on i could do that you could have the big headset on how tall is will really tall can can you not see i'm sitting in his chair right now this is how this is what i look like in his chair i think he he would be like like here so yeah he's really taught i'm sitting on my leg i'm sitting so i'm taller than i i would normally be who's shark is that wills long sun cooking stream we won't do a cooking stream i think hamilton is so good as a person as a person who's played in musicals and in plays i love hamilton so much so much it's so good i was i was sitting i was sitting there on the couch when we were looking at it and like i think three or four times i turned to will and i was like this is so good this is so cool so yeah i really enjoyed it and i want to watch it again maybe maybe i'll watch it again once i'm still here so yeah if you like theaters and if you like american history i would highly recommend it it's really good did i watch it with tommy no tommy wasn't there tommy was only there for the day i arrived um which was thursday i think tommy was only only there on thursday and then he went home but i watched it with fundy and people is tommy taller than me tommy is a lot have you guys seen the picture on twitter tommy is a lot taller than me i have another picture um of those look at that oh wait i have to put it up there because i'm you stabbing my webcam there look at that tommy is so much taller than me i think i don't know how much taller funny is but fanny's taller too he's a giant he is he is but like what i find really funny is this is me compared to tommy right and then there is then there is will compared to tommy um let me quickly get it out because like oh no oh no my phone my phone is bugging i only have one percent quick look then there's tommy compared to will which is you know tommy looks to look smaller and then imagine me compared to will uh julie thank you for the three money three money three euros uh i give money also what's your favorite song from hamilton i hope you're having a great time in brighton um autumn thank you for the two months my favorite song from hamilton there's a lot um i think i think i liked i like the the burn one from eliza when i don't wanna i mean it's american history so i i wouldn't spoil her but like you know from the song the solo from allies i like that a lot then it was non-stop non-stop was really good um yeah there's a lot there's i would probably have to listen to them again to find my favorite um i like the room where it happens oh yeah the room where it happens also really good that's also really good yeah i agree i agree someone redeemed a song i can sing a song let me get my guitar oh that is so weird you guys can see me walk all the way there what song do we what song do we play should it be something that i know of heart because i can't i don't want to google here too much do i like any uk music what is uk music i'll sing i'll sing summer or spring wait can you hear it wait can you hear that [Music] yes ever since you are born you were cold as the snow you were so scared to mount [Music] same flowing breath [Music] do you live for the summer or spring [Music] to live for the summer [Music] reason to [Music] cause you don't feel like like a breeze [Music] thank you for the heights everyone oh now i'm warm i'm pretty sure people could hear me because the door is open again it's embarrassing i don't even know i don't even know how many people are watching right now i can i can like i see my dashboard i see my chat and that is all i see i have no idea 2.9 people whoa what what is that real that is so many people oh my god hello everyone hi um if there's any new people who don't know me yet i'm nikki i'm nikki near too um this is not my normal stream setup i'm currently in london and not in london in brighton what am i saying now i'm traveling um yeah hello music is a bit loud oh no again um wait let me let me change it here oh that is loud oh sorry accidentally made it louder sing i'm in love with an eager i don't know how to sing that i'm sorry i don't know any any of the songs but maybe i can convince him to play one of his songs later those headphones are giant i know they are i'm on the just chatting front page scary what how's the weather weather been it's been really rainy today and yesterday uh yesterday the sun came out a bit later but we were already we already decided that we're staying in so we were staying in and then the sun came out and today it's just been really rainy and gray so we've been staying in too but we're probably going to do stuff tomorrow even if it rains i'm in england it's always raining that's true it's really nice though it's it's good that it like cooled up uh cooled down not cold up it cooled down um because it was really really warm for for a few days oh can you hear the people walking what have i done on my trip so far um went to the beach went to the arcade um went to spoons and nando's because apparently that is something british i had fish and chips for the first time that was good i really liked that that was really good um did i say okay wrong wait a card okay okay a card arcade i don't know i don't know the first time yeah yeah i never had i never had fish and soups before and i always wanted to try it but whenever i went to england i don't know i just didn't so i had it so i had it the other arcade what arcade arcade our card i don't know i don't know arcade arcade to the arcade um i will write the first time okay so it's arcade i think i said arcade i'm not sure the light keeps changing that is very confusing is that my hoodie yes that's mine it's my hoodie how's will doing good he is cleaning he's cleaning right now are like a pirate arcade our arcade um wait let me see um oh i don't know where i stopped nick thank you for the for the two months uh noble legacy thank you for the six months whoa uh bye jeff thank you for the hundred months uh for the hundred bits well hundred months great song thank you i appreciate it uh gianna thank you for the two months kieran thank you for the prime and nick thank you for the hero by the way i'm guessing you didn't tell wilbur good luck for mcc also could you tell funny we're at war he threw shade at me on his own stream because of the whole good luck wilbur thing it was funny but still need to get him back by the way people messing with you arcade was good okay um whoa that is a lot josie thank you for the sub um i guess i i did tell will good luck i was there i was in the office with him um and i can't tell funny that yeah don't worry i will hey sweetie thank you for the fit i appreciate it um oh god my my eyelashes are really worn out because i've had them for a few months now so they're really hard to wear but they're still okay they still look fine it's so weird to see myself with such good quality oh my god um you tried first for fish and chips for the first time yesterday wow that's cool like i said i tried it for the first time too the other day it was so good it was so good like what i didn't expect it to be that good especially because i don't like fish i normally don't eat fish but that was just so good probably because it was deep fried but it was really good um did i try it with the mush peas wait they were supposed to be mushed i just ate them like that but i had peas yeah i had peas i didn't know they were supposed to be much i tried to change the scene and watch a bit of daily dose of engineering like i said i don't want to touch anything if will wants to do it later then we can do it but for now i don't want to touch anything because i don't want to break anything we had nando's earlier we ordered nando's which was good this was that was my second time with having nando's i really like that that was good too um will i play fall guys too bro it's going to be it's probably going to be will because will has been he started playing fall guys yesterday and he played so much already so he's probably just going to sit next to me and play it we're going we're probably going to open a small window so you guys can see and then we're going to chat to you i think that's what we're going to do that was his plan at least we'll see what he what he will say man this is very good yeah it's really good it i like spicy food um but not too spicy i think today i had i had a wrap which was too spicy but it's still really good like yeah i liked it did i see the sunset yesterday no i didn't we went uh we didn't go out yesterday but i saw it the first two days that we were here uh we were outside and we we saw the sunset it was really pretty really really pretty um enchanted lasagna thank you for the 100 bits hi nikki i was wondering if that shark has a name and if he doesn't can we name him he has a name this is lone son lom's son lum sun it's will shark yeah he has a name and jess thank you for the 80 bits how was meeting tommy i love you it was nice it was nice he was he was a he's a funny child a funny kid [Laughter] i was just the problem was um i when i arrived it was very very warm and i really needed a shower so i have so the first thing i did uh when i arrived here was take a shower and then i was so exhausted because of the flight and then we went eating food so i was like very low in energy but it was still really fun he was yeah it was fun no no no no don't do it don't do it don't do it well don't do it don't do it don't do it don't do it hi chat hi chat hi what are you doing in my house i got lost i got lost i'm [ __ ] pissed i'm not pissed i'm not pissed how's your stream good i'm just talking to chat about what stuff stuff yeah they asked me what i've been doing here and i told them about the food i've been eating yeah you tell them about the dungeon we can't tell them well so they like the camera yeah they do they say i look really pretty but i don't i don't like it because it's too high quality they can see everything except i'm shaved in a couple days i can't actually see them i need my glasses i want to read them they're here thank you you told them about the painting yeah they like it someone asked what what painting this is i did that i made it that's mine i made this nice it's an official wilbur i made this i painted this can they hear me am i qualified oh okay they can hear you i made this i painted this do you think they believe me i'm sure they do what did you tell them i told they asked me where it is from and i said i don't know joe tell them where it was ashley from he stole it i found it on the side of the road and i liked it so i took it put it in my room i think it's very nice yes very i think it's lovely it's only got a little bit of induce on it and what it's only full it's only got a little bit of bin juice on it oh and it's only fallen on my head twice three times you were like we did so we do a height yeah go on you're so small why are you this small how did you get to how i don't understand how someone can be this small and fit all their organs in them like there's a lot of room for my organs there's like nothing here how can you just stop growing at some point one mistake i'm gonna attack some wood lice it's under the painting classic yeah guys i'm not small well it's just too tall yeah he keeps biting me yeah are you just wondering when i'm streaming i can't hear you over the hoover what'd you say what i can't hear you oh it's not focusing anymore there we go yeah guys i'm sorry my mom's cleaning right now okay have fun don't show it to them this really smells in here what's your plan for the stream huh i don't know boring they're getting bored okay guys you can see them getting bored how many people are watching you i don't know they said like three thousand they're getting bored okay guys what should we do all of them do you wanna see will do some tricks with this yo-yo i can't do yo-yo tricks [ __ ] this isn't my stream nick you gotta entertain but now they probably just want to see you no they're probably just here for you no they'd go on the world personal stream if they wanted to see me they'd go on twitter tv session did you play them a song yeah i'm gonna put them a better song okay not on that guitar give me a song and i'll play it uh chat what song do you want to hear i know i don't need to ask i know exactly what song i'm in love with the negro i know no i was gonna i thought they were gonna go for more that's all they asked me for [Music] yeah they asked me before [Music] why is it why am i struggling are you nervous i'm nervous [Music] you go sing it now uh i don't know how does it start again well it's 2 45pm i don't know the lyrics [Music] you oh my attention [Music] um [Music] i thought that you could be the one to fix me [Music] hold on [Music] disbelief head suspension [Music] idea the thing just got red yeah because you were too loud it's gone the yoyo has gone forever oh wait physics that was good thank you will do you want to play four guys do do they want me to do you guys want will to play for guys while nikki talks to you well i talked to you you've been reading out your bits that you've got one bit oh you got one bit thank you tgn for the one bit yeah and say thank you census for the euro can i get jinx and wilbur stand next wait what who the hell's jinx jinx the reaction channel you want me to stand next to jinx from 2012. oh that's nothing i get that every day thank you lightroom gaming for the 100 euros oh my god hey nikki you're most nice adorable and wholesome person i've ever seen p.s you are not small just everyone is too big thank you greetings from germany thank you light rock gaming i am oh my god natalie thank you for the 50 bits and liz thank you for the 10 bits sorry you weren't giving me attention so i came back [Music] bless you bless you okay wait you're gonna be really far down yeah do you want to get a second chair or something there's one upstairs james thank you for the three months i appreciate it yeah no well we're stuck here guys you're so small i'm not maybe i'll angle the camera down a bit i've got a very expensive mic stand and a camera stand perfect oh i shouldn't lift my foot up i'll be on wiki it's not focusing because you can see your face [Music] i believe [Music] but not for me love is out to get me that's the way it seems disappointment horned all my dreams then i saw her face i'm a believer do you like shrek nikki do you like shrek yeah yeah you know it's based off a brother's grim fairy fairytale i didn't know that no were the brothers growing from germany i'm pretty sure they were yeah they were from germany so shrek's german canonically damn yeah i knew that what would shrek be called in german it's just track number like rooney yeah cool yeah you told me chat i'm gonna go my phone okay hi chat german shrek yeah what are you what is that it's just it's not about me nick it's about you i'm sorry i just got distracted by that noise the what play the bugle this yeah how how do you do that don't even want to know how many people tried that matt's pretty good with it yeah yeah yeah i think he showed us hello minx mix is in chat hello oh oh [ __ ] stop living vicariously through nikki it's her image it's fine hey minx cool minx get links on the line with me i would have to change that i just call her on my account it's not gonna work uh where's your discord right there i don't know how we should do that you don't know whether we should do that no how we should do that how we're going to listen to her what do you mean if i call her it's going to be on the headphones yeah yeah are you going to put it put the headphones on yeah i'll tell you what she says okay i'll tell you what minx says okay let's call mates oh she's live wait why did people say she's there then nikki hey hey minks how you doing no you not you not that guy hi mate hello guys here wilbur hi hi nikki [ __ ] up tell him to stop talking nikki tell him to stop she said [ __ ] off nicki what the hell whoa no i know no no i'm saying [ __ ] off whatever i'm saying nikki tell us i'm talking no oh my god [ __ ] just hear me tell him to shut him up in english right now when i'm talking to you right now nikki tell him say shut is everything all right wilbur i am literally gonna [ __ ] [ __ ] down your throat oh my god she's saying horrible things about you she wants to defecate on me no wait wait wait wait wait can he not hear me wait nikki wait whipper wilbur yeah minx what can i help you with nikki hear me no she can't i'm i'm talking i'm telling her you wrote a little [ __ ] [ __ ] stop calling nikki account what's wrong with you she's still going can you not hear her like you're frothing in the mouth oh i'm gonna [ __ ] troll hand you you're literally in a [ __ ] i'm gonna [ __ ] fight that i'm gonna beat the [ __ ] [ __ ] out of your [ __ ] girlie she's gonna fly there and beat you up she's turning into the creatures from the wild thornberrys oh my god nikki nicky nicky nick yeah she's just shouting about you know he's lying he's [ __ ] lying he's [ __ ] he's crying you're a lion what are you [ __ ] cosplaying what does that mean what is that what does that mean what does that mean that nikki looks like a lion is that an insult no i'm no i said you are [ __ ] lying i'm not saying i'm a lion well i know i'm gorgeous and prideful and elegant but what's that got to do with nikki what's that going to do with [ __ ] on things just punch him in the face just [ __ ] troll somehow just do it nikki just [ __ ] do it do it i'm not i'm not gonna punch nicki minx why is she shouting at me thanks what's wrong makes things are you live right now put me on the nicky right now are you live right now yes i'm live and my my you're really embarrassing me dude i'm actually feeling a little bit insulted and threatened by what you're saying i might report you to the twitch stuff no you don't need to do that wilbur i know they favor you you don't need to they do favor me they do actually yeah do you know how much i get per sub don't you don't you do don't start as much as everyone else no more than minx he's just like he's just like [ __ ] schlatt he's just like um don't compare me to schlatt bro he's just like you're doing the exact same thing okay i am fighting i will get the same paycheck one day okay was that what does should i compare your monetary worth nikki what is he he's a well-educated man obviously why are you pulling out a [ __ ] what is this what are you doing trying to put you on the with nikki yes what you're not going to be mean to i feel like i've got a i feel like i'm going to protect her you don't need to why are you [ __ ] pulling out a [ __ ] ruler [ __ ] oh my god that upset me i don't wanna i might need a break hello minx oh my god you might need a break don't if she says more horrible things about you nikki don't listen to her okay nikki hi hi hello how are you i'm good how are you why did you [ __ ] do where are you in a [ __ ] mansion right now what the [ __ ] [ __ ] big window [Music] twitch income dude the favoritism is insane yeah right well you know what you know what punch them in the face nikki i can't do that ugh okay i can't do that i'm okay okay why don't you have do you guys wait are you are you guys in an apartment or a house can you blare the [ __ ] tooth or can you not blare the tunes what are the rules in this place she want you to do to my house nothing she doesn't want me to do anything she wanted me to punch you light it on fire oh i'm not getting stuck because because you have the bean bag i don't know i said because i pay mention taxes oh shut the [ __ ] up you stripey little [ __ ] is an island dude they have nikki i'm going to beat your roommate like there's no tomorrow if you don't shut his winty little english mouthful yes of course we have houses in fact i have a house now wilbur sot you have a house now yeah true do you guys want to come over to my house do we want to go that's impressive yeah is that there's no yes i haven't heard no yes i want to [Music] yeah i'm renting she's renting she's renting i'm renting too don't worry rented but i was gonna buy you know what the cool thing about my new house is it used to be painting up they may kick you out oh yeah you know i'm worried they said they said i had to ask them to put up even led lights yeah i think i think i'm going to start hammering nails into my wall just to show off to you oh wait you actually own this no no you don't own this house you heard of a mortgage minx i don't want a mortgage i'm living rent-free that's not working hey did you hear about my house my house used to be a morgue that's why i love it it was yeah no it was but it was refurbished into a house oh wow that's yeah it fits to you oh and i mean that is the nicest way imagine dying and being and being like held somewhere and then finding out it's gonna be lived in by minks afterwards that's just completely so toxic i think if anything the ghosts would be happy there's not ghosts in my house first of all i don't think about that i think that's why it was so cheap but i like it it wasn't cheap but it's in the middle of you know it's like it should be 2950 where it's based but it was only like 1 300. so bro [ __ ] it if i get [ __ ] haunted it's content it's fine it's good it's good you can tell stories about it you wanna so you guys wanna come over to my morgue yeah thanks i don't have any friends i'm so excited to show my new place you know why is he he's shaking it nick you just punch him it's not that hard just a little one two three i want to thanks if i punch him if i punch will he's going to punch me back and then i'm going to be here i'm very vicious stand up no he's not don't say that stand up next to each other stand up stand up next to each other we already did that should we do it again yes i want to see it i would like to remind everyone that nikki confidently played five foot seven when she met me no oh god let me see i've never seen this high comparison let me see this oh bye-bye [Music] she's tiny [Music] to give you an idea to give you an idea of how small nicky is minx right right here's nikki and a full-size trombone [Music] i can't get over this [ __ ] room i feel like i'm living in a mansion right now hi there minx oh no hi how you doing how you doing you having a good time no put your glasses back on what why it's not look that bit's over that bit ended like months ago dude come on i just want to take them off it will hurt my ear hurt my eyes if i keep them on i [ __ ] care i hurt your eyes oh nikki you look so cute you already you already hurt my eyes makes don't worry about it i can't even bash a table correctly i think i have to don't [ __ ] do that you can't do that when you're living in a [ __ ] mansion you want to see what you want to see my entire room look it it keeps going around there if you [ __ ] show me i will cry okay dude do you know this is a door go up nikki go show him the door go open the door uh you lift up the window it should be already unlocked i sleep with that unlocked i'm a i'm a dangerous man yeah yeah and then open the open the bottom why what's wrong it's just this my new house i was so proud this room is like the entire entire size of the [ __ ] house you know it's tough well the thing is makes you i you should see the room that i did most of my work in i don't think i want to no it was [ __ ] tiny it was like you know almost all you know the rashford the room i was in there that was yeah with the clock on the wall that was um not my new office my office is also tiny but like everyone's telling you to run by the way hey the new [ __ ] house i was here enough but i didn't see because i thought you were in the same place i thought you had to go back i thought you had [ __ ] beef with your new house oh yeah i did i did this this is the new new house oh i didn't even know you were i mean my favorite thing is right right i can now that it's all over i can i can actually disclose why i had to leave my old house now that it's all over and it won't get me in trouble right so basically okay so what happened was the people who lived there started smelling weed in the corridors right are you all right no i'm going i'm going oh yeah yeah and then they were and then and then they thought oh it must be that new young guy that's moved in it must be him he must be the one uh smoking weed so they sent uh they sent like a letter like threatening uh me and because it was coronavirus my uncle was one of the people that had to sign on to like help me figure it out and they started saying like hey uh we're we're smelling illegal substances in the building uh if you know this is gonna be dangerous right and obviously i haven't smoked anything in the house and my uncle is like he's on this like scientific board thing so then we just sent them back saying like yo [ __ ] them [ __ ] them tories bro like we ain't doing anything we just want to live in our house so um so yeah and then uh and i could have stayed it was all fixed uh like them no we are we are getting back some money from uh for other reasons that was also why the house was kind of [ __ ] but um but the funny thing is that we left right because obviously they were basically looking for an excuse to kick out the new young guy that was it because they're all like over the age of 50 60 years old they just wanted an excuse to kick out the new young guys right but here's the catch i moved out and people like 19 years old have moved in to me and they're like they're like four lads and they move when they moved in they brought in a [ __ ] full hi-fi stereo system and my and i made i did not make a single noise in that house you know what that's what i was [ __ ] saying because when you i remember you having issues with the house i didn't know what was but i was like you're you're very quiet you know anytime i talk to you you don't yeah like i do you're not loud i mean i i do yo but only in my office because i think getting thrown out of there will be funny it'll be content if i get thrown out of my office so then wait i want to know when did you move it to this place because i'm not like the [ __ ] background is insane i feel like i'm watching one of those [ __ ] yes but i feel like this is this [ __ ] smart setup it looks like you're [ __ ] living in like you know those beach houses in the [ __ ] i am on the beach i'm by the beach no you should come visit me so be lovely no i'll cry i'm so proud of my new tiny house yeah you should be what she's comparing she's comparing again i'm oh i want to go over just so i can hang at the beach and with nikki nikki you can't leave until i come over wait like a few moments can't leave till she comes over he says sh he says she says i'm gonna [ __ ] kill you over you are nice there to me for t mine is [ __ ] 50 seconds you're still welcome to come over do you know uh nikki was supposed to be here about four days ago and then she missed her flight in the airport man that's an important thing she was in the airport and missed her flight wait could you give me the the story on this because i saw her tweet it out yeah so so how do you do that so basically never put your trust in in fundy oh so fundy and nikki go to go to the airport and uh and they they get to the airport they have a mcdonald's and they think that gate closing in 30 minutes means that the entire uh place will be shut like this so that their um their entrance will be shut they don't know what a gate is and so in the airport they miss them okay i thought i thought she was delayed in traffic or something can i nikki can you just pass this on to nikki i love you in your stream nikki you're very kind you're very sweet but oh my [ __ ] god that was the dumbest thing i've ever heard in my life how do you miss a [ __ ] flight when you're in the [ __ ] airport nikki what how do you miss a flight where when you're in the [ __ ] airport i don't know i just it never happened to me that's the thing it never happened to me well it did happen to you nikki yeah it did happen with you now it happened when are you going back oh no i don't know she doesn't know interesting interesting interesting well i was going to say hey you went what is why is he's playing with this yo-yo yeah i yeah okay i'm just gonna close my right eye so i don't see that okay so um wait you know i was going to say you guys should come over to my new mork house i live beside a graveyard but uh now that's [ __ ] so i won't have it till next month oh yeah the [ __ ] landlords [ __ ] lied about the address i think they might be druggies but i don't want to talk about it i think they're dude i think it's like ozark season [ __ ] five i've never seen that yeah you don't need to it's a terrible terrible thing can you play the trombone to make me feel better no you have to do that well can you no i want you to play it for me i can't do it i can't do it i've got a couple instruments why is she asking about musical instruments no she wanted me to play it but i can't so i asked you guys the trombone is the worst instrument i've heard oh wait can we do a duet and by we i mean you guys so i confirm views please do it do it do it we haven't you guys thank you we already i didn't do it i'm in love with an e-girl oh my god we're going to do it okay do it again do it again do it again do it again okay yeah we'll do it yay um honestly i like i'm in love with eager but if you don't want to do that again what's the difference we just did that one okay okay what's a different song what should we do [Music] okay [Music] let's do another song we've done that one okay we're gonna do that one yeah [Music] then i almost shot myself what the [ __ ] i can't hear what she's saying she said she said anything anything that wasn't us no i want to know what songs do you know how you this is not [ __ ] high school musical bro please never fall in love again oh this makes not going to join in no mix is not going to join in she wants us to do it i want you to do you and then i'll join in on the next song [Music] i'll actually know the chords but okay what was it like what is it [Music] what is this a romance movie god damn dude [Music] uh [Music] my voice [Music] again with me [Music] please [Music] wow the whole time bingo hey minks any bits and donations you got during that you asked me i was going in but then i just caught you know what i did that was beautiful [Music] okay my turn i want to do a triat now she wants to do a treat okay what a trick okay what's your favorite she wants to do i'm in love with have you heard the internet has ruined me mings i've heard it but i don't know the lyrics do you know the lyrics from i think she knows i'm in love but let's just let her do what i'm in love with okay okay so what i'm gonna do i'm just gonna play the tune slow child i wanna i i wanna do i'm in love with her but not if you guys are not into it no wait i don't do it the problem is that will can't hear you so he's got he's just gonna play it yeah and then you will have to sing to it okay you sing and i'll just join in scoft because that's the whole brand let's go we will sing it to you join in scuffed [Music] about video games connect people from around the world it's not a way to help you online what makes the app so concerning for parents whoa 2 45 p.m [Music] message [Music] so i'll punch [Music] did you know i've also got depression self-diagnosed or i should mention i thought you could be the one to fix me [Music] please contacts did you know i've also got to [Music] how did you do how does she do i was doing so good and then give it a part and i'm not a shipper but what can i say dude that was cute as [ __ ] oh thank you she said she was doing so good but then i came out of the pipe into that part and she said that was cute you know what you know what nicki you better not you know what once [ __ ] kobe [ __ ] ends i'm gonna you guys fly here or i'll fly there i want to be the third wheel i just want a whole stream where i'm the third wheel like in the background you sing cute songs from the background that was the love is real chat what we figured out today is love is real um i've been taking off a lot of your time so i will let you guys go all right thank you for yes thank you guys for chilling with me i'll miss you yeah i miss you two links goodbye bye bye yay mix is gone minx is gone mix is gone [ __ ] dude no we love banks we love mings yeah some of us do i do that's the sum of us hey chad how are you they're still freaking out they're still like oh that was so cute tommy shut the [ __ ] up whoa do it try it no say it i don't think i can don't try it no don't shut the [ __ ] up no oh wait let me read some some stuff that came in [Music] um where did it start how do you do this will always has will always has his laptop next to him to read out bits and stuff i don't know how you do that i i don't even know where i was that's what you gotta keep track of dude um rise up to your sister thank you for the ten ten years and and willis not big he's he a small af whoa magic pencil thank you for the when we're on the floor what will he do cry oh don't cry [Music] um uh mellie thank you for the four bits mix oh my god scotty thank you for the euro uh no for a pound uh can wilbur give us a haunted painting and doomshack tour no no you heard it um bald quackity thank you for the sub backspace thank you for the year 201.20 hi remember when i asked you to pick up colors for my makeup look uh well would you mind asking will i would ask myself what is twitter the eyes are closed huh what color should she use for her makeup look pink and green pink and green okay you heard it i said all colors and fun you said all colors too yeah well i want pink and green okay uh tdm thank you for the hammer bits picario thank you for the hammer pits um one arm thank you for the gifted uh three gifted katori thank you for this for the sub noodle thank you for the sub pedro thank you for the sub uh tani thank you for the euro the difference between us this child and makes us chat i swear to god i i hear that a lot when people come into my chat they're always like when i talk to my friends and then they come into my chat they're always like whoa what is what is happening in this chat here whoa so that's very funny uh baja thank you for the hammer bits that was so good thank you wanna thank you for the gifted uh dr gandalf thank you for the sub innocent alex thank you for the 95 bits hello nikki i hope you're feeling great today and i wish you i wish you enjoy your stay in brighton please call wilbur wilbur sauer will go sour willow sour what i don't know i should call you that i love you you're the sweetest person in the whole planet thank you wilbur sour wubu yes [Laughter] [Music] uh i'm really warm um gary thank you for the stuff hello london thank you for the happy bits hi here pretty thank you have a good day thank you uh vanessa thank you for the sub gift and hold up thank you for the bit oh there's even more what what so many i thought i was done i scrolled up and it was another thing because they want to give you all their money don't you chat give her all your money so that she can't figure out where she is on her on her alert logs anymore also at the end of this stream i'll do my new song so stick around till the end whoa yeah you heard it here um baby thank you for the prime sub uh property thank you for the sub uh ava thank you for the bits dead pixel thank you for the bits really mildly thank you for 100 bits love you both the wholesome vibes are perfect thank you uh ronnie thank you for the prime sub matt thank you for the sub uh edie bom ck thank you for the three euros um can we'll do a house tour vlog please no ryan thank you for the 100 for for the five gift itself um that's money thank you for the three euros i'm sorry i can't donate anymore i don't have enough but i love you and wilbur and i really enjoy the stream don't be sorry for not being able to stop thank you i appreciate it uh oh gosh um nah thank you for the five bits heineke hope you have an amazing day thank you uh property wow what is happening uh property thank you for the 10 gifted subs tdm thank you for the bits it's just going and going again um one arm thank you for the five gifted subs holy uh oni fifty thank you for the for the sub lizzie thank you for the 10 bits property thank you for the five bits kateri thank you for the 45 bits and i think i am done that was how do you do that i don't you don't you just don't read them out oh i forget um thank you for 300 bits give nikki all my bits thank you i appreciate it wow wow park yeah pug oh wait someone said hi nikki one of the vips cranius hello cranius hello ryan it's ryan hello shout his name that's the only way you can go ryan there you go you said hi wilbur classic ryan oh my god what bar bertie thank you for the 1.5 k bits it's 15 whoa i appreciate it thank you okay i'm i'm going to make a stop here though because i don't just want to read out subs and and stuff so i'll read them later let's talk about something chad what should we talk about please sing heather i don't want to sing heather one because my voice is not good enough for that because it's a really high song and two because i've been i've been getting called heather oh on twitter so much and it kind of makes me sad so i don't want to sing it so yeah oh my god property thank you for the five gifted subs i appreciate it i it's just too much going on i'm gonna keep talking i keep talking what should i talk about talk about bees bees yeah you you kind of look like a bee i do with your t-shirt you wore that t-shirt when you when you got us from the airport it's a nice t-shirt i could change no i said i like it no but i'm gonna change but i said i like it i know but i need to keep you on your toes okay i see are you gonna wear something you think i'm gonna like or i'm gonna not like uh i'm gonna wear something that i want to wear okay i'm gonna wear my favorite shirt your favorite shirt yeah oh no i think you were wearing that shirt yeah i think you were wearing the the white shirt when you when you got us from the airport yeah i think it was yeah sorry i'm stupid i can't remember the clothes you were wearing in specific days how could how could i it's getting really warm i want to change too but i don't have anything that would make me not self-conscious yeah that one yeah i'll do it watch this watch me be long ready for me to be long from where thank you look at that oh thank you have i seen the saddest animation yeah i have it's really cool i'm also in there for one frame which i'm really safe animation yeah isn't that sadist status like the anime well they're called satisfied oh oh maybe it's like a play almost like say this yeah maybe or i'm just yeah i don't know but yeah i've we have seen it i i funny showed it to me and then will showed it to me i think it's awful when he showed it to me he showed me that i was in there which was cool do you like yo-yos mirror chat oh yeah hello connor is that connor eats yes tell connor hi i think he can hear you connor hi connor do you like yo-yos i'm bringing them back i'm bringing yo-yos back in fashion what do you say i i can't see anything yet [ __ ] he hates yo-yos oh cranium said oh wait both of them said something at the same time uh vip me for oh yeah i should be a pu connor you've never been in my chat connor didn't say if you like cheerios or not hold his vip ransom until he gives his opinion on yours i would have to look at both i'm bringing them back did you know right everyone watching this now hop on amazon get yourself a little yo-yo right they're like 15 quid okay walk along in the street it's just the nicest distraction while you're walking just yo-yoing no one stares at you no one gives a [ __ ] you just walk along you just bobbing along with your yo-yo it's the best trust me it's such a it's such a distraction when you're just walking especially a long distance so boring add a yo-yo it's fun as hell you're going to be a translator tomorrow when we go out everyone's just going to have a yo-yo man i'd have i was i got a fidget spinner before it was cool so and it has a cool fidget spinner is it here somewhere look at that chat look how cool this fidget spinner is i probably i probably just just need to constantly be doing something with my hands i've always been like this since i was a little kid i've always needed to do stuff with my hands spinning yo-yoing i think yeah i think fidget spinner spinners were like around anyways before they got popular yeah i used to that's when i got one because i just needed something to fidget with when i was when i was editing and stuff and at work i used to i used to bring it into work every day really yeah i used to sit behind the till it's fidget spinning and then they became a trend and i had to stop bringing them because every kid was like can i play with your fidget spinner oh no and then we'll have they all have the three pronged ones the little plastic three-pronged ones you get from arcade machines i told them that we went to the arcade and then they confused me if it's a kid or a card because i don't [Music] oh he said he said he likes it okay good good that's all i needed now you made him happy he's not going to shut up about that the entire night he's going to be like connor connor likes my yo-yo i do talk about commentary quite a lot that is true yeah yeah i used to always talk in con of stream chats but um i realized every time i did everyone started spamming the forehead emote so now i don't wait what every time i every time i join connor's chat they spam forehead at me so now i just sit there quietly and watch i my ego is too fragile to deal with that yeah why do they have to be rude to you i don't know i don't know what did you say uh it doesn't have frogs and stop frogs installed oh oh the emote yeah no i don't have that either um is it what is it called be better twitch tv yeah i don't have that either good my influence i didn't have it before but yeah i just don't like installing stuff because i don't know if it's dodgy or not and then i might download the wrong thing and everything so i just don't i still don't have optifine for minecraft because i don't know what the link is and i don't trust it why am i so quiet because i'm not at the mic is that better oh i want to make a joke and i hit myself good job that's fun is that better have we got music on no chill beats chill beats to relax to and study yeah are you studying right now yeah good i'm always studying i actually got another call from my uh for my psychology teacher yesterday and i told her that i couldn't finish the assignment until next week or this week i think it was i think it was today or tomorrow but she said it's okay it's not german it's uk oh yeah uh one arm thank you for the five gifted thoughts i appreciate it thank you i should do that again i used to always do that i used to always give people hearts but then it just got too much so i couldn't do it too that's not what i'm saying i still do it sometimes and we have a heart spam where people spam hearts so yeah music is too loud tommy hello tommy how are you oh my god i can't get away from him for one day did you get home did you get home julian nicely tommy huh i asked him if he got home safe and nicely he told me can you give us a poke cool tommy i'll be fine i should call tommy tell me do you want me to call you let's call give us a poke um do you want to talk to him no hello hello hi tommy how are you hello i'm good thanks can you ask wilbur to write me a tweet well can you write tommy a tweet me yeah yeah um been thinking a lot about science lately think i got it figured out that's not funny tell him that's not that funny he said that's not funny that's not that funny but it's funny a bit okay and he can do better you can do better okay what about um world war ii would have been over a lot sooner if i was there just saying tell him tell him that is really funny but perhaps a bit topical that was really funny but perhaps the topical topic was eight years ago [Music] oh i might tweet another one he might i might tell him i was gonna do that does this channel know that the majority of tommy and his tweets are from this is [ __ ] by the way he wrote like two and now he thinks he's all this and that honestly like seriously he's really [ __ ] shy and [ __ ] i can tell you which ones you wrote if you want yeah which ones did he write he wrote the one where i was stood next to you he wrote the one with um where i was pointing the gun most dogs and fosters did you write that he wrote one he wrote the most dogs i think the tweet oh my phone just died i think the tweet with you and me um made like one it's it's it has almost as much likes as i have followers and two i think i gained like 10k followers from that which is crazy that's what happens that is the tummy tuck when you're with tommy tommy influence tommy in it and you go you go up followers hey should i tweet the word should i tweet about ask him if i should tweet about how my mum told me wait what sorry okay you were thinking about another tweet what did you say tommy i said uh can you tell can you ask will if i should tweet about how my mum told me off on stream she should tommy tweet about how his mom told him off on stream that's [ __ ] unhelpful that's unhelpful no you you got rid of the [ __ ] i'm not going to say do you want you're not swearing no say the word [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [Music] yeah kidding you have 90 000 followers and it got 45 000. oh i mean i i think i had like i think i had like 40 000 followers when i came here i don't know though we're not adding corneas to the corn you just [ __ ] are you streaming right no no i just ended i see was it a good story i would have i would have write it if i oh no it's fine don't worry yeah it was that we didn't really have a plan so we just kind of wandered around and it was a little it got a little drab towards the end but i enjoyed it i see i just i need a bunny to plan ah funny right fondy raid hello hello people from fondly i am so sorry i don't know what it is but i don't have my alerts on hello hello how are you i'm a bathroom can you um give me mod can i give you mods yes why do you want to be a mod i want to ban cranios you want a birthday us yeah he's really he's really annoying no he just keeps spamming to be added in your how can you put up with it i don't it's because i can't see much of chat like the chat that is on my on my monitor is way too yeah way too much it's way too quick it makes me want to start stabbing [ __ ] stop tommy what am i allowed well am i not allowed to have the opinions oh what is it what is it you post a picture of dreams minecraft skin and then in full capitals caption it who is this with four question marks i think he's singing his typing do you like it i might i might i might put that one i'm gonna tell him i'll tweet that tomorrow or the day after he'll squeeze out i don't wanna over tweet images okay what about the world war ii one what about him tell him ask him ask him can you just put him on the headphones for something yeah he wants to talk to you do you want to sit here hello would you want yeah basically my mum came in on stream and told me off for swearing and i thought i could get a good tweet out of that okay what do you want me to yeah what's the tweet then i'm giving you the topic what's the execution big man uh mum told me no more streams till i sort my potty mouth out so i'm just here to say sorry guys and i'll never freaking swear again yeah but i'm gonna swear so much okay well then you take it the other way you say mum told me no more swearing [ __ ] you mum full stop oh i've got it will will look at that that's funny right look at what i put it in chat we put it in chat apparently in in my discord dms oh discord dms where's discord mum told me no more swearing why no why is that not funny i got a [ __ ] you mum i'm not sure that will age well whoa wait what are you planning on doing to your killer or something no i don't kill anyone okay what about mum found mom said no more swearing get ben i don't know is that kind of no maybe not get bent what about sod off you just want to do you want to say something that's just like so trivial like it just isn't like something yeah like something that isn't a swear word but it's like saying kids say to each other you know sod off go away piss off [ __ ] off [ __ ] no that's not what kids say to each other i say it i'm you're right i'm a man like like like when like when i i took um nikki's twitter and touched schweinhund and i felt like that meant bogus dog so you're bogus i don't know something that's like so true that kids say all the time yeah screw you you know i've never said screw you i don't know dude i'm not a tweet guy you are though you just you just tell yourself you're not i'm here to help why don't you just act well you should just do something like you should at mcdonald's and say sponsor me [ __ ] my original one was something along the lines of how come when i swear on stream my mum tells me off but when other people do it their moms congratulate them how come when i swear on stream you should just make a really bold and brash statement just like saying that nothing it's like something that's like just so out there just like such a big statement like you're going to get me cancelled no like red is overrated to be fair i hate i hate mattresses yes there you go you're on to something all right i'm gonna give you back to nikki now thank you ow hello tommy hello hello do you have your tweet orma how come when i swear on three my mum tells me off but when other streamers do it that's good and then i'm finishing it that's good and then but when other streamers but when other streamers do it their chat just spams no no no no that was that was [ __ ] okay i i don't know how to tweet but when other streamers do it it's okay nothing bad happens i mean i have a swear jar because my chat always gets angry if i swear say [ __ ] the [ __ ] oh you owe me money now yeah i have to add one euro to the swearjet well you actually give me money no that's not fair well the swear jar isn't directed at you give me make make the subscribe button the swag jar so whenever whenever i swear someone has to subscribe yes that would be cool but but not to you oh oh how come you have a heart spam redeem that's so cringe thank you tommy that's so cringy i wanna i want a pog champ spam redeemer you wanna pog champs yeah i don't want none of this heart [ __ ] maybe i will add that maybe i will add that oh are we doing a height spam right now yeah i got one little w and it was from tubbo [Laughter] nice tumble it was just one little w and it was tobo nice [ __ ] holy [ __ ] you have 11 000 viewers right now really i can't see my viewers so yeah yeah wow crazy i know and fifty two wait a second now well i don't think i ever had eleven thousand viewers were like eleven thousand you're actually on four thousand what i went four thousand no no how many viewers do i have right now you're on eleven thousand i'm i have eleven thousand i've never had eleven thousand views because you're so popular you're so famous and cool i don't think it's because of the heart spam it's because of the hard spells it's not because of the hearts from the heart is stupid tommy keeps calling my husband i'm stupid he's a bit yeah you [ __ ] that's rude that's rude i like my heart spam okay tommy are you planning on coming back to brighton one day yeah i need to redeem my vlog gun oh yeah you need to redeem your blockchain it's not stupid thank you my chat doesn't think it's stupid thank you chad i know they think that because they're your chat yeah and then they're gonna go they're gonna go like this you ready i'm gonna spam what they're gonna do stop calling my chat idiot i'm not calling you i'm calling the heart spam idiot why'd you just be so upset just be happier i am happy i'm very happy no my chat is just no chad don't call tommy stupid i don't care no one tommy just doesn't know you know i i need you i'm number 10 on trending for gaming i'm proud of you tommy tell wilbur tell wilbur well tommy is number 10 on trending and gaming good job tommy good job yeah yeah i'm number 10 what video thanks do you want to promote your video no i don't okay okay give me mod no i'm not going to give you mud your chat will be [ __ ] then what wait didn't you didn't you want to be mod at like someone else's chat a few months ago and i think i was even contemplating oh [ __ ] contemplating modding you but not anymore because now you're just gonna what the [ __ ] is dan pixelflow's problem i don't know what did he say you don't know who he is what no he's one of your own mods oh i don't remember it i don't remember the names of my mods you'd remember me if i was your mod i'd probably admire you after like three seconds you'd remember me if i i'd i'd make you remember my modding i'm sorry sorry i'm sorry dad i didn't know it was good i didn't know [ __ ] was gonna get that awkward that quick sorry sorry dan what did dan say he he just said [ __ ] you tommy and i said what's his problem and then you went i don't know who that is that's actually your mod i'm sorry now i feel embarrassed yeah i understand why please don't be mad at me dan i don't remember most of my mods name by heart because i probably haven't spoken to you but i appreciate you that pixel flow i bet you feel like a beta male right now i bet you really regret that tier three sub huh are you sad to me tommy are you sub to me uh i don't think so it's not really rude why is it rude because oh i'm i'm i'm timed out already i'll probably serve if i was a mod but i'm not so i just don't care i only subbed to people like who's chat i'm modded in oh i see i'm not modern so i don't care yeah i'm timed out for six minutes yeah yeah dan pixel flow isn't a sub but you modded him and he's got the little prime badge to his name yeah i'll tell you what unmod than pixel flow and mod me no i'm not going to mod you tell me you're already vip well i'm banned right now so i can't do anything i can't get a good tweet nikki i'm struggling i want to tweet about this tweet it oh about that nothing mom told me off while i was streaming for swearing i just don't think it's funny enough i've got to be funny i think it's funny i know you do that that doesn't help i don't know what you want me to do then tell me yeah i mean no neither do i i'm just sat watching wilbur be sad in the corner of your room well why are you sad i'm well i'm sad yeah tommy said you're sad in the corner of my room what can you see me yeah oh hi i'm just on my sofa yeah i was on my own once your your foot is in my stream well yeah wikifeed time don't montable i would actually trust taboo more as a more than tommy that you [ __ ] shot [ __ ] lady but then again you might just steal his pc again and then you'll ban everyone [Music] that's just rubbing rubbing salt into the wood like no delay yeah i don't have a delay well like yeah but like usually people say that and they have like a two second delay but i say something then i mute like oh really yeah like it was like weirdly no delay like that is true i also i like see the chat and they're like responding to something really really yeah like okay one in chat when you hear this one two three four five six seven what the [ __ ] okay i don't think it's eight seconds okay so it's probably like five seconds which is not a lot of delay yeah that's true it's crazy wow [ __ ] world we live in it's the good internet here why does it will stream from his room because he has his office yeah but his office pc is much shittier and has less internet no i think he has better internet than him there's still people writing one though i think those are the mobile watchers sorry warners of the chat how long have i been streaming oh my procedure that my laptop just turned up two hours two hours you have 10 200 viewers damn i feel like it is time to end the stream because i'm getting sleepy what yeah sorry i've zoned out into the wonders of instagram i said it's time for me to [Music] stop stop streaming who are you gonna raid i am i don't know if i can rate people because my laptop just turned off and i'm not lost in the chat can i in that chat yeah you want me to do the song oh yeah oh yeah well do you want to do the song now yeah because i'm getting sleepy all right let's go yes i can all right tommy i'm going to hang up no i'll i'll just listen oh you'll just listen okay oh oh what the [ __ ] well i i ain't going nowhere he said he's not going nowhere anywhere he's not going nowhere he's not going nowhere he ain't going nowhere i don't know do you fall down a youtube boyfriend and girlfriend [Music] oh [Music] i thought when i get older i'd marry her i told her but now i'm 26 working in office nine so far still the best i'll be honest if i could change a single thing i'd make [Music] oh yeah i've seen jared of course i've met jared he's the one who took you away from me you got oh wait [ __ ] you may you what was that wait i only need one lyrics [Music] and muscles push against his fashion sense i thought about what he looks like i'm not gay though but he's in your bed and i'm in your twitch chat i've got your key but he's just a doormat and even though he's got social skills doesn't mean i can't pay the bills anyway make the most of him she moves [Music] i did it a whole octave up it should be take the whole thing one key down i did it two high fish but it was good good job well that was pog champion [Music] that was pog town like that at all i actually didn't say like who do we write tommy either fellow jack manafort filler jack manifold give me ask ask will will who do we write filler and dark man oh phil phil ah you wanted it um oh how do i where's the slash on this keyboard i'll be going to jack manifold stream thank you you've got you'll be going to jack manifold stream aid pilser okay wait wait wait wait i need to say goodbye but they're gonna leave yeah so tommy i'll say goodbye to you first goodbye tommy was nice talking to you okay okay bye goodbye goodbye and chat let's start the rate i hope you enjoyed the stream i hope you're all having a wonderful morning evening or a day wherever you are and i will see you in the next stream i'll send an invite an announcement and and discord bye bye do you want to say bye no okay
Channel: Nihachu Vods
Views: 1,029,479
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nihachu, niki, nikki, vod, vods, nihachu vods, niki vods, minecraft, twitch, streaming, streamer, dream, dream smp, minecraft hardcore, dream team smp, games, gaming, among us, minx, wilbur, tommy, mcc, smp, wholesome, cute, cozy, niki nihachu, nihachu and wilbur, dsmp, mcyt, c!nihachu
Id: _NysuhB3gIc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 33sec (7353 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 17 2020
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