Ranboo & Tubbo Play Stardew Valley!

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there we go hey hey farmer [Applause] hey i made me i made me in the game i am in the game favorite thing oh my god okay i'm ah oh that's my hair there we go [Music] wait can i change the shirt color i think you can yeah should be able to i have no idea i don't think i can no oh [Music] oh how do i change the boots i don't think i can change the boot that kind of looks like me doesn't it right yeah [Music] oh cool there's a little package here are you here oh oh i got i got turnip seeds wait how do i how do i open oh i got parsnip seeds hello oh i'm here where are you [Music] i don't think so come here don't pick axe mate i'll accidentally i just clicked i'll pick xu i'll pick xu pick up you i'll pick xc xu i think that's lovely more people should play this on stream it's so peaceful yeah it is very peaceful all right let me let me cut down some trees i want to clear like a little path so can we go i want to go to that shop place actually let's go to that shop place there's a shop right is there a shop yeah i'm pretty sure there's a shop let's go you're not wearing the mask and it's a little scary let's just walk let's walk let's walk i don't wanna i don't know let's walk wait how do i walk shift oh that's how yeah we're just walking taking ourselves we're just walking we're just killing time we are look at us go my ears hurt from wearing these crappy headphones uh you should get i haven't i sent you headphones you haven't sent me headphones yeah i did i'm pretty sure i'll send i'll send you the headphones that i use they're very nice and you can also use um you can also use them with bluetooth as well hey that's exciting the captain just dm me and said the my night uh team are happy to help out with the vote series oh that's cool that's really cool oh chat the vote series on the let's play channel is going to be awesome can we do the quests i want to do quests okay let's do the quests so oh it's lewis's birthday on the 7th nothing is posted today egg festival flower dance nothing's happening today um okay nothing's happening today we just have to wait and see hold up here's general store closed on wednesdays today is monday so it's not closed what is this where are you looking oh what's in here whoa this is a clinic oh my god i went inside the hospital yo this is a big one oh my god is this where people go when they die wait can people die in this game i think so i think if we hit him with our axe they'll die let's not be murderers though oh wow let's go let's be murderers okay oh you're not a good friend good enough friends with hearts oh we need to talk with harvey who's harvey tappow i think no i think it's i think it's the doctor but we can call him tapo i'm pretty sure we're not allowed back here oh sorry computer can i close the game oh i can't close the door don't game in the hospital dude that's awesome i'm gonna game in the house what does that say is life sometimes difficult do you ever have trouble staying focused talk to your doctor about pro pro it's not even i don't know everyone side effects may include insomnia sever okay i don't all right let's go let's go you coming with yep i'm coming let's go inside this shop i want to see what's in here i've got it let's see in the shop how much money do you have we have 500 wait yeah we share our wealth i found leah hello it's nice to meet you oh hi leah you picked a good day to move here in the spring it's lovely ah what's for sales what is that oh my god no no i don't want that what do you sell whoa we can get c what does he sell oh we can get seeds oh my god we can get trees oh my god do you want to try to get some trees yeah wait where's the trees like if you scroll down like apple saplings oh oh we can get like peach orange that's like 4 000 though yeah that's a lot yeah we don't have a lot of money we are very poor i think we need to figure out how to play this game and not be poor get oil hello i'm going to talk with him can we look in the shelf here looking for seeds my sharpest place to go also he okay so this is the guy that we sell produce to oh wait i want to meet him all right yeah meet him hey it's mr t hey it's mr tubbo the new farmer i'm pierce owner of the local seed shop if you're looking to proceed with my shopping i also buy produce prodigies for carolina are you doing okay who's this okay wait wait caroline caroline is um no you must be the new farmer i'm clara where's caroline going caroline wait up hey oh oh my husband runs the general store here so okay yeah oh wait i'm pretty sure wait oh wait this is the daughter i believe this is abigail abigail oh that's right i heard someone was moving into that old farm she's small child child oh can i sit how do you sit i can't sit abigail can i go in here oh no the door's open but i can't go in all right let's go let's go let's go we're not getting any work done yeah we need to get some work done it's it's already 5 50 p.m we have not gotten anything done wait did we really stay in this store all day wait can we slow down time please it goes too fast let me see if i can slow down time for you uh options i don't know if i can slow down time can you not i don't think i can well well that's not helpful yeah yeah get psyched hey hey hey don't you dare hey let's go to the let's go to the strip loon saloon oh okay okay they do food ah need a hole oh this is so nice i want to sit oh my god let's get him dude let's get spaghetti do you want to share a spaghetti let's share spaghetti i got a spaghetti oh i can get two okay i got one for you as well okay we have two we have just used all of our money take a spaghetti did you get it i have spaghetti yep i have i have this spaghetti wait i need to wait how do i sit okay oh wait how do i sit okay wait like i'm not looking at you wait wait hello wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait let me wait wait let me look at you wait hello hi how do we eat the spaghetti i have no idea i 75 energy 33 health i think it's like just a regeneration thing so what can i do with this wait it's going to go stale if i like don't eat it surely uh i don't know how do you like check i have no idea how to check we we have no more money or we could have bought recipes oh that would probably been way better i would have yeah well we have spaghetti now yeah we do have spaghetti now so that's i guess that's okay that's okay i have no idea how to eat the spaghetti i have no idea how to eat it either but it's okay we need to go we need a farm you want to talk about we're getting a rambo yes grandma do you want my spaghetti yes yes wait how do i offer you my spaghetti you have to click it and then click it at the person click it and then click it at the person yeah okay click it wait wait wait wait wait wait let me get my i'll go on the chair i'll get on the chair but yeah yes spaghetti you are welcome you are welcome all right wait we should part we should give the spaghetti to people we like hi clint uh hi i'm clint hi clint no we want to do it with the store manager we want to do we want to give it to the store manager oh should we give it let's give some spaghetti to the manager i have my spaghetti wait hey kid the name's pam oh my god i like pam i should get pan it's pam should i give it's palms from the office it's her favorite character oh my god where's jim i think they should get married i'm just the owner of the slovaloon i guess oh i almost i almost hold it emily oh i can read it on your face you're going to love it here in helenkin town you ever looking for something to do stop by the submarines where i work ooh okay okay can i go back to she's in the saloon you can oh they have a room oh look at this place oh this is nice i'll put a chair oh my god this is where we can eat our spaghetti this is where we can eat the spaghetti this is amazing i still have no idea how to actually consume the spaghetti yep nope me neither maybe we should gift our spaghetti to someone to make it let's go give it to the store owner guy yeah let's go give it to the store owner i'm pretty sure the store is really apparent we have no idea what we're doing nope we just spent oh my god oh my god it's like it looks so nice whoa it looks street lights with me yeah hello hey this is oh this is definitely a comfort game this really is it is it really is you'll have so much time for them that's just true actually i actually like looked at a photo of my hair and figured out like what it would be color wise oh yeah what do we have then we'll get tired and then we'll lose energy i have all my energy wait how do i wait how do you change no no let's walk let's go on a midnight walk scroll with me okay let's go let's go you will pass out if you don't get to bed wait really why yeah well my energy bar no idea all right why do you see your house better than mine can we swap swap houses swap houses okay you're gonna mine i'll go to yours oh wait can i just yep i'm in i'm getting in wait you can't get in this is my what the hell you literally just that was not okay that was not what the hell what the hell was that what the hell are you playing first the spaghetti we can't even eat we can't even eat this but you we you spent all of our money on spaghetti hey how do we get more money we need to make we need to make produce no we need to make produce and we need to sell it can we get a job oh wait wait let me check my mail uh just got back from a fishing trip you should come down to the beach for some time i've got something for you from willie oh my gosh you should go to the beach oh my god let's give willie our spaghetti i got the same email i got the same email oh wait oh wait okay wait wait wait what if i give a spaghetti to the store owner guy and you can give a spaghetti to willy okay well actually oh i might hang on to me oh i found a geode what's a geode i found a geo the local blacksmith can break it open for me i found it i found a geodes so it might have some cool stuff where's my axe bump all right okay let's go okay how do we go down to wait all right wait he said come down right okay i assume he's in town let's go find him oh wait because what we can do is we can go to the shop wait for me wait wait come on let's go i'm here i'm here i'm here go go go go go wait what's up here oh wait yeah wait actually i have no idea no bus get in yo i can't get in the bus we can't get in the bus what is this busta cat oh it's out of service bruh oh what about this over here what's this oh my inventory's full oh i'll grab it i'll grab it i think this is to the mine oh i've got a leak and a dab oh cool okay so what we can do is we can we can sell stuff right we need to we need to figure out how to sell stuff yeah we gotta okay okay okay i kinda wanna go to the blacksmith and have them look at my geode okay well can we go to the shops first yeah yeah yeah we can we can let's go to the shop okay there he is me oh i'm getting us money dude oh nice oh that's good wait wait no that's actually really good you are getting this money i got us money you got this i don't want to sell him my spaghetti okay sell you sell him your leak spit skeeds and anything cool you have yeah yeah yeah i have uh i i can't sell i can only sell them my seeds no we need those to plant yes we need those to plant stuff but we don't have to plant stuff we can be the kind we can be a livestock farm oh but i kind of want to plant stuff too oh okay okay you save yourself you can plant stuff for a little bit yeah i'll save money i can now buy more spaghetti though which is good let's not buy more spaghetti actually wait did you give him your spaghetti no no i got my spaghetti see oh i also got my spaghetti we both got our spaghetti let's go so where's the blacksmith that's what i'm looking for lady emily i'm part-time working oh yeah no that's the lady yeah that's the lady that we met earlier yesterday okay where's the blacksmith where's the blacksmith trash oh who's this person oh sorry oh i just destroyed your strawberry oh mellow told me you've arrived i'm margarine oh hi livestock and animal care products wait really live wait yeah talk to her twice you have to talk to her twice to get like i did i did i did don't run away from me oh whatever she doesn't want to talk to me there's a sewer oh hello hello hello hello oh you're that new farm up boy aren't you i am haley what's your deal oh huh i'm haley oh well she's a little bit rude she is so mean what did she say about you she is so mean she just called my she just called my clothes ugly if those weren't well if it weren't for those horrendous clothes i'm you might actually be cute oh it's just mine very much i don't like her like we're literally pixels hayley what do you want from us yeah oh my god can i get this butterfly oh you know you need a net oh do i need where's the blacksmith that's what i'm looking for no no we're looking for willy dude oh yeah the beach the beach the beach oh to the beach oh it's a it's a oh what where did you do that where where did you get that wait wait wait wait wait wait did you just get a quest come up oh yeah i know when you press wait okay wait dude go go on that bridge oh you found it you found it ahoy there son hi willy your name's inappropriate i heard there was a newcomer in town good to finally me oh no benson what benson followed let me clear all the dust off of you what the hell happened save me enough to buy me a new rod oh oh my god we can get money from fishing we can be fishermen like willie oh he's going to give us this old fishing rod yeah we can fish that's cool dude that's good water here i don't have enough i'll just uh put my wood away oh yeah my shops open back up so if you need supplies come oh he owns a shop it smells but oh my god wait so we can catch fish so we can catch fish and then just sell it to them oh that's good yeah that's good buy anything you catch okay that's good oh there you are i see you okay how do i get in here i'm still in my cutscene but i can see you okay hello all right wait so how do we fish how do we in here wait wait oh this is his shop whoa oh dude let's get better fishing rods oh okay okay oh wait shoot i just wait how do i okay there we go wait wait i'll get you a better fishing rod wait do you want one wait is it the training rod is not a better than the bamboo pool wait is it not yeah no it's not well now i'm upset did you just buy one oh my goodness we need you need to be more responsible with our money okay but this is how you fish i think you just go oh oh i got a hit what do i do now uh uh oh oh oh oh what the hell what the hell is going on what the heck oh oh wait come on tubbo oh he's the one behind the face oh oh i got a fish dude how'd you already get one oh no i don't use the training rod don't do that i want to get rid of that i don't we don't want the training rod or a stone we don't want the training rod let's just get fish do you want to just fish today sure and you can sell it for money oh this is such a nice game listen to the nice noises oh do you miss a fish you just got to be calm dude just be calm and wait for the fish to come to you oh oh i got one how did you already get another one dude i'm ace of fishing i'm just must not be in a good spot i got i'm gonna go over here yo oh my god i got an uh an act i got an an antioxidant anchovy anchovy how do you see my screen what the heck yeah no i can see i can see the little thing that pops up because their screens are very very shared dude i'm cracked i wish there was some kind of nice music oh i got a oj nice cool did you get one nope not yet i've been waiting how have you not got a fish yet dude i have no idea did i just like not use bait or something did you have to use bait i didn't i didn't i don't think i did i got another one i what am i doing wrong oh it literally it literally gave me the thing i got how do you tell when you got one am i just not like explanation pops up yeah i did that then you click it and it goes hit there we go okay wait wait click to raise bar release to lower bar wait okay or behind the fish oh wait my inventory's come on full on come on come on come on come on hey hey i got one wait i don't have to remove that i did it let's just keep fishing this is nice i've got three so far hey let me do that look at that grab that i'm going to sell it oh no don't sell it yeah wait wait wait until i don't have enough space in my inventory just get rid of all the useless crap and keep the spinach no but i have i have used i have useful stuff on me i have stone colony geode oh i got rid of that okay okay yeah let's go i got a whole boat look at that oh wow yeah no let's go let's go okay okay okay wait wait wait it's locked oh oh spaghetti let's go spaghetti time grab your spaghetti and let's go all right that's the same that's the same guy oh willie's back yeah it's willie oh hello wait no oh wait no i don't wanna wait okay there we go how do i even get back dude we have to go up here oh look oh this is cool i got a clam inventory for oh man where is it we need a backpack what's a backpack that's what i need can i say that allows you to hold more stuff i can it's locked wait what's this there's a little question mark with 300 pieces of wood this could be fixed ooh okay oh so do you want to gather wood for that you good i keep forgetting bensons on my mic all right where are we going oh man let's go uh oh is it up here up yep it's up here wow that was a very very quick change of scenery from from the sand to a little river why is this so close to the sea and why is it going parallel with the sea and not down to the city i think it goes down around over here i just need to find the blacksmith because i want to see what my geode has oh i love the little footstep sound it's so nice listen to that oh we can see in the light here making footnap step noises are we is that what it's come down to yes all right let's go there's a shipment box on your farm where you can sell everything whenever instead of radios oh apparently there's a shipment box on our farm that sells it so we don't have to go to the shop oh really i think yeah yeah apparently oh cool come to the house let's go to the house uh is this it hello oh oh oh okay oh i put all my bits in there yeah put your fish in there okay i missed my fish oh wait look okay then what what then what then i think we wait just watch the box wait get out of the sure you're too close are you sure that's what it is someone come and collect it oh we go to sleep oh sleepy stop following me you're chasing me oh oh what the oh oh yo we got oh cool nice okay day three three of spring so every night depending on what we do we get a lot of money well that's cool yeah it sounds like rain outside fortune teller it's raining dude oh it's raining oh it's so nice get in there your affordable size 24 backpack oh he just advertised me a backpack i really want to find a backpack actually yeah wait why we've just got we've just got we've already got plenty of room we've got like nine i'm gonna get a bunch of stone and then i'm gonna sell it to him wait why because i want a backpack so that i can hold more stuff i think a backpack cost like 10 000. i found another geodude oh we need to find the blacksmith actually can that can that be on the agenda yeah let's go do that now let's go find a blacksmith let's go maybe we can give him spaghetti we can give the blacksmith our spaghetti dude this is going to be awesome this is so much fun i'm having a great day we actually have to grow stuff we don't have to but like come on we can oh i need to get like a watering can too oh my gosh this is just gonna be so peaceful oh wait yeah i have one see yeah you're not watering anything though wait what's this wait it says my sister's messaged me on discord she says oh my god you're playing stardew i've got no idea what i'm doing ooh what's this wait wait wait wait wait wait what's what giving oh wait there's a help wanted thing oh my god wait who wants help we'll go do that right now yeah yeah yeah um yeah i can't read it oh help one like house um can you swing it by for me so we have to find we have to find bream yeah yeah i accepted the quest okay i accepted it as well okay so now how do we um delivery okay where is it how do we get how do we get breem where's where's breen hello oh this guy's a jerk wait what guy hello i was trying to say hi to shane no i don't have time to chat with you shane come back i have spaghetti take my spaghetti that's great thanks oh i made him like me i gave him my spaghetti oh i saw my spaghetti oh my god shane ben let's be friends shane jane jane give him your spaghetti does he not want your spaghetti [Music] oh we found tesco's yeah oh wait okay wait this might have it this might have it this might have what the thing that we need shane okay he doesn't seem interested in talking oh wait shane's got a job now who's this oh shane's got a job hello we found ourselves welcome to joe a mo how are you doing i believe we are i'm morris yes okay oh okay okay jane's hard at work this does not have this does not have our stuff this place is huge what wow wait this doesn't even have anything we need yeah we need we don't need anything from here let's go let me let me look here you know these guys sell these girls sell like nothing these girls just sell less they sell nothing guys they don't sell anything we need yeah oh my god beans oh my god they do beans oh my god oh my god i'm buying beans go check the general store first oh it might have better prices okay i bought beans okay go go wait we've been sidetracked again where are we going uh we are going to um what is it okay why why am i just running against this okay there we go we're going go we need to find the blacksmith but i have no idea where we need to find the blacksmith oh the quest we need to find okay we need to find oh wait didn't she say that she runs like an animal supply shop we need to find that lady that that sells the animal supply stuff okay i think okay so she she came from like around here yeah and like from like right over here i think it was this blue house here no i don't think this is a i think this is just someone's house yep this is just someone's house we are breaking and entering let's leave uh-oh nope nope wait wait oh map wait where's the map for us where's the map m oh there's a map where is breen then on the map oh marnie's ranch oh is that where we know it's down south is that where we need to go they're saying that bream is a fish we need to go fishing okay let's fish let's go fish it really does come on oh you have to fish at the ocean really ocean at night okay oh the sewer the sewer is locked i wanted to go in the sewer gross i wanted to go to the sewer let's go let's go let's go i am on my way i'm here not ocean what do you mean not ocean we know that bream is a fish chat so we're looking for it [Music] so we're fishing for it what river chat we know that bream is a fish so we're i don't know wait hold up let me search it up i'm gonna go to the river you're both idiots oh god they're insulting us oh man i can't believe we don't know anything about the game we haven't played found in the river during all seasons after 6 p.m okay so after so after 6 p.m we need to go to the river so we have time we have time we have time let's go find the blacksmith m yeah let's go try to find the blacksmith oh wait yeah oh found it found it where oh okay okay i'll follow you i'll follow you yeah that's right this way this way this way okay so you can crack open the geode i have two geodes and then we can sell them yes is this it sure this is it yep hello there welcome to the start oh oh oh oh this is this is not the blacksmith no it is i i searched it oh here it is okay it's locked oh it's closed oh it just closed [Music] oh that's real depressing it's so sad let me look through the trash wait wait what's in the bin nothing what's on this cart there's another cart over there i'm pretty sure it's a border oh who knows oh well who knows who knows yeah for tomorrow it's okay wait it's nearly 6 p.m it's almost 6 and we're at near a river right where is this river right here okay rod's at the ready rod's at the ready [Music] now we wait for the brim now we wait for it to be six now we wait for it to be six it's nearly six it's nearly it's six oh it's six okay be ready got it okay okay oh i got one as well i got one as well i got one what's this i got one open your inventory wait what did i get i gotta i gotta okay i got him okay no you already got one we're good okay so now uh delivery oh wait no i probably need one i probably need one too actually get one as well you get one i should i should get one if you get an extra one late night fishing club late night fishing club [Music] yeah fishing club i'm ready i feel like maybe i'm just weirdly good at fishing this is kind of like my thing oh a small mouth come on oh i i already have one of these uh okay oh hello blacksmith oh i can't speak to him yet oh you clearly do not have the charisma i just don't i just don't you need more now we wait i really do i really do oh come on people are saying no i don't know why no i got another one oh okay cool oh i got a new record can i have a bream please i don't know how to drop just one oh you can't handle my request right now i'm keeping i know no i can i actually no i actually just was trading with you at the same time so that's why you don't have space for this item wait how do i wait how do i wait that's how i have space i have space now take the branch is going to be the ranch is going to be closed we can just check so yeah okay does this mean we got double the money wait is this the wait is this it oh this is it no this is it it's locked open 9 to 6 p.m damn let's go into our house oh it's locked right now i hate how we can't go into her personal house i'm going up here they should go to our farm i think yep yeah oh we can go we can fish in the pond oh that was a terrible cast hold up i'm gonna recast [Music] well that didn't work all right let's let's get out of here okay i'm trying to get through in this way what's this stuff in the way pickaxe isn't strong enough man there's a lot of we need to clear this out and then we'll um yeah we need to clear this out and then make our farm oh my goodness okay i'm going to sell what i don't want is it selling it or is it just throwing it away it's selling are you sure because we have gotten no money from it no we did that's what we got at the end of the day the big show there were sold yeah okay following me you were gonna follow me turned around you turned around you turned around oh my goodness i am fishing leveled up oh you're right it was it was the selling thing okay cool so we can just put our stuff in there at the end yep where to awaken let's go okay we need to go um wait wait when does it open when does it open 9am okay so we have we have three hours to kill okay you know that would be most likely like three minutes yep the days go so fast they really do they really do is there a mod for stardew valley that makes it like real time oh my gosh that i i think so but that would just be pain that would just be so much pain oh man 24-hour stream we get through one day let's go here we go wait wait wait are you not coming to the store we need to well we we could have gone to the farm earlier but like we still have time to kill i'm going to the phone so we're just chilling yo hello oh my god is it shane [Music] oh it's shane what do you want leave me alone bye i gave shane i gave you spaghetti gave you my spaghetti no don't give them don't give them the seats we need those whatever whatever i don't need shame you don't need shane i just want to be friends with shane don't we all don't we all let me in let me have to wait for the person to arrive i'm pretty sure this is her house and i'm pretty sure that we cannot go in i'm picking break for the windows i'm marking my territory look at me go look at me go let us give you the gift for money please we worked so hard on it 9am 9am let me in uh the quest i have the quest yeah right isn't this her i need something wait no you have to offer it to remember oh okay wait yep name there's also something for trouble yes no you're offering me you're you're offering it to me oh you saw the notice i posted thank you so much yes here's a little time for your trouble we got so much money and you get money as well yeah oh my god let's go we got so much money from this oh man there's just a bunch of hey this is a lovely house i must say this is a very nice house yeah wait let's see if we can buy a pet from her okay uh purchase animals requires construction of a coop a bun oh we can't get we can't okay animal supplies supply shop we can get hay or mentally ill hell pretty sure we probably have to go to like a um supply store microwave microwave pizza pizza microwave pizza what is this yep now what do we do robin why are they all going robin who's robin i they are very deliberate smith blacksmith oh wait oh wait there was a child apparently we visit robin for the coop hi child jazz hi how are you jess is shy those birds flew away just then oh butterflies child who are you have a child oh my god want to be friends with jeff penny might want to be friends with jess jess let's make them friends let's make them friends push hello who are you old man so how's your first night in the old cottage it was good have my beans i'm sure you like beans oh no not you lois no i don't want beans no stop giving them our stop giving them our bean starters these aren't no these are my boys right to the black with our money hey in your defense you would have not i caught both fish so that is true that is true you did i think i think penny might have been a woman that was just sitting down oh i processed geodes 25 oh my goodness practice i saw the anvil oh pretty what did you get wait wait can you wait can i have one please please i got clay and i got an actual geode look at it i got clay and i got an actual geode apparently if i donated to the museum then he can give it to me then he can tell me what it is but i also kind of just wanna let me just keep it it's it's 80. it's 80 what it's 80 gold oh my god i've spread my legs look whoa whoa have i done that wow oh i popped off oh my god what what okay what now okay so now what what request do we have um okay so now i think we want to actually start to create a farm i think that's on ye old agenda for today we gotta actually create a fire i wanna go and see if there's any more quests on the board that we can do okay okay check requests on the board oh hello hey i'm sam good to meet you oh my god do you work at a prison by any chance aha reference reference i get it i get it dog where's the dog there is no dog there's no dog oh my god there's an old lady down here oh hello lady hi granny hi and welcome to our community day oh she's on me if you caught you can call me granny if you like oh there's people over here to talk to you oh oh carolyn hello hi jody hi jody there's a there's a little angry toddler over here look at his head angry toddler oh no he's not oh no he actually he actually looks so nice he looks nice actually okay oh oh you should listen to your mother or because that is strange this might hit you with their fishing rods like i just did stop whacking the children with your fishing rod oh wait hello who are you oh wait i've already spoke with you how many more videos do we have to introduction we need to find eight more people okay we'll we'll come across them naturally i'm sure of it let's uh go to the quest board you're a new person any new quests all right nothing's going to happen right no wait is there no we need i want more side quests i like the side hey buddy you look new [Music] oh you seem nice oh new person new person oh new person over here oh new person okay i hope you're doing well around okay wait wait other person i now have i have more people to meet okay cool let's go up we are meeting everyone oh hello i've already met you oh well this is nice well let's go inside this building this place looks sick oh yeah oh it's locked oh it's abandoned oh shovel oh oh i can't pick it up oh you still have your spaghetti what the heck i haven't given it to anyone yet oh what's this wow oh whose house is this hello hello oh these their scientists live here i've been expecting you oh god let me take a seat oh uh oh are they gonna yell at us for being in their house probably not probably not you're right what's down these stairs oh hello new person sebastian oh you're the one that just moved in right cool out of all the places you could live you chill i mean i did yes we did yes we did we like it here sebastian oh wow oh new person oh there's so many new people ooh okay another new person down here oh hello hello robin have you met everyone yeah that sounds exciting i have five more people i have more people do you have well i have sex what wait who did i meet that you haven't i don't know oh yeah wait what's this put your rock in there the color's the same yeah did you do anything okay cool who's in this tent anyone in this tent oh hello hello hi linus hey he just lives in the tent he just lost in the tent he's just surviving in the tent cool linus from linus tech tips can i sleep in his bed no i cannot don't sleep in his bed why why not because it's just bad oh person what person person where lioness is like dream how do i get round to you yeah how do we meet you oh i think i found how i get round wait where are you you coming oh hello i'm here oh well well there's no way for us to meet that guy oh yeah you're a person though are you sebastian you met a new that's not a new person i've already met you i have [Music] mm-hmm okay it's got all dark it's got a dark it really has it really has cool oh wow it really has got all dark jesus yeah what's happened here then i have no idea there was nothing we had to do you just got a cool rock yep i got my cool rocks i got my cool rock it is my rock and it is cool it is my cool rock it's just a rock it is my cool rock look at it go it's it's you want to sell it it is my awesome rock 80 gold but i don't want to sell it oh out the way i'm trying to put bits in here there we go here we go okay okay so tomorrow hopefully there'll be some quests yeah i think there will be a money whoa day five day five oh my god we've lasted a whole five days wow we haven't died yet yeah we haven't oh i just moved the carpet oh okay it's fine i'm outside oh hello what do you mean hello what happened hi where did you go do i get a cat [Music] wait where have you gone wait hello oh i get a cat wait where did you go yes what do i name my cat wait why don't i get a cat wait where are you oh what's this oh i get a cat oh well i made a thing double i have a cat now why have you did a thing yeah these are my little things i already watered them because common sense i mean i'm the cat ender chest wait what are you doing stop pouring things please i'm planting no no don't plant them near mine why mine are cool and pointy mine are also cool it's like a little boring to me i'll be honest you're so mean they do though like come on they don't look boring they look awesome i like them my seat's awesome that's all i have to care about it hey what um you know then plant some more seeds real fast no no stop planning what why are you know what i'm getting it's farming time i'm pun fishing okay there's probably a quest there's though there's probably a quest we should probably see that's what i was saying but still no farming i want a farm let me farm why are you farming oh man oh i just saw a squirrel go in a tree isn't isn't your stream title literally farming yeah but there's other ways to farm oh oh old man is sad hi what's wrong oh hi there what's wrong what an eyesore this falcon towns community center what's left of it anyway wow used to be pride door the town was bustling with activity shameful engagement oh he's a boomer wait why you you do you do otherwise you can turn into a warehouse oh man [Music] anyone else buy some membership i'm just gonna go ahead and sell it okay so we cannot buy a membership so he doesn't sell it wait what because then he's gonna sell it and we don't want him to but why not well what's so bad if he does sell it because look at it it looks so nice are you looking at it it would look so nice what the heck is that what wait i'll wait for you to catch up pet beans what is that it's a pet bean it's a pet bean what's the matter are you ill yeah maybe oh i see you there you are hi you saw something i did i did see something ah i look so surprised i look so shocked you do this is intense i'm not i'm not i need some lunch wait why am i not here i have no idea help catch that rat okay okay hey where am i okay i'm here where are you miles away where are you the rat problem investigate the community center is that the quest we're doing today yep all right no there's also another one uh i'll go down i'll go down to the board i'll go down to the board see if anyone needs anything from us i'm at the board why is rambo the main character in starjee valley you go a little bit more to the uh right oh that's just inside the why can't i see the no what the heck hey wait no right right click right click there it was okay help wanted please deliver it to me by today what's an earth crystal maybe that's that thing you've got maybe it is this oh let's go okay how do we get to jody but i don't know if it is though we can try where um i don't know after we how what do we do i don't think that this is an earth crystal wait why not it's in the mines it's in the mines apparently okay well we won't do that today we're gonna go investigate the rat problem but this one's limited time only we have we only have two we've got time we've got time or do you want to just go to the mine and look for once you go to the mine okay the mine is over here no remember that other one was out of order no i think it's up no no no remember it was out of order and it was near our house i remember check your map no i'm going up i think you're wrong i think you're wrong i mean the mines is right there i thought it was over here where this guy was hitting the rock yeah but he hasn't cleared the rock yet i don't think the rock is gone you are mistaken oh the rock is gone awesome i get to go inside a hallway nice i found a guy i'm on my way you found a new guy i found a guy i'm just peering down this old mine shaft it's been abandoned for decades he gave me a sword i can now stab crap you got a sword yeah i got a sword also we both got so we both got a sword i can see you what's the pickaxe is that the pickaxe how do i get through here i can't oh okay well i guess no you're not using it i've gone down the ladder okay so what are we looking for looking for an earth crystal what's an earth crystal look like well i'm just going to keep going i have no idea oh oh oh one twice yeah dude i found a flying thing oh that's cool oh wait that might be the sword part be careful i found it it dropped a ladder nice oh this looks like a crystal wait did you find it oh stuff looks like crystals yeah this this looks like it has stuff in it oh it's just copper ore oh wait what is this oh watch out that thing's alive ah kick the crap out of it get it kill it yeah carrots oh what's this oh there it is that's the thing that we need wait is it yep that's the thing that we need for the quest yep okay i can't pick it up i'm full i can here i can how do i consume this eat carrot yes cool i can pick it up give me another one cave carrot wait if you go okay let's find another one yep i do but we need to find another one for you as well wow it hurts ew oh wait double oh yeah let's go down oh what's this blue thing this one's purple ow ah watch out ow oh my gosh it's it's it's absolutely destroying me don't get decked by the green blob please it really would be it really would be okay it really would be embarrassing i don't want that i got an amethyst whoa cool wow rambo help what happens if i die rambo uh that would not be good oh i'm about to die oh i need to eat the spaghetti let me move it's not letting me move oh i also found one wait i don't wait can i eat this we need to find more of those uh i need to find one more of those though yeah so i can eat my spaghetti i'm gonna eat my spaghetti elevator i've eaten my spaghetti hey help me look for one of those crystals please yep i am i don't see one here um no there's none right here so we have to defeat a boss in order to be able to move down another one wait what do you mean sorry defeat um defeat one that goes up oh pretty sure we just have to defeat like one of these things in order to be able to find the next uh okay let's kill it what's that and i don't have any space i can eat this oh i think we have to kill the slime i'll break a rock you kill the slimes i'll break rocks we'll become a team oh got it hey wait for me hey there we go i'm not coming get over here you found one of those rock things for me yeah uh nope not yet oh wait this one's uh this one okay this one's an extensive floor what's that mean it's a big one i'm just gonna go down ah hey you search oh this floor looks nasty you're right okay no don't go down get back up just get back up to eat sleep and hydrate up say hello to we still have another day to find it well we have one that's good enough yeah and we both get the money anyway yeah derek uh go look for the thing though oh i can you can press leave the mine you can press leave the mine it where's leave the mine oh when you go up a ladder go up a ladder and then you can press leave the mine i'm looking for the thing i want the thing so badly oh i'm being i'm being crapped on oh i'll ramble just leave just leave i'm running don't die i'm running i i can't get back to you just run just run just run away i'm running go go go go go i'm running uh wait can we go oh we can go home using this leave the mind what do you mean we can go home oh can we let's go out of order oh my god okay we need a ride bad guy let's go home let's go it's getting late it's getting late oh wait down here the other way i think this way works also i'm going this way does it it might yeah i think this is a way back okay yep this is a way back everyone's freaking out yeah everyone's freaking out okay i'm back where are you i'm almost here i'm almost back actually wait where am i what the heck i know i am i know exactly we're already in the bed i am oh i saw the zeds in the bed oh that wasn't me i'm almost here are you here yep i'm where's my cat there we go wait wait oh yep there we go okay so okay let's go get that let's go give your geode like your thing because i think i'd do the quest for both of us yeah i think a little house down there in the corner that's nice hopefully oh yeah nice house dude i have to press okay oh do i oh spring day six of spring year one let's go let's go wow oh hello cutscene good morning i know she'd been breaking some rocks i've been finding wars that's good yeah if you want the most stores you'll find you'll need a furnace extra set of blueprints all around here i want you to have them ooh i don't want it nice we we need a furnace do we though yeah yeah well you can do the furnace i'm not doing the furnace oh my god what are you going to do i don't know there's a letter here okay i have no idea what this means it's just an ad no no i killed one you killed one we're one thing down i'm gonna put all that crap i got in here good night ramble gather way can't be other way come here get out of the way am i in the way yeah by the way by the way i'm out of the way there we go okay let's go give your thing you got to the other guy everyone's saying who do i have to give that to you why don't i get a cat why do you get a cat and i don't i think it's because you're not in your house you're in my house why can't i stay in your house i don't have a cat got a decorative bowl for my cat i don't have it's nice you both owned the cat oh cool we both owned the cat where's the cat wait where is the cat hello [Music] no there it is hey i don't even see you you're invisible i'm here why are there just bulls outside don't try to mind my cat excuse me okay [Music] i i just you just killed my cat no no you just killed it okay okay okay the cat's fine it just goes down oh thank god oh god oh god oh i thought you just killed jesus what all right wait who do we have to give it to who we have to give it yes okay we have delivery okay delivery jody who is jody um home of emily and hayley barney's ranch where is she elliott lives in the blue house oh yeah follow me go go go go go go hello little kid hello dad's coming back soon oh boy should we tell him boy have a have a look have a geode this isn't very fun oh well he took my geode and spat in my face screw him i like give him did you oh i found jodie found jody okay come inside she's washing i have a gift for you jody give her the thing did it work yep it worked oh my goodness let's go let's go the people are gonna really like us here they really are they really are i think they already do the kids the i knew penny was a like a child they smell like grass they just told me i smelt like grass what's this these graveyards oh boy gotta beat this level one sec gotta beat this level one second gotta beat this level i don't wanna sam sam nook is being real annoying but i didn't hear you i'm thinking about something what do you want i don't want anything what what did one sec gotta beat this level sam is not very good he's got to beat that level true wait where did you go can i buy it wait can i buy a backpack oh it's 2 000 gold it's 2 000 gold for a backpack because i don't have inventory space i found you i don't have inventory space oh hello granny hello wait by the way okay we also need to investigate the thing uh zero furnace oh three slimes of ice shane why are you bothering me i want to be alone no shane shane there's caroline i have three more people i think i did it oh no i have three i have three as well okay well there's three people that we still have yet to meet whatever let's go oh where did you go you know what randy this is probably a good place to to wrap up for the day i'm tired it's just nine o'clock this is past my bedtime okay okay cool how do i escape i do like study value maybe maybe this will be another one of our chill games like csgo yay [Music] it's a topic seven what do you mean it's seven chat let me end at 7 40. i'm tired ah we can watch okay you know what if i don't end now we could go do some cs go for a bit i'm down to play a couple comps chat oh chat's convinced me to stay streaming oh do you want to do a couple clips we can do a couple cars we're not ending scratch everything i've said we're doing a couple comps scratch
Channel: Shizzer - Dream SMP
Views: 68,918
Rating: 4.9612827 out of 5
Keywords: stardew valley, tubbo, ranboo, dream smp, tubbo and ranboo, minecraft
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 0sec (4380 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 05 2021
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